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好可怕既家長(Terrible Mama)


今係學校既新春團拜丫,爸爸同我係9點前送左駿駿返學之後,我地就去搵位泊車再行去學校啦,去到學校都係9點10分左右咋.唔,入到禮堂,我發現今年好少家長參加團拜活動呢. 係新春團拜入面,我同駿駿一齊玩左2個親子遊戲^^不過我地差唔多全部都包尾丫…點解?因為駿駿每次係人地講解點玩時都唔留心囉,所以佢次次都到中途先知點玩.玩完遊戲呢,老師就話我地知有好多新春食物等住大家排隊去食呢.所以我地同小朋友一齊排隊拎野食啦.就係依個時候,我遇到我十分之冇家教既媽咪呢~_~ 依個媽媽係排係我後面架,咁未開始拎食物時,佢話想抱起仔仔睇下有乜食喎,突然就抱起佢仔仔啦.因為佢抱起仔仔時行前左(我想佢係唔想撞到後面d人掛)…咁我就即時保護駿駿啦,因為佢仔仔有一邊隻差d踢到駿駿.其實果時我都唔覺得佢地2母子有乜問題架,因為小朋友冇番咁上下年紀,叫抱就係難d架啦…唔小心就好似踼到人.點知,到佢抱完仔仔睇野,排番係我後面時…佢仔仔,不停係咁推我,撞我..成個人貼住我背後;而且果個媽媽睇住都唔覺得有問題喎=_=;小朋友活躍,我算,我唔出聲,只係行過2步比多d位佢,但係我由駿駿身後面行到去駿駿隔離,果個男仔都重係咁撞我,又拉我件衫,我先同佢講”小朋友,可唔可以唔好拉我件衫丫?”個男仔停左拉我件衫啦,但係都重係撞我.果時我先望下佢媽媽…結果果個媽媽,係目露凶光咁盯住我同佢仔仔講”唔好推啦,人地唔鍾意架!”嘩,我叫佢唔好推有錯咩?係人都唔鍾意比人係咁撞架啦…一兩次我都唔出聲啦!但係佢個仔係擺明好曳,我先指意比果個媽媽自己話番個仔咋喎…不過咁都唔算過份,之後到拎食物時,果個媽媽就係後面好用力咁撞左我一下…我排佢前面,但係變左佢揀野食先..重要盯一盯我喎…邊有人做阿媽做到咁架…唔怪得佢仔仔係學校成日比老師罰啦,因為咁既阿媽教著咁既小朋友..唔曳都幾難囉 新春團拜大約11點鬆d就完啦,完全我以為駿駿可以放學跟我一齊返屋企架啦,因為今日佢地唔駛著校服又唔駛帶書包…點知當我問老師係咪走得時..佢話駿駿重有其他活動,今日返學時間係正常架,不過唔上堂咋..大件事…我今朝都冇準備被仔同枕頭仔比駿駿…可憐佢要同人2份或問學校借囉 Chinese New Year Celebration this morning, Papa and I took Chunchun to school before 9am, and then went to found a parking space to park my car. Arrived to school around 9.10am, hum, I found that there wasn’t much parents attend for this celebration. Played 2 games with Chunchun, too bad that we wouldn’t win any games~_~ After games, teacher told us that there have a table of snack for us. Sigh, met a terrible Mama while Chunchun and I queue up for snack. That terrible Mama and her son were stand behind me, but then she suddenly carries up her son… so I protect Chunchun immediately, because the kid’s leg was next to Chunchun head~_~ And then they queue up again, nothing special actually, I didn’t mind that they almost hit Chunchun head, because I knew that it’s quite hard to carry kids around 4 years old. But then the kid kept nose in to my back… I kept moving away from him; at first I was standing behind Chunchun, but then because of that boy…I stand next to Chunchun. However, he not stopped nose in to my back=_=; how terrible, his Mama notice it but didn’t stop her son. And finally, I have no where to move, so I asked him, not pushing me. Ah… that terrible Mama said to his son “Hey, stop pushing, she didn’t like it!” with a rude stare on me. Wow, I wonder what kind of Mama is she, who like someone kept pushing their back? Am I wrong to ask her son stop pushing? And then most terrible thing is, when we started to select snack, that terrible Mama struck against me very hard and I knew that she do it by purpose. No wonder, I always saw his son got punish by teacher… terrible Mama teach terrible Kid. Chinese New Year Celebration ended around 11am, stupid me, I thought that Chunchun didn’t have class today since they didn’t have to wear uniform and school bag. However, when I asked teacher… she said that Chunchun still have activities to do today… normal school time; just they didn’t have class today. Oh, how stupid>_< and I didn’t prepare pillow and quilt for him today… 今日係新春團拜丫

金銀島(Treasure Island)


今日下午同駿駿去左八佰伴玩丫,因為我地主要係去買禮物比阿boo呢^^我地先係地下果間安琪拉度食野,之後就去玩具部睇玩具啦,駿駿知阿boo鍾意光之美少女,就即時走去話阿boo鍾意依d架.本來佢揀左個變身器比阿boo,但係我話阿boo有啦,就叫佢揀過第二樣….結果佢揀左個有好多個心心,有張卡..好似可以碌下張卡d心心就會發光架..係乜黎?我睇左好耐都唔明點玩囉~_~但係希望阿boo會鍾意啦 今日提早左6點半就食晚飯啦,因為8點我同駿駿要去澳門文化中心度睇童話音樂劇 – 金銀島丫.哈,哈,其車鋨之前就想買飛架啦,但係因為爸爸話吾睇所以冇買.點知Gina話佢買左飛,突然有事唔去得,就出讓左2張飛比我啦.上次睇阿兜,駿駿已經睇得好開心架啦,今次駿駿一樣好開心..而我都覺得幾好睇呢.我同爸爸講,下次如果再有乜兒童劇,就一家三口一齊去睇啦… Went to New Yaohan this afternoon, because we need to buy something for Boo’s birthday^^ Hum, we first went to have lunch in Angela café… and then walk around in the toy’s section. Bought a toy that selected by Chunchun for Boo’s birthday, hope that she will like it^^ Early dinner tonight, because Chunchun and I need to go to the Macau Cultural Centre to watch an adventurous children musical - Treasure Island. Haha, I didn’t buy the ticket, it’s Gina sell it to us, at first she wanted to go too, but then she have something else to do and couldn’t make it for the musical. Hum, it’s a cutie and fun musical, Chunchun love it, and I like it too. Told Papa that next time if there have any Children Musical on, we have to watch it together^^

返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


打算今日下午返澳門,所以我地一家三口係中午前就出發去碼頭啦.諗住係碼頭食個午飯,買點幾既船飛就岩岩好.本來我地以為今日買船飛應該唔會難,因為新年假都差唔多完囉…但係我地唔記得今日係星期六…碼頭一樣勁多人,船飛即場買既都去到3點囉…老公話如果排到去買時..應該3點都會滿啦.所以佢唯有比貴少少係旅行社買2點半既飛…再早既都冇得賣啦.都唔明咁多人去澳門做乜=_=因為今次我地冇推車仔,如果唔快d返澳門,駿駿又要抱架啦…所以再比貴d都要買啦. 2點20分左右開始上船,一上船我地一家就大覺瞓囉.根本依幾日我地個個都好累,唔係好夠瞓呢.返到澳門,碼頭係超多人架,幾條隊都排到滿晒,隊尾都唔知點排咁…好彩老公識人可以行特別通路咋.不過我地就要行返屋企囉,因為的士站多人排隊…唉~好累 Planned to back to Macau this afternoon, so we went to the pier around noontime, and have lunch there. Sigh, we thought that it’s already the end of Chinese New Year holiday, there shouldn’t be so crowded in the pier…but we forget, today is Saturday=_=; Papa went to buy ticket right after we found a restaurant and have a seat. At first Papa wanted to buy ticket for around 1.30pm, however, it’s all full, and he have to paid more for 2.30pm ticket…if not, we might have to wait in to pier until 3pm something. It’s too late for us, especially we didn’t have baby stroller with us. Got on the ferry around 2.20pm, and then we all fall in sleep immediately, we all super tired this few days. And when we arrived to Macau pier, it’s super crowded either, finally we have to walk home again, because it’s super long line for taxi=_=



今朝一早婆婆同駿駿陪我去驗身丫,之後我地就係銅鑼灣果頭行街啦…諗住行一陣就去太舅婆屋企拜年.唔銅鑼灣,我真係由細到大都唔覺得有乜好行呢,d野貴到死,一d都唔岩我同婆婆或者駿駿丫~_~ 大約2點幾我地就去太舅婆屋企拜年啦,哈哈,駿駿一上到去太舅婆屋企就唔高興啦,因為佢吃小bb醋.係我地去拜年之前太婆已經同駿駿講太舅婆屋企有個可愛小bb,因為姨婆上年年尾生左小bb.駿駿聽到太婆話其他bb可愛已經唔多高興架啦,我同婆婆上到去重掛住同小bb玩…駿駿就更加吃醋啦!連同小bb影相都唔肯丫.後來要我地讚番佢好可愛,佢先肯同小bb影相呢…哈..哈..婆婆重笑佢,幾時都係佢最可愛啦,因為佢先係婆婆個孫嘛,人地d小bb…睇一陣之嘛..有乜好吃醋. 爸爸大約係2點幾打比我,話佢會3點半返到黎香港喎,叫我地係屋企等佢,之後先再去街.所以我地3點幾都準備離開太舅婆屋企囉.係地鐵度,駿駿訓著左喎,我見差唔多時間,咪打比爸爸睇下佢係邊…想叫佢係地鐵站等埋我地先返屋企..想佢幫手抱駿駿….不過佢話唔等喎=_=;因為佢都拎住手提電腦好重丫.但係…爸爸要抱駿駿都係命運黎架啦,明明佢係油麻地站轉車,我地係旺角站轉車…最後我地都係車廂度撞到..爸爸最後都係要抱隻豬仔返屋企架…哈..哈… Went to body check this morning with Chunchun and Grandma, and then we walking around in Causeway Bay before we went to visit my relative. Causeway Bay, I found nothing nice for myself, and either Chunchun and Grandma, because stuff in there were quite expensive~_~ Went to visit my relative around 2pm something, haha, Chunchun was jealous of his little uncle, because we all saying baby is cutie, Grandma and I were playing with little baby. At first Chunchun didn’t willing to take photo with his little uncle but then he finally wanted to take photo with baby, after we told him that he was cutie too..haha. Papa called me around 2pm something, and told me that he will arrived to Hong Kong around 3.30pm, meet at great Grandma’s home and then we go shopping without Chunchun. Haha, Chunchun fall in sleep while we were taking MTR back home, so I called Papa and wanted to ask him to wait for us in MTR station helping me to carry Chunchun back home. But Papa refused my suggestion, because he said he was carrying his notebook too. However, it’s a fate that he has to carry Chunchun back home, because we met in the MTR train…haha^O^ 抱住小表舅父

返香港囉(Go to Hong Kong)


因為一早買定左2點50分既船飛,所以大約1點半左右,我就同婆婆,駿駿一齊行去碼頭啦.本來我地以為今日會好多人去香港架,點知去到碼頭又唔算好多人喎.我地重可以搭2點10分既加班船去香港添…哈,比之前既早左成40分鐘丫^^ 大約4點就返到太婆屋企囉,因為時間重早,所以我地就去旺角行下街先啦.點知去到旺角,駿駿好鬼曳呢~_~我地係玩具店睇野時,我只係叫佢唔好坐係地下度睇玩具,叫左幾次都唔聽…到我鬧佢時重大喊扭計=_=真係煩到死,最後罰佢企左15分鐘加上唔會同佢去冒險樂園玩啦…行多陣街,我買左本漫畫,買左d洗面用品,買左支牙刷比駿駿係香港用.之後我地就返屋企等食飯啦. 答應駿駿,如果佢重想去冒險樂園玩既話,就要乖,食飯時又要食得快…咁晚飯後我同婆婆先會再帶佢去玩.結果,佢晚飯都算係快啦,所以我地今日都係有去到冒險樂園度玩既. Planned to back to Hong Kong on 2.50pm ferry this afternoon, therefore, Grandma, Chunchun and I walking to the pier around 1.30pm; we were afraid that there will be so many people go to Hong Kong today. However, when we arrived to the pier around 2pm, we could get on the 2.10pm ferry… 40 minutes earlier^^ Back to great Grandma’s home around 4pm, and then we went to Mong Kok to walking around. Chunchun was so naughty while we were in Mong Kok~_~ I was just asking him not to sit on the floor while he looking at toys… but then he not listening to me, yelling and crying; finally we have to stand in the street for over 15 minutes, and I cancelled to go to the Jumpin Gym U.S.A with him this afternoon. I bought a comic and some skin care stuff, Chunchun bought a new toothbrush for him use in Hong Kong; then we just back home to wait for dinner. Promised Chunchun if he being a good boy before dinner, and eat well in dinner, then I will take him to Jumpin Gyn U.S.A after dinner. Hum, he was doing ok then, so went to the Jumpin Gym U.S.A to play around after dinner. 好多金豬特大朱古力愛在地鐵kitty車情人節kitty車

年三十晚(Chinese New Year Eve)


今日係年三十丫,唔…其實我同依家都重係唔多覺有乜新年氣氛.今年我同爸爸重冇買過新衫過年添~_~爸爸想買架,但係我地睇左好多日,佢都係睇唔岩有乜靚衫過年著好. 我地今日下午就同婆婆,駿駿一齊去新馬路行街食午飯啦.今日重去左食日本野添…搞到我忍唔住都食左唔少野,個口其實係唔可以開得太大架,但係都少少,少少咁放入口..叫做都已經可以咬野唔會痛到食唔到野囉.都係丫..新年前唔駛再食流質食物囉.食完午飯我地就係新馬路度行街啦.唉~我同駿駿都好眼瞓呢,係爸爸一個行完一間鋪頭又行另一間…果幾間鋪頭睇完又睇,最後真係睇唔岩佢先肯走呢. 返到屋企都成4點囉,駿駿同我即時就進入午睡狀態啦.因為今晚同要同爺爺食晚飯架.駿駿今日又乖喎,食飯時間大多數都坐定定,食左好多野…係食到尾段,基本上連大人都走開晒,d餸都冇乜人食時,駿駿先落地玩呢.我見佢又食左唔少野應該飽囉..又新年..咪由得佢玩囉^^ Chinese New Year eve today, hum… didn’t felt much Chinese New Year mood. This year Papa and I didn’t buy any new clothes either~_~; actually Papa really wanted to buy some new clothes for Chinese New Year, however, he just couldn’t found anything nice. We went to the shopping area this after to have lunch and shopping area. We went to a Japanese restaurant this afternoon, so happy that I finally can quit my liquid diet=_=; Hum, my mouth couldn’t open wide actually but at least can chew. Walking around in the shopping area after lunch, sigh, Chunchun and I were so tired… Papa kept walking around in the shopping area, every store he went in over 2 times, but he just couldn’t buy anything. Finally we back home around 4pm, Chunchun and I took a nap immediatey; because we have to have dinner with Grandpa tonight around 7pm. Hum, Chunchun was being a good boy tonight, ate well and sit well^^ 花開富貴秦氏

畫蟑螂(Drawing a Cockroach)


今朝10點車左爸爸同駿駿去畫班之後,我就自己一個去睇中醫啦.大約30分鐘後睇完中醫我就返去畫班等駿駿放學囉.唉~唔知點解今日駿駿竟然畫蟑螂喎,咁醜既野點會畫架~_~原來係爸爸既傑作….揀比駿駿畫架. 下午畫完畫,再去中醫度拎藥,之後就去同爺爺麻麻飲茶啦.本來我地都唔知麻麻會黎架,所以駿駿去到見到麻麻就勁開心,真係識得逗人開心囉.又因為今日冇小堂弟係度,駿駿食野重乖左好多添^^大約2點就返屋企瞓午覺啦,因為爸爸答應左駿駿佢瞓醒同佢去新八佰伴呢…哈..哈..但係懶瞓既我地,竟然由2點瞓到7點,瞓左4個幾鐘丫=_= 7點半去到八佰伴,第一時間就食野先啦,之後行陣街先同駿駿去遊樂場度玩.到9點鬆d我地就返屋企又準備瞓覺囉.唔,駿駿今日好似都幾乖咁架,如果佢以後都咁乖就好囉. Took Chunchun and Papa to drawing class this around 10am and then I went to the Chinese Medicine Doctor by my self. Spent around 30 minutes on Chinese Medicine Doctor and then back to drawing class to wait for Chunchun. Sigh, I wonder why Chunchun chose to draw a cockroach today~_~ Have lunch with Grandpa and Grandma after drawing class, haha, Chunchun was so happy that Grandma was here too^^ Back home around 2pm and then we all take nap together, Papa planned to go to New Yaohan after nap. Haha, sleepy us, Chunchun and I didn’t wake up until 7pm=_=; we slept for over 4 hours nap… Arrived to New Yaohan around 7.30pm hurry to have dinner and then walk around for a while before we go to amusement arcade. Back home around 9.30pm and then prepare to sleep again. Hum, Chunchun seem to be a good boy today, hope that he will kept himself to being a good boy晴天下的蟑螂搖搖板渣古槍

眼瞓日(Sleepy Day)


婆婆今朝一早就走左囉,而駿駿就大約係7點左右起左身啦.我聽到佢起身既聲音就大聲叫佢返入黎媽媽房啦.哈,哈,我真係好鍾意一早見到駿駿…因為每次佢係婆婆房返過黎時都攬住佢隻怪獸麃咁行過黎,好似小BB好可愛架.佢入到房問我”婆婆呢”…我答佢”返左香港囉”..佢就即時爬上床訓係我身邊繼續瞓覺囉^^我到8點鐘先再叫佢起身返學. 送完駿駿返學之後就同爸爸一齊食早餐啦.其實一向我早上都有番瞓架…多數由11點訓到12點就起身煮午飯.但係今日唔知點解有d累就早左少少10點幾就上床番訓啦…點知一訓就訓到12點半爸爸打電話比我話返黎食飯啦…我先比個電話嘈醒喎=_=;唔知點解會咁累呢…爸爸見我好似好累咁就叫我唔好煮飯,煮2個麵算啦…佢再買d叉燒返黎做餸..哈..哈… 3點半接完駿駿放學就返屋企一齊做功課啦.因為前日駿駿自己一個人做功課都好似幾乖..所以今日我又由得佢一個係廳度做功課,我自己係房上網啦.佢做第一份英文字母時,雖然花左成20分鐘去做,但係佢自己都擦過幾次,全部寫到靚先比我睇…咁果份功課都做得唔錯,我冇要佢再寫…但係第二份中文生字呢…又係花左20分鐘..不過就要全部重寫=_=;我都唔明,我明明教佢寫左2次,老師又有寫到個字係薄比佢照住黎寫…點知佢寫完出黎所有字都冇左一剔.最後都係要我坐係佢身邊,佢每次寫字都提佢有一剔,佢先寫得岩… Grandma leave around in early morning, and Chunchun woke up around 7am. I heard his noise so that I asked him to come to my room to sleep again. Haha, he was so cutie that carrying his pink bear to my room… looks very baby. He asked me where is Grandma, and after I told him that Grandma back to Hong Kong already, he climb onto my bed and sleep next to me^^ Woke Chunchun up again around 8am, because he have to get ready for school. After having breakfast with Papa, I went to bed again to have a nap. Sigh, usually I went to bed again around 11am and wake up around noontime to prepare for lunch. However, I was so tired today, I went to bed again a little bit early around 10.30am and didn’t woke up until Papa called me on 12.30pm=_=; Wonder why I was so sleepy today, lovely Papa told me that not to cook this afternoon, just simply made some noodles and he will buy something else back home for lunch. Picked up Chunchun on 3.30pm, and then back home to do homework together. Since the day before yesterday Chunchun was being a good boy, doing homework by himself. Today I let him to do homework by himself in the living room again, and I stay in my room, he was doing not bad for his English writing; spent around 20 minutes on it and every writing were neat… I didn’t have to erase them. But then his Chinese writing, well, he did write it all by himself within 20 minutes… however, his writing were all wrong=_=; I wonder why, I been writing it with him 2 times but why he still wrote it wrong? Finally I have to erased it all and watching him to rewrite it…

剪髮(Hair cut)


今朝一早又同駿駿去圖書館啦…我又笨左啦,原來今日開始又唔借得書啦,因為就黎新年,早知上星期五就比駿借左先啦…可憐駿駿今個星期冇書睇呢.大約8點45分離開學校,我就去麥記搵爸爸一齊食早餐啦.食完早餐,我就去睇中醫,爸爸就去剪髮.嘩,今朝中醫果度勁多人丫,我大約9點半去到,等到10點鬆d先到我睇呢…不過依個中醫好似真係幾得架喎,我今日唔係好夠訓有d眼痛,佢摸下我隻手就知囉 睇完中醫就行番去髮型屋度搵爸爸啦.哈,我去到佢岩岩剪完,我就可以唔駛等咁耐就到我剪啦.而係我剪髮時呢,爸爸就幫我去街市買餸^^最後我剪完髮就一齊去中醫店果度拎番d藥..唔,到我地返到屋企時都差唔多中午囉…今個早上好忙呢=_= 3點接完駿駿放學我又帶佢去剪髮呢…哈..哈..今日一家三口都係果度剪髮..駿駿今日係學校好似幾開心咁喎.佢重比我睇老公送左張大既Keroro貼紙比佢添喎…因為佢今日好乖…聽到佢話係學校好乖..我都好開心..但係返到屋企..我就一d都唔覺得佢乖囉 Went to library this morning with Chunchun, stupid me, I forget that we couldn’t borrow book today because Chiniese New Year is coming soon. Poor Chunchun didn’t have book to read this week. Leave school around 8.45am and then went to have breakfast with Papa. I went to the Chinese medicine doctor clinic after breakfast while Papa went to the hair salon to do hair cut. Hum, the Chinese clinic was so crowded this morning; I arrived around 9.30am and have to wait until 10am to see the doctor. And he seems to be a good doctor, he knew that I didn’t have enough sleep today, having a headache etc just by touching my hands… Went to the hair salon to do hair cut with Papa afterward, haha, when I arrived to the hair salon, Papa was almost done, I can do my hair cut right after him; and while I doing my hair cut, Papa went to the food market to buy foods^^ Went to the Chinese clinic again to take my medicine after finished my hair cut. Hum, by the time we back home, it’s almost noontime already… busy morning =_=; Picked up Chunchun on 3.30pm and then took him to hair salon to do hair cut too. Hum Chunchun seems to be very happy today; he got a big keroro sticker from his teacher, and kept telling me that he was a good boy. I was happy that he said he was a good boy in school too, however, when we back home… sigh, where is the good boy? 準備剪髮囉剪完髮囉

同爺爺飲茶(Lunch with Grandpa)


今朝同爸爸一齊去學畫畫丫,唉,我真係好鬼討厭爸爸..成日都冇乜時間觀念,成日都遲到.好似今日咁,一早未夠9點已經叫佢走身架啦,但係佢又唔肯走喎,到9點幾我發脾氣鬧佢先肯起身…其實駿駿d衰野咪又係學佢囉=_=;講真佢又唔係第一次一齊去畫畫,明知小朋友邊個到先老師就教邊個畫先,咁當然係第一個到係最好架啦.而今日呢,就因為爸爸,駿駿係最後一個學畫畫既人呢..到佢畫時都11點啦..個個小朋友都畫完成日走黎走去,又問老師野….駿駿本身等得耐已經冇乜心機..重咁多小朋友係度搞搞震,就更唔專心啦.爸爸重要係度嘈嘈嘈,話依樣話果樣..叫駿駿唔好再學畫畫…講真..爸爸黎左幾次,我地都未試過第一個到既,見到駿駿冇心機,係正常喎..如果之前駿駿係第一個到..佢咪又係第一個完成d畫…都唔會好似依家咁咁冇心機啦.爸爸成日做野都唔諗清楚發生乜事..好耐以前我就同佢講要守時..佢對時間既觀念真係唔要得... 畫完畫之後我地就去新八佰伴同駿駿買新衫過年啦…之後就同爺爺去飲茶.唉,同駿駿買衫真係辛苦呢…睇黎睇去都冇乜靚衫…睇岩左又冇駿駿個碼喎..都唔知點解八佰伴咁鬼差架…d衫入多件貨都唔得既?十件有九件冇碼…叫人點買衫?好辛苦揀左個幾鐘…我地都終於叫做買左件毛衣同條褲比駿駿過年著啦.大約一點就同爺爺,大伯,二伯幾家人一齊飲茶啦.其實1點先食飯係有d晏架,我以為駿駿會肚餓會食得乖d同食多d,點知因為有堂弟係度,佢就完全唔想食野…成日只係掛住同堂弟玩啦>_

婆婆黎囉(Grandma come to Macau)


下午接完駿駿放學我地就一齊返屋企做功課同溫習啦.唉,琴日駿駿答應過我今日會乖架,但係佢今日都唔係真係咁乖~_~2版既中,英文字,就寫左成個鐘頭啦…佢又唔係唔識寫,有時d字都唔係唔靚,但係就永遠都唔可以係個格仔中間寫字既,一係就斜向左邊,一係就冇貼底線,一係就出左底線…點解呢…其實佢只要專心d去寫字,就會寫得好架啦,點解重要成日做野都唔專心呢?不過佢今日又唔知點解,我見佢放學返屋企做功課時就好似好累咁…本來諗住叫佢快d做完功課訓一陣既..但係佢寫寫下字就釣魚…比我鬧左幾次專心d做功課之後…做完功課又唔再眼訓…都唔知係學校做左d乜?? 婆婆大約6點時打比我,話佢7點會黎到..因為之前我就叫佢講清楚幾點到,我先可以去接佢…但係今日…我個肚又唔係好舒服..結果都係冇去接到婆婆>__< Sigh, I been having bellyache often since the year 2007… I used to have bellyache but only around period, but now… I think I should go to the doctor someday. Since I didn’t felt well this evening, Chunchun turned to be good boy again, playing PSP next to me... and didn’t bother me while I taking rest. Chucnhun is a nice boy, he’s care about me, but I just wonder why he’s so naughty all the time. And surely when Grandma arrived, Chunchun started to be naughty again, I kept hear he saying “No” while they have dinner when I taking rest at room.

討人厭既駿駿(Troublesome Chunchun)


今朝早同爸爸一齊帶駿駿去畫畫班丫,因為今日我地打完畫完畫就去行下間好大間既來來超市,之後先返屋企食飯.大約10點過少少我地就去到畫班啦,一去到爸爸就話要去買早餐食囉,咁我同駿駿就好似平時咁坐係度等老師黎教畫畫啦^^駿駿今日要畫早幾日學校派既藍色牛牛呢…唔,佢今日都有好大部份係自己畫架啦,但係都有d地方要我幫幫手咁啦..唔知幾時佢可以完全自己畫又畫得靚靚呢… 畫完畫都成11點半囉,我地就即時渣車去來來超市行陣街街啦,因為打算12點半左右返到屋企,1點鐘可以食飯架..但係我地去到來來超市時,行左2個圈都搵唔到車位,結果我地泊左部車係2,3條街之後丫…一路行去超市,爸爸就一路唔多滿意,點解我成日都想黎依個超市度行街.但係去到超市之後呢,爸爸就冇再話我啦..因為間超市真係好大,好似間百貨公司咁架^^我地先行地下果層,好似好多野睇咁架,但係我地都冇乜點睇..因為駿駿只係想睇玩具呢~_~之後我地就上二樓睇零食啦,哈,哈,我真係好開心丫,因為比我搵到我細個時成日買黎食既餅,已經有成10年冇見過架啦,估唔到依間超市有喎…當然二話不說買番包食下先啦,之後爸爸同我重買左好多唔同既零食呢. 係返屋企之前,爸爸買左份玩具比駿駿呢(又買=_=;叫住唔好買,死都要買)…要駿駿答應佢今日要乖,食飯要乖喎…因為近期駿駿都好曳,好討人厭.結果,係我地食午飯時,駿駿就比爸爸罰囉,因為食飯時唔乖,爸爸同佢訓話佢又唔回答爸爸…爸爸話佢冇禮貌丫..就比人罰囉…重因為駿駿本身答應過爸爸會乖先買玩具既,連份玩具都比爸爸發脾氣掉爛左囉…一早就話唔好買玩具架啦,未玩就爛囉…駿駿根本就唔抵人買玩具比佢,曳到死…再講佢屋企都成個玩具城啦,重買乜鬼..真係浪費金錢 Took Chunchun to drawing class with Papa this morning, haha, it’s because we planned to go to the Royal Supermarket before we back home for lunch. Arrived to the drawing class around 10am, and then Papa went out to buy breakfast, Chunchun and I wait in classroom^^ Chunchun chose to draw a little blue cow today, hum, he finished most of the work by himself, but still need some help…. Wonder when I don’t have to help him. Drawing class ended around 11.30am, and then we hurry to the Royal supermarket, because we wanted to back home around 12.3pm and have lunch around 1pm. Sigh, we couldn’t found a parking space in front or near the Royal supermarket>_< We parked 3 street away from the supermarket, Papa wasn’t happy about that and blaming me that why I want to go to that supermarket. But when we arrived to the supermarket, Papa didn’t blame me anymore^^ Because that’s very nice supermarket, like a department store more than a supermarket. We first walking around in the first floor, hum, actually we didn’t see much only staying in the toy’s section… and then we went to the second floor to look for snack^O^ Haha, I was super happy today, because I found some biscuits that I used to buy when I was young, but then I couldn’t found it anymore… buy some immediately, and we found many other snack too…haha. Papa bought Chunchun a toy that and made Chunchun promised to be good boy today, since Chunchun was quite naughty recently. However, while we having lunch, Chunchun was being super naughty again, and he was very impolite to Papa… and then Chunchun got a big punishment by Papa, and Papa crashed Chunchun new toy~_~ Sigh今日畫學校送果隻牛牛丫