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又有新玩具(New Thomas^O^)


今日下午又同左爸爸去2人世界行街街呢,其實琴晚我地已經唔理駿駿去左行街架啦,但係爸爸話想2人世界多d喎,因為之前幾日都有好多家庭時間啦^o^要平均d過番d 2人世先得 晚上食完晚飯,我同婆婆就帶駿駿去荷里活廣場度玩啦,因為爸爸今晚約左朋友傾計呢.本來我都想行下街買下野先去玩架,但係一行過冒險樂園,駿駿就走左入去囉~_~今日買左210個代幣比駿駿(因為買200送10個),諗住今日只係玩100個,留番110個下次返黎香港先玩架.點知,我地玩完100個代幣想去換禮物時,駿駿先見到有個2000幾分既Thomas玩具喎,咁我見我地都有千幾分囉.就拎埋個110個代幣出黎玩d會出多d分既遊戲啦.最後,我地都好好彩,玩多左千幾分…夠換個Thomas玩具比駿駿,重有幾百分留番下次換第二d禮物添^^個Thomas玩具都好靚架,我地成日行街都未見過果款Thomas既. 當我地去換獎品時,我叫d職員拎比駿駿睇清楚係咪真係鍾意先換…而駿駿一拎到個玩具姐,就係度勁奸笑…我問佢係咪真係要依個…佢重笑到收唔到聲添,搞到人地d職員都笑佢呢~_~到我地行去地鐵站返屋企時,駿駿就心情勁好咁係度一邊唱歌一邊拎住玩具呢… Went to shopping around with Papa this afternoon, haha, we already leave Chunchun alone in great Grandma’s home yesterday night, but Papa said, he want to spend more time with me, it’s enough family time for him^o^ Took Chunchun to Plaza Hollywood again to the Jumpin Gym U.S.A with Grandma tonight after dinner, and Papa went out with his friends for drink. At first I want to walking around in the Plaza first, but Chunchun ran into the Jumpin Gym U.S.A immediately when we passed by. Bought 210 coins (buy 200 get 10 free) for Chunchun tonight, actually I planned to play 100 and leave 110 for next time. However after we finished 100 coins still didn’t have enough point to get the Thomas prize… so we play the other 110 coins to get more point. Not bad we finally got 2000 something point for Chunchun to get the Thomas toy and have some point leave for next time exchange prize. When we went to exchange prize, I asked the staff to let Chunchun take a look of the prize first, because I want to make sure Chunchun like that. Funny Chunchun once he get the prize, he couldn’t stop his smile… and on the way we back home, happy Chunchun kept singing and carrying the Thomas’s toy…



今日同公公,婆婆,爸爸,同駿駿一齊去左沙田行街街呢.先係餐廳到食左個幾好食既午餐,之後我地就係商場度四園行啦. 行到去玩具反斗城,我地就留低公公同婆婆睇住駿駿,而我同爸爸就去西田行一陣啦,行完我地就返玩具反斗城度搵公公婆婆同駿駿,之後再一齊周圍行啦^^ 我地今日又去左史露比世界呢…我同駿駿都去過好多次囉,不過今次係爸爸第一次去呢.係返屋企之前,我地又去左冒險樂園呢…都話架啦,一做左會員就會上癮~_~玩左大半個鐘,我地就用d分去換左個幻星神既公仔.換左個公仔駿駿就心足願走囉.搭2個站既火車,都未到站..駿駿就訓到隻豬咁囉.見佢訓左,我地就由又一城行番屋企啦,咁唔會整醒駿駿丫嘛 食完晚飯,我同爸爸就留底駿係屋企,2個人去2人世界囉^o^哈,哈,唔駛同駿駿一齊行街真係輕鬆好多呢…爸爸重買到佢至愛既幪面超人腰帶,而我就買左個靚靚髮夾 Went to Sha Tin with Grandma, Grandpa, Papa and Chunchun today. Have a nice lunch in a restaurant and then we walk around in the shopping centre Papa and I let Grandpa and Grandma look after Chunchun in Toys ‘r’ Us and then we walk around in the shopping area. After a while, we met in Toys ‘r’ Us again and went to walk around together^^ Went to Snoopy’s World to walk around, haha, Chunchun and I been in Snoopy’s World many time, but it’s first time for Papa. Before we leave Shatin we went to Jumpin Gym again, played for around an hour and exchanged a riser figure for Chunchun. Sleepy Chunchun fall in sleep while we on the KCR train, so we decided to go to Festival Walk and then walk back home. Went out with Papa after lunch, haha, it’s so free going out without Chunchun. Papa bought his favorite toys tonight, and I bought a nice hair clip too^^沙田:雪人

機械人博覽會(Robot Exhibition)


今同爸爸同駿駿一齊去左愉景新城丫,因為係果度有個機械人博覽會^^係依度要多謝下網友浠浠媽媽送左2張免費飛比我地入場呢. 大約中午左右就去到愉景新城啦,約左浠浠媽媽係商場入面兒童街前等,之後我地就去食午飯囉.因為我地一向都好少去到荃灣,所以都唔知有乜好食,行下行下見到麥記又走左入去食囉~_~ 入到去機械人博覽會,駿駿就好開心呢,成日叫住”媽媽,你睇下,媽媽你睇下!”咁,不過爸爸就話有d悶啦,因為個會場好細,爸爸有d失望呢.大約花左半小時,就睇晒個博覽會啦,重影左好多相添.睇完機械人我地就周圍行下啦.見到有美國冒險樂園..當然又去玩啦.原本爸爸就想換代幣玩既,但係駿駿話想玩波波池喎,所以爸爸就改買左個波波池,飛天單車同爆谷既套票啦 玩完就準備行番去地鐵返屋企.點知途中見到聖誕老人,聖誕樹,雪人,機械人係度比人影相喎,重有個外星人係度派氣球添…結果,駿駿第一時間就走去排隊要氣球..就咁,我地又花多左半個鐘係愉景新城入面囉 食完晚飯之後,我地就同婆婆,舅父一齊去西九龍中心度行下啦.我地好耐都冇去過果度呢…行左一陣爸爸就去左書局睇書,而婆婆,舅父同我就帶左駿駿去冒險樂園度玩啦 Went to Discovery Park- Shopping Centre this afternoon with Papa and Chunchun, the main reason for us to go to Tsuen Wan is because of the Robot Dream Exhibition. We have to thanks for my net friend that she gave me two free tickets^O^ Arrived to the Shopping Centre around noontime, and met my net friend in front of the kid’s street, and then we went to have lunch before we entry the Robot Dream Exhibition. Hum, since we rare go to Tsuen Wan that far, we didn’t know where can have nice lunch…so we finally went to McDonald’s again~_~ Entry the Robot Dream Exhibition after lunch, Chunchun was quite exciting kept yelling “Mama, look at this, Mama, look at that!” However, Papa seem to be quite boring in the exhibition he said he felt a little bit disappoint about the exhibition. Spent around half hour in the exhibition and then we walked around in the Shopping Centre. Haha and surely we went to the Jumpin Gym U.S.A again since I’m a member now. At first Papa want to buy some coins to play with Chunchun, but Chunchun said he wanted to go to the ball’s playground, so we just bought a ticket for ball’s playground, bicycle, with a pop corn. We met Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Christmas Snowman, and Christmas Robot on the way we go to MTR Station, and found that Christmas Man was giving out balloon… Happy Chunchun ran to queue up for balloon immediately, and then we spend over half hour on waiting>_



今日下午搵左表姨同我地一齊去溜冰丫.我地約左一點係又一城度等,之後一齊食午飯.食完午飯都成2點幾囉,去到溜冰場一睇,原來3點就完場要清理,到3點半先有下一場.但係我地又等唔到3點半先入場.唯有重有半個鐘都入去玩啦.其實,我地咁遲先入場係岩架,因為如果再玩耐d,我同表姨都冇氣力扶住駿駿呢.因為我地2個本身都唔係叻,只係會企同向前溜下咁… 同駿駿溜冰真係好累呢,全程都要扶到佢實,就算我同表姨一左一右咁拖住駿駿溜冰,佢都係會跌倒既~_~不過,駿駿真係玩得好開心,我地夠鐘要走時佢都唔係好願走呢,重話下次要再玩過添.溜完冰,我地就去玩具反斗城度買聖誕禮物啦,表妹同姑婆話上次果份唔算喎..哈..哈…本來駿駿睇中左個Thomas Lego架,點知有2盒個盒都爛既,問職員又話唔知有冇貨,最後駿駿唯有揀第二款Lego.買完聖誕禮物,太公太婆就係又一城門口度等我地啦.太公太婆拎住駿駿既聖誕禮物同駿駿一齊返屋企,而我同表姨就再係又一城度行多陣街啦.因為我都約左朋友係又一城度等^^ Asked my relative to go skating with us this afternoon. We met at Festival Walk around 1pm and then have lunch together before skating. Finished lunch around 2pm something, sigh it’s a little bit late to get in the skating rink actually, because it will be close at 3pm and open again at 3.30pm. But it’s too late for us to skate on 3.30pm, we got in the skating rink anyway even we only can skate around half hour. Actually, it’s a good idea to entry that late, because me and my relative weren’t good at skating, we just can simply stand and skate forward… if we skate too long, we may not have ability to take care Chunchun. So tired after skating with Chunchun, hum, it’s fun to skate with Chunchun… haha he always fall down even we hands in hand already. After skating, we went to Toys ‘r’ us to look for a Christmas gift for Chunchun. At first Chunchun wanted to buy the Thomas Lego…however, we found that the box was broken, and we asked Chunchun to look for other Lego^^ Meet great Grandpa and Grandma in the front door of Festival Walk, and let great Grandparents to take Chunchun back home with his Christmas gift. Me and my relative walking around in Festival Walk, and wait for my friend^^第一次溜冰https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD1/32738/32738.45840190.25369.wmv有型電單車

lego展丫(Lego Town)


今朝同駿駿去左又一城行街,影相同去玩具反斗城玩丫.當我地行過溜冰場時,駿駿係咁同我講話佢想溜冰喎,其實同佢去溜冰都唔錯既,因為澳門又冇溜冰場,駿駿都未溜過冰,比佢試下都好架嘛.但係得我一個,我又唔係好叻喎,真係擔心扶唔住駿駿.咁岩見到駿駿好似有d眼訓,就叫佢返屋企訓覺豬先,明天得閒如果媽咪搵到人一齊黎溜冰就同佢黎玩… 3點左右返到屋企,駿駿好快就訓著左囉,佢訓左之後,我就自己一個去行下街買下野啦^^晚飯都係係屋企食,因為今日係太公生日嘛.食完飯,婆婆同我就帶左駿駿去荷里活廣場度行街啦.哈,咁岩果度原來有lego展丫,又影左唔少相呢,.見lego咁靚,駿駿又好有興趣咁,我地就買左一盒好細盒既lego比駿駿玩啦. 大約10點返到屋企,就同太公一齊切生日蛋糕囉.哈..哈…今年太公個生日蛋糕變左做新幹線喎.因為佢地話駿駿會鍾意喎.搞到又好似駿駿生日咁 Took Chunchun to Festival Walk this morning, just to walk around to take photo and went to Toys ‘r’ us. When we pass by the skating rink, Chunchun kept asking me to go skating with him~_~ it’s not a bad idea, Chunchun never skate before, and Macau didn’t have skating rink… but I am not sure I can take care of Chunchun while skating>_< Since Chunchun looks a bit tried, I told him to back home first, may be we go skating next time… Back home around 3pm, and made Chunchun to sleep immediately. After he took his nap, I went to shopping around myself in Mongkok^^ Dinner at home because today is great Grandpa’s birthday, and then we went to Plaza Hollywood to walk around. So happy, there was having a Lego show today, haha, we took a lot of photo of it, and we bought a little box of Lego for Chunchun too^^ Back to great Grandma’s home around 10pm and then we having birthday cake together. Haha, because of Chunchun, they bought a cutie Shinkansen cake for Grandpa’s birthday…it’s seem like is Chunchun birthday again.又一城:聖誕樹下的天使荷里活lego展:海盜荷里活:聖誕村1太公生日丫



今日係婆婆放假丫,所以婆婆同我今日成日都同駿駿去街街呢^o^今日成日我地係旺角行左好多個唔同既商場丫.一早我地就先去朗豪坊,因為我要去做免費條眉呢^^之後我地又去左兆萬,信和,潮流特區,新世紀等等,行到成5點先返屋企呢,駿駿好叻丫,今日都冇用車仔,不過到我地返到屋企佢就好快訓左午覺囉.今日行左咁多商場都影左唔少相呢,又睇左好多聖誕裝飾,不過唔知點解,我覺得今年既裝飾冇上年咁靚咁,唔知係咪因為我今年個人冇乜聖誕情緒呢? 食完晚飯之後,我就同婆婆同舅父一齊同駿駿去吉之島行街同玩啦.哈,哈,今日舅父買左對Thomas鞋比駿駿呢^^原本係我要買比駿駿架,不過舅父話當係聖誕禮物就舅父比錢啦…行左陣街,買完野,我地就同駿駿上遊樂場度玩囉^^今日又少有喎,平時我地去吉之島都會去3個鐘左右既,但係今日唔駛2個鐘我地就玩完返屋企囉,唔知係咪因為今日行街街好累呢? Grandma’s holiday today, Grandma and I took Chunchun to a lot of mall in Mongkok this afternoon^O^ We first went to Lang Ham Place, and then went to CMTA, Sino Centre, Trendy Sports, Grand Century Place, finally back home around 5pm^^ Took so many photo and look at many Christmas decoration this after, hum…I thought that the Christmas decoration this year weren’t as nice as last year~_~ Or maybe I was the one didn’t feel have any Christmas mood this year… Went to Jusco with my brother, Grandma and Chunchun after dinner, haha, my brother bought a pair of Thomas shoes for Chunchun today^^ After shopping around in Jusco, we went to the amusement area with Chunchun. So rare, we only spent around 2 hours in Jusco tonight, usually we spent over 3 hours in it^^朗豪坊:天空之城潮流特區:孖雪人新世紀:唱機新世紀:聖誕家庭

返香港啦(Go to Hong Kong)


今朝大約9點幾起身,之後就洗衫準備2點左右搭船返香港啦^o^到中午時就落街食飯,食完返屋企掛起d衫. 大約1點半左右就出門口囉,買左2點既船飛.而爸爸送左我地去碼頭之後,佢就要過珠海搭飛機到上海囉.爸爸計劃去完上海12月22號就會返澳門,23號就會去香港搵我地一齊過聖誕啦^^唉~得我同駿駿2個坐新渡輪d船,我真係好辛苦呢,新渡輪d船好似搖d咁搞到我有d暈船,好彩駿駿都叫做乖,自己玩左一陣就訓著左囉^^全程都冇乜點煩過我. 3點就去到香港囉,係尖沙咀行過去佐敦果邊搭車,沿途又睇下野咁…哈,比我見到有個Sanrio特賣場喎,雖然賣既野唔係好,不過有隻大kitty係度,駿駿重叫我幫佢影相添^^到4點幾我地就返到太婆屋企啦,休息一陣,我就留低駿駿自己去街街約朋友食飯囉…. Woke up around 9am this morning, hurry do a laundry and then prepare to go to Hong Kong around 2pm^O^ Went out to have lunch around noontime, and then back home to hang up the laundry. Leave home around 1.30pm and got on the 2pm ferry. Papa went to Zhuhai Airport to Shanghai right after he took us to the pier. Papa planned to back to Macau on Dec 22 and go to Hong Kong to join us on Dec 23^O^ Sigh, I was having seasick while we on the way to Hong Kong, but luckily, Chunchun was being a good boy playing by himself and then fall in sleep^^ Arrived to Hong Kong around 3pm, walking around with Chunchun for a while before we back to great Grandma’s home. Haha, found a Sanrio promotion and Chunchun request to take a photo with Hello Kitty^^ Back to great Grandma’s home around 4pm something, then take a rest before I go out to have dinner with my friend tonight.hellokitty特賣

澳門觀光塔(Macau Tower)


駿駿今日8點半就起左身啦,搞到我都要一早起身呢>__< Sigh I was hoping that Chunchun will wake up late today, so that I can sleep more… Doing laundry and clean up in the morning while Papa went to clean up his office, and then we went to Macau Tower to have lunch and walk around^^ There have a cutie little Santa Claus’s house in Macau Tower, and that was our main purpose to go there; I want to take a lot of photo for Chunchun. And Toys ‘r’ Us was Chunchun’s main purpose to go to Macau Tower, haha. Arrived to Macau Tower around noontime and we went to have lunch first, hum, there have a café(?) or bakery(?) in the basement, and food there were not bad^^ After lunch we went to the Santa Claus’s house immediately, hum, I was a little bit disappointed about that, it’s really a little tiny place… not much we can take photo with, but still look cutie in there. Went to Toys ‘r’ Us before we leave Macau Tower, happy Chunchun kept running around in Toys “r” Us searching for what he like. He love the Tri-Scooter and riding on it all over the Toys ‘r’ Us, Papa almost wanted to buy it for him, but I stopped Papa~_~ I wanted to buy it for Chunchun too, but Chunchun already have too much toys, and he have a bicycle, a Police Motorcycle, Stride-To-Ride Walker already, he rare playing them, only around twice a month.Macau Tower:小鹿車Macau Tower聖誕老人大屋:火爐邊Macau Tower聖誕老人大屋:聖誕老人好多禮物丫Macau Tower聖誕老人大屋:三隻聖誕鹿

係迪士尼過生日(Birthday in DisneyLand)


今朝好早就起左身啦,因為要同駿駿去迪士尼樂園嘛…不過因為琴晚駿駿嘔,搞到我地個個都唔係好夠訓呢>____< Chunchun woke up around 3pm and then we went to the Adventure Land, sigh, we just played the Jungle River Cruise>_< Papa and Chunchun didn’t have interest on Rafts to Tarzan’s Treehouse, Tarzan’s Treehouse and Festival of the Lion King… Have a thought that it’s kind a waste to asked Papa to DisneyLand~_~ Went to the Mickey’s PhilharMagic and then went to the Fantasy Land Tran Station back to Main Street, U.S.A and walked Tomorrow Land again to play the second time of Buss Lightyear Astro Blasters and Autopia, and then back to Fantasy Land to play the Dumbo the Flying Elephant before we leave. We played all the games that Chunchun interesting in, walked around in the whole DisneyLand, took photo with those character that Chunchun’s like and we still have a lot of time to let Chunchun took a nap. It’s not bad, not much people in Disney Land, most of the games we only need to queue up less than 20 minutes. We were happy today^^ Leave Disney Land before 7pm, sigh, it’s because Papa didn’t have interest on fireworks. Anyway, I didn’t care either, we let Grandpa to take Chunchun back home, and the Papa and I went to shopping around and have dinner outside^O^ Haha, we bought more Christmas gift for Chunchun tonight, and I bought some skin care too.米奇噴水池Donald & Daisy巴斯光年馳車天地

可惡既迪士尼酒店(Stupid DisneyLand Hotel)


今日已經係12月7日啦,明天我地就會返香港同駿駿開生日會,9號又會同佢去香港迪士尼到玩喎.其實我之前係計劃12月8同9,2日都去迪士尼玩架,因為住酒店既話,一張飛可以玩2日.可惜迪士尼酒店果邊答覆我話佢地已經冇房啦.所以我就改左行程,8號係太公屋企開生日會,9號先入迪士尼.點知…迪士尼今日竟然打長途電話比我喎,重話幫我預訂左明天既房添~_~唉,我真係想勁鬧佢!!!我由11月頭就開始訂房,打過好多個email去問,又叫婆婆打過電話去問,佢地都話冇房,只係貴果間酒店重有房淨喎..但係果間酒店比平果間貴成2,3倍,個設計又唔係比小朋友既.咁我咪情願唔住酒店玩少日囉.佢真係有病,我真係想知佢果間房係點預留比我?今日打比我明天有酒店住?打得長途都知人地唔係香港啦,你一早唔比人,人地就會訂第二間…全香港得佢一間酒店?咁鬼大牌?抵佢賺少我幾千蚊自助餐錢架 ;p 下午3點半就去接駿駿放學啦,當我行緊上樓梯時,駿駿既同學仔同我講..駿駿佢係音樂室喎.原佢駿駿佢係度試緊話劇要著既衫丫..哈..哈..好過癮..我當然又第一時間影相啦^^ It’s already Dec 7, hum, we will go to Hong Kong tomorrow to have birthday party for Chunchun and go to Hong Kong DisneyLand on Dec 9. At first I planned to go to DisneyLand on Dec 8 and 9 and then have a birthday party for Chunchun on Dec 10, however, Disney Hollywood Hotel kept reply me that they were full. So I changed my plan, however, Disney Hollywood Hotel called me today and said they have room available tomorrow~_~ Sigh, I just want to complain about it!!! I been trying to reserve a book for Chunchun birthday since the beginning of November, but they kept telling me they were full and try to push me to reserve the Disney Hotel which the room price are around 2 times or 3 times expensive than Disney Hollywood Hotel. And now they called me long distance to tell me that they reserved a room for me? How great~ I would why they kept all the room full before. Went to pick up Chunchun on 3.30pm, and when I walking up the stair, Chunchun’s classmate told me that Chunchun in the music room. Haha, Chunchun and 2 older schoolmates were trying on their drama clothes. Took a photo for Chunchun immediately^O^話劇試