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去生日會(Birthday Party)


今朝駿駿又一早未夠9點就起身做公文數,做完佢就可以睇佢鍾意既卡通啦…而我當然係瞓到佢睇完卡通先起身啦..哈,哈.唔,我起身後就叫駿駿食早餐,之後就要開始溫習囉..因為今日下午1點我地要去生日會呢…實在唔係太多時間溫習. 唔,我地大約1點鬆d就去到麥記啦,第一時間點左餐先,就由得駿駿同小朋友玩…諗住餐黎先叫佢埋位食野…點知…唉~MGM對面間麥記生日會真係好唔掂,同一樣既食物我追左4次,重新落左2次單(即係落左3次單丫)…佢可以黎錯幾次..最後等左40分鐘先有野食=_=生日會場地又唔夠大,根本好多家長都冇位坐…都唔夠位玩遊戲..後來先加d地方黎玩遊戲…但係小朋友玩時又整到其他食客..根本果度d姐姐就控制唔好班小朋友…又唔識搞氣紛又亂.真係好好彩,上年駿駿生日時,果間麥記重未有得搞生日會…如果唔係,真係激死我都似. 玩到2點幾3點…我地就返屋企囉…比駿駿休息一陣..又要溫習啦..因為下個星期勁多默書測驗呢. Chunchun woke up early before 9am to do his Kumon Math and then watch his favorite cartoon, and I didn’t wake up until he finished his cartoon… haha. Hum, prepare breakfast for Chunchun and then asked him to study after breakfast, because we need to go to McDonald’s birthday party around 1pm to 2.30pm. Hum, we arrived to McDonald’s around 1pm and ordered food immediately. Let Chunchun walk around and play with his little cousin while we waiting for our meal… Sigh~ the McDonald’s near MGM, it’s so lucky that last year they didn’t have birthday party… it’s a mess~_~ I been ordered 4 times for our meal, and waited for 40 minutes for it… and the area they arranged for birthday party it’s enough, some of the parent didn’t have a seat… and the games they play… sigh~ Back home around 3pm something, let Chunchun rest for a while, then he have to study again. 想要依個丫玩遊戲疊杯

同Jeannie一齊食晚飯(Dinner With Jeannie)


駿駿班因為H1N1而停課呢…搞到我今日同澳門媽咪會既朋友飲茶都要帶埋佢去=_=原本諗住去開漁人碼頭飲茶就同駿駿去機鋪打下機架…點知駿駿又唔合作,一早起身做功課同溫習都勁乞人憎..所以最後罰佢冇得去呢~_~ 飲完茶大約2點幾返到屋企,比駿駿休息一陣就要開始溫習下星期既測驗囉.唔,我諗Amy大約3點左右打黎..話想依幾日是旦一日黎拎BB床喎,最後決定都係今日6點前黎拎左床仔先啦. Amy佢地5點幾黎到,第一件事就係要拆左張床仔先…因為駿駿冇瞓咁多年,我都係就咁放左係房入面冇郁過佢呢.見冇乜野做…爸爸頭先又打過電話返黎話唔會返黎食晚飯…就多口問下Amy佢地一唔一齊食晚飯啦…因為Jeannie同駿駿都好耐冇一齊玩啦. 最後大約6點半,我也就一齊去我屋企樓下果間快樂屋食日本野啦.開心駿駿同Jeannie係咁係迴轉軌上拎壽司食呢,又一人叫左一個麵…大家都食到好飽呢^^可惜時間唔早,駿駿同Jeannie冇得一齊玩耐d先走.重有要多謝Amy佢地請食飯. Since Chunchun school suspended by H1N1, I need to take him with me to have lunch with my Macau Mama Club friends=_= At first I planned to go to amusement arcade with Chunchun after lunch since we were having lunch in Fisherman’s Wharf; however, Chunchun didn’t concentrated on his homework this morning… I decided not to go to amusement arcade finally~_~ Back home around 2pm something after lunch, let Chunchun rest for a while and then starts studying for test on next week again. Hum, Amy called around 3pm something I think… she said she wanted comes to pick up the baby’s bed before 6pm today. Amy they arrived before 6pm, and have to take apart the baby’s bed first. While they were taking apart of the baby’s bed, I asked them to have dinner together… haha, because Papa just called not long ago and told me that he couldn’t back for dinner. Went to the Japanese restaurant near our home to have dinner around 6.30pm, happy Chunchun and Jeannie ate a lot of sushi tonight^^

停課丫(School Suspend)


今朝一早未夠8點就送駿駿返學啦,之後返屋企同爸爸一齊食早餐,再準備陪爸爸去剪髮同買餸.不過最後因為要試佢部新PS3,搞到成11點先出門口呢=_= 先車左爸爸去髮型屋,之後我再搵位泊車,不過兜左2個圈都唔覺有位,最後都係泊遠少少算囉.點知我泊緊車,爸爸就打比我話駿駿班要停課丫…佢班有7個小朋友發燒,2個確診左係H1N1丫.學校叫我地中午食飯前接走駿駿喎. 即時急急腳去買餸,再急急腳咁去接駿駿…不過我去到學校時都12點鬆d啦,得番3個小朋友係度等接放學=_=後來駿駿同我講,佢等左好耐好耐啦…唉~佢地係11點幾就已經放左學,學校叫即時接走,最遲午飯前要接,但係爸爸就誤會左係接午飯時間時先可以接走… 唔,大約12點半返到屋企就快手煮午飯食啦,食完比駿駿玩一陣就要做功課囉…雖然要停課一個星期,不過今次老師佢地都一早安排好晒一個星期既功課,每日都有3,4樣架….咁都幾好…小朋友唔會忽然好似好得閒咁嘛^^ 黃昏時,爸爸話想去玩具反斗城行下喎,一來佢想要去睇下有乜PS3既配件同遊戲,二來我地星期日要去生日會,要買禮物比小朋友呢. Took Chunchun to school before 8am this morning, and then back home to have breakfast with Papa and prepare to go to hair salon with Papa and go to foods market this morning. However, Papa didn’t willing to go out until 11am since he was trying his new PS3=_= Drove Papa to hair salon, and then I parked my car a little bit far away since I don’t want to driving around and around to find a parking space. Once I parked my car… Papa called and told me that Chunchun’s school is suspended by H1N1…. 7 classmates were having fever and 2 were confirmed. We need to pick up Chunchun before lunch time. Hurry to walk to food market to by foods and then hurry to walk to school to pick up Chunchun. When I arrived to school, there were only 3 student there=_= Chunchun told me that he been waiting for a very long time… sigh~ they were off school around 11am something, however, Papa misunderstood and told me that they will off before lunch. Hum, we back home around 12.30pm and then prepare lunch immediately. Let Chunchun play for a while and then he have to do his homework. It’s nice that even school was suspended but their teacher still arranged a week homework for student^^ In the evening, Papa said he wanted to go to Toys ‘r’ Us to look for games for his new PS3 and we need to buy birthday gift for Long’s birthday.

H1N1好鬼煩(Trouble H1N1)


唉~今日真係比H1N1依隻病玩死,因為佢,之前同駿駿睇醫生已經好炆,今日重比學校同醫院好似波咁踼. 駿駿星期日晚到星期一朝都有發燒,不過佢星期一下午開始已經冇再發燒,而且又冇鼻水,又冇咳.咁今日返學,見駿駿岩岩好番就叫婆婆帶駿駿去學校醫療室見下醫生先啦.點知醫生話駿駿重有少少燒喎,37.5度岩岩開始燒丫….話37.5度就唔返得學啦,而且駿駿星期日都燒過,叫我地帶駿駿去醫院驗下係咪H1N1喎. 冇法啦,我係屋企深都係36度幾之嘛,佢話駿駿燒…咁咪同佢去醫院囉.返屋企換件衫,9點就去到醫院啦.冇乜人等左半小時都唔駛就到駿駿.不過醫生話佢,又冇燒,又冇咳,又冇鼻水…完全少少H1N1既病徵都冇..唔駛驗啦…就算佢真係有,都真係好好彩,佢根本就冇事…求其開左2日維他命糖同薄荷藥比駿駿就算啦.我問佢咁駿駿係咪返得學架..佢重話當然添=_= 咁好啦,咪打電話同老師講…醫院話佢完全冇問題…我想食飯時間時帶駿駿返學,如果佢返得學,就返學…唔返得就拎功課啦.諗住係醫院佢探左幾次都冇燒,我係屋企探都冇,佢應該返得學啦..撞鬼係學校口探又岩岩好37.5度喎~_~唯有拎功課返屋企啦. 今日真係比學校激到啤啤聲…咁點丫..小朋友係屋企鬼打都冇咁精神,係學校同醫院既醫生都唔開藥既..如果真係病..咁做乜唔開藥…依家點姐?如果小朋友一向都係體溫高d既…係咪以後都唔駛返學!!! Chunchun was having fever Sunday night and Monday morning, but then he was recovered on Monday night, no more fever, and he didn’t have running nose or cough. Since Chunchun was just recovered so I let Grandma takes Chunchun to school this morning and go to the doctor in school before class. However, the doctor said Chunchun’s temperature is 37.5℃, he can’t go to school and suggest us to take Chunchun to the hospital to check for H1N1~_~ Oh, well, fine… take Chunchun to hospital around 9am, and told the doctor that Chunchun had fever around 39.X℃ on Sunday night to Monday morning, but then after injection in clinic, he had no more fever… until this morning the doctor in school said he’s 37.5℃, having a very little fever~_~ and he suggest us to the hospital to check for H1N1. However, the doctor in hospital said, Chunchun didn’t have fever at all, they checked twice, it’s just around 37.1℃ or 37.2℃… and Chunchun didn’t have running nose, cough, or any symptom of H1N1. Chunchun didn’t need to check for H1N1, and only gave us Vitamin C and Menthol today=_= And I asked can Chunchun go to school and she answered yes. Called to school before noon time and told them the doctor in hospital said that he didn’t need to check for H1N1, and he’s suitable to back to school. And asked Chunchun’s teacher either Chunchun back to school after lunch or if he still having little fever around 37.5℃, then we just come to pick up his homework for today. And surely I wanted Chunchun to back to school. Take a nap with Chunchun around 11am, and then have lunch on 12.45pm. Grandma and I take Chunchun to school around 1.30pm, go to the doctor in school first… however, he said Chunchun still having 37.5℃ fever=_= Sigh, we pick up homework for today then back home again.

颱風假期(Typhoon Holiday)


今朝6點45分起身,第一時間就開電視睇下重有冇風球先.結果重係8號風球丫^o^重話起碼會掛到9點,小學停課丫…哈哈,今日又可以大覺瞓囉. 唔,我諗駿駿8點幾9點自己起左身啦,一直自己玩,後來我醒醒地就叫佢自己食麵包做早餐,同食完早餐食左藥先.到10點左右我終於都起身囉,叫駿駿做埋佢份公文數先,之後我先去沖涼呢. 因為打風,其實今日真係冇乜野好做,又係咁意同駿駿溫左陣書.見佢今日精神同活力都幾好,應該唔駛再睇醫生架啦…點知食晚飯時佢先話好似有d喉嚨痛喎..唯有明天返學時,同佢係學校睇左醫生先比佢上課室啦.唉~ Woke up on 6.45am this morning, turn on the TV immediately… found the typhoon signal no.8 still hoisting ^O^ and it will hoist until 9am at least. Primary school is suspended… haha, went to sleep again immediately. Hum, I guess Chunchun woke up around 9am something, I knew that he been playing by himself for a while. Then I told him to have bread for breakfast and take medicines by himself. I finally woke up around 10am something, told Chunchun to do the Kumon Math immediately… and then I went to take a shower. Nothing to do today, because of the Typhoon… and Chunchun looks fine today, didn’t need to go to the doctor again. However, he told me he seem to having sore throat around dinner time, I guess I have to take him to the doctor in school before class tomorrow morning… sigh~

請病假(Sick Leave)


駿駿今朝重有燒成38度,所以我都冇叫佢起身返學,由佢瞓到自然醒先再同佢去診所睇醫生呢.到差唔多10點,駿駿終於都起身啦,重燒到39度幾添…落到診所,d醫生好似唔想做咁,問依樣問果樣,叫我帶駿駿去醫院喎…真係火都黎,想同佢去醫院既就一早去左啦,駛乜係度聽佢癈話…就係見小朋友燒得呆呆下,想同佢近近地打支針退左燒先姐…真係要人鬧,d醫生先識做野咁…最後打左支針,拎左d藥,我就同駿駿返屋企啦,等佢食左藥再舒舒服服咁瞓一覺. 到中午,可能因為打左針,駿駿都退晒燒囉,重幾精神咁....所以我就同佢返學校交功課同拎今日既功課啦.拎完功課,比駿駿再瞓多陣就起身做功課囉.唔,之後駿駿都冇再發燒,所以成日駿駿都只係食左消炎同維他命,冇再比退燒藥佢食呢….其實都真係幾煩,唔知幾時開始,我燒親唔係39就40度,駿駿都學埋我d衰野,次次都淨係燒,又冇鼻水,又冇咳…不過駿駿會喉嚨唔舒服,而我就唔會囉. 到晚上8點半左右,掛8號風球喎..咁早掛,唔知明天早上重有冇呢?學校會唔會因為打風停課呢?還是會正常上課呢?不過又唔知駿駿會唔會再發燒呢? Chunchun still having fever this morning around 38.X℃… therefore I didn’t wake him up for school, let him sleep until he wake up by himself. Took Chunchun to the clinic around 10am something, take an injection and some medicine… back home to sleep again. Chunchun’s fever was gone after the injection, and I didn’t let him take the antipyretic, only the anti-inflammatory and vitamin. Since Chunchun’s fever was gone and he looks a lot better in the afternoon, I took him to school to hand in his homework on Friday and pick up today’s homework. Back home to let Chunchun nap for a while, and then let him to finish his homework for today. At night, typhoon Signal 8 is hoisted around 8.30pm… wonder will school suspend on tomorrow or Chunchun still need to go to school tomorrow? And wonder will Chunchun having fever again tomorrow?



本來今日應該好悠閒架,因為爸爸唔得閒帶我地去新濠峰游水…成個朝早我同駿駿都係度諗去邊好…不過未諗好,爸爸就打黎話我地要即時出發去到爺爺飲茶呢. 12點鬆d去到酒樓,坐到成2點幾先走得呢…車完爸爸返工我同駿駿就返屋企溫習啦,因為下個星期五會有英文默書呢.見駿駿溫書都幾快又乖,佢話想去漁人碼頭玩喎..咪同佢去一陣囉..3點半左右出門口..4點幾就返到屋企囉.返到屋企再叫佢溫埋將會有既中文默書…不過佢話累喎,唔駛一陣就瞓著左囉. 到5點半就叫佢起身睇佢最鍾意既超人卡通啦.佢睇卡通時都冇乜野架,都好精神咁既..但係一睇完佢又話好累囉喎…好快又瞓番..見佢真係咁累咁咪同佢探下熱囉…6點果時都重未有燒既,都係37台左右…不過到晚飯時叫佢起身..已經38度囉=_= 雖然食完飯再量體溫時又冇燒,不過見佢個樣都係唔舒服架啦,就比粒藥佢,食完早少少瞓覺.諗住如果佢明早冇事就照送佢返學,去學校個醫生度睇一睇先上堂.如果有燒就當然唔返學,同佢請假,等佢瞓醒先再去屋企附近既診所睇醫生啦. Should be a leisure day today, since Papa doesn’t have time to lead Chunchun and I to Altira to swimming today. Chunchun and I been thinking all morning where should we go today. Papa called before noontime and told me that we have to have lunch with my father in law immediately. Arrived to the Chinese restaurant around 12pm something and we leave around 2pm something. Drove Papa to walk first and then we back home to study for dictation on next Friday. Since Chunchun was doing so well while studying, he said he wanted to go to Fisherman’s Wharf… so we went to the amusement arcade in Fisherman’s Wharf for awhile. Back home around 5pm and let Chunchun study Chinese dictation. However, he said he felt very tired then he fall in sleep. Woke up Chunchun on 5.30pm to watch his favorite cartoon, he was still fine during his TV time, but then he said he still tired and fall in sleep again soon. Since he looks really tired, so I check on his temperature immediately… It’s around 37.2℃ or 37.3℃ on 6pm and having fever around 38.x℃ on 7pm something=_= Give him some medicine after dinner and then let him go to bed earlier. If he have no fever tomorrow morning, then I will take him to school and go to the doctor in school. If he have fever tomorrow morning, then I will called to school for sick leave, and take Chunchun to the clinic near us after Chunchun wake up.



今朝一早送駿駿返學時,就提醒佢今日係學校有小息,午飯同自修時間時,就好自己做定功課先,等放學返到屋企唔駛做咁多…我唔想又因為做功課而鬧佢呢. 唔,5點前返到屋企,今日駿駿又好似乖番d喎,佢話佢係學校完成左大半份功課喎.可惜最後佢都用左差唔多一小時先完成到功課…因為,我係佢係學校做完既功課度搵到好多錯處呢..做野都係勁唔小心又唔專心呢~_~ 駿駿做完功課後,溫左陣書,我就比佢睇一陣VCD啦.到差唔多7點就同駿駿一齊去碼頭接婆婆返屋企.因為今日婆婆幫我地拎番暑假時拎左過香港個喼過黎呢,當然個喼重要係滿架啦….駿駿又咁開心婆婆過黎佢又可以同婆婆一齊瞓啦..而我就可以成晚唔駛理佢呢..哈..哈.. Took Chunchun to school before 8.15am this morning, and remind Chunchun to finish some of the homework in school, during lunch or recess or self-study leseeon. I don’t want to yell at him before of homework again. Hum, back home with Chunchun around 5pm and he seem to be being a good boy again. Chunchun told me that he finished some of his homework in school already, however, he still spent almost an hour to finish his homework=_= I found many mistake on the homework that he finished in school. Let him watch VCD for a while before dinner and then, Chunchun and I went to the ferry terminal to pick up Grandma around 7pm. Happy Chunchun can sleep with Grandma tonight… haha, I don’t need to look after him tonight^O^

游完水去行街街(Swimming & Shopping)


駿駿今朝9點就自己起身睇佢最鍾意既卡通囉,等佢睇晒2套乜乜戰隊既卡通之後.到10點先食早餐.食完坐左陣,爸爸就打黎催我地去游水呢.放完暑假返黎後我就打算每個星期都同駿駿去一齊游水,因為佢已經學左3次游水架啦…到依家都只係可以自由式游得12米=_= 唔,我地大約11點半左右去到泳池…唔知點解今日鬼咁多人呢=_=希望下星期黎時唔會咁多人啦.因為太多人,我同駿駿根本都游唔到直池,最後我地游到12點15分左右就去沖身…再去新八佰伴行街同食午飯囉. 會去行街,其實最主要都係因為駿駿對Crocs細啦..所以要買對大d既比佢呢.就係咁我地食完午飯周圍行..行到3點就返屋企囉..不過其實我地都冇乜買野..只係買左對鞋比駿駿囉. Chunchun woke up 9am in the morning to watch his favorite cartoons, and then have breakfast around 10am. Took Chunchun to swimming around 11am something, I planned to go swimming with Chunchun every week, and teach him how to swim by myself. He been going to swimming course 3 summers, however, he can only use freestyle to swim for 12M =_= Hum, arrived to swimming pool around 11.30am… too bad that so crowded today=_= Hope that it won’t be so crowded next week. Since I couldn’t swim with Chunchun today… we stayed until 12.15pm and then go take a shower and go to New Yaohan to have lunch and shopping around. Chunchun need to buy a pair of new crocs… Chunchun and I been shopping around until 3pm something, haha, actually I buy nothing, and Chunchun bought a new pair of crocs only…

乖乖(Good Boy)


9月4日啦,今日係小二學生影學生相既日子呢.一早6點45分叫醒駿駿食早餐,同自己搞掂自己 (刷牙,換衫做公文數)…出門口前再同佢執好件衫同個頭,今日影學生相呢..點都要整齊少少,靚仔少少既^o^希望佢可以保持到去影相果時都咁整齊啦…. 4點半帶埋岩岩出爐既紙包蛋糕去接佢放學,為左唔好浪費時間…比駿駿係車度食下午茶依個習慣好似係由小一下學期左右開始既…因為佢地真係放得太晏啦,駿駿做功課又慢,真係想盡方法同駿駿慳時間呢.一返到屋企就可以第一時間做功課.哈,今日又唔算好多功課,而且駿駿都做得幾快手…如果日日係咁就好囉…起碼以後我唔駛再煩佢做功課做到冇晒時間先啦.講真,我都想佢日日除左做功課同溫習外,重可以玩下活動下架嘛. 駿駿做完功課後,就係佢既自由時間啦,因為今日係星期五,可以休息下唔駛趕住溫習呢..不過都係到佢有默書,測驗為止..到要默書測驗時..就冇可能休息囉..星期五都要開始溫定下星期既野呢..唉~ Sept 4th, it’s the day for Primary 2 student take their student photo. Woke up Chunchun around 6.45am, gave him breakfast and then let him to finish what he have to do in the morning himself, e.g. brush his teeth, change uniform, Kumon Math… etc. And then I double check on his uniform because I want him look nice on his student photo^^ Picked up Chunchun around 4.30pm, let Chunchun have homemade cup cake for tea on the way home... And then hurry to let him work on his homework. Not too much homework today, and he finished it fast today^^ Hope that he will be a good boy every day, didn’t need me to worry about his homework too much. Since today is Friday, he’s free after he finished his homework, no need to study today.

今日乖左喎(Being a Good Boy Today)


唔,今日係正常返學既第二日啦,一早8點15分前送駿駿返學,再係4點半左右接放學.返到屋企都未夠5點既…快手叫駿駿換好衫褲就做功課啦.駿駿同我講佢今日又係學校度做完一樣功課啦,所以今日都係得2樣功課做,同佢話唔會好似琴日咁曳架啦喎.佢重比我睇佢係學校寫既中文生字,寫得鬼咁靚添喎,佢話連老師都讚佢寫得靚架^^ 真係好啦,今日駿駿真係係30分鐘內就完成佢d功課啦,見重有卡通就比佢睇一套卡通先啦.睇完佢都幾乖自己拎番d書出黎溫習一次…今日真係好鬼抵鍚架..可惜丫,到左晚飯時間佢就唔乖啦=_=因為之前比佢睇左陣vcd,所以佢食食下飯就話飽,佢想早d睇埋套vcd呢.不過當然唔得架,佢一向都唔係食咁少..結果比爸爸鬧囉..之後咪又係要食晒碗飯,重冇得再睇vcd添啦.真係抵死.都唔明佢,唔可以成日都乖乖地架咩?總係搵d野黎比人鬧下先安樂既. Hum, second normal school day today, took Chunchun to school before 8.15am and pick him up around 4.30pm. Back home before 5pm and hurry to let Chunchun to do his homework. Chunchun told me that he finished some homework at school, therefore he only have 2 home works left; and his Chinese writing was very neat and nice today^^ It’s so nice that Chunchun only spent 30 minutes to finish his homework, happy Chunchun watched cartoon after he finished his homework and then he study once by himself. Chunchun was being a very good boy today until dinner time=_= Sigh, wonder why he couldn’t be a good boy often.

正式上課(Normal School Day)


今日係正常返學既日子啦,一早8點15分返學,4點30放學.駿駿依家要6點45分就走身囉,準備好早餐同要做既公文數比駿駿,我就去沖涼囉.駿駿就自己食早餐,刷牙換衫做公文數,搞掂晒大約7點45分,我地就出門口囉.唉~原本我諗住送完駿駿返學就泊車買餸架…點知原來一早返學咁多人架喎..不過係比之前早左15分鐘姐…就有d塞車喎,重要周圍都冇位泊車….最後我都係放棄左一早去買餸呢. 下午4點前就出門口啦,因為打算先去買餸再去接駿駿放學.本來以為放學會有多d車位,可以休閒d咁行去買餸..點知我搵左成10分鐘車位…都搵唔到,唯有行遠d泊上斜路啦.就係咁…原本可以好悠閒既我又要趕頭趕命啦=_=買完餸急步去學校接駿駿都遲左5分鐘…可憐駿駿要係咁鬼熱既天氣下,背住個鬼咁重既書包企定定等我呢.又難得我見到老師,問左2句有關自修班同病假既問題..最後搞到差唔多5點先返到屋企呢. 本來呢,駿駿係好輕鬆咁同我講,今日得2樣功課咋,一樣中文生字,一樣係10條數學加數.聽到都覺得易,應該係一小時或更快半小時內完成的.可惜駿駿唔專心,做左成個鐘先做完=_=不過做得比較慢都唔係問題所在…個問題係佢做完後我檢查功課時發現,中文字寫錯左大半..佢根本寫之前冇望清楚本書,冇小心去睇d筆劃…10行生字有8行要重寫….數學重衰,10條數錯左5,6條,全部都係雙位加法唔記得進位>__< Asked question about the self-study period and sick leave problem with his teacher, and then we back home before 5pm. Chunchun told me that he only has 2 home works today, 10 Chinese characters writing and 10 addends. It should be finished within an hour or half hour… however, Chunchun spent over 1 hour to finished it=_= And when I check on his home works, I found so many mistakes there… wrong Chinese characters, he didn’t watch it clearly and carefully first. And wrong answers for the addends, he always forget the carry=_= Finally, Chunchun spent 2 hours something to finished his home works from 5pm to 7pm something. Oh, my god… I hope that it’s just before he didn’t use to be back to school again… hope that he will be doing a lot better on tomorrow… he really drive me crazy if he spend such a long time on homework.