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Your 2-Year-Old


Long and Lean A 2-year-old still retains plump vestiges of toddler body proportions. But this year your child will grow taller and longer-limbed. To fuel this growth, you'll want to keep an eye on good nutrition. Three meals and two snacks per day is a good guideline, but don't worry too much if your 2-year-old seems to subsist on crackers and air. Provide healthy choices and let her experiment without forcing. Your 2-year-old now Time to trim the fat! Once your child turns 2, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you reduce her fat intake to less than 30 percent of her daily calories. You don't have to zealously monitor fat intake. Just switch from whole milk to 2 percent, and look for low-fat versions of cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. For the rest of her diet, provide a balanced offering of whole grains, lean meats or beans, fruits, and vegetables. Don't cut out fats entirely; your preschooler's growing brain and body depend on them for proper development. And many dairy products that contain fat are also terrific sources of calcium. Soon your child will begin looking more like a "big kid," as her limbs and torso start to lengthen and her proportions begin to resemble those of an adult. She'll gain about 2 1/2 inches and 5 pounds this year. If you're concerned that your preschooler is overweight, talk to her doctor rather than instituting any dietary restrictions on your own. Kids' nutritional needs are different from adults', so you should get his guidance. Your life now The little sponge following you around has big ears! So give her plenty to listen to. Research shows that preschoolers whose mothers talk often to them build bigger vocabularies. And kids with fathers who also frequently talk to them develop even larger vocabularies. (Moms tend to use more comforting and nurturing words drawn from the child's own world, while dads are more likely to talk about less-familiar interests, researchers say.)

Your 2-Year-Old​: Handling Big Emotion


Handling Big Emotion Two-year-olds give the biggest hugs, flash the biggest smiles, and yes, throw the loudest, most spectacular tantrums. Because they live in the moment, their feelings are especially transparent. It's tempting to want to keep things happy for your child at all times. But it's also important for her to experience emotions like sadness, frustration, and anger without always being "rescued" by Mom or Dad, so she can learn to cope better with small setbacks. 兩歲了!!小馨終於滿兩歲了!這段時間看著她的轉變與成長,心中感觸良多,小馨真的已經不是小寶寶了,可以用話語和她慢慢溝通,她也正在學習or模仿我們的行為和言語中... 沒想到兩歲兒的情緒反應這麼直接:小馨的喜怒哀樂表達非常單純,高興時她會親親你、不順從她意時就嚎啕大哭,她的情緒是不會轉彎的,有時讓她發洩完就好的,有時換個方式轉換她注意力,也可以避免一場聲嘶大號。 Your 2-year-old now A child this age wears her heart on her sleeve — and in her voice, her fists, her stamping feet, and her crocodile tears. You seldom have to guess about a 2-year-old's emotional state. Expressing emotions is healthy, even when they aren't happy ones. So don't feel you have to rush in to placate your child at the first pout or sad sniffle. Let your child know that it's okay to be unhappy sometimes — it's simply part of life. Swooping in to vanquish the unhappiness sends the wrong message — that it's not okay to feel sad or mad. Solving every problem for your child also robs her of the opportunity to work through her feelings on her own. What you can do: Label her feelings for her. "You're so mad at Mommy because she said no park today!" Let her know you have the same feelings, too, sometimes: "It makes you feel sad when we say bye-bye to Grandma. It makes me feel sad, too." If your child screams or hits when she's angry or upset, show her acceptable ways to vent her emotion, like punching a pillow or stamping her feet. 面對小馨直來直往的情緒,我想還是有一些方法的,平常時候小馨還是可以聽得懂道理,慢慢解釋她都可以理解,例如在公園玩滑梯玩到不想回家,這時要用一些方法讓她聽話,她應該沒有那麼"terrible"才是。 Your life now If you find yourself bracing for those fabled "terrible twos," relax. It's the second year of life (the one you've just passed through) that's among the more challenging developmentally. The actual "twos" tend to be a bit calmer and even more fun. 我想也是!兩歲沒有這麼恐怖,相反的,應該會有更大的樂趣。例如小馨會說的單詞愈來愈多,光聽她學我們說話就有很多意想不到的驚喜。有一天晚上把拔要倒果汁給小馨喝,可是封口處有一層膜一直打不開,只見小馨轉身將抽屜打開拿出剪刀,然後叫把拔....這一幕老公說實在太amazing!!一直誇讚自己的女兒怎麼這麼聰明....呵呵,其實到了這個年齡的小孩應該都會有些驚人之舉吧! Now your child can move about with confidence and play with less assistance. She can make her wishes known better than before and understands even more than she can say. And her boundless curiosity is balanced at least a little by an increasing understanding of rules. Two-year-olds do test limits and disagree with parents, of course, but they're also developing more of a desire to please you. They want to be good! They want to help! Routines and consistency in your responses help your child learn the ropes and keep everyday life running smoothly. 一直相信小孩子出生後是在考驗父母的智慧、讓父母角色扮演地更好!I am not complete without shin!

Your 23-month-o​ld: Week 4


Your toddler may wield a spoon and fork like a pro and drink from a cup without spilling, but that doesn't mean mealtimes are smooth sailing just yet. He may be more interested in conducting little science experiments on his tray table — like pouring his orange juice into his cereal bowl — than eating. Or he may insist on sitting on your lap and eating what's on your plate. While it's a good idea to start setting limits during meals, don't force your child to eat or expect full compliance with your rules. 哈哈!真是形容得太貼切了!小馨現在已經會用杯子喝水,而且喝得很好,但不表示她在餐桌上的表現一樣很好,有時會耍賴坐在把拔腿上吃飯,而且吃的是把拔碗盤內的食物,下場就是亂七八糟,要收拾好久∼ 在爺奶家吃飯時更是這樣,餐椅早就坐不住了(這種傳統式的high chair根本就綁不住小馨),坐不到5分鐘就想下來玩,然後就變成阿嬤追著餵她吃飯,唉∼這真是最糟的情況啊!更慘的是,飯沒吃幾口,阿公就拿水果想要餵她,正餐都沒能好好吃,總是喜歡拿水果誘惑小小孩,大人總是做出最最不良的示範!! Your toddler now Tiny trikes Nothing says "she's not so little anymore" like watching your child pedal around on a tricycle or a bicycle. Age 2 is a good time to make one of these available, especially if you have a physically active child who has already aced running and has good balance. If you haven't kept up on developments in the world of toddler cycling, you may be surprised to discover that while tricycles are still very much in the picture, scaled-down two-wheelers suitable for 2-year-olds are an option once your child is tall enough. (When you're shopping, be sure to check the manufacturer's recommendation for height and inseam measurements.) 小馨很喜歡騎車車喔,每次到園所接她放學等把拔時,她就會坐在車車上面用雙腳移動車子,至於是否要買三輪車讓她騎?我們曾有這樣的想法,但家裡空間不夠,下次帶她回外婆家時,再讓她坐在姊姊的後座試試看,她應該也是屬於膽子大的小孩,不會害怕才是。 Once you have a trike or bike that's the right size, figuring out how to pedal is the most challenging part. When it comes to tricycles, beginners usually prefer low-slung models that keep them close to the ground (and are less likely to tip over). Stay nearby during your child's first attempts, in case of spills. Some trikes come with a long, removable push-bar, which lets you control the action without having to bend over – a real back-saver. More adventurous toddlers can go straight to a tiny two-wheeler if they're tall enough. Look around and you'll find bikes designed to teach balance at an early age. Not all kids are ready for the challenge, but if yours is, it can be lots of fun. Even if your child won't be traveling beyond your own backyard, make sure he wears a helmet from day one. You'll be establishing an essential safety habit, and it's good protection in any case. Recording memories Want a wonderful memento of your child's early years? Start a quote book. As she grows more verbal, some of the funniest comments will spring from her lips. Toddlers tend to ask surprising questions ("Hi, Mommy, are you awake?"), make observations cobbled from limited vocabularies ("Grandpa hair all gone!"), and use metaphors in the most delightful ways ("moon cracker" for a crescent-shaped bite). 要開始記錄小馨的一些話語了,現在光是聽她複述我們的話就很好玩了,以後字彙能力增加,一定更好玩! Many of these sophisticated expressions don't show up until age 2, when language skills really explode, but if you get in the habit now of jotting down fun sayings, you'll wind up with a terrific record. We always think we'll remember these quips, but many of them fade from our memories over the years.

Your 23-month-o​ld: Week 3


Your toddler can probably hum and sing songs such as "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and make three-word sentences like "Cup fall down." She can probably follow a two-part request, like "Come here and turn around so I can comb your hair." Many kids this age also have fun identifying opposites like tall man, short man, or big block, little block. But if your toddler isn't doing all these things, don't worry. Children learn to speak at different rates, and your child may still be working her way up to this stage. 很高興我跟小馨也建立起我們的睡前儀式:只要將燈調暗躺在床上,我會先唱歌,通常是由小馨點歌,而且點的第一首歌是「哥哥爸爸....」,小馨也會跟著唱,唱出一句歌詞的最後幾個字。唱完歌後就跟她說,馬麻要睡囉...我會閉起眼睛,小馨也會漸漸不再講話出聲,或是轉過頭去安靜入睡。 Your toddler now Safety matters The approaching second birthday is a good time to rethink your child's safety. You've thought about childproofing before, but every stage brings new hazards as your child grows taller, more mobile, and more adventurous. Reevaluate potential dangers from his point of view. 愈接近兩歲,小馨懂的事情就愈多,家裡除了廚房較危險外,好像也沒其他危險的地方禁止她去。倒是把拔會注意照相機、電腦、iPAD等3C產品擺放的位置,不要讓她拿得到以免摔壞。 Increasingly, your toddler will be able to get into places you never dreamed possible. He may climb onto stools, tables, and counters; (沒錯啊,小馨就是學會爬客廳的圓桌,幸好圓桌高度不高,即使摔下來也不會太痛啦!另外有一個地方是客房的床頭櫃,她也喜歡坐在上面看電視,感覺坐得高高好像很不一樣,她會享受這種感覺) open containers he never showed an interest in before; and move into dangerous zones (a pool, the basement tool bench) faster than you'd think. The good news is that your child is well able to understand the meaning of "no." When he was small, you had to rely on moving dangers out of reach. That's still good advice, but by now, you should also be using your words and serious tone of voice to make clear which behaviors are not acceptable – opening up CD cases and ripping books, for example. You'll still want to keep as many potential threats out of reach as possible, though. Remove sharp knives from accessible drawers, and store medications and vitamins in childproof containers. 對了!還有廚房的抽屜也是有危險物品,小馨喜歡開抽屜,萬一不注意就會拿剪刀...用品,所以還是要盯著不能讓她一個人在一個空間太久,如果好一陣子沒有動靜,恐怕就是在玩不該玩的東西啦! Your life now It's only natural for couples to have disagreements about how to raise a child. We all come from different families and have individual personalities. 唉∼這大概是我跟老公最大的挑戰,我們對於如何教養小還有不同意見,常為了照顧小孩的方法不同而起衝突,我想讓他知道:我們來自不同家庭、有不同的成長經驗、不同的生活模式...,還沒小孩前各過各的還可以容忍,可是有了小孩後就有不同的見解與作法須要對方配合,萬一對方也不認同,那大吵一架真的無法避免。 When you and your spouse or partner disagree about how to handle a parenting situation, it's best for your child if you present a united front. The parent who witnessed the incident can finish responding to it as he or she sees fit. Talk about your disagreement afterward, out of earshot of your toddler. Consistency is the spine of discipline, so it's a good idea to discuss your basic views about rules and punishments and to work out agreements about the major issues. Instead of attacking each other's methods, explain your approach and why it seems to work. Keep your discussion to specific issues rather than generalities that can veer into personal attacks. Search for a compromise.

Your 23-month-o​ld: Week 2


Does your toddler ignore you? He's not doing it on purpose; it takes time and practice to learn how to listen well. Here's how to help: Keep your requests simple and clear, get down on his level when you want his attention, and give him your ear when he wants to talk. It's worth the effort. Developing good listening skills will help your toddler learn more effectively, follow important instructions, get along better with you and other adults, and make friends. 話說小馨最近變的愈來愈活潑,會說簡單的話、聽懂把拔馬麻的指令,雖然離兩歲愈來愈近,但並沒有明顯的"番"的現象出現(希望以後也不會有啦)!平常就會有許多意見,也會利用哭來表達抗議或不滿,但是哭哭啼啼的時候還是蠻可愛的,嘻嘻!大多數時候,她的很多意見經過馬麻一番說理後,就會接受不再堅持,不過偶爾也會行不通,一定要照她的方式(eg.吃到要吃的東西、拿到要拿的玩具...),這時候就只能照她的意思了。 Your toddler now Growing up If it seems like your little one's growth has slowed down dramatically compared with her first year, you're right. The average child triples her birth weight by age 1, but only gains 3 to 5 pounds in the second year. By now, your toddler also looks much less like a baby. She's upright, she's mobile, she's active, and her baby fat is melting away. 小馨正逐漸脫離寶寶的樣子嗎?的確是的!有時她睡熟了,看著她的小臉龐還是很有感覺....她是從這麼小、一點一滴長大,心中充滿的感動,終於能抱著自己的小寶貝,跟我們一起生活! The way she holds her body and moves around has changed, too. The back-and-forth gait of a young toddler has evolved into a smoother, more coordinated stride. By their second birthday, most kids can pull toys behind them and carry things while they walk, and they will begin to run. 跑步?跳躍?好像還沒看小馨這麼做呢!不過她走得很快,有點像小跑步就是了! The beloved pacifier With your toddler's vocabulary and other language skills exploding, you may find it frustrating if she often has a pacifier in his mouth. The pacifier won't hurt her, but if you want to see less of it, you can try limiting it to certain times of day, such as naptime. 最近被小馨發現一年前買的奶嘴,她堅持要吃奶嘴,我們只好拿給她,她只是把奶嘴當成玩具含在嘴裡,看了真令人覺得好笑!畢竟她是母奶寶寶長大的,從來就不吃奶嘴啊! 說到母奶,馬麻的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ肯定是沒了,不過小馨有時還會想要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ,馬麻就會故意裝傻:什麼?妳說什麼?沒有ㄋㄟㄋㄟ啊...小馨就會不好意思再說要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ,呵呵!策略成功!! If you're looking for some good strategies for pulling the plug completely, see our top ten ways to help your child give up the pacifier. Parent tip "We fill a big box with toys and store it in the basement. Every month, we rotate the toys. It eliminates clutter, and it's also like Christmas morning over and over again." – Krista

Your 23-month-o​ld: Week 1(滿23個月)


Your toddler may now be able to throw a ball overhand, though she'll probably miss her target most of the time. The whole-arm coordination that allows her to throw usually emerges somewhere between 18 months and 3 years. If your toddler is ball-shy, start with rolling games, which will be easier and also less scary (try rolling the ball slowly toward her feet). Spongy balls or beanbags are great for indoor use — set up a pillow or bucket for target practice. 丟球?小馨不會害怕啊,而且還很喜歡玩球呢!尤其在室內環境,她的膽子很大,一些肢體運動已經滿足不了她,現在反而學會危險動作,例如將身體橫越在沙發和客廳桌子間,然後動彈不得,要大人抱。不過當我第一次看到她這樣做,第一個反應是拿相機,哈哈!這個媽媽果然也很大膽,倒是把拔在那邊大呼小叫,緊張得不得了! Your toddler now Language learning Your child may be learning as many as ten new words a day now. Here are some of the language skills you can expect from your child by around age 2: •Forms two- to four-word sentences ("Bird fly high.") •Sings simple songs •Follows simple instructions •Uses pronouns, though not always correctly ("Me do it" instead of "Jake do it," but probably not "I do it") •Repeats words heard in conversations •Recognizes names of people, things, and parts of the body Encourage budding verbal skills by continuing to read often with your toddler. Reading introduces new nouns, verbs, and ideas your child might not encounter in everyday life (such as a tiger in the jungle). Books with wordplay such as rhymes help kids make associations between like words. Birthday plans With your toddler's birthday on the horizon, you're probably wondering how best to celebrate. Two-year-olds love the festivity of cake, candles, balloons, and presents. On the flip side, they're easily overwhelmed by too much of anything. That includes too many guests and too much noise. The most successful birthday parties for 2-year-olds tend to be small, simple, and brief. A common rule of thumb is one child guest per year of age. So a 2-year-old would have two guests around his age. And a couple of hours is plenty of time. Simple pastimes like blowing bubbles or swinging are still his idea of a blast. Schedule festivities for before the afternoon nap or at dinnertime (but wrap things up well before bedtime so he's not too stimulated to fall asleep). If you plan something more ambitious, keep your expectations for the birthday boy or girl low. Don't count on kids this age being a gracious center of attention. Special features like clowns or magicians may frighten them, and they may or may not choose to participate in games. There will be plenty of time for parties with organized activities when your child is older.

Your 22-month-o​ld: Week 4


When your toddler whines for something, you may feel like caving in just to hush that grating voice. But it's best to hold your ground — if you can show your toddler that whining won't get him anywhere, he's more likely to give it up and try other ways of communicating. Where to start? When you hear your child whining, gently point it out to him and ask him to use his regular voice. Toddlers don't always know what whining is, and they may not be able to hear it in their own voice. Your toddler now Toddler toys Wondering what kind of toys to give your child for his upcoming birthday? Whatever you choose, be sure to check the boxes or labels to confirm that every item is safe for the under-3 crowd. 關於小馨即將到來的兩歲生日禮物,我們的確還沒有idea,只知道她好喜歡巧虎,不知道要不要訂一個巧虎蛋糕給她吃.... Toys labeled for age 3 and up pose a choking hazard or other risks to younger children. (See more tips for toy safety.) Here are some ideas to get you started: •Toys that let kids pretend: play cash registers, brooms and dustpans, phones, toy dishes, toy food, dress-up clothes, trucks, trains and cars, dolls and doll strollers and cradles 去年在德國買的微波爐玩具,小馨已經很會cooking了,搭配巧虎送的食物玩具,她會將食物放進微波爐,按下按鈕,東西就可以吃了。現實生活上,每當我們也會告訴她東西要放進電鍋、微波爐,當她聽到「叮」的聲音,就會飛快跑去廚房,等著我們弄給她吃。 •Toys to manipulate: dolls with buttons and zippers, blocks of all types, the toddler version of colorful plastic building bricks •Action toys: ride-on vehicles, wagons, balls, climbing structures, carts •Musical toys: Drums, tambourines, xylophones, cymbals •Books: Your child can never have too many! Body talk Pee or wee or tinkle? Poop or BM? Every family chooses its own lingo for potty training. Choose the words that feel natural to you or that your child's daycare uses (to avoid confusion). As for what you call the body parts involved, some families introduce words such as "penis" and "vagina" from the beginning while others choose to wait. Eventually you'll want your child to learn the official names for body parts, whether you use them with each other or not. 最近小馨在房間等媽媽穿衣服時,會主動拿衣服給媽媽穿,而且順序還不會搞錯(胸罩、塑身衣、內衣、褲子),讓我好訝異呢!

Your 22-month-o​ld: Week 3


It's too soon to sign your toddler up for formal music instruction (experts say it's best to wait until around age 3). But in the meantime, your toddler may enjoy attending an early music program for tots or bopping to different kinds of music at home. Cheerful, simple songs like "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" are easiest for your toddler to sing along to. You may even catch her making up little ditties herself, especially before dropping off to sleep or when riding in the car. 小馨最近會學著媽媽唱歌,通常是唱出一句歌詞的最後一個字,第一次時候讓媽媽很訝異,後來她更學會唱「哥哥爸爸...大」,媽媽也喜歡編一些小調、或隨口亂唱一番,小馨也會很賞臉地說「好聽」! Your toddler now Developing good taste What's the best way to get your 22-month-old to try new foods? Keep on serving them. Even if he refuses to touch, much less taste, what's on his plate, exposure is the name of the game. It can take ten or 20 or more exposures to a new food before a toddler will consent to try it, nutritionists say. Keep portions small so they're less intimidating. Try serving refused foods in a different format: A broccoli spear looks very different from, say, broccoli in cheese sauce or a soufflé. Never force your child to taste something or clean his plate. You want him to develop pleasant associations with mealtimes. Besides, nobody likes everything. 接受新食物嗎?有時小馨會主動想要吃餐盤上的新食物,有時我們拿給她,以為她會喜歡,但她卻搖頭說不,這小妞的個性很難說,不過大致上他喜歡食物甚於拒絕食物,which is a good sign. Don't expect perfect table manners at this point. Smelling it, handling it, and smearing it are some of the ways your child gets acquainted with a new food. 養成的好的table manner?Not yet!她可以在high chair坐上20分鐘,當吃飽了(或玩夠了)就會想下來,我們發覺讓她在high chair上面繼續乖乖坐著最好的方法,就是拿紙筆給她畫畫!這樣連梓琳兩姊妹都可以安靜好一會兒。 Germ control Hand washing is the number one way to protect your family from illnesses like colds and flu. You can cut down on germs around your home – and make your life a little easier – by giving your child his first lessons in this important skill. Put a step stool in front of the sink so he can reach the faucet and show him how to turn it on and off. A bar of soap may be easier for small hands to manipulate than a pump dispenser. Fine-motor skills are still developing so he'll need your help and supervision for quite some time. 洗手對小馨來說已經很習慣了!回家後我們要求她要洗手才能吃東西,她也都會配合呢! Demonstrate how to get the suds all over his hands and then rinse. It takes 20 seconds of scrubbing to kill the germs that need to be killed. One way to make sure he soaps up for long enough: Have him rub his hands while you sing the ABC song and rinse when you get to the end. Reduce the chance of scalding by setting your hot water heater to no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. To further banish bugs, start teaching your child to cough or sneeze into his elbow rather than into the open air or his hands – just don't expect him to master it yet.