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Sarah 萌






今晚公公工作的公司請吃年飯 和婆婆帶了小琳一齊去 在席中他們爺仨個竟然抽中了$1400的大奬 還有其它好多的禮物 深夜12點了公婆打的送小琳回來 我在樓下接到了興奮不己的小琳 一邊跟我往家走一邊告訴我抽奬的事 然後神秘地告訴我她手裏鑽着一些紅色的東西 還不直接張開手給我看 (其實下車時婆婆已經偷偷告訴了我給了小琳200元錢 說本來要給小琳500 可是小琳不要這麼多 最後只收了200) 快進家門了 小琳終於給我看了她珍而重之的兩張200塊錢 先把一張递了給我說: "媽媽, 100元送給你, 給我買書本用." 然後問我能不能把剩下的一張給換成散一點兒 我問她想怎麼換 她說想要兩張50元的 一張留給自己 一張送給小白 (感動!) 我馬上誇她真是個乖孩子 對妹妹真好 (另一邊小白也一直沒睡要等小琳回來 還跟我說: 好掛住家姐) 小琳回來後衣服還沒來得及換呢 一邊就急不及待地把抽獎的事跟小白又說了一遍 然後才洗漱上床 小白平時是跟爸媽一屋睡 今天說是要跟小琳一起睡 結果二人在一屋躺床上聊了半天 小琳還不停地跟小白說: "你多幸福啊!" "你有個這麼好的家姐!" "我對你咁好!" 我說你們倆個感情這麼好就親親對方吧 她們兩竟然嘴對嘴親了一口!! 我和尤利在一旁聽着直捂着嘴笑 她倆真是有趣

April's Diary


小琳一向寫的文章我都覺得內容有些無聊 但今天她寫的日記 另我真有點刮目相看 讓讀者閱讀的同時 完完全全感受得到她扔豆袋之前的緊張心情 扔中目標時的激動和站在隊友面前的自豪 就是結尾還差一點點 我真的覺得她這篇文章寫得不錯 值得誇獎 At P.E. lesson, we all had beanbag-throwing games. We were in six groups to play. I was in group 5 with Rin, Angali, Crispina, Janice and Avneek. Every person has two chances to play and need to throw beanbags into a hula-hoop. The teacher blew her whistle and I held my breath as the game started and Rin ran to throw her beanbag for the first time. Rin threw her beanbag. Up...it went and down it fell...but it was not in the hoop! Rin had to run back and Angali took her beanbag and ran. All three girls before me did not reach the hoop. After Crispina came back, I ran to throw my bag. To my amazement, I did a perfect shoot and my beanbag went right into the hoop! I ran back to my group, feeling proud and happy when I was in front of my teamates. My teamates were all beaming and clapping and cheering for me, and after Janice's bad shot, she came to us and she, Crispina and I talked about our results. "I didn't do it well," said Janice breathlessly. "But I did!" I cried. "Thank goodness, I almost forgot!" breathed Janice squeezing me a hug. Janice then said:"I squeezed your life out of you. So you're dead." I said no and I can still move. Then I elbowed Janice "Imagine you are dead. Can you move?" I asked Janice. Janice & Crispina just didn't know what to say.