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今日好開心丫(Happy Day)


今日同駿駿去滑草丫,我地大約11點左右去到,玩左半小時左右我地就去果間有迷你手推車既超市行下啦.駿駿好鍾意推果個迷你手推車呢^^唔,我地係超市度買左少少零食,之後我地就去新馬路行街食飯啦,重要去街市買餸添. 因為爸爸唔係好想去麥記度食野,所以我地就左果間音樂咖啡豆度食野啦.駿駿同我一齊叫左個火腿芝士薄餅同一個朱古力蛋糕2份食,其實駿駿係唔飽架,不過果間野都冇乜好食~_~,而爸爸就叫左個蛋包飯.個薄餅同蛋糕又出奇咁幾好食喎,個蛋糕雖然係好甜好漏,但係都真係好好味囉.不過爸爸叫果個蛋包飯佢就話好難食囉…真係可憐 食完飯,我地就行街啦,哈哈,我今日又買左2件衫呢,真係好啦…發現左間新既衫鋪,佢d衫又唔貴又岩我心水^o^買完餸…2點鬆d我地就返屋企午睡囉. Went to grass sidle with Chunchun and Papa around 11am, played for around half hour; and then went to the Hyper Gourmet to walk around, Chunchun love the mini cart. Hum we bought some snacks there and then went to the shopping area to have lunch and to the food market to buy food. Since Papa didn’t want to have McDonald’s for lunch, so we went to a café to have lunch. Haha, Chunchun and I ordered a Ham & Cheese pancake and a Chocolate cake to share, Papa ordered rice. Pancake was not bad and the Chocolate cake was super tasty, Chunchun and I love it, but Papa didn’t like the rice he ordered…poor Papa. Happy me, after lunch we went to walk around before we go to food market, haha, I bought 2 clothes today; found a nice store that clothes wasn’t expensive and fit me ^O^ Back home around 2pm something, and then nap with Chunchun immediately.好耐冇滑草囉同爸爸滑草好快丫又去推車仔

行街買野去海灘(Shopping & Beach)


今日放假丫,哈哈,我地好忙呢.下午去左新馬路行街,黃昏又去左海灘玩喎.真係開心死駿駿囉.因為要去行街,所以我地就早少少正午食午飯啦,一點左右就去到新馬路.唉~原本我係冇打算買野架,但係唔知點解今日又有購物癮喎,結果婆婆買左一條牛仔褲,一件衫;駿駿買左對涼鞋;而我就買左一條短褲,一件衫同一件褸仔啦…買野真係開心呢^o^ 大約3點就返到屋企啦,第一時間趕駿駿上床瞓一陣先,因為睇佢個樣就知佢好眼瞓.等佢瞓左個半鐘左右,我地就叫佢起身出發去海灘囉.去到黑沙,大家最關心既唔係玩,而係食呢XD放低晒D野之後,爸爸就第一時間去買燒烤食品囉.駿駿就自己玩沙.爸爸買左好多野食返黎呢,有腸仔,芝士腸,蛋旦,雞翼,雞脾同尤魚,駿駿一邊玩沙一邊等婆婆餵食.食飽飽之後呢,駿駿就叫我同佢去玩水囉^o^玩到大約6點半我地就起程返屋企啦,7點返到去,婆婆就煮飯,我同駿駿就去沖涼,沖完先食飯 Holiday today, haha, busy day, we went to shopping in the shopping area in the afternoon and went to the beach in the evening. We have lunch around noontime time and then went to shopping area before 1pm. We bought a lot of stuff today, Grandma bought a jean and a shirt, Chunchun bought a sandals and me bought a short, a shirt and a think jacket. Haha, at first I didn’t want to buy anything, but I seem to in a shopping mood when we arrived to the shopping area. Back home around 3pm and hurry made Chunchun to nap. Rest for a while and then started to prepare stuff to the beach. Woke up Chunchun around 4.30pm and we arrived to the beach around 5pm. Papa went to buy barbecue immediately after we settle down. Chunchun started to play with sand immediately, and waiting for Grandma to feed him barbecue=_=; After tea, Chunchun asked me to go playing water with him. Back home around 7pm and then Grandma prepare dinner, Chunchun and me take a shower before dinner^^玩沙囉婆婆餵食腸仔哎丫~跌落水啦同爸爸玩沙

書包(School Bag)


今日學校為4,5,6月生日既小朋友開生日會丫,所以唔駛帶畫包返學呢.今朝出門口時明明同駿駿講左唔駛帶書包架啦,不過去到學校佢又唔記得喎.婆婆先送左佢入學校個遊樂場行番出黎,我就見到有個校嬸追住駿駿跑出黎,駿駿重喊晒口係咁叫”書包~書包丫~”婆婆攬番住佢,佢就好可憐咁同婆婆講”我唔記得帶書包丫!”真係唔知可憐佢好定笑佢好呢.同佢解譯唔駛帶書包佢重係喊喎..結果要由婆婆送佢上課室,我就駛部車去巴士站度等一等婆婆啦. 下午同婆婆一齊去接駿駿,駿駿已經唔記得晒今朝發生過乜事囉.重好開心咁拎住佢個禮物包話比我知有乜零食.返到屋企我地就食晒琴日食淨既蛋糕做下午茶啦.因為今日駿駿冇功課做丫,明天就係假期,所以黃昏時我同婆婆就帶左佢去踏單車囉^^ Having a birthday party today for kids who born in April, May and June; so kids didn’t have to bring school bag to school today. Silly Chunchun, I been telling him that didn’t need school bag today, however, he forgot about it when we arrived to school. Grandma took him to the playground then walk back to my car, suddenly, I saw Chunchun running to us and crying “School Bag~ I forget to bring my school bag” Haha, Chunchun looks so poor, finally Grandma have to go to the classroom with him… so I drive my car to the bus stop and wait for Grandma. Picked up Chunchun with Grandma around 3.30pm, happy Chunchun kept showing the gift pack he got today. Haha, he didn’t remember what happened this morning. Back home to have birthday cake for tea together, and then went to bicycle with Chunchun for awhile, because no homework today and no school for tomorrow^^踏得好快丫坐下先爬係度

媽媽生日快樂(Mama Happy Birthday)


今朝送駿駿返學時,我同佢講“今日媽咪生日喎.”駿駿就即時話“哎丫,咁我地咪要去買玩具囉?”哈,哈,佢覺得個個人生日都要送玩具做生日禮物…之後我又同佢講“但係媽咪唔係小朋友,唔要玩具架喎!”…駿駿幾醒丫,即時答我“咁我送Hello Kitty比你丫,咁放學要叫爸爸帶埋銀包同我去買先得喎!”哈哈,佢知自己冇錢要爸爸比錢,重要重點叫爸爸帶銀包,真係笑死我. 哈,今日又好彩喎,之前日日都落雨,但係今日下午開始就停雨啦.所以爸爸同我去左新馬路食日本野同去買蛋糕,買餸重有買漫畫添.去食飯之前當然係去左買漫畫先啦,可以一路等上菜一路睇嘛,不過澳門又真係衰我係網上見到好多漫畫4月就出左啦,但係依度既漫畫店都係未有…真係激氣,睇黎都要等6月返香港時先有得買囉.食完飯,我地就去街市買餸,再去蛋糕店買蛋糕囉…見重有時間就先返屋企放好個蛋糕先去接駿駿放學啦. 唉,駿駿今朝都好似幾乖咁架,但係下午放學…我真係想打佢一身呢=_=;因為今日婆婆講左會夜少少先到,我怕駿駿會肚餓就比多餐下午茶佢食啦,平日只係飲支奶,今日就加多盒餅.一早叫佢坐定定食,但係佢食食下又話要紙巾,食食下又行黎行下,我叫佢幾次坐好先坐定一陣,最後都係起身行黎行去..重差d踼跌把風扇~_~結果都係要人地發火大聲鬧佢先會坐定.之後做功課重死,個心都唔知去左邊,寫字一半一半,又多空格冇寫..真係想死~ 下午5點幾爸爸就返左黎啦,佢一返黎我就入廚房準備晚飯,因為今日要食西餐喎.爸爸係屋企,駿駿好似就更曳啦,係床度跳落地…我係廚房都聽到爸爸鬧佢,最後駿駿重比爸爸長時間罰企係牆邊添…都唔明駿駿今日做乜咁曳? 8點半左右婆婆就黎到囉,我地就即時開始食晚飯啦,今晚我整左蒜蓉包(只係自已整蒜蓉牛油),蘿宋湯,薯蓉同烤牛扒(有蒜蓉同黑椒2種味).其實駿駿幾鍾意食西餐架,佢重好鍾意食我整既蒜蓉包同薯蓉,湯都飲左2,3個小碗..不過牛扒就..對佢黎講都係難咀嚼,但係都食左一塊.食完飯,坐一陣9點鬆d我地就切蛋糕囉..咁就過完我既生日啦…都幾平淡…唉~ When I took Chunchun to school this morning, I told him that today is my birthday; then he said “aiya, we have to go to buy toys (gift) then”. Haha, he think everyone like toy when birthday (?.?) Then I told him Mama is not a kid, I don’t need toy. Smart Chunchun said “I buy you Hello Kitty then, let’s ask Papa to go shopping after school, remind him to bring money to pay for it!” Haha Went out to have lunch with Papa, and then we have to go to food market and buy birthday cake and buy comic. Hum, we first went to comic shop to buy comics and then went to Japanese Restaurant to have lunch. Sigh, I knew that should so a lot of new comics available since April, however, comic shop in Macau just didn’t have it>_< I guess I have to wait until I back to Hong Kong to buy it. Went to food market to buy food and bakery to buy birthday cake, then we back home to take a rest before we go to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun was quite naughty this afternoon, since Grandma will come to Macau late, so we will have late dinner tonight; I gave him some more biscuit for tea before he starts doing his homework. Sigh, Chunchun kept walking around while he having his biscuit, I been telling him to sit well in his little table. But he didn’t listen to me, finally he almost fall into the fan=_=; I have to yell at him to stop him walking around. And then when he starts to doing his homework… he just didn’t concentration at all… sigh~ Started to prepare dinner after Papa came home around 5pm something, hum, Chunchun seem to be very naughty again, I heard Papa yelling at him and punished him to be stand in the corner. Why Chunchun was so naughty today? Grandma arrived around 8.30pm and then we hurry to have dinner together, haha, Chunchun love the garlic bread I made (I made the garlic butter), and mix potatoes. Finished dinner around 9pm and then we have birthday cake together 媽咪生日快樂同媽咪切蛋糕



唔,我諗我今朝都幾好彩喎,因為我送駿駿返學同返屋企時都冇落雨呢,完全唔係拎雨傘,到我返到屋企食埋早餐10點幾先開始落雨.本來我重諗今朝要同駿駿去圖書館,落雨就好煩麻,因為學校個地車場係露天既,日日都咁大雨真係淨係上落車都死,重要行段路. 今朝冇落雨1,2個鐘,但係由10點開始就不停咁落呢…本來我同老公重想去街市買餸架嘛.咁既雨勢點去呢?最後只有快手接完駿駿就返屋企囉. 今晚開始教駿駿自己用花灑沖涼啦.唔,佢一開始都幾好,起碼佢唔怕花灑先啦…但係我總係覺得佢自己洗得唔乾淨.因為當我教佢用沖涼液時,佢d手指仔全都張開晒,一倒沖涼液比佢就流晒出黎啦…淨係叫佢合晒d手指都花左唔少時間.之後叫佢自己擦身…佢就真係鍚身啦,大力少少都唔得..佢話比我知擦完身時都冇泡泡係身既…結果我都係忍唔住幫佢洗一次…到底係咪太早要佢自己沖涼呢? Hum, I guess I was quite lucky today, because when I went to library with Chunchun rain stop and didn’t rain again around 10am. Haha, I didn’t have to carry umbrella with me this morning^^ However, rain didn’t stop since 10am… sigh, I wanted to go to food market. Finally Papa and I didn’t go to food market, Papa didn’t go to office either, rain was too heavy~_~ We just went to pick up Chunchun and then hurry back home. Trying to teach Chunchun to take shower by himself tonight, hum, he was fine to take a shower, at least he won’t afraid it, however, I just think that he didn’t really know how to clean up himself, when I gave him the shower gel he his fingers were wide open=_=; most of the shower gel were drop off… I have to teach him not to open his fingers again and again, and then he just simple and softly mop on his body…didn’t have any foam after he said he finish…is he too young to take a shower by himself?

好大雨丫(Heavy Rain)


今朝真係超大雨丫,因為擔心畫班會因為大雨而取消,所以出門口之前我就先打電話去問下先啦,其實我都想去取消呢,因為真係好大雨.不過畫班冇取消呢,所以我同駿駿就準時出門口啦.不過真係勁大雨丫,我渣車時都唔係好睇到路,想睇前後有冇車都係靠大家開左車頭燈咋.而我地去到畫班附近泊車之後,重要雞手鴨腳咁落車同上車,真係慘,拎住雨傘都冇用啦,一落車個人都濕左大半囉…到放學上車時又係咁… 駿駿今日要畫太空人丫,唔知係咪因為上星期畫左太空船呢?定係因為琴晚睇左套電影有太空人呢?就係各小朋友差唔多畫完畫既時候,Oscar既媽媽拎左個生日蛋糕出黎喎,原來今日係Oscar生日丫.小朋友佢地見到蛋糕就開心囉,哈,哈,點解小朋友都鍾意食蛋糕既呢?唱完生日歌,大家就開始食蛋糕囉.駿駿真係羞死人,食完一件蛋糕重問人要多件喎…真係為食~_~早知佢會食咁多,我就唔食我果件留比佢啦,問人要多件蛋糕,真係尷尬呢. 中午返到屋企,因為落大雨,所以爸爸決定叫外賣返黎食呢…本來我地係打算今日去超市入貨架,事關我地冇晒米同飲品囉…咪唯有叫外賣做午晚餐囉.食完午飯就同駿駿一齊大覺瞓啦.瞓到6點先起身.哈,又好彩喎,瞓醒個天好似停左雨啦,我地就即時去超市買左野先啦 Super heavy rain this morning, I was worry that drawing class may cancel today, so I called drawing class before we leave home. Sigh, I wonder why drawing class didn’t cancel today, its rain super heavy; I could hardly see the road when I was driving. And Chunchun and I got all wet just get in or get off my car~_~ We were super stupid carrying an umbrella but our clothes were all wet… Chunchun decided to draw an astronaut with spaceship today, wonder is that because he draw a spaceship last week or because of the movie that we watched yesterday night? Just before the end of drawing class, Oscar’s mother brought a birthday cake to drawing class, today is Oscar’s birthday. Kids were all happy because they all like birthday cake, haha… after singing birthday song, we starts to have birthday cake together. It’s so embarrass that Chunchun asked for another piece of cake after he finished one~_~ If I knew that Chunchun will asked for more, I will not ate mine and leave it for Chunchun. Back home around noontime, since it’s rain heavy this afternoon, Papa decided to order pizza for lunch and dinner today. Sigh, at first we planned to go to supermarket to buy stuff today…but now, we can go nowhere. Nap with Chunchun after lunch, and we woke up around 6pm…. It’s seemed to be stopped raining in the evening, so we hurry to go to supermarket to buy stuff, we were out of drink and rice already.畫太空人丫Oscar生日食蛋糕坐比卡超



駿駿今日都好似幾乖咁,好快就做完功課同溫完習啦.所以下午我地就去爸爸公司等放工,再一齊去買雪糕食啦. 唔,駿駿一直都幾乖架,我地7點返到屋企之後佢都自己係廳度玩,而爸爸就係睡房,我就係廚房煮飯.我久唔久望下佢,佢都係坐定定係度玩.不過突然我聽到佢大叫”婆婆~婆婆黎到啦!”我估佢係企左係窗邊度睇下婆婆到未啦.咁都唔係問題…但係當婆婆入到屋時,我聽到駿駿同婆婆講”我跌左支筆落街丫,點算丫?”唉…我都知佢係唔小心架啦,應該係玩緊又想睇下婆婆黎未,就拎住支筆行去窗邊,見到婆婆太開心就跌左支筆…不過跌野落街始終都係唔好,有機會傷到人嘛..所以爸爸就開始對駿駿說教啦,話佢知乜唔岩.但係駿駿係爸爸一開始說教就喊啦,因為佢喊就激嬲爸爸呢…其實我都唔鍾意駿駿少少時就喊呢…結果爸爸當然有罰佢啦..因為喊係唔可以解決問題架嘛… Chunchun was being a good boy this afternoon, finished his homework and study quickly so we went to Papa office to wait for Papa and then went to buy ice-cream together. Hum, Chunchun still a good boy when we back home around 7pm. He was playing alone in living room, and Papa was in the bed room, I was hurry to cook for dinner in the kitchen. However, just before Grandma arrive, I heard Chunchun yelling “Grandma~ Grandma is coming” and then I heard that he tell Grandma that he just drop a pen from the window~_~ Sigh, I knew that he was mindless, he just want to check on Grandma through that window, and drop his pen by accident. But Papa and I were thinking, he should carry stuff near the window, so Papa started to talk to Chunchun, kept telling him what’s wrong with him. However, Chunchun cry once Papa starts talking, and that made Papa mad because cry couldn’t solve problem~_~



因為上星期我燒左成個星期丫,所以駿駿上個星期都冇得去圖書館呢.今日總算好番晒啦,就一早7點起身準備同駿駿去圖書館睇圖書.哈..哈..駿駿見到我比平日早左半小時起身,佢就知我地要去圖書館啦…成朝同我講”我地係咪要去圖書館丫?”, “我要借新故仔書丫!” 大約8點15分去到圖書館,駿駿就第一時間攬住隻豬仔坐墊先啦.坐下坐下,我發現原來圖書館6月就唔開啦,即係駿駿只有今個月去多4次圖書館咋,唔知佢之後會唔會扭計要去圖書館呢?或者又係時候買定d新圖書係屋企比佢睇囉. 9點返到屋企,食個早餐之後我就上床瞓覺啦.病完之後一直都重係覺得唔多舒服,尤其成日頭痛丫…唔知係咪因為天氣太熱呢?定係我未病好?血壓低?點都好啦..希望唔好再成日唔舒服就好囉=_= Since I been having a fever almost a week, Chunchun been a week that didn’t go to library. Woke up around 7am and prepare to go to school before 8am. Haha, Chunchun was so happy that I woke up half hour earlier today, and kept asking me “are we going to library today?”, “I want to borrow new story book!” We arrived to library around 8.15am, sigh, I just found that library will not open on June, so Chunchun only can go to library 4 more times… wonder will he miss library during summer. Maybe it’s the time that starts buying some new story book at home for Chunchun to read. Back home around 9am, and then I went back to bed around breakfast. I still feeling not too well after my sickness, having headache all the time; and maybe because of the hot weather… I just feeling not well=_=

母親節(Mother's Day)


今日都幾忙丫…一早要同駿駿去學畫畫,下午要去生日會.不過因為我重係唔多舒服,所以下午托左Gina黎車我同駿駿去生日會^^唔駛成日渣車,我個人都冇咁累…因為岩岩病好,渣車好似好花精神,令到我好易累咁. 10點左右我地就去畫畫班啦,今日駿駿要畫太空船喎…唔,唔知點解佢突然要畫太空船呢?我見有第二個小朋友都要畫火箭同飛船…會唔會近期幼稚園有教d乜呢? 畫完畫,11點半左右就返到屋企啦..因為1點先生日會,所以係出發之前我就先休息多一陣.而駿駿就冇休息…因為佢話有d肚餓喎,所以爸爸就比左包餅乾駿駿食住先. Gina大約12點半左右就黎接我地啦,之後再去接Jennifer同恩恩豬.大約1點就去到麥記啦.唔,因為停車場冇位,所以我地泊左係街邊呢.因為咁,我地見到交通意外丫.又係電單車撞私家車,好彩好似冇人受傷咋.不過行行下聽到咁大聲撞車既聲…都驚驚地架…係d小朋友完全唔驚..重好似有d興奮咁~_~大約2點左右生日會就完啦,我地返屋企之後重去左十蚊店行左陣街添. 駿駿同我去完生日會之後,返到屋企就即時午睡啦.哈..哈..不過唔知駿駿係咪夢遊呢.佢瞓到4點左右就突然起身話要出廳玩..但係當佢出左去之後,一直都聽唔到佢玩既聲音喎,我同爸爸咪出去睇下囉..原來佢大字型咁瞓左係佢地盤中間…一直瞓到成5點先真正瞓醒呢 晚上因為係母親節,所以我地去左文化中心入面所為既海景餐廳度食晚飯呢.真係有緣,我地入到去餐廳,由待應帶我地去搵位,我地竟然坐正係Melina同阿Boo隔離喎.駿駿同阿Boo一發現對方就勁開心啦.食完晚飯就由得佢地玩下啦.點知駿駿玩得癲過頭…撞左埋桌邊…成隻手臂瘀左呢>_



今日係最後一日返課外活動啦,唉,我真係覺得上星期冇同駿駿返課外活動好可惜呢…因為駿駿一直都好鍾意返課外活動架.而佢地今日最後一日就整餅啦,駿駿話佢好開心喎.唔知上星期係整乜架呢? 11點左右我就同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學啦,因為我地打算去新八佰伴度食飯同玩呢,我重想行下超市同要買生日禮物比小朋友…諗諗下我地我地都好耐冇去過八佰伴囉.唉,我地大約11點半左右去到八佰伴,先岩岩落左車,準備搭升降機上樓時,爸爸個電話就響啦…原來係爺爺搵我地飲茶丫~_~我地唯有走步上一樓,我去買禮物,爸爸就同駿駿去玩啦..因為答應左駿駿去玩,唔玩下又好似好衰咁..之後我地中午前就走人啦…真係浪費. 其實今朝起身時都有少少頭痛,但係唔係好痛,送完駿駿返學小睡左一陣就好d,去八佰伴時都唔覺得好痛.不過同爺爺飲茶時又開始唔舒服啦..唔知係咪因為大熱天時係屋企行去酒樓既原因呢…飲完茶勁頭痛丫..鼻水又好似勁左咁.就算飲完茶返屋企午睡完,個痛都係勁痛,又好似熱熱地咁喎…即時探下熱..結果37.8度…好似又開始想發燒咁啦.食完晚飯就雞咁腳落去睇醫生啦..因為真係唔想明天人地生日會病嘛. Last day of extracurricular activities today, sigh, I felt so sorry that I was sick last week and didn’t take Chunchun to extracurricular activities last week, because he love his extracurricular very much. And today, he told me that they bake cookie, and having a lot of fun. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning, because we planned to go to New Yaohan today, hum, we been a long time didn’t go there I think. I want to walk around in the supermarket and buy a gift for tomorrow Oscar’s birthday party. Sigh, we arrived to New Yaohan around 11.30am, and we just step in the elevator, Grandpa called and asked us to have lunch with him~_~ Sigh, we hurry to the first floor, I went to buy gift and Papa went to play with Chunchun for a while, then we leave before noontime. I was having a little headache this morning, but it’s not too serious, so I just took a nap think morning; and I felt ok when I was in New Yaohan. However, I was feeling not too well while we having lunch with Grandpa, maybe because we walk under the sun to the restaurant this afternoon. And my fever seems to be coming back around evening, because I was having terrible headache even I took a nap…so I check on my temperature immediately. Went to the doctor after dinner, and hope that I will not be sick tomorrow, because Chunchun and I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow.

測驗:中文&常識(Test: Chinese & Common Sense)


今朝好似已經退晒燒啦,都幾精神咁啦,所以今朝我係自己一個送駿駿返學既.唔,不過我諗,我身體都重係好弱,話晒都燒左幾日嘛…所以送完駿駿返學都係覺得好累,返屋企又要再番瞓啦. 由於我都重有d鼻塞,咳,同好易累,加上醫生之前打黎提過我食完藥要覆多次診,所以爸爸同我就係接駿駿之前先去睇多次醫生.接完駿駿放學就即時返屋企同佢溫習啦.因為明天佢重測英文同識數呢~_~唔知佢今日中文同常識測驗測成點呢?今次係我第一次冇同佢溫習就測驗呢,都真係幾擔心…不過擔心還擔心…今日我都係冇體力同精神同駿駿溫習…只係簡單咁溫左少少就算..希望平日每日既溫習有用,佢記得啦. Seem to be recover from the fever today, so I took Chunchun to school alone this morning, hum, I guess I body still very weak, felt quite tired after taking Chunchun to school and have to get back to bed afterward. Since I still have a stuffed up nose, a little bit cough, felt tired very easy…Papa and I went to the doctor again before we went to pick up Chunchun together. And then back home to study with Chunchun, because tomorrow is the day of English & Math Test. Wonder how he’s doing today, Chinese and Common Sense Test… This is the first time that I didn’t study with him, it’s kind of worry. But today, I didn’t have much energy to study with Chunchun either, we just simply study one time and that’s it.



婆婆話佢今朝可以自己送駿駿返學再去街市買埋餸先返喎,所以我今朝唔駛早起身送駿駿返學呢…真係好,終於有得瞓到自然醒,唔駛擔心依樣擔心果樣,又唔駛一早比駿駿打擾啦.瞓醒之後個人真係精神左好多呢…連燒都退晒囉,希望佢唔會再番發啦^^ 一陣休息到3點左右,我就同婆婆一齊去接駿駿放學啦.其實本來婆婆話佢一個去接都得架啦,要我休息多d…但係我見我都幾精神囉,唔想駿駿同婆婆行咁遠去搭巴士…所以最後我地都係2個一齊去接駿駿放學.到4點左右返到屋企,我就繼續休息,而婆婆就陪駿駿做功課同溫習啦.今日重要花多d時間溫習添,因為明天駿駿有中文同常識測驗丫. Didn’t have to take Chunchun to school this morning, because Grandma said she can take Chunchun to school alone and go to food market before she comes back. Hum, I slept so good this morning, at least I didn’t have to worry anything or bother by Chunchun. Feeling a lot better when I woke up, and fever was gone, hope it will not come back again^^ Resting at home until 3pm, Grandma and I went to pick up Chunchun together. At first Grandma said she can go to pick up Chunchun alone too, but I didn’t want Chunchun and Grandma walk too much, and I’m feeling alright so I went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma. Back home around 4pm then Grandma started to study and doing homework with Chunchun. They have to spend more time on study today, because tomorrow has Chinese and Common Sense Test for Chunchun.

媽媽又燒到40度(Mama : Fever 40.6)


今朝個人雖然重有d累,但係探熱時只係得37度幾既微燒,我以為自己應該差唔多好番啦.所以就同老公一齊送駿駿返學啦,本來重諗住返屋企洗衫添.不過,返到屋企我又燒過呢…一路個人越黎越累…好辛苦..等到診所開門又有個信得過既醫生時…我已經燒到40度幾~_~連d姑娘同我探完熱都有d緊張…所以今日下午,要爸爸一個去接駿駿呢…唉,又要擔心啦… 好彩今晚婆婆過黎澳門,起碼佢可以係今晚同明天幫我睇住駿駿.我唔駛太擔心,又唔駛病住口咁叫爸爸幫駿駿做乜做乜…又真係唔理點理屋企..可以真真正正咁休息下囉..重有就係…終於都有人煲粥比我啦. 唔,唔知係咪今日打左支針,成日d燒都冇再高啦,…一直退到38左右..相比起早幾日係39,40之間..真係舒服好多囉…希望d燒會一直退唔好再番發啦 I thought I was recovering from the sickness, because my fever was going down to 37.X℃. So I took Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, and I was planning to do a laundry too. However, my fever was coming back again before noontime, by the time I went to the doctor (clinic open on 2pm), I was already 40.X℃ again~_~ So Papa have to go to pick up Chunchun alone this afternoon, sigh, I have to worry again… Lucky Grandma came to Macau tonight, she can help me to taking care Chunchun tonight and tomorrow. At least I didn’t have to too worry about Chunchun and yelling Papa to help Chunchun doing anything… finally can really rest for a day, ah, and someone who can really cook for me. Hum, maybe because of the injection, my fever was keep going down this time… hope it will not going up again tomorrow.

漁人碼頭(Fisherman's Wharf)


今朝起身,感覺好左好多囉..起碼冇燒到40度咁勁,回落到37至38度左右啦.而且我又冇咁周身骨痛同累囉,早上重洗左衫做左少少家務咁啦.不過今日都係冇帶駿駿去畫畫班架,因為我重病緊,唔係好想渣車,太費神啦… 可憐駿駿今日都好似好悶咁,又成日問爸爸同佢去八佰伴喎…見駿駿咁可憐大家都讓步去左漁人碼頭食野同去打下機啦.因為我唔想渣車,爸爸唔想自己同駿駿去街,駿駿又想去玩…最後咪去一個可以行路去,唔太遠,我體力應該可以支持到,爸爸又唔駛一個人帶駿駿…而駿駿又地方可以玩既漁人碼頭啦.. 不過呢,我諗同駿駿出街玩都係太勉強自己啦…唔理係行路定係渣車…因為我根本重有燒,就係冇咁多精神同體力~_~同駿駿去完街我真係累到想死呢…不過我又唔想駿駿放假都咁悶喎..唉~ Seem to be feeling better this morning; at least my fever was going down to 37 - 38℃, and I didn’t feel too tired and I could do some housework in the morning. However I didn’t take Chunchun to drawing class this morning, because I didn’t feel like to drive yet… Chunchun seems to be very boring today, kept asking Papa to take him to New Yaohan, so we finally went to Fishermen’s Wharf to have lunch and playing in the amusement arcade for a while. Haha, that’s because I didn’t want to drive, and Papa didn’t want to go out with Chunchun alone, so we found somewhere that we could walk to and Chunchun and play around there. But I guess it’s not a good idea for me to go out no matter driving or walking… because I still having fever~_~ I was exhausted after going out with Chunchun. Sigh, I just didn’t want Chunchun to be too boring….

媽媽病丫(Mama got sick)


我由琴日開始就唔係好舒服架啦,到今朝太約7點起身時..個人重勁辛苦添.量一量體溫先知自己原來燒到40.6度,最高時去到40.8度添.唔怪得我覺得周身痛,冇一個部份係覺得冇問題架啦~_~可憐駿駿,因為我病搞到佢今日冇得返課外活動呢…唉~ 大約11點鬆d,駿駿同爸爸就陪我去睇醫生啦,之後就去買麵包做午餐.唉~我唔係好鍾意今次個醫生呢,總覺得佢做野有d問題.入到去連機會駛唔駛探熱都唔問…但係我燒到40度喎@_@ 咁都算啦,佢都有比退燒藥我…不過,食完佢d藥我重辛苦呢…雖然燒係退左d,但係最底都有成38度,唔算係退左燒啦…而且食完佢d藥,完本冇喉嚨痛,鼻塞同肚痾既我…都因為依幾樣野搞到我冇得好好休息呢…唉~ 駿駿今日好似好乖咁喎,我知佢早上問過幾次’幾時可以返課外活動丫?”又同爸爸講”我想返課外活動丫”不過到我地睇完醫生之後,佢就冇再問過囉…可能佢都知道我地會去買午餐即係課外活動完左囉.真係可憐佢冇得去整野食呢.可能成日係屋企太悶啦,駿駿2點幾既時候,自己係床度玩玩下就瞓著,爸爸重話,之前明明見佢自己玩緊,突然冇晒報,再望下駿駿已經瞓到隻豬咁囉. I had been feeling not well since yesterday, and today when I woke up around 7am… I was having a fever around 40.6-40.8℃. No wonder why I was feeling ache all over~_~ Poor Chunchun because of my sickness, he couldn’t go to his extracurricular activities today. Went to the doctor around 11am something, and then we went to buy bread for lunch. Sigh, I didn’t like that doctor, and the medicines he gave me, didn’t make me any better, and even worst>_< Only my fever was going down a little bit, but then I have a sore throat, stuffed nose, belly ache…sigh~ Chunchun seems to be a very good boy today, I knew that he had asked a few time “Can I go to extracurricular activities?” and saying “I want to go to extracurricular activities.” But after we went to the doctor he stop asking anymore, maybe he knew that extracurricular was over already. Maybe too boring, Chunchun fall in sleep around 2pm something for nap…haha. Papa say Chunchun was playing by himself, and suddenly being so quiet, then he found that chunchun was asleep.

蜘蛛俠3(Spider-Man 3)


今朝一早同太公太婆同婆婆一齊去送駿駿返學..哈..哈..今日好多人送駿駿返學呢..不過我都唔明,點解太公太婆同婆婆咁鍾意送駿駿返學呢?因為佢地都只係坐係車度去學校同返屋企之麻…去黎做乜呢?又要早起身… 下午因為太公太婆想去新馬路買野,所以我地又大班人去新馬路行街啦.但係我同爸爸都覺得好悶,所以就早左離開,去澳門旅遊塔度買戲票睇蜘蛛俠3啦.之前再去學校接駿駿同太公太婆婆婆會合. 今日因為我同爸爸7點半要去睇戲,所以今日提早6點半就食飯啦.唔,其實我真係想帶埋駿駿一齊去睇戲架,因為佢都鍾意蜘蛛俠,不過爸爸想2人世界,咁就冇法啦,只有我地2個自己去.不過去到戲院,見到好多小朋友,真係好希望駿駿都同我地一齊去睇呢 Took Chunchun to school with Great Grandparents and Grandma this morning, haha, so many people today, wonder why they like to take Chunchun to school? Just a ride to school and back home… Went to the shopping area with Great Grandparents, Grandma and Papa this afternoon, sigh, Papa and I were so boring, we leave a little bit early to the Macau Tower to buy ticket for Spider-Man 3, and then wait for Great Grandparents and Grandma in Chunchun’s school. Having dinner around 6.30pm tonight, since Papa and I have to go to Macau Tower to watch Spider-Man 3 on 7.30pm. Hum, I really want to take Chunchun with me, but Papa didn’t want to… so we just went alone today. When we arrived to Macau Tower, I found so many kids were there, sigh, I wish that Chunchun can watching it with us.

又去金都水療玩丫(Waldo Spa Again)


今日放假丫,因為太公太婆話想去金都水療坊玩下喎,所以我地今日就大隊去果度玩啦.而駿駿就係最開心果個囉,因為我地之前問左駿駿幾次,想去黑沙游水玩沙定係去水療,駿駿次次都答水療呢.佢重話”黑沙好玩,水療重好玩丫!”幾識講野丫,佢諗到如果佢話黑沙唔好玩,我地下次可能唔帶佢去呢^^ 我地今日比上次早左成個鐘去丫,大約11點前就去到囉,果時個按摩池都重未開.所以我地就上一樓去食個早餐先.食完早餐就上五樓戶外遊樂場度玩啦.因為上次我地去時個戶外遊樂場冇開丫,所以今日駿駿一直都好期待出去戶外遊樂場度玩. 小型車仔,滑板車,滑梯,單車…係戶外遊樂場既野都比駿駿玩過晒囉;當然佢又走番入果個兒童夢幻樂園度玩啦.玩到差唔多2點,我地就先去浸下按摩池,之後到2點就去食午餐啦.今次爸爸冇去,就由太公帶住駿駿去按摩池,唉,真係可惜駿駿年紀太大唔比入女賓部呢~_~ 食完午餐,駿駿就拉左我入電影房,本來我以為佢會好似上次睇一陣就走架.所以太公太婆同婆婆都係係多功能娛樂區度等我地咋.不過今次入到去做緊反生珠羅紀,因為有動物,有龍骨,係搞笑一電影,駿駿又岩睇喎;睇到佢定晒型,到一半時重走出去搵婆婆入黎同佢一齊睇戲添.睇到4點,我地就返出去多功能娛樂區度搵太公太婆,快手整左駿駿午覺,我,婆婆同太公就去泰式按犘啦 駿駿大約瞓到5點半就起身,一起身第一時間又走上去5樓度玩啦.駿駿差唔多所有野都玩左次,我地就再去按摩池度浸浴囉…浸完就食晚飯.哈哈,睇黎駿駿真係好鬼鍾意玩水,太公次次都搞唔掂駿駿,要我地係男賓部門口搵d工作人員幫手帶駿駿出黎呢,因為駿駿完全唔肯起水,太公又唔夠力拉駿駿起水. 到7點半我地就食晚餐啦,食到8點就坐係多功能娛樂室度休息睇電視,而我同婆婆坐左一陣就帶駿駿上5樓玩最後一次囉.玩到9點再浸多次浴就走啦.唔我地今次好似好玩過上次咁…因為我地早左去又夜左走,但係大家都重係覺得未玩夠喎…但係其實我地都係果度留左成11點鐘架啦^^太公太婆重話下次黎澳門要再去添喎 Holiday today, since Great Grandparents wanted to go to Grand Waldo Spa, so we decided to go there today^^ Chunchun was the most happy one, haha, actually we been asking him where he want to go? Go to the beach or go to Grand Waldo Spa, and Chunchun always answer “I want to go to Grand Waldo Spa” We arrived to the Grand Waldo Spa around 11am, the message pool didn’t open yet, so we went to the 1st floor to have late breakfast, and then went to the 5th floor to play in the outdoor playground. Hum, last time when we went there, the outdoor playground was closed by bad weather, so Chunchun been very exciting that he could go out to play this time. Mini car, scooter, slide, bicycle… Chunchun played whatever in the outdoor playground; and surely he played for a long time in the kid’s fun area too. We went to spa around 1pm something, and then have lunch around 2pm. Chunchun was taking care by Great Grandpa in the message pool, too bad that Chunchun was too old to go to the lady side~_~ After lunch, Chunchun and I went to the cinema to watch the Night At The Museum while Grandma and Great Grandparent were resting in the Entertainment and dining area. That movie is quite funny, Chunchun seem to be like it a lot, because he went out to look for Grandma and ask Grandma to go to the cinema to watch with him during that movie on. Finished the movie around 4pm then we hurry made Chunchun to nap, haha, because if he didn’t nap, we have no time to go to the Thai massage. Chunchun woke up around 5.30pm and then we went to the 5th floor to play again. Hum, Chunchun played everything there once again, and then we went to message pool again before dinner. Haha, Chunchun love the message pool, we always have to wait for Great Grandpa and Chunchun, because Chunchun always didn’t want to get up~_~ and Great Grandpa didn’t have the energy to force Chunchun to get up… We have to ask for the male staff to help Great Grandpa to force Chunchun to leave the message pool. Dinner around 7.30pm and finished it around 8pm. Resting in the Entertainment and dining area again, then Grandma and I took Chunchun to the 5th floor to play for a while until 9pm. Went in the message pool again before we leave, haha, we seem to have more fun this time, because we all felt that we weren’t there long enough. Back home before 10pm, hum, we spent around 11 hours there this time^^係廁所跳舞日光浴四騎車打電腦

同爺爺食飯(Dinner with Grandpa)


爺爺琴晚打電話黎叫我地今日下午飲茶喎.原本我係諗住只有爸爸同我2個去就算,因為駿駿一向都係學校午膳的.不過爸爸今朝諗諗下就叫我打去學校問下可唔可以接駿駿出黎食午飯喎.咁當然可以啦,所以我就打去幼稚園同老師講下午放食飯時會去接駿駿啦.點知到11點左右爸爸又打番黎喎…今次佢話爺爺突然改變主意下午唔飲茶,今晚先食飯喎=_=;唉,搞到我又要即時打去幼稚園,交代唔去接駿駿啦,駿駿都係留係學校食飯. 下午同太婆一齊接駿駿放學.唔,太婆接完駿駿之後同我講,老師話駿駿今日肚仔痛丫,下午食左一碗飯就唔食,平日佢日日都食2碗架嘛…問駿駿乜事佢話肚仔有d痛.到午睡前,駿駿個肚重痛到要阿姨抱佢去保健室度睇醫生添. 晚上我地就行去永利同爺爺食飯啦.不過呢駿駿到食晚飯時又成日都話肚仔唔舒服…明明下午係屋企勁精神既,而且叫極佢去洗手間都唔肯去.=_=不過咁都好,因為佢係唔係好舒服,今日成晚都坐定定,食晒d野.食完飯我地重同二嫂佢地一齊行番屋企添.駿駿拖住阿寶行街真係好過癮.駿駿重要每次過馬路都扮晒大阿哥咁教阿寶要小心交通 Grandpa called last night and asked us to have lunch with him today, at first I thought that only Papa and I went to have lunch with Grandpa, however, Papa asked me to pick up Chunchun before noontime, Chunchun have to have lunch with Grandpa. So I called kindergarten and told Chunchun’s teacher that I will come to pick him up on lunch time. But then Papa called me around 11am and said that we don’t have to have lunch with Grandpa today, he changed his mind to have dinner together=_=; Sigh, I have to call to kindergarten immediately and told them I won’t come to pick up Chunchun on lunch time. Went to pick up Chunchun with Great Grandma this afternoon, hum, Great Grandma said Chunchun was having belly ache this afternoon. He didn’t ate good during lunch time, because he usually have 2 bowls of rice, but today only have one=_=; And after lunch, Chunchun seem to be very painful because of his belly ache… he have to go to health centre to see doctor. Walking to Wynn to have dinner with Grandpa, hum, Chunchun kept telling us that he having belly ache during dinner time…however he didn’t willing to go to bathroom=_=; Since Chunchun wasn’t feeling too well today, he was being a good boy tonight, sit well and ate well. After dinner, we walk home with his little brother, haha, it’s so cutie that they walking hands in hands… and Chunchun trying to act like a big brother whenever we have to across the road.

消防車(Fire Engine)


今朝早同太婆一齊帶駿駿去畫畫班丫.唔,其實本來我都打算要太婆一齊去架,因為太婆去到都真係好悶…不過駿駿成朝叫住太婆同佢去喎,結果太婆當然聽駿駿話跟埋一齊去啦=_=; 唔知係咪因為之前參觀個消防局,駿駿今日要畫消防車呢.其實重有一個同學仔想畫架,最後人地讓駿駿畫先呢~_~真係醜怪…不過呢,駿駿今次又畫得幾好喎,但係都係唔多夠集中,成日要人提佢做緊乜佢先會正經畫畫. 大約11點半就返到屋企啦,12點就準備食午飯.原本我地打算等駿駿瞓醒之後去海灘玩架,就算冇乜太陽都去左先算.點知到我地想出門口時,就落雨啦=_=;結果我地就要成日留係屋企呢…真係悶死 Took Chunchun to drawing class with Great Grandma this morning. Hum, Great Grandma was quite boring this morning, at first I didn’t plan to ask her to go with us, however, Chunchun wanted Great Grandma to go with him=_=; Chunchun decided to draw a fire engine today, haha, wonder is that because he went to visit fire station before. He was doing not bad today, his drawing was quite good but still lacks of concentration… have to remind him what he is doing all the time. Back home around 11.30am and then prepare for lunch around noontime. Sigh, at first we planned to go to the beach this afternoon, even today was cloudy day. But it’s rain when we prepare to go out=_=; Finally we have to cancel our plan and stay home all day today. 畫消防車

太公太婆(Great Grandparents)


今朝同爸爸一齊去接完駿駿放學,我地就打算去二嚨喉公園玩下同坐纜車上松山公園行下啦,玩完先再去食午飯.不過我地係公園附近都搵唔到車位丫…結果泊到好遠既停車場=_=就係咁,我地就決定食完野先去公園啦 其實我地一路由學校去公園途中,駿駿都有同我地講佢今日係學校做左薄餅丫,佢想去公園野餐喎…所以係我地決定去麥記食野時都有諗過不如外賣去公園同駿駿野餐啦..不過我地一入到去麥記,就唔記得左依回事囉,因為個冷氣太舒服啦…哈..哈… 食完野,我地就慢慢行過去二嚨喉公園啦.一去到駿駿就第一時間跑入遊樂場度玩^^玩左大約半小時,我地就坐纜車上松山囉.以往我地黎二嚨喉公園都係坐纜車上山再慢慢行落山既..不過今日我同爸爸都有d後悔冇買回程飛坐纜車落山呢…因為今日我地食到好飽丫…頂住個大肚腩行落山真係一d都唔好受呢~_~係駿駿一個可以若無其事咁玩咋,我同爸爸都覺得好辛苦…唔知係咪因為我地2個真係太少運動呢? 大約點幾鐘返到屋企,就即時同駿駿一齊瞓午覺啦..因為下午太公太婆會黎丫,佢地係度駿駿一定唔會瞓午覺呢.果然,駿駿瞓左一個鐘多少少,太公太婆就黎到我地屋企啦,駿駿一聽到太婆把聲咋.就即時瞓醒彈左起身,9秒9咁跑去太公太婆度啦=_=; Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning, and then we planned to go to Jardim Da Flora to play around and take cable car to the Parque Municipal da Colina da Guia to walk down the hill before lunch. However, we could find a car park near the Jardim Da Flora=_=; we finally park somewhere far away from the Jardim Da Flora. Therefore we went to McDonald’s to have lunch before we go to play. While we on the way to the Jardim Da Flora, Chunchun kept telling us that he made pizza today, and want to go picnic in the Jardim Da Flora. Haha, at first we wanted to buy McDonald’s to Jardim Da Flora to picnic, but when we arrived to McDonald’s we decided to have lunch there because of the air condition… haha. After lunch, we walked to the Jardim Da Flora…hum, Chunchun ran into the playground immediately^^ Playing for around half hour, then we take the cable car to the Parque Municipal da Colina da Guia. Whenever we go to Jardim Da Flora, we always take cable car up and walk down the hill… however, we felt sorry that we didn’t buy the return ticket of cable car…because we were full, and it’s quite sick that walking down the hill with our big belly~_~ Chunchun was the only one didn’t care about it, but Papa and I were… maybe we all lack of exercise. Back home around 1pm something and hurry made Chunchun to bed, because Great Grandparents will come to Macau today, if they were here, Chunchun will not willing to nap. Great Grandparents arrived around 3pm something, and once Chunchun heard Great Grandma voice, he pop up from his bed and ran to them=_=;電單車片彎追泡泡我坐船啦