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好幸運丫(Lucky Day)


今日開始放復活節假啦,但係我冇計劃度同駿駿去邊度玩,因為Cissy話佢琴晚佢會黎澳門,今日佢會搵我地同黎探我地既.大約10點我先起身,之後就準備同駿駿同公公去食午飯啦.見冇乜野做,Cissy又未打黎喎,咁我就同公公同駿駿去八佰伴食午飯同睇下有冇靚涼鞋買比駿駿啦. 我地大約11點半左右先去到八佰伴,我重以為今日假期會好多人添…但係又唔係喎,我地去到重有好多停車位,成個八佰伴都唔係好多人.我地一去到就去左美食廣場度食午飯先,再去睇涼鞋啦.但係我地睇左好耐都唔覺眼有靚既涼鞋喎,搞到我地冇買野就去左遊樂場度玩啦.哈,我地又好好彩喎,原本我只係比左10蚊駿駿玩遊戲姐,但係結果佢玩左成20蚊既遊戲丫…因為當駿駿玩第一個渣車遊戲時,我入完第一個錢冇反應喎,我咪拍下部機囉,結果就聽到好多硬幣跌出黎既聲啦. 哈,哈,之後駿駿免費咁玩左一次渣車遊戲同射槍遊戲呢.之後玩保齡球時,原本要入4個代幣既,但係駿駿入左1個就可以開始玩遊戲囉,就係咁,駿駿用10蚊玩左好多遊戲呢. 大約1點半左右,當我地行緊玩具部時, Cissy就打電話比我啦,佢岩岩先同屋企人食緊午飯,話如果有時間既話會再打比我黎探我地喎.可惜丫…佢到8點幾先打比我,我地今日都係冇機會見面囉. Easter Holiday started, didn’t have much planning for today, because Cissy said she came to Macau on yesterday night, and she will contact me today and visit us for a while. Woke up around 10am and prepare for lunch with Chunchun and Grandpa, hum, we went to New Yaohan for lunch and look for sandals for Chunchun. We arrived to New Yaohan around 11.30am, so rare, I thought today should have a lot of people around because it’s Easter Holiday, however, it just like a weekday… not much people around. Went to food court to have lunch first and then walk around the kid’s shoes section. Sigh, nothing nice we found in the kid’s shoes section, so we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while. So lucky, I only gave Chunchun 10 dollar to play, however, he finally played for around 20 dollar. It’s because when he sit on the driving game, once I insert coin, it’s no response… so I kicked it once, then I heard a lot of coin fall down from the machine. Haha, Chunchun got a free play of driving game and shooting game… and when he went to play the bowling game, the game started after he inserted one coin. Cissy called around 1pm something while we were walking around in the toy’s section. Hum, she was having lunch with her family and said she will call me again if she has time to come to visit us. Too bad that she haven’t call again until 8pm something=_=; we have no chance to meet today.

返香港購物(Shopping in Hong Kong)


今朝一早同公公送完駿駿返學之後呢,我就返屋企等Gina黎接我去碼頭啦.係我等Gina黎到既期間呢,我先洗左d衫再拜托公公要幫我收衫晾衫,重有提佢今日Stephenie婆婆會黎車去接駿駿,記得等婆婆打電話比佢. Gina,Maymay同我大約係11點就去到香港啦.Gina同Mayamay先去左尖沙咀先,因為Maymay要去佢朋友度拎番張身份証認領書先.而我呢,就要先拎左今晚既船飛再行去婆婆公司比番d煙佢先再去尖沙咀搵Gina同Maymay啦.大約11點半就去到尖沙咀,再行去海運果頭搵Gina佢地啦.再三個一齊行下嬰兒小童野同行玩具反斗城啦. Maymay同我大約12點幾左右就去左拎身份證啦,而Gina就係果頭既麥記食住野等我地.食完午餐我地就急急腳咁去旺角繼續行街買野囉.唉,我地7點就返左黎澳門啦,係香港行左成7個鐘頭街…但係我都冇乜點買野呢>___< Luckily, I found that May 1 is Monday, so that Chunchun and I can back to Hong Kong on Apr 29 and stay for 3 days 2 nights in Hong Kong. So that I can shop around with Chunchun in the end of this month again^^ While we on the way back to Macau, I found that Gina and Maymay got seasick so easy, I was so worry if they vomit in the ferry=_=; Sigh, Papa called a few time while we on the ferry and told me that I have to have dinner with my father-in-law… I have to hurry to the Chinese Restaurant right after I arrived to Macau. Arrived to the Chinese Restaurant around 7.45pm, sigh, they almost finish their dinner…

又去珠海購物囉(Shopping in Zhihai again)


今好開心丫,一早同公公婆婆送左駿駿返稚幼園之後呢,我地就返屋企等Gina黎接我地同Maymay去珠海行街街啦.我地大約10點左右就去到珠海啦,先一齊係地下商場度食早餐啦.食完早餐之後,公公婆婆2個去左d按犘中心度做按犘;而Gina, Maymay同我呢就去書店睇書同去影樓度睇相.好羡慕丫,Maymay決定同妹豬係果度影相呢..唉,其實我都好想帶駿駿去影相架…但係爸爸唔比丫,因為駿駿係1歲同2歲既時候就已經去過2次影樓影相啦..加上今次間影樓係大陸既..佢就更唔鍾意啦. 當我,Maymay同Gina係影樓度傾緊計時,Pinky就出面啦.原來佢又帶左囡囡黎大陸行街呢,見佢一大袋野,一早就收鑊豐富呢^^到大約1點我地先同pinky一齊行番去地下商場度搵埋公公婆婆一齊去飲茶食午餐.其實有d覺得對唔住公公同婆婆架,因為我係一早提意今日黎珠海行街街既,但係到後來Gina同Maymay又話黎之後呢..我就掛住同Gina同Maymay傾計行街,冇乜點理公公婆婆啦=_=; 到最後重要公公婆婆早d返澳門接駿駿放學睇醫生先,到4點我同Gina先去學校接佢地返黎. 接完駿駿同Stephenie放學之後呢,我地就拉大隊去漁人碼頭行下街啦.開心駿駿同Stephenie不停係度走黎走去啦,結果2個都係漁人碼頭度跌倒…不過駿駿就冇Stephenie咁慘;駿駿只係跌倒冇受傷,但係Stephenie就跌損左手呢.唉,其實漁人碼頭都開左成4個月架啦,但係重有好多吉既商鋪喎…到底幾時先會多d野睇呢?等我有多個地方行街嘛. Sure happy day today, took Chunchun to kindergarten with Grandma and Grandpa this morning, and then back home to wait for Gina came to pick us up to Zhuhai with Maymay. We arrived to Zhuhai around 10am and then have breakfast together. After breakfast, Grandma and Grandpa went to massage centre to do massage; Gina, Maymay and I went to the studio and book’s store to walk around. So envy, Maymay decided to take Yiuyiu to the studio to take photo too… sigh, I want to take Chunchun to the studio to take some nice photo too, however, Papa don’t allow me to do that and Chunchun already went to studio to take photo 2 times when he was 1 year old and 2 years old. While Maymay, Gina and I were gossiping in the studio, we met Pinky there. Pinky took her daughter to the book’s store to walk around, and I saw that her bought many stuff already^^ We back to the underground mall with Pinky around 1pm and then went to have lunch with Grandpa and Grandma in a Chinese Restaurant. Felt quite sorry about Grandma, because I was the one suggested to go to Zhuhai shopping, but since Gina and Maymay came too… I left Grandma and Grandpa alone=_=; Grandma and Grandpa leave around 3pm to go to pick up Chunchun first, and then Gina and I went to pick them up around 4pm. Went to the Fisherman’ Wharf after picked Chunchun and Stephenie. Happy Chunchun and Stephenie kept running around and they both fall in the Fisherman’s Wharf while they running around. Sigh, Fisherman’s Wharf already opened around 4 months, but there still have many empty stores; wonder when it will all open so that I have one more place to go to.柱男柱女豬嘴爬柱漁人碼頭

開心購物日(Happy Shopping Day)


今朝送完駿駿返學之後,公公同我係打算大清潔過駿駿既地盤既,重諗住換過d新既膠地墊添.點知大約10點左右,Gina打比我問我有冇興趣同佢一齊返大陸行下喎…哈,我當然想啦,第一時間同公公講,明天先打掃囉,之後就渣車去接Gina同Stephenie去關閳呢.大約11點左右就去到珠海果邊啦,第一站我地係去大型嬰兒用品店度睇野,之後再陪Gina去影樓度睇Stephenie既相,再係影樓旁既大書店買左好多書比駿駿^^可惜佢冇Thomas火車頭既故仔書啦,不過我都買左Miffy既故仔書同一堆習作比駿駿玩^^ 買完書我地就行番去海關旁既地下商場行街食午飯啦,行到3點左右就返黎澳門去接駿駿放學囉.唔,駿駿一見到Gina姨姨同Stephenie黎接佢放學就勁開心呢…不過當老師指住Stephenie問佢”個女仔係邊個黎架?”,”佢叫乜名呢?”駿駿就突然變得好怕羞咁啦…明明以前重會大大聲話”nienie係我女朋友架嘛” XD接完駿駿之後就一齊返左我屋企啦,等nienie同駿駿玩一陣,我又可以幫Gina揀音樂比Stephenie個影片^^係6點前就送Gina同Stephenie返屋企啦,因為一到6點就勁塞車呢=_=; After took Chunchun to kindergarten, Grandpa and I planed to clean up Chunchun’s toy and change the new glue ground cushion for his playground. However, Gina called around 10am and asked me to go to Zhihai with her… haha, I cancelled cleaning work immediately and drive to Gina’s home to pick up her and Stephenie. We arrived to Zhihai around 11am, our first stop was a big baby stuff store, and then went to the Studio to check on Stephenie’s photo. Bought a lot of books from the book’s store that next to the Studio, it’s too bad that there don’t have Thomas’ story book, but I found Miffy’s story books and some other activities books for Chunchun^^ Back to the mall next to the customs to have lunch and shopping around, leave around 3pm to go to pick up Chunchun. Hum, Chunchun was super happy when he notices that Gina and Stpehenie were with me to pick him up. Haha, he acts shy suddenly when his teacher ask Chunchun what’s Stephenie’s name and who is she XD Drive Gina and Stpehenie to my home to let Chunchun and Stephenie play with a while and I help Gina to found a nice song for Stephenie’s video^^ And then drive Gina and Stephenie back home before 6pm, because I don’t want to meet the traffic jam=_=;

澳門觀光塔(Macau Tower)


今朝一早就帶駿駿返學返學校既課外活動啦,我地一到左學校姐,佢就好開心咁自己跑入學校囉.下學期開始之後,駿駿都好鍾意返課外活動咁,記得上學期返課外活動時,駿駿有時都會扭計唔想返學架,但係下學期開始之後就冇囉,一起身就好開心咁等我帶佢返課外活動. 今朝晏左少少去接駿駿放學,我去到學校時都成11點10分囉…大多數小朋友都返左屋企,得番駿駿同其他2個小朋友係度等父母黎接放學咋.接左駿駿之後我地就係學校附近既麥記食午餐啦,食完就去觀光塔度行下啦.係我幫駿駿切緊熱香餅時,我發現我地應該要多一隻叉喎,見我地坐得近個櫃枱,就叫駿駿幫去要多隻叉啦.駿駿好爽快咁答左我好之後,就一邊大叫”姐姐,唔該比隻叉我丫!”一邊行去櫃枱啦…佢一拎到隻叉就好開心咁跑返黎同我講”媽咪,你睇下!我拎左啦!”哈..哈..好可愛丫…佢令我諗起我細個時有個麥記既電視廣告,係講一個小朋友由一個小姐姐帶住第一次自己係麥記度點餐,之後比父母讚佢大個仔…突然覺得駿駿好似果個小朋友. 大約12點20分左右我地就去到澳門觀光塔啦,先先地去左玩具反斗城睇玩具先,之後就去觀光塔戶外既遊樂場度玩充氣滑梯啦.唉,時間真係過得快丫,記得駿駿對上一次玩充氣滑梯已經係一年前既事啦…之前係想帶佢去玩多幾次架..但係唔好彩丫,我地次次去緊觀光塔,佢個充氣滑梯都冇開=_=; Took Chunchun to kindergarten for extracurricular activities this morning, happy Chunchun ran into kindergarten once we arrived to kindergarten. So happy Chunchun loves his extracurricular activities this season, remember last season he didn’t willing to go to extracurricular sometime, but now, he never said “no’ and seems very happy. Picked up Chunchun a little bit late this morning, arrived to kindergarten around 11.10am… and most of the kids were leave already, only Chunchun and 2 other kids waiting for their parents. Took Chunchun to McDonald’s to have lunch and then went to Macau Tower to walk around. While we having our lunch, I found that we need one more fork for our hot cake, so I asked Chunchun to go to the counter to ask for a fork. Smart Chunchun walk to the counter immediately and kept yelling “Please give me a fork!”; once he got a fork he ran to me and said “Mama, look! I did it~” Haha…so cutie that he made me remember one of the McDonald’s advertisement when I was young… it’s about a little boy ordered the meal himself with his sister. Arrived to Macau Tower around 12.20pm, first we went to Toys ‘r’ Us to walk around and then went outside to play the inflated slide. Time pass fast, remember last time Chunchun slide on that inflated slide was a year ago, wanted to let him to play more… at first, however, we were so bad luck, every time we went to Macau Tower, the slide didn’t open=_=YEAH打鼓滑滑梯

Stephenie's Birthday Party


唉,今朝駿駿又晨咁早8點唔夠就起左身啦,唔知係咪因為今日係Stephenie既生日會所以佢太興奮呢.今朝成朝,每當我叫駿駿做乜做乜時,佢第一句就問我”媽媽我地係咪夠鐘行啦?””媽媽我地係咪依家去Stephenie生日會啦?同佢講乜都冇用,係咁問=_=;最後我地11點半左右終於都出發去Stephenie生日會啦.駿駿就鬼咁開心自己拎住份禮物上車,又話要自己送比Stephenie喎^^ 大約11點40分左右我地就去到專記啦,我地應該係第二班客人黎到既,因為我見除左Gina佢地之外就得幾個外國人係度姐.冇耐, Melina同阿Boo, Jennifer Lam一家, Angela同Hoyee, Pinky一家, Maymay同囡囡, Viaian同囝囝重有Kary一家都黎到啦,哈,哈,完全好似係搞緊澳門媽咪聚會咁丫,可惜我唔記得影番張大合照啦,因為全程都掛住追住駿駿影相=_= 生日會大約1點就完啦,我地係1點15分左右先離開.見一直都落住雨粉粉,原本想行陣街先返屋企既我都打消主意想直接行去渣車返屋企啦,點知駿駿扭計要行街喎(?-?)都唔知佢想睇d乜?咁我地係個商場仔度行左15分鐘,主要係幫爸爸買漫畫…同駿駿睇左一陣精品.咁駿駿就好開心咁跟我返屋企啦,真係唔知佢扭乜? Sigh, Chunchun woke up early around 8am this morning, may be he was too exciting about Stephenie’s Birthday Party. Chunchun kept asking me “Mama, should we go now?” “Are we going to Stepheine’s Birthday Party now?” in the whole morning whenever, I asked him to do anything=_= Finally, we leave home around 11.30am…Chunchun was so happy carrying the birthday’s gift to our car, and told me that he have to give the gift to Stephenie himself^^ Arrived to McDonald’s around 11.40am, and we were the second guess arrived. Soon, we found Melina & Boo, Jennifer Lam’s family, Angela & Hoyee, Pinky’s family, Maymay, Viaian and Kary’s family, haha, it’s just like our Macau Mama Gathering… it’s too bad that I forgot to take a gathering photo today=_= Party ended around 1pm, we leave around 1.15pm. Since it’s raining out, I cancelled my plan – shopping around after the party, however, Chucnhun yelled for shop around (?_?) wonder what he want to look for? Walked around in the shopping mall around 15 minutes, mainly to seek for comic for Papa and I. Then Chunchun was happy and willing to back home with me. Really don’t understand what Chunchun yelled for?同壽星女Stephenie合照排隊玩遊戲

係屋企整餅(Baking Biscuit at home)


因為近日天氣都唔係咁好,成日落雨.所以今日我都冇打算同駿駿去街,諗住同駿駿係屋企烤下餅就算啦.我地大約8點幾就起身啦,唉,其實我想訓晏少少呢,不過駿駿一醒左就不停叫我起身=_=;大約10點左右我地就開始整餅啦.駿駿好開心咁幫我將d材料攪埋一齊,攪到咁上下我就幫佢加多d麵粉做成麵粉團啦.之後我就教佢用棒搓平d麵粉團再用餅模印d可愛既公仔餅出黎. 到11點半左右,我地就邊食午餐邊等焗爐入面既餅出爐啦.到1點左右就叫駿駿訓午覺..而我係收拾好d碗碟同焗好所有既餅之後都同駿駿一齊訓囉.訓醒我地就食餅做下午茶.哈,駿駿真係好抵鍚,今日我只係比左10塊餅比佢之嘛,佢食左一半之後就話”依d留番比爸爸既”真係有心,到我話比佢知,我地今日焗左好多丫,媽媽留左比爸爸啦,佢先食埋其他d餅. Since the weather wasn’t too good recently, I planned to stay home today and baking biscuit with Chunchun. We woke up around 8am something, sigh, I want to sleep longer however, Chunchun kept waking me up=_=; We started to bake biscuit around 10am. Happy Chunchun helping me mixing all the ingredients together until it became a dough. Teach him to use some cutie biscuit mould to cut the dough. Have lunch around 11.30am am while we baking biscuit in the oven. Then made Chunchun take his nap around 1pm… Nap with Chunchun after I clean up all the stuff and after all the biscuit done in the oven. Having biscuit for tea with Chunchun this afternoon^^ lovely Chunchun said “This is for Papa”, so cutie, I only gave him around 10 biscuit, but he only ate half and leave half for Papa.幫媽咪手桿麵粉團朱古力餅我係小廚師

剪頭髮(Hair Cut)


今日同婆婆接完駿駿放學之後呢,就帶左佢去學校附近既髮廊度剪髮啦.唉,其實我應該係好早之前就同佢去剪髮架啦,但係上次返香港時,我唔記得左要帶駿駿去剪髮喎=_=結果搞到今日先同佢剪囉.唔,駿駿到髮廊都真係好合作,自己乖乖坐定定等髮型師同佢剪髮.婆婆話駿駿好乖丫,以前媽媽同舅父都唔肯剪髮架,入到髮廊都會大吵大鬧,喊到死下死下唔肯剪髮既,邊會好似駿駿咁乖坐定定咁合作呢. 剪完髮之後我地就去左公園比駿駿渣15分鐘電動車啦,因為婆婆話佢未見過駿駿渣車喎,成日都只係睇相,今次就比婆婆睇下駿駿點玩啦..大約4點半我地就返到屋企即時同成身頭髮既駿駿沖涼囉. Took Chunchun to hair salon with Grandma this afternoon after we picked up Chunchun from school. Sigh, I should take him to hair cut a long time ago, however, last time when we back to Hong Kong, I forgot to take Chunchun to hair salon=_=; Hum Chunchun was very cooperate while we in the hair salon, he sit alone and let the stylist to cut his hair^^ Grandma said Chunchun was a good boy, remember when my brother and I was young, we didn’t willing to go to hair salon at all… she have to force us go there and we cried and yelled every time. Went to the park afterward, let Chunchun drive for 15 minutes and then back home, because Grandma said she want to watch Chunchun drive once. Hum, we back home around 4.30pm and then take a bathe for Chunchun immediately^^剪髮囉新髮型渣警車

百花蕃薯麻蓉湯圓(Sweet Potatoes Tang Yuan)


今日2點就返學校既義工媽咪會啦,唔,我發覺真係一次比一次少人參加呢=_=記得第一次開會時明明有成10幾個義工媽咪既,但係到今日,得番三個人咋,最多好似先得6個.傾左半個鐘計之後我地就去廚房上煮食班啦,今日做百花蕃薯麻溶湯圓呢 材料(5-60粒) 百花蕃薯 一個(大約一斤) 糯米粉 一斤 牛奶 適量 麻蓉 3大匙羹 花生醬 1 1/2匙羹 作法: 1. 百花蕃薯煮軟 2. 壓蓉百花蕃薯 3. 百花蕃薯蓉加糯米粉及牛奶搓成粉糰備用 4. 麻蓉加花生醬及適量糯米粉攪均,搓成小圓粒作為湯圓的餡料 5. 將麻蓉用適量的百花蕃薯粉糰包裏搓成湯圓 6. 用片糖加薑片煲糖水至沸起,放入湯圓至水沸後關細火,待湯圓浮起即成. 3點40分左右就去接駿駿放學啦,之後一齊去圖書館借書^^哈,駿駿今日揀左好耐都揀唔到想借乜書呢,到左20分鐘左右我終於都幫佢手一齊搵書借啦.大約4點10分左右就返左屋企囉.因為琴日駿駿唔記得帶功課返屋企做,佢今日要做2張工作紙呢. Went to kindergarten around 2pm for the volunteer Mama meeting, hum… I found that there were less Mama come to meeting recently=_= Remember our first meeting have around 10 Mama came, but today, only 3 Mama came to meeting and cooking class. Gossiping around half hour and then went to kitchen to prepare cooking class. Today we made Sweet Potatoes Tang Yuan^^ Picked up Chunchun around 3.40pm and then went to library together. Chunchun spent around 20 minutes to seek for another story book to borrow, and then back home around 4.10pm. Since Chunchun forgot to bring his worksheet back home, he has to do 2 worksheets today.

今日玩得好開心丫(Happy Day)


今朝落雨丫,搞到我送駿駿返學校參加課外活動時鬼咁麻煩.一手要拎住雨庶,一手又要抱住駿駿入學校喎>__< Luckily the rain wasn’t heavy when we arrived to school. Planned to go to an environmental protection festival (?_? forgot the name already) with Melina and Boo, and maybe with Gina and Stephenie and other Macau Mama from net this afternoon, however, it’s rainy in the morning, so I thought that we may have to cancel our gathering. Went to pick up Chunchun on 11am and then back home to have lunch and take nap together… hoping that no more rain today. Gina called around 3pm while Chunchun and I were napping, so happy Gina, Maymay and Vivian were going to the festival and invited Chunchun and I go together. I told her that Chunchun still sleeping and we will go later around 4pm with Melina and Boo. Melina and Boo came and picked us up around 4pm and then go to the festival together. Boo was so cutie, she was wearing a Cinderella’s dress today, and Chunchun called her “Princess” too, haha. Sigh, I wonder what kind of festival is it =-=, we saw the poster said that games started at 3.30pm and show started at 4pm, the schedule will end around 7pm or 8pm… however, when we got there after 4.30pm, all the games closed already =_=; what? Only one hour for games? We would only watch the show for a while and leave. Poor Gina, Maymay and Vivian they were so boring just waiting for us there, and leave after we gossiping for about half hour. Melina and I took Chunchun and Boo to a playground to play for a while, and then have dinner together. Happy Chunchun and Boo have an ice-cream and sausage for tea this afternoon and then have their favorite noodles for dinner^^ Back to my home around 8pm something and let Chunchun and Boo play together until 9pm something, then Melina and Boo leave, hum, I am sure Chunchun was having a great time today.同小公主阿boo合照玩健身腸仔好味道

係香港行街街丫(Shopping in Hong Kong)


今朝送左婆婆同駿駿去幼稚園之後呢,我就返屋企準備過香港啦.婆婆話佢想係幼稚園附近個街時買野同食早餐喎,佢會自己返屋企叫我放低佢同駿駿就得啦^^我大約9點半左右就離開屋企去碼頭啦,趕到10點鐘班船.11點就返到香港啦,原本我約左Kawing 12點係銅鑼灣等架,但係打比Kawing時佢叫我係碼頭等佢一陣,陪佢去灣仔拎日本語考試結果之後再一齊去銅鑼灣食午飯同行街喎.唉,我好鬼黑仔呢,特登黎銅鑼灣既玩具反斗城諗住依間玩具反斗城大,又係旺區會有我要買既野啦,結果係白行一躺既,之後去HMV睇下有冇駿駿要既VCD買啦,又冇=_= 同Kawing食完野之後,我就趕去旺角行街啦,再係2點半左右去到廣華醫院.我係親親小寶果度買到MIFFY第7集,可惜佢冇第6同8 集啦;不過之後我係大眾度買到6同8 ^^叫店員試一次比我睇係咪雙語我先買,因為我真係唔想再走番轉頭換呢,好彩佢聽到我之前既經歷都好樂意試碟比我睇.到2點半我就去到醫院啦,大約3點就走得囉.本來我重以為起碼都要一個鐘添,因為我見醫院都幾多人係度等緊,點知半個鐘都唔駛就搞掂囉喎,算唔算好彩呢? 睇完醫生之後就再去行街買野啦,哈,買左好多野比駿駿丫^^有3件可愛既T恤,3隻Miffy VCD同3本書仔比駿駿(又會咁岩全部都係3既?)我重買左3件衫比自己添.買完野5點左右就去到碼頭搭5點15分既船返澳門啦…唉,我今日好累丫,行到腳痛呢..但係我重有好多野想買..>__< but I still have a lot of stuff want to buy, sigh. Cutie Chunchun ran to me when I back home. He was so exciting to wait for me to shows him what I bought. Watched Miffy’s VCD vol. 5 immediately and reading the books I bought him in the same time. After I settled down, I found that there has a plant on the table. Grandma said it’s what Chunchun planting in the kindergarten…haha.係學校種既芽菜

婆婆黎澳門啦(Grandma Came to Macau)


婆婆平時都係星期二晚黎澳門,到星期四朝就返香港既,但係今個星期呢,婆婆就今日星期三夜先過黎澳門,到星期五朝先走啦.因為明天我要返香港睇醫生,所以就要婆婆係度幫我睇住駿駿啦. 放學之後就同駿駿做功課溫書,之後就去超市買野啦.哈.駿駿係我同佢溫書時就講”聽日爸爸同我會去買花花比媽媽”哈,哈,我發覺駿駿講野越黎越醒,記得佢第一次同我講送花係”媽媽,我一陣就去公園擇d花比你”,但係當我教佢我地唔可以係公園擇花之後呢,佢就改口話”我會買花送比你”到我話佢知佢冇錢錢架喎…依家佢每次都講”爸爸同我會買xxx比你”哈,哈,拖埋爸爸落水就爸爸比錢佢送禮. Grandma usually comes to Macau on Tuesday night and back to Hong Kong on Thursday morning; however, this week Grandma came to Macau tonight on Wednesday and will back to Hong Kong on Friday morning. That’s because I have to go to hospital in Hong Kong tomorrow, and need Grandma to take care Chunchun for a day. Studying with Chunchun after school and then went to supermarket. Hum, lovely Chunchun said “Papa and I will buy flowers to Mama tomorrow!” when we studying his Chinese story book. Haha, I found that his mind became more and more clever recently. Remember the first I study this story book with Chunchun, he said “Mama, I will go to the park and pick some flower for you”; but then after I teach him that we shouldn’t pick flower in the park, he said “I will go buy flower to you” and after I told him that he have no money…. Now he always said “Papa and I will buy XXXX to you.” haha

芝士雞肉餃子(Cheese chicken dumpling )


今日2點半左右就返左幼稚園啦,因為今日又係義工媽咪既煮食班呢.哈,今日我地整芝士雞肉餃子喎^o^整完我可以留番今晚晚飯做送囉. 材料(7-80隻) 芝士 隨意 雞脾肉(免治) 一斤 洋蒽 一個 磨菇 一罐 餃子皮 一斤 胡椒粉 少許 作法: 1. 芝士,洋蒽,磨菇切碎備用 2. 免治雞脾肉加入芝士,洋蒽,磨菇及胡椒粉攪均備用 3. 準備水,用來接合餃子皮 4. 包餃子,一片餃子皮大約3/4匙羹的免治雞肉.在餃子皮的邊添水,將餃子皮接合 5. 預熱煎pan,加油,熄火. 6. 放入餃子,開火後加水合蓋蒸至水乾 7. 水乾後番動餃子,煎香即可 做作及材料大致係咁,很好吃的…喜歡芝士的人可以加多點芝士呢.我地大約3點40分左右先岩岩煎起d餃子,所以又遲左去接駿駿放學囉.我諗呢,有煮食班既日子都好難準時接駿駿放學囉.不過駿駿冇因為我遲左接佢而唔開心喎,反而見到我拎住個食物盒接佢而好開心添.一見到我就問”媽媽,依d係乜黎架?廚師叔叔整架?”佢重想好似上個星期咁即時有得試食添^^ 接左駿駿之後我地就去圖書館還我地上星期五借果本書啦.之後我同林老師傾計就等駿駿再揀第二本故事書借返屋企黎啦.唔,我諗呢,下次我地還書時,駿駿應該又會第一時間去揀第二本書借囉..好似上左癮咁睇完一本又一本. Went to kindergarten this afternoon around 2.30pm for the volunteer Mama cooking class. So happy today we made Cheese Chicken dumpling today^O^ I would save it for dinner… haha. We finished around 3.40pm something, a little bit late to pick up Chunchun again. Hum, I guess whenever we have cooking class; it’s hard to pick up Chunchun on time. Anyways Chunchun didn’t get any unhappy with it, he was super happy to seeing me come to pick him up with a lunch box. He asked me “what is it?” immediately and wanted to taste it quick^^ We went to the library to return the book that Chunchun borrowed last Friday. Gossiping with Miss Lam for a while and wait for Chunchun seeking another story book to borrow. Hum, I guess next time when we return this story book, Chunchun will looking for another one immediately.

下雨天(Rainy Day)


今朝同駿駿去左八佰伴丫,係遊樂場度玩啦,係美食廣場度食午飯,最主要係要買定禮物比Stephenie生日丫^^我地係玩具部行黎行去睇左差唔多成個鐘,我都係揀唔到有乜心水玩具,買左我覺得Stephenie一定會鍾意既~_~最後我只係買左份迪士尼公主系列既益智玩具比Stephenie同買左隻Miffy雙語VCD比駿駿. 大約點幾返到屋企,駿駿就好開心叫我開電視比佢睇Miffy啦.見佢答應我只係睇2個故仔(大約10分鐘左右)就會訓午覺,我咪開比佢睇囉.點知…隻Miffy碟得英文既,我番睇佢個vcd盒,明明係寫住廣東話及英語架嘛,之前我係香港買左第1至5集都係雙語既,點解今日買依隻第7集得英文呢=_=;於是我同駿駿講隻碟壞左,叫佢乖乖午睡,訓醒我地就再去八佰伴換過隻有雙語既Miffy比佢睇. 駿駿大約4點鬆d就訓醒囉,之後我地就行過去八佰伴度換碟啦.當我地去到時,個經理換過第二隻碟比我地,重係我地面前播一次添…結果,果隻都係得中文呢=_=;個vcd套明明寫住雙語架啦,搞左成個幾鐘,最後佢地係要退番錢比我囉.但係比起錢,我更想要番隻雙語既vcd呢,唉>__< We were so unfortunate today, after I got my money back, I planned to go to have dinner in the Fisherman’s wharf… However, I found that it’s raining hard outside=_=; Bought an umbrella in New Yaohan and then walked back home since no taxi around in New Yaohan…

送花比媽媽?(Flower for Mama)


因為上個星期五我同駿駿遲左去圖書館做管理員,所為今日我地就早少少出門口啦.大約8點10分就返到學校啦^^重係圖書館同駿駿睇左3本書添.就係我地要離開時,駿駿搵到本故仔書話想借喎.因為我今朝冇帶駿駿個圖書証,我就簽應佢放學再同佢去圖書館借書啦,之後就準備帶佢返班房.唉,我地一行出圖書館咋,駿駿就開始扭計啦”我要跟媽媽返屋企丫!”好彩到我地行到去樓梯時,駿駿見到佢既朋友仔啦.駿駿即時走去佢朋友仔度一齊行樓梯上班房啦..完全唔記得頭先自己扭緊計要返屋企..唔記得左媽媽啦=_=; 放學之後就同駿駿去借故仔書啦,借完駿駿重好開心咁要自己攬住本書返屋企…直情當係寶咁丫.因為借左故仔書…佢今日做功課重做得好快添喎^^當我同佢溫書時又鬼咁好口喎…係咁話”媽媽鍾意花,等我聽日送d花比媽咪!”哈,哈…其實我覺得近期駿駿都好鍾意話送野或買野比我….好似上次係網上見到hello kitty姐,佢就即時話”媽咪,你睇下,係你鍾意既Hello Kitty丫,等我買比你啦!” Since last Friday Chunchun and I were late for the librarian, we leave home a little bit earlier this morning. Arrived to the kindergarten around 8.10am^^ I read 3 story books with Chunchun this morning, and just before we leave, Chunchun found a books that he want to borrow. Promised him to borrow it after school, and then led Chunchun to his classroom. Sigh, once we leave the library, Chunchun started yelling “I want to back home with Mama” so lucky, when we walked to the stair, Chunchun met his friend^^ And he ran to his friend immediately and walked up the stair to his classroom himself… he forget me immediately=_=; Went to the library with Chunchun after school to borrow the story book for him. Happy Chunchun carried the story book all the way to home. Because of the story book, he finished his homework quickly^^ While I studying with him, lovely Chunchun said “Mama like flower, I will buy flower for you tomorrow!” Haha, I found that Chunchun always said “I will buy XXXX for Mama” “I will give XXXX to Mama” Like last time we saw a Hello Kitty on web, he said “Mama look! It’s your favorite Hello Kitty, let me buy it for you!”