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Bedtime stories for babies

Here are some of our favorite bedtime books, guaranteed to make at least one of you sleepy: * Good Night, Gorilla, by Peggy Rathmann When the zookeeper makes his nighttime rounds, one mischievous gorilla steals his keys and follows him, releasing the other animals from their cages one by one. Under a moonlit sky, they parade silently behind the sleepy zookeeper and follow him into his house, where the keeper's wife discovers them and escorts them back to their beds. Practically wordless, the book tells a delightful going-to-bed story with magical illustrations that will enchant your child. * Goodnight Moon, by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd For decades children have taken the story of the little rabbit in Goodnight Moon to heart as he performs his evening ritual of saying goodnight to every object in his room, including "a comb, and a brush, and a bowl full of mush." Clement Hurd's illustrations start out intensely colored and gradually fade to shades of gray as the bunny grows drowsy. Many parents tell us they depend on this quintessential bedtime book to help their children nod off at night. * The Runaway Bunny, by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd When a young bunny threatens to run away and become a rock ... a fish ... a flower ... his mother joins him in his imaginary flight and assures him that she'll follow wherever he goes. It's a sweet story of the unconditional love of a mother for her child, told in soothing rhythms — an ideal book for helping your baby go to sleep feeling safe and cared for. * Hush Little Baby, by Sylvia Long If you don't think the classics can be improved on, reading Sylvia Long's new edition of "Hush Little Baby" may change your mind. Unlike the original song's language, which spoke of a mother buying her child all sorts of things to comfort him, this new version emphasizes the beauty and comfort found in the natural world. The familiar bedtime melody will calm and soothe your child, and you'll appreciate the book's tender, gentle spirit. * Counting Kisses: A Kiss-and-Read Book, by Karen Katz "My tired little baby, do you need a kiss?" From "ten little kisses on teeny tiny toes" to "one last kiss on your sleepy, dreamy head," sparse text and winsome illustrations lead you and your baby through a kissing countdown that'll soon be a favorite bedtime ritual for you both. * Snoozers: Seven Short Short Bedtime Stories for Lively Little Kids, by Sandra Boynton The charming Snoozers serves up seven bite-size tales sweetened with humor. Each little story takes a minute or less to read. Colorful tabs help older babies turn the pages themselves. And the wonderfully absurd "Silly Lullaby" at the end just might become a family favorite: "Go to sleep, my zoodle / my fibblety-fitsy foo / Go to sleep, sweet noodle / The owl is whisp'ring, 'Moo.'" * Good Night, Little Bear, by Patsy Scarry; illustrated by Richard Scarry Here's a classic Little Golden Book that many moms and dads will remember from childhood. After finishing a bedtime story, Father Bear hoists Little Bear on his shoulders and takes him to bed. In this playful tale of "Where could Little Bear be?" Father Bear searches (wink, wink) high and low — above the china cabinet, under the stove, even in the woodbox outside — to find him. Little Bear finally reveals himself when they pass a mirror. In a gesture every parent can relate to, Little Bear goes to bed believing he's fooled his dad.



小馨今天滿四個月了,看她一點一滴長大,而且這種長大是立即可見、變化快速的,心中真的很滿足。一年前此時已確定懷孕,不過當時還懷著忐忑不安的心,如今寶貝出生滿四個月,我心中充滿感激... 一直沒有機會記錄這四個月來的點點滴滴,其實我每天都好想空出時間整理寶貝的照片、寫寫她的變化,這些稍縱即逝的成長,真的彌足珍貴;現在回頭看看她出生一個月的照片,覺得生命真是奇蹟、不可思議....每天回家後抱著小寶貝親她逗她玩,是我們最大的幸福! 以下簡單記錄寶貝四個月的生活作息: 食:小馨在住院前ㄋㄟㄋㄟ就喝到130cc,出院後減少到100左右,甚至還有些厭奶,不過最近一個星期來奶量漸漸恢復,看她的聯絡簿上,有時還可喝到140,但是在家裡就不太肯瓶餵,親餵就沒有問題,雖然媽媽手日益嚴重,我還是很珍惜這種肌膚相親的感覺。有時喝媽咪的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ,還會停下來抬頭看看你,彷彿是要確認這是媽咪,才會繼續喝,真是有趣! 小馨早在快兩個月時就不夜奶了,雖然媽媽可以不用起床餵奶,不過半夜還是得擠奶。上班時間的pumping已經減少到兩次:中午及下班前各一次,而且office裡的母奶媽媽增加到6人,愈來愈熱鬧了! 衣:白天工作,晚上及假日帶小孩,還是沒時間幫baby買衣服,兩天前回醫院複診,小馨已經7.2kg了,所以幾乎6M的包屁衣都太小,需要穿到9M才合身,現在大部分是穿別人給的衣服,外婆買的衣服(可以穿到12M)也開始穿了。比較傷腦筋的是:現在天氣還是悶熱,所以小馨穿的是短袖,但是在園內或家裡都開冷氣,要注意保暖的問題;還有睡覺時會踢被被,半夜總要起來查看兩三次。 住:我們在上星期買了新房子,要搬新家囉!買房很大部份是為了baby,Alan前陣子密集地上網看房,現在總算有一個好的start,接下來是搬家問題,希望能趕在小馨會爬前搬到新家,預祝我們有一個好的ending。 行:目前接送小馨還是用Ford舊車,應該趁早換成新車接送,讓她早點適應car seat。這一個星期來也不會乖乖躺在床上,會一直想翻身,現在差一點點就可以翻過去了,如果讓她趴在床上。她會好高興地看來看去,一副笑嘻嘻的樣子,趴著看到的視野與躺著完全不同,也難怪她會這麼開心。 育:babycenter.com 鼓勵現在可以reading to your baby,我也一直在網路上搜尋好的布書,但總下不了決心,也找不到好的讀本....儘管如此,我們會藉由換尿布、洗澡、或在車上等任何時間與她互動,告訴她每一個動作的涵意,希望藉由這樣的互動過程增加她的認知能力。 四個月的成長不容小覷,這幾天如果我大聲地與Alan說話,小馨會看著我,彷彿快哭的模樣,似乎能分辨媽媽有情緒性的語調,與平時和她說話柔和的口吻不同。如此一來,大人都要學會控制自己的脾氣,不要在baby面前大小聲。 樂:到現在只買了一個玩具球,現階段她已經有抓握能力,也許應該狠心買下【蘇菲長頸鹿 Sophie La Girafe固齒器】,可滿足她口腔期的慾望;這個月來吃手吃得很嚴重,甚至還滋滋作響,口水也流得滿臉,家裡已經有可抓握的固齒器讓她玩,前幾天放在她眼前還不會用雙手拿,現在已經可以用雙手抓住固齒器,一夜之間進步神速啊! 這段期間還是喜歡看把拔馬麻的臉,逗她會"咳咳"笑出聲音,也能自己在床上玩玩,不過我們不會放她在床上太久,總覺得她一個人躺在床上很孤單,決定這兩天就會買個地墊讓她在客廳地上學翻身。








