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半私人溜冰班(Semi Private Ice Skating Course)


今朝一早9點鬆d就起身啦,因為要準備同駿駿去溜冰同約左Cesilia同Darren一齊食午飯呢.不過Cesilia係9點幾10點就打黎…話今日都係唔得閒一齊午飯喎,約實1點鐘係溜冰場等就算啦. 因為唔駛早出去,我地就係屋企等到11點45分左右,等爸爸夠鐘返澳門做野先一齊出門口啦.其實駿駿好想爸爸去睇佢溜冰架…今朝成朝,駿駿知爸爸未走,問左我好幾次,爸爸會唔會去睇佢溜冰呢…其實再之前有個星期,爸爸又係星期日下午先走,駿駿都有問同一個問題呢.可惜,爸爸都係冇時間去睇佢溜冰呢. 1點左右我地就係溜冰場附近等Cesilia同Darren啦.一齊入場幫小朋友綁好鞋帶,著好溜冰鞋…Cesilia同我就去行街囉…由得駿駿同Darren自己溜住冰先,到1點半教練就會出黎教佢地半小時溜冰,之後又自由動活到我地返去接佢地啦.唔,今日又買唔到我想買既野呢=.= 2點半左右,我地就去接駿駿囉…其實之前都比佢地玩到3點架…但係今日Cesilia話Darren精神麻麻地,所以早少少走喎…就係咁,駿駿就多左時間去玩具反斗城玩啦.玩完高達同數碼暴龍..又話肚餓喎=.=最後我地重要去埋麥記食完下午茶先返屋企呢. Woke up around 9am to prepare to have lunch with Cesilia and Darren, and then let Chunchun and Darren attend their semi private skating course on 1.30pm. However, Cesilia called around 10am and told me that they couldn’t have lunch with us, just meet at the Glacier to attend the skating course together. Chunchun and I leave home around 11.45am with Papa…. Papa have to go back to Macau to work and Chunchun and I go to have lunch at Festival Walk and then meet Cesilia and Darren around 1pm at Glacier. Hum, Chunchun was quite disappointed that Papa wasn’t with us… he kept asking will Papa go to watch his ice skating course this morning… poor Chunchun. Met Cesilia and Darren around 1pm and then entry to the Glacier to help Chunchun and Darren to wear their skating shoes first and then let them play for a while before their lesson starts. Went to shopping around with Cesilia while Chunchun and Darren were skating… hum, it’s too bad that I couldn’t find what I want. Picked up Chunchun around 2.30pm and then we went to Toys ‘r’ Us to let Chunchun to play for a while. Hum, at first I wanted to back home immediately because I have to prepare for dinner… however, Chunchun said he’s starving, he wanted to have tea=.= therefore, we went to McDonald’s to have tea and back home around 4pm something. 溜冰就唔好成日痴牆啦

行街買野(Shopping Day)


今日係中秋節假期丫,因為琴晚最終都冇去到澳門..所以今日係香港好得閒呢.駿駿一早起身溫完書之後,我地就約婆婆係地鐵站度等..一齊搭地鐵去太子果邊行街啦. 去到太子,行左一半花園街,我地就上去新世紀果度飲茶…再係新世紀行陣街啦.經過冒險樂園,見到有新遊戲喎..開心駿駿當然又有得玩啦.等駿駿係冒險樂園玩完,我地就繼續行街啦.哈,今日我同婆婆都買左衫呢…好抵丫..半價,4~6折…買左件外套都只係100蚊鬆d咋.係新世紀玩完又行完街…準備離開前…諗起之前雅雯表姨比左張雪糕卷駿駿,就比駿駿係新世紀食埋雪糕先走啦^^ 之後我地行埋花園街既另一段…同一直行去旺角果頭啦.唔,駿駿話要帶生果返學校食,又話要用叉喎…鬼咁麻煩…點知又比我地係花園街見到個好靚既食物盒,盒頂重有叉架添…就係咁…駿駿又有新野用啦.行去旺角,係信和行左個圈…我買左幾本漫畫..大約5點左右我地就返屋企囉.因為今晚要係屋企煮飯食呢. Mid Autumn Festival holiday today, since we didn’t go to Macau last night; today we were free in HK. Let Chunchun study in the morning and then we met Grandma at the MTR station and then we go to Prince Edward together. We first have lunch in a Chinese Restaurant, and then we shopping around in the Grand Century Place. Hum, happy Chunchun found new game in Jumpin Gym, USA... Grandma and I both bought some clothes on great discount^^ Afterward, we went to Fa Yuen Street to shop around and walked to Mong Kok. Hum, Chunchun bought a very nice snack box from Fa Yuen Street and I bought a few comic at Mong Kok… haha. Back home around 5pm, because we have to back home to prepare dinner tonight. 直昇機升空啦雅雯表姨請既雪糕熊熊有新帽