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Your 2-Year-Old​: Share? No Way!

Share? No Way! Your preschooler may look like a big kid to you, but she still doesn't know how to share. Sharing is a skill that evolves through practice and maturity. Two-year-olds still tend to be possessive about their playthings. For now, it's best to put their favorites away when someone comes to play. Or steer the kids toward activities they can do together, like building with blocks, kicking a ball around, digging in the sandbox, or creating with clay. 分享的確需要學習,兩歲多的小馨在家裡沒人跟她搶東西,因此她看到什麼可愛的東西都說「我的∼」,我們也無從教育她,不過希望平時在園所與小朋友互動的情形下,她能知道「分享」的意思。有時候大人也不應該拿她喜歡的玩具去跟其他小孩分享,這樣只會刺激兩歲的小孩,惹得她哇哇大哭,不用說,有些白目的長輩就會故意這樣做,並以此為樂,真要不得! Your 2-year-old now Tussles over a toy happen often when two preschoolers are at play. They can be fiercely protective of their possessions, and sharing is a skill that won't come naturally to your child for another year or two. In the meantime, help him learn: •Model sharing and use the word "share": "Would you like to share my cookie?" •Break up fights by removing the object of debate and moving the kids onto something else: "The car needs to take a rest now. Want to blow some bubbles?" •Casually point out big kids you see sharing. •Hide favorite toys when other kids come to play. Twos shouldn't be expected to let others use things they're strongly attached to. •Provide activities for playdates that involve a shared activity that each child can do on her own, like playing with clay or drawing pictures. •Praise your child when sharing does happen. Positive reinforcement is a terrific teacher. Your life now Spending the night away from your child can seem even more difficult now that she's older and able to verbally express herself. ("No go!") But it's healthy for parents to get away. If you're thinking about a getaway, rest assured you'll do no lasting harm to your child. Short separations can seem upsetting to a 2-year-old when you part, but young preschoolers tend to be distractible enough to enjoy themselves once you're gone — and the experience lets them take a baby step toward independence, learning they can weather a wee separation. Kids who have experience with brief separations become confident and secure when you leave, especially at this age, because their memories are better and they know that you'll return. Turn to a relative or sitter you feel great about, reassure your child that you'll be back soon — and try not to make all your candlelit conversations revolve around your preschooler back home.


Raising Boys and Girls: Differences in Physical Development

這真是一篇實用的好文章!早就想知道男孩與女孩在成長過程有什麼不同,讓目前只有生女孩子的我,可以有較清楚的認知。 Gender identity(性別的認知) Children begin to identify themselves as a boy or a girl as early as 18 months. But it's between the ages of 2 and 6 that they begin to identify with others of their sex and demonstrate play and other behaviors that are characteristic of that sex. Most social scientists agree that an interplay of nature and nurture determines how these gender roles play out. 目前小馨才兩歲四個月,不過已經知道「漂亮」、也會學媽咪在梳妝台前化妝的動作,但是玩玩具時則不太一定:有時抱著小花妹妹喝奶、幫妞妞洗澡,有時也愛玩車子,不過大致上來說,應該偏好女孩子的玩具居多。至於對性別的認知....不太清楚她是否知道她與皓皓是不同的,不過老師說白天她會與幾個好友一起上廁所,當然這些好友都是女生。 Physical growth Between the big growth stages of infancy and adolescence, boys and girls grow in height and weight at about the same slow-but-steady rate. There aren't notable differences between the sexes until late elementary school, when girls start to grow taller faster, although boys catch up and exceed them within a few years. 小馨原本就比同年齡的小孩還高,不過園所內的同齡男生似乎都比小馨矮,小馨應該是班上最高的!但是過了兩歲後,小馨的體重成長就趨緩了,目前維持在14公斤,身高應該有90公分了,以女生來說,應該算長得很好吧! Motor skills Boys' gross motor skills (running, jumping, balancing) tend to develop slightly faster, while girls' fine motor skills (holding a pencil, writing) improve first. Often girls show an interest in art (painting, coloring, crafts) before boys for this reason. 看來,在許多方面,女孩都發展得比男孩還快,現在的確是如此,小馨會拿筆畫畫,許多精細的動作也發展得不錯呢! Boys are also more physically aggressive and impulsive, as revealed by studies of their brains. The pleasure center of the brain actually lights up more for boys when they take risks. That's not to say that girls aren't active and risk-taking, only that on average boys are more so. 所以男孩具有冒險犯難的精神是因為大腦神經有關?這點在梓熏身上就很明顯,只要有刺激的、好玩的遊戲,她都不會怕,至於小馨,應該也是如此,不過沒有梓熏明顯,小馨也會爬高、即使摔痛了也不怕,果然冒險的精神是與生俱來的! Verbal skills More boys than girls are late talkers, and boys use more limited vocabularies. Girls are better at reading nonverbal signs, like tone of voice and expression, which also makes them better communicators early on, as they can connect feelings and words faster. 女生果然比較懂得情緒的表達,至少在小馨身上很明顯,她懂我皺眉頭、嘟嘴的意思,不知道男生會不會這麼敏感呢? This is something you can focus on when reading books with boys: Point out characters' emotions, so boys start to notice how others are feeling. Toilet training Girls are potty-trained earlier than boys on average, though it's unclear whether this is due to physical differences or differences in socialization. (Mom usually does the training and may be easier for a girl to identify with.) Fewer girls wet the bed, too.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Your Little Grammarian

Your Little Grammarian Preschoolers say the darnedest things! While his vocabulary is soaring right now, your child's grasp of the fine points of grammar will take longer. Be patient and don't insist on correct speech or point out mistakes. Through practice and listening to you talk, your child will get it soon enough. Amazingly, by the time he's 3, your child will have a pretty accurate use of sentence construction, tenses, and when to use "I" instead of "me." 小馨在中文的環境下長大,沒有英文文法出錯的問題,中文句子使用得還不錯,不過已經會聽我們講話的內容而有所回應,以後大人講話要小心一點! 說到英文,小馨的英文發音不是很靈光,舌頭轉不過來,除非是單音節的英文,如"Dora"、"Boots"等比較正確外,"ice cream"等英文都發不出來,所以都不願意講英文... Your 2-year-old now A preschooler learns many new words and their meanings every single day. The reason is that by 24 months, her brain is literally processing new sounds faster than ever before. Putting them together in perfectly grammatical ways is another story, however. Learning the complexities of the English language takes time (just look at how many adults still have trouble). You don't have to teach proper grammar to a preschooler. Amazingly, between the ages of 2 and 3, they pick up correct use of verbs, pronouns, prepositions, and all the other bits and parts of language simply by listening and practicing. Patterns of words and phrases are automatically sorted by the brain and stored for future reference. Expect grammatical mistakes and mix-ups to continue for a while, though — especially when there are strange exceptions, like "mice" ("mouses") or "go" and "went" instead of the more logical "go" and "goed." Your life now It's exhausting being vigilant 24/7 with your young child. But kids ages 1 and 2 are especially vulnerable to accidents like drowning and poisoning. Most accidents don't occur because parents aren't careful but because they're momentarily distracted. So be especially wary during critical stress hours: the morning rush out the door, right before dinner, at parties, on vacation, when you have guests, or when you're running late.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps You might be noticing changes in the way your preschooler plays. He's able to concentrate for longer stretches now, buying you the pleasant surprise of a few minutes to yourself now and then. Two-year-olds love projects, but they prefer creating to cleaning up. A trick to try: After a puzzle or building with blocks, help him break the pieces up and drop them into the box. Praise his efforts at tidiness: A little positive reinforcement goes a long way. 有時我在廚房忙,小馨會自己翻書出來看,然後喃喃自語,雖然聽不到她講什麼,還是很有趣。昨天我故意哭喪著臉跟她說,找不到紅色小車車、找不到那些missing piece,她竟然會安慰我不要哭,還把維尼熊給我....也許她平常就是這樣跟小朋友互動的呢! 至於收玩具呢?沒錯!只要帶著她一起收她就會收得比你還起勁!這招真的很好用! Your 2-year-old now Your child is more in control of her movements. Now she can play with small objects easily and stack (not just knock over) towers of blocks. She can also concentrate for slightly longer periods of time, as much as 20 minutes if she's deeply engaged. Sometimes she'll become so absorbed in playing that she'll resent your interruption. You can make transitions easier by warning her in advance, as in, "You can play with the blocks for five more minutes, but then it's dinnertime." If you have a flexible schedule, you may want to give her a few warnings before you insist that she finish up her play. Your life now A busy preschooler means an ever-messier house. And it's not just the toys and books strewn everywhere. Preschoolers also like to remove things from shelves and drawers. They draw on walls. They spill juice, tear paper, fling clothes. 哇!!怎麼這麼厲害啦!看到上述文字彷彿看到知己一般,果然家裡現在亂的可以:玩具、撲克牌、書本、積木...全都散亂一地,而且她還不讓我收拾,或者說收拾要先經過她同意,而且,喜歡將書架上的書弄亂在地上,最近她房間裡的小書架拿到客廳來了,目的是將客廳的書籍做個整理,而且每個月的巧虎書籍累積一多,早就顯得雜亂。早上看到她又在拿書架上的書,而我已經無力收拾了! Preschooler messes have many different triggers behind them. Part of the upheaval is preschoolers' live-in-the-moment mode; easily distracted, they abandon one thing right where it is and move onto the next. Curiosity plays a role, too. Your preschooler just has to know what's in this cupboard or what happens when she pulls every last tissue from the box. It takes time and practice — encouraged by lots of parental patience — to learn that there's a right place for dirty socks and a wrong place for crayons. Keep your expectations for tidiness low while your preschooler climbs this learning curve.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Normal? Or Gifted?

Normal? Or Gifted? As you watch your child this year, you might notice clear strengths. Maybe he's a whiz on a tricycle and can pitch a ball like a 5-year-old. Or maybe he seems to take in and use every new word he hears. At this age, it's hard to say whether this is a gift or whether it simply means your child is working hard to master a skill. Either way, all preschoolers need the same enrichment: exposure to books, talk, new experiences, and lots of free play. 看了太多父母的心得分享,都說自己小孩很聰明、很厲害,才幾歲就會xxoo的描述,因此我認為自己的小孩會說某些話、會做某些事都是正常的,從來不覺得這是「天才」的表現!本來就是,很多父母總是太誇耀自己的小孩,連家裡的長輩也嘖嘖稱奇,說孫子孫女有多厲害之類....實在令人啼笑皆非啊。 Your 2-year-old now Preschoolers seem to learn so much, so fast. Can you know at this age if your child is gifted? Learning specialists say that sometimes it's clear from infancy that a child learns more quickly than others his age. But for many children, signs of giftedness — usually defined as achievement in one area that's much deeper and faster than that of a child's peers — aren't evident until the elementary school years. 專家說,現在來判斷小孩是否天才還太早,要等到小學時再來評斷才會客觀,有些小孩肢體運動很強、有些小孩可以靜靜畫圖、甚至學習很快....這些只是暫時的,不過也讓我們知道,其實小孩吸收程度比我們想像還要強,千萬不能小覷,但也不用大驚小怪就是了! There are many different kinds of giftedness. More common than being brilliant at everything is a child whose talents lie in certain areas. Some kids may have extra-strong spatial or musical aptitudes, for example, while others excel in physical activities or are further along verbally than other kids their age. Try not to get hung up on the "gifted" label. What an advanced preschooler needs is exactly the same as her peers: lots of stimulation in the form of conversation, books, fresh air, diverse and challenging play experiences, and exposure to new people and places — along with plenty of free play and downtime. At this age, a gifted child can thrive at home or in a daycare that meets those needs, but an environment with an academic, learn-and-drill emphasis, even for the brightest preschooler, is universally frowned on by child development specialists because it emphasizes skills that will be easily learned later at the expense of the creativity, repetitive play, and security that studies show the brain needs most during the preschool years in order to function optimally later. Your life now Popping in a DVD or turning on the TV can buy you a precious half-hour to cook, pay bills, or just catch your breath. Small amounts of viewing — under two hours per day for 2-year-olds, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics — won't harm your child. But bear in mind that excessive TV viewing by the very young has been linked with slower language development, obesity, and attention problems. Stick to age-appropriate, commercial-free preschooler shows. (Cartoons and sitcoms geared to older kids can be frightening or confusing.) As handy as the tube may be, reserve turning it on for those moments when you really have to get something done instead of making it a part of your child's daily routine.


Your 2-Year-Old​: The Buddy Benefit

The Buddy Benefit How many friends does your 2-year-old need? One or two is plenty, but very useful. Being exposed to other children helps your kid learn basic social skills. You don't have to go out of your way to arrange elaborate playdates or even have your child play with others on a regular basis. Just keep in mind that your 2-year-old is curious and ready to learn about other kids, so look for short, happy opportunities to let her mix with her peers. 小馨很小的時候就上學,所以她一直有好朋友,之前有皓皓、廷之,現在她的好友應該是寧寧和子薰,有時我會問她今天有沒有跟同學玩?她也會跟著說一堆話,有時說廷之哭哭、亮亮打人....都不知道是真是假? Your 2-year-old now Whether your child is a social butterfly or a wallflower, she'll begin to show an increasing interest in other children. While their play may often look like a lot of ignoring one another or bickering to you, these first friendships are very real to your child. They also help preschoolers practice social skills and add variety to their play. If your child attends daycare, she may already be gravitating to certain favorite playmates. If she's at home all day, the playground and playdates are great opportunities for interacting with other kids. 這個訊息實在太有用了!小馨是花蝴蝶還是璧花呢?這個問題真有趣,我也很喜歡看她跟同齡小孩的互動,只不過一般而言我們都看不到,假日只有她一人在家,平日她跟同學的相處狀況我們又看不到。「如果小孩已經上學,那她應該有特定玩樂的朋友」,我也曾經問過老師,目前她的好友應該是寧寧和子薰吧,至少她們是一起手牽手去上廁所的好朋友! To help foster early friendships: •Keep playdates small. Having too many children in one place can be overwhelming and invite fights. A good rule of thumb: Children do well in groups the size of their age. So, 2-year-olds do best in pairs. •Keep playtime short. Especially with new friends, don't count on more than a half hour to an hour of peaceful play at this age. •Mix up the ages. Your 2-year-old can learn a lot from slightly older preschoolers and younger toddlers, too. •Avoid toys when you can. Running around outside or playing with simple objects — have a big box on hand? — encourages interactions without the possessiveness that triggers arguments. Use pillows and blankets to create an obstacle course, a fort, or a "secret cave." •Use the word "friend." Talk about your friends and your child's: "Your friend Max is coming over after your nap today." Your life now Put your child's improving language skills to work for you! Now she's able to follow a two- to four-part command: "Please stop building now and put the blocks back in the box. Then go get your shoes from your room and bring them to me." This can be a tremendous time-saver, almost like growing a new pair of arms! Two-year-olds love to fetch things and be helpers. 小馨的語言正在進步中,不過最近她將手指伸進嘴巴,大概大臼齒要長出來了,有點不舒服吧! 她最近聽懂一些指令,會幫我拿東西丟到垃圾筒、跟著收拾一些玩具,有時她還會提醒我東西忘了拿、指出這是媽媽的衣服、拿我的洗面乳給我....真的漸漸大了喔!


Your 2-Year-Old​: Read It Again

Read It Again One of the best parts of a day with a preschooler is time spent snuggled up reading. And there are endless picture books perfect for this age. With so many choices, it can feel frustrating (and, yes, boring) when your child wants to read the same darn book over and over. But indulge him as long as you can bear it. Re-reading helps your child absorb new lessons, and it fuels confidence, too. 好奇怪,就不懂兩歲小孩為什麼喜歡重複同一個故事內容?像最近,她好喜歡「大野狼診所」,喜歡「大野狼」這個角色,而且在車上一聽再聽,也喜歡看車上「小紅帽和大野狼」的故事,雖然對大人而言很boring,不過看來應該可以讓她培養自信?....我們也只好重複地一說再說了。 Your 2-year-old now Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree again?! Oh yes. Reading the same book over and over provides a measure of comfort to preschoolers, who see the familiar characters and plot as an oasis in a world full of unknowns. But there are cognitive and language benefits to re-reading, too. Re-reading helps your 2-year-old connect the words he hears with the pictures he sees. This is an important kind of pre-reading that will be a useful skill in a few years when he learns to read. Hearing the same sentences again and again helps him decode grammar. Your child also gets a rush of confidence when you turn the page and he sees the expected next part of the story: "Yes! I knew that was going to happen!" Let your child choose which book to read. If it's the same old favorite, mask your boredom and read it once again. (Hey, at least most preschooler books aren't terribly long.) He may well want to hear the same story several times in a sitting. Keep a wide variety of books on hand by making frequent library visits; eventually he'll be ready to switch to a new favorite or expand his repertoire. Your life now "Pick your battles" means focusing on the big issues and ignoring the small ones or the ones you can't win. Especially with a preschooler, power struggles can pop up like dandelions in a suburban lawn. Your child is learning to exert his will and preferences, and he's also easily frustrated these days. You could be locked in continual conflict if you aren't careful. Clearly define your limits and expectations. Decide which rules you care most about: no hitting and no throwing food, for example. These are the ones you should enforce consistently and ask all caregivers to insist on, too. But let slide things like how many vegetables your child eats per meal; you can't force him to eat.


Your 2-Year-Old​: Go, Kid, Go!

Go, Kid, Go! Now that walking's old hat, your 2-year-old has probably moved on to running, jumping, and hopping. When she gets all wound up, let her go — otherwise you'll have a restless, cranky child on your hands. Playing provides a chance to work off some of that energy while building coordination. Repeating a game over and over is how her body practices, which is probably why she comes equipped with so much raw energy in the first place! Your 2-year-old now Sometimes it can seem like your child has the concentration and persistence of a scientist. In fact, she's developmentally driven to do certain things over and over again. Repetitive actions perfect her motor skills. That's part of the reason she can't help climbing something that you've asked her repeatedly not to. She's almost compelled to try, try again. Help your child practice her large-motor skills by bringing home ride-on toys and push and pull toys. For fine motor skills practice, look for puzzles with knobbed handles, lock boxes and latch boards, and dress-up dolls that need buttoning and lacing. Or get some yarn and string together different pasta shapes or large buttons and beads. Another developmental benefit of repetitive play is to build the brain. Experimenting is one way your preschooler figures out how the world works. And that's just what she's up to when she pulls off her shoes over and over, stacks, unstacks, and restacks blocks, or seems endlessly fascinated with water dripping from a garden hose. ("Hmmm," she's thinking. "What does it look like on the grass? On the pavement? If I hold the hose high? If I hold it low?") Your life now Necessity is the mother of invention when your wily preschooler constantly comes up with new "problems" for you to solve. Better fine motor skills often lead diaper-wearers to undo the tabs that keep the diaper on. If you've got a merry stripper, try fastening the diaper with duct tape. It's harder to lift up, and your child may soon lose interest in trying.


Is It Normal? Preschooler

每次收到babycenter.com的email都很有幫助,即使小馨現在已經是preschooler,裡面對於小孩的發展等資訊還是很豐富。 前幾個星期回家的路上,就聽到小馨一直說:「皓皓搶我的玩具...」,小孩子講的話實在不知道是否該當真,有時是真的,有時是假的,就像小馨有時也不願意讓把拔抱,會說「怕怕把拔」,實際上把拔根本沒對她怎樣。 這次收到Is it normal that my preschooler keeps saying she's fat? 正是有異曲同工之妙: Though hearing your child call herself "fat" can be shocking and upsetting, it's important to realize that she probably doesn't truly understand what she's saying. It's much more likely that she's simply mimicking what she sees and hears — in the same way that she might grab a pocketbook and announce that she's off to "work." 上面文字講的很對,也許她只是模仿她所聽到的話,或看到的事物,也許皓皓也曾對她說「不要搶我的玩具」,因此她會跟著表達.... Is it normal for my preschooler to talk constantly about her imaginary friend? 這次到花東玩,小馨帶著妞妞同行,雖然多數時候都要媽媽幫她照顧妞妞,不過偶爾她也會對妞妞說話,像要洗澡時,會跟她那些玩到一半的玩具說話,嘴巴唸唸有詞,好像在交代什麼一樣,頗為有趣。這些不是她想像中的朋友,卻是將卡通人物擬人化,應該也是同一個意義吧!