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英文考試(English Exam)


今朝同婆婆一齊送完駿駿返學,我地就返屋企休息一陣,到10點幾左右就出街啦.婆婆同我一早要去旅行社訂機票同酒店呢..因為我地打算用尾27-30號去台北玩4日3夜.唉~我地大約10點45分出門口,一直係旅行社門口兜左好幾個圈,都完全唔覺有位泊車,最後叫婆婆落車入旅行社先…咁搵位法,真係怕搵到駿駿放學都未搵到=_= 最後,真係諗果樣衰果樣呢…婆婆訂好晒野,我係附近兜左成個鐘…都係冇位泊車架…本來我地重諗住去完旅行社可以行下街…結果依家要即時去接駿駿放學呢. 今日駿駿係考英文丫…唔知佢考成點呢?佢本人當然係話冇問題架啦.一上車,佢就同我地講明天有圖書義賣喎…一本圖書5蚊咋(因為係圖書館的二手圖書)…佢話佢都好想買圖書喎…所以婆婆同我答應比15蚊比買圖書呢. Took Chunchun to school with Grandma, and then back home to rest for a while until 10am something. Grandma and I went to travel agency to join package to Taipei for 4 days 3 nights on Jun 27 to 30. Sigh, we leave home around 10.45am, and I couldn’t find any parking space near the travel agency=_= Finally, Grandma went in the travel agency alone, and I kept driving around and trying to find a parking space. Been driving around almost an hour =_= Grandma was done in travel agency… sigh~ no parking space… at first we planned to go to travel agency and then shopping around, but now… we go to pick up Chunchun directly. English Exam today, wonders how Chunchun is doing. Hum, when we went to pick up Chunchun, Chunchun told us that tomorrow they will have books sales… all books are 5 dollars each, he wanted to buy some.

同爺爺食晚飯(Dinner With Grandpa)


今日都冇乜野做,只係諗住下午去新馬路行下街,晚上再同爺爺食晚飯咁姐.一早就同婆婆講好,駿駿起身就要同佢做公文數,重有溫習明天既測驗…咁我地下午出街就唔駛掛住要返屋企溫習啦. 唔,我地大約11點幾12點去到新馬路,先行左陣街..爸爸要買新電話,而我想買對鞋…就係咁..行左一小時左右,買好野.我地就去酒樓飲茶啦.到2點鬆d天陰陰就返屋企午睡囉.好彩我地早離開咋,之後落左陣大雨呢. 晚上,我同爸爸就帶駿駿去同爺爺食飯,而婆婆就係屋企等舅父黎到再出街食晚飯.舅父今日會過黎完全係因為明天我同佢會由澳門出發去台灣玩番3日2夜呢..哈,哈~我地要去睇X-Japan既台北演唱會丫^o^ Nothing much to do today, just planned to go out to walk around and then have dinner with Grandpa tonight. Asked Grandma to study with Chunchun in the morning, so that we can go out in the afternoon. Hum, we went to the shopping area around noontime, we first walking around for around an hour, and then went to have lunch in a Chinese restaurant. Back home around 2pm something and nap together. At night, Chunchun and Papa and I went to have dinner with Grandpa, and Grandma waited my brother at home… and they will have dinner out together. My brother came to Macau today, because we will go to Taiwan tomorrow from Macau to Taipei for 3 days 2 nights… haha, go to X-Japan World Tour Live in Taipei^O^

好大雨丫(Rainy Day)


我諗由琴晚就開始落雨啦…一直到今朝都重係勁大雨.咁落法,我重以為應該會有乜暴雨警告…駿駿可能唔駛返學習中心添..點知成朝睇住個電視都冇話有乜暴雨訊號. 11點左右送駿駿去上普通話..重煩緊點同駿駿落車行入學習中心…唔知泊邊好..諗住停一停係門口..送左駿駿入學習中心先算架啦..又好彩比我見到學習中心對面線有車位..9.9秒係停車場門口個空位轉過對面線泊車丫.雖然都要過一條馬路先返到入學習中心…都好過行1,2條街啦…不過唔駛20步路..我同駿駿都濕晒~_~ 當駿駿返緊普通話班,我就去超市同藥房入貨啦.其實咁大雨我真係唔想行..但係下個星期我又唔係澳門,今日唔買下個星期屋企可能唔夠存貨呢.快手買完野,12點鬆d就坐係學習中心度等駿駿放學啦.1點左右行過麥記..嘩…大風到..我同駿駿都比風吹住黎行呢,d雨打橫黎架…入到麥記..我同駿駿有雨傘都變落湯雞呢. 大約係麥記坐左個半鐘…雖然食野只係20分鐘左右..但係太大雨..我同駿駿一個睇報紙,一個玩玩具..一直坐到2點幾差唔多返英文班先離開…d雨完全冇停過呢..我同駿駿離開時,連麥記既姐姐都問我,咁大雨..坐多陣先啦..但係我一話..今日都冇細過雨..佢就唔出聲幫我同駿駿推門囉… 唉~行番學習中心..又係成身濕晒呢…今次就係學習中心…坐到駿駿放學..先再一齊去公文數度上堂囉..好彩4點幾時比較細雨..我都重可以周圍行下等駿駿放學呢. Been raining since last night I think, it’s very heavy rain in the morning. I thought that it should have some kind of storm signal… Chunchun may not need to go to learning centre today; however, there was no signal in the morning. Look Chunchun learning centre around 11am, so lucky I found a parking space in front of the learning centre today… I can park my car and walk in learning centre with Chunchun. While Chunchun attending his Mandarin course, I went to supermarket to buy drinks and stuff. Back to learning centre around noontime and then waited there, didn’t want to go outside again, because of the heavy rain. Leave learning centre around 1pm with Chunchun and walk to McDonalds under the heavy rain. By the time we get in McDonalds… we were all wet~_~ Spent around 1 and half hours in McDonalds, didn’t have much to do, I read newspaper and Chunchun play with his happy meal’s toy. Leave around 2pm something to walk to learning centre again for English course. Sigh, we all wet again… been waited 1 hour and 15 minutes there and then take Chunchun to Kumon Centre. Luckily, rain didn’t too heavy in the evening, I could walk around to wait for Chunchun.

中文測驗(Chinese Test)


今日婆婆一早就走左囉,係佢走左冇耐我同駿駿都要起身準備返學囉.今日本來冇乜野做架,我重打算去接駿駿放學之後先去剪個髮添…不過10點幾爸爸打返黎話佢今日唔係好舒服,會早d走…但係佢又想襯今日可以早走..快手去買左西裝先..因為6月頭有酒店開幕有請佢地去喎.爺爺講明要著西裝…就係咁..下午我就陪左爸爸去買西裝啦..係返屋企之前再陪爸爸去睇埋醫生先.雖然爸爸都唔係太唔舒服…不過近期病菌勁丫..發燒先黎睇就可能己經好辛苦. 到4點我又自己去接駿駿放學囉.係返屋企途中,提駿駿今日爸爸唔舒服..係屋企休息緊..所以佢要安靜同乖乖快手完成功課..唔好要我鬧..唔好製造嘈音呢.. Grandma leave early this morning, and then Chunchun and I wake up to prepare go to school. Nothing much to do today, so I planned to go to salon to do my hair cut before I go to pick up Chunchun in the afternoon. However, Papa called me around 10am asked me to go shopping with him… hum, actually he need to buy new suit for a hotel opening party on the beginning for June. After we shopping around in the shopping area, went to the clinic with Papa before we back home…because Papa said he wasn’t feeling too well today, it’s better go to the doctor before having fever. Went to pick up Chunchun alone in the afternoon, and remind Chunchun to be quiet and finish his homework quick… because Papa was sick, he need to rest… we better not to be too noisy.