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Lost English Homework(M)


May opened her tray waiting for Miss Carr to tell everybody to cross the t and dot the i on their English Book. Molly sat aside, took out her book and quickly brushed off some dust, then, flipped to the back page. Instead, Miss Carr said they could do anything they wanted! So, Molly finished her English book and closed it happily. She handed it to Mrs Mooney. Then, she asked May "Can you let me take your book? You see, Mrs Mooney wants to check your work." May smiled and handed over the book. After school, May saw Molly with the new girl, Fiona. She filled with jealousy. She ran home and unscrolled the piece of paper that wrote down what would hurt Molly. May did feel very guilty doing this, but she knew that this would get her own back. Meanwhile, Molly left her piece of English homework on the table to do after she drooped in at May's for a play and left. She changed quickly and picked up her little bag that held the game that May and herself loved. When she got there, May hurriedly put the scroll down in the study room. Today, she and Molly would have to play in the living room. Molly had a really good time and invited May to her house straight away. However, she did not know that May was going to steal her English homework! English was Molly's favorite subject! When Molly got home she rushed off to put down her panda bag. Meanwhile, May tiptoed in the living room and laid her hands on the homework, next, she was about to snatch it away when all of a sudden, Molly came down the stairs and caught May stealing it! Quickly, May explained of the jealousy and it all got sorted. Fiona was aloud to join their bestest of friends group and May was better at making friends now!



以前阿嬤來我們家的時候,就說我們家真的很會吃(是吃很多,不是吃很好哦!),我們家一天的飯可以讓他們吃好幾天,還不要說我們家每天還要配比他們更多的菜! 說真的,媽咪也知道爸比是比較會吃飯,又愛吃肉,屬於吃多不吃精的那種人:媽咪吃飯就不多,但是很會吃甜點;圓圓呢,現在是雙雙有後來居上之勢,正餐甜點都“頗有潛力”。然後阿嬤他們本來也是吃不多的人,年紀大了吃得更少,所以阿嬤說說,媽咪也就聽聽。有時候,會在網路上看到人家一餐吃多少飯,一斤肉要分兩次煮,媽咪也會檢討一下,可是想想,啊呀,我們也不是每次都吃完,這樣,也是節省多煮一次的時間嘛∼∼就這樣,我們一直就沒有改進。 今天媽咪在買菜的時候,拿到一張菜單,號稱是一家四口五天份,媽咪好奇地就拿回來研究一下,到底人家一家四口是吃什麼,怎麽樣吃才可以再節省一點。 哇!!媽咪研究之下,不得了,英國的傳統食物媽咪就不了解,但是其中有一道“咖哩雞”媽咪是非常熟的。依照食譜上的分量,我們家也是常常煮,只不過,不是它說的一家四口的一餐,而是我們一家三口的一餐“其中的一道菜”,我們還要至少兩道其他的菜才夠我們吃。要是真的只煮這樣,大概爸比一個人吃,媽咪還不確定夠不夠呢∼∼ 媽咪緊張地跟爸比說,糟了,看起來我們家真的都是大胃王,難怪阿嬤都要笑我們說,我們家光吃就吃窮了!! 爸比仔細看了一下之後,想了一想說,對啦,我們也是吃得比較多,那個外面餐館的分量都是這樣精緻小巧的,可是,吃不飽的也不只我們啊!那個什麼食譜的,應該是按照什麼卡路里,還要扣掉甜點來計算,覺得吃這樣應該夠了。至於吃飽不飽,那就不是它的問題了!我看那些英國人吃的也不少啊!算了算了,就這樣了吧!! 呵呵,看來我們家的人,真的很愛吃,有很會吃,還會給自己找藉口吃!好吧!大胃王就大胃王吧!至少,我們是快樂的大胃王,是不是啊?圓咪!



貝貝的個性超級慢熟,所以,可以說從出生到現在,都沒有跟家人以外的 人玩過,人家來逗弄,也只是冷眼相看,讓人家自己打退堂鼓。我們回台 灣的時候,阿嬤都沒機會真正抱到(除了一次媽咪趁貝貝睡著去洗頭,貝 貝突然醒來,才讓阿嬤抱來找媽咪),連號稱孩子王的瘦舅舅也不買他的 帳,只有大舅舅例外,可能是大舅舅讓貝貝以為是爸比吧? 唯一的例外是姐姐和同學玩的時候,貝貝會因為要和姐姐一起(一樣?), 所以有時候也會加入,不過,一定要姐姐一起玩,要是姐姐不在或不玩, 那不要說姐姐的同學,姐姐的老師,貝貝也不理啦! 今天,媽咪帶著貝貝在playgroup的時候,貝貝竟然和一個常常和媽咪聊天 的工作人員玩起來傳球,雖然只有幾次,但是,這是第一次貝貝自己和我們 以外的人玩呢!上禮拜人家跟貝貝打招呼的時候,貝貝還馬上轉頭,一副 “不要煩我”的樣子,還人家只好不好意思的就走開。這小小的動作,可是 讓媽咪大吃一驚,貝貝啊,你,準備好要和這個世界“接軌”了嗎? 唉∼∼雖然說媽咪是很高興貝貝肯跟別人玩,不過,另一方面,媽咪又有點 難過,那個只要媽咪的貝貝,終究是要走進人群,不再是媽咪一個人的了 (好啦,媽咪知道貝貝走進人群的時間已經很晚了,可是媽咪就是想要和貝 貝一直“常相廝守”嘛∼∼)。貝貝啊,媽咪真的很矛盾哦∼∼ 不過,媽咪還是應該要高興的,因為我們的貝貝長大了,這樣,貝貝才能去 上學,才能有很多好朋友,對不對?貝貝啊,你要加油,媽咪等著看你更多 更多的“長大”哦!

The rainy cloud(Legend mine) (M)


"Hey, Windy, wait for me!" Ava called, sitting down on the grass. She couldn't go any further and so hoped that Windy was already sitting and waiting for her. "Hurry up slowpoke!" Windy called. Ava got up and climbed a tree. Windy ran after her and soon caught up with her! "Oh, I wish I'm a wind spirit!" gasped Ava, sitting on a strong branch. "Well at least you are a climber spirit." Windy called out flying through the air. "Yeah!" Ava exclaimed swinging from tree to tree to tag Windy on the ankle. Ava jumped down from the tree and lay down. She thought she felt little drops of rain on her shoulder. Windy flew down and froze... "What's that noise?" Windy wondered aloud. "Someone, absolutely, is crying." Ava answered staring up at the sky. Then, it started to rain, "Yep, it's the cloud, bu..." Ava began and it started pattering down even worse! She climbed the tree in 10 seconds and luckily it only started even more worse on the 10th second! Ava sat down in amongst the leaves where she suddenly felt lonely! She carried on, "But why would it be crying do you think Windy?" she suddenly found out that Windy wasn't with her... She peered out and saw Windy flying up high to find the cloud that is crying! Ava was so worried she didn't know what she was doing. She jumped from tree to tree and when she nearly caught up with her, she leapt up and grabbed a happy cloud that was trying to find the crying clouds and comfort them. "I'm going the same way." Ava explained rushing a bit. The cloud caught up with Windy and they found the crying cloud. She looked at the clouds and gently asked why they were crying. "We really want to eat some strawberry pie but we can't go down on the ground and we used to have a spirit that made those delicious ground pies, but she's left." The youngest cloud half explained and half cried. Windy smiled and flew down to the ground where she got some strawberry pie ingredients, (except the strawberry's) whilst Ava jumped on a strawberry bush and picked a few strawberry's before rushing up a apple tree where she picked some apples. They met up at a tree where Windy sort of pulled Ava up. Then, they made some apple and strawberry pies so the clouds could enjoy. They sort of lived in a treehouse on their own and learnt to feed on fruit and fruit pies. When it was ready, Ava brought them out on a tray and called the clouds in their houses where she and Windy delivered the pies and soon they all flew out and where the sun was shining. They were now the new spirits. 2 weeks later Ava was given her new leaf and she could fly! Windy was given her little wind sculpture so she could also, like Ava, be able to climb!

The magical toothbrushes (M)


May yawned unexpectedly in front of her parents! "Mum, would you mind if I go upstairs and choose a toothbrush to brush my teeth the second time?" asked May, picking up a pretty blue box with her silks in. "Sure darling," answered her mum picking up a delicious woven bag of nut cookies. "By the way, come to the kitchen while mum tells you some stuff." May followed her mum in to the kitchen carrying the box of silk. May's mum knew about the toothbrush adventures and gave her a woven bag full of toothbrushes. She sat down on stool and told May to bring the nut cookies there for the people and her to eat. May crept out the kitchen so her dad wouldn't notice her with the bag and box. May rushed up to the bathroom and chose the toothbrush with the flower on and held it in her hand for 10 seconds... May landed on a garden place. A dear little flower told her she was in flower land where the people who took care of the flowers were fairies! May jumped up and found herself gliding through air! She leapt up gently on the edge of each petal. "Hi! I am Buttercup." said a young fairy making some 'Flutter Dust' to feed a buttercup quickly. She dragged May through the air and explained the trouble of losing food! May dropped down on a rose and was about to look in her favorite bag but found, instead of the pink bag, was a little bluebell handbag with added sparkles. She was also wearing a blue vest with a bluebell's petals all sewn together for a skirt. "WOW!" gasped May. "You are a bluebell fairy now whenever you come." said Buttercup. "I am a Buttercup fairy as you should know." May peered in her blue hand bag where she found some food, but only enough for 3 people. Some of her cookies had disappeared! "Never mind. If only I had 8 silks, then I could have magicked more." sighed Buttercup. May emptied her bag and found her bag. She opened it and found just enough silks. "That's weird. I had 20 silks and I've only 8 now?" But she felt herself being pulled away by a hand... A past teller told them that it was Lorana(May's mum) by accident. May reached in her handbag and made up a spell which was: "Bluebell flower, Never sour, Always sweet, Please grant my wish! I wish for the stuff back!" wished May. She took her hand out of the bag and emptied the things out. May flipped through the pile of petals and leaves until she found the box of cookies. May took a deep breath and crossed her fingers behind her back while Buttercup opened it slowly... May whizzed away and left Buttercup to work out the spell of making more cookies rather than just the 10 nut cookies. She thought about them fiddling about with the 20 ribbons and the spellbook working hard. May gazed around her at the pretty view, she thought now she would get a chance to explore for a bit. Buttercup whizzed over to May and said she had exciting news! May landed softly on a petal(not as eager as Buttercup to know the news, because she wanted to explore only now everything was turning grey 'cause of losing food) "We've made more than enough food!" exclaimed Buttercup excitedly. "You know how much you wanted to explore," began Buttercup while May nodded enthusiastically "well, you can explore while sprinkling the food on the flowers so it's back to normal!" May gasped and grabbed a bag of flower food powder and fluttered on spinkling a bit on every flower. Buttercup helped and everything was back to normal. 30 minutes later May sat on her chair, her teeth very clean. Her mother walked in and asked how it all went, May explained it all and also told mother that she had accidently stolen the ribbons and cookies. Then, they walked down stairs chatting about all their adventures. MELODY ZHU aged:8



今天中午,媽咪又被突然的電鈴聲嚇一跳,什麼?又是阿嬤的包裹? 其實,與其說是驚訝,更正確的說法應該是驚喜啦!!哈哈,阿嬤真的是太讚了,本來說剛好這個月郵局快捷打折,就說多給我們寄一箱零食,沒想到,小舅舅出差,大舅舅回家,還加上一個很愛買零食的小舅媽,我們這個月整整收到三箱包裹,連貝貝都知道看到箱子就笑了∼∼ 圓咪更樂了,每天放學回家的路上,去跳舞,音樂班的路上,到哪裡都帶著一包小東西;晚上更是拼命啃,每天的垃圾都是一座小山。還記得我們一個禮拜啃完第一箱的時候,阿嬤就訝異我們的“消耗”能力,所以一邊說月底要再寄第二箱,卻在一個禮拜後我們就收到了!剛過一個禮拜,又來一箱了!月底都還沒到呢∼∼ 爸比看不下去,要媽咪叫阿嬤不要再寄了,把我們家的三個女生都要養壞了!!又不是什麼必需品,還要花大錢又買又寄的。哼∼∼爸比根本就不了解,這個零食呢!從心理層面來說,是阿嬤的愛心,從生理層面來說,是我們不可或缺的一部分,就像我們也不了解,酒也不是必需品,每次爸比不是也要買,去台灣也一定要拿,比我們的零食更貴更重嘞!!哎呀,道不同不相為謀,我們就各吃各的,誰也不要阻止誰吧! 阿嬤說,她小時候阿祖就是這樣養她的,所以她也是這樣養媽咪的,當然,媽咪就繼續這樣養貝貝和圓圓囉!!套一句阿祖的話,飯天天有得吃,零食又不是常常吃得到,當然是有得吃的時候盡量吃囉!(不過,時代變遷,我們有阿嬤這樣強力的後盾,媽咪極度懷疑我們會有沒得吃的時候!)阿嬤還交代,一定要給你們吃多一點,這樣你們長大才會繼續這樣養小孩∼∼(啊!這個不能給爸比聽到,不然爸比肯定要說這種壞習慣還想要當寶貝一樣承傳下去?) 好了,不過現在是非對錯一點兒也不重要,因為我們要去大吃特吃了,寶貝們,我們上吧!!哈哈!!



今天中午,媽咪又被突然的電鈴聲嚇一跳,什麼?又是阿嬤的包裹? 其實,與其說是驚訝,更正確的說法應該是驚喜啦!!哈哈,阿嬤真的是太讚了,本來說剛好這個月郵局快捷打折,就說多給我們寄一箱零食,沒想到,小舅舅出差,大舅舅回家,還加上一個很愛買零食的小舅媽,我們這個月整整收到三箱包裹,連貝貝都知道看到箱子就笑了∼∼ 圓咪更樂了,每天放學回家的路上,去跳舞,音樂班的路上,到哪裡都帶著一包小東西;晚上更是拼命啃,每天的垃圾都是一座小山。還記得我們一個禮拜啃完第一箱的時候,阿嬤就訝異我們的“消耗”能力,所以一邊說月底要再寄第二箱,卻在一個禮拜後我們就收到了!剛過一個禮拜,又來一箱了!月底都還沒到呢∼∼ 爸比看不下去,要媽咪叫阿嬤不要再寄了,把我們家的三個女生都要養壞了!!又不是什麼必需品,還要花大錢又買又寄的。哼∼∼爸比根本就不了解,這個零食呢!從心理層面來說,是阿嬤的愛心,從生理層面來說,是我們不可或缺的一部分,就像我們也不了解,酒也不是必需品,每次爸比不是也要買,去台灣也一定要拿,比我們的零食更貴更重嘞!!哎呀,道不同不相為謀,我們就各吃各的,誰也不要阻止誰吧! 阿嬤說,她小時候阿祖就是這樣養她的,所以她也是這樣養媽咪的,當然,媽咪就繼續這樣養貝貝和圓圓囉!!套一句阿祖的話,飯天天有得吃,零食又不是常常吃得到,當然是有得吃的時候盡量吃囉!(不過,時代變遷,我們有阿嬤這樣強力的後盾,媽咪極度懷疑我們會有沒得吃的時候!)阿嬤還交代,一定要給你們吃多一點,這樣你們長大才會繼續這樣養小孩∼∼(啊!這個不能給爸比聽到,不然爸比肯定要說這種壞習慣還想要當寶貝一樣承傳下去?) 好了,不過現在是非對錯一點兒也不重要,因為我們要去大吃特吃了,寶貝們,我們上吧!!哈哈!!

The secret mermaid(1) (M)


"Gran?" called Molly. She peered in the living room to see what Gran was doing. She saw her Gran pick out a pink diary. "Hello Molly. I have a surprise for you." Gran replied, mysteriously putting the pink diary on the table. Molly jumped up and ran over to her. Molly's Gran was full of surprise's! Later that evening, Molly was sitting on the sofa happily filling in the questions of her first few adventures with Eloise, the seahorse keeper, Leila, the whale keeper, Iona the octopus keeper, Phoebe, the penguin keeper and Aisha, the dolphin keeper. Molly, eagerly finished her secret mermaid diary before rushing upstairs. While she was doing everything, she could only think of the last blank page in the diary. Molly lay on her bed, thinking about having an adventure with Shanti the turtle keeper............ When Molly opened her eyes, she was in the sea! Shanti swam up to Molly squealing with delight! "I found the turtles!" exclaimed Shanti. Molly's eyes glanced at Shanti in sadness hurriedly before forcing a smile on to her lips. Of course Molly was happy that the turtles were found but she loved the adventures, no matter how scary they were. "But," carried on Shanti sadly "Carlotta is back and she has trapped Queen Luna, Princess Silva, Leila, Phoebe and Aisha! Only me, Iona and Eloise are free. Please Help!" cried Shanti. When they arrived at the palace, Molly took out a razor shell and dug it deep into Carlotta's belt so her evil magic set free and with the free mermaid's help, managed to make a spell that banished Carlotta for 2 years! Then, we all swam up to the trapped mermaids and freed them one by one! They invited me to their celebration party but I nad to go so I got pulled gently up on my bed once again. THE END



媽咪常聽人家說起“暮光之城”,但是一直都不知道是什麼樣的電影,也就沒有興趣,(好啦,媽咪整天跟兩個小傢伙在一起,對最新電影的了解都局限在兒童片了)不過,最近大概是又要出新片,所以網路上又沸沸揚揚地談論起來,於是媽咪就決定來看一下,到底是什麼電影啊? 吃完飯,我們就開始看,圓咪也跟著媽咪看。不過,因為有她怕的吸血鬼,所以常常是看一下,又跑回房間躲一下,還一度決定要去睡覺不看了,但是又受不了誘惑,想知道故事而跑回來繼續看。嗯∼∼其實嚴格說起來,這應該是比較歸愛情片而不算恐怖片吧?所有可怕的東西都只是輕輕略過,所以,圓咪也就幾乎看完了! 睡覺的時候,圓咪告訴媽咪她的感想。圓咪說,媽咪啊,為什麽Bella要去喜歡一個吸血鬼呢?如果是我,我根本就不會跟那麼奇怪的同學在一起,也不會和他談戀愛,還吸血鬼跟狼人呢!我看,Bella最好的選擇就是一個正常的男生,這樣她就沒有這麼多奇怪的問題了! 呵呵,媽咪把圓咪的結論跟爸比說,我們都覺得圓咪真的是太“立場正確”了,哈哈,說得好,就父母的觀點來看,確實是最普通的男孩勝過有任何超能力的妖魔鬼怪,不管他們本事多好,多麽特殊!嘿嘿!圓咪啊,你以後可要記得你現在說的話,不要找個太“曲高和寡”的男朋友回來,然後頭痛到底是要選吸血鬼還是狼人哦!!



Molly was David's younger sister. She liked daydreaming and reading books about fairies, she also liked drawing. Molly loved fairies, she believed in them. While, David was the opposite. He was active, he liked digging up bones and fossils and he certainly did NOT believe in fairies! Molly settled down on her bed next to David's to start her fairytale daydreams. She stared out at the country side view. It was difficult for David because if he wanted to dig fossils or bones, he would have to sneak in a nearby forest. In the forest, there was a clearing where David often went to dig, but then again, there were lots of clearings... David burst in, holding a bucket full of stones. "Big Broth, why have you got no fossils?" "This countryside is no place for fossils. For now, I am going to collect stones." answered David. Molly walked out of their bedroom to watch 'Secret Fairy'. It was Molly's regular watch for being good. Meanwhile, David sneaked downstairs to go to the forest. He walked along the path until he got to a familiar forest! David walked in and got surrounded by trees. David did not notice he had walked a bit too much(meaning he is LOST!)... He stopped at a clearing to rest under a shady 'weeping willow'. David took the compass out his backpack, normally he would be really near his house, while now, it showed he was in the middle of the forest! David drank from his bottle to try and cool down... At home, he had been gone for hours. Molly sat at the window crying, until she noticed a group of fairies in the backyard! "Dear Fairies, could you fly me to my brother, David?" The Fairy Queen fluttered over to Molly "My servants have gone to fetch him. He will fly on bald eagle to make him believe us so he will always be safe! 2 weeks later David and Molly were similar now. Life was much easier! Melody Zhu



記得去年底的時候,圓咪的Trinity升上了grade 2,還遇上Trinity換譜,一下 子難度提升很多,考試的內容也變多了,讓圓咪準備得是苦不堪言,幾乎常常是 哭著收場。爸比也幾度看不下去,要媽咪不要再讓圓咪學了,反正我們也不指望 圓咪做音樂家,彈得開心,可以做個興趣也就好了! 不過,媽咪還是“殘忍”地告訴圓咪,不管學什麼東西,到了一定的時候,就是 會遇到關卡,覺得特別困難,好像怎麽樣也過不去,Keyboard是這樣,英文數學 也都會也這種時刻,逃得了一樣,逃不了全部,就算逃過了學生時代,將來做事 也可能遇到,這時候,我們就只能咬著牙,不管成果如何,反正就是盡我們的力 去做就對了!練十次不會,我們就練二十次,二十次不行,就三十次,反正考試 的日子不變,這總不會是無盡期的痛苦。我們每天練習的時間也是固定的(嗯, 是有比Grade 1的時候多啦!),這一個小時,我們就埋頭苦練就對了!至於結 果,我們就暫時不去考慮吧! 呵呵,辛苦怎麼會是完全沒有代價的呢?當然,有些事情是不一定的,但是讀書 學東西,一定是幾分努力幾分收穫,只是收穫來得早或晚而已啊!雖然我們還不 知道圓咪的考試成績,但是新學期開始,圓咪再拿到新譜的時候,練起來已經和 去年不可同日而語,不但上手快多了,可能也是因此,就更喜歡練習,進入了一 種良性循環。 現在爸比從門口經過,還會不時的稱讚兩句,覺得圓咪彈得越來越有樣子囉!! 呵呵,圓咪啊,媽咪真的很開心,我們又度過一關了!!就像媽咪之前告訴你 的,你還記得,你現在最拿手的英文,中文,都曾經這樣痛苦過,(中文也是被 爸比“建議”放棄,說ABC會說會聽就好了,要媽咪不要再堅持己見)但是一定 過了,你現在不是如魚得水,而且也從信心中產生更大的興趣,激發出無比的潛 能,展現出讓大家都驚艷的成績嗎?當你今天跟媽咪說,你現在真的越來越喜歡 練琴的時候,媽咪就知道,我們已經走過了那段最崎嶇的道路,以後,你就可以 自己繼續往前奔跑,讓媽咪看著你的背影,為你喝彩!! 圓咪啊,你真的是媽咪的驕傲呢!這一路走來,媽咪知道你多麽努力,多麽辛 苦,所有我們一起經過的痛苦,每每在媽咪心中回憶起來,你的眼淚,都讓媽咪 心疼,可是,看到你蛻變之後的美麗,媽咪相信,你得到的,除了看得見的成 功,對你日後面對問題的忍受力和應對方式,會有更大的受益,所以,媽咪殘忍 地堅持,但是也一路相陪,希望你在小小的年紀時,在媽咪可以幫你陪你安慰你 時,學會這門“過關斬將”的功課。希望你大了,在媽咪看不見的地方,幫不了 的困難,安慰不了的時候,你還記得,我們是怎麼努力面對難關,然後,自己度 過難關。 圓咪啊,媽咪知道你不喜歡媽咪說這些,不想長大,所以,媽咪悄悄地,留在日 記裡,告訴你媽咪的用心。媽咪知道現在你可以讀了,希望有一天,你也可以 懂,然後,媽咪就可以說,圓咪啊,你過了一個人生最大的難關,長大了,成熟 了,好不好啊?(不過,你還是媽咪最心愛的寶貝哦!!)



說真的,貝貝真的不好帶,至於有多不好帶,只要看有貝貝之後,媽咪幾乎不太能寫日記就知道了!(很多還是後來靠著“殘存”的記憶補充的)連姐姐的日記也都空白一片,實在是有夠慘的!! 除了堅持己見,要做什麼就做什麼,不睡覺,分分鐘要媽咪陪.....,媽咪最煩惱的就是不吃飯了!!而且貝貝的積極抗爭,號哭,常常會連帶地惹怒爸比,然後全家都籠罩在低氣壓裡。所以,連姐姐也很怕貝貝的不乖乖吃飯。 不過這兩天,貝貝好像有點兒改變了,好像不再那麼排斥“固體食物”。如果想喝奶奶的時候,媽咪說先吃點飯,貝貝也會同意,而且分量也比以往以“口”計算進步多了,可以用小半碗,或是幾大匙(是大人的湯匙哦,貝貝要吃大概十口以上才能吃完的)來算了。連點心也進步了,說真的,以前是連餅乾都吃不完一片的時候,媽咪真的不知道該高興貝貝不喜歡吃零食呢,還是傷心連點心這種比較容易接受的食物貝貝都不肯吃,今天下午居然一口氣吃完三片!而且晚上還是照樣吃飯哦∼∼不誇張,媽咪真的覺得貝貝今天吃的分量,一定超過以往三天以上的分量。 所以啊,媽咪今天晚上熬夜也要記錄貝貝今天的優良表現,並且對貝貝充滿期待,親愛的貝貝啊,你是不是長大了,食量從此變大了?還是脾氣變好,不再跟媽咪抗爭了?不管怎麼樣,貝貝啊,你告訴媽咪,媽咪的好日子,是不是要來了啊?