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早退(Leave earlier than scheduled)


爸爸今日下午大約3點時打比我,話學校搵佢早d接駿駿放學喎.因為駿駿今日係學校唔舒服丫,初初之前話肚痛,便秘,之後就嘔啦…嘔完之後先好辛苦咁便到出黎.唔知點解老師唔係打比我先呢?婆婆同我就即時去接駿駿放學啦,不過其實都唔係早好多,只係比正常放學時間早左15分鐘左右咋. 可憐駿駿由老師帶落黎時真係好慘咁丫,重成頭濕晒.老師話佢一直都肚痛喎,所以好大汗丫.見駿駿個樣咁累,我就打算抱佢上車啦,點知一抱起,老師同我講頭先佢都抱左駿駿一半路程時,駿駿又嘔啦…真係好彩佢冇嘔落我到. 當我地返屋企途中,駿駿睇起上黎重係好累咁,又同我講”我好累丫,我想瞓覺丫,媽媽你一陣唔好叫我做功課丫!” 真係,一邊講一邊奸笑,唔舒服都重要古古惑惑.不過當佢知道唔做功課明天冇得去參觀巴士公司之後,佢就冇左要求唔早功課囉^^本來一返到屋企我都想比駿駿休息左先再做功課,但係佢好似越黎越精神咁喎,重叫我比佢玩添.有精神囉,當然係做左功課先啦…寫左幾隻字,佢就真係頂唔住要上床瞓覺囉,一瞓就由3點幾瞓到5點幾. 瞓醒駿駿個人明顯係精神左好多,佢做功課都係用左40分鐘左右.本來做完功課應該要溫習既,但係見佢咁慘,所以就由佢休息唔駛溫習啦.不過,之後我真係有d後悔呢,應該點都同佢溫習.因為駿駿之後係勁好精神…成屋跑跑跳跳搵人同佢玩=_=不過咁都好既,起碼佢已經冇唔舒服啦. Papa called me this afternoon around 3pm, and said that Chunchun teacher just called him and asked him to pick up Chunchun earlier since Chunchun been having belly ache and vomited after lunch. Wonder why Chunchun’s teacher didn’t call me first? Grandma and me arrived to school around 3.15pm, only around 15 minutes earlier than scheduled. Poor Chunchun look really sick when his teacher took him down to the playground. His has hair was all wet, and his teacher explained to us that was having a belly ache, and that made him sweating. Since Chucnhun looks tired, I decided to carry him to my car, however, Chunchun wanted to vomit again suddenly=_=; so lucky that he didn’t vomit on me. While we on the way back home, Chunchun said “I am so tired, I wanted to sleep, Mama please doesn’t ask me to do my homework!” Arrived home around 3.30pm, at first I wanted to let Chunchun take a nap first, but he asked for play=_= so I made him to do his homework first… He wrote a few words and then said he was tired, let him went to bed and he fall in sleep immediately. Hum, Chunchun woke up around 5pm something, and then finished his homework around 6pm. Since he didn’t feel well today, I let him take a rest didn’t have to study today. Hum, I was a little bit regret that decided not to study with Chunchun today, because he was just so active after nap=_= Running around, kept asking me to play with him… I could tell that he was fine now, no more sickness.

爸爸發火(Papa got mad)


今朝又係去圖畫館既日子啦,但係因為要等爸爸一齊出門口,結果我地遲左好多先去到圖書館呢.去到果時都差唔多8點半囉,只係得番10幾分鐘比小朋友睇圖書,所以老師都決定唔帶其他小朋友去圖書館啦.成個圖書館就得我同駿駿2個人,我地一齊睇左2本故事書就返上課室囉^^ 到3點半去接駿駿放學時,駿駿同我講,佢今日唔乖丫,食茶點之前冇乖乖咁祈禱,所以比老師沒收左佢既茶點,直到佢會乖乖祈禱先比番茶點佢食呢. 唔,今日駿駿做功課時,寫中文都冇乜野,可能佢覺得個車字唔係好難啦,其實佢近期寫果幾個中文字都寫得幾快同靚,但係寫數字就慘囉,今日寫緊48同49,唔知點解佢個4字同8,9都會貼到實黎寫..好多時個8或9字重要寫左係個4次上面~_~唉~有時睇住駿駿寫字,真係唔明點解可以咁唔專心?明明坐住係佢身邊,不停咁叫佢實好d,佢都係越寫越不知所謂… 本身今日睇完駿駿寫字,已經唔係咁滿意佢今日既表現架啦,點知佢今日食晚飯時重衰,成個鐘都食唔完d飯,只係食左大約半碗飯同餸咋=_=;過左鐘當然唔再比佢食啦,重叫佢企埋一邊罰企添.但係佢企企下話肚痛要便便喎.咁就由佢去便便啦,我都冇諗過佢便完要再罰佢架啦.可惜佢原來都唔係肚痛,冇便便去..所以最後我幫佢沖完涼就再罰佢企一陣啦…今次係罰佢講大話! 就係因為駿駿講大話,今次激嬲左爸爸啦,爸爸係駿駿罰緊企時突然話打佢屁屁喎.本來我以為佢只係打一,兩下,所以我冇理到,而且駿駿今日既表現都抵打架啦,每一個錯處都唔係第一次話佢.點知爸爸打得好起勁呢=_=;原因係爸爸話,每樣錯處都唔係第一次話,第一次打…唔打大力d駿駿根本唔會驚,唔會知錯…最後駿駿成個屁屁都紅晒呢=_=;有d心痛,但係駿駿又真係幫唔落. Went to library this morning, sigh, because of Papa, we were so late for library=_=; by the time we arrived to the library, it’s almost 8.30am already, only have around 10 minutes for kids to read, so teacher decided not to take kids to library this morning. Only Chunchun and I stay in library, so I read 2 story books with him this morning^^ Picked up Chunchun around 3.30pm, hum, Chunchun told me that he didn’t wait for pray before tea time, so his teacher confiscated his tea until he being a good boy again while praying. Hum, his Chinese writing wasn’t bad recently, however his Math writing were a mess=_= He was writing 48 and 49, it’s not anything hard, but his 4 and 8 or 9 always stick together…sigh~ wonder why Chunchun didn’t have any concentration on doing homework. I wasn’t happy about Chunchun’s homework today, and then Chunchun didn’t finish his dinner on time… he only ate around half bowl of rice and half dish of meat and vegetables=_=; Asked him to stand next to the door as punishment, however, he said he was having a bellyache and need to go to bathroom. Well, it’s ok, if he really having a bellyache, I didn’t plan to punish him again, after he got a poo. But, Chunchun was lying; he didn’t have bellyache, and didn’t need to poo. That’s made Papa mad~_~ Papa wasn’t happy about Chunchun playing in dinner time and didn’t willing to eat, and then Chunchun was lying, that made Papa wanted to punish him. And, sigh… it’s hurt, I saw Chunchun’s behind was having a lot of finger mark=_=

開心日 (Happy Day)


今朝早大約11點就同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學啦,唔,其實都只係得我一個接駿駿放學,因為爸爸要去街市買餸呢^^接完駿駿之後,我同駿駿都重要係車度等爸爸返黎,見得閒我就問下駿駿今日係學校整左d乜野食物啦…點知今日佢答我佢地食左麥片喎=_=;又係麥片?整麥片佢地要做d乜?倒水定倒奶?? 返到屋企之就即時煮通粉做午餐啦,因為今日我地打算下午去漁人碼頭既非洲村度試下佢既自助下午茶,所以下午我地都唔想食得太飽,同想早d食完等駿駿瞓左午覺先去街.唔.我地大約3點45分左右去到漁人碼頭,入到去非洲村就問下佢如果訂位食下午茶既問題…因為4月既澳門媽咪聚會打算係果度搞.問完之後我地就搵個位坐底食野啦.餐廳既環境係幾好啦,不過d食物就好一般囉,選擇少,又鹹=_=爸爸重話好失望..我諗佢以後都唔會想再去呢. 食完下午茶我地由去遊戲機中心度玩啦,哈,哈,今日駿駿真係好鬼好彩.佢要玩一部高達遊戲,但係我同爸爸都知佢根本唔識玩…不過由於不停有人加入,又係隊制對戰遊戲,駿駿竟然可以玩到3個回合..真係唔明佢點可以贏到,只可以話,同佢同隊果個人真係好勁囉XD之後我地玩釣魚遊戲,駿駿又係好好彩喎,只要一放魚釣就有魚上吊啦..重高分過我同爸爸.但係之前我同爸爸玩過…好難先有要上釣呢=_= Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning around 11am, hum, actually only me went to pick up Chunchun, because Papa have to go to food market to buy foods^^ While Chunchun and I waiting in car, I asked him what he made this morning, anything leave for Papa and me? But he said they made oatmeal today, didn’t have leave over to take home=_=; Oatmeal again?? What they need to do? Pour milk or water into a bowl?? Back home to have simply lunch immediately, because we planned to go to Fisherman’s Wharf to have tea buffet in the African BBQ Restaurant around 3.30pm, so didn’t want to eat too much for lunch and wanted Chunchun to take a nap before we went out for tea buffet. Hum, arrived to the African BBQ Restaurant around 3.45pm, asked for some information about booking for a room to have tea buffet (because I planned to have gathering there on April with Macau Mama Club); and then we found a table to have tea buffet. Restaurant is nice, however foods were not so nice there, not much choice, and too salty=_=; Papa was very disappointed about that restaurant, I guess he won’t want to go there again. After tea buffet, we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while, haha, Chunchun was a lucky boy today. He chose to play a game that he didn’t really know how to play, however, since there kept having other kids to join the game, Chunchun played for 3 round of VS mode~_~ Wonder why he could win the game… And then when we went to play the fishing game, his mark was higher than Papa and me… fish just come to him when he throw out the fishhook. Remember last time Papa and I play it, it’s so hard to get a fish=_=; 係非洲村食teabuffet同爸爸打機

派測驗卷啦(Test Result)


今日下午同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學呢,駿駿一上到車就不停同我講今日拎到”A”丫.咁我就叫爸爸睇下駿駿書包係咪有測驗卷啦,唔,駿駿今次測驗,中,英同常識都做得幾好,全部都係”A”但係識數呢…只係得’C’咋..都唔明點解駿駿數數咁唔小心,成日都數錯,如果佢小心D慢慢數,根本就唔會咁扣分的. 返到屋企就做功課同溫習啦,今日駿駿寫字都幾快架,不過我地就花左好多時間係親子習作上面啦,要用癈物做部車仔喎.我先係之前買床單留起既卡紙上畫左車仔既外型,再比駿駿上色,只係就剪貼摺成車仔咁既相,重用廁紙筒做車軚添.駿駿好鍾意部車仔丫,因為上左我地部車一樣既籃色,重係上面畫左隻豬仔添.佢好想玩丫,不過我就唔比佢玩…事關星期一要交功課架嘛…我唔想比佢整爛又要做過呢=_= Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, when Chunchun got on my car, he kept telling me that he got an ‘A’. So I asked Papa to take a look of Chunchun’s school bag to search for his test paper. And yup, Chunchun was doing so well in his Chinese, English and Common Sense test… all “A”; however, he did so bad in his Math only got a “C”=_=; Sigh, I wonder why Chunchun was so careless, he always court things wrong… Back home to do homework and study with Chunchun, hum, his writing was not bad today, but we took a long time on his family art homework, we have to make a car today. Draw a outline of a car, and then let Chunchun to color it, fold and paste it like a car^^ Chunchun love it and wanted to play with it, haha, but I didn’t allow he to play it because it’s his homework that have to hand in on Monday. 同媽咪一齊做既豬豬車

澳門媽咪會三月聚會(Macau Mama Gathering - Mar)


今日駿駿真係又開心又忙呢.一早我地先去畫畫班畫畫,之後中午同爺爺飲茶,下午4點又去同澳門媽咪會既朋友去野餐,到晚上又再同爺爺食晚飯喎.真係好忙好忙,我就十分之累啦,希望可以快d放晒d相上網再比埋媽咪會d人睇就好囉. 駿駿今日畫班揀左2隻豬黎畫丫,一隻爬係度既懶豬,同一隻醒目豬喎,佢重一邊畫一邊同我講佢係隻醒目豬添喎XD睇住駿駿畫畫佢真係進步左好多,依家佢大多可以跟住老師畫d簡單既公仔啦,好似上星期畫魚仔,同今個星期畫豬仔咁…不過呢,佢係學校畫果d畫都幾得人驚架喎. 到11點半左右我地就返到屋企啦,休息一陣又要準備中午同爺爺飲茶囉..唔,駿駿今日下午飲茶好乖喎,又食得多野,又坐得定..我諗主要都係因為今日2個小堂弟都冇黎到飲茶,冇人同佢玩,自然就會乖啦. 同爺爺飲完茶一返到屋企,駿駿就即時上床瞓午覺啦,我諗駿駿都好累呢,因為佢今朝7點就起左身啦,如果佢重唔瞓,下午重邊有體力同小朋友去公園野餐同玩呢.瞓到3點半,就係時候要起身準備出門囉.哈,哈,駿駿去到公園時有少少失望架,因為我地今次野餐既地方只係屋企附既小公園.記得上一次我地去野餐係去好遠既滑草場.不過呢,當所有小朋友黎到時,駿駿已經玩到癲晒好開心囉^^我地聚會由4點開始,等小朋友玩得5點幾我地先開始野餐,每位會員都帶少少食物去…我就烤左餅仔,Jessica烤左蛋糕,Toby整左糖水,Angela整左三文治,Kammi整左炸豬扒,Gina就買飲品,Melina買西餅…真係好鬼多野食呢^^ 聚會係6點左右就完啦,因為今日大家都影左好多相丫,所以我就請左Gina同Melina上黎我屋企坐陣,全要係要佢地比d相我放左入我電腦先,咁我會多d時間放上網又唔係同佢地傳來傳去.一搞掂d相,佢地就即時走啦..而我地一家都要趕住去同爺爺食晚飯囉.唉!我去完聚會已經累到死,以為駿駿都會咁累啦…點知佢鬼打都冇咁精神,又可能今晚2個小堂弟都有去…駿駿全程都想同小堂弟玩,根本就坐唔定…完全失控呢 Happy, busy day for Chunchun, we first went to drawing class in the morning, and then have lunch with Grandpa, picnic in the afternoon, and then have dinner with Grandpa. I was super tired today, hope that I could upload all the photo soon for Macau Mama Club members>_



今朝同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學,唔佢今日課外活動做左火腿三文治丫.駿駿本人就好開心啦,重話午飯時要食埋佢.不過爸爸就有d失望咁話,點解個個星期都係整d三文治既物體?哈,哈,冇法啦,駿駿先4歲,爸爸到底想學校教駿駿煮乜呢? 返到屋企就準備食午飯啦,食完我同駿駿就一齊親子活動烤餅仔啦.因為明天我地澳門媽咪會有野餐聚會,每人都要帶d食物去呢.唉,本來我差唔多烤左2盒餅仔架,但係爸爸久唔久又走出黎偷食,駿駿見到爸爸食佢又要食..最後得番1盒多少少既餅仔淨呢… 大約3點烤完餅仔我同駿駿就一齊大覺瞓啦,到6點先起身煮飯.點知食食下飯我先諗起今日駿駿畫班開畫展喎!因為駿駿都有幅畫參展架,所以就快快手手食完晚飯,8點鬆d就同駿駿去睇畫展啦 Went to pick up Chunchun from his extracurricular activities with Papa this morning, hum, Chunchun made a ham sandwich today. He was very happy and told me that he have to eat it at lunch… Papa was quite disappointed about what Chunchun made today, and saying why always make some kind of sandwich in his extracurricular activities. Haha, silly Papa, Chunchun is only 4 what do he expect Chunchun to make? Back home to have lunch, and then we started to bake cookie for tomorrow Macau Mama Club gathering. Sigh, Papa and Chunchun kept snatching the cookie while I baking it=_=; At first it should have 2 boxes of cookies, but now only have 1 box leave. Nap with Chunchun around 3pm after we finished baking cookie, and then woke up around 6pm to prepare dinner. Stupid me>_< I forgot about the art exhibition hold by the Drawing Class today, since Chunchun have a picture in it, we hurry to finish dinner and then went to the exhibition around 8pm something. 桿粉團印公仔模可以拎去烤啦畫展



駿駿今日好似乖左好多咁啦,最少佢一早冇要婆婆幫佢換衫,幫佢做乜做乜啦.而且佢下午做功課重做得好好添.只係用左半小時就做完2樣功課啦,今日真係好叻仔^^重有丫,因為明天佢要測驗中文同常識,我要佢每科溫習2次,佢都冇問題…好快溫完.又同佢默書睇下佢係咪真係記得d字同寫得靚.有唔多靚既就要寫幾次,佢今日每樣野都做得好好. 真係好開心佢又回復正常,雖然佢都重有曳,但係果d曳都係可以接受既^^所以今日我就送左張小貼紙比佢,再提番佢同爸爸既約定..只係依家改左,要佢儲20個貼紙先會有獎…其實今次佢真係會一直都乖落去啦..因為我琴日重特登走去買d新幹線既小貼紙比佢…諗住如果d貼紙係佢鍾意既公仔…咁佢可能就會比心機d去儲貼紙啦 Chunchun seem to be a good boy this morning, at least he didn’t let Grandma to get change for him… and he was doing a great job on his homework today. Only spent around half hour on his homework, and since he has Chinese and Common Sense tomorrow, I let him study twice on each subject. Dictation with him to proof that he remembers all the Chinese words and writes neat. I was so happy that Chunchun started to be normal again, he still naughty but it’s acceptable for me. Give him a sticker and remind him to be a good boy again tomorrow, 20 stickers for an award. Hope this time will work, because I went to buy some Shinkansen sticker for him yesterday.



今朝要早d起身去圖書館丫,我琴晚同今朝都問過駿駿想唔想借新書,如果要既,我地就帶番星期五借果本故仔書返去還.但係佢話唔借啦,只係去睇書,佢想睇多幾次屋企果本故仔書先.咁我咪留低本書係屋企,淨係同佢去睇書囉.開頭都冇乜野,駿駿都係好乖咁自己睇書.不過到就夠鐘上堂時,老師就提其他小朋友要借書就要快d借啦,夠鐘就唔借得.結果駿駿又拎住本書比我,話想借喎=_=;笨到死,我咪提佢,佢重有本書係屋企,今朝我問左佢,佢話唔還,今日唔借書架嘛..如果要再借書,先要還左屋企本書先架. 去到駿駿班房門口,因為佢上星期五好曳,我就提佢今日開始要乖啦,乖既話,爸爸就會送禮物比佢.我以為佢今日應該會乖架啦,因為駿駿同爸爸約定左,如果駿駿乖一個星期,爸爸就會買佢想要好耐既玩具.不過,當我去接佢放學時,佢老師又同我講,駿駿今日唔乖啦…又唔瞓午覺,又上堂傾計…唉~我真係唔知講乜好. 好啦.到返屋企做功課啦,做第一份功課時佢都做得幾好架,10幾分鐘就做完.好正常既時間.但係到第二份功課時,佢又開始玩啦,又寫得醜樣啦…結果寫左2個鐘先寫完=_=;佢做完功課我就要趕住煮飯啦.講真,可能佢上星期咁曳我已經忍左佢好耐,今日我真係想打佢一身…直情有幻想點打佢添架啦!不過好彩最後我都冷靜左自己,罰佢出大門口企10分鐘..等我個人靜晒先叫佢返入黎繼續做功課.雖然我已經冷靜左,冇狂打佢一身,但係我都有小打佢手同屁屁…因為,佢既過份我真係唔知點忍啦. 我真係開始覺得駿駿好討厭,唔知點教佢好..又獎又罰,又打又鬧,又鍚又氹…但係佢都係唔多在意,一陣又再曳過.屈得太耐,心情勁差既我重因為駿駿而同爸爸嘈添… Woke up early for library this morning, I been asking him do he want to borrow another book today… but he said “no”, he want to keep the book that we borrow last Friday. Therefore, we leave the book at home and went to the library just to read books there. Chunchun was fine in the beginning, however, when Miss Tong said it’s time to leave, and remind kids who want to borrow book. Chunchun took a book to me and told me that he want to borrow it =_=; Silly Chunchun…I have to remind him that he still have a book that borrow from library last Friday, if he want to borrow other book, he have to return the one at home first. Since Chunchun being super naughty last Friday, I reminded him to be a good boy at school from today on, so that he would have a reward from Papa. I thought that he will be a good boy today, because he has a deal with Papa, if he be a good boy for a week, Papa would buy him a toy that he long for. However, when I went to pick him up this afternoon, his teacher told me that Chunchun was being quite naughty today>_< Didn’t willing to nap, playing with his classmates during nap time, talk loud during class…Sigh, I just didn’t know what to say. And when we back home to do his homework… he was fine for his first homework, but his second homework… spent almost two hours on it. By the time he finished his homework, I have to hurry to cook for dinner. While he doing his homework, he almost drives me crazy, I want to hit him, hit him and hit him. Luckily, I calm down myself by asking him to stand in front of the door as punishment. I was so mad about Chunchun…we been trying to punish him or award him…but he just seems to be not care, and kept being naughty~_~ Tired and mad, I was exhausted… and having an argument with Papa…



今朝比平日早左少少起身準備去畫畫班丫,因為上星期駿駿畫畫時叫我去買三文治比佢食喎..所以我諗住今朝自己整份三文治佢帶去食啦.點知今朝問佢係咪食時,佢又話唔要啦=_=;早知係咁我琴晚就問定佢先啦…咁我今朝咪可以瞓晏少少囉 10點就去到畫班啦,今日我地係第一個去到丫^^哈哈,可以第一個畫畫咁駿駿就會專心好多囉.今日駿駿揀左畫魚仔丫..重要畫魚仔家庭,一畫就畫三條唔同既魚仔添.今次魚仔唔難畫,駿駿完全可以自己跟住老師黎畫呢…我只係同佢一齊諗下填乜野顏色就得啦.而且今日駿駿幅畫,連我都覺得唔錯…起碼係佢4歲應有既水平^^ 11點半就放學返到屋企啦.唉,本來我今日想去新馬路行下街架,點知今日落雨…最後我地被迫去左新八佰伴行街>___< Sigh, I should ask him yesterday night, so that I didn’t have to wake up so early this morning. Arrived to drawing class around 10am, we were first one arrived…haha. Chunchun chose to draw a fish family this time^^ Since fishes are quite easy to draw, so I didn’t have to help Chunchun much, just gave him some suggestion on coloring. And Chunchun’s drawing came out nice this time^O^ Back home around 11.30am, at first I wanted to go to the shopping area this afternoon, however, it’s raining out… we finally went to New Yaohan again>_< It’s just boring going to New Yaohan, lunch, playing in amusement arcade, walking around in toys section… that’s it. It’s something just for Chunchun… I wanted to walk around and looking at other stuff, but Chunchun and Papa kept giving a “back home” face on me every time we finished in toys section=_=; Sigh. We met Gina and Stephenie while we playing in the amusement arcade; and then we met again while we walking around in toys section; and we met again while we on the way home… haha. 魚仔家庭

畫班(Drawng class)


今日又係畫畫班既日子啦,但係我地有因為新年返左香港,有成2個星期冇上過堂呢.搞到今朝駿駿都唔係好記得有畫班依回事.不過好彩,到我叫佢準備去畫畫時佢都好開心^^ 今日駿駿重揀左我同爸爸係香港時買比佢學畫畫用既圖畫書添.係機械人公仔黎啦,有d好似高達咁既Q版機械人公仔.本來我同爸爸都諗住果d好易畫,不過今日睇完駿駿畫畫,發現都幾難架喎,駿駿都只係畫左大約既野出黎…都幾變型下添… 11點半就返屋企啦,坐唔到一陣就要準備去同爺爺飲茶囉.其實每個星期都同爺爺飲茶真係幾好..因為我唔駛煮飯丫嘛…而且呢…等爺爺見多d駿駿,等爺爺關心,錫駿駿多d嘛. Drawing class again, hum, we had been absence for 2 weeks…because we went to Hong Kong during Chinese New Year. Chunchun seems to be forgot about drawing class in the morning, but when I asked him to prepare for drawing class, he was happy about it^^ Chunchun chose to draw a Gundam today, because Papa and I bought a drawing book for him. Hum, at first Papa and I both thought that will be easy to draw, however, I think it’s still a little bit too hard for Chunchun. Back home around 11.30am, and then we have to prepare to have lunch with Grandpa. It’s nice to have lunch with Grandpa every week, haha, because I didn’t have to cook for lunch ^O^ And I think let Chunchun have more time being with Grandpa, Grandpa will give Chunchun better attention. 今日畫機械人



今日又放假囉,駿駿又一早8點幾就起身啦…唉~都唔明點解每次放假駿駿都晨咁早就起身,但係返學時又成日唔願起身喎=_= 簡簡單單搽麵包同駿駿食個早餐,之後就準備同佢去新八佰伴食野,玩同睇床單啦.原本我係想去新馬路或者來來超市多d架,因為新八佰伴既野多數都比較貴咁.但係今日呢,我地真係好彩囉,去左新八佰伴行街…因為當我地行到去床上用品部時,我見到Thomas & Friend同Disney既床上用品都大特價丫^o^Thomas既床單連枕頭套由原價既200幾特價到109,維尼既床單連枕頭套特價到99蚊咋.好抵!爸爸見到就話買啦,即買…2套床單多用被同枕頭套都係大約650蚊咋…比原價半左一半有多! 買完野,爸爸就拎住大袋野放落車先,而我就同駿駿去美食廣場睇下食乜先啦.今日我地叫得太多野食啦…食淨好多喎..所以重打包左d返屋企做晚餐添..哈,哈,又可以慳番d功夫,做少d野囉^^食完飯就當然係去玩啦,去到八佰伴唔去玩,駿駿又點會離開呢.近期駿駿最鍾意就係玩渣車架啦,因為佢係近期先完全控制度部車,唔同以前一定要爸爸媽媽幫手先過到關^^當然啦,臨走之前一定要玩番鋪甲蟲王者,駿駿最愛既遊戲啦. 返到屋企,駿駿好快就瞓左午覺囉,到5點先走身.因為今日放假,所以就比佢睇左2套卡通^^平日要快手做完功課先有1套卡通睇…做得慢重冇得睇添.睇完卡通就同駿駿落公園踏一陣單車先食晚飯啦..話晒放假嘛..唔可以成日係屋企咁悶既..不過呢..成日八佰伴同公園..我覺得好悶丫 Holiday today, Chunchun woke up around 8am something… sigh, wonder why Chunchun always woke up early during holiday; but didn’t willing to wake p during school day=_= Simply breakfast with him, and then we prepare to go to New Yaohan to have lunch, play around and look for bed sheet for Chunchun’s new bed. At first I wanted to go to the shopping area or Royal Supermarket, because I thought that stuff sale in New Yaohan are more expensive most of the time. However, we were so lucky that decided to go to New Yaohan today. We found that Thomas & Friends and Disney bedclothes were on sales; it’s more that 50% off ^O^ Thomas & Friends’ bed sheet and pillow cover was $200 something, but now only cost $109; Winnie the Pooh’s bed sheet and pillow cover only cost $99 now. So happy, Papa decided to buy it immediately, 2 sets of bed sheet, pillow cover and quilt were around $650! Chunchun and I went to the food court first while Papa took the bedclothes to my car. Hum, we have a lot of left over this time; so we brought back home for dinner… haha. Went to amusement arcade before we back home, Chunchun love to play driving game recently because he finally can control it well recently^^ And surely we have to play “The beetle of king” before we leave, it’s his favorite game. Chunchun took nap immediately after we back home, and woke up around 5pm. Holiday, so I let him watched 2 cartoons and went to bicycle with him around 6pm… Hum, wonder what can we do during holiday, it’s quite boring going to New Yaohan and going to the park that near our home. 新床同新床單

新床仔(New Bed)


因為琴日買左張新床比駿駿,不過未買床單,所以今日我諗住駿駿放學後就帶佢去買床單架啦.今朝同爸爸講,爸爸都話好架,但係當我地下午一齊去接駿駿放學時,佢就改口啦…話駿駿明天都唔駛返學..不如明天先去啦=_=; 超,唔去咪唔去囉…唔去就一早講啦,人地重拎定晒去街衫落車比駿駿換架嘛.因為爸爸話唔去,所以我地最後都係直接返屋企架. 因為明天同下星期一駿駿都唔駛返學丫,所以今日駿駿比平日多左1樣功課,有3樣功課要做丫.中文生字,英文字母同數字各一頁.咁岩返屋企時遇到Mabel個bb去公園玩喎,又同Mabel傾左一傾啦;佢個小bb就黎出世啦…好似話3月就係預產期囉喎.遲左開始同駿駿做功課,今日又多一樣功課喎,所以就做到成6點先做完啦,都唔算太過份啦..因為都成4點幾5點先開始做功課.做完功課就快手溫埋書…一連4日既假期駿駿又可以悠閒咁渡過囉^^ 因為新床仔重未有床單丫,所以我求其搵左張被袋包住將床肉就比駿駿瞓住先.睇黎駿駿又唔多介意喎,因為張新床令到佢太興奮啦…今日重好乖咁自己上床瞓覺…唔駛一陣就瞓著添..新床既魔力真係大啦,唔知依個魔力會持續幾耐呢? Bought a new bed for Chunchun yesterday, however, it didn’t have bed sheet yet… so I planned to take Chunchun to look for a new bed sheet after school. Papa agreed my arrangement in the morning, but then when we went to pick up Chunchun together, he changed his mind and said… no school for Chunchun tomorrow, why don’t we go to look for a new bed sheet tomorrow=_=; Sigh, that’s fine, we just back home to do homework and study together. Since no school for tomorrow and next Monday, Chunchun have 3 homework to do today - Chinese writing, English writing and Math. Started to do his homework a little bit late this evening, so he didn’t finished it until 6pm…study with him before dinner; so that Chunchun could enjoy his 4 days holiday without any homework and study^^ Didn’t have bed sheet for Chunchun’s bed yet, so I just put a quilt cover on his bed tonight. Chunchun still very happy about it, and went to bed by himself tonight, fall in sleep soon after he got on his bed…haha~ 自己訓新床

魔法蛋(Magic Egg)


駿駿今朝好鬼曳丫,又唔肯起身,又要婆婆幫佢換衫,又唔自己刷乾淨d牙…唉~每次婆婆係度都係咁架,搞到駿駿成個人懶晒又曳. 因為今日下午我要去牙醫度拆線丫,所以午飯之後,婆婆,爸爸同我就一齊去左行街啦.全要係睇下有冇細細張既單人床岩放係我地張床隔離比駿駿瞓.其實,我地由駿駿2歲開始就久唔久都去傢俬鋪度睇有冇岩用既單人床架啦…直至今日我地先搵到完全合我地要求既細床.爸爸左檢查又右檢查,試完再試之後就即時比錢買左張相啦^^傢俬鋪重話今日下午6點左右就可以送貨添啦^^ 睇完牙買完床,我地就一齊去接駿駿放學啦...不過其實得爸爸一個去接駿駿咋..因為婆婆要去街市買餸,我因為部車泊左係巴士站所以唔可以離開太耐就坐係車度等啦.爸爸接完駿駿之後就先帶佢去買魚仔…再上車等婆婆買完餸先一齊返屋企. 哈,今日同駿駿做功課溫習又快喎…駿駿又真係好乖咁.可能因為佢今日d功課基本上係學校已經做晒架啦,只係我見佢有d字寫得唔靚,我就要佢擦左一半再寫過.我一向要求佢d功課要整潔,字要靚架嘛.雖然今日遲左返到屋企,但係駿駿係5點半之前都做好晒功課同溫晒書啦.所以我就比佢種佢新年時買果隻神奇蛋啦…話會種到粒有寫字係上面既豆架喎.種完蛋,再比佢摘埋淨底既小蕃茄…摘埋今次幾十粒既蕃茄仔就比駿駿摘晒囉…雖然重有d蕃茄bb出緊黎,不過已經得番好少好少囉…唔知下次幾次先會再豐收呢? 到6點左右,傢俬鋪真係好準時咁送床黎喎.駿駿一見到新床咋,就興奮到死..係度彈下彈下啦.放好晒d野之後,佢重即時瞓上床話好舒服,又同我講”媽媽,我以後唔同得你瞓啦,因為我要瞓自己張床”哈,聽住先啦,我都唔想同佢瞓丫…不過佢以前訓係bb床都可以半夜爬過大人床,我諗佢以後都或者會有咁既情況出現,只係希望唔好日日係咁就好啦. Chunchun was quite naughty this morning, didn’t willing to wake up and let Grandma to get change for him=_=; and didn’t brush his teeth well… Sigh, lazy Chunchun, I hate it whenever Grandma came, Chunchun will because super lazy and naughty. Since I have to go to the dentist this afternoon, so Grandma, Papa and I went to look for Chunchun’s new bed before I go to the dentist. Hum, so happy we finally found a nice bed that fix in our room, actually we been looking for a new bed since Chunchun was around 2 years old, but didn’t see any nice bed until today. Papa decided to buy it immediately, and new bed delivered around 6pm this afternoon^^ Went to pick up Chunchun afterward, Grandma went to food market to buy food, Papa went to pick up Chunchun and took Chunchun to buy new fishes.. and I have to wait in my car since I just stop my car in front of the bus stop… Back home to do homework and study with Chunchun, so happy, Chunchun was being a good boy today; he finished his homework quick; because he finished his homework at school already. However I made him to rewrite half of his homework, because I requested his homework have to be neat. Finished homework and study before 5.30pm, so I let him to plant his ‘magic egg’ and plucked the rest of the little tomato. Chunchun’s new bed delivered around 6pm, Chunchun was super exciting while he sew his new bed. Funny Chunchun lay on his bed and said “Mama, I couldn’t sleep with you anymore, because I have to sleep in my new bed” Haha, hope that it will be true, I don’t want to sleep with him anymore… 準備種蛋囉打爛隻蛋最後一次摘蕃茄最後一批蕃茄