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番禺長隆之旅第二日(Panyu - Chime Long Day Two)


行程 8.00am 起身 9.00am 自助早餐 10.00am 游水 12.00pm 去到長隆歡樂世界 4.30pm 返酒店休息 5.00pm 搭車去蓮花巷 6.00pm 上船返香港 8.00pm 返到香港 9.00pm 返到屋企 唔,琴晚大約11點左右返番酒店房,再睇左陣電視就訓覺囉.今朝早預計係8點起身,8點半左右去餐廳度食自助早餐的,不過駿駿唔願起身喎,最後搞到成9點先去食早餐呢.宴左食早餐就宴左游水啦,成10點先去游,游到11點就趕返酒店房沖身同執野囉.因為我地要12點前Check-out呢. 大約中午就入左長隆歡樂世界啦,第一時間又係去哈比王國度玩,因為我地都冇人玩得刺激既遊戲,再講黎玩都係為駿駿架啦.不過今年我地冇上年玩得咁多游戲喎,可能因為我地去左睇4D電影啦,果度真係花左唔少時間…所以今年駿駿只係玩左20幾個遊戲咋,有d可惜.不過今年我地都玩得好開心. 大約4點半左右我地就返酒店啦,因為要坐5點既酒店巴士去蓮花巷呢.6點之前去到蓮花巷我地就急急腳上6點鐘果班船囉.返到香港都成8點,累到死…求其買少少野做晚餐就返太婆屋企囉 Schedule 8.00am Woke Up 9.00am Breakfast Buffet 10.00am Swimming 12.00pm Arrived to Chime Long Paradise 4.30pm Back to Hotel 5.00pm Shuttle Bus to Lotus Harbors 6.00pm A boarded ferry to Hong Kong 8.00pm Arrived to Hong Kong 9.00pm Back to great Grandma’s home Hum, we back to our room around 11pm last night, and we watched TV for a while before we go to bed. Woke up around 8am this morning and prepare to go to breakfast buffet around 8.30am; however, Chunchun didn’t willing to wake up until 8.30am something~_~ Half hour delayed, went to breakfast buffet around 9am, and went to swimming pool around 10am. Swim until 11am and then we hurry back to room to take shower and pack up everything, because we have to check out before noontime. We arrived to Chime Long Paradise around noontime, and we walked to the kids land immediately because we have no one interesting about those exciting game, our trip is for Chunchun^^ Hum, I guess Chunchun played around 20 games and watched 4D theater this afternoon; not as much as last year but we do have a lot of fun. Back to hotel around 4.30pm and take the 5pm shuttle bus to Lotus Harbors. Arrived to Lotus Harbors around 6pm and then we hurry aboard. Back to Hong Kong around 8pm and then back to great Grandma’s home to have dinner.潛水轉轉杯渣飛碟跳樓機

番禺長隆之旅第一日(Panyu - Chime Long Day One)


行程 6.00am 起身 7.50am 上船去蓮花巷 9.50am 去到蓮花巷 10.00am 上車去酒店 10.30am 去到長隆酒店Check In 12.00pm 搭車去長隆水上樂園 8.00pm 搭車返酒店 10.00pm 食宵夜自助餐 12.00am 訓覺 今朝一早6點就準備出發去長隆玩2日1夜囉^^因為上年去過一次,今年我地只係去水上樂園同歡樂世界玩姐,行程,當然係為駿駿而設架啦. 我地大約7點半左右去到碼頭,就急急腳咁上船囉,大約9點50分去到蓮花巷…10點就上到酒店車去酒店啦^^去到酒店先係11點鬆d,我地輕輕鬆鬆Check-in完之後就去酒店房換好泳衣同執好要帶去水上樂園既物品.之後就搭公車去水上樂園啦. 因為我地唔打算租Locker同係入面換衫沖身,所以我地一去到就直入食店,先搵位食個午飯先.唔,果度d野真係唔係一般既難食呢~_~好彩佢d小食都重過得去.食完午飯,我地就去造浪池附近搵沙灘椅霸位啦,因為係度玩成日嘛,我地又冇租locker點都要搵個地方放低d野.係等位其間,我同表姨同駿駿就去玩住先,姑婆同婆婆就係度等位.我諗大約等左半小時,婆婆好醒咁搵到個位喎.因為係正午,姑婆話唔玩住怕曬,所以就由婆婆,表妹同我陪駿駿玩啦.駿駿重細所以只可以係造浪池,寶貝池同夏威夷池度玩呢. 玩到差唔多5點幾,駿駿就好累囉,坐係沙灘椅上面,坐下坐下就睡著左囉.因為駿駿要休息,我地唔駛陪佢玩,表妹同我就去左玩大喇叭啦.唉~真係有少少後悔去玩呢,唔係因為驚…而係排隊勁耐啦,我估我地排左成個幾鐘呢.但係玩果下就得30秒左右.真係辛苦.玩完大喇叭之後,駿駿都睡醒囉,所以走之前就由姑婆,表姨同婆婆帶駿駿去玩最後一次夏威夷池.玩完大約8點我地就起程返酒店啦. 返到酒店先搵左食先,打聽到有宵夜自助餐架,由10點開始.所以我地就好悠閒咁上房沖完涼先慢慢行去餐廳食宵夜自助餐啦.食完大約11點左右就返上房睇多陣電視就睡囉. Schedule 6.00am Woke Up 7.50am A boarded ferry to Lotus Harbor 9.50am Arrived to Lotus Harbor 10.00am Got on the Shuttle bus to Chime Long Hotel 10.30am Arrived to Chime Long Hotel and check-in 12.00pm Bus to Chime Long Water Park 8.00pm Bus to Chime Long Hotel 10.00pm Night Snack Buffet 12.00am Sleep Woke up early around 6am to prepare to go to Chime Long for 2 days 1 night trip. Hum, we been in Chime Long once last year, so this year we only planned to go to Chime Long Water Park and Chime Long Paradise. And surely our trip is for Chunchun^^ We arrived to the ferry terminal around 7.30am and hurry to aboard. Arrived to Lotus Harbor around 9.50am, and then we got on the shuttle bus around 10am. Not bad, arrived to Chime Long Hotel before 11am, we checked in and changed swimsuit before noontime, and arrived to Chime Long Water Park around noontime. Since we didn’t plan to rent a locker and get change in Water Park, we just walk in to seek for restaurant for lunch. We spent around half hour to wait for a table and sigh, foods in the Water Park were…yucky~ We went to seek for chair near the Super Wave Pool, because we need to find somewhere to place our clothes and let one to sit there to look after our clothes and money. While Grandma and my auntie seeking for chair, Chunchun, my relative and I went to the Super Wave Pool to play for a while first. I think Grandma and my Auntie waited for around half hour, they finally got a chair, so that Grandma could play with us… and my Auntie she rather to sit under the big umbrella to look after our clothes since it’s too sunny. Chunchun only can play in Super Wave Pool, Baby Pool and Hawaii Pool, because he was too young to play any other games there. Hum, Chunchun took his nap around 5pm something, so finally my relative and I got a chance to play some exciting game. We chose to play the Tornado, and sigh we were queued for over one hour just to play around 30 seconds… After playing Tornado, we were too tired to queue up for another game=_= Chunchun, Grandma, my Auntie and relative were to Hawaii Pool to play for a while before we back to hotel around 8pm something. Back to hotel to take shower and then went to the restaurant to have night snack buffet around 10pm搭船去蓮花巷囉造浪池表姨我翻啦嘆下先

Hello Kitty夢幻音樂之旅(Hello Kitty's Fantastical Adventure)


今日真係勁開心丫,因為我地接完駿駿放學之後去左觀光塔睇Hello Kitty夢幻音樂之旅既場景全觸呢.不過入場費都幾貴丫,大人要30蚊小朋友要20,我地4個人入去行左2個卷就冇左110蚊囉. 入到去得6個場景真係覺得少左d呢,有少少失望.不過我地都影左幾多相,場景雖然少,但係真係好靚好可愛.其實6個場景真係10幾分鐘就行完囉,但係我地覺得唔抵就行幾次囉…行左2個卷丫^^本來我地重想連少少細細件既野都影相架..不過當駿駿走晒去想同草菇影相時..佢想扮拉佢地出黎喎..結果真係一拉就爛…好彩果時冇職員係度咋…即時放番好粒菇我地就走人囉~_~ 睇完Hello Kitty我地就同駿駿行下玩具反斗城同去遊樂場度玩一陣啦.係玩具反斗城我地見到一份駿駿想要好耐既玩具架,我地搵左2,3年都唔見有得賣,依家有新貨番終於有駿駿想要果隻玩具啦..可惜爸爸唔想買比駿駿喎…駿駿唯有等下啦… Super happy day for me, haha because we went to Macau Tower to see the Hello Kitty Fantastical Adventure – In Touch with the Scenes this afternoon after we picked up Chunchun. Hum, it’s a little bit expensive for ticket, $30 for Adult and $20 for kid, 4 for us spent $110 to get in there. Well, the Scenes were super nice and cutie, we took many pictures there, however, it’s only 6 scenes there, we all felt a little bit disappointed about it. We kept walking around and around from one scene to another, just wanted to take more pictures, haha. And when we trying to take picture with a big mushroom… Chunchun broke it=_= He wanted to act like pulling it, however…he really pulling it off…luckily the staff didn’t see it, so we place it back and gave up taking photo with the mushroom…. Went to Toys ‘r’ Us and the amusement arcade afterward, hum, we found something nice for Chunchun, but too bad that Papa didn’t want to buy it for Chunchun~_~ Too bad, that’s Chunchun’s dream toys that he always wanted to have once since he around 2 years old.Kitty公主比人困住左丫Daniel王子與Kitty公主哈利波特大街哈利波特戲服

駿駿病好囉(Chunchun recover from fever)


駿駿今朝8點就起左身啦,重自己走左去廳度玩添.睇佢個樣,已經完全好番晒呢…咁到底係咪真係喉嚨發炎?因為琴日佢發燒時手腳都熱架,聽講手腳都熱係發骨節嘛…點都好啦,佢今日真係鬼打都冇咁精神,勁活躍丫.最後佢真係太嘈啦,我頂唔住係9點幾起身開電視比佢睇一陣卡通,就係唔想佢成屋走黎走去. 食完午飯之後就大覺瞓啦.因為我同爸爸都想去街睇下結婚介指,所以駿駿一瞓醒午覺我地就準備出門口去街囉.哈,哈,我地今日買到介指啦,一年一年既對裝指子,已經第6對啦,第6年開始啦…唔知我地可以買幾多對呢?希望起碼可以買到50對就好啦. 買完介指,唔,應該係訂完介指先岩..因為我d手指太細,冇現成既介指,要訂造呢..我d手指係細到用現成介指去改細都唔得..一定要訂造一隻新既..就係咁又要等3個星期先有新介指戴囉.係新馬路度行左一陣街..真係好悶呢..係澳門行街好悶丫..好似冇乜野睇咁..人又多…真係好想返香港行街呢. Chunchun woke up around 8am this morning, and then we went to play by himself in living room. He’s totally recover from his fever now I think… he’s just super active today=_=; Let him watching TV for a while after I woke up around 9.30am, just didn’t want him to run around. Lunch at home around noontime, and then nap together. Since Papa and I wanted to go shopping, we went to shopping area after Chunchun woke up around 4pm. Haha, we finally bought our new wedding rings ^O^ It’s our sixth wedding rings, wonder how many rings we will buy, one year one new pair of rings… hope that we could buy over 50 pair rings. Walking around after we bought our rings, hum, should be ordered, because my finger is too thin, I have to order a custom made wedding rings every year. Sigh, nothing much to see in the shopping area, it’s quite boring shopping in Macau…I want to shopping in Hong Kong>_



駿駿今朝7點幾就起左身啦,一起身就同我講喉嚨痛喎…摸下佢又好似熱熱地咁..就即時同佢探下熱啦…有成37.5度呢..開始發燒啦..平日佢既體溫最多都係36左右之嘛.比片退熱貼佢,再每半小時同佢探一次熱.到10點鐘診所開左門,我地帶駿駿去睇時,駿駿已經燒到38.4度囉. 醫生話佢應該係有d喉嚨發炎喎,不過唔係咁明顯,只係紅紅地..應該係岩岩發出黎.比左2日藥我地,如果星期一都唔退燒就要返去打針喎.11點左右返到屋企,第一時間比少少包駿駿食,之後比佢食藥..想佢瞓一陣先食午飯.不過佢食完藥完全冇睡意呢~_~一直都係床上打下電腦仔或玩車仔,再唔係就睇我同爸爸打機..就係唔肯瞓.到食完午飯,我陪佢先瞓左一陣咋.唔夠一個鐘又醒囉.佢個樣係好呆架.但係就係唔肯休息..真係擔心佢星期一都重唔好丫 Chunchun woke up around 7am something, and then he told me that he was having sore throat. Sigh, take a look on him and checked his temperature… it’s 37.5℃, he seems to be having fever. Kept checking on him every half hour, and gave him a cooling gel plaster. By the time we went to the doctor, it’s already 10am something, and his fever was up to 38.4℃. Doctor said that Chunchun’s fever was caused by sore throat, but it’s not serious… so he just gave us 2 days medicines. Back home around 11am something let Chunchun to have his medicines first and then I started to prepare lunch. Sigh, Chunchun didn’t willing to sleep after he having his medicines, just laying on his bed, playing his little computer or watching Papa and I playing computer. He finally fall in sleep after lunch, but he only nap for an hour then he started to playing around again. Hum, he look sick but he just didn’t willing to rest=_= so worry he will not recover it on Monday.病豬熟睡中

計劃去長隆玩(Planning to go to Panyu - Chime Long)


唔,大約係暑假開始,我地就有打算去長隆玩架啦.本來諗住8月頭左右去既,因為駿駿夏令都要返到27號.不過呢,我地一直都定唔到時間,駿駿學游水果度由6月開始報名到依家…早幾日我地決定報第二間先可以快d確定到駿駿係8月8日開始學游水…咁我地就可以依計劃係8月頭去長隆啦. 姑婆重為左幾時去長隆打比我傾細節添..原來表姨8月頭請唔到假,婆婆都唔得..所以我地要改7月尾去呢..因為都幾趕…最後我地定左7月29同30去長隆玩.因為我之前咁既料都係8月頭的,所以姑婆話佢今個星期六會去旅行社度買自由行既套票同報名…唔,希望姑婆會搵到又平又好既套票啦. Hum, planned to go to Chime Long around the beginning of August a long time ago, however, since we didn’t sure when Chunchun starts his swimming class, we have to wait until the swimming centre reply us. Finally, we sure that Chunchun will starts his swimming class on Aug 8. And now, we have to hurry to seek for package to Chime Long. My ideal days are Aug 1 and 2, haha same as last year… but Grandma and my relative only can day off before August 1 so…we have to planned our schedule again. My Auntie called me this afternoon to take about our Chime Long trip. We decided to go to Chime Long on July 29 and 30, and my Auntie will go to travel agency to seek for Chime Long package on Saturday… hum, hope that she can find it.

恩恩豬生日會(Ian's Birthday Party)


今日大約2點左右,Gina就渣車黎接我地啦,因為2點半要去到恩恩豬屋企開生日會呢.唔,Gina接完我同駿駿之後,重要去接妹豬同妹豬婆婆丫.雖然要接咁多人,不過我地都好準時2點半左右就去到恩恩豬屋企囉.一入到去,4隻小豬就玩得好開心囉,重不停爭玩具添=_=;恆恆佢地就大約3點黎到,佢地一黎到我地就切蛋糕先啦,因為恩恩爸爸要返工呢.切完蛋糕冇耐,大約就4點啦,加菲同敏敏先黎到呢,真係可惜囉..因為佢地太遲黎到,我地都冇乜點同敏敏影相添啦.玩到5點,我同Gina都好累囉,所以就返屋企啦. 因為今朝唔記得同佢畫畫丫,所以就係食晚飯前叫佢自己畫幅畫先啦.又幾好喎,畫d簡單既畫,佢可以完全自己搞掂… Gina came to pick us up around 2pm today, because we have to go to Ian’s birthday on 2.30pm. Hum, after picked up Chunchun and me, Gina has to go to pick up Ying and her Grandma. Arrived to Jennifer’s home around 2.30pm, haha once we arrived there, Chunchun, Stephenie, Ying and Ian starts to play together immediately. Oscar and Christy came around 3pm and Garfield’s family came around 4pm. Too bad that Garfield was late, we wouldn’t wait for them to have birthday cake, because Ian’s father has to go to work before 4pm. And the we leave around 5pm since Gina and I were super sleepy~_~ Since I forgot draw picture with Chunchun this morning, so I let him to draw picture by himself before dinner. Hum, Chunchun was doing not bad, I think, easy picture he would handle it all by himself.唱生日歌排排坐坐車仔畫水果



今日又去左新八佰伴丫,因為我要買野比恩恩豬生日呢^^哈,哈,其實上個星期六先去完新八佰伴,今個星期唔想去住架,但係要買禮物喎,我又唔知去邊買好,以咪又去新八佰伴度行下囉..反正有冷氣,大家都行得舒服d 11點鬆d我地就去到八佰伴啦,第一時間上左3樓食午飯先,之後我地就一齊去買新毛巾.買完毛巾,爸爸同駿駿就去遊樂場玩啦,而我就自己一個不停係玩具部同Saniro行黎行去,其實都唔多搵到d乜特別岩心水既禮物…最後因為Jennifer話鍾意My Melody,就買左d My Melody既小頭飾,袋仔比恩恩啦…希望佢地鍾意同會用啦.唉,其實我都想同駿駿一齊玩架… 大約2點就返屋企,一齊大覺瞓囉..哈,哈,我地係咪好懶呢?我地每日都會一齊瞓午覺呢. Went to New Yaohan again, because I have to buy something for Ian’s birthday^^ Haha, I didn’t really want to go to New Yaohan actually since we went there last Saturday already; but I didn’t know where to buy gift for Ian. Arrived to New Yaohan around 11am something, and then we went to food court to have lunch immediately Went to buy some new towels after lunch and then I kept walking around the toy’s section and Sanrio again and again still didn’t found anything nice. Finally I just bought some My melody’s stuff for Ian, hope she will like it. Papa and Chunchun went to the amusement arcade and baby’s section while I selecting gift. Sigh, I want to play with Chunchun too Back home around 2pm something and then we all nap together….haha, lazy us, have to nap everyday.

好悶丫(Boring Day)


夏令既第二日啦,由今日起駿駿就放12點半囉.,係學校食埋飯先放學.夠鐘我同爸爸就去接駿駿放學啦,之後我同爸爸先返屋企食飯,等駿駿自己玩.哈..哈..駿駿真係好鬼為食,因為我地食飯時,駿駿竟然走黎問我 “點解冇我份既?我都想要丫!”係爸爸話佢,岩岩先係學校食完,依家唔食啦..佢先走開咋…哈..哈..唔知駿駿係單純既為食定係學校食唔飽呢? 食完午飯就同駿駿一齊午瞓啦,原本我想今日同駿駿畫下畫架,不過駿駿唔係好想畫喎…睇黎我都唔駛再同佢搵畫班學畫畫囉.瞓醒我地就去來來超市度買野啦.唉~真係冇癮,搵唔到位泊車喎,結果得爸爸一個入去買野..而我同駿駿要係車度等佢呢… Second day of Summer Class, from today on Chunchun off school around 12.30pm. Hum, went to pick up Chunchun with Papa, and then Papa and I back home to have lunch, Chunchun playing by himself. So funny, when Papa and I having lunch, Chunchun came to me and asked “Why nothing for me? I want some too!” But then Papa told him that he should have lunch in school already, can’t eat too much…haha. Nap with Chunchun after lunch, at firs t I wanted to draw some picture with Chunchun, however, he seems not interesting about that=_=; I guess I don’t have to look for another drawing class for him now. Went to supermarket after nap, sigh, I want to shop around in supermarket…but we couldn’t found any parking space>_< Finally only Papa go in the supermarket, Chunchun and I waiting in my car…

夏令開始啦(Summer Class Starts)


夏令開始囉,唉,今日只係要返半小時學咋..其實都真係唔知返黎做丫=_=,可憐我要泊車係巴士站…呆坐半小時等駿駿放學呢.因為得個半小時,返得屋企未入到門口又要開車黎接駿駿囉..想搵位泊車食個早餐又搵唔到咪錶位. 等到9點半就第一時間去接駿駿啦.駿駿今日好似幾開心咁喎..老師重請佢食朱古力添.不過今日佢地都只係收下通告同介紹新班主任咁.唔係上堂駿駿實開心架啦.10點前就返到屋企囉..比駿駿睇一套卡通,之後就叫佢自己去玩啦,而我都要準備午晚囉. 食完午晚就同駿駿一齊大覺瞓,瞓醒又準備晚飯.唉~今日真係好悶丫..早知就搵d地方同駿駿去玩,或者係屋企諗d活動啦…睇黎明天都真係要諗d野同駿駿一齊做先得..佢唔悶我都悶囉 Summer Class starts today, sigh, only half hour school today, wonder what they do today=_= Poor me have to wait in my car in front of the bus stop to pick up Chunchun; because half hour wasn’t enough for me to go back home, and I couldn’t found a parking space this morning. Picked up Chunchun on 9.30am, he seem to be very happy today, I guess they just giving out note and introduce new teacher to student today. Back home before 10am, hum, so boring didn’t know what to do with Chunchun. Let him watch one cartoon and then asked him to play in his playground while I have to prepare lunch. Nap with Chunchun after lunch and then starts to prepare dinner after I woke up. Hum, so boring, I should find some where to go with Chunchun or find some activities for Chunchun… hope that tomorrow I will find something fun for Chunchun



今日下午同婆婆同駿駿一齊去珠海行街街呢.哈,哈,我地一去到拱北咋,駿駿就話佢要食家鄉雞啦,不過佢唔記得個名..只係不停同我講”媽媽,我想食雞丫..果個K….果個呢”雖然我知佢係想講KFC架啦…不過我都係扮傻唔知佢講乜想玩下佢..之後一落電梯,佢就見到間KFC啦,重同我講”依間丫,KFC有個人果個..係前面啦,登~登~登~”真係比佢笑死.本來我地都想食KFC架啦,點知入到去發現佢D餐全都係包黎架喎..家鄉雞D雞去晒邊=_=;單買又唔抵…結果我地都係走左去食拉麵. 係遊樂場度玩左一陣之後,我地就開始行街睇野囉.哈,駿駿今日又幾好彩喎,玩釣魚中左個細獎喎..真係好難得呢…之前玩左好多次都得個吉,係今次第一次中咋.唔,我之前一陣都好想買對涼鞋架,因為我成日著果對有d開始爛啦..但係行左成個地下商場既鞋鋪都睇唔岩呢..都唔知做乜d款靚少少既鞋個跟都幾吋高..點著喎=_= Went to Zhuhai with Grandma and Chunchun this afternoon. Haha, Chunchun asked us to go to KFC for lunch, he was so cutie when he asked me that, because he didn’t remember the name, just kept asking me “Mama, I want to eat chicken, the K… one” However, we didn’t go to KFC for lunch finally, well we went in KFC before, but we couldn’t found anything nice for lunch, the set were all different from Hong Kong or Macau. So we went to have noodles for lunch afterward. Playing in amusement arcade for a while and then we starts shopping around. Haha, lucky Chunchun won a little doll from the finishing game, this is the first time that we won something from that game~_~ Hum, I wanted to buy a pair of sandal, so we kept looking around in those shoes store. Too bad that I didn’t found anything nice there.