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Sunshine boys

05 The Lost Key翻譯及活動建議

The Lost Key學習摘要

One day,some of the Alphabet Pals were waiting for Zak. They wanted to play catch and bat some balls .but the bats and balls were in Zak's house.Finally Zak came home."I've got my key,"he said."We can get the bats and balls.
Zak reached into his pocket for his key,but all he found was a big hole."I've lost my key!" he said.The five Pals looked around the rose bushes for the lost key. But no one found it. How many bushes are there Count them. Zak伸入他的口袋拿鑰匙,但他發現一個大洞。他說:「我遺失了我的鑰匙。」五個字母朋友在玫瑰灌木附近找遺失的鑰匙,但沒有人找到。有多少灌木叢呢?數一數。
"Maybe I lost my key when I was walking home," said Zak. "I have a map," said Oliver Ostrich. "Here it is."Show us which way you walked, Zak. "
Zak說:「也許我在回家路上遺失了鑰匙。」Oliver Ostrich說:「我有地圖。在這兒!Zak告訴我們你走過的路。」
Take a crayon and draw Zak's path on Oliver's map. Zak walked past one bus...then two boats...then three buildings... then four banana trees...and five benchesinthe park. Fernando was excited."I'll bet your key is under one of the benches!"he said.
用蠟筆在Oliver的地圖上畫 Zak走的路徑。Zak走過一輛巴士、兩條船、三棟建築物、四顆香蕉樹以及在公園的五個長凳。Fernando是興奮的。他說:『我猜你的鑰匙在其中一個長凳下面。』
The alphabet Pals looked all along the path for Zak's lost key.But it was nowhere to be found.Finally,they reached the park.Count the benches.How many are there?
The Pals looked all around the benches,but none of then found the lost key."Should we give up?"asked Fernando."No,"said Zak."We've just get to find that key!"
So the Pals looked all around the park for Zak's lost key.Oliver Ostrich looked around one octopus merry-go -round.How many teeter-totters did Fernando Firefly look around?How many slides did Rosie Raccoon look around? How many water fountains did Tina walk around? How many swings did Zak look around?
所以字母朋友們在公園附近找尋Zak遺失的鑰匙。Oliver Ostrich在章魚形狀的旋轉木馬附近找。Fernando FireFly找的附近有多少個蹺蹺板?(2個)Rosie Raccoon找的附近有多少個溜滑梯?(3個)Tina走的附近有多少個洗手台?(4個)Zak找的附近有多少的鞦韆?
No one found the key."It's getting late."said Rosie."I want to go home now."All the Pals were getting sad and mad. Where was the lost key?
"Everyone's tired and angry,and it's all my fault,"said Zak. "
But the Pals still wanted to help Zak find his key. They all sang,"One,two,three-four-five,Let's count and all be friends.Some days are tough ,And a lot of bother,But we can count,Count on each other."
"Wait!"Zak cried."I felt something bounce up and down in my other pants pocket!"Zak looked in his other pocket.Sure enough -the key was there all the time!"I'm very sorry,everybody,"Zak said.
"It's doesn't matter,"said Rosie."The important thing is that we found your key."So all the Pals walked back to Zak's house.
Rosie 說:「沒關係,重要的是我們找到你的鑰匙。」所以所有字母朋友走回Zak的家。
The Alphabet Pals had a great time playing catch and batting balls.They got five big hits:one,two,three,four,five!"I must remember to get the hole in my pocket mended,"said Zak. "I don't want to put my key in the other pocket and lose it again."
And all the Pals thought this would be very good thing for Zak to do! 而所有字母朋友認為這是Zak要去做的非常好的事情!


1. 使用Fun With Numbers第2-6页,一次一页。每一页,讓你的小孩說出字母朋友的名字以及物品(物品和字母朋友有相同開同之發音)讓小孩數一數物品。如:「How many rocking horse is Rosie Raccoon riding?」讓你的小孩著色、練習寫數字。每一页可以配合Fun With Stickers使用。
2. 介紹concept card O和R。
3. 製作數字索引卡,可從雜誌中剪下物品或圖片。如:三個車子或一個房子或五隻狗貼在一張卡上。
4. 將空的裝蛋盒子底下寫一到五。給一些紐扣或石頭,請他們放到相對應的地方。
5. 將遊戲板上每個房子標上有數字0地址,如:900、907、910。告訴小孩地址是什麼?(每個人住的地方)解釋0可能代表沒有或某個數字,如10、90。接著告訴小孩地址,請小孩用手偶Zak到每個房子去。