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Your 11-month-old: Week 4

Babies typically start walking sometime between 9 and 18 months. You may be surprised at the reactions this milestone causes in you. For example, don't take it too hard if your baby refuses when you offer to hold or carry her. She's not rejecting you. Odds are, she's simply excited about practicing walking. To prevent any injuries, keep a close eye on her when she takes off, and make sure to install safety gates to block off stairs and unsafe rooms if you haven't done this yet. How your baby's growing: If your baby isn't walking already, she's likely to take her first independent steps soon. (If not, don't worry. Some perfectly normal babies are 17 or 18 months old before they start walking.) You can encourage your baby to walk by standing or kneeling in front of her and holding out your hands. Or hold both her hands and walk her toward you. If she's like most children, your baby will take those early strides with her arms out to the side (for balance) and bent at the elbows, her feet turned outward, and belly out in front while her bottom sticks out behind (also for balance). As always, make sure your baby has a safe environment in which to practice her new skills. Follow standard childproofing guidelines and never leave your baby unattended. And keep the camera ready! 好快喔!再一個星期小馨就滿週歲囉!在走路方面小馨也愈走愈順,敢放手走幾步路,即時跌倒了,再變成爬行姿勢,總之,可以達到她目的就好了;也許是大人會牽著走,每次她的步伐都會特別大,一副很勇敢的模樣。


Your 11-month-old: Week 2

Chances are good that your baby's grown attached to a certain blanket or toy. Transitional objects may help your baby weather potentially stressful experiences -- such as a doctor's visit or an overnight trip -- more easily. You may want to buy a duplicate of that "lovey" (or cut the original in half, if it's something like a blanket), in case you need to replace a lost one or take it away to clean it. How your baby's growing: Your baby probably enjoys looking at books and leafing through the pages, though turning those pages one by one doesn't always happen. Indulge in great picture books or stick with sturdy and inexpensive board books that can stand up to small fingers. To add variety to your baby's reading time and to find out what appeals the most, try your local library or the kids' section at a family-friendly bookstore — or trade a few titles with friends. 一個星期總是過得如此快,寶寶的成長也是! So far,小馨還看不出來對特定東西的喜好,不過當我們拿polar bear 或將Stafine 抱到她面前時,她會笑得特別開心!不知道這樣算不算是attached to a certain toy. 昨天我拿書給她看,我邊念著"大象長長的鼻子在哪裡....?"她竟然會翻頁,把大象找出來,呵!不知道她何時學會翻頁?! 把拔出國回來又買了一隻會唱歌、會說話的狗---violet,小馨知道她還有一隻會唱丹麥文的鴨子,因此偶爾也會和鴨子玩玩,目前對violet還沒有興趣,因為都講英文,可能她還聽不懂吧!


Your 10-month-old: Week 4

You may see your baby start to take more of an interest in other babies. For the most part, babies this age parallel play, staying happily engrossed in their own activities alongside one another, but without really interacting. This is normal -- focusing on their own abilities and needs is how babies develop. Over time, though, you'll notice your baby stealing glances at fellow babies and perhaps crawling over to try to use the same toy. How your baby's growing: Your baby now understands simple instructions, although you may still be ignored when you say "no." (To help the word carry a little more weight, use it sparingly, for setting important limits.) Even though your baby may not always remember tomorrow what you've said today, it's not too soon to set certain boundaries and start teaching some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe. 小馨寶貝真的聽得懂若干"指令",這也是讓我們開始覺得終於有feedback 的時候,過去幾個星期來,小馨的火星話越說越多,很多人告訴我們以後她可能很會說話。 小馨的體重也逐漸在成長中,雖然想稍稍將奶量控制在200cc內,讓體重成長緩一些,似乎沒什麼用,而且肚子似乎有脹氣,身上掛著"小肚腩"很難"消腫",Pampers L號尿布也快要不能用。 小馨還是很喜歡看陌生人,雖然平常看不到她跟園內小朋友的互動,不過主任曾說她脾氣很好,別的寶寶拿她的玩具也不會生氣,嗯嗯...希望小馨一直笑笑的,讓大家都喜歡! 大家都說小馨從小就送到外面讓別人帶,所以比起阿公阿嬤帶大的小孩乖,我想應該不能這樣論斷,跟小孩的個性、脾氣還是很有關係,光小馨最近已不會認生這點就讓大家誇讚到不行,我還是很保守,畢竟小孩每個階段的反應都不同,用這種基礎來比較是沒有意義的。


Your 10-month-old: Week 3

Your baby's ability to vocalize is improving, and he may say his first word any time now. When he does, repeat it softly and clearly so she can learn the correct pronunciation. (Bear in mind that many babies won't utter an intelligible peep for several more months, and that's normal, too.) First words don't always have precise definitions, by the way. "Dog" may mean anything with four legs, and "ba-ba" could signify bottle, teddy bear, bye-bye — or all three. How your baby's growing: Your baby may "walk" while you're gripping his hands, and even hold out an arm or leg to help you dress him. At mealtimes, he may be able to drink from a cup on his own (though some children may not do this well for months or even another year or two) and hand-feed himself. Once your baby's able to drink from a cup by himself, you may need to start ducking, because he's just as likely to toss it when he's finished as to set it down. 小馨寶貝學習能力愈來愈強囉,早上看到我在梳妝台前化妝,會靜靜地一直看媽咪的各個動作,拿梳子給她玩,竟然也會學媽咪梳頭髮;不過剛醒來時也是最黏媽咪的時候,如果媽咪消失不在她的視線內,就會哇哇大哭。 這週以來時常半夜醒來,但是眼睛仍然閉著,會咿咿阿阿地嗚咽,這時吸媽咪的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ很有用,會立刻鎮靜下來,但媽咪的睡眠品質就糟了。 大家都說小馨很乖很好帶,我也承認,所以今年暑假想帶寶貝出國玩,卻又有點兒擔心,讓我們猶豫不決.....


Do babies need discipline?

在網路上正好看到有人討論寶寶要怎麼教,然後不久就收到email 正好轉貼在日記上參考 Do babies need discipline? Babies don't get true "discipline" yet, but you can start teaching good behavior. Should I discipline my baby? Now that my baby is crawling around and getting into everything, how should I discipline her? Expert Answers Sandy Bailey, certified family life educator Your job right now is to keep your baby safe, secure, and stimulated. A crawling baby may be old enough to make mischief, but she's not old enough to learn the difference between right and wrong. Real discipline — the kind that teaches lessons and changes behaviors — will have to wait. Even though your baby can't grasp discipline, this is a great time to start practicing techniques that will work in the months and years to come. When she pulls on a lamp cord or sucks on a stereo knob, firmly tell her "no" and quickly redirect her to a safer activity. With her short attention span, she'll quickly forget about causing trouble. No matter what your baby does, spanking, swatting, and yelling are never appropriate responses. Harsh discipline will only scare her and can even cause an injury. Shaking a baby can cause life-long brain damage or death. If you feel angry, put your baby down in a safe place, like her crib or play yard, and give yourself a short break to calm down. You can head off many problems by giving your baby a safe place to explore. Babyproofing your home — covering up outlets, putting dangerous things out of reach, blocking "off-limit" places with baby gates, and so on — is the best way to ensure good behavior. Instead of looking for discipline opportunities at this point, try to enjoy and appreciate your baby's fascination with her world. Rene's note:Well,最後一句話最為寫實與真切!


Your 10-month-old: Week 2

Your baby is mastering motor control — both "gross" (or large) motor skills, like crawling and standing, and "fine" motor skills, such as picking up objects between forefinger and thumb. It's especially important to keep choking hazards out of reach when your baby has these new pickup skills (and still likes exploring things with mouth and tongue). Coins, buttons, small toy parts, and food that falls to the ground are all potential problems. Consider vacuuming more often at this stage. How your baby's growing: At this age, your baby can sit confidently and may even walk while holding onto furniture, possibly letting go momentarily and standing without support. She'll take steps when held in a walking position and may attempt to scoop up a toy while she's standing, too. Those magical first steps toward independence — and lots more exercise for you! — are just around the corner, if they haven't arrived already. Most babies take their first steps sometime around 12 months, but some start much earlier. If yours isn't walking yet, don't worry — it's still early. Some babies wait until they're 18 months old to make that move. 看樣子,家裡的清潔還是逃不掉,之前就聽過有人為了小孩每兩天拖一次地板,對我這個懶媽媽來說簡直是不可能的任務,但是,小馨的確已經到了會用手指撿拾頭髮、小迴紋針的階段,懶媽媽還是無法逃避拖地的任務。 這週發現小馨愈爬愈快,而且可以隨時扶著傢俱站起來,也會空手不支撐獨立站好幾秒,讓我們驚覺她可能不到一歲就會走路了。





Your 10-month-old: Week 1

Your baby may still only babble, but don't underestimate how much he understands. Babies pick up on the meaning of words — and your tone of voice — before they learn to speak. Your baby may even respond to simple requests or words of discipline such as a warning "No!" Talk to him often about what you're doing, where you're going, and the names of the foods he eats, and say his name. Try to taper off the baby talk so he hears plenty of real words during the day. How your baby's growing: Your baby is just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so it's more important than ever to keep talking to him. Give your chatterbox a head start on good speech patterns by repeating his words back to him using adult language. If he asks for a "bah-bah," for example, gently reinforce the correct pronunciation by asking, "Do you want a bottle?" At this stage of the game, it's best to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk — it can be fun, but hearing the right words is better for your baby's development. Though it may sometimes feel silly, having a conversation with your baby is a great way to encourage his language skills. When he rattles off a sentence of gibberish, respond with, "Oh, really? How interesting." He'll probably smile and keep chattering away. 小寶貝的確變得愛說話了,常常一個人說個不停,有時還會將手舉起來指著某處,似乎在問我們"那是什麼",我也相信她聽得懂,但要鼓勵她說話,就要有回應,只是有點累,而且變成我在自言自語,實在很silly 還有一件事忘了記錄,話說寶貝已經喝了十個月的母奶了,現在只要我說喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ,她就會乖乖等我將衣服掀開,側餵時也會躺在床上等我;但也會遇到讓她等不及的時候,她會拍打我的胸部,甚至手會伸進衣服裡,讓人哭笑不得!也很難為情,不曉得要不要藉此斷了母奶呢? 老公說小寶貝愈長愈成熟,像個小大人的臉,已經不是以前那個嬰兒肥的臉蛋了,呼!時間過的真快,十個月過了,沒有寶貝的成長月齡做對照,還感覺不出時間的飛逝呢!


Your 9-month-old: Week 4

Your baby is probably beginning to cover more territory, whether by scooting and crawling or by cruising upright, or maybe even by trying a few tentative first steps. When you're indoors, you may want to let your baby go without shoes, booties, or socks -- experts believe going barefoot helps a baby's foot develop properly and promotes better balance and coordination. How your baby's growing: Your baby's personality is really emerging now. She may be very social, granting broad smiles to everyone she meets, or a little more shy, hiding her face when well-meaning strangers try to engage her. Your baby may charge ahead boldly or assess the situation carefully before going further. She might be even tempered or switch her moods quite dramatically. She'll gesture for your attention and may wave goodbye when she sees you head for the door. She's also developing a mind of her own, which you may run up against when you try to put her in her car seat or stroller. 小馨的個性已經看得出來了嗎?如果這段期間看得出來,那小馨可以說是個溫和的小孩,遇到陌生人,她不會這麼地害羞躲在把拔馬麻背後,但也不會輕易讓陌生人抱抱;平常大部分時間可以自己在地上玩,頗能自得其樂。會哭會鬧一定有原因,不會耍個性,總體來說,算是好帶的小孩! 既然很多書及專家都建議要讓寶寶赤腳來增加觸感,也許下次回外婆家可以學學小表姐不穿鞋子,可以讓她接觸草地試試看。