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好悶丫(Boring Day)


駿駿今日只係要返一個鐘頭學咋,所以我之前就叫左爸爸同我一齊送駿駿返學,之後我地去食早餐..到10點鐘就一齊去接駿駿放學.駿駿今日好似好開心咁,見佢係咁同我講有新既書本,重有一隻好可愛既藍色乳牛公仔添^^返到屋企之後就準備煮午飯啦,因為我地今日打算早d食午飯,食完就去新馬路行街街架…點知一直打電話比爸爸,佢都話有野做緊..要等電郵回左先可以返黎囉…就係咁,等下等下都成點鐘囉.最後我地都冇去到新馬路呢..因為食完午飯駿駿就要午睡囉~_~ 唉~我今日真係覺得好悶…我諗駿駿都同我一樣覺得悶姐..之前明明講好左去行街架嘛…點知依家點都都冇得去..悶死人啦~~~ Chunchun only need to go to school for around 1 hour this morning, so I asked Papa to took Chunchun to school with me around 9am, and then we went to have breakfast together until 10am to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun seem to be very happy this morning, because he got new English books and homework books and a cutie cow’s doll^^ Back home to prepare lunch and we planned to go to the shopping area after lunch. However, Papa came home late this afternoon>_< because he said he has to wait for an email before he back home… Finally we didn’t go to shopping area this afternoon because we have lunch to late and Chunchun have to nap after lunch~_~ Sigh, I was so boring today, I think Chunchun felt boring too, because we were planned to go to shopping area a few days ago…but now, we can go nowhere>_<

英文考試(English Exam)


今日係英文考試丫,因為琴日唔記得問老師今日重駛唔駛著運動衫,所以我都係比駿駿著左運動衫先,癈事如果要上體育堂時駿駿著錯校服嘛.12點半去接駿駿放學時,我見有d小朋友係著普通校服,有d就著運動衫喎…唔,我諗今日應該都係冇體育堂架啦,咁係咪老師唔記得話比我地知呢? 明天就係考數學囉,依個係駿駿比較差既科目…但係其實都唔多野要溫架,比起中文同英文要記字寫字…應該易好多架喎.今日只係同佢一齊數下數字,對比,排列同顏色等等…下午同爸爸食完午飯,再同駿駿溫左次書之後,我同駿駿又開始大覺訓左2個幾鐘囉.其實有時都會諗,駿駿係學校午睡時間係幾多呢?一個鐘定個半鐘?會唔會得半個鐘?點都好啦,駿駿係屋企就真係好訓得… 婆婆7點鬆d過到黎,我地就準備食晚飯囉,食完晚飯就由婆婆同駿駿再溫習一次^^希望今次駿駿會再做好d啦 English Exam today, forgot to ask Chunchun’s teacher that does he need to wear sports uniform today, so I let him wear it in case they still have PE class today. Went to pick up Chunchun around 12.30pm, and I noticed that some of his classmate wear uniform, and some wear sports uniform… I guess they should be no PE today, but teacher didn’t remember to tell us?_? Math Exam for tomorrow, nothing much to study actually, not like English and Chinese to have some words have to be remember… we just do some counting, comparing, ranking etc. Chunchun and I napped for around 2hours after Papa and I finished our lunch, and finished his first time study. Hum, I want thinking, how long Chunchun nap in school? One hour or one and half hour or maybe only half hours? Anyway, Chunchun nap for a long time at home… Grandma arrived around 7.20pm, and then we prepare to have dinner together. After dinner, Grandma study with Chunchun again^^ Hope that Chunchun will be fine tomorrow.

準備考試囉(Prepare for Exam)


今朝同駿駿圖書館丫,今日係上學期最後一日去圖書館呢,因為下個星期就係考試周啦,之後就開始下學期囉.笨豬駿駿唔記得今日唔可以借書,因為下星期圖書館唔開呢…當老師叫小朋友排隊時,佢重係度搵圖書想借書喎…到我同佢講唔借得時,佢有少少失望呢.不過佢都好乖冇扭計. 今日真係好開心呢,因為駿駿唔駛做功課^^我地只係花左半小時就溫習完囉,之後重有時間一齊玩同睇陣電視..再去接爸爸放工呢…唔,平常既星期六日我都唔會同駿駿做任何既溫習既,不過今個星期六日就溫習多d囉.因為下星期就係考試周啦.唔知駿駿肯唔肯合作同我乖乖地溫書? Went to library this morning with Chunchun, today was the last day to go to library for the first school term… and then next week will be exam week then starts the second school term. Silly Chunchun forget that we can’t borrow story book today, when teacher asked all kids to queue up for classroom, he ran to the book shelf immediately and wanted to seek for a book to borrow. He was quite disappointed when I told him that we couldn’t borrow story book today, but he was a good boy that didn’t yelling for crying for story book^^ Happy day for me, because Chunchun didn’t have homework to do today^^ we just spent around half hour on studying, and then we watched TV and went to Papa office together. Hum, usually I won’t study with Chunchun on Saturday and Sunday, but this Saturday and Sunday, I have to study with him because Exam week is coming, wonder will Chunchun being a good boy study hard with me?

豬豬坐墊(Pig Cushion)


今朝早又一早去圖書館囉,好彩今日駿駿冇扭計話要借書姐,佢好似好明白係因為就考試所以冇得借書咁^^不過因為我地今日遲左少少去圖書館丫,當我地去到時已經有好多同學仔係度睇緊書啦,其中重有一個女仔坐住駿駿最鍾意果隻豬豬坐墊添.駿駿一見到,就走去個女仔身邊問”我好鍾意隻豬豬架,你讓比我啦得唔得丫?”可惜人地坐住左唔肯讓比駿駿…咁我都叫佢下次先攬隻豬豬啦,唔可以迫人地架.到過左大約10分鐘,個女仔一起身去拎第二本書睇時,駿駿就即時走去抱起隻豬豬坐墊啦..一直企係個女仔個位附近,到個女仔行番埋位時,佢見到個女仔冇理到佢拎住隻豬豬坐墊,駿駿就一臉奸笑咁抱住隻豬豬佳去第二度啦=_=;我係度諗,如果個女仔要番隻豬豬,駿駿係咪會比番人呢? Went to school early this morning for library, so happy that Chunchun didn’t mind we couldn’t borrow story books today^^ Since we were a little bit late this morning, when we arrived to library there were already a lot of kids reading book. And one girl was carrying Chunchun’s favorites pig cushion, cutie Chunchun walked to the girl immediately and asked “Can you give me the pig cushion?” Haha, wonder why he care about the pig cushion that much, too bad that the girl didn’t want to give the pig cushion to Chunchun. And after around 10 minutes, the girl get up to seek for other story book then Chunchun ran to the pig cushion immediately and carrying it to wait for the girl… when the girl came back to his seat, she just sit down and read her book then Chunchun carrying the pig cushion back to his seat with a evil smile on his face=_=; I was thinking if the girl asked for the pig cushion, will Chunchun give her back?



今日下午3點半我同婆婆一齊去接駿駿放學,原本我地係街市時買左小食比駿駿做下午茶架…點知我一去到課房,老師就同我投訴啦~_~因為佢曳所以今日比我罰冇得食小食囉.老師同我講駿駿係學校唔肯做功課喎(不過唔肯做之中,我見佢d功課全部都做左3分2以上喎),重有話駿駿係學校寫d字好醜,但係屋企就寫得靚差好遠喎.如果話佢唔肯做功課,係駿駿既問題..但係寫字…我唔覺得駿駿係學校同屋企寫字有幾大分別..最大分別咪係學校寫d字永遠都有d擦唔乾淨既跡囉,係d跡上再寫字,又點會靚丫?每日我係屋企都花時間坐係駿駿身邊睇佢做功課,寫得唔靚係我幫佢擦到乾乾淨淨架…係學校?邊個會幫佢擦?老師只係掛住睇佢地心愛既學生既姐,其他既做左基本就算…唔係話老師唔可以偏心,偏心實有,只係你係幼稚園教師,見到有學校應該多d注意既,點解唔注意佢多d?同家長投訴只係可以由家長鬧下個小朋友姐.唔通同我講完駿駿係學校就會寫靚d字?不如老師自己花多少少時間望下其他小朋友做功課,幫有需要既小朋友擦乾淨本薄…冇擦唔乾淨既跡囉,d字咪會靚囉=_=;而第2樣老師投訴既,我真係諗極都唔明…點解駿駿係學校食飯會食得唔好?由托兒所到幼兒班,老師對駿駿食野都係有讚冇彈既,上年連廚師叔叔都讚駿駿食得乖…點解上到幼低班咁多問題?我都有偏見,由旅行完之後我就對駿駿班果2位老師冇乜好感…一直我都覺得佢地唔稱職~_~佢地做得好,小朋友就唔會曳啦.我留意過人地第二班低班有做既野,佢地都冇做既?點解丫?因為有個老師成日唔係課室囉!! 4點左右返到屋企,我再望下駿駿既功課薄…係學校同係屋企d字好大分別咩?我真係唔覺,我只係覺得一樣咁醜…唔同既係,學校寫完既功課醜之外係重有好多擦膠跡….雖然話d字醜…但係每個字都寫得岩同睇到佢寫乜架喎…係我要求低?定係老師要求高?點都好..因為d擦膠跡…駿駿既功課都係要全部寫過既…其實只要幫小朋友擦靚本薄,小朋友就會寫得靚d架啦.唔明點解老師咁都唔肯幫幫手?應該唔係個個小朋友寫字都咁差架,咁就著力係有需要既小朋友度啦…鍾意睇住自己鍾意果d小朋友…都唔駛做到咁唔理其他小朋友架=_=; Went to pick up Chunchun around 3.30pm with Grandma today, at first we bought some snack for Chunchun while we in food market… However, when I arrived to his classroom, his teacher started to complain about him~_~ So he got punished that no snack today. His teacher said that Chunchun didn’t willing to do homework at school, and the hand writing in home and school was so different. Sigh, I was quite mad about Chunchun didn’t willing to do his homework at school (I wonder why if he not willing to do homework, why still all finished 2/3 of his homework?) , but about the handwriting… I would think that’s teacher fault. I been spending so much time just to look at Chunchun doing his homework everyday, once he didn’t write good, I erased it for him; but at school, how care about him? I saw his homework always with dirty eraser mark… why no one help him when he notice that he not wrote nice and want to erase it? Teachers only care those students she thinks they are lovely… And more, teacher complained that Chunchun didn’t eat good at school, quite messy… I was wonder why Chunchun being so bad after he started K2? He had been admired by the chief and his teacher on eating last year, and he does well at home too. Back home around 4pm today, and when I look at his homework, his handwriting wasn’t that bad, and didn’t see the different between the handwriting from home and school, but I saw so many dirty eraser mark~_~ Because of the dirty eraser mark, I made Chunchun to write all again… and I see no problem if I do the erase for him then he can write good.



今朝8點就叫駿駿起身啦,其實佢日日都8點起身返學架啦.但係今日唔知點解,勁懶床喎,叫極都唔起身,重要不停起腳踢我同爸爸添…最後比我強硬抱佢起身,一起身就比我罰呢.到我地準備好出門口時,駿駿就對住重訓緊既爸爸話”爸爸懶床丫,我先唔會好似你咁!”哈..哈..真係笑死我… 下午同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學呢,因為食完午飯之後我同爸爸去左新馬路度拎我既隱形眼鏡^^我一去到駿駿班房咋,就見到佢好開心啦,佢一見到我就比張請柬我睇.原來係佢同學仔開生日會請埋佢呢…唔怪得佢咁開心啦. 返到屋企就同佢做功課同溫習啦,唔知係咪因為今日駿駿心情好,佢勁乖喎,好快就做好d功課同溫好晒書啦.所以係佢要求下我就比佢食第三個茶點啦(第一個係學校食,第二個就係放學一返到屋企飲支奶). 因為近日天氣都好凍丫,我地唔想婆婆由碼頭行番屋企,所以到7點我地就去碼頭接婆婆返黎啦.一路上駿駿不停同我講”我好掛住婆婆丫,我今晚要同婆婆訓唔同你訓啦!”哈.哈..如果婆婆聽到一定開心死,但係當婆婆黎到,駿駿又一句掛住婆婆既說話都冇同婆婆講喎~_~ Woke up Chunchun around 8am this morning, actually he wake up around 8am everyday for school. But today, he was just super lazy, didn’t willing to bed and kept kicking Papa and me…finally he got punishment right after he woke up. And when we prepared to leave, Chunchun said “Papa was so lazy, I am not lazy!” Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, because we went to shopping area to pick up my contact lens after lunch^^ Chunchun was so happy when I arrived to his classroom, he show me an invitation card from his classmate immediately. Haha, he was so happy that his friends invited him to birthday party I think. Back home to do homework and studying with Chunchun, Chunchun was being a super good boy today^^ Finished his homework quick and study well, so I gave him a bread for his 3rd tea time (1st in school, 2nd is milk) Since it’s very cold day, Chunchun and I went to pick up Grandma from pier around 7pm. Sweet Chunchun kept telling me that he miss Grandma so much and he have to sleep with Grandma tonight. Haha, if Grandma hear what he said tonight, Grandma must be super happy then, however, Chunchun say nothing when Grandma arrived~_~

冇火鍋(No hot pot)


今朝地遲左少少,成8點20分先去到學校圖書館丫.平日我地去到之後,老師就會帶其他小朋友黎圖書館睇書架啦,但係今日,我一邊同駿駿睇書,一邊等…結果當我再望下個鐘時,已經夠鐘要上課啦…今日完全冇其他小朋友黎睇書喎?_?我叫駿駿去著鞋時,佢重好奇怪咁問我”但係,重有好多其他小朋友呢?” 下午車左爸爸去髮型屋之後,我就將部車停係巴士站度等駿駿放學啦.可憐駿駿今日見到我第一句說話係”原來今日冇火鍋丫,要星期三先有!”哈..哈..失望死佢囉,因為佢由上星期五老師叫小朋友帶火鍋食物返學開始,就日日都問我幾時係學校食火鍋…點知原來今日只係收集小朋友帶返學既食物咋^^ Went to library this morning around 8.20am, we were a little bit late. Usually, teacher will take a lot of student to library after I arrived, but today, I was reading with Chunchun, and then I found it’s time to school already… no other student come to library this morning. Silly Chunchun asked me “but where are the other students?” when I told him to prepare to leave~_~ Drive Papa to hair salon and then wait in the bus stop to pick up Chunchun. Poor Chunchun told me that they didn’t have hot pot this afternoon; hot pot tea should be Wednesday, today just to collect student’s food. Haha, Chunchun must be super disappointed, because he been talking about hot pot in school since last Friday^^

糯米糍(glutinous rice dumpling)


今朝一早就帶駿駿返學校課外活動啦,唔,如果我冇記錯既話,下星期六應該係上學期最後一堂課外活動囉.到11點左右我就同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學啦.哈,哈,爸爸同我講,駿駿好串丫,今日爸爸問駿駿課外活動煮左乜野食時,駿駿話”你自己睇下我個食物盒咪知囉!”但係當我再問同一個問題時…駿駿係答”我都唔知係乜黎架,好似湯圓咁既!”最後我地打開個食物盒黎睇,原來佢今日係整糯米糍呢XD 接左駿駿之後我地就直接去新八佰伴玩同食午飯啦.唔,我地都有一段日子冇去過新八佰伴囉,有幾耐呢?好似都有成個月啦.唔怪得駿駿今日去到就鬼咁開心咁走入遊樂中心度玩^^見佢咁開心,我同爸爸都由得佢玩佢想玩既遊戲,玩完先上美食廣場度食飯.今日駿駿一個人仔食左3份之2碗拉麵,同3份之2個香蕉薄餅呢….重要佢其實唔係好夠…我諗,我以後都係唔可以同佢2份食野,因為佢又唔飽我又唔飽呢~_~ Took Chunchun to school for extracurricular activities this morning, hum, next week will be his last extracurricular activities for the first school term. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa around 11am, haha, so funny, Papa told me that when he asked Chunchun what he made today, Chunchunc said “Take a look of my lunch box then you will know!” But when I asked Chunchun the same question, Chunchun answered “I am not sure what’s it, it’s something like dumpling” Finally we found out that he made glutinous rice dumpling today when we opened his lunch box XD Went to New Yaohan directly after picked up Chunchun from school. Hum, we been a while didn’t go to New Yaohan, over a month I think. Happy Chunchun ran into the amusement arcade immediately, and we let him play whatever he like^^ After playing in amusement arcade we went to food court to have lunch. Sigh, Chunchun finished 2/3 bowl of noodles and 2/3 of banana pancake at lunch, maybe next time, I have to order food for myself and not sharing with him~_~有高達喎同爸爸渣車車



今朝7點就走左身囉,因為又係去圖書館既日子呢.唔,懶床駿駿到左7點半都唔肯起身喎,不過當我話佢知,我地係去圖書館喎,佢就即時彈起身啦,之後咁好快手咁去洗面換衫添^^ 到8點15分我地就返到學校圖書館囉.一入到去,駿駿第一時間就抱實佢最愛既豬豬坐墊呢,佢每次入圖書館都要抱住佢.見今日幼稚園個主任得閒,我就問佢點解依家幼稚園低班測驗默書果度捉得咁緊呢?小朋友冇寫錯字,只係寫左少少出界都要扣分?佢竟然理所當然咁答我”係丫,我地想小朋友d字寫靚d丫嘛,所以係捉得緊d!”咁想小朋友d字寫得靚係好,不過對幼稚園低班岩岩學寫字既小朋友黎講,係咪過份左d呢? Woke up around 7am this morning, because I have to prepare to go to library again. Hum, sleepy Chunchun didn’t willing to wake up around 7.30am, but then when I told him that we are going to library this morning, he just jump up and ran into bathroom immediately^^ Arrived to library on 8.15am, and once Chunchun got into the library, he ran to carry his pig cushion, which he always carry when he in library. Asked a kindergarten teacher this morning, why they mark so serious on K2 student dictation? And sigh, she answers me that “We wanted to teach children have nice handwriting, so we mark serious in dictation!” it’s good to teach children have nice handwriting, but not that serious for K2 student whose just starts learning now to write… stupid idea!

遲來的Boxing Day(Late Boxing Day)


唉,好耐都冇試過早過9點起身囉,而今日我就要8點半起身準備同駿駿10點去學畫畫呢.駿駿就訓到成9點我先叫佢起身,等佢飲完奶食完早餐就同佢準備出門口啦,哈,駿駿以前都唔會話食早餐架,飲完奶點都唔肯再食野,但係依家佢飲完奶都重可以食d餅或包,唔知係咪真係又大個左要多d體力呢^^ 今日去到畫班時都成10點05分啦,我地其實係遲左架,不過都係第一個學生到達..唔知係咪因為其他父母都好似我咁,放左個長假唔係好願起身呢…哈,哈.駿駿今日決定要畫豬仔丫,因為佢上次畫班畫左隻跳跳虎.哈,今日駿駿既表現真係10個叻丫.由老師教佢一筆一筆跟住老師畫既黎畫,都畫到70%既外形出黎,之後佢又好乖咁由老師教佢畫個外形係畫薄…今日我都只係同佢揀下顏色,頸巾同帽丫,重有草地同花用乜色咋 係中午之前就返到屋企啦,準備好午飯既野之後,就同駿駿同爸爸一齊去左公園踏單車囉,因為爸爸琴日答應左駿駿踏單車呢^^近期真係好開心呢,成日都有親子時間,家庭樂..依d係以前爸爸幫老爺手時冇架,但係都開始有d擔心,到底爸爸幾時先會開始忙呢?幾時公司先會賺錢呢~_~駿駿食完午飯就大覺訓囉,而我呢,就要忙住洗衫同洗廁所啦…唉~ 7點半就去碼頭度接婆婆返屋企囉,今晚我地打邊爐丫,因為今日係元旦嘛^o^食完晚飯,駿駿就開始拆佢既聖誕禮物啦.往年我地都係係26號拆既,但係今年我地成27號先返黎澳門,又有大堆禮物係香港未拎返黎喎,所以就等到婆婆黎澳門先同駿駿拆禮物啦,冇計過駿駿有幾多禮物,但係佢真係有好多好多玩具呢,有好多只係玩過幾次就封番係個盒入面…真係想搵個地方賣番出去呢>__

漁人碼頭(Fishman's Wharf)


好懶丫,我地今日又訓到成10點幾先起身囉…哈..哈…點解我地成家都咁懶既呢~_~ 今日打算去漁人碼頭行下,又因為Gina話漁人碼頭有個聖誕老人村好靚,又有落雪,所以我地打算黃昏左右等駿駿訓醒午覺先去. 唔,但係我地有d失望丫,因為原來聖誕老人村只有24,25,26先有落雪咋..過左聖誕就冇囉..我望過佢入面又唔係大,所以爸爸同我都決定唔入去囉…之後我地就同駿駿去左玩碰碰車同遊戲室度玩啦…最衰我部相機係晚上影相唔多靚啦,所以我今日都冇乜點影相…爸爸話,等婆婆過黎澳門時..再係下午去多次漁人碼頭喎^o^咁我又可以同駿駿影好多相啦. Lazy family, we didn’t woke up until 10am something, haha, wonder why we all so lazy~_~ Planned to go to Fishman’s Wharf today, since Gina told us that there have a Santa Village and have snow at night, so we went to after Chunchun woke up from nap. Hum, a little bit disappointed today, because Santa Village only have snow on Dec 24,25,26, no snow after Christmas, and I took a look of the Santa Village, it’s only a tiny place… Papa and I decided not to get in if there didn’t have snow. Went to play the bumper car with Chunchun and then went to the amusement arcade to play for a while. Too bad my camera couldn’t take nice photo at night, so we didn’t take much photo today>_< may be we will come to Fishman’s Wharf again when Grandma in Macau.奧運公仔漁人碼頭同媽媽玩碰碰車