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母親節活動(Mother's Day Activities)


今日4點15分左右就去到駿駿學校準備參加學校搞既母親節活動呢.駿駿由琴晚開始就不停提我…要我早d去到學校呢…因為上年我搵唔到位泊車,佢話佢等左好耐丫…所以今日唯有早一早就出門口搵定位泊車啦..哈..哈… 係飯堂度等小朋友放學,小朋友到齊後就開始一齊幫塊鏡貼貼紙啦…今日個活動叫做”皇后的鏡子”,要小朋友自己設計一塊鏡送比媽咪呢.貼完貼紙,重要畫番張心形既心意卡比媽媽呢. 參加完活動,離開學校前我地先去左小賣部度買魚蛋同腸仔比駿駿下午茶,先再慢慢行去攞車.返到屋企都只係5點半左右…今次個活動因為好簡單,所以好快攪掂呢,記得上年係串珠仔整電話繩,要一粒粒串又要寫字..搞到6點幾先返到屋企.今次就好囉..早咁多…駿駿做功課溫習都唔會太趕. Went to Chunchun’s school around 4.15 this afternoon to join the Mother’s Day Activities. Chunchun kept remind me to come early since last night, because last year I was late for the activities…haha. Met Chunchun at their canteen and soon we started to decorate the mirror together. It’s the activity that let kids design their own mirror to their mother. After the Mother’s Day Activities, we bought some snack at the snack counter for Chunchun’s tea and then we back home around 5.30pm^^ 製作母親節禮物製作母親節心意卡母親節禮物係鏡同心意卡丫

今日好開心(Happy Day)


今朝10點幾就出左門口囉,我地要去接Jennifer一家去滑草呢.去到Jennifer屋企,就比Jennifer老公渣我部車上大潭山滑草場啦,大家一齊去玩丫,順便比佢地試下部車先,因為佢地想係我搬番香港後買左我部車喎^^ 係滑草場玩左半個鐘左右,我地就離開,返番去澳門漁人碼頭果邊飲茶囉.哈,好笨丫我…我記錯左駿駿鍾意睇既幪面超人時間丫,以前係12點半架嘛…早排開始改左11點半做…我唔記得…去到春秋火鍋時岩岩12點..做完…冇得睇=.=1點鬆d飲完茶,本來駿駿重話想去打機架,不過佢2點半要返英文班,恩恩3點又要跳舞…最緊要係返英文班前要先車左Jennifer佢地返屋企先..所以駿駿今日都係冇得打機呢. 車完Jennifer佢地返屋企,我同駿駿就出發去氹仔囉.去到見重有時間,就比駿駿去公園玩陣先去英文班啦…哈,果度有班小朋友係度玩暴旋陀螺喎,開心死駿駿,企係度係咁睇…原來佢重有帶自己既陀螺…好快就同小朋友玩埋一齊囉. 上完英文班,我就帶駿駿去氹仔活動教育中心果個魔法巴士度玩啦,駿駿想去好耐架啦,但係上年H1N1人地停左好耐冇開…3月左右發現佢開番,但係近總測周,冇時間去玩呢..等到今日..終於有得玩囉. Leave home around 10.20 this morning to Jennifer’s home to pick up her family. Let Jennifer’s husband to drive my car (because Jennifer wanted to buy my car when I back to Hong Kong^^) to the Grand Taipa Country Park to play the grass slide together. Played in the Grand Taipa Country Park for around half around, we went to Fisherman’s Wharf to the Seasons Hot Pot to have lunch together around noontime. Hum, we finished lunch around 1pm something, at first Chucnhun wanted to go to the amusement arcade to play for a while… however, Ianian need to go to dancing course on 3pm and Chunchun need to go to English course on 2.30pm… it’s not much time to go to the amusement arcade. Drove Jennifer’s family back home and then took Chunchun to English course. We arrived to Taipa a little bit too early; therefore, I let Chunchun play for a while in the park. After English course, we went to the Taipa Activities Education Centre to play the Magical Family Journey 搬滑草兜同恩恩一齊滑草魔法巴士內的魔法禮物盒魔法巴士內的魔法浴室

去掃墓丫(To Visit Grave)


8am 係酒店內食早餐 9am 坐旅遊巴去秦村 10.30am 到達秦村去拜山囉 4pm 到達瘦西湖 6.30pm 晚飯 8.30pm 到底溫泉酒店 9pm 去浸溫泉 我諗,今日應該係咁多日入面最開心既一日囉,一早我地先去拜山,之後我地就去左瘦西湖觀光,今晚既晚餐係咁依幾日入面最好既一餐,重有晚上我地係入住溫泉酒店東^ 唔,今次係我地一家三口第一次去秦村架,連大伯同姑奶奶佢地都話佢地係第一次去秦村或者都只係好耐好耐之前去過一次咋.不過都正常既,因為秦村真係好偏遠呢.係秦村逗留左1小時左右,主要都係行路囉,拜山都只係用左好少時間姐.拜完山之後,我地就上番旅遊巴出發去楊洲囉,去瘦西湖觀光呢…當然途中我地都有落車食午飯既,不過又係d不知名…好殘好舊既酒店囉. 4點左右去到瘦西湖,果度又真係幾靚呢..大家遊花園都遊得好開心..諗下如果唔係爺爺話要拜山,我地一家三口根本都冇乜機會一齊去旅行呢..所以雖然有d悶又坐車坐得耐…但係如果爺爺再搞拜山團,我都冇乜所為. 今晚既晚飯有一間幾靚既酒樓度食丫,食完晚飯我地就返酒店囉.雖然一早就知今日係會入住溫習酒店,不過爸爸一開始就冇打算浸溫泉呢..所以我地根本冇帶泳衣呢.但係去到酒店,大伯二伯佢地個個都話浸,所以爸爸就改變主意即場同駿駿2個買泳褲去浸溫泉啦.而我呢,就同二嫂一齊去做腳底按摩啦. 8am Breakfast in Hotel 9am Travel Bus to Ching’s Village 10.30am Arrived to Ching’s Village 4pm Arrived to Slender West Lake 6.30pm Dinner 8.30pm Arrived to the Hot Spring hotel 9pm Go to Hot Spring I guess, today is the most happy day for us, we first go to visit grave of Papa’s forefathers… and then we go to sightseeing at Slender West Lake, have nice dinner tonight and hot spring at night^^ Hum, Papa is the first time goes to the Ching’s Village, and my brother in law and some other relative, they also said they never been in Ching’s Village or just visited once. We stayed in Ching’s Village around 1 hour to visit the grave of Papa’s forefathers and then we back to the travel bus to have lunch and go to Yangzhou to the Slender West Lake to sightseeing around. We all have a nice time in Slender West Lake, at night, we have dinner in a very nice Chinese Restaurant, and then we go to hotel around 8.30pm. At first Papa didn’t planned to go to hot spring, therefore, we didn’t bring any swimsuit with us. However, when Papa notices that most of our relatives will go to hot spring, he changed his mind and bought swimming trunks for Chuncun and him. And I went to the massage area to do the feet massage while Chunchun and Papa playing in the hot spring pool. 到達郊區墓地瘦西湖內景一有吊椅丫浸完溫泉

去上海(Go To Shang Hai)


9.30am 到達澳門機場 10.30am 登機 1pm 到達上海浦東機場 2.45pm 到達酒店 3.00pm 係KFC食下午茶 4pm 到達上海外灘 6.30pm 同爺爺食晚飯 今朝早大約9點我地先出發去澳門機場呢,10點半左右就已經要登機囉,我地係坐10點50分班機去上海呢.唔,我諗大約飛左2個幾鐘就到囉…不過實際我都唔係好知時間,一去旅行我就冇乜時間觀念架啦…而且今日大多數時間唔係係飛機就係係私家車入面=.= 我諗我地大約1點左右到達浦東機場既,只係坐左個幾鐘頭車去到酒店.放底行李後,我地就係酒店附近(其實都要坐10-15分鐘車啦)既KFC食d野,就再上爺爺屋企報個平安先.報完平安,我地就可以自己出去觀光囉. 不過話就話觀光,事實上,我地都只係去左上海外灘同一直沿途行到去外白渡橋到咋…算係去左2個景點掛.之後6點半我地又要去到爺爺食晚飯囉…食完晚飯就直接返酒店呢.爸爸話,明天成日都要坐車呢,要由上海去江蘇喎=.= 9.30am Arrived to Macau Airport 10.30am aboard to the 10.50am flight 1pm Arrived to the Shanghai International Airport 2.45pm Arrived to hotel 3.00pm Tea at KFC 4pm Arrived to The Bund 6.30pm Dinner with Grandpa Leave home around 9 o’clock this morning to the Macau Airport and aboard to the 10.50am flight around 10.30am. It take around 2 hours to Shanghai… I think, actually I didn’t really sure the time, I don’t have any time concept while we were traveling in Shanghai… because most of the time, we were sitting in the car=.= Arrived to Shanghai International Airport around 1pm and then we take almost 2 hours car to our hotel. Went to KFC nearby to have tea, and then go to Grandpa’s home first before we go to sightseeing. Hum, we go to The Bund around 4pm something, and then we keep walking until we arrived to the Waibaidu Bridge, so we been to two sightseeing in Shanghai… haha, and that’s it. Afterward, we have to have dinner with Grandpa and then back to hotel after dinner. Tomorrow, Papa said we have to take travel bus all day to the Jiangsu. 係澳門機場出發Day1既酒店上海東方明珠到達外白渡橋

英文會匯(Variety Show)


今日下午有英文綜藝匯演呢,駿駿不知幾興奮,佢成日都提住我要去睇呢.因為今次既匯演駿駿有2項表演丫.第一項係成班同學一齊唱”To the zoo”,而第二項係佢練習左好耐既”Big 4”唱歌跳舞.由係駿駿同其他3個同學主唱,重有4個伴舞添.駿駿一直都為左今次比老師選中上台表演感到好驕傲呢. 英文綜藝匯演係係3點開始架,不過我2點就出左門口囉…因為近期駿駿學校附近一帶都有修路,少左好多車位…我要慢慢搵位泊車呢.真係好彩我有早d出門口咋…因為我都成2點半打後先搵到位泊車呢…成2點45分打後先行到去學校,企唔到5分鐘就夠鐘入場囉. English variety show this afternoon, Chunchun been very exciting about it… because he have 2 performances this afternoon. First is singing “To the zoo” with all his classmate, Second is singing “Big 4” with 3 others boys and 4 others boys dancers. Chunchun was very proud of selected by his teacher for the “Big 4” performance. The variety show starts at 3pm, but I leave home around 2pm because I need to seek for parking space… I don’t want to be late for Chunchun’s performance. Finally I parked my car at 2.30pm something, and walk to Chunchun’s school around 2.45pm. It’s so lucky that I decided to leave home earlier. https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD1/32738/32738.1269872018.16408.wmv跳舞啦英文會匯頒獎