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金都水療(Waldo Spa )


今朝10點左右就去到金都水療啦…可惜我地去到先知5樓既兒童王國裝修緊丫~_~一聽到咁,我就提意不如去酒店果邊飲茶,之後再去漁人碼頭玩,或者去珠海玩算啦.不過駿駿死都要去水療喎,佢話冇得玩兒童王國唔緊要,最緊要佢重有得玩水,有得嘆世界喎…. 唔,最後我地都傾左好耐,11點前終於都入場啦.因為水療要12點先開,所以我地一入到去就先去一樓餐廳果邊食早餐先呢.食完早餐,我就同駿駿去左玩一陣電腦…12點半左右我地就去浸水囉..不過女界果邊個池壞壞地,都唔熱既d水..而駿駿呢,太公就話佢玩得十分開心啦,. 玩完水,1點鬆d我地就食午飯囉,食完午飯就去梳化果邊睇下電視休息下,又食左下午茶咁…休息夠囉,4點左右咪又比駿駿去玩水囉….玩完水..又返去1樓果邊嘆下,之後食晚飯,再去浸水就走囉..雖然成日都幾無聊,但係真係好悠閒,好好咁休息左一日呢.9點左右我地就返屋企囉,女介果邊個池之前壞左,..好彩係我地離開前終於都維修好..叫做可以浸下暖笠笠既按摩池呢. 唔知我地重有冇機會同駿駿去多次水療呢?希望有機會啦,因為我覺得今次冇左個兒童王國,駿駿真係冇得點玩,唔係好抵咁囉. Go to Waldo Spa this morning around 10am, too bad, when we arrived, we found that he kids land is under construction~_~ Sigh~ at first I suggested to have lunch in Waldo hotel and then go to Fisherman’s Wharf or Zhuhai… better than spend a day in Waldo Spa. However, Chunchun said he want to go to Waldo Spa, it’s not matter their kids land is under construction, at least he still can go to spa and watch TV or get online… Hum, we entry to Waldo Spa before 11am, we first went to have breakfast in the 1st floor dining area. After breakfast Chunchun and I go to play computer, because we didn’t have much to do inside Waldo Spa>_< Went to massage pool before lunch, hum, great Grandpa said Chunchun was having a lot of fun in the massage pool, haha. Have lunch around 1pm I think, and then great Grandparents and Grandma go to the Entertainment and dining area to watch TV… Chunchun and I go to play computer. Hum, went to massage pool again around 4pm something. Take a rest afterward and then have dinner at dining area. It’s quite boring but really relaxes today… we back home around 9pm something, and before we leave, we go to the massage pool again. Wonder when we will go to Waldo Spa next time? Maybe this is the last time, but I really hope that we can go there once more, before the kids land was under construction… 係金都水療食早餐係金都水療好嘆咁睇卡通係金都水療下午茶食多士係金都水療好嘆咁邊飲野邊睇卡通

好累丫(Sleepy Day)


今朝一早同太婆一齊送左駿駿返學,就返屋企休息一陣啦.到9點幾,我同婆婆同太婆又出發去學校囉,去參加駿駿學校54週年既活動呢…不過其實都只係睇住班小朋友玩.駿駿鬼咁開心…見到我地之後就周圍跑去玩小遊戲啦…直到佢儲到9個印仔去換禮物,佢就係小食部附近同同學仔玩囉. 中午前返到屋企,同駿駿換套衫,我地就出發去漁人碼頭飲茶囉…唔,原本其實我地係想去珠海架…不過最後諗下珠海又唔係有乜野好食,而且人民幣又升左…唔係咁抵去..所以我地就決定去漁人碼頭飲茶,同駿駿可以去機鋪打機啦. 不過,我地去漁人碼頭途中,駿駿就好似唔多舒服咁..佢一定係今朝係學校玩得太癲,個人太累啦…佢一唔夠精神就會發燒架啦…所以最後,我地飲完茶就返屋企囉.駿駿都好快就瞓著左,瞓左一個好長既午覺呢. Took Chunchun to school as usual and then great Grandma, Grandma and I go to school around 10am to join their School Anniversary activities. Happy Chunchun was running around to play games at the beginning, and then he started to play with his friends after he collected 9 stamps for gifts. Back home before noontime, let Chunchun get changed and then we go to Fisherman’s Wharf to have lunch. Hum, at first we planned to go to Zhuhai today, but we finally changed our plan to go to Fisherman’s Wharf to have lunch and go to the amusement arcade with Chunchun. However, Chunchun didn’t feel well while we on the way to Fisherman’s Wharf, we guess that he must got too exciting this morning, and now, he’s exhausted. Hum, too bad, since Chunchun wasn’t too well, we back home immediately after lunch and soon Chunchun fall in sleep and take a long nap this afternoon. 等換禮物砌圖整左架車仔吹氣球

係玩具反斗城買禮物(Shopping @ Toys "r" Us)


今日下午同爸爸一齊帶駿駿去觀光塔度食午飯呢,諗住食完午飯再一齊行下玩具反斗城,比駿駿揀生日禮物呢.不過,食食下飯,爸爸電話又響啦=.=忽然有野做,快手食完飯,我地就要趕住車爸爸返工囉…唉~ 送完爸爸返工,去到氹仔都差唔多2點囉,就早d比駿駿去學習中心入面玩啦.而我呢,都冇乜野做丫…又冇乜野要買,只係係超市入面行黎行去等駿駿放學囉.放學後,又答應左駿駿再去玩具反斗城睇玩具^^ 不過上完堂後,我地唔係第一時間去玩具反斗城丫,因為駿駿話想去書局睇書喎…咁都好丫..一入到去我就不停提意佢買圖書做生日禮物..不過唔成功呢..駿駿睇完佢想睇既書就催我去玩具反斗城啦..哈..哈..駿駿雖然鍾意睇書,不過佢更鍾意玩具呢. 係玩具反斗城入面行左成大半個鐘,駿駿起碼拎起左4,5份玩具,份份佢都話想要..揀完又揀..最後買左把劍形既電視遊戲…都幾得意既..駁好電線…揮下劍就控制到個遊戲…跟住佢跑又會快d咁…返到屋企玩左一陣駿駿就一身汗呢. 6點左右返到屋企,太公太婆已經黎左囉..太公重煮緊飯添啦..佢地係黎參加明天駿駿既生日會架..重有之後計劃左過珠海,又去水療咁…駿駿生日前幾日都好多節目呢.而婆婆呢,係晚上8點鬆d都過到黎澳門囉. Have lunch with Papa at Macau Tower this afternoon, and planned to go to Toys ‘r’ us with Chunchun after lunch. However, Papa have to work suddenly, we have to hurry to drive Papa to work after lunch… sigh~ Took Chunchun to English course around 2pm something after we drove Papa to work. Hum, didn’t have much to buy today, just hang around in the supermarket until Chunchun off course. Since Papa will be very busy, I promised Chunchun to go to Toys ‘s’ Us after English course^^ After English course, Chunchun wanted to go to the books store, so we hang around in the books store around half hour, I was trying to suggest Chunchun to buy books for his birthday… however, he just want to read there and asked me to go to Toys ‘r’ Us once he finished his reading. Haha… and then we spent around an hour in Toys ‘r’ Us, kept walking around and around, finally Chunchun decided to buy a TV game with a sword shape control. Back home before 6pm and great Grandparent were already here, they come to join Chunchun’s birthday party on tomorrow, and we planned to go to Zhihai on Monday and Walod Spa on Tuesday, Chunchun will be very busy these few days. Grandma will come tonight too. 有新遊戲機

同姑婆行街街(Shopping With Auntie)


今日打算同姑婆去行街同食午飯架,不過駿駿今朝一早就唔合作啦….一早已經同佢講左今朝要溫好習先可以同姑婆去街架啦,下個星期又有默書又有測驗…淨係放學返屋企先溫根本溫唔切.不過駿駿就係唔合作,死都唔專心溫習,係度發呆係度玩..最後到11點幾姑婆打黎問啦,做乜我地重唔搵佢..到底係咪同佢食午飯架…咁先催到駿駿快手溫習.終於我地係1點前都可以接到姑婆去街啦. 唔,我地去左八佰伴食午飯,睇下玩具咁,之後再行去新馬路行街,最緊要就係幫駿駿訂下個星期日生日會要用既生日蛋糕… 5點鬆d就車姑婆返酒店囉…姑婆今晚會走啦,而且駿駿明天要返學所以今晚唔一齊食飯呢.返到屋企駿駿重要溫習,而我就要溫習晚飯囉. Planned to have lunch and shopping around with my aunt today, however, Chunchun wasn’t cooperate this morning. I been warned him, if he not finish his study for next week test and dictation, we won’t go out with my aunt… but Chunchun still not concentrate on his study. Finally my aunt called around 11am something to confirm if we going to have lunch with her or not… that hurried Chunchun concentrate on his study quick. And we went to pick up my aunt before 1pm, haha. Hum, we went to New Yaohan to have lunch and then walking around in the shopping area and go to the bakery to order birthday cake for Chunchun’s birthday party on next Sunday. Drove my aunt back to hotel around 5pm something and then Chunchun need to study again after we back home and I have to prepare dinner. 新八佰伴FoodCourt的雪人

同姑婆食晚飯(Dinner With Auntie)


今日都冇乜特別野要做,都係帶駿駿去返英文班同上公文數囉.唔,今日係駿駿最後一堂公文數啦…之後唔再學住囉….因為爸爸話公文數又唔係真係好幫到駿駿數學成績..而且每日要鬧佢先去做公文數既習作,真係好鬼煩丫…希望遲下返到香港,再同佢報過啦,我係想駿駿繼續學架. 上完英文同公文數,5點左右就返到屋企啦,係屋企休息一陣…6點幾就行去姑婆酒店果頭搵姑婆食晚飯囉.不過其實我地都冇諗過食乜好架,諗住行下睇下邊度有乜好食就食邊度囉.姑婆又話就駿駿喎…最後駿駿就決定去左食Pizza Hut啦.食完Pizza Hut我地就跟左姑婆上酒店房睇下,因為今次姑婆住果間係新酒店黎架^^駿駿係酒店房都攪攪震一輪,我同駿駿9點鬆d就行番屋企囉. Nothing special to do today, take Chunchun to English course and then go to Kumon Center for Kumon Math. Hum, today is Chunchun last Kumon Math lesson, because Papa thinks that Kumon Math didn’t really help Chunchun in Math, and we are tired to watching Chunchun doing Kumon Math exercise everyday. Back home around 5pm and then take a rest before we go to meet my aunt for dinner tonight. Actually we have no idea what to have dinner tonight, just walk to the hotel to meet my Aunt first, and then walk around to see what to eat. Finally Chunchun decided to have Pizza Hut for dinner, haha, so we walk to Pizza Hut to have dinner. After dinner, we went to my Aunt’s hotel room, let Chunchun playing around… and then Chunchun and I back home around 9pm something. 跟左姑婆去酒店玩

學校旅行(School Picnic)


今日係學校旅行丫,駿駿成朝都好興奮呢..哈..哈..佢由上個星期知道今日會去旅行就一直都好期待架啦..重成日問我可以帶乜零食去食添=.= 一早8點就車左駿駿返學校,之後我再返屋企食個早餐先出門口去公園搵駿駿佢地,因為老師話過佢地9點先出車架,咁我8點幾9點去到…等一陣佢地都應該會到啦….不過我行黎行去,等左半個鐘都唔見人…最後要打去學校問佢地去左邊呢=.=原來佢地係我行黎行去時就到左啦,因為第一時間係食野,所以佢地好鬼靜呢…唔怪得我搵唔到佢地啦… 由9點半睇住佢地玩到10點幾…就排隊去圖書館聽講座同睇書囉…大約12點鬆d就散場囉,老師問我想即時接走駿駿,還是返到學校先接..我見有d家長都即時接走小朋友架…但係我就諗今年係最後一年,想等駿駿參與晒成個旅程…不過最後問駿駿想點…佢話佢想返遊樂場玩多陣..所以我都係即時接走左佢呢. 駿駿話頭先太多同學喎,有d野佢都冇玩到..所以拉住我返遊樂場果邊玩呢..但係我見佢全部都係玩d小小小朋友既遊戲…佢似唔好意思係同學面前玩多過冇時間玩呢XD 係遊樂場玩多左半小時,我地就行去麥記買午餐再行去停車場渣車返屋企囉. School Picnic today, Chunchun was quite exciting in the morning, haha, he been waiting for today since last week, and keep asking me what kind of snack he can bring to picnic. Drove Chunchun to school around 8am this morning, and then I back home to have breakfast with Papa. Went to the park to meet Chunchun around 9am… sigh, I been waiting for almost half hour, but still didn’t see Chunchun and his classmates… finally I called to school and asked where are they=.= They were already in the park having their snacks, that’s why they were so quiet that I couldn’t find time… Watching Chunchun playing with his classmates from 9.30am to 10am something, and then they went to the library for an hour… their picnic ended around 12pm something. Since I were there, Chunchun’s teacher asked if I wanted to pick up Chunchun right now or wait until back to school… Some of the parents pick up in the park and some wait until back to school. And I… picked up Chunchun immediately, haha, so that I don’t have to drive to school and find a parking space again… we can back home together from the park. Happy Chunchun asked me to take him back to the playground to play for a while before we leaving, because there were so crowded with his classmates, some of the facilities he didn’t have time to play it… haha. We stay in the park around half hour and then we walk to McDonald’s to buy lunch and walk to the car park to back home. 到底想上幾多人射死你排隊去圖書館囉哈好好笑

返澳門囉(Back To Macau)


今朝一起身,比駿駿睇左套卡通,我地就搭地鐵去調景嶺站啦…約左叔公同地產經紀係果邊睇樓…唔,叔婆佢第一時間就帶左駿駿去會所玩,等佢唔好阻住我地睇樓呢. 唔,依個經紀帶左我地睇幾個單位,不過都麻麻地咋…上個星期果個經紀帶我地去睇果d有水準好多囉.睇完樓我地就去酒樓同叔婆佢地匯合一齊飲茶啦. 開心駿駿係會所玩到成身汗丫,佢同我講會所好好玩丫…又依樣又果樣咁…希望如果我地真係係依個屋苑住既話,駿駿有時間可以成日去玩啦. 就係等緊位時,個經紀又打黎喎,話重有一間可以睇架..咁我地咪又去睇樓囉…依間又真係幾唔錯喎,原本4房打通左做3房…重有裝修咁…真係好彩我地睇完樓唔係即走係飲埋茶先走姐. 食完午飯,我就同駿駿先出旺角買d野…再去上環搭5點果班船返澳門囉…晚上我地叫左壽司做晚飯呢. Woke up early this morning, let Chunchun watched his favorite cartoon and then we take MTR to the Tin Keng Leng station to meet Papa’s uncle and the property agent. Hum, Papa’s aunt took Chunchun to the club house to play around and I went to visit apartment with Papa’s uncle… we been visited a few apartments but didn’t have one we really like it… and then we went to have lunch in a Chinese restaurant all together. Happy Chunchun told me that he have a lot of fun in the club house, there have a special area for kids, he love it… haha, hope that if we really move there, Chunchun have time to go to club house often. While we were waiting for table, the property agent called… there still has one apartment we can go to take a look. It’s a very nice 3 rooms apartment… it’s lucky we stay in Tin Keng Leng to have lunch. After lunch, Chunchun and I went to Mong Kok to buy something, and then back to Macau by 5pm ferry. At night we have sushi for dinner^^