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去威尼斯人(Shopping At Venetian)


今日其實都冇乜野好做架,因為駿駿明天有中文考試啦,所以主要都係同佢係屋企溫習一下.根本我都冇打算過同駿駿落街添,不過爸爸返工前提意下午佢有少少時間想同我威尼斯人行下街訂左介子先.因為就黎結婚週年啦,係時候要訂介子…佢怕之後佢會好忙冇時間去呢. 就係咁,我同駿駿下午係屋企食完午飯,就邊溫習邊等爸爸電話約我地去威尼斯人啦.最後我同駿駿大約2點半左右出發去威尼斯人匯合爸爸…行左陣街,睇左陣衫,訂埋介子…爸爸4點左右就走囉,而我同駿駿就周圍再行多陣,遲左大約半小時先走,因為駿駿話想食下午茶呢. Didn’t have much to do today, mostly study with Chunchun, because tomorrow is Chinese Exam… sigh~ hope that he will do his best. At first, I didn’t plan to go to anywhere, but then Papa suggested to go to Venetian this afternoon, because he wanted to place an order for our new wedding rings before he’s very busy. Hum, Chunchun and I have lunch at home, and then study together… waiting for Papa’s call to go to Venetian. Chunchun and I went to Venetian around 2.30pm and met Papa there. We were shopping around and to place an order for our Bronze Wedding ^O^ it’s our 9th pair wedding rings. Papa leave around 4pm and Chunchun and I leave around half hour later… Chunchun wanted to have tea, but couldn’t find what he want to eat. 忽然扎醒

暴雨警告(Rainstorm Warning)


今朝一起身就見到落雨啦,不過又唔係十分之大雨…7點45分左右,幫駿駿準備好水鞋雨褸就出發返學囉.係送駿駿返學途中,雨就開始變落越大啦…到我地回程果時,已經可以話係倒緊水啦.返到屋企冇耐,個天唔止倒水,重行雷閃電添. 駿駿老師大約10點打比我,同我講暴雨警告係9點30分生效,所以家長要去學校接小朋友放學呢~_~ 唉~點解暴雨警告唔早d掛?小朋友先返左一個鐘多d學,就話要早放…咁我又問,如果下午停左雨,或者冇左暴雨警告重駛唔駛返學…老師竟然答我係要架喎=.=咁我真係好唔想接囉,有幾何會成日都傾盆大雨架姐,依家接左放學,下午又要送返學..好麻煩丫…但係我又唔捨得駿駿一個留係學校丫,唔知有幾多小朋友會比家長接走架嘛. 結果都係9秒9落停車場渣車去接駿駿放學…去到學校,根本都冇位泊車呢,學校大門口已經有2部私家車同一堆家長係度等接放學囉.兜左2個圈,總算搵到個凹位停一停車跑去學校接駿駿放學呢.返到屋企都成11點囉,快手叫駿駿換好衫,我地又要出門口去接姑婆佢地去威尼斯人啦.原本我地係約好左10點45分架,不過因為忽然要接駿駿,所以我地已經遲左呢=.= 哈,哈,比左個警喜2個姑婆,明明應該返左學既駿駿同我地一齊去威尼斯人喎=.=當我解釋比姑婆知,係因為忽然有暴雨警告,所以駿駿學校忽然早放呢…不過講真,可能我地慣左香港既黃,紅,黑暴雨警告,澳門果個暴雨警告真係好難明,如果真係落傾盆大雨,小朋友唔係應該係學校安全d咩=.= 唔,開心駿駿以為自己放假啦,去到威尼斯人就不停叫我帶佢去Q立方呢,不過我唔想喎.所以當婆婆同姑婆佢地入左賭場玩時,我同駿駿都係係商場度周圍行咋.點解唔想帶駿駿去Q立方呢,因為近期手足口病好勁嘛,而且我又唔想駿駿玩到一身汗,我又唔想追住佢,最緊要係唔知佢下午到底駛唔駛返學呢… 12點左右再打番學校問,學校個職員同我講暴雨警告係11點半已經除下,小朋友要係2點半之前返學上埋下午既課堂=.=打完電話返學,就即時打比婆婆佢地同佢地約早半小時,12點半開始食午飯啦…因為我地原來係約1點既,我怕唔夠時間返學呢. 我地係一間葡國餐廳度食午飯,唉~食完真係十分後悔,間野又唔好食,d野又唔平…完全唔值咁既價錢囉.一邊食午飯,我地一邊係度討論駿駿學校今日暴雨警告既安排…真係好難得,一向緊張小朋友返學既我地,都覺得今次既安排不知所謂,10點幾先接完放學…2點半又要返學..重要出面一直落住雨,又有地方塞車…真係住遠d都可能返到屋企又要出門口.最後姑婆佢地都叫我再打番學校問清楚,如果今日下午唔返學,唔當係曠課或自己請假…就由得駿駿唔好返下午囉 就係咁,我再打去學校問老師…結果老師話要遲d回覆我…到佢回覆我時都成2點囉,佢話今日唔算係曠課或請假,因為係暴雨警告既關係,返左屋企可以唔駛再返學囉.駿駿聽到唔駛再返學,即時開心番呢 XD 食完午飯,就到我陪姑婆佢地入賭場行下啦…而婆婆就同駿駿係商場周圍行.到3點幾時..姑婆佢地準備搭4點船返香港,而我同婆婆都帶駿駿返屋企囉 It’s a rainy morning, when we woke up around 7am, it’s having fine rain. Prepared rain coat and boot for Chunchun, and then we leave home around 7.45am. It’s still a fine rain while we on the way to take Chunchun to school. However, it became heavy rain while we on the way back home. And soon it became very heavy rain with thunder and lightning=.= Chunchun’s teacher called around 10am and asked me to go to school to pick up Chunchun, because the rainstorm warning signal issued around 9.30am~_~ Oh, wow, wonder why the rainstorm warning signal didn’t issue before school… and I asked if I pick up Chunchun in the morning, do I have to take him to school in the afternoon if the rainstorm warning signal is cancelled, their answer is yes. Sigh, didn’t want to go to pick up Chunchun if he have to back to school in the afternoon, however, I couldn’t leave him alone at school, didn’t how many student didn’t have parents to pick them up. Anyway, I drove to school to pick up Chunchun immediately. When I arrived to school, it’s very crowded in the front door… a lot of parents come to pick up their kids. Back home around 11am, and then hurry to let Chunchun get change and go to pick up my auntie immediately, we agreed to met around 10.45am to go to Venetian together, and now we were late=.= Surprise for my aunties, haha, Chunchun was with us today… told them that Chunchun off school suddenly because of the rainstorm signal. And we all thought that is not a correct guidance, kids should remain at school until the end of school hours, it’s more safety. Hum, happy Chunchun think that he has a holiday suddenly, and he kept asking me to take him to the Qube, but I didn’t. While Grandma and my aunties playing in the casino, Chunchun and I were just walking around in the Venetian… I don’t want to go to the Qube with Chunchun, because of the HMFD… it’s quite serious in Hong Kong. Called to school around noontime and the staff told me that I have to take Chunchun back to school for the afternoon lessons =.= Called Grandma and my aunties immediately to rearrange our lunch to 12.30pm, so that Chunchun have enough time to prepare to go to school. We have lunch at a Portuguese restaurant inside the Venetian. Hum, we were quite regret to choose this Portuguese restaurant to have lunch, foods wasn’t nice and the price is quite expensive… didn’t worth that much. During lunch, we discussing about should I take Chunchun back to school, and so rare, Grandma and my auntie they both think that’s stupid policy, suggest me to call to school again, to ask is it necessary to back to school in the afternoon, if not, will it count as sick leave… Finally, Chunchun’s teacher told me that it’s not necessary to back to school in the afternoon, and it will not count as sick leave or any… it’s a case of rainstorm warning.. Chunchun was so happy to hear that XD After lunch, Grandma took Chunchun walking around in the Venetian, my aunties and I went to casino for a while. And then my aunties back to Hong Kong around 4pm, and Grandma and I took Chunchun back home around 4pm too. 後面條橋有人表演丫扭計中的駿駿買左棉花糖

同姑婆出街食晚飯(Dinner Out with My Auntie)


知道今日有2個姑婆黎澳門玩2日1夜丫,而婆婆今晚又會黎澳門喎…所以我地就決定今晚一齊食個晚飯啦,本來姑婆想就咁約我食個下午茶架,不過我同佢講婆婆會過黎澳門,同晚上食飯佢又可以見下駿駿..就係咁我地就約左晚上一齊食飯啦. 下午我打個電話比姑婆,確定佢地已經到左澳門,同我就再同佢約時間今晚幾點係邊食飯啦.決定左地點同大約時間後,就講好,等我知道婆婆幾點船過黎澳門,就打比佢地約實時間.不過到6點打比姑婆時,佢個電話又唔通喎,直接飛左去留言信箱呢.打左成半個鐘頭電話都係去留言信箱,最後頂唔住唯有打比表妹,問佢有冇第二個姑婆既電話啦.幾經辛苦…7點半左右先搵到姑婆佢地呢,而果時婆婆都已經返到屋企囉.唯有先叫駿駿同婆婆去樓下間日本料理度搵位,我就即時渣車去接姑婆佢地過黎食晚飯啦,佢地話佢地一直都係賭場喎,佢地都唔知,原來電話收唔到呢=.= 係樓下間日本料理食左大約1小時左右,邊食邊計傾…原來姑婆佢地打算明天去威尼斯人行下,咁婆婆聽到又想去…咁我地又約埋明天一齊去威尼斯人呢.食完晚飯,婆婆就同駿駿返屋企先,我就同姑婆佢地行路返酒店啦. Knew that 2 of my auntie will come to Macau today and they said they planned to stay for 2 days 1 night. At first my auntie wanted to have tea with me, but then I told them that Grandma will come to Macau tonight too, we may have dinner together. Called my auntie this afternoon, confirmed they were in Macau today. And then we started to decided when and where to have dinner tonight. Agreed to call her again once I know when Grandma will arrive. However, I called around 6pm… and it’s message’s box=.= Kept calling until 6.30pm, I still couldn’t get in touch with my auntie. I have to call my cousin to get the other auntie’s phone no. And we finally get in touch around 7.30pm~_~ Grandma was back home already… Let Grandma and Chunchun go to the Japanese Restaurant first and then I drive to pick up my aunties immediately. Haha, they said they were in the casino, didn’t know why their phone were out of network=.= We have dinner together in the Japanese Restaurant for around an hour. During dinner, my aunties suggested to go to Venetian together tomorrow afternoon… and Grandma wanted to go too. After dinner Grandma and Chunchun back home to prepare to bed, and I walk to MGM with my aunties.

總測成績(General Test Result)


今日特登去接駿駿放學,因為學校附近修路丫,我好耐都冇落車接放學囉…都係叫佢企係學校門口等我架車到佢就上車.不過見佢把聲沙沙地,就想同佢係假期前睇睇醫生呢,重有,駿駿話學校有母親節義賣,佢想買野呢.就係咁…我就早d出門口去搵位泊車(結果我都係求其泊左係路邊一陣,好彩冇抄牌呢);同駿駿係學校睇醫生啦.醫生話駿駿都係作病囉…比左d維他命同喉糖駿駿咋,叫佢戒口唔好食糖同飲汔水喎..哈..哈…佢根本都冇機會食依d,唔駛戒啦..不過連生果都要戒..駿駿就係咁問醫生,食唔食得乜,食唔食得物囉.係母親節義賣攤位,駿駿睇中左個積木月曆,我見都幾靚,又平…咪買比佢囉…不過乜唔係買黎送比媽咪架咩=.= 返到屋企已經差唔多5點啦.例牌叫駿駿快手換衫做功課…之後駿駿就拎左張成績表比我睇..唉=.=成績雖然唔係太差既..都叫做keep到上學期既成績…不過我都係覺得咁既成績搵學校有d難度囉… 聖經 90 (升左2分), 中文讀本 87, 中文默書 98 (升左7分), 中文作文 76 (升左1分), 普通話 75 (跌左成9分丫,依科真係最差), 英文讀本 99 (升左3分), 英文默書 100, 英文會話 99 (升左5分), 數學 87 (升左5分), 常識 91, 中文書法B-, 電腦 C+, 公民 B-, 視覺藝術 B, 音樂 B+, 體育 B.基本上,聖經,中文,英文,數學,常識,都叫做有進步或者KEEP到個成績,不過我真係唔明..點解普通話會越黎越差架=.=之前明明都幾好架嘛….睇黎返到香港要同佢搵D普通話班上下先得囉…希望佢黎緊D測驗默書,同考試會再做好D啦..如果唔係我真係好擔心唔知佢咁既成績係香港點搵學校呢>__<