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日式燒烤(Japanese Barbecue)


今日送完駿駿返學,重要做爸爸既司機車去周圍去,又要去酒店,又要去銀行,又要去公司…就係咁,依度去下果度去下就冇左一個上午啦>_< 返到屋企都成1點幾囉…快手洗晒d衫晾好d衫,搵d野食就去超市買野啦. 下午去接駿駿放學時,發現駿駿班既壁佈板改左啦,唔係貼佢地既書啦…換左個大蛋糕同全班既小朋友圍住蛋糕.駿駿個圖好可愛架,係拉小提琴既小朋友…可惜我今日冇帶相機啦,唯有明天放學先同佢影番張相^^ 晚上5點左右,爸爸打返黎喎,佢話晏d想去剪髮丫…叫我今晚唔好煮飯喎^o^因為佢剪完髮後我去接佢返黎,又唔知剪到幾點..所以打算今晚叫外賣或者出街食.等下等下,爸爸成7點幾先打返黎話剪完頭髮,我同駿駿就即時去接佢啦.之後重決定都係出街食算囉,叫外賣等得黎都可以太夜. 出街食飯,最開心既當然係駿駿啦…佢以為去街街嘛..不過最後我地係去左屋企樓下既日式燒烤度食晚飯呢…其實我地都係第一次去咋.雖然d野都幾好食..不過真係幾貴囉..一碗小小既拉麵要成60蚊喎…重要個碗…真係好小囉.點都好啦…我地都食得幾開心既..駿駿又有機會自己夾下野黎燒…佢不知食得幾滿足. After take Chunchun to school in the morning, I have to drive Papa to work, to the bank, to the hotel and to the office… and that spent me the whole morning to being a driver>_< Back home around 11am something, and hurry finished my laundry… found something to eat and then go to supermarket to buy stuff. When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I found that their teacher had renewed their board already; it’s a big birthday cake with kids around. Too bad that I didn’t bring my DC today, have to bring my DC tomorrow and take a photo of it with Chunchun^^ Papa called around 5pm something, told me that he will go to hair cut this evening, and asked me not to cook tonight^O^ Haha, it’s because he wanted me to pick him up after he finish his hair cut, and he don’t want me to cook because he didn’t when he will finish. Papa called me around 7pm again; he finally finished his hair cut. Chunchun was the happiest one that we decided to have dinner out tonight. We went into a Japanese Barbecue Restaurant to have dinner tonight. Hum, foods there were nice, but it’s quite expensive… a bowl of noodles need $60, and it’s not a big bowl. Anyway we had a nice dinner there^^日式燒烤

爸爸病丫(Papa got sick)


婆婆琴日黎左澳門,本來今日有好多野想同婆婆一齊做架,好似去超市買野,去爸爸公司執番d文具返黎(因為打算唔做啦,都冇生意),重有去街市買餸今晚打邊爐.不過呢,爸爸返左工唔夠一個鐘就返黎啦…重已經去左睇醫生添.佢話個胃唔舒服喎. 之後,爸爸重開始有d發燒添,又肚痾…就係咁,本來打算做既野一樣都做唔到囉,我成日都要照顧爸爸呢. 唔,每次爸爸一病就十分之麻煩架啦,重衰過小朋友,駿駿病既時候都係乖乖地休息,當然我都會花多d時間睇住佢.而我呢..我病都重要照顧爸爸同駿駿..邊有人會照顧我喎=_=爸爸點小朋友?咪又係一病就不停講”我好辛苦丫,我唔舒服丫”依樣果樣咁…想點喎..邊個發燒會覺得好舒服架…成日講野都唔乖乖休息又話瞓唔著喎.瞓覺又要我陪佢一齊瞓或係佢身邊乜都唔做…真係嗲到~_~好似小bb咁呢. 下午同婆婆接完駿駿放學.可憐駿駿就被爸爸禁止入房,佢要係廳度做功課同溫習呢…因為爸爸話要休息唔想駿駿嘈到佢喎 Grandma came to Macau yesterday, at first I planned to do a lot of thing with her, go to supermarket, go to Papa’s office to bring some stationary back home (because we will closed our company soon), and prepare hot pot for dinner. However, Papa came back home after he go to work around 1 hour and said he didn’t feel well today. Hum, Papa got sick, he had a little bit fever, and he always said his stomach wasn’t feeling well. Finally, I didn’t go anything with Grandma today, because I have to look after Papa all day. Hum, whenever Papa got sick he will being super trouble… when Chunchun or I got sick, we could just rest and rest and rest… surely I will spend more time on looking after Chunchun when he sick; but me… usually I still have to take care Chunchun and Papa while I was sick. So why Papa being so trouble when he’s sick? Kept telling me “I am sick, I didn’t feel well” Oh, god… am I feel great when I’m sick? Everyone feel the same when having fever or sick. And Papa didn’t like to sleep by himself, always asked me to sleep with him or sit near him=_=; just like a baby… Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and poor Chunchun have to do homework and study in the living room, because Papa was sick, Papa didn’t allow Chunchun to enter our room>_



因為琴晚駿駿留低左佢張八達通係婆婆屋企丫,婆婆今朝返工又帶埋返工喎=_=所以今日駿駿冇八達通用呢.其實都唔係第一次話駿駿架啦,成日一坐底就想除低張達通,所以今日下午同駿駿去行時,我地係行路架,等佢知冇左八達通就冇得搭車^^大約中午左右我地就由屋企行去太子食午飯同行街啦. 行到去太子都差唔多1點囉,都行左半個鐘架,之後就由駿駿話事食乜做午飯啦.一問佢,佢就話要去Pizza Hut啦,因為佢鍾意果度有兒童餐,而且個餐重有好多大大粒既啫喱 XD 今日駿駿重收到個氣球添喎,真係開心死佢.食完午飯大約2點左右,我地就行商場,影下d聖誕佈置同去遊樂場玩啦.今日都買左幾多野架,買左2件衫比駿駿,重買左條牛仔褲添…我見同款既牛仔褲有個既碼喎..就買多條同佢親子裝啦^^之後大約3點幾,我地就坐小巴返屋企瞓午覺囉..駿駿返到屋企同太婆講”好累丫,行死我啦…下次唔同媽媽去街!” 食完晚飯之後,婆婆又同我一齊帶駿駿去玩啦,原本我地想去吉之島行街同去冒險樂園架.點知去到樂富…係吉之島睇左一陣野,行到去富樂商場時..發覺成個商場都店鋪都摺晒…唯有急急腳走去鑽石山同駿駿去玩啦. Since Chunchun forgot his octopus at Grandma’s home last night, and Grandma took it with her to work, so Chunchun didn’t have octopus today. Chunchun and I leave home around noontime, and then we started to walk to Prince Edward to have lunch and shop around^^ Arrived to Prince Edward around 1pm, then Chunchun decided to go to Pizza Hut to have lunch. He love the kid’s meal there, he love the big jelly actually XD Happy Chunchun got a balloon from staff in Pizza Hut. Finished lunch around 2pm and then we walking around in the mall to take photo of Christmas’s decoration. We bought 2 t-shirt for Chunchun, and 2 same style jeans for Chunchun and me^^ Went to the playground for a while before we back home, and then take van back home to nap together. Went out with Grandma again after dinner, and sigh, at first we planned to go to Jusco and Jumpin Gym, however, when we arrived to Lok Fu… we found that most of the store were closed=_= We have to hurry to Plaza Hollywood to the Jumpin Gym to play with Chunchun.又食兒童餐始創聖誕咖啡杯(老人)始創大聖誕老人見唔見到我丫

去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


一直都有計劃幾時同駿駿開生日會,駿駿生日去邊玩既.原本一直打算12月7日先返香港,晚上開生日會,12月8月就去迪士尼樂園,12月9日正日就係返澳門同爸爸一齊過.不過今個星期頭婆婆先話12月7日好多人都唔得閒喎,唯有改依個星期六同駿駿開左生日會先啦.唉~其實一直都唔係好想依個星期返香港架,因為星期日下午要去Venus既生日會,星期日先返黎澳門就要去生日會…會好累呢. 4點駿駿一放學我就去接佢啦,快手快腳返屋企換衫就飛的出碼頭.我地去到碼頭都係4點40分左右,買左5點既船飛就過關啦.都唔知今日做乜,碼頭勁多人喎,過得關黎都5點鬆d啦,最後要搭5點半果班船呢=_= 一返到黎香港就打比公公婆婆啦,約佢地係地係地鐵站等啦…因為諗住同公公出街食晚飯再去冒險樂園玩陣.唉~點知公公落到黎,佢成個七老八十咁,又只係著拖鞋喎…根本就冇心同我地去食晚飯=_=最後唯有買外賣上樓同佢一齊食啦.駿駿當然唔開心冇得去玩啦. I been planning when and how to celebrate birthday with Chunchun, birthday party on Dec 7, and then go to Disneyland on Dec 8; it’s my plan, but then Grandma told me that most of our relative didn’t have time on Dec 7… so we hurry to arrange birthday party on Nov 24 for Chunchun first. Sigh, I didn’t want to go to Hong Kong at all, because Sunday we have to hurry back to Macau to join Venus’s birthday party… Chunchun and I must be super tired. Picked up Chunchun on 4pm and then hurry back home and hurry to the pier. We arrived to the pier around 4.40pm and bought the 5pm ticket; however we have to take the 5.30pm ferry because the pier was so crowded today=_= Called Grandma and Grandpa when we arrived to Hong Kong and told them we meet at MTR station, because we planned to go out for dinner together and then go to Jumpin Gym for a while. Sigh, didn’t know what’s Grandpa thinking, been telling him since this morning, we will go out for dinner, but when we met in MTR station… he only were slippers=_= Oh, fine, finally we bought dinner back to Grandpa’s home and no Jumpin Gym tonight.準備搭船囉

有聖誕禮物啦(X'mas Gift)


今日又要同爸爸去睇眼科醫生啦,所以一早同婆婆送完駿駿返學之後,就返屋企準備同爸爸過香港囉.我地都成11點先過到香港,先去左太子旺角果頭行街同食午飯.到大約3點左右就去中環睇醫生啦. 唔,我總係覺得今日好似勁多人咁,等既時間好似比上個星期耐咁…我記得上星期我地5點前就離開診所架啦,但係今日要5點15分打後先離開診所.因為明天我同駿駿都會返黎香港住個4日3夜,所以爸爸做完眼部小手術之後,我地都冇再好似上星期咁過番旺角行街囉,而係直接行去港澳碼頭搭船,不過我地經過玩具反斗城丫^^爸爸又話要入去睇下玩具先喎…就係咁,我地又買左盒大大盒既玩具比駿駿聖誕囉. 返到屋企都8點幾囉,駿駿一見到我地返黎就好開心咁走黎門口接我地啦…不過當佢見到爸爸手上拎住大個玩具反斗城袋,佢就乜都唔記得囉…一手搶走爸爸個袋加一句”嘩~係咪比我架?”就成袋拎住走左去^^ Have to go to eye doctor with Papa again, so hurry took Chunchun to school with Grandma and then prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa. We arrived to Hong Kong around 11am something, we first went to Prince Edward and Mong Kok to shop around and have lunch, and then back to Central to the eye doctor. Hum, I though that the clinic was super crowded today, and it take longer for us to wait for the surgery. Remember last week we leave the clinic before 5pm, but today we leave on 5.15pm something. Since Chunchun and I will go to Hong Kong tomorrow for 4 days 3nights, so Papa and I didn’t go back to Mong Kok to shop around, we walk to the ferry terminal right after Papa finished his eye surgery. But we do to go Toys ‘r’ us for a walk when we pass by…haha, and we bought X’mas gift for Chunchun there^^ We back to Macau around 8pm something, so funny; once we back home, Chunchun was so happy running to us. And then when he noticed that Papa was carrying a big Toys ‘r’ Us plastic bag, he grabbed it and said “wow, is it my gift?” Haha…

美食節(Food Festival)


一早打算今日同婆婆一齊帶駿駿去美食節架啦,所以一接完駿駿放學就即時返屋企做功課同溫習.7點去到碼頭接婆婆就直接去美食節啦 唉,我地7點半之前去到美食節附近,不過一直都搵唔到位泊車,最後就排隊入觀光塔既地車場啦.因為都知要等好耐架啦..所以爸爸同我就叫婆婆帶駿駿去玩具反斗城睇下玩具玩一陣先,我地泊好車再去搵佢地.結果差唔多8點先入到停車場,再去玩具反斗城搵到駿駿同婆婆之後,重要去美食節會場度搵位.好辛苦,等左半小時左右終於都有位啦.等婆婆同駿駿坐好之後,我同爸爸就去買野食啦. 美食節真係越黎越搵笨呢,以前d野食多數都係10蚊15蚊咁,依家係起碼15蚊,多數25蚊喎,全部都加晒價…最過份都係果d遊戲檔,雖然都係10蚊玩一次,不過d禮物一年比一年樣衰都翻版,今年重要提升晒d中獎分數,中獎都變成不可能的任服呢!@#$ 因為好多野都要等等等..所以到我地返到屋企時都成10點幾囉..駿駿累到一沖完涼上床就即時瞓著. Planned to go to Food Festival with Grandma and Chunchun tonight. So after picked up Chunchun from school, we hurry finish homework and study together. Went to pick up Grandma on 7pm, and then went to Food Festival directly. Sigh, we arrived there before 7.30pm but we have to wait for car park until 8pm. Since Papa and I knew that we have to wait for a long time so I asked Grandma to take Chunchun to Toys ‘r’ us for a while, we meet them there after we park my car and then went to have dinner in Food Festival. Hum, we spent around half hour to find a table=_=; and we finally having our dinner around 8.30pm. Sigh, I found that foods were quite expensive there, remember last few years most of the dishes were around 10 to 15 dollars; but this year price had increased, around 15 to 25 per dish. And the games there were @#$%, not worth to play, they set the target too high that it’s impossible to win. Back home around 10pm something, and Chunchun fall in sleep soon after he went to bed.睇爸爸玩遊戲同媽媽一齊釣魚同媽媽一齊騎恐龍食雪糕

爸爸睇醫生(Papa go to eye doctor)


今朝一早同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學之後,又要返屋企準備同爸爸去香港睇眼科醫生啦.因為佢上星期三去睇完醫生之後,醫生話佢對眼要做小手術喎…所以要連去多2個星期分左右眼做手術呢. 一早我就講左好幾次,我今日唔想渣車架啦.一來我唔係咁舒服,渣車好累…去果程都重好d,但係晚上返黎搭完船再渣車真係好辛苦..平日冇病都覺得特別累囉..有病當然唔想渣車啦.而且就黎賽車啦,碼頭個停車場就唔開,好多路又封左…渣車都好麻煩呢.不過到出門口時,爸爸無端端又發脾氣喎,話我好唔渣車..唔舒服又唔好跟佢去香港…重自己一支箭上左的士唔理我喎~_~ 講真,我真係好累,唔係好舒服…唔係買左飛我都唔想去…一早就叫佢自己星期一,二,早幾日自己一個去香港睇算架啦..我本來想婆婆星期五先放假黎睇駿駿運動會架嘛.係佢要約星期三睇醫生.一開始就係佢想我陪佢.唔知佢乜事一早發脾氣,不過我都擔心佢隻眼做完手術睇唔到野住,返黎會辛苦…所以都係自己搭的士去碼頭追佢呢…諗住佢真係咁有個性唔等我,我唯有去醫生度等佢.不過我都未去到碼頭,爸爸就打番電話比我囉.我冇傾丫..因為就到…又見佢個人企左係度等我…咁我之後都冇問佢打比我做乜囉.就當佢做手術前緊張發脾氣算啦…不過佢講果句野,我會記住~_~但係都幾嬲架…如果真係等我既話..點解之前要咁有個性自己一支箭去搭的士?浪費我d錢要分開2部的士搭呢>__



由開學到依家,等左2個月啦,幼稚園個圖書館今日終於重開囉^^駿駿一向都好鍾意去圖書館架,尤其鍾意圖書館入面個豬豬墊^^圖書館重開,我當然又去去義工管理員啦,學校要人幫手,我又可以對住駿駿耐d,幾好丫… 我地今日8點鬆d就去到學校囉,都未夠鐘開圖書館,不過駿駿就乜都唔理沖入圖書館囉,因為佢好掛住隻豬豬喎.不過當我地入到去發現冇晒d坐墊喎,駿駿一見到唐老師入黎就追住唐老師問隻豬去左邊啦..要老師答應佢下次就拎番出黎,佢先乖乖地睇書. 哈,今日好過癮,我見係圖書館入面有個女仔成日叫住駿駿喎,同佢一齊行又要拖駿駿隻手…一齊揀書睇..唔知佢係咪駿駿係學校既女朋友仔呢? Been waiting for 2 months since school started, the kindergarten library finally started today^^ Chunchun love to go to the library a lot, and he love the piggy cushion there. And surely I’m being the volunteer to be the librarian; library need a librarian and I need more time to spend with Chunchun^^ We arrived to school around 8am, and Chunchun run to the library immediately. Haha, but then he found that piggy cushion not there, he was quite disappointed, and once he saw Miss Tong, he keep asking Miss Tong where is piggy until Miss Tong promised him to take out the piggy cushion next time. So cutie that I found a little girl keep calling Chunchun and following him; pick up book together and read together… I wonder maybe she is Chunchun’s girlfriend at school…haha.終於可以係圖書館睇書啦