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今日係最後一日係香港囉,今日都幾忙架,我同駿駿先要去同朋友飲茶,之後再去眼科醫生度檢查視力,配眼鏡,搞掂晒先可以返澳門呢. 唔,今朝唔知做乜,駿駿鬼咁好瞓,瞓到10點半都唔多願起身,最後要我鬧佢,話趕時間先快手搞掂出門口呢.我地大約11點離開太婆屋企,之後先去婆婆公司放低行李先,到我地配完眼鏡先返去拎番d行李.婆婆公司咁近碼頭真係好^o^ 因為駿駿已經講過幾次話想搭下電車架啦,今日終於安排到時間同駿駿搭電車呢,重一日搭2程添喎,第一程係我地由婆婆公司搭去灣仔同朋友飲車,第二程就係係茶樓搭去中環睇眼科醫生^^去灣仔時因為我唔係好識落車,所以我地坐係下層方便我一見到目的地就落車,而回程我地就坐上層^^開心駿駿重成日問我點解有”叮叮”聲…我話因為咁..所以我地會叫電車做”叮叮”囉..哈..哈.. 唉~係眼科醫生度搞左成3個鐘先驗好眼同配好眼鏡呢.不過都抵既,視光師同眼科醫生都幫駿駿檢查左2次,第一次檢查完話怕佢細個會緊張,令到結果有偏差,所以滴一次放瞳孔既藥水先再驗過眼.最後確定駿駿真係有近視啦,一隻眼150,一隻眼100…需要長期戴住眼鏡.即時係果度配埋眼鏡,較岩晒位先離開,因為較好位就可以叫婆婆早d拎到眼鏡就帶番澳門比駿駿戴住先呢.希望戴左眼鏡之後,駿駿既近視唔會再加深啦>__< sigh, he’s only 6 years old, but that his shortsightedness won’t get worst after he wear glasses. Back to Grandma’s working place around 6pm to pick up our suitcase and then walk to ferry terminal immediately. Get on the 6.30pm ferry and back home around 8pm^^ Papa ordered KFC to wait for us for dinner already. 同朋友去飲茶坐叮叮丫係碼頭等落船

再睇變形金剛(Watch Transformers Again)


係7月頭時抽中左玩具反斗城-變形金剛抽獎既電影飛2張,但係因為婆婆中左豬流感搞到我地一直要家居隔離到上個星期三…一直到今日,我同駿駿先得閒去睇多次變形金剛呢…如果今日重唔睇,就浪費左2張免費飛架啦…. 唔,我地一早送完爸爸返工之後,就去觀光塔度換左2張1點半既戲飛先…之後返屋企食完午飯,等駿駿做埋今日應做既暑期習作後,先出發去睇變形金剛呢^^ 睇完電影係玩具反斗城行左陣,睇左陣玩具..我地就返屋企準備晚飯囉.哈,開心駿駿見我今日又係玩具反斗城領獎 (第二次買變形金剛玩具時抽中既100蚊現金卷),就想我買玩具比佢啦..不過我唔係爸爸呢..唔會毫無原因下買玩具比佢的,最後我地只係行左2個卷就走囉..失望死駿駿呢…哈..哈..不過佢實在太多玩具=_=唔可以成日都買啦. I won the Toys ‘r’ Us Transformers lucky draw for 2 free ticket for the Transformers in the beginning of July, however, we were in Home Medical Observation we couldn’t go to cinema until today, Chunchun and I finally have time to go to watch Transformers again^^ Hum, we went to the Macau Tower to get the free ticket for 1.30pm show before noontime, after we drove Papa to work. And then we back home to have lunch and asked Chunchun to finish his exercises for today before we go to watch Transformers. We walked around the Toys ‘r’ Us afterward, happy Chunchun wanted to buy toy… haha, because he knew that I just pick up another prize (100 dollars coupon) from the Transformers lucky draw today. However, I am not Papa, I couldn’t buy toy to him for no reason. We just hang around in Toys ‘r’ us for around half hour, and then we have home to prepare dinner^^



困左係屋企幾日,琴日終於都回復自由囉..不過我諗,最開心既唔係我同駿駿呢..哈,哈…而係爸爸丫,因為好似佢先係最想同我地一齊去街,買野既人呢^o^ 今日下午就同爸爸去左水坑尾果邊行街食飯啦..因為爸爸想買波鞋呢.唔,今日我地去左間食餃子既餐廳度食午飯呢.果度d裝修都幾特別架,駿駿見到都不停話要同依個佈置影相,又要同果個佈置影相…不過最後我地只係係飯前影左2張相咋..因為一食完飯,爸爸就趕住去行街,唔比我地影相囉~_~而果度d食物都幾好食架,只係冇乜凍飲供應就差左dd姐 食完午飯,我地就一直行啦,沿途有好多運動衫,鞋既舖頭,爸爸都一間間咁入…終於行左7,8間,爸爸先買到對鞋呢.可憐駿駿悶到死,今日又冇玩具店睇,又冇書店睇…一直搞搞震叫悶呢. Been stayed at home for a few days, we finally free again yesterday… but I guess Chunchun and I were not the happiest one… haha, because Papa is the one who wanted to go out, go shopping with us^O^ Went to the shopping area with Papa this afternoon to have lunch and shopping around, Papa wanted to buy shoes today. Hum, we went to a dumpling restaurant to have lunch… the decoration there were quite special, Chunchun like it a lot and kept asking me that he want to take photo with these and those, however, we only take 2 photos before we having lunch because Papa wanted to go shopping immediately after lunch. Hum, foods there wasn’t bad, however, they didn’t have much cold drink to serve~_~ After lunch, Papa started to get in every sports wear store and shoes store… finally he bought a pair of shoes at the 7th or 8th store we went in. Poor Chunchun, no toys or books store today, he was quite boring shopping with Papa… haha. 出街食Lunch依度d裝修好特別丫

甩牙啦(Milk Tooth Falled)


今朝大家都瞓到好晏先起身呢…因為我地去完台灣旅行所以好累丫…駿駿係第一個起身既人…不過佢起身冇耐就係我耳邊同我講,婆婆好似唔係好舒服丫…重問我探熱器係邊…過左冇幾耐…駿駿又走黎同我講…婆婆發燒丫~_~ 唉~婆婆發燒,佢重唔食藥又唔諗住早d返香港…重係屋企坐下就算…即時捉佢去診所睇醫生…不過醫生話佢係係香港過黎既,有發燒又有幾聲咳…所以要去山頂醫院度驗下係咪H1N1喎…就係咁,我就車左佢上醫院先再返屋企準備午飯比駿駿同爸爸食啦. 當我地食緊午飯時,駿駿忽然大叫喎..原來佢果隻鬆左好耐既乳齒終於都甩出黎啦.哈,我都等左佢好耐啦,即時洗乾淨佢,用漂白水浸一浸就放入我買左好耐既乳齒保存盒入面啦….唔知幾時先會再有第二隻呢? 一直等婆婆電話,諗住去接佢返黎既…因為真係冇諗過佢會中左H1N1呢…不過,當佢8點幾打黎時…佢話佢要留院喎~_~唉~中左..點解丫?...咁即係我同駿駿都要家居隔離啦…真係麻鬼煩,上次Sars婆婆又有入院,今次H1N1又有佢份..佢唔好再黑d~_~ We all woke up late this morning; because we were all tired from Taiwan Trip, Chunchun was the first one to wake up. While I was sleeping, Chunchun told me that Grandma wasn’t feeling too well and asked me where is the digital thermometer… and soon he come back and told me Grandma is having fever ~_~ Took Grandma to clinic immediately, however, the clinic said she have a fever, and cough… and she’s from Hong Kong… so that she have to go to the hospital to check for the H1N1. Sigh~ drove Grandma to hospital and then I back home to prepare lunch for Chunchun and Papa. While we having lunch, Chunchun screamed suddenly, one of his milk tooth fall. Haha, I been waiting for his milk tooth fell a long time ago, his tooth been loosen for a month already. Cleaned Chunchun’s tooth and place it in the teeth box immediately. Wonder when will have another tooth? Been waiting for Grandma calling to go to hospital to pick her up, because I didn’t thought that she got the H1N1… however, when she called around 8pm something, she said she need to stay in the hospital… sigh~ that meet Chunchun and I need to be isolation soon too…sigh~ 駿駿的乳齒盒第一位成員少左隻牙啦

返澳門囉(Tai Wan Trip - Day 4)


11.30am 係Hello Kitty Sweet Café食午飯 12.30pm 由忠孝復興站既地下街行去忠孝敦化站 1.30pm 防空演習到2點正 2.00pm 行去糖村買牛奶糖 3.00pm 搭捷運返台北車站行街 4.30pm 返酒店拎行李 5.10pm 上巴士去桃園機場 6.00pm 到達桃園機場 今日係最後一日係台灣啦,我地先去左Hello Kitty Sweet Café度食午飯,之後再由忠孝復興站既地下街行去忠孝敦化站.本來去到忠孝敦化站我地就上番路面去糖村買牛奶糖架啦..點知撞正1點半…防空演習喎,搞到我地要係地下街等到2點先可以上番路面.去糖村買完牛奶糖之後,我地就即時搭捷運返台北車站行街啦. 我地一直行到4點半左右先返酒店拎番d行李…再行去巴士站度搭巴士去桃園機場.巴士大約5點10分開出,6點就去到機場囉…係機場買埋新東陽同維格既手信之後,我地就出境準備登機囉 11.30am Lunch At Hello Kitty Sweet Café 12.30pm Shopping At Metro Mall and walk to Zhongxiao Dunhua 1.30pm Air-Defense Drill until 2pm 2.00pm Go to Sugar & Spice to buy Nougat 3.00pm Back to Taipei Main Station to shopping around 4.30pm Back to Hotel to pick up our suitcase 5.10pm Bus to TaiYuan Intl. Airport 6.00pm Arrived to TaiYuan Intl. Airport Last day in Taiwan, we first go to Hello Kitty Sweet Café to have lunch, and then walk to Zhongxiao Dunhua Station through the Metro Mall. We arrived to Zhongxiao Dunhua Station around 1.30pm… it’s the time for Air-Defense drill =_= we have to wait in the Metro Mall until 2pm. Walk to Sugar & Spice immediately to buy Nougat, and then take MRT back to Taipei Main Station to shopping again. We kept shopping around until 4.30pm, and then we back to hotel to pick up our suitcase and walk to the bus stop to take bus to TaiYuan Intl. Airport around 5.10pm. Arrived to TaiYuan Intl. Airport around 6pm and then we went to buy some souvenir before we aboard. 好多Kitty公仔丫HelloKittySweet2樓的長桌忠孝敦化站地下街的幸福小雞用力轉丫

台灣第二天(Tai Wan Trip - Day 2)


10.15am 搭台鐵去瑞芳 11.24am 再轉台鐵去平溪 12.00pm 到達平溪 1.54pm 搭台鐵回程返瑞芳 2.30pm 轉台鐵回程返台北車站 3.30pm 到達台北車站,行陣街再買下午茶返酒店食 4.45pm 係台北車站一帶行街,一邊行去西門 7.30pm 係西門食晚飯 10.45pm 返酒店 今朝8點半左右就起身梳洗,準備搭台鐵去平溪觀光同放天燈啦.唉~其實我對放天燈冇乜興趣,不過駿駿同婆婆都話想去喎…咁咪去囉.我地先要由台北車站坐台鐵去到瑞芳,之後再轉火車去平溪…全程要成2小時呢..而且…錯過左一班車就要等成個鐘先有第二班車架啦…我地坐10.15分既火車出發,去到平溪已經係中午既事啦…真係搭火車都搭到好累~_~ 我地去到平溪之後,周圍行左一陣,放左天燈,再食埋午飯,就搭1點54分班火車走啦.今次係平溪,除左放天燈比較得意之外,就係駿駿係手信店買左一塊木既明信片,我地重係背後印左好多當地特色既印章…店員話會幫我地寄番屋企喎,唔知幾時先會收到呢.搭火車去到瑞芳後就要跑去第二邊月台轉火車返台北車站啦…如果錯過左,要等一小時先再有火車呢…真係好鬼麻煩. 返到台北車站大約係3點半左右啦,我地係地下街行左一陣,再去Berry Milk度買蛋糕,就返酒店休息一下同食蛋糕做下午茶啦.大約到4點幾,我地又離開酒店去行街囉,一邊係台北車站附近行,一邊行去西門町呢.原來2個地方真係好鬼近…我地一邊睇野一邊行..都只係用左一小時多d…如果唔睇野…快步行既話..可能15-20分鐘就行到去囉.行到去西門,當然就係行街街同食晚飯啦^^ 今日收獲都幾好丫,我又買左幾個靚靚髮夾,又買左漫畫,又買左太陽眼鏡..駿駿都買到佢最最最鍾意既怪獸熊丫.本來呢,我地諗住係西門食埋晚飯,就出發去士林夜市行街架…點知駿駿食完晚飯肚痛喎=_=真係比我都肚痛啦,佢一個人食左成個炸豬扒餐丫~_~為食到死..食得太飽又唔舒服囉…好彩餐廳廁所都幾乾淨,我又有買住消毒液係身咋…最後,我地都冇去到士林夜市,只係係西門行到10點幾再坐捷運返酒店囉. 10.15am Taiwan Railway to Rueifang 11.24am Taiwan Railway to Pingsi 12.00pm Arrived to Pingsi 1.54pm Taiwan Railway to Rueifang 2.30pm Taiwan Railway to Taipei 3.30pm Arrived to Taipei and tea at hotel 4.45pm Shopping around in Taipei and walk to Ximending 7.30pm Dinner at Ximending 10.45pm Back to Hotel Woke up around 8.30am something to prepare to take Taiwan Railway to Pingsi to sightseeing around and fly sky-lanterns. Sigh, I didn’t have much interest on it, but Grandma and Chunchun wanted to fly sky-lanterns… We first take around an hour Taiwan Railway to Rueifang, and then changed to another train to Pingsi for around half hour. We leave hotel around 9.30am and get to Pingsi around noontime… really tired when we arrived to Pingsi~_~ We walked around in Pingsi, fly the sky-lanterns, and have lunch there before we take the 1.54pm train back to Rueifang. Hum, happy Chunchun bought a postcard in Pingsi and the sales said they will mail it for us… wonder when we will receive it? Once we get to Rueifang, we have to run to another platform to get on the train to Taipei… if we missed the train, we have wait for an hour for next train=_= Back to Taipei around3.30pm, walking around in the Zhongshan Metro Mall and then we bought cake from Berry Milk to have tea in hotel room. Leave hotel around 4pm something to walk around in Taipei Main Station and walk to Ximending to shopping around and have dinner there. So happy today I bought a few nice hair pin, sunglasses, comic and clothes today, Chunchun bought his favorite monster bear. At first we planned to go to Shilin Night Market again around dinner, however, Chunchun was having belly ache after dinner~_~ Finally we cancelled to go to Shiling Night Market, just walking around in Ximending until 10pm something then we take MRT back to Taipei Main Station to Caesar Park Taipei. 火車平溪線路線圖準備放駿駿的天燈啦西門紅樓又多隻熊熊

去台灣囉(Taiwan Trip - Day 1)


9am 出發去澳門機場 10.40am 起飛囉 12.30pm 到達台灣桃園機場 1.45pm 搭巴士去台北凱撒 3pm 搭捷運去淡水 7pm 搭捷運去士林夜士 10.20pm 返酒店囉 今次係我地第一次搭澳門航空,係澳門機場出發去旅行呢.由我地屋企去機場只需要15分鐘左右,真係十分之方便呢.不過上到機…個午餐真係十分十分之麻麻地呢=_=而且駿駿重十分失望,航空公司竟然冇小玩具送比小朋友喎…下次駿駿可能唔肯再搭澳門航空啦… 12點半我地就去到台灣桃園機場啦,不過唔知點解今日勁多人丫,我地等左2部巴士先上到車,唉~咁等一等就浪費左成個鐘時間啦…上個月尾我同舅父黎睇演唱會時,都冇咁多人…唔駛咁等巴士既… 最後我地等到成1點45分先上到巴士去酒店呢…去到酒店都成2點幾3點囉.本來諗住快手check in上房執一執野就出發去淡水,點知酒店又係鬼咁多人,重要未有房比我地喎..唯有就咁留底d行李係大堂,我地就搭捷運去淡水先啦 大約3點40分左右去到淡水,真係好啦,我地去到時發現果度有好多表演同活動丫,好似都係因為暑期先有既…一邊觀光,一邊食左唔少小食呢…行到大約7點左右就離開啦..其實我地只係行左淡水既一半咋,不過因為約左爸爸既親戚-婷婷係士林行夜市,所以冇法啦..唯有下次有機會先安排一整日既時間係淡水玩囉.大約7點半就去到捷運既劍潭站同婷婷見面啦…之後一齊食左個晚飯同行夜士行到10點左右就返酒店囉 9am To Macau Airport 10.40am Take Off 12.30pm Arrived to TaiYuan Intl. Airport 1.45pm Bus to Caesar Park Taipei 3pm MRT to Danshui 7pm MRT to Shilin Night Market 10.20pm Back to Caesar Park Taipei It’s our first time to go travel by Air Macau, it’s quite convenience that we only need around 15 minutes to get to the airport from my home. However, the foods provided by Air Macau wasn’t too nice=_= Chunchun was very disappointed that he couldn’t get any souvenir from Air Macau. Arrived to TaiYuan Intl. Airport around 12.30pm, sigh, didn’t know why it’s super crowded today, we need to wait for around an hour for bus to Taipei>_< It’s really wasting our time… last months when I go to Taipei with my brother, we didn’t have to wait that long, didn’t have much people to take bus to Taipei at all… We finally get on the bus around 1.45pm and arrived to Caesar Park Taipei around 2pm something. Sigh, it’s so crowded that didn’t have room for us until 3pm something… so we only check in and leaves our suitcase in hotel then we go to Danshui immediately. Arrived to Danshui around 3.40pm, it’s so nice that there have some kinds of performance near the Danshui MRT station. We sightseeing around and ate a lot of snack in Danshui. Leave Danshui around 7pm and then meet Papa’s relative at Shilin Night Market around 7.30pm^^ We have dinner together and shopping around until 10pm. 到左台灣啦射槍丫淡水丫捷運淡水站

派成績表(Exam Report)


今朝9點送駿駿返學,到中午就去接佢放學啦.今日佢地返學只係派成績表,同派幾張通告就放學囉.唔,本來話今日要交夏令班既午膳錢…點知放學時爸爸去交錢,佢地又話唔駛交住…只係記底左駿駿個名就得囉喎…遲d先交錢…古古怪怪咁? 唔駿駿張成績表又唔係差既,不過一d都唔好囉…只係比上學期進步左零點幾分…排名都冇變…所以我同佢講..下學年要考好d先得呢.. 科目總測10%平時25%考試15%上學期總計50%總測10%平時25%考試15%下學期總計50%學年成績 100% 聖經80829084.0080828080.5082.25 中文 讀本50%87939388.23989010088.8588.54 默書25%10094889496100 作文25%777675777470 普通話92898688.7080848784.1086.40 英文 讀本60%97979295.23100979495.9695.59 默書30%989710010097100 會話10%858585858483 數學87825775.574848381.778.6 常識92889791.5097939393.892.65 中文書法C+C+CC+B-B-B-C+C+ 電腦B-BB+BCBAB+B 公民BBBBB+BB-BB 視覺藝術B-C+B-C+C+B-B+B-B- 音樂A-B+A-B+B-B+AB+B+ 體育A-BCB-CC+CC+C+ 操行B-B-B- 上學期平均分87.19下學期平均分87.48 學年成績總平均分87.34 Took Chunchun to school around 9am this morning, and then back to pick him up on noontime. They only back school to get their Exam Report and some notice for next school years. Hum, they said we have to hand in the lunch fee for summer class, however, when Papa go to hand in the lunch fee… they just marked Chunchun’s name and said we can hand it in later ?_? Hum, Chunchun’s exam report wasn’t too bad, but not good enough... Told Chunchun that he have to do better in next school year… SubjectFinal Test 10%Test 25%Exam15%First Term 50%Final Test 10%Test 25%Exam15%Second Term 50%School Year 100% Bible80829084.0080828080.5082.25 Chinese Reading 50%87939388.23989010088.8588.54 Dictation 25%10094889496100 Composition 25%777675777470 Mandarin92898688.7080848784.1086.40 English Reading 60%97979295.23100979495.9695.59 Dictation 30%989710010097100 Oral 10%858585858483 Math87825775.574848381.778.6 Common Sense92889791.5097939393.892.65 Chinese HandwritingC+C+CC+B-B-B-C+C+ ComputerB-BB+BCBAB+B CitizanBBBBB+BB-BB ArtB-C+B-C+C+B-B+B-B- MusicA-B+A-B+B-B+AB+B+ P.EA-BCB-CC+CC+C+ ConductB-B-B- First Term Average87.19Second Term Average87.48 School Year Average87.34

同爸爸食午飯(Lunch With Papa)


唔,今朝同爸爸一齊送完駿駿去學習中心之後,我地就去威尼斯人行街啦.其實主要係去拎上個月訂好既7週年結婚介子,同我條生日手鏈^o^ 重有爸爸都想順便行下街睇下衫同鞋咁囉. 因為行得太開心,最後我地好趕咁去接駿駿放學呢…真係差幾秒就遲到~_~爸爸見到學習中心附近又開左間新既日本餐廳,我地就入去試下啦..依間都幾好食喎^^食完飯,我地就一齊去超市買野啦..之後送駿駿返學習中心上英文班. 唔,送完駿駿去學習中心,我就車爸爸返工…再返黎泊位啦.大約半小時後再返到學習中心..就覺得奇奇怪怪咁,今日好靜喎.重見到駿駿班今日係由個鬼妹教英文…先諗起..原來今日開始係暑期班,所以由鬼妹教.一路睇住駿駿上堂,其實佢聽方面係冇問題架,老師叫佢做乜都識做,但係老師問佢問題,佢就唔識用英文回答囉. 之後就去上公文數啦…駿駿上公文期間,我又去超市行下啦..因為太熱,係街度等真係好辛苦.到駿駿差唔多放學,爸爸就打比我叫我係觀光塔度接佢呢..佢又去左玩具反斗城買變形金剛啦=_= Hum, took Chunchun to learning centre with Papa this morning, and then went to Venetian with Papa. We went to pick up our 7th Anniversary wedding rings, and my birthday’s bracelet ^O^ Papa wanted to walk around and look for clothes and shoes too. Hurry to back to learning center around 12.45pm to pick up Chunchun for lunch. Papa decided to have lunch in the Japanese restaurant that near the learning center. After lunch, we went to supermarket to buy drinks and stuff together… before Chunchun go to learning centre again. Hum, drove Papa to work after Chunchun get in the learning centre. And I back to learning around half hour later sit there and wait… Saw a foreigner teacher Chunchun’s class, then I remember the Summer course started today… Foreigner teach Summer course^^ It’s quite funny whenever the teacher asked Chunchun question, Chunchun only answer yes or no… but when his teacher asked him to do something… he could follow it… I guess Chunchun can understand what teacher say, but he don’t know how to answer it by English… haha Go to Kumon Math afterward, while Chunchun doing his Kumon Math, I went to supermarket to walk around again, it’s too hot to stand outside~_~ Papa called before Chunchun off class, and asked me to pick him up at Macau Tower… He went to Toys ‘r’ Us to buy Transformers again=_= 影我啦



今日同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學丫,因為爸爸想去新馬路行下街,買d野喎.唔,開心駿駿一上車就比我睇佢買左本寵物小精靈既書丫…原來,佢一早係學校既書展度揀左書…一直等我或爸爸黎接放學時比錢佢買書呢..哈..哈..佢真係等到頸都長丫. 等駿駿係車度換好衫,我地就出發去新馬路行街囉.唉~不過新馬路果個停車場多車到爆…又要排長龍等泊車啦.見咁多車,我就提意爸爸帶駿駿去單車舖度買左單車先,或者佢地買完我都未泊到車嘛…等左差唔多半個鐘,終於都到我泊車囉.雖然爸爸打左比我話佢地已經買好單車,不過單車舖既店員重幫駿駿調較好部單車,所以我就行去單車舖度搵佢地先啦.之後再一齊拎番部單車上停車場,放好係車尾先去麥記食午餐.可憐爸爸,食食下午餐又有野要做,一食完佢就要走先啦..淨低駿駿同我自己行街呢. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa today, because Papa wanted to go to shopping area to buy stuff this afternoon. Hum, happy Chunchun bought a pocket monster books from school today… haha, he been waiting for us come to pick him up and pay for his books for a long time… Let Chunchun get change in my car, and then we drive to the car park near the shopping area. Sigh, there have a long line for it ~_~ I suggest Papa to take Chunchun to look for a bicycle first, while I queue up for parking. Waited for around 20 minutes to park my car, and then I walk to the bicycle store to met Papa and Chunchun^^ Carrying Chunchun’s new bicycle to my car, and then we go to have lunch at McDonald’s. Poor Papa need to work suddenly, he leave right after he finished his lunch… Chunchun and I went shopping alone after lunch. 好大隻鴨鴨