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鼻過敏超煎熬!吃百香果拒絕再犯 (百香果含有大量生物類黃酮,可以幫助緩解鼻過敏症狀。) 台灣的天氣夏天潮濕悶熱、冬天則是濕冷,潮濕的環境使得台灣鼻過敏的盛行率大約維持在20%~30%之間,平均每5個人中就有1人患有鼻過敏。在季節交替、溫差大的時候,更是鼻水噴嚏不停,苦不堪言。鼻過敏難以根除,但可以盡量在居住環境及飲食上做調整,將過敏機率降到最低,例如鳳梨、百香果都是幫助緩解鼻塞、流鼻水的食物。 百香果含有大量生物類黃酮,可以幫助緩解鼻過敏症狀。(圖片�取材自維基百科) 百香果含有大量生物類黃酮,可以幫助緩解鼻過敏症狀。(圖片�取材自維基百科) 根據美國《WebMD》網站報導指出,鼻過敏的成因有可能是遺傳、環境因素,或是季節氣候變化影響,例如越都市化的地區,通常鼻過敏的比例跟症狀都會比較嚴重,就是因為空氣品質較差,加上常待在室內日照不足、空氣流通不良等問題,造成鼻過敏更容易發作。而過敏反應也跟身體的免疫系統有關,若能在飲食中多補充能增強免疫力的食物,對於緩解鼻過敏,也會有不錯的效果。 1.百香果、鳳梨:生物類黃酮 生物類黃酮(bioflavonoid)是一種抗氧化物,能夠幫助調節免疫力、清除自由基。百香果與鳳梨是生物類黃酮最多的水果,且鳳梨含有一種獨特的「鳳梨酵素」(bromelain),不但可以分解蛋白質與脂肪,還有助緩解皮膚、鼻子的過敏症狀,減輕鼻塞症狀、讓呼吸較暢通。 不過鳳梨對某些體質的人來說,可能會有問題,例如腸胃虛弱,或是有腎臟問題的患者,相對來說,百香果性質更為平和,多吃這些水果是鼻過敏患者很好的選擇。

Super Moist Banana Bread


在家監工,順手烤個香蕉蛋糕! 下課回家試吃蛋糕的小孩∼ 用三根熟香蕉做的香蕉蛋糕,好吃! Ingredients (All ingredients should be room tempt.) 3 large extra ripe bananas (1½ cups mashed) 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ cup white sugar ½-3/4 cup brown sugar (I used ½ cup) 8 tablespoons butter, softened ( 1 stick) 2 eggs, beaten 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract ½ cup buttermilk Instructions Preheat oven to 325. Grease and flour a loaf pan. In a medium size bowl, mash bananas until creamy and stir in lemon juice. Set aside. In a medium size bowl, whisk together flour,baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Set aside. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugars. Beat in the eggs until combined. Fold in the bananas. Add in the vanilla extract and buttermilk. Beat until combined. Add the dry mixture into the wet mixture. STIR GENTLY AND JUST UNTIL THE FLOUR IS INCORPORATED. DO NOT OVER STIR. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake on center rack for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Cooking times may vary. Check on bread at the 1 hour mark. Toothpick inserted into the center should come out clean and bread should be golden on the outside. Brush the top of the bread with butter if desire when it comes out of the oven. Let cool for 5 minutes and then remove the bread from the pan and place on a cooling rack to finish cooling. Slice and enjoy! (flavors will intensify the next day) Notes *It is super important that you do not over stir the batter or it will turn out dry and tough. Stir just very gently and just until the flour is incorporated. *Taste even better the next day!! Banana flavor is much stronger. *Cooking times can vary. Check on the bread after an hour or a little before. *Add walnuts or chocolate chips if desired.