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從小到大我一直視阿公的跟班 跟著阿公吃喝玩樂 阿公每天要從大安區走路到萬華 找換帖好友,到姑婆講古間 有時候阿公也讓我跟 記得我曾和哥哥輪流 跟著阿公走路到萬華買了腳踏車騎回來 也曾經跟著阿公到講古間聽吳樂天講古 國三後期我們因為一些狀況分開居住 自此之後,雖然不同住,但心靈相繫 我三不五時會想到買巧克力給阿公 阿公也會買茶葉給我帶回家 阿公雖然不多話,但他就是一直在那兒.... 直到現在,還是一直覺得阿公那兒... 但猛然一想,阿公已經在天上了 耳邊時常還迴盪著阿公宏亮的聲音 阿公受的日本教育,是難得有知識水準的老人 阿公特殊的語調阿公和我們說的台灣變遷 阿公和我們陳述的點點滴滴往事 阿公的細心注意身體健康的態度 阿公的一切一切依稀都還在 Rene Bacholzky Kubiak I will forever be grateful to my grandfather for loving my mom so much. I know that he loved her with all his heart and in turn, loved us. It must have been very hard to have a daughter so far away. I am so glad that I was able to see my grandfather the summer I graduated from High School. Throughout our visit, I could tell that he was truly glad to see my brothers and me. My mom has always spoken so highly of my grandfather and that speaks volumes. He will always be in my heart and my memories. He is survived by: Rene and Steve (grandchildren); and Sela and Graham (great grandchildren) Jeff Bacholzky I have very fond memories of my Grandfather when I visited Taiwan when I was young. Specifically, I remember him taking my brother and I to many restaurants to eat. Although we could not speak with one another due to our different languages, we still could communicate. He was very kind to me and he will be missed. He is survived by: Jeff and Theresa (grandchildren); and Josephine and Jacqueline (great grandchildren) Rich Bacholzky Although I did not had many opportunities in my life to visit and/or speak to my Grandfather, I always knew how much he cared and worried about me. I know he had many conversations with my mother which would always include questions about how I was doing. I am happy he lived a long and fruitful life, he will live in my heart and soul forever. I miss you grandfather. He is survived by: Rich and Kate Bacholzky (grandchildren); and Jaden, Allison and Scott (great grandchildren)