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Sunshine boys

Sunshine boys

06 Seaside pals翻譯及活動建議

P1 ~ P2
One bright summer day ,the alphabet pals went to the beach. They wanted to find some seashells and make necklaces out of them. Oxford Ox always found the prettiest shells. "Tell us your secret", Nancy Nightingale said. "How do you do it?" Oxford said, "You can never tell where pretty shells might be. So you have to look extra carefully."
一個明亮的夏日,字母朋友們到海灘。他們想要找一些貝殼並且做成項鍊。 Oxford Ox總找到最漂亮的貝殼。Nancy Nightingale說:「告訴我們你的秘密,你如何找到的?」Oxford說:「你無法分辨漂亮的貝殼可能在什麼地方。所以你必需要更小心的去尋找。」
P3~ P4
Each Alphabet Pals wore a shirt with a number on it. "There's a number six on my shirt," said Oxford. "So I'm going to collect six shells for my necklace. " Willie Wolf wore a seven on his shirt. He collected seven shells. Nancy Nightingale collected eight shells. Amy collected nine shells. Trace each of the number they drew.
每個字母朋友穿著有一個數字的襯衫。Oxford 說:「在我的襯衫上有一個六的數字。所以我將為我的項鍊收集六個貝殼。」Willie Wolf穿著數字七的襯衫。他收集七個貝殼。Nancy Nightingale收集八個貝殼。Amy收集九個貝殼。描出他們所畫的數字。

Oxford Ox counted his six extra pretty shells. Then Willie Wolf counted his seven wonderful shells. Then Nancy counted her eight nifty shells. Then Amy counted her nine great shells.
Can you find a number ten in the picture?
Oxford Ox數著他六個特別漂亮的貝殼。然後Willie Wolf數著他七個極好的貝殼。再來是Nancy數著她八個漂亮的貝殼。接著是Amy數著她九個極好的貝殼。你能在圖畫中找到十這個數字嗎?

P7~ P8
After they found all their shells, the Alphabet Pals sailed along the shore. Willie Wolf shouted, "Look, everybody. I see some whales.” The Pals counted the whales in the water. How many wonderful whales do you see?
他們找完所有他們的貝殼後,字母朋友沿著岸邊航行。Willie Wolf大叫:「大家看!我看見一些鯨魚。」字母朋友們數著水中的鯨魚。你看見了幾隻美麗的鯨魚呢?

P9~ P10
While the Pals watching the whales , a curious sea creature reached its arm into the sailboat. It took some of Oxford's shells. Then it took some of Willie's and Nancy's and Amy's shells, too. When the Pals looked in their pails, some of the shells were gone!

Suddenly, the Pals saw a creature in the sailboat. "I think it's an octopus," Amy said. An octopus has eight arms. Dose the sea creature have eight arms? Count them. “Did you take our shells, Miss Octopus?” Oxford asked. The octopus said, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to look at your pretty shells." So the Pals decided to make a big necklace of shells for their new friend. Count the shells on the side of sailboat. They're all for Miss Octopus!
P13~ P14
The Alphabet Pals gave Miss Octopus a beautiful necklace. Then they waved good-bye to their new friend. "It's been a wonderful day," said Nancy Nightingale. "I have a wonderful idea, "said Willie Wolf. "Let's make necklace for all the whales!" And that's exactly what they decided to do. 字母朋友送一串漂亮的項鍊給章魚小姐。然後他們揮手對他們的新的朋友道再見。Nancy Nightingale說:「這真是美好的一天。」Willie Wolf說:「我有個好主意,讓我們來為所有的鯨魚做項鍊!」於是這也確實是他們決定要去做的。

1. 使用Fun With Numbers第7-15页,一次一页。每一页,讓你的小孩說出字母朋友的名字以及物品(物品和字母朋友有相同開同之發音)讓小孩數一數物品。如:「How many drums is Danny Dog palying?」讓你的小孩著色、練習寫數字。每一页可以配合Fun With Stickers使用。
2. 使用遊戲版及數字卡1到10,讓小孩依照遊戲版的順序擺放數字,每個數字下面可以畫點、線或圓圈。當小孩學會1到10,可以教11~20。
3. 使用遊戲版及數字卡1到10,唱Ten little Pals的歌(似Ten Little Indians),唱到哪指到哪。
4. 介紹concept card X和W。
5. 利用之前製作的數字索引卡,可從雜誌中剪下物品或圖片。如:三個車子或一個房子或五隻狗貼在一張卡上。
6. 使用遊戲板有圖片的那面,數在樹上的蘋果有幾個以及總共有幾個蘋果,數一數花園胡羅蔔有幾個及香蕉有幾串。