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澳門媽咪會聚會(Macau Mama Gathering)


今日下午約左澳門媽咪會既朋友一齊野餐聚會丫,真係開心啦,因為我地成個暑假冇見啦…又見面一定會好開心.為左令駿駿有足夠既精神,我地11點鬆d就食午飯啦,食完1點就大覺瞓,因為3點半就要出發去大潭山野餐架啦. 唉,真係唔知乜事,平日好通順既路,今日竟然大塞車喎…果刻真係好後悔點解行果條路,點解唔早d出門口…就係果條路都塞左10幾20分鐘.又好彩本來我就預鬆少少d時間,如果冇塞車,我會係4點前去到的..依家都係4點鬆d,遲左幾分鐘姐.再講,我都係第二個到架^^第一個到係Gina同Jennifer佢地…其他媽咪到差唔多5點先到齊呢 哈,今日我地野餐既食品好豐富丫…樣樣野都好好食呢..有我整既餅乾,Gina買既啫喱,Sandy整既三文治,Toby整既可樂雞翼同蛋,Jennifer整既芒果糯米糍,Ponla買既印尼小食,Olivia買既飲品..重有Cecilia整既春卷丫…個個都食到唔停口呢^^不過可惜..5點半打後突然落左陣雨喎,搞到我地急急腳咁走~_~唔夠時間玩尼..或者有機會我地要搞個全日既聚會先得囉. Having a picnic gathering this afternoon, so happy, we have a long time didn’t meet our friends. We have lunch around 11am something, and then nap earlier because we have to leave home around 3.30pm. Sigh, got into a traffic jam while we on the way to the park…at first we should be by there on time before 4pm; however, because of the traffic jam, we arrived around 4.10pm. Luckily we were the second group arrived there^^ The first group were Gina, Stephenie, Jennifer and Ianian. Soon, all other families arrived before 5pm. We first play the grass slide for a while, and the started picnic around 5pm. So yummy, we got cookie(by me), jelly(by Gina), sandwich(by Sandy), Cola Chicken wings and Eggs(by Toby), mango glutinous cake(by Jennifer), Indonesia snack(by Ponla), drink(by Olivia), Spring roll(by Cecilia); we all have a nice picnic there^O^ Leave around 5.30pm because of the rain~_~ sigh, we need more time…maybe next time, we should have a gathering for whole day…haha.同恩恩滑草排排坐野餐囉MarcusBB好得意架小朋友合照

親子燈籠(Handmake Lantern)


爸爸今日下午打比我喎,話明天係潼潼生日丫,所以今晚要同佢地出街食飯慶祝喎,重叫我要買禮物比佢添. 3點半去接駿駿放學時,我去到佢重畫緊畫丫,當然第一時間影番張相先啦^^好難得先影到駿駿既校園生活嘛.放學之後我地就去玩具反斗城買禮物比堂妹啦.哈,駿駿係好開心有得去玩具反斗城丫,不過佢唔買得玩具喎..因為佢重未儲勁貼紙買新玩具呢..就算儲夠,佢都重有d新玩具未開=_=;所以都係唔會買住. 渣車返屋企時,駿駿忽然同我講話下星期要帶自己整既燈籠返學校喎..哎丫,我真係冇留意佢手冊有寫住要自製燈籠呢…返到屋企搞掂駿駿做功課之後就搵下屋企有乜材料整環保燈籠啦. 等駿駿做完功課之後,我地就用一張包書膠,一條冷線,一個啫喱盒蓋,做左個環保燈籠啦.而駿駿主要就係係包書膠上面畫公仔填色啦..佢畫好之後就由我將所有野痴埋一齊.出黎個樣都幾好架..哈…哈… 大約8點我地先準備出街食飯呢..真係餓死我同駿駿囉…不過去到食飯,我同駿駿都冇乜好食丫…因為係打邊爐..d野都唔岩駿駿食=_=;好彩7點果時比左個豆沙包駿駿食左先姐. Papa called around 2pm something, and told me that we have to go out to have dinner with his relatives; because tomorrow is Tong’s birthday…we have to celebrate with her, and he asked me to buy some gift for her. Went to pick up Chunchun on 3.30pm, haha, when I arrived to his classroom; I found that he was drawing…finally got some photo in school for Chunchun^^ Took Chunchun to Toys ‘r’ Us to look for some gift for Tong after school. Haha, Chunchun was so happy to go to Toys ‘r’ Us today, but he couldn’t buy anything because he still collecting his sticker^^ While we on the way home, Chunchun told me that we need to make a lantern today… have to hand in next week. Sigh, I didn’t notice it on Chunchun’s manual… hurry to found something to make a lantern after we back home. Making lantern with Chunchun after he finished his homework, hum, we used a piece of books packing sheet, wool and a plastic cover to make a lantern…haha, Chunchun didn’t do much, he just draw on the books packing sheet, and then I try my best to put all the stuff together. Went to have dinner with relatives around 8pm, sigh, Chunchun and I were so hungry…but we didn’t have much thing to eat during dinner…because they choose to have hot pot for dinner~_~畫緊畫丫自己收拾顏色親子勞作燈籠

新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


今朝,爸爸話佢2點先都得閒喎,所以我地就去左八佰伴度食午餐同行街啦^^不過我都好趕丫,去到八佰伴時都差唔多中午,我地要食午餐,爸爸想買鞋又想買牛仔褲,駿駿又要去玩喎…咁我,又冇得揀啦,只有陪駿駿囉..其實我都想行下架,好耐冇行過嘛. 今日駿駿話要食三文治丫,所以我地就係地下果間餐廳度食啦,爸爸一食完就走左去睇鞋,等我同駿駿坐係度等駿駿食完呢.之後去完,又係得我同爸爸2個玩,因為爸爸要買牛仔褲丫..好彩就走果時,我都走左入Sanrio買左2個Hello Kitty 2008年既月曆…哈..哈..死都買番d野.大約2點就車爸爸返工啦,之後我同駿駿當然係返屋企大覺瞓啦. 婆婆晚上7點半左右黎到,婆婆一到我地就食飯啦,因為第二朝駿駿就要早起身返學啦.今日婆婆拎左好大袋衫過黎丫…果d都係我地係香港時留低架…冇法啦,因為我個喼滿左啦嘛,咪要婆婆拎過黎囉.我諗下次婆婆應該會拎駿駿d玩具過黎架啦,重有佢隻蠟手添^^ Papa said he was free until 2pm today, so we went to New Yaohan for lunch and shop around^^ We arrived to New Yaohan around noontime, and then we have lunch immediately because we were in hurry actually, Papa wanted to buy shoes and jeans, Chunchun wanted to play…I wanted to look around too, but we didn’t have much time~_~ Finally Papa went to look for his shoes while he finished his lunch, and let me wait for Chunchun. After lunch, Chunchun and I went to the amusement arcade to play while Papa went to look for jeans. Haha, I bought 2008 Hello Kitty calendar in Sanrio because we leave. Drove Papa to work around 2pm and then Chunchun and I back home to nap together. Grandma arrived home around 7.30pm and then we all have dinner together, hum, Grandma took some clothes for us today…haha those were I left in Hong Kong, because my suitcase was full, after our clothes, I guess Grandma will take Chunchun’s toys to Macau next week, maybe his candle hand too.學渣刀

香港科學館(Hong Kong Science Museum)


今日下午同駿駿去左香港科學館玩丫,因為星期三我地冇去到,而今日就係我地既最後機會去玩啦.唔,我地都成點鐘先去到尖沙咀丫,行過Pizza Hut就係果度食午餐啦.本來我想叫一個午餐同駿駿2份食架,點知比佢發現兒童餐喎,有好大粒果凍架,見到駿駿流晒口水…想佢開心既我當然叫左個兒童餐比佢啦,自己就叫左個Pizza餐,食淨半份pizza打包拎起,好彩我手袋夠大,成盒pizza放左入去都唔係好覺眼,起碼我唔駛又拎手袋又拎pizza先嘛^^ 食完野,大約2點鬆d就去到科學館啦,一入到去駿駿就好開心啦..因為第一層就有好多有關電既小實驗,駿駿個個都玩下..佢當係玩具咁玩咋…行晒咁多層,我地都玩左唔少既小遊戲,駿駿重玩左一次渣飛機添.玩到5點左右,我地就離開科學館啦,因為約左我既網友Wendy食晚飯丫. 同Wendy會合左之後我地先行左陣街,之後就比駿駿決定我地食乜晚餐啦.最後佢決定去KFC食,原因呢…我估係因為係KFC食野加錢可以換變形金剛玩具丫,佢睇左好多次架啦,但係我都冇同佢食…今日有人就佢喎…重唔第一時間話食咩^^食完野,再行一陣街,到8點左右就同Wendy講拜拜囉.哈,好開心丫,今日我買左2件衫喎,成個暑假我都成日行街架啦,但係都冇乜睇岩…今個暑假只係買左3件咋,有2件係今日買既^^ 同Wendy講完拜拜之後,駿駿就叫我打比婆婆啦..佢話喎佢約左婆婆今日同佢去吉之島架…咁我打比婆婆,婆婆又話好喎…出到黎問佢地幾時約左要去吉之島架?原來係冇架~_~只係琴日太婆佢地個熱水壺壞左,我話去冒險樂園換個新既比佢地,咁婆婆就同駿駿講話去吉之島,不過我地最後去左鑽石山,就係咁..駿駿成日都覺得婆婆未同佢去吉之島囉. Took Chunchun to Science Museum today since we didn’t go there on Wednesday and today is our last chance to go there. Hum, we arrived to TST around 1pm, and then we went to Pizza Hut to have lunch. Happy Chunchun found a children’s meal in the maul^^ So we ordered to meal and I had half of the pizza left over need to take back home, luckily I got a big handbag, I could put my pizza inside my handbag. We arrived to Science Museum around 2pm something, and Chunchun was so exciting when he saw all kinds of experiment there (he thought these were all games). We tried most of the experiment there and let Chunchun ride on the airplane…took some photo of him, and then we leave Science Museum around 5pm something, because we need to have lunch with my net-friend ~ Wendy. Shopping around with Wendy for awhile and then let Chunchun to decide what we eat for dinner. Haha, Chunchun choose KFC because he want to have the Transformers toy=_=; Anyway we have a nice dinner together, after dinner, we walk around again, haha, I bought 2 new clothes for myself, this summer, I only bought 3 clothes^^ Say goodbye to Wendy around 8pm and then Chunchun asked me to call Grandma because he wanted to go to Jusco with Grandma.大粒Jelly安全博士華美金鳳鳥同Wendy姨姨食飯