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台灣之旅第四日(Day 4 : Taiwan Trip)


行程 6.30am 起身 7.30am 酒店早餐 8.00am 上車去台北 10.30am 靈芝茶藝館 12.00am 午餐(活魚三吃) 1.30pm 九份 4.00pm 台北101購物中心 6.00pm 晚餐(蒙古烤肉自助餐) 7.00pm 西門町 9.30pm 返到酒店 唉,同琴日一樣既酒店,一樣難食既早餐=_=;一早8點就上旅遊巴準備去台北,導遊話要2個幾鐘先去到喎…當然我地又大覺瞓啦.一去到台北,第一站就係去靈芝茶藝館啦,當然又係想我地買野啦.食完午飯之後就去九份.唔…對上一次去九份好似都成3年前囉,今次再去..好多野都唔同左呢..好似係因為之前有地震,有d商鋪都番新過(?)唔知有冇記錯呢…不過咁都好,我地冇咁悶,睇多左d唔同既野. 去完九份就去台北101囉..唉~真係超無聊…得個個半鐘都唔知行去邊好.台北101入面d商店又多數係品牌野唔多岩睇,咁唯有行下佢附近既小商場啦…不過都真係得個行字囉…咁少時間…走馬看花,想買野都唔夠時間揀啦=_= 最後晚上我地就去西門町度行街啦,唉~得果2個鐘,去得誠品黎都唔夠時間睇其他野囉.最衰個導遊啦,放左d行程,如果佢唔係今日去九份…我地就會離團,自己去玩就好得多囉…都唔知係咪個導遊唔想我地離團先改行程架>__< We only went to the book store and walk around for a while, then we have to hurry back to tourist bus…sigh…boring day…九份九份的芋仔蕃薯柯柏文

台灣之旅第三日(Day 3 : Taiwan Trip)


行程 6.30am 起身 7.30am 酒店早餐 9.45am 去到孔雀園 10.30am 日月潭文武廟觀光 11.30am 午餐(山地風味餐) 12.30pm 九族文化機動樂園 6.00pm 晚飯(正宗湘菜) 8.00pm 返到酒店 8.20pm 自由活動去左德安購物中心 今日都玩得幾開心丫,因為我地去左九份文化機動樂園,同晚上自由去左德安購物中心度行街丫.唔,我地一早大約7點半就去左酒店餐廳食早餐囉,唉,果度d野超難食呢,根本就冇味既=_=結果我同駿駿都係食土司就算囉. 今日第一個景點係去孔雀園睇孔雀丫,原本諗住冇乜野睇架.但係又唔差喎,我地去到見到23隻孔雀入面有19隻一齊開屏喎…佢地重會成日叫架,又睇到佢地好似打架咁…駿駿不知睇得幾興奮呢^^大約係雀孔雀園留左半個鐘左右我地就出發去日月潭文武廟度觀光啦,重要係果度附近既餐廳.係文武廟附近我地買左d山豬肉乾丫…都幾好食架..所以婆婆同爸爸都買左幾包…我地重係去九族文化機動樂園途中食左大半包添. 大約12點半左右就去到九族文化機動樂園囉,我地有5小時係入面玩呢.第一時間我地就搭纜車去上山,去睇民族表演,之後再坐巴士落山睇下風景同去遊樂場玩.重坐左2種唔同既觀光火車睇風景添.最後4點半左右係大門附近睇表演…駿駿重比d原住民捉左出去一齊跳舞添丫...雖然我地唔係好跟到人地跳舞,但係駿駿都玩得好開心呢^^ 食完晚飯返到酒店之後,我地就自己去左酒店附近既大商場行街街啦. Schedule 6.30am Woke up 7.30am Breakfast in Hotel 9.45am Arrived Peacock Garden 10.30am Wen Wu Temple Sun Moon Lake Npo Group 11.30am Lunch 12.30pm Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village 6.00pm Dinner 8.00pm Back to Hotel 8.20pm Free Walk to TaiChung Central It’s a fun day today, because we went to Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village this afternoon and free walk to TaiChung Central at night. Hum, have breakfast in the hotel restaurant around 7.30am, sigh, it’s so awful, food there were no taste=_=; again Chunchun and I only ate some toast for breakfast. Went to Peacock Garden in the morning, it’s so nice that when we arrived there 19 of peacock were spreading its tail out of 23 of them. Chunchun was so exciting when the peacock fight(?) Stayed for around half hour and then we went to Wen wu Temple Sun Moon Lake Npo Group and have lunch in the restaurant near the Temple. We bought some wild boar jerk there, it taste not bad, Grandma and Papa bought 6 bags of it, and we finished one while we on the way to Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village, haha. Arrived Formosan Aboricinal Culture Village around 12.30pm and we have around 5 hours to stay there. We first take cable car up to mountain and then went to watch a culture show there. Took bus back to the amusement arcade playing there with Chunchun and took some tourist train to sightseeing around the Village. Not bad there^^ Back to Hotel after dinner, and then we free walk to the Taichung Central that near our hotal.日月潭文武廟對手掌好舒服既樹椅係九族文化村同原住民跳舞

台灣之旅第二日(Day 2 : Taiwan Trip)


行程 7.00am 起身 8.00am 酒店早餐 9.30am 去左營春秋閣/孔子廟/蓮池潭 11.00am 去到珍珠繁殖紀念館 12pm 午餐(正宗台菜) 1.00pm 夢時代商場 3.45pm 出發去台中 6.00pm 逄甲夜市行街&晚飯 9.00pm 返到酒店 今朝7點就起身囉,8點左右就去酒店餐廳度食早餐啦.唔,d早餐麻麻地咋,唔係好多野食又唔想岩食,所以最後駿駿同我都唔係食左幾片土司咋.食飽飽之後我地就出發去左營春秋閣,孔子廟同蓮池潭啦…其實依d地方都好近,所以一次過睇晒呢.雖然果度主要睇係下d廟同佛像…但係都幾多得意野睇架喎…我地重玩左好多次電動既求籤機添^^ 睇完廟同佛像…又到左跟團指定要去既購物點啦.係去睇珍珠,買珍珠粉果d丫…依家都算係今日最無聊既行程囉.睇完珍珠,我地就去食午飯囉.到1點就去左新既大商場夢時代度行街街.不過呢我地都冇乜點買野丫,因為果度d野都幾貴…只係周圍行下咁囉.婆婆最開心就係搵到d可樂既紀念品,係香港冇得賣架.其他時間呢,我地就同駿駿去遊樂場度玩啦.果個商場天台有摩天輪架,重有好多唔同既兒童樂園添.可惜我地唔夠時間丫…如果有時間我都想同駿駿玩晒咁多個樂園. 3點半集合後就上車出發去台中囉,因為都要成2,3個鐘車程架,所以大家上到車都係大覺瞓呢…哈,哈…6點左右就去到台中既逢甲夜市行街食晚飯囉. Schedule 7.00am Woke up 8.00am Breakfast in Hotel 9.30am Arrived to Zuoying/Confucian Temple/Lotus Bake 11.00am Pearl Store 12.00pm Lunch 1.00pm Dream Mall 3.45pm Go to Taichung 6.00pm Fongjia Night Market 9.00pm Back to Hotel Woke up around 7am, and then went to hotel restaurant to have breakfast, hum, breakfast were bad=_=; Chunchun and I only ate some toasts. Went to Zuoying, Confucian Temple and Lotus Bake, sightseeing Temple and Buddhist statue in the morning. Hum, wasn’t bad, we saw a lot of interesting stuff. After sightseeing those Temple and Buddhist statue, our Guide took us to a Pearl Store, it’s the most boring schedule for today. Lunch around noontime, and then went to a new big mall – Dream Mall^O^ Haha, we didn’t do much shopping there, because stuff are expensive there, but we do have a lot of fun there. So many amusement arcade there and Grandma found some nice Coca-Cola’s souvenir that we couldn’t find in Hong Kong. Leave Dream Mall around 3.30pm and then we have to take a long ride to Taichung, hum, we all slept well in the bus, haha. Arrived Taichung around 6pm, and then we went to Fongjia Night Market immediately for dinner and shopping around.酒店大堂一家三口北帝消防車

台灣之旅第一日(Day 1 : Taiwan Trip)


行程 4.30am 起身 6.00am 去到香港機場 9.00am 上機 10.30am 到高雄 12.00pm 去到佛光山觀光 1.00pm 午飯(正宗川菜) 2.15pm 美濃客家民俗村 4.00pm 新崛江商場 6.00pm 六合夜市行街食飯 8.20pm 返到酒店 今朝一早超早4點幾就起身啦,因為今日我地既集合時間係6點半呢.大約5點半左右我地就出門口去搭的士啦,因為我地第一次搭的士去機場所以都預左一個鐘左右既時間,點知原來只係半小時就去到機場啦…6點鬆d就去到,唔知係咪因為太早冇乜車係路面既原因呢.去到機場第一件事當然係去航空公司櫃前搵我地既領隊啦,登記左之後就係機場周圍行同食早餐啦. 大約9點左右就登機囉,因為係短途機,一起飛就即上早餐呢,之後就送兒童玩具比駿駿啦.哈..哈..駿駿搭過幾次飛機,佢知小朋友搭飛機會有禮物就一直係度等呢,結果一收到禮物姐,連飛機餐都未食完就瞓著左囉.哈,哈….佢真係好眼瞓架,因為今朝早起身嘛,只係佢未收到禮物唔肯瞓呢 10點半左右就去到高雄機場啦,拎好晒行李之後我地就上旅遊巴去我地第一個景點佛光山啦.我地先由朝山步道行去許願池,再行去大佛城度觀光,初時天氣都幾好架,不過當我地行到去大雄寶殿時就開始落大雨啦搞到我地都影唔到乜相,重好狼狽咁行番去紀念品餐廳度食午飯添.可憐駿駿成隻鞋同襪都濕透晒…我即時要去商店度搵有冇膠拖鞋買比佢著住先呢. 大約1點左右我地就開始食午飯啦,突然有好大聲既雷聲,個個都嚇左一跳呢.後來到我地要去旅遊巴時先知..原來果下好大既雷聲,係打中左我地部旅遊巴丫…所以先會咁大聲..而部旅遊巴,當然係壞左啦=_=就係咁,我地要暫時坐住第二部旅遊巴去下一個景點美濃客家民俗村先.原本我地都諗住果度應該唔差架,可惜落雨,好多野都冇得睇呢.變左只係係佢d紀念品店度睇野,再飲左杯茶,之後就等旅遊巴黎帶我地去第二個景點囉 係新崛江商圈度行左個半鐘左右,有乜野睇?其實真係冇乜架,因為多數都係年青人野,所以我地大多數時間都係係d夾公仔機既鋪頭入面玩,唔,我都買左幾對襪既,就係咁多囉.最開心當然係駿駿啦,夾公仔喎,中左就係佢架嘛,玩得夾公仔,又點會空手而回呢. 行完新崛江商圈,最後一站就係六合夜市啦…唉,又要等第二部旅遊巴呢,真係好煩…導遊都只係話我地原本部車快整好架啦,如果今日整唔好都要到明天先會換車比我地用,今日就只能借用人地d旅遊巴一程一程咁搭.六合夜市,好似都係食野既多,睇野唔多囉..不過果度d食物都好得意,我地都試左d新野咁啦 Schedule 4.30am Woke up 6.00am Arrived Hong Kong Airport 9.00am Boarding 10.30am Arrived Kaohsiung 12.00pm Fo Guang Shan 1.00pm Lunch 2.15pm MeiNong Culture Village 4.00pm New Chueh Chiang Business District 6.00pm Liouhe Night Market 8.20pm Back to Hotel Woke up super early this morning, because we have to meet out guide before 6.30am. Leave home around 5.30am and took taxi to Hong Kong Airport. Hum, it’s the first time that we take taxi to Hong Kong Airport, so we arrived to airport half hour earlier this morning. Meet our guide in front of the airline counter, and then went to have breakfast and walk around in the airport. Boarding around 9am, and Chunchun fall in sleep soon after he received his gift form the airline, haha; he didn’t finish his breakfast in the plane. Arrived to Kaohsiung around 10.30am and then hurry to Fo Guang Shan. We first take a look of the Great Buddha Land and then walk to the Main Shrine, too bad it’s starts raining when we arrived to the Main Shrine… we couldn’t take nice photo there, and it’s super trouble to walk to the Restaurant under the rain~_~ We all get wet, and Chunchun shoes were sobbing, I have to found a souvenir shop to buy him a slippers for temporary use. We have lunch in a Restaurant that located next to souvenir shop around 1pm. Wow, so surprise that our tourist bus was hit by lightning, we have to take another tourist bus to MeiNong Culture Village. No wonder why the thunder was so loud while we having lunch=_= Hum, I thought that Mei Nong Culture Village should be a nice place to go there if sunny day, however, it’s raining today, we couldn’t see much there… just walking around in the souvenir shop and then waiting for another tourist bus to take us to New Chueh Chiang Business District Spent around one and half hours in New Chueh Chiang Business District, hum, nothing much to see there, mostly for young people… hum I bought a few socks there, and that’s it. We spent most of our time on playing catch doll machine since there didn’t have much to see. Haha, I guess Chunchun was the happiest one, because Papa won a dolly pig for him. Waiting for another tourist bus to Liouhe Night Market, sigh we were so tired on changing tourist bus, but our guide kept saying our tourist will fix it soon…sigh~ Liouhe Night Makrt was mostly for food I think, nothing much to see there but have a lot of special food there^O^準備離開香港囉飛機餐維尼駿駿泵水

返香港囉(Back to Hong Kong)


今朝大約9點先起身丫…因為原本打算搭10點半班船既,所以一起身就趕住準備出門口囉…不過最後我地都係遲左少少…結果要搭11點班船呢~_~唉~如果早少少起身咪好囉…果班船有折架,三個人加埋都平左幾十蚊的. 搭11點船,12點去到香港…差唔多成1點先返到太婆屋企呢.一返到去太婆屋企,佢地已經準備好通粉大餐比駿駿囉…而我同爸爸放好d行季就準備去街2人世界行街食飯囉^^ 唔,今日行左一陣旺角都幾多收鑊丫,買左VCD,DVD,漫畫,襪,一套衫比駿駿,一件衫比自己,重有買左d日用品依幾日同等8月返黎香港時用…哈..哈..好耐都冇咁行街買野囉,真係一有野買就成個人醒晒呢^o^行到6點左右就返到太婆屋企啦.等食完飯之後,我地一家三口同婆婆一齊去吉之島行街街呢.又有收鑊啦…駿駿買左新雨衣同太陽眼鏡…去旅行時用既,而我同婆婆都買左內衣,爸爸重買左對鞋添丫…行完街,我地就去左玩囉..今日大家都過得好開心呢 Woke up around 9am and then we have to hurry to prepare to go to Hong Kong, haha, at first we planned to take the 10.30am ferry, but we were a little bit late…so we took the 11am ferry finally. Arrived to great Grandma’s home around 1pm and then we let Chunchun to have lunch in great Grandma’s home; Papa and I went to Mong Kok shopping around and have lunch there^^ Hum, we bought a lot of stuff in Mong Kok, VCD, DVD, comic, socks, clothes for Chunchun and me…haha, I love shopping^O^ We back home around 6pm to have dinner at home, and then we went to Jusco with Chunchun and Grandma to shop around and playing in the amusement arcade for a while. Hum, we bought sunglasses and a rain clothes for chunchun to go travel, Grandma and I bought some underwear, and Papa bought a pair of shoes. We all have a nice day today^O^拳手駿駿

剪髮(Hair Cut)


今朝同爸爸一齊送駿駿放學呢..哈哈,因為上星期我地想去剪髮時發現師父去旅行喎…要今個星期先開番丫~_~今朝我地泊左部車係好遠丫,不過係5小時咪錶,起碼我地唔駛走黎走去入錶先啦.泊好車,我地先行去麥記食早餐…到9點半左右就行去髮廊啦,因為爸爸話髮廊係9點鐘開架喎…點知,我地去到重未開呢..我地重有d驚唔知係咪重放緊假呢,正打算係附近行多個圈先,我地就見到師父行緊黎開門囉..好彩,重以為今日又白行一次添.大約11點左右我同爸爸都剪完頭髮啦,重有成50分鐘駿駿先放學,我地又唯有去周圍行下,等駿駿放學帶佢黎剪髮啦. 等到放學啦,就帶駿駿去髮廊剪髮啦,點知…坐滿人呢~_~最後我同駿駿係髮廊等爸爸去買餸,如果爸爸買完餸都未到駿駿剪,咁就第二日先黎過..結果?當然係要第二日先剪啦~_~ Took Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, haha, because last week when we wanted to go to hair salon to do hair cut, it’s closed for vacation… We parked my car a little bit far away, but it’s 5 hours parking space… We first went to McDonald’s to have breakfast, and then walk to the Hair Salon around 9.30am. Haha, it’s not open yet, Papa was so scare that it still in vacation; and just before we decided to walk around for a while, stylist arrived and opens his Hair Salon…haha. Papa and I finished hair cut around 11am, and there still have an hour to wait for Chunchun off school. Went to Hair Salon after picked up Chunchun with Papa, sigh, it’s full, we have to wait for 5 persons…finally we only wait for around half hour and then decided to do hair cut for Chunchun tomorrow….

日本料理(Japanese Restaurant)


最後一個星期返學啦,唔,其實今個星期都只係返多2日學咋,就係今日同後日啦…明天係端午節放假唔駛返,到星期四就係結業禮囉… 中午同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學,之後我地同駿駿去左學校附近既公園渣車仔呢…其實爸爸答應左駿駿黎玩好耐架啦,但係駿駿一直都唔多乖就冇黎啦,今日點解會黎,就係因為返學既日子唔多囉…爸爸想放假之前都同駿駿黎玩一次先^^ 玩完之後我地就返左屋企果頭搵野食呢..哈,哈,又唔駛煮飯真係好…最後我地行左入一間日本料理度食野呢..我諗間野都幾新架,之後唔係好覺有間咁既…食物一般啦..不過我就覺得好似貴左少少囉..唔係好貴,但係就係唔抵食..可能因為佢又唔係十分好味啦…我諗,佢吸引唔到我再去囉. Last week for school, hum actually only 2 days to go, today and the day after tomorrow; because tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival, and then Thursday is Graduation Ceremony. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa around noontime, and then we went to the park to let Chunchun play the mini car for a while… Papa had promised Chunchun for a long time, if Chunchun being a good boy, then he will take Chunchun there^^ Went to a Japanese Restaurant near our home afterward… hum, that Japanese Restaurant is kind of new open, less than half year I think… food is not bad there but it’s a little bit expensive, I guess I won’t like to go there again=_=;渣車自己食麵

父親節(Father's Day)


今日係父親節丫,對我同駿駿都講都係一個好忙既日子呢.一早起身我地先係屋企學左畫畫先,之後就同爺爺去飲茶啦…唔,酒店茶樓d野都好好食架,但係我地食得唔係太開心呢…原因…都係果個啦.不過咁,大人唔開心還大人唔開心…三個小朋友就玩得十分開心啦,食飽飽之後就係間房度走黎走去,睇見佢地玩都覺得佢地開心丫. 食完午飯,都已經2點幾囉…到我地返到屋企就已經3點啦~_~冇時間比駿駿午睡呢,唯有叫佢係床度休息一陣,3點半我地又雞咁腳要去海灘聚會囉.哈,哈,正常聚會每次都係我同駿駿最早到呢,今次都一樣,之後就係Gina同Stephenie, Jennifer同恩恩;加菲一家三口,Cecilia一家三口,最後就係Toby一家人啦.唉,我發覺近期既聚會都好難影到大合照呢?點解呢?越黎越難叫所有人埋位,唯有只係叫小朋友啦,不過小朋友又唔望鏡頭=_=;我地大約玩到5點半打後,就開始執野走囉..點解呢?我都唔知丫…見加菲佢地執野囉,咪齊齊執野走囉.返到屋企大約6點,快手快腳同駿駿一齊沖個涼我就要準備晚飯囉..唉,今日..我真係好累… Father’s Day today, busy day for Chunchun and me. We first drawing at home, and then went to have lunch with Grandpa… hum, nice lunch, but we didn’t have a nice time. Anyways, Chunchun and his little cousins were happy, they kept running around and around^^ After lunch, it’s already 2pm something, and by the time we get home, it’s already 3pm. Sigh, no time for Chunchun to nap, just let him lay on his bed for a while, and then we hurry to the breach for the Macau Mama Gathering on 4pm. Haha, we were the first family arrived, and then Gina & Stephenie; Jennifer & Ianian; Garfield’s family; Cecilia’s family and Toby’s family. Hum, I found that it’s so hard to take picture for everyone recently=_=; We played for around hour and half, then we all prepare to leave… Back home around 6pm something and I have to take shower with Chunchun and then prepare for dinner…sigh, super tired day.裝水自己游水同恩恩豬爭快冇人望鏡頭既合照

巴士餐廳(Bus Restaurant)


今朝9點就起左身啦,諗左好耐,最後我地決定去珠海行下呢…哈,哈…其實駿駿同我想去珠海好耐架啦,因為之前聽人講過有間巴士餐廳..所以好想上去睇下呢…今日爸爸終於都答應一齊去珠海囉^o^之前佢成日話多人唔肯去架… 去到珠海時都差唔多中午囉…所以我地先係地下商場既餐廳食個午飯先,之後係機鋪玩一陣.唔,我地都有行左陣商場架,我重睇到有d幾靚既鞋添..但係爸爸唔肯比睇得耐…乜都買唔到呢,睇黎我都係要等下次婆婆黎澳門時,我地先一齊去珠海行街呢.係商場度行左一陣,我地就去書城睇書啦,駿駿係果度買左2本故仔書呢^^果度d書真係好抵,幾蚊一本..不過簡體字就真係麻麻,好彩佢有中英對照既書,咁就好d..當睇英文書囉.買完書,我地就去巴士餐廳度飲下午茶囉^o^ 巴士餐廳既食物,都冇乜點既,不過我諗我地決定食完午飯先去飲下午茶係正確既決定囉..哈,哈..而駿駿睇黎都好鍾意間巴士餐廳呢..因為佢係我地回程時成日都問住巴士餐廳d野 Woke up around 9am this morning, and then we decided to go to Zhuhai… haha, Chunchun and I wanted to go there a long time ago, because we knew that there have a bus restaurant^^ Papa finally agreed to go Zhuhai with us today. We first went to a restaurant to have lunch in the underground mall, and then playing in the amusement arcade for a while. Hum, I wanted to shop around in the underground mall, in fact, I saw a pair of nice shoes there, but Papa just didn’t want to shop with me, I guess I have to wait until Grandma come to Macau next time to shop around in Zhuhai again. After walking around in the underground mall, we went to a very big book store, bought 2 story books for Chunchun then go to the Bus Restaurant to have tea^O^ Food in the Bus Restaurant was not bad, but I think we were right that decided do not have lunch there…haha. Chunchun love that Bus Restaurant and kept asking us when we will go there again while we on the way back home.巴士餐廳丫渣巴士巴士餐廳的一角離開巴士餐廳

朱古力蛋糕(Chocolate Cake)


今朝同爸爸一齊送駿駿返學丫,因為爸爸想去駿駿學校附近果間髮廊度剪髮呢.我地先泊好車,之後去茶餐廳度食個早餐,再慢慢行去髮廊.唉~都唔知我地係咪真係咁黑仔…之前搵位泊車已經難架啦,點知行到去髮廊先發現佢依幾日都唔開門丫~_~白行一躺啦…見冇野做,就入左咪錶,所以爸爸同我就行去街市買多少少餸放係屋企啦,之後我就送爸爸返工. 11點幾12點時我就自己一個去接駿駿放學啦.老師話駿駿採排時表現唔好丫,如果下個星期重唔努力做好d既野…到結業禮時佢就會好醜怪喎.唔,唔知點解,今日食完午飯之後突然好想焗蛋糕喎,所以就睇下屋企有冇材料,同駿駿一齊焗蛋糕啦^^ Took Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, because Papa wanted to the Hair Salon near Chunchun’s school. We first parked my car in front of a playground, and then have breakfast in a Chinese Western Restaurant. Too bad, when we arrived to the Hair Salon after breakfast, we found that Hair Salon will not open this few days~_~ Sigh, we couldn’t do hair cut today… so we went to food market together to bought some food, then drive Papa to office. Went to pick up Chunchun alone this morning, teacher said Chunchun didn’t doing ok in rehearsal… he have to work hard on it next week. Suddenly wanted to bake cake after lunch, so I started to prepare stuff and let Chunchun to bake with me^^篩麵粉攪麵粉朱古力蛋糕幾好食喎

中文考試(Chinese Exam)


今日係中文考試呢,唉~唔知駿駿考成點呢?希望佢考得好啦.因為考試,幼稚園放半日呢,所以學生要係12點半離開學校.我同爸爸中午接完駿駿之後,就一齊去麥記食午餐啦. 唔,駿駿係麥記食左半碗大粟米,幾條薯條同飲左杯橙汁…返到屋企瞓午覺之前佢又要飲8安奶喎…唉~我係度諗駿駿係咪係學校食得唔飽呢?但係佢平日係學校食飯已經有添飯架啦,老師都話佢大食…不過放學時爸爸問駿駿飽唔飽..駿駿第一句都話唔飽..重話佢係學校未食茶點添=_=; 等駿駿瞓醒午覺之後,我就開始同佢溫習英文啦…因為明天考英文呢.不過對於英文,其實我覺得冇乜特別要溫…駿駿一直係英文科上都做得唔錯…明天既成績,真係睇彩數多. Chinese Exam today, sigh~ wonder how’s Chunchun doing hopes that he will be OK. During the Exam, kindergarten kids were all half day school, off around 12.30pm. Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun around 12.30pm and then we went to have McDonald’s together. Hum, Chunchun ate a half cup of corns, and a few French Fries with orange juice in McDonald’s and then when we back home, he drink 8oz of milk before he nap. Sigh, I wonder is that Chunchun didn’t have enough lunch at school? But he already have 2 bowls of rice everyday, he was one the fresser at school. Study with Chunchun after he woke up from his nap, hum, English Exam on tomorrow; I thought that didn’t have much to study for English, because Chunchun seem to be doing a great job on English.

好曳(Very Naughty)


因為近期天氣真係好熱丫,所以我就問爸爸叫佢由今日開始比駿駿上公司做功課…公司冷氣係咪都要開架啦,但係係屋企我地除左瞓覺其他時間都唔會開…咁上爸爸公司做功課,駿駿起碼可以舒服咁做功課嘛…爸爸都覺得係熱既,咁今日放學我就先車爸爸同駿駿去公司,我泊好車先上去睇住駿駿做功課啦. 唔,駿駿初初都做得幾好既..不過都只係乖左20分鐘左右啦…佢慢慢就開始發呆,玩鉛筆,擦膠,手指,習作薄…唉~我己經坐住係佢身邊,佢一玩就提佢做功課…但係佢都係咁冇心機做…最後,爸爸都出聲叫我帶駿駿返屋企先再做功課,佢係公司太舒服唔願做.見到駿駿咁樣,想比佢舒服d都唔得,唯有叫佢執野返屋企先再做啦;但係駿駿又唔肯喎,叫極都唔理我…結果…爸爸咪發嬲囉…駿駿比爸爸罰完就同爸爸一齊返屋企啦 唉~其實想駿駿去爸爸公司做功課都係因為天氣熱..想佢有冷氣涼做功課舒服d姐..係屋企對住把風扇佢一樣大汗叠細汗咁…而且係屋企,因為想環保d,同慳番d錢..所以我地唔係瞓覺都唔會開冷氣,而爸爸公司,只要有人就要開架啦…所以先叫駿駿去公司涼冷氣做功課…不過睇黎駿駿唔多感謝我地既決定..睇黎佢以後都係要係屋企熱到死咁做功課同溫習囉 Since it’s quite hot recently, I asked Papa to let Chunchun to do homework in his office starts from today. Papa was agreed with it, after we picked up Chunchun, I drove them to office first, and then I park my car in the car park Hum, Chunchun was fine in the beginning, but only concentrated around 20 minutes, then he starts to playing with pencil, eraser, his exercise book... Sigh, I was so sitting next to him, why he still can play like this=_=; I kept telling him stop playing and be concentrate on his homework. Finally Papa and I decided to let Chunchun back home to do homework with me first, however, Chunchun didn’t listen to me and didn’t willing to leave. Finally Papa had to yell at Chunchun and we all back home together. Sigh, the idea that we let Chunchun to do homework in Papa’s office, is because of the hot weather, Papa’s office have turn on the air condition no matter what… and we won’t turn on air condition at home only turn it on before we go to bed. We just want to give better environment for Chunchun to study, but he seem that he didn’t appreciate it=_=;

好似乖左喎(Good Boy?)


唔,今日下午去接駿駿放學時,我一拎起佢個書包姐,就發覺勁重啦,問駿駿今日學校派左乜,佢話有好多功課喎.真係比佢嚇死,等我重以為今日佢淨係做功課就冇時間溫習.一上車就打開佢書包睇下…原來只係老師派番今個學期既功課薄比小朋友,等小朋友可以拎返屋企溫習姐…而功課只係好似平常咁2頁紙. 返到屋企就同駿駿做功課啦,駿駿今日又好似好乖咁喎,好快就做完功課重溫左一次書啦.不過當比佢休息半小時睇一套卡通之後,佢就開始唔專心囉…同佢重點溫習考試範圍時,佢成日都錯呢~_~重有2日就考試啦,真係唔知到時駿駿會點…佢上次測驗冇人同佢溫書已經唔係考得好好..如果今次都考得唔好…就慘啦~ Hum, when I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I found his school bag was super heavy; and then Chunchun told me that he got a lot of homework. Sigh, I was so scared that he has a lot of homework to do and we don’t have time to study today. But then when I take a look of his school bag, I found that Chunchun only have 2 pages of homework have to do and the rest of the exercise books were sent out by his teacher, those are for study only. Back home to do homework with Chunchun and then study together, Chunchun seem to be doing great today, but then after we take a rest for half hour, he didn’t concentrated on his study anymore~_~ Sigh, Finally exam is coming soon, wonder will Chunchun doing good…he been doing not well last time…sigh~

Drawing Class


唉,今日係畫班,我真係比駿駿激到想死呢….我諗我以後都唔會比佢去畫班畫畫啦.今日我地係遲左少少先去畫班,去到時已經有4個小朋友係度啦.果時我已經諗,有排等,咁到駿駿時佢實冇心機啦.咁都算啦,佢久唔久都會咁,但係都會完成到幅畫…所以我就開始自己同佢練下畫畫先啦.畫左大半個鐘,駿駿都幾有心機架,我果時重諗今日駿駿可能都會有心機畫喎.點知,老師一埋位教佢畫畫,唔係好耐我就見到佢勁唔合作=_=;重同老師有辯論添,佢唔鍾意老師教佢,老師捉住佢隻手畫畫時佢重同老師鬥力.事源係今日駿駿揀左畫野豬既側面,咁野豬有2隻角的,老師教完駿駿畫一隻之後,佢竟然教駿駿另一隻角係嘴喎…駿駿即時好反感咁話…係角黎架,雖然最後因為我話駿駿,佢都有跟住老師畫…不過好明顯冇左之前果d心機…上色重好求其.咁我見佢冇心機,又夠鐘放學囉…就叫佢唔好畫啦,下堂再畫,今堂我地走啦…佢就開始喊啦..又大叫….”我想畫埋佢”…佢一喊,我就嬲啦,問佢咁鍾意畫畫,點解老師教佢唔聽,點解唔比心機畫,唔比心機上色,點解老師捉佢隻手要同老師鬥力…佢又唔答,只係喊…最後我要用武力帶佢走. 其實係好耐之前,我已經覺得個老師雖然有心機教小朋友,但係佢唔細心…成日叫小朋友揀圖片黎畫,但係又唔睇清楚小朋友揀乜..好多時同一個公仔有唔同動作,駿駿揀左一個,佢又教駿駿畫第二個..咁叫小朋友揀黎做乜?而且教畫圖時細細節既野你唔畫都同小朋友講聲叫佢地自己畫番丫,佢又唔講…當小朋友盲架?駿駿已經好幾次上色時嘆氣話”唉,老師又冇教我畫乜乜乜啦,媽咪,你教我畫番果度啦!”今次駿駿咁扭計,雖然主因唔係佢錯晒,不過我最憎就係佢少少野都喊左先,有時明知自己唔岩就喊左先.所以返到屋企一樣有罰. 講番幅畫,我地食完飯,我就同駿駿再由頭畫一次…一路駿駿都冇問題架,重畫得幾好添…又有心機上色…我地2個一齊畫…不知幾開心.所以我唔會再比駿駿返果間畫班啦,我會先係屋企自己教佢畫2個星期先,如果佢真係鍾意畫畫,我先再去搵其他畫班比佢. 因為駿駿今朝發脾氣,所以我地下午決定取消唔去漁人碼頭食飯同玩啦,改為係屋企煮飯,再全日同駿駿溫習,反正就黎考試…溫下書都好既.不過最後我地晚上都係去左漁人碼頭玩同食晚飯呢…因為爸爸同我都覺得成日係屋企太悶啦,見駿駿都開始乖番,就去玩下啦. 大約8點先去到漁人碼頭,我地就即時去食晚飯啦.唔,果間餐廳既牛扒真係幾好食,我同爸爸今餐都食得幾滿足,起碼我地食到覺得幾好味既牛扒先嘛^o^食完晚飯我地就去打機啦,玩到9點鬆d就一齊行番屋企. Sigh, I was getting so mad while Chunchun and I in the drawing class this morning, I guess I won’t let Chunchun go to that drawing class anymore. We arrived to drawing class a little bit late this morning; when we arrived there already have 4 other kids there. Hum, I knew that Chunchun may not have any concentration when teacher ready to teach him. He was fine when I draw with him, and he seem to be doing not bad too… however, when his teacher ready to teach him, Chunchun was super uncooperative=_=; And I saw him argue with teacher, he didn’t pleased what teacher teach him…because they were drawing wild boar, and his teacher made a mistake on it horn and mouth. And then Chunchun seem like didn’t want to draw the picture at all, so I told him to leave and finish that picture next time when class almost over. But then Chunchun starts crying and yelling…”I want to finish it!” Sigh, I was mad then… asking him why if he like drawing, he didn’t play more attention on it, why he couldn’t color it well, and why he didn’t follow teacher instruction=_=; He didn’t answer, just crying and yelling… Finally, I force him to back home without finish his picture. I was so mad that Chunchun always cries when he was doing something wrong; and I didn’t like his teacher either, she just didn’t careful enough… didn’t look at the picture that kid chose… and just teach them to draw something similar, then why asked kid to chose? Well, I teach Chunchun to draw the same picture again after lunch, and he was doing great…didn’t have any argue with me; we were happy while we drawing together. So I decided to teach him drawing myself at home, if he really like drawing, I will find another nice drawing class for him. Since Chunchun was quite emotional this morning, we cancelled go to Fisherman’s Wharf this afternoon, just stay home to have lunch and study and draw with Chunchun. Papa and I were so boring staying at home all day, so we decided to go to Fisherman’s Wharf to have dinner after we think Chunchun was started to being a good boy again. Arrived to Fisherman’s Wharf around 8pm, and then we hurry to the restaurant to have dinner. Nice steak there, Papa and I have a nice dinner there ^O^ After dinner, we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while and back home around 9pm something.

新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


今朝一早9點就起左身啦,唉,點解星期六都要咁早起身架>___< Take a shower after I woke up and then made a sandwich for Chunchun and me for breakfast. Let’s Chunchun to study English and then prepare to go to New Yaohan to have lunch and play. We arrived to New Yaohan around 11.30am, we first went to the ground floor, since we notice that there have a new toy’s section opened when we go there last time. This new section has 2 cutie Lego man in front of the door, hum, actually that new toy’s section mostly is baby’s toys and some educational toys or VCD. But Chunchun was having fun there, because there have a Thomas train that he could ride on, and a slide, and a lot of baby’s toys^^ Chunchun didn’t willing to leave at all. Have lunch around noontime, and then we walk around the promotion area, we found some cutie hat there, bought a Winnie the Pooh hat for Chunchun there^^ And then we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while, and since Chunchun was quite naughty today, we just played 2 games and then we leave. We walk around the men’s section to found some nice shirt of Grandpa before we leave New Yaohan, because Father’s Day is coming soon. We went to Royal Supermarket after we bought gift of Grandpa. Sigh, I really want to spend time to look around in supermarket, I didn’t like to buy stuff in hurry; but Papa didn’t like to hanging in supermarket a minute longer=_=; He just kept asking me hurry up… and sigh, I found that I forget to buy a lot of stuff today>_