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還記得,我們來英國之後的第一年,圓咪去參加同學的生日派對,爸比去接她,結果在停車場,竟然把車給撞了。 這台車,可是跟著我們飄洋過海,一路從美國來到英國,還載著我們全家大大小小的行李。但是,也因為是“進口車”,保險公司覺得要從美國進口零件到英國來修車,太不划算,決定直接就給我們一筆錢,然後就報廢了我們的車。 車子雖然老,但是,也因為老,有著我們太多太多的感情在裡面。從它的起源說起吧!應該還算是媽咪的嫁妝呢!雖然不是阿嬤直接買的,但是,是阿嬤在媽咪結婚的時候給媽咪的錢,為了當時肚子裡的孩子,爸比媽咪就決定買台大一點的車,想說安全一點,以後出去玩,也可以載多一點東西。就這樣,我們家的寶貝車就進入了我們家。 當然,寶貝車跟著我們東奔西跑,在美國這個沒有車就沒有腳的國家,圓咪有很多的“坐車故事”。從訓練做安全椅,到自己會扣和解開,到現在直接坐車。圓咪在車上學了好多兒歌,說了好多童言童語,當然,也睡了好多覺。連我們的狗狗Rocco都曾經參一腳,把我們的寶貝車吐得一塌糊塗過。 寶貝雖然年紀大了,但是我們真的一直保養得很好,根本就沒有任何壞的地方,除了爸比撞壞的保險槓。要不是修起來不划算,再開十年恐怕都不是問題。只是,寶貝沒那個機會,我們,也沒有機會了。 從知道保險公司的決定,我們就知道會有這麼一天,但是爸比早上告訴媽咪說,人家今天要來拖車的時候,媽咪心裡還是很難過,在車子前面看了又看,眼淚就一直往下掉,這車,對我們而言,哪裡只是車,就像我們家另一個孩子啊! 接圓咪回來的路上,媽咪先給圓咪打預防針,要圓咪千萬不要難過和哭之後,才告訴圓咪車子已經被拖走的事情。看得出圓咪強忍著難過,跟媽咪說要自己先去看一下就跑回家。媽咪慢慢地走到家門口的時候,圓咪告訴媽咪,她在我們停車的地方繞了幾圈,跟車子說了些話,它應該可以聽到吧! 唉∼∼媽咪的寶貝圓咪啊,媽咪知道,你心裡有多麼難過,只是答應了媽咪不哭,所以硬是忍了下來,即使看到媽咪要寫這篇日記的時候,還是紅了眼眶就跑走了。圓咪啊,你,也有很多放不下的回憶,都在車子上吧?! 唉∼∼看來,我們今天晚上,應該都會帶著這點思念和憂傷入眠吧?!



不知道為什麼,這兩天的天氣又突然冷了起來,早晚出門,即使穿著大衣,還是覺得颼颼的涼意直竄進來。 早上送姐姐去上學回來,貝貝下了推車之後,就把小手伸出來給媽咪,冰涼的小手(其實貝貝應該是夠暖和的,只是不肯戴手套,所以就小手冰冰囉!),媽咪知道肯定是在說冷得疼,一下子不知道該怎麼幫助貝貝立刻舒服,猶豫了一下之後,就把貝貝的小手直接放進媽咪的衣服裡,讓媽咪暖呼呼的肚子來溫暖貝貝的小手。 爸比知道了,訝異地說,“那很難過耶!”是啊,尤其媽咪最怕冷了,要是誰冰冰的手腳來碰媽咪的皮膚,不要說是肚子,任何地方媽咪都會翻臉,所以媽咪要把貝貝小手放進來之前,還是猶豫了一秒鐘!不過,也就是一秒鐘,就把貝貝的手放進來了,看著貝貝舒服的表情,媽咪的難過,似乎,也就不這麼難過了。 貝貝啊,這是媽咪第一次這樣直接的告訴你,你的一切,媽咪都看得比自己還重要,所以,媽咪希望你也可以好好的珍惜你自己。因為身體髮膚,受之父母,媽咪連你一點冷都受不了,更別說傷啊病啊的了! 媽咪的小寶貝啊,你慢慢的長大,媽咪會有好多好多的叮嚀,不過,如果你真的只能記住一條,或是只肯聽一條,那麼,媽咪就要你記住這麼一條,不管你多大,在那裡,都要讓自己健健康康的,快快樂樂的,而這就是媽咪最大最大的心願,所以,你一定要答應媽咪,要做到哦!!好不好?


The magical toothbrushes(2)(M)

May picked up the flower toothbrush and held it in her hand for ten seconds... "Hey look! It's May, a bluebell fairy, the toothbrush magical girl I was telling you about!" A familiar voice called out. May jumped and landed in a mud puddle. She tipped her bag and a few petals fell out, she then sprinkled some on the grass and some bluebells started to grow, a bit shy. " Buttercup?" May called out, unsure. "Yes, it's me." "Do you remember me?" another gentle voice called out as Buttercup flew off to meet her friends. May sprang lightly on to a rose petal and sat down. She studied the fairy's face and then her colorful clothes. "Are you Princess..., uh, Mia?" May asked jumping up from the rose and curtsying. "I am Princess Aurelia!" the princess exclaimed. "Aurelia?" May asked. "Call me Princess, don't call me Princess Aurelia." the princess suggested. That afternoon, they found out Buttercup was missing! May flew around the marble palace, worried to death. Skye, the fairy that made sure the sky was windy, sunny and rainy at the proper time, was floating just by the palace window near the sky thinking. May flew out of the window to see the sky. She bumped into like 5 boys(flying ones like the normal fairies) that said lots of boys had disappeared... That night, May was sleeping unhappily. She crept out of the palace and flew to King Rat. There, she did a quick flower spell and freed everyone but all of their wings beating made a big noise and woke King Rat himself! May screamed and King Rat stood back. He saw their flowers in front of them and nibbled at them angrily, half muttering "Thought you could get away did you?" There was a blinding flash and the King and Queen managed to get them all safe with flower power.



最近,圓咪的情緒好像變得很敏感,很容易受傷的感覺。一點點小 事情就掉眼淚,然後如果爸比媽咪指正圓咪的什麽事情,又會開始 說自己什麼是也做不好,然後就說自己哪裡也做不對,什麽也講不 聽等等的。 唉∼∼媽咪不得不承認,圓咪應該是長大了,有這麼一點兒“為賦 新詞強說愁”的心情出來了吧?當然,絕大部分的時候,圓咪還是 一個活潑可愛的孩子,對每件事情充滿興趣,一點小事就可以開心 地笑的小女孩,只是,在深深的心底,有一個大女孩,也開始一點 一滴地在出現,慢慢地擴張,直到有一天,圓咪完完全全地變成了 一個大女孩為止。 看到圓咪這樣的變化,爸比說,該多注意一點對圓咪的態度,圓咪 已經不再是小孩了!是啊,媽咪當然知道,圓咪不再是小孩了,雖 然現在,圓咪還是天天黏著媽咪睡覺,纏著媽咪抱的寶貝,但是, 媽咪也知道,這樣的日子,正在一天一天的減了!就像前兩天媽咪 才剛剛跟圓咪提到的,雖然不願意,但是,不可避免的。 看著圓咪天真的笑臉,媽咪有著和圓咪那天在play group一樣的心 情,圓咪啊,你,還會這樣對媽咪笑多久,會這樣心裡只有媽咪多 久,還會這樣愛媽咪多久呢?媽咪雖然知道,你一定會飛向天空, 飛往你自己的世界,可是,媽咪還是免不了想自私地多留你一天, 就是一天也好的心情,你了解嗎? 還記得你剛出生的時候,媽咪就好愛好愛你,為了你,媽咪選擇了 當全職媽咪,因為媽咪知道,我們母女可以相處的時間,可能也就 不過十幾年,媽咪真的捨不得一天除了睡覺,就只能陪你兩個小時, 還好爸比也支持媽咪自己照顧你,所以,我們幸運地可以朝夕相處, 天天黏在一起,讓我們越來越愛彼此。 可是,你還是長大了,儘管媽咪天天禱告時間停住,你還是長大了。 媽咪努力地忘記你將展翅高飛的事情,但是,有越來越多的情形,在 我們每天的生活中提醒媽咪,媽咪已經快要不能再牽著圓咪的手,慢 慢地帶著你往前走了,圓咪已經開始可以自己走得很好,甚至,走得 很快,很快,媽咪就只能看著圓咪的背影,默默地祝福圓咪了。 想到這裡,媽咪的眼淚就忍不住往下流,雖然,媽咪也會開心你終於 變成了一個可愛的大女孩,但是,媽咪還是希望你永遠是媽咪的小寶 貝啊!圓咪,可不可以,不管你多大,在看到媽咪的時候,還是像現 在,和小時候一樣,給媽咪一個大大的擁抱,然後親著媽咪說“我愛 你!”呢? 因為,媽咪真的很愛你!


Sunday or Sundae?! Sunday Sundaes! Normal Lives(3)(M)

Delphie combed her long chestnut hair and tied it in a bun. She left some hair down to make it like Belle's(Beauty) hair. She put on her orange top with tiny blue flowers and a blue skirt with little orange flowers on. "I wonder what Rosa's doing now?" Delphie murmured. Days and months passed and it was finally the day before her birthday that Saturday. Rosa burst in the room. "Sorry I was a bit late up," She explained "it was because, we got a very nice idea for your birthday(Delphie's Birthday is tomorrow)!" Delphie shrugged smiling. "Hey, can you do my hair for me?" Rosa asked laughing "Sure!" Delphie exclaimed grinning right back at her. They laughed while Delphie fiddled about, made two buns and left some hair out in the middle of the buns. That day, they had been sent to sleep early! The next day, Mrs Durrand(their mum) took them to a chill out zone and they had quite a nap. Did I tell you on the 27th of February and the 24th of April they go and do something special? Delphie and Rosa know that Sundaes taste Sundaelicious ... but, they haven't been able to even eat they're 2nd one. The Chill Out Zone was really good and Delphie even got to take a nap on some really nice fluffy beds. It had a beautiful nighttime scene painted on the smooth walls. Sometimes, you could have nice fluffy earphones and listen to calm music quietly, you could take naps or have some marshmallows, maybe hot chocolate, cake, coffee and there's even a bubble zone in there. It's like dream for the nice, calm and peaceful people. After that, Delphie and Rosa and Mrs Durrand were all really ready to go and Delphie had a huge smile on her face. Next stop, dream cafe! At the Dream Cafe there were lots of nice things and finally a bit of a gentle wakie wakie. Last stop, Sunday Sundaes! There was a nice water chute in a bit of platsicy-glass cup shape, stands for Sundaes! Delphie and Rosa had most the fun there and the Chill and Relax place. The stop that they love... Baallet at Madame ZaZa's. You would Love Chill and Relax, but there is no such thing.


去play group

圓咪一直想去看看貝貝的play group,因為上次去childrens' center的play group被拒在門外(說圓咪年紀太大,不能進去),可是教會的這個,偏偏是星期一早上,還是學校有上課才有,圓咪就一直都只能聽媽咪說play group到底是長怎樣,有什麼玩具什麼的。 今天,應該是該上學的日子,可是圓咪的學校剛好是stuff INSET(老師研習會之類的),所以小朋友不用上學,媽咪問圓咪,那,想不想去貝貝的play group啊?圓咪當然是不會放過這個難得的機會,毫不猶豫地答應了。 到了play group,圓咪開心地說,果然和她想像的樣子差不多,不過就是玩具還太少了一點,學校裡的nursery玩具更多,而且還有老師講故事,比這裡更好。媽咪問圓咪,哇,那讀nursery不是很開心?圓咪回答“那當然,我們以前要是可以去nursery,都高興的不得了呢!!”哇,這麼棒啊,看來媽咪應該不用煩惱以後貝貝不想上學了! 一邊開心吃著點心的圓咪,一邊陪貝貝到處玩,貝貝有了姐姐,似乎膽子也大了不少,拉住姐姐四處探險,有些以前不敢玩的也玩了,也不怕其他小朋友了,姐妹倆開心得不得了。只是圓咪後來想跟貝貝一起玩小朋友的溜滑梯啊,腳行車啊,就有點尷尬了,因為這些畢竟是給幼兒的玩具,有些承重的限制,圓咪忽然了解到自己已然長大的現實,有點落落寡歡.... 唉∼∼圓咪啊,時間這東西,我們是誰也沒有辦法抗拒的,你不想長大,爸比媽咪也不想老,我們也捨不得你長大,可是,我們誰也不能阻擋這樣的變化,甚至,延緩一點點也不行。圓咪啊,媽咪知道,你現在只是覺得很多東西不能玩,不能做,可是以後你就會發現,原來,在時間的面前,我們會害怕,失去的,還有更多更多。 所以,就像媽咪一直告訴你的,面對這個殘酷的“時間”,我們唯一能做的,就是好好的利用我們所有的每一分每一秒,讓自己在回頭看到時候,不會後悔遺憾,不管是讀書是玩,我們就用力努力的去做每一件事,就像你現在看到貝貝的玩具,你都曾經開心地玩過啊,你也擁有著美妙的回憶,不是嗎?所以,即使你現在不能再玩了,你也不用遺憾,因為,你還有屬於你現在的年紀該做的事,該玩的東西,正需要你繼續不斷地創造更多更豐富更美好的回憶啊!! 所以啊,圓咪,收起你的眼淚,傷感呢,我們也體驗過了,現在,你就站起來,好好的繼續往前走,開心地接受長大的優點,然後開心地過日子,好不好?


Merry Christmas!

Flump! Rosa fell on to her second bit of bed beneath! Delphie and Rosa had bunk beds with another little bit of bed underneath that pulled out. The pull out bits were fixed together so that if Delphie and Rosa fell and rolled again, they would bump into each other and wake up, also, know that they can't roll any further. The bottom bit of the bunk was a little work table. Rosa awoke excitedly because that day was... Christmas Eve! Rosa opened her mouth to exclaim 'Hooray' , before stopping and closing it again. She mustn't wake Delphie because they would have two busy days ahead! Rosa scratched her head, thinking about school today. Today was the 22nd(Rosa got it wrong, it's the 24th and you actually don't need to go to school today!) of the 12th, so it's the last day of school before there's a '2 whole month' holiday. She crept down the ladder that was on the side that faced the outside of the super cool double joined up bunk bed and sat at her end of the work table. She and Delphie sat next to each other on the work or bunk-under table. She started to brush her hair. Rosa had long, golden locks that were up to her waist, so, because they both loved ballet, it was difficult for her to tie her hair into a bun. So, what she does is she ties her locks into two buns, one at each side and for the rest of her hair she would normally leave it loose but in ballet she puts in a sausage between the buns. It makes you think she has lots of hair but it's just she doesn't like one whole bun. Delphie woke and decided to do the normals that you do in the morning and go down to help their mother get the Christmas decorations ready and do the Christmas shopping. She went into the little table and combed her chestnut hair that was until her elbow. Rosa was pretty surprised that Delphie had woke up already without a sound. Delphie opened her mouth about to speak when Rosa interrupted "I wonder what we'll do today?" " We're not going to school today..." "Oh, what date is it today then?" asked Rosa "It's Christmas Eve! You Prima Ballet!" laughed Delphie. They went to brush their teeth and changed. That day was busy that that night they fell asleep in a second! On Christmas day, Delphie woke up followed by Rosa in 5 seconds. Rosa chose a red dress with holly trims on her dress. Delphie chose a blue dress with a white snowflake on it that glittered and at the edges were white puffs. They ran down stairs to find four presents, two for Rosa and two for Delphie. Delphie's was a ballerina statue and a ballerina necklace. Rosa's was excactly the same. They ran up stairs to thank their mother but mum said Madame ZaZa sent the necklace. They found out that the necklace bought them to Enchantia! What a Christmas! MELODY



圓咪學校裡是沒有課本帶回來的,所以,雖然每個禮拜有一次數學功課,也都是遊戲中練習,說實在的,媽咪也不是很清楚圓咪的學校到底怎麽教數學,為什麽圓咪聽媽咪講數學的時候,會一副跟它很不熟的表情。難道,加減乘除還能有不同的嗎? 今天晚上,學校裡有個information night,講解學校裡在各年級的數學教什麽,怎麽教。媽咪聽Khwas的媽咪說還不錯,所以也就決定去聽聽看,到底學校是怎麼教數學的。 Miss Yates和Mrs. Norman共同講解了從數量的認知到四則運算的教學方法。哇!!果然是和我們以前的教法大不同(聽她們說起來,好像那些父母也跟我們是一樣的計算方法,所以不是地區的問題),根據媽咪的推測,應該就是“大名鼎鼎”的“建構式數學”吧!!所有的加減乘除,都不是直接計算,而是把數字拆解成開來計算,然後再重新組合出答案。為了怕我們不懂,老師們還現場就要我們用學校的方法當場來做出答案(還認真地每一個檢查過程呢!),就是要確定每個家長知道小朋友遇到問題的時候,我們要怎麼回答。 其實,了解了之後,覺得新的方法也是有它們的道理在,難怪學校會採取新方法取代我們以前的“標準方法”。只是,既然說我們以前的方法是“標準方法”,而且六年級以後也會再引導他們做回“標準方法”,何必要繞這麼大圈啊?好吧,爸比說,可能是跟小朋友的智力發展有關係,年紀小的時候,就適合這樣的方法吧! 不過,知道這種方法之後,就不難理解為什麼圓咪常常聽不懂我們說的計算方法了!最重要的是,媽咪也知道怎麼來教圓咪數學了!!哈哈,圓咪啊,我們終於可以結束“雞同鴨講”的日子囉!!


The Sleepover (M)

HI! I'm Lucy! I'm so bored of Alex, my brother. Oh, hang on a sec THE WEIRD ENDING WITHOUT A FULL STOP Sorry 'bout that. Alex just wants me to play Dragon Lair or something. Now, let me carry on telling you about just what's going on. I'm going to Tilda's and mum says after I finish my brr, oops breakfast(that was a bit of milk dribbling down my chin, sorry to be rude) so I'm doing my best to eat quickly. BTW, I'm 13 and I've just got to go and tell mum I've finished anddd Lucy is so boring! ^ Sorry about the ending and the Lucy's boring thing. That was Alex's untidy handwriting 'cos I told my mum about finishing my cereal and wanted some Wagon Wheels(like Wot-sits) and OJ(a refreshing fizzy thing)then he wrote it! I wanted them is because I'm having a sleepover at Tilda's the day after tomorrow and I'm when I'm going to her house today, I'm going to tell Tilda about it and store them in the back of her wardrobe, because Tilda's dad, Mr Van Der Zwan, is so strict he won't let Tilda have it! EEEEEEEEEEKKKK! I know you probably need to take lot's of Deep Breaths, but that's because I'm both Over the moon and Skipping through the tulips! All right, I'd better go or my mum will con________________________ The line? My Mum confiscated my fluffy pen so I had to go without my pen and borrow their pen but anyway, I got to tell Tilda about the secret and she said we could store it in her wardrobe and hide under the mattress or bed to eat it! So, I told her why not wear th spare 2 white vest-dresses(they're summer sleep wear) that had blue butterflies on the waist(obviously not real!) and pink butterflies under the waist. I also had 2 blue eye-mask-for-sleep thing with two pink butterflies on it where your eyes go. 6:00 At home at dinner Mum gave back my fluffy pen! YAY! 1:00 p.m. the day of the sleepover I can't sleep, but I've got to pretend I am asleep otherwise when my brother is still awake(like tonight), he bursts in my room and if he knows I'm awake he asks for a Wagon Wheel and an OJ. GRRRRRR! The dinner at Tilda's when it's sleepover day Mr Van Der Zwan told me to finish dinner, I don't want to otherwise I won't have a tummy for the midnight feast but, I had to, so I did. Hay(sigh)! That night he let us stay up 'till 11'o clock! Normally he would only let us stay up until 8:00 (for a 13 year old Tilda?!) so we were very grateful and went to bed right away but we actually didn't go on our beds or touch them until 11:15 because we had a bit of a struggle with putting up my cool tent bed thing! Officially 11:30 In fact, I found out that I still had quite a tummy after the big dinner! Me and Tilda couldn't wait until 12:00 and we even ate dessert at nine(shockingly!)! So we rushed to the wardrobe, opened it and took out the Wagon Wheels and OJs(I added a bit of fizz to make it like Fanta)Choc Chips as well! I took the OJ and Wagon Wheels and Tilda took the Choc Chips and OJ. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door and we hid in our beds_________________________ Sorry! Tilda snatched the pen off(she got out her bed quietly!) me because it glowed and made her go ooh and then her dad would come in and find out about the midnight feast!I told Tilda that he left a note because I had the torch and could see. 11:56 We hid for 6 minutes! Then we looked at the note, it said 9+9=? so Tilda scribbled down 9+9= 1 8. Suddenly, I remembered it was a man shape and told Tilda he might come and see the nnnn...not..t.te! We had already put it by the door and we heard footsteps. Oh, don't worry it was just her uncle!


Snow the Fairy Bear (M)

Snow flew quietly in the room of floating cloud seats and tables. She breathed in the familiar white rainbow. As a Fairy Bear entered the classroom, their color would appear on the glowing white rainbow. They would help other humans on their problems. Excitedly, Snow landed in her cloud seat. She wondered 'What would her task be today?'. Snow started to practice making some snow glitter dust/powder. "Snow," called out a calm voice, it was Miss Rainbow, the teacher of the Fairy Bears. There were some friends that the Fairy Bears owned. If they were in junior, then there would be some problems with their friends. "Today, you are determined to help your friend, Lucy, so you arrived earlier than everyone including me. So, the task is yours." finished Miss Rainbow, smiling at her. Meanwhile, that afternoon, just before they had watched 'Jessie and Jeff',they were having their dessert(after their lunch) at Odeon, the movie place's restaurant. Lucy Parker was sitting beside Mrs Parker eating cream cakes and sipping lemonade. "Mmm, things couldn't have worked out better than sitting in the restaurant eating cream cakes and drinking lemonade. Also, mum it's nearly time to watch Jessie and Jeff. Where is Dad?" asked Lucy through a mouthful of cream. When she got up to 'sitting' she ran out of Cream cakes on her plate so stuffed some cream buns in her mouth, from her mother's plate! "It is time, my dear. As you can sit in the movie's on your on your own, do that while I go and find dad." said Mrs Parker ordering a little bag and 3 cream cakes She wrapped it up and told Lucy that she could eat them while the movie, because the cream cakes that had disappeared(meaning Lucy had only ate 1 cream cake and 1 cream bun) had been wrapped by dad and eaten! Snow arrived at the movie center and was a bit lost. She wandered around and found Mr Parker! He explained he was lost as well! They sat down for a rest and ate the cream cakes he had wrapped up very hungrily. Soon they ran out of cream cakes so Snow decided to magic up some delicious tempting snow ice cream! "After all, it is hot." answered Snow, while licking some of the yummy white snow off her lips. Snow led Mr Parker away from the noisy and busy bit before conjuring some sparkles that formed an oval shape. "Mr Parker, please step through the sparkles." Snow whispered to him. Curiously and cautiously, he stepped through the oval and then Snow the Fairy Bear. They appeared in Fairy Bear land! There, Snow quickly looked in the seeing mirror to see the map of Odeon. Then, they quickly returned after Snow had changed into a snow white dress. As soon as they arrived, Lucy and her mum, Mrs Parker were sitting the bench they were sitting on when they ate the food! "Lucy!" Mr parker and Snow chorused "Dad and Snow!" Lucy exclaimed running to greet Snow before dad. Meanwhile, dad was hugging mum joyfully. After a while, Snow really wanted to stay, but she hadn't been invited to stay. She turned and was about to leave before "Don't go! Please stay!" the whole family chorused for she had helped them all. At the classroom, everyone was watching the emotional scene. Tears dropped on the cloud tables. "Miss Rainbow, we will miss Snow but, please let her stay with the Parker family!" the whole class cried. Tearfully, Miss Rainbow nodded! So Snow could stay! She could also go back and visit the class!


Cutie the Bunny(M)

Once, in a land of animals, was a young bunny named Cutie. She lived upon a cloud and belonged to The Land Of Dreams. Surprisingly, she was allowed to go The land of animals and visit The Land Of Dreams, as they were powerful and kind but they didn't often let things that belonged to them, Dreamland, go to other places! There, Cutie made friends with Harriet the Hamster. One day, Cutie was down on land where she happened to discover that Harriet was leaving! She rushed off to tell Skye and Birdie(as Skye and Birdie her best friends as well) the news so they would tell her other friends.It was all weird because as soon as her friends heard it, they didn't get sad! It wasn't that her only friend was Harriet, it was just that she was her best friend. Cherry the Bali Starling and Gina the Giraffe would take her best-est friend's space. "Wake up, Cutie!" Cherry tweeted "Wakie Wakie!" Gina added. "It's Danielle's birthday!" So, Cutie's heart filled with sadness that Harriet had left that morning without telling her, followed them. They rushed to the sea where Cherry fluttered over the sea and tweeted a sweet song to tell Danielle the Dolphin that they were here. Cutie got her chance to look around, she saw Skye, Gina, Cherry, Ellie the elephant, Birdie, Goldie the goldfish, Rainbow the Macaw and all sorts of different animals. Her sadness had been cured a bit to see all the animals gathered around, but it suddenly made her realise that Harriet was missing and like before, it went back to not being cured. A month later All her friends Skye, Cherry, Rainbow and Birdie had left along with Harriet! That night, Cutie the rabbit felt a tingle inside her. She knew she had to leave this world for good now, because she had been in animal land for very long. She didn't mind that much as she's lost most her friends anyway. When she arrived, she had a big surprise for the animals that had left had left to Dreamland! That was why they weren't sad! She sure was going to miss the animals, but at least she had some of her friends with her.