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今朝同駿駿去圖書館時,駿駿搵唔到佢最心愛既小豬坐墊喎,好失望丫…唔知係星期一濕左之後,小豬坐墊會唔會比人掉左呢?定係拎左去清洗吹乾?駿駿重問我豬豬幾時先返黎呢? 下午因為爸爸要去街市買餸丫,所以我地先去學校接左駿駿放學.之後我同駿駿去公園玩,而爸爸就一個人去街市買餸啦..哈..哈..我最討厭去街市架啦. 唉,我發覺近日駿駿好似曳左,重成日唔聽我既說話=_=每次我叫佢做任何事,又要叫完又叫,叫完又叫佢先會去做…有d當我唱歌咁…係唔係佢又開始測試我既底線呢?因為佢之前有一排都幾乖架,所以我對佢既管制都放鬆左,比多左自由佢…不過照咁睇,都係唔可以比佢太自由呢. Went to library this morning, poor Chunchun couldn’t found the little piggy cushion this morning. Wonder what happened to the piggy cushion, throw it away since it all wet or trying to clean it and dry it? Since Papa have to go to food market today, we first went to pick up Chunchun, and then Chunchun and me went to the park to play for a while, then Papa went to the food market alone…haha, I hate going to the food market. Sigh, I found that Chunchun being quite naughty recently never listened to me=_= Every time I asked him to do something, I have to repeat, repeat and repeat… Are him trying to test my bottom line again? Because he was being a good boy before, and I starts to gave him more freedom before…sigh~

又敏感(Allergy Again)


大約係上星期六開始,我地就發現駿駿雙臂上紅左一片重有d粒粒咁喎.所以係駿駿返課外活動前就由爸爸帶佢去學校診所睇醫生啦.點知果日醫生放假得護士係度.咁護士睇過話可能係因為晚上瞓覺時長期壓住對手,應該會自動消失啦(?!)…如果唔消先需要睇醫生.咁我地咪一路留意駿駿對手囉,又真係喎..到黃昏左右就唔紅啦,不過皮膚重有少少粒粒.一路星期日,同星期一都唔多覺得重有粒粒架..點知到琴日星期二,佢雙臂又紅過.. 於是今朝就由婆婆帶駿駿去睇醫生,睇完先返學啦.今次醫生話應該係敏感喎,但係唔知係因為乜敏感,可能係天氣,可能係塵又或者係食物…唉~咁就死啦,駿駿近期都冇食過d乜佢第一次食既..天氣同塵依d好難知喎~_~ We found some kind of measles on Chunchun’s arm since last Saturday, Papa took Chunchun to the clinic in school on Saturday however, the Doctor was off, and only nurse was on duty. The nurse said it may because Chunchun was sleeping on his arms and it will disappear after a while (?!) We kept an eye on Chunchun arms and yet, those measles disappear around Saturday night, and didn’t break out again until yesterday. Asked Grandma to take Chunchun to the doctor before school, and the doctor said Chunchun may got some allergy of something… e.g. dust, weather or food. Sigh but we didn’t know what made Chunchun allergy~_~



今日一直都落住大雨,停下落下咁.好彩每當我要出門時都係最細雨或停雨既時候咋^^好似去接駿駿放學咁,原本2點幾重好大雨的,但係到3點我地要出門口就冇雨囉,重有時間比我渣車去另一間超市度買米添.唉~講起超市就慘囉,我屋企附近果間要結業啦,做到今個月尾,想去買野,好多貨架都吉晒…迫住去第二間遠d既起市買. 大約4點返到屋企就同駿駿做功課同溫書啦.因為今日一係唔落雨,一落就大雨,所以我打算去碼頭接婆婆返黎呢.原本我唔想帶駿駿架,點知我出門口時駿駿唔比我走喎,又話要一齊.咁咪帶埋佢去囉.到我同駿駿去到停車場,爸爸竟然打電話比我~_~問我駿駿去左邊喎…你話死唔死?如果駿駿真係冇跟我出黎…駿駿發生乜事佢係屋企都唔知啦=_=人地出門口前明明同佢講左帶埋駿駿..而且駿駿重有大聲同佢拜拜的… Kept having heavy rain today, so lucky whenever I have to go out, rain stopped^^ Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun together and then we drive to other supermarket to buy rice. Sigh, the supermarket we used to go will close by the end of this month, stuff there were all sold out. Back home around 4pm and hurry to do homework and study with Chunchun. Since it rain often today, I planned to go to pick up Grandma in pier. At first I didn’t want to take Chunchun with me, however, when I prepare to go to he didn’t let me go~_~ So finally I have to go with him. Stupid Papa called me right after Chunchun and I leave home, asking me that where’s Chunchun… Sigh, he didn’t know that Chunchun was out with me, wonder if I leave Chunchun home, what will happened

豬仔坐墊(Piggy Cushion)


唉,今朝一早超大雨丫,我重擔心今日點送駿駿返學呢…今朝重要去圖書館架嘛,諗住如果一直咁大雨就唔同駿駿去圖書館架啦.好彩,雨大約係8點左右就細左好多,所以我都有同駿駿早d出門口去圖書館,不過因為落雨好鬼塞車呢~_~係停車場泊好車之後,等駿駿著好雨衣同水鞋我地就行番學校啦…其實駿駿本來想自己拎雨傘架,不過我叫佢著左雨衣之後佢又冇再嘈話要拎雨傘囉,就由佢就咁行番學,好過拎多d野啦. 一去到圖書館駿駿就好開心咁走去拎起佢最鍾意既豬仔坐墊,點知一拎上手駿駿就大叫”咦~濕晒既?”跟住我地先發現原來天花唔知邊度漏水丫,地氈濕左一半,上面d坐墊都全濕…重有書架上既書有d都濕左呢~_~駿駿好失望今日冇得攬住豬仔睇書丫,佢重成日問我幾時先可以拎番豬豬… Sigh, it rain so heavy this morning, I was quite worry how to take Chunchun to school and we have to go to library this morning. Luckily heavy rain turned to be fine rain around 8am so we still have time to go to library^^ But we were a little late for library today, because of the rain there were traffic jam everywhere~_~ I park my car in the car park and then Chunchun wear his raincoat and shoes walking to his school, at first he want to take his little umbrella, but he was fine when he after he wear his raincoat. Happy Chunchun ran into the library and pick up his favorite pig cushion, however the pig cushion was wet=_= and then we found that the rain dripped down from a leak in the roof, cushion on the floor were wet, books in the shelf were wet… sigh~ Chunchun was quite disappoint that he couldn’t hug the pig cushion today and kept asking me when he could get the pig cushion back~_~

澳門媽咪會4月聚會(Macau Mama April Gathering)


今朝同駿駿去畫畫時,駿駿真係超煩丫,一開始搵左好耐,佢話要畫小飛俠喎,好啦…搵到小飛俠既圖啦,開始畫啦,佢又話唔想畫小飛俠要畫第二樣野喎.揀黎揀去浪費左唔少時間呢=_=最後佢係揀左畫火車架.唔,不過今日駿駿畫畫又進步番少少,因為個圖好簡單,所以佢完全可以跟到老師畫畫,重畫得幾靚添,我只係同佢決定上乜野色就得啦^^ 11點半返到屋企我就即時煮飯囉,因為今日下午3點我地要去澳門媽咪會既聚會丫.駿駿真係冇乜時間瞓呢..不過唔知佢係咪興奮過頭呢,瞓左一個鐘就彈起身話要出街啦=_=我重預左要佢瞓個半鐘架嘛. 我地大約2點50分就去到漁人碼頭非洲村門口度等啦,等到3點10分就入去食下午茶自助餐囉.唔,我地當然係第一個到達啦,之後係Melina同阿Boo, Bunny同佢老公,Jessica一家,Gina同Stephenie, Jennifer同恩恩,重有Olivia一家同加菲一家遲到,所以佢地要自己入餐廳搵我地呢XD今日個聚會大約5點就完囉.其實話就話自助餐,不過都冇邊個真係食左好多野囉…因為大家都要追住小朋友.而最忙既就係Gina囉..因為佢今日做左攝影師,幫大家影左好多好多相呢^^唔知大家今日玩得開唔開心呢?今次聚會好齊人丫…希望下次聚會都係咁多人就好囉. Went to drawing class with Chunchun this morning, sigh he was quite trouble today, at first he was to draw the Astro Boy, but then when we started to draw, he changed his mind=_= We have to look for something else to draw again, that’s waste time. Finally he decided to draw a train today. Hum, Chunchun was doing better this week, I didn’t have to help him anything, and he draws a nice train himself… I just have to decide what color he should color with him^^ Back home around 11.30am and hurry to cook for lunch, because we have to go to Macau Mama Club gathering on 3pm. Chunchun didn’t have much time to nap today, wonder is he too exciting, he only nap for an hour then woke up and kept asking me when we can go out~_~ We waited in front of the restaurant around 2.50pm, and waited until 3.10pm then we went in the restaurant to have tea buffet. Hum, we were first one to arrived, and then Melina and Boo, Bunny and her husband, Jessica and her family, Gina and Stephenie, Jennifer and Yanyan; Olivia and her family were a little bit late so they have to go in the restaurant to look for us, haha and the latest today were Garfield and her family XD Our gathering ended around 5pm, hum, hope that all the family feel happy today, because I saw that most of us didn’t ate much, we all kept running around to follow our kids=_= and Gina was super busy kept taking photos for kids.今日畫火車擁抱阿Boo同nienie騎象仔澳門媽咪會4月聚會小朋友大合照



爸爸同我係幾日前就打算今日同駿駿去海灘玩架啦,點知一早起身見到又多雲又大風~_~爸爸怕會落雨就話唔去海灘啦.不過下午我都係早左少少煮飯既,我想…如果冇落雨我都想搵其他地方去行下. 11點左右我同爸爸就一齊去接駿駿放學啦,近期抄牌好勁丫,行到去邊都見到有交通警抄牌,所以近期我都希望爸爸會同我一齊去接駿駿放學.開心駿駿一放學就話比我地知佢今日做左吞拿魚粟米沙律薄餅.睇起上黎都做得好靚架…不過我唔係咁鍾意食吞拿魚,爸爸同駿駿都係丫..最後我地每人食左少少,駿駿食晒d薄餅之後,就將d吞拿魚粟米沙律掉左啦..真係好浪費呢=_=; 中午左右就食午飯啦,之後大約1點就叫駿駿上术午覺.駿駿又醒喎,知道今日會有街街去,4點就起左身啦…我見天氣都唔差就叫爸爸同我地去黑沙公園玩啦,之後我重想去有迷你手推車既超市行下添^o^大約5點去到公園,駿駿第一時間就係去渣電單車啦,之後再係遊樂場玩左大半個鐘,我地就出發去超市囉. 哈,哈,駿駿一去到超市,見到有d迷你手推車係度,佢就好開心啦.推住部車仔,佢好似覺得自己大個仔咁.我重見佢自己一邊推車仔,一邊睇野食,睇岩只係叫下我就放落車啦..平時會問過我先係架上面拎野架嘛…不過見佢咁開心,我都由得佢啦..係我地買完野之後我重比左100蚊佢,叫佢自己去收銀處度比錢添.哈,哈,我地今日買左2包蘋果片,一包之士餅,一盒朱古力餅同一盒士多啤利架,駿駿一行到去收銀處就好熟咁放晒d野上收銀機度,之後比左錢重識得自己拎番袋零食等找錢添.睇住佢全程四萬咁口,真係好鬼可愛^o^ Papa and I been planned to go to the beach for a long time, however, it’s clouded and windy today~_~ Papa decided not to go to the beach this afternoon. But I still cook a little bit early for lunch, because I still wanted to go to somewhere else if it’s not raining. Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun around 11am, happy Chunchun made a pancake today… it’s a tuna and coins salad pancake. It’s look nice too, however I didn’t like tuna at all and Chunchun and Papa either…finally we just ate the pancake and leave the tuna and coins salad to the rubbish bin, what a waste=_=; Lunch around noon time, and let Chunchun to nap around 1pm something. Chunchun woke up around 4pm and the weather wasn’t too bad, at least no raining. I asked Papa to go to the park with us, and I wanted to go to a supermarket that have mini shopping cart for kids ^O^ We arrived to the park around 5pm, and let Chunchun played the motorcycle and playing around in the playground for an hour, and then we went to the supermarket for a walk. Haha, Chunchun was super happy in the supermarket, that mini shopping cart made him feeling he’s growing up. I saw him put a snack into the cart without asking me, he usually will ask me before he takes anything out of the shelf. He must feeling he was shopping by himself XD Since Chunchun look happy, I gave him a 100 dollars when we finished and asked him to go to cashier to pay for it. Haha, we were just buying 2 bags of apple chips, a bag of cheese biscuit, a box of chocolate biscuit and a small box of strawberry, it’s not much stuff there, so after Chunchun pay for it, he carry it himself and wait for the change in front of the cashier…haha he’s just super cutie.渣電單車小豬船長迷你手推車自己shopping

同爺爺飲茶(Lunch with Grandpa)


唉,今朝駿駿晨咁早6點幾就起左身啦.因為琴晚我地成12點幾先瞓,今朝我就唔比駿駿出廳玩要佢係床度瞓多陣啦.不過佢一陣都唔肯瞓呢,係咁自己係床度玩,踼黎踼去發出嘈音.最後到大約8點我頂唔住鬧佢話罰佢,佢先瞓著咋=_=不過咁晏先瞓著,到9點我又要叫佢起身去畫畫囉.咁搞法,駿駿今日一定唔多夠瞓姐. 唔,係畫班駿駿都叫做做得唔錯啦,不過好明顯佢依2次既畫冇之前既咁好呢…完全係大退步丫.之前都唔駛我幫手就畫到d好靚既畫,但係依2次都要我大為修改.明明之前好有心機架,點解又突然咁唔專心呢? 大約11點半左右返到屋企,休息一陣大約12點半就去到爺爺飲茶囉.駿駿就開心囉,因為今日又有得同細佬仔阿寶玩啦.2隻野係酒樓走黎走去真係煩到死呢,有時就瞓係人地張梳化度.今日又唔知乜時,爺爺飲茶都開紅酒喎,最後飲多左又係度鬧人=_=搞到成3點先離開酒樓.真係累想死丫..不過駿駿雖然都好累,但係就好開心呢.事關今日阿寶痴到佢實,2個重一齊手拖手行番屋企添 Sigh, Chunchun woke up super early this morning around 6,7am. Since we didn’t go to bed until midnight yesterday night, so I forced Chunchun to sleep again this morning. However, he was playing by himself on his bed and kept making noise to bother us=_= He finally fall in sleep again around 8am, and I woke him up around 9am to prepare to go to drawing class. I knew that Chunchun must be very sleepy today. Well, he was doing not bad in drawing class, but obviously his drawing was going backward>_< Need my help to finish his drawing…sigh, he was doing a great job a few lesson ago… wonder why he didn’t concentrate this few weeks. Back home around 11.30am and then prepare to have lunch with Grandpa around 12.30pm. Happy Chunchun got a chance to play with his little brother again… they kept running around and something lying on the sofa. Sigh, we didn’t leave the restaurant until 2pm something almost 3pm. I was super sleepy but Chunchun was super happy, because Chunchun was hand in hand with his little brother and we walked home together. 畫賽車同阿寶擁抱同阿寶一齊行番屋企



今朝同爸爸一齊接駿駿放學,之後我地就去新馬路食野同行街啦.琴晚我好笨丫,打爛左隻玻璃杯,所以今日要去買番隻杯呢…重有,我地一直想買對涼鞋比駿駿,所以又去左鞋店睇涼鞋.可惜今日都係睇唔岩涼鞋..其實駿駿有睇岩架,不過一早就冇佢咁大既碼,一係就冇佢咁細既碼=_= 大約花左2小時多d係新馬路度行街同食午飯.唉,我係度諗…一個芝士漢堡,一杯細粟米,幾條薯條同一杯橙汁…係咪對駿駿黎講已經係唔夠飽呢?因為我地行街時因為難得見到香蕉榚有開鋪…駿駿又要求想食喎,就買左比佢食啦.返到屋企佢又話肚餓喎.自己拎左今日係學校做既三文治出黎,食完先肯午睡~_~我都知,駿駿近期好似長高左同重左…不過以4歲小朋友黎講…會唔會食得多左少少呢? Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning and then we went to the shopping area to have lunch and shop around. Stupid me! I broke a glass yesterday night, so we need to buy a new one today… hum and we went to the shoes store to look for sandals for Chunchun. Too bad that we didn’t found anything nice there. Spent around 2 hours in the shopping area and then back home to nap together. Sigh, I wonder is that a cheeseburger, a small cup of coins, a few French-fries and orange juice wasn’t enough for Chunchun now…because while we were walking around, Chunchun asked us to buy banana cake, and when we back home… he took out the sandwich he made this morning in school and ate it before nap=_=; I knew that Chunchun was growing taller and heavier recently… but is it too much for a 4 years old boy?



今朝同駿駿一齊去圖書館丫,哈,哈駿駿想去圖書館借書想左好耐架啦…因為係復活假之前佢發現學校入左新既Momo故事書喎,佢一直都想借,但係長假前係唔借得書架..所以今朝一返到圖書館,駿駿第一時間拎起本身話要借左先喎…一借完書佢就自己去睇其他書囉. 當老師話夠鐘上課室時,駿駿就9秒9走左出去同老師講要去洗手間啦…本來老師係叫佢去一樓個洗手間,去完返黎拎書包架..點知佢一支箭沖左上樓梯,去三樓既洗手間=_=;結果要我拎住佢個書包,自己行去佢課室搵佢呢. 大約11點幾時,學校老師突然打電話比我..嚇死我囉,重以為駿駿有乜唔舒服.不過老師話佢今日突然話膝蓋痛,同佢去學校診所睇左醫生,醫生話可能係發育長高扯到筋所以會痛喎.雖然唔係個個小朋友會痛,不過有時突然長高就會痛架啦.而且今朝駿駿重係學校跑跑跳跳..應該唔係大問題..老師都話如果唔接佢都冇問題..打比我只係想通知我有件咁既事..如果今明,後天都重痛..就可以帶佢去睇下醫生..會唔會有乜特別問題. Went to library with Chunchun this morning, haha, he been waiting to go to library for a long time… because he found that there have a new Momo’s story book available before Easter holiday. Chunchun borrowed that Momo’s story book and then he went to read other book during library time. When Chunchun’s teacher asked kids to put down the book and prepare to back to classroom, Chunchun went out immediately and said he need to go to bathroom. Sigh, he leaves his school bag in the library… so I ran after him to the 3rd floor to give him his school bag. Chunchun’s teacher called me around 11am and told me that Chunchun kept telling them his knee was having some kind of pain. Doctor in school that might because he was growing taller and taller now, some time that made muscle hurt?_? Since Chunchun was quite active this morning, teacher didn’t suggest us to take Chunchun back home but inform us that his knee was having some kind of pain; if he kept feeling painful, we might need to take him to the doctor to have a look on Saturday or Sunday.

放假之後(After holiday)


今朝駿駿早左少少起身丫,大約7點半之前就醒左,平日返學佢多數8點先醒架嘛.點都好啦,佢早左起身重好,起碼佢去左尿尿,我唔駛怕佢係我沖涼時頼尿啦.開左奶奶比佢食之後就去沖涼啦.原本打算沖完涼後再整三文治比駿駿食架,不過佢又話唔要喎=_=;唔知佢今朝會唔會肚仔餓呢?因為放左咁多人假,佢日日都有係屋企飲奶再食早餐架. 3點半去接駿駿放學時,佢好似好開心咁喎,重同我講佢遲d又有得去消防局度參觀丫.真係好,佢上個月先去完巴士公司參觀今個月又去消防局,幾多活動丫^^返到屋企就做功課同溫習啦.功課呢,駿駿近期都做得幾好,都係花2,30分鐘就做完,都要做專心啦…不過溫書都重係差d,成日東張西望咁,唔專心.最後因為溫書慢搞到自己冇得睇卡通囉 Chunchun woke up a little bit early this morning around 7.30am; he usually wakes up around 8am during weekday. Anyway it’s not bad for me; at least he won’t wet his bed while I am having showered. Gave a bottle of milk to Chunchun and then went to have a shower. At first I wanted to make a sandwich for Chunchun after showered, however, Chunchun didn’t want it=_=; Hum, wonder a bottle of milk is that enough for him? He has been having breakfast everyday during his Easter holiday. Picked Chunchun up around 3.30pm, Chunchun seem to be very happy in school today^^ And he told me that he will go to Fire station this month someday; so happy, he just went to the bus company last month. Back home to do homework and study together, Chunchun was doing not bad for his homework; however, he didn’t concentrated while studying, finally he missed his chance to watch cartoon today.



爸爸同我今日都冇打算去任何地方喎,我地只想係屋企休息下咋,因為明天駿駿就要返學囉.不過食完午飯後,爸爸都知駿駿成朝係屋企好悶啦,所以就提意同駿駿去公園玩下,去踼下波啦^^ 大約2點我地就去公園玩囉,唉~一去到公園,本來駿駿跑緊去遊樂場架,但係我一睇,好多小朋友喎…全都係同一家幼稚園既~_~重要唔係旅行喎,似平日既活動.真係好彩我冇比駿駿入果間國際學校啦.冇得玩遊樂場,好彩我地今日都帶左個足球黎玩,唔係就真係悶死駿駿囉.踼左陣波,我地就係公園行左個圈睇下魚仔就返屋企啦. 返到屋企都成3點鬆d啦,即時就趕駿駿上术午睡,不過駿駿話要種復活蛋喎…因為機不可失我就同佢種左先啦^^琴日我地同隻蛋上完色時,駿駿攬住隻蛋話好靚,唔想打爛佢黎種花架,今日突然話種十成係唔想瞓住…不過我想種丫,所以種左先啦,唔係到我想種時佢又唔比我種架啦XD Papa and I didn’t plan to go to anywhere today, just want to stay home to take a rest because Chunchun have to go to school tomorrow. After lunch, Papa decided to go to the park with Chunchun, to play football for a while. Haha, Papa knew that Chunchun was so boring at home all day^O^ We went to the park around 2pm, so weird the playground was full for kindergarten student~_~ Chunchun couldn’t play in the playground, luckily we brought football with us today. Playing football with Chunchun for a while, and then we went to walk around in the park and watched fishes. Back home around 3pm, and hurry to make Chunchun go to nap. However Chunchun asked me to grown his Easter egg before nap, so we did it quick. Hum, I thought that Chunchun may want to keep that Easter egg longer; because we spent a long time on coloring it and he said he didn’t want to grown it yesterday. Anyway, I like plants recently, so I am happy that he wanted to grown it so soon^^ 瞄準踼波準備種復活蛋淋花囉

復活蛋(Easter Egg)


中午時份,我地就一家三口行去漁人碼頭玩啦,我地先係阿拉丁城堡果度d小食店度食午餐,之後先去玩.好衰唔衰,我今日經痛喎,明明食左藥好耐都冇痛過,唔知點解今次會痛呢?好彩又唔係痛左好耐,都係半個鐘左右,食完野就冇乜事囉.依家重係復活節我其實有d期望漁人碼頭會有d乜特別節目或裝飾架.不過最後都係失望而回呢. 我地只係係果度搵到檔野畫復活蛋,之後就去左機鋪打機囉.我地都係漁人碼頭玩左2個幾鐘丫,大約3點就行番屋企.唔知駿駿係咪好累呢?竟然由3點幾午睡到7點喎…重要係我叫佢起身先起咋. Went to Fisherman’s Wharf this noontime, we first went to have lunch in a small restaurant. Sigh, I was having period pain while we were having lunch, so weird, I have a long time that didn’t have period pain, why it came back this time? Luckily, my period pain didn’t last long, I was fine after lunch; so we were walking around in the Fisherman’s Wharf. It’s Easter holiday so I been hoping there will have some kind of special decoration or function going on in Fisherman’s Wharf… but we were quite disappointed. We only draw an Easter egg with Chunchun, and then we went to amusement arcade to play for a while. Spent around 2 hours in the Fisherman’s Wharf then we walk back home around 3pm. Hum, guess Chunchun must be very tired this afternoon, he been napping since 3pm something to 7pm~_~有d似m&m既復活蛋畫復活蛋丫親子復活蛋同媽媽釣魚



今日同婆婆,駿駿同爸爸一齊去左金都水療坊度玩呢,我地預左要係入面玩一日架.我係好耐之後就計劃要去一次金都水療坊架啦,因為一直聽講果度有得比小朋友去玩,有兒童夢幻樂園,迷你機動賽車場咁,好似好好玩.又咁岩4月有優惠2個大人去就可以免費帶一個小朋友.大人一個人先188,可以玩12個鐘,又有自助餐,又有飲品,大多數既設備都可以任用…幾抵丫 我地大約係中午之前就去到水療坊啦,太可惜啦,駿駿唔比跟我地入女賓部丫,要跟爸爸去男賓部>__< I couldn’t go in the message pool with Chunchun, sigh~ After we get change, we went to the Family buffet area to have lunch buffet first. Hum, not many choose there but still not bad, at least 6-8 main dishes, rice, noodle, bread, salad and some Chinese dessert, and a lot of fruits. After lunch, we watched a movie for a while, and then we went to the Kid’s fun area and Video arcade to play around. Went to message pool afterward, wonder how Chunchun and Papa doing in the message pool, Chunchun must be very cutie swimming in the message pool, but Papa didn’t willing to tell me anything they do in the message pool>_< After message pool, Papa and Chunchun were waiting for us in the Entertainment and dining area to watch TV and having fruits. Let Chunchun take a nap in the Entertainment and dining area, and then Papa went to have the Thai massage while Grandma and I nap with Chunchun. Went to tea buffet after Papa came back from message, while Grandma and Chunchun still sleeping. Went to the Kids’ fun area again after Chunchun woke up, and then have dinner buffet, rest again in the Entertainment and dining area, before we went to message pool again and leave. Back home around 9pmsomething… Hum, didn’t have much to do in the Grand Waldo Spa, but super relax there^O^ Wanted to go there again someday… 水療坊既衫瞓落波波池嘆西瓜睇電視過山車go

玩具反斗城(Toys "r" Us)


今日下午同婆婆一齊去接駿駿放學呢,之後我地就一齊去玩具反斗城行下啦,因為婆婆話佢想買兒童節禮物同復活節禮物比駿駿喎.不過我地係玩具反斗城睇左成半個鐘,都見唔到有乜好買呢~_~而且佢地根本連復活動既貨品都未拎出黎…我真係唔明,點解香港同澳門既玩具反斗城差咁遠架呢?人地香港一早做緊復活節精選啦..婆婆重特登拎左張小冊紙黎比駿駿揀玩具…可惜澳門既玩具反斗城原本係”百無” 大約4點45分打後先返到屋企,重要乜都冇買到真係有d浪費時間呢.即時叫駿駿快d做功課同溫習.婆婆又再次答應駿駿,佢會係香港買禮物,下星期就帶黎比駿駿喎…唉~婆婆真係寵壞晒駿駿呢. Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma this afternoon, and then we went to Toys ‘r’ Us together; because Grandma said she wanted to buy Chunchun a Children’s Day gift and Easter gift. We spent over half hour in the Toys ‘r’ Us, however, we just couldn’t find anything nice for Chunchun~_~ and they even didn’t put on any Easter sales yet… Wonder why it’s so different between Toys ‘r’ Us in Hong Kong and Macau, Toys ‘r’ Us in Macau seem to be have nothing We back home around 4.45pm with nothing, and asked Chunchun hurry to do his homework and study. Grandma promised him to buy him gift in Hong Kong and will take it to him next week. Sigh, Grandma is just spoiled Chunchun too much.

堂課(Class work)


今日去接駿駿放學時,我見駿駿重係度做緊堂課喎,今日係畫畫呢.佢老師開門叫我等一等,要駿駿畫完先走得…咁我就一直企係門口度等駿駿啦.一邊等,我一邊望住駿駿畫畫,佢本畫薄,本來就有隻船,有條魚同有d海水…我見佢上色都上得幾好喎,已經唔會出,界重見佢畫多左個太陽,M字型既雀仔,幾條魚仔,重一個企係船上既小朋友.見到佢畫得唔錯都幾開心…不過,我都見到佢唔專心既一面喎=_=;我足足企左係門口等佢15分鐘,見到佢同小朋友傾計,掛住望其他小朋友既畫,望住我笑等等…又企係椅邊d橫木上面 放學返到屋企就同佢做功課溫習啦,其實佢今日做得唔錯架,因為我地遲左返屋企,但係佢都係限時前做完功課溫好書…不過我真係唔係幾高興佢上堂唔專心..所以罰佢今日冇貼紙同冇得睇卡通呢… 晚上婆婆就過左黎澳門啦,今個星期因為清明節同復活節既關係,婆婆可以留2日係度呢,到星期五朝先走丫.婆婆又話因為明天係兒童節,所以想帶駿駿去玩具反斗城度買禮物喎…唉~婆婆又開始寵駿駿啦. When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I found that he was doing his class work – coloring. His teacher asked to wait until Chunchun finish his class work, so I stand in front of his classroom and wait and wait. Keeping my eyes on him and looking at his coloring, he was doing not bad, I would see that his coloring was nice, didn’t mess up the picture, and I saw that he draw a little boy on a boat, an sun, some bird in the sky and some fishes in the sea. And I saw that Chunchun wasn’t concentrated on his class work too =_=; kept talking to his classmates, looking at other’s picture, smiling to me…sigh, I waited for around 15 minutes. Back home to do homework and study together, hum, he was doing not bad actually, because we back home late today, but he still finished his homework on time… however, I was unhappy about his concentration at school~_~ so he didn’t have sticker and cartoon today… Grandma came to Macau tonight, and this week she will stay for 2 days, because of Ching Ming Festival and Easter. Grandma said tomorrow is Children’s day so she wanted to take Chunchun to Toys “r” Us to buy a gift to him… Sigh, Grandma started to spoil Chunchun again=_=

早上(In the Morning)


唔知點解駿駿今朝晨咁早5,6點就起左身喎=_=;我不停叫佢再瞓啦,未天光架;但係駿駿又不停同我講”媽媽,我瞓醒啦,我想出去玩丫!”當然我係唔會比佢去玩架啦,玩左佢今日重駛返學既,一定唔夠精神啦,所以都迫佢要佢瞓係張床度希望佢會再瞓著. 唔,我見駿駿其實都瞓著左幾次架,不過每次都係瞓幾分鐘又瞓,又問我可唔可以去玩…搞到我都唔係點瞓到呢.到7點我都夠鐘起身先起身開奶比佢,唉,我都估到架啦,早起左2小時,一有奶食咪食住黎瞓囉~_~不過我都怕佢唔夠瞓,由佢瞓多陣我沖完涼先叫佢起身.因為今朝我地都要早d返學校去圖書館 駿駿今日既表現都幾好喎,準時做晒功課,只係溫習時有少少唔專心不過都唔係花左太多時間溫習.希望佢會一直都係咁好表玩啦^^ Didn’t know why Chunchun woke up super early this morning, around 5 am or 6 am=_=; I been telling him it’s not morning yet, hurry to go to sleep again; however, Chunchun kept telling me “I am awake, I want to play!” Surely I won’t let him to go play around, I was worry that he won’t have enough sleep and feel sleepy in school; so force him not to leave his bed even he’s awake. Hum, I knew that Chunchun been fall in sleep a few time after he awaked around 5am, however, it’s just a few minutes slept…I woke up around 7am to gave him a milk and take a shower, sigh, I knew it, Chunchun started to feel tired and wanted to sleep while he having his milk~_~ Woke him up after I finished shower and asked him hurry to prepare to school, it’s time for library. Chunchun seem to be doing not bad today, finished homework on time, just a little bit not concentrated on studying. Hope that he will keep his good behavior^^

乖孩子(Good Boy)


今朝同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學丫,因為我地打算之後去新馬路行街同食野.駿駿今日係學校做左朱古力甘大滋,佢好開心呢,重扮晒叻咁同我地講佢整得好好味架….又叫我地返到屋企記得一齊食. 唔,其實真係怪啦,駿駿明明有好耐都冇乜點高到或重到..但係上年夏天既短袖衫好多都短啦,窄啦,睇起上黎好鬼細件…結果今日我地去到新馬路就第一時間同佢去買幾件衫啦.不過今日買d衫真係唔係好值,如果係香港同樣既價錢一定買到更好既,重可能可以買多幾件添啦,但係係澳門,冇法啦…貴d都要買=_= 買完衫比駿駿我地就去麥記食午餐啦,因為今日開心樂園餐有Hello Kitty玩具同玩具車送丫,而且近期重有個新既漢堡包,睇起上黎好好味,爸爸同我都想試呢^^食完午餐,本來我想行街買衫架,不過駿駿好似好興奮咁..又唱歌又亂跑,最後我行左2間鋪頭頂佢唔住都係決定返屋企啦. 返到屋企第一時間就同佢一齊大覺瞓,瞓醒就準備晚飯,今日駿駿食飯又乖喎..真係唔明點解佢琴日食飯咁曳… Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning, because we planned to go to the shopping area to have lunch and shop around. Chunchun made a chocolate biscuit today, he was very proud of his biscuit today. Kept telling us that his chocolate biscuit are delicious and have to share with us after we back home. Hum, so weird, Chunchun had been a lot time didn’t grown any taller and heavier, however, most of his short-sleeve shirts from last summer were short, tight or looks tiny… So we went to buy some shirts for Chunchun immediately, sigh, what we bought today were not worth to be that expensive=_=; If we were in Hong Kong, we sure could buy something a lot better around that price; however we have not choice in Macau. After we bought some t-shirts for Chunchun, we went to McDonalds to have lunch, haha because they have Hello Kitty toys and cars for happy meal^O^ and Papa wanted to try the new juicy burger. I wanted to walk around and buy some nice clothes for myself after lunch, however, Chunchun was too exciting~_~ We have to go home after I went in the second store… Back home to nap with Chunchuna and then prepare for dinner, hum, Chunchun was doing great in dinner time, wonder why he didn’t willing to ate last night.自己整既百力支

同爺爺食晚飯(Dinner with Grandpa)


今日同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學丫,之後我就帶駿駿去髮廊剪髮,而爸爸就去街市買餸.原本我係應該琴日帶駿駿去剪髮,同婆婆去買餸架,不過因為放學前學校打電話黎話駿駿唔舒服,所以我地一接左駿駿就即時返屋企囉. 唔,大約係髮廊度坐左半個鐘,駿駿就剪好頭髮啦,不過今日駿駿坐唔定丫,個頭仔成日周圍郁.結果我發現佢左邊耳背好似損左丫…好彩駿駿本人唔係好覺得痛=_=爸爸又真係準時,我地一剪完頭髮,我正抱駿駿落地,佢就黎到囉.唔駛等,我地就可以一家三口行去公園渣車返屋企啦. 大約4點半返到屋企就即時同駿駿做功課同溫習啦.駿駿今日又好乖喎,只係用左半小時左右就做完功課啦,重好乖好快咁溫埋書添.所以今日駿駿又得到一張貼紙囉^^唔知佢幾時先儲到20張換玩具呢? 爺爺係5點左右打電話比爸爸喎,原來係叫我地一家人一齊出去食飯丫.哈,哈真係好啦,我又唔駛煮晚飯囉^^而且今日爺爺重係叫我地去永利度食添.我由永利開幕時就想去架啦,但係一直都冇機會去,今次係我第一次去呢.不過去過之後,我同爸爸都好失望丫…駿駿第一次食一隻隻上既包魚..佢竟然吐番出黎@_@ 爸爸又話唔好食…連我第一次食咁大隻包魚都覺得麻麻…食完飯,等駿駿同阿寶玩一陣,大約9點半我地就行番屋企囉 Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, and then I took Chunchun to the hair salon, Papa went to food market. Actually I should take Chunchun to the hair salon yesterday, and It should be Grandma go to food market yesterday; however Chunchun was sick yesterday, we just back home immediately after picked up Chunchun. Hum, we spent around half hour in the hair salon, Chunchun didn’t sit well today, kept moving and moving… so I found that he got hurt somewhere near his left ear=_= luckily Chunchun didn’t feel hurt at all. Papa arrived to the hair salon on time, just right after Chunchun finished his hair cut… haha, We walked to my car together. Back home around 4.30pm, and hurry to do homework with Chunchun, lovely Chunchun finished his homework within half hour today, so I gave him a sticker today. Wonder when he can collect 20 sticker to get the toy’s award? Grandpa called Papa around 5pm something, asked us to have dinner with him. So happy I didn’t have to cook again^O^ and we went to Wynn Macau to have dinner. I wanted to go to Wynn Macau since it open, but never been in there. Hum, but Papa and I both felt disappointed about it’s food~_~ After dinner, let Chunchun and Bosco were running around in the dining room; and then we walk back home after 9.30pm箍實阿寶