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最後一堂學游水(Last Swimming Class)


最後一日學游水囉,原本我同婆婆想跟埋一齊入場游水架,等駿駿上完堂就接佢一齊玩水,不過後來我諗諗下,最後一堂都係影下相好,我又想食麥記早餐同下午又有節目..如果一齊游水就乜都做唔到架啦… 睇住駿駿今日考試,真係比佢激死,佢唔肯游蛙式喎…只係肯做自由式..結果係佢張證書上面..就只係寫住3米自由式..真係醜死人囉~_~但係教練就話其實駿駿做得好好,一來佢重係細,二來佢都只係學左10堂..游到就好叻架啦..因為佢見過有d學生,淨係放個頭落水都要花7,8堂先做到…咁10堂又點會識教呢…. 食完麥記就快手返屋企同駿駿瞓午覺啦,因為下午我地想同駿駿去科學館玩呢.不過可惜丫,駿駿又唔多肯瞓午覺,到點幾瞓著又要瞓到4點先起身…咁重點去科學館喎..結果我地都有去尖沙咀,不過就係去玩具反斗城行街買玩具囉. Last day of swimming class, at first Grandma and I wanted to swim with Chunchun after he finishes his class, but then I decided not to swim with Chunchun, because I wanted to take photos of him and wanted to have McDonald’s breakfast today… Watched Chunchun exam today, hum, Chunchun didn’t know breast stroke, he didn’t willing to do it, so he only use freestyle to swim for around 3 meters… sigh, his certificate was marked 3 meters on freestyle only~_~ I think he could be doing better, but his coach said he was great, because he was young and only 10 lessons then he could swim, some of her student spent 8 classes just to put their head into water. Back home before noontime and then hurry to let Chunchun take his nap, because we planned to go to Science Museum this afternoon. Too bad Chunchun didn’t willing to nap until 1pm something, and didn’t wake up until 4pm…so we change our plan, just went to TST to walk around and go to Toys ‘r’ Us to buy toys^^偷影學呼吸郁唔到啦飛龍丫又買左玩具

山頂(The Peak)


今日係姑婆生日丫,佢早幾日就問左我同駿駿,叫我地一齊同佢慶祝生日架啦^^而今日呢,我地就打算上山頂行下啦.其實駿駿都去過一次山頂架啦,但係佢冇乜印像,所以今日佢由坐纜車開始就好興奮囉^^ 大約11點鬆d,我同駿駿先去左姑婆屋企,同佢切蛋糕唱生日歌先,當然啦,有蛋糕…又係駿駿係中間囉,又係佢一齊吹蠟蠋切蛋糕..真係唔知係姑婆生日定駿駿生日^^食完蛋糕我地就出發去山頂啦,去到山頂我地既第一站係蠟像館丫,其實入去睇一睇都幾貴..要120一個大人喎,小朋友好似都要80…值唔值?我覺得唔值架=_=;可能我對果d名人真係唔係好大興趣,只係想同駿駿影下相…不過駿駿又唔係好想影喎…如果個個蠟像都影下相就會抵玩d囉,但係駿駿係幾個蠟像先肯影一個..咁就十萬個唔值啦.行完蠟像館,我地係佢既禮品部度睇左好耐行左好耐丫..因為我想係果度同駿駿整番隻蠟手.不過佢驚丫,死都唔肯整…結果等得好辛苦,有2個小妹妹整喎,駿駿睇下睇下又覺得得意,咁佢就肯整啦…整左出黎都幾靚架,我好鍾意^^ 整完蠟手都成2點幾囉,為左醫肚就求其係蠟像館旁既一間日式西餐廳度食野啦,食完再係商場度行一陣,又去睇下風景…大約5點鬆d我也就走啦,去到地鐵站同姑婆表姨拜拜之後,又同婆婆去旺角行陣街先返屋企囉. Today is my auntie birthday, and she had asked Chunchun and me to celebrate with her a few days ago^^ And today, they planned to go to The Peak, hum, Chunchun only been in there once and he didn’t remember it at all. So he was very exciting since we travel on The Peak Trams^^ Chunchun and I visit my auntie’s home around 11am something, and then we have birthday cake there before we go to the Peak. After we arrived to the Peak our first stop is the Madame-Tussauds Hong Kong, hum, it’s quite expensive to get in there, 120 per person, I didn’t think it’s worth=_=; Maybe because I didn’t really interesting on it, and Chunchun didn’t willing to take photo at all…Afterward we been staying in the gift shop of Madame-Tussauds Hong Kong almost an hour, because I wanted Chunchun to made a candle hand of him^^ Chunchun was quite scare about it, but after we take a look of 2 young girl made one, Chunchun finally willing to make one too, and it came out great~ Have lunch in a Japanese Western Restaurant near the Madame-Tussauds Hong Kong, and then we walk around The Peak centre. Leave around 5pm something, we say goodbye to my auntie and then went to Mong Kok with Grandma before dinner.姑婆生日丫犯人駿駿整左隻臘手丫山頂景

第八堂學游水(Eighth Swimming Class)


今朝一早爸爸同我就一齊帶駿駿去游水啦.係泳池門口集合之後,駿駿就跟大隊入更衣室囉.見到駿駿入左去,我同爸爸都各自入更衣室再係泳池邊會合啦.爸爸同我係副池度游一陣水又去偷睇一陣駿駿學游水咁…時間都過得幾快.而且係樓下偷睇學習池..見到一班小朋友游水真係好得意呢. 駿駿學完游水之後,我地就係泳池大堂度接番駿駿啦,因為爸爸答應左駿駿同佢係兒童池度玩水架嘛.游到大約11點,我地就去麥記度食午餐.食飽飽就返屋企一齊大覺訓,到下午3點幾駿駿睡醒我地就去荷里活廣場度行街啦,因為果度有個機動戰士展,重有冒險樂園添. 大約4點鬆d去到荷里活廣場,第一時間去左睇機動戰士展先,都幾多野睇架,佢由80年第一代機動戰士,一直到07年既模型都有係度…重有個攝影比賽,d相好得意的…我見一路都有好多人同d機動戰士模型影相.不過我就對果d模型冇乜興趣囉,係個箱入面又細舊…所以我同駿駿只係係全場入面影左幾個大既機動戰士咋.睇完機動戰士之後,我地就開始行街睇衫囉.哈,今日買左2件衫比駿駿丫…爸爸重狀態大勇買左3,4件新衫添. 最後我地係返屋企之後,當然要同駿駿去冒險樂園度玩一陣啦…不過今日都唔係玩左好多野咋…因為7點要返屋企時間冇多.佢只係玩左個套卷…有波波池,火車,木馬同一個電動游戲咁.不過駿駿都好開心架啦,有爸爸陪喎..玩完就返屋企食晚飯啦 Went to swimming with Papa this morning, Chunchun got in the swimming pool with his classmate and then Papa and I followed. We met in front of the changing room, and then Papa and I swimming alone while Chunchun having his swimming class. Papa and I peep on Chunchun every one a while, and Papa was super enjoy it and keep saying kid’s so cutie. After Chunchun’s swimming class, we picked him up inside the swimming pool, and then we play in the children’s pool until 11am. Went to McDonald’s to have lunch and then back home to nap together^^ We went to Hollywood Plaza to shopping around because there was having a Gundam’s Show and there have a big Jumpin Gym U.S.A…haha Arrived to Hollywood Plaza around 4pm, we first walk to the Gundam’s Show, hum; it’s nice they show the Gundam since 1980… I saw many peoples taking photo for Gundam Model… however; I didn’t have much interest on it. I just want to take some photo for Chunchun with big Gundam Model. Walking around to look for some clothes for Chunchun and Papa after that; so happy, we bought 2 nice t-shirts for Chunchun, and Papa bought 4 t-shirts for himself^^ Went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A before we back home, Chunchun didn’t play much today, he just got in the Ball pool, merry go around, train and car… didn’t play anything else because we have to back home around 7pm.SD高達(綠)高達渣古坐火車

爸爸黎香港丫(Papa come to Hong Kong)


爸爸今日下午黎左香港丫,爸爸打算留到星期六我地先一家三口一齊返澳門,星期日再同爺爺飲茶,飲完茶我同駿駿先再返香港…因為駿駿重要學游水嘛.爸爸返到黎之後,我就同佢2個去2人世界行下街食午飯啦,留低駿駿一個係太婆屋企.可憐駿駿唔開心丫,當我同爸爸行完街返屋企時,太婆同我講…駿駿午睡完唔見左我地就話”爸爸媽媽唔帶我出街啦,我今日冇街去啦!”好可憐丫.原來駿駿想同我地一齊去街喎,見佢今日又乖又可憐…爸爸就答應佢明天同佢一齊游水,再一齊去行街去冒險樂園玩啦^^ 不過其實今日我同爸爸都唔係去左好耐街咋,全要都係食午飯…因為我同爸爸都唔係好有行街買野既心情呢…唔知係咪因為天氣太熱呢? Papa came to Hong Kong this afternoon, he planned to stay until Saturday and then we all back to Macua together to have lunch with Grandpa on Sunday. Papa and I went out to shopping around and have lunch together. Haha, leaving Chunchun alone at great Grandma’s home. Poor Chunchun, when Papa and I back home, great Grandma told me that Chunchun said “Papa, Mama didn’t take me out, I have nowhere to go today” haha, he wanted to go out with us. Chunchun was being a good boy today, so Papa promised him to go swimming tomorrow and go to Jumpin Gym U.S.A too^^ Hum, Papa and I only go to Mong Kok to have lunch this afternoon, we didn’t shop much actually. Didn’t know why we didn’t have the mood to shop today, we just keep walking and walking=_=;

海洋公園(Ocean Park)


今日本來打算一早9點就出發去海洋公園架,點知一早落大雨喎~_~我地幾驚會成日落雨丫.好彩d雨大約落到9點左右就停左啦,我地一見停雨就準備出發囉.大約11點去到海洋公園,不過淨係排隊買入場卷就已經花左大半個鐘囉.入到海洋公園都已經12點啦. 一入到海洋公園,第一時間就去左玩熊貓夏水禮,駿駿就開心囉,又玩滑梯,又係迷宮度射水槍,又有泡泡池,重有掉波波咁..每個遊戲佢都玩左2次先走呢.好彩我地果時重早,唔駛點排隊,只係玩左一小時左右就走得啦. 同駿駿玩完水,我地就去左睇野囉,係海洋劇場度睇左海豚同海獅表演,又去左鯊魚館同海洋館,睇晒野先搭纜車去兒童王國果邊玩遊戲啦.重還左駿駿心願同佢渣賽車添喎.玩到7點就準備返屋企囉.哈,今日淨係係玩水區都影左唔少相呢^^ Planned to go to Ocean Park today around 9am this morning, however, it rain heavily this morning~_~ We were so scare that it will keep raining all day. Luckily, rain stopped around 9am something, and we finally go out around 10am. Arrived to Ocean Park around 11am, queue up for ticket, and got in before noontime. We first playing in the Wet’n Wild Panda Mania; happy Chunchun played a lot of games there, Rise’n Slide, H2O Maza, Blast Ball Challenge, Bambooistic Foam Party… Chunchun played twice every game. Spent almost an hour in the Wet Sensations and then we went to walk around in Ocean Park. We watch the Dolphin & Sea Lion show in Ocean Theatre, and went in the Atoll Reef and Shark Aquarium. And then we took the cable car to the Kid’s Land to let Chunchun to play for a while, leave around 7pm. Hum, took so many photos today^^泡泡豬:見唔見到我丫射水槍羸左啦渣小型賽車中左獎丫

第六堂學游水(Sixth Swimming Class)


第六堂學游水囉,駿駿琴日同姑婆一齊游水時就做得好好啦,不過今日呢..我係度偷睇時就覺得駿駿做得麻麻地啦,而且我重聽到教練話駿駿添喎. 游完水就去麥記食午餐啦,食完再慢慢行番屋企.哈,我打算以後游完水都行返屋企就算囉,唔會再搭車啦…因為都唔係好遠,大約行20分鐘左右就到囉,駿駿又肯行…好過成日企係度都搵唔到車搭嘛.而今日呢,我地行過舊式既髮型屋,我重用25蚊同駿駿剪左頭髮添,都幾抵啦…本來有間20蚊添咋,不過多人我就冇入去. 姑婆下午打比我喎,叫我帶駿駿去睇公公丫.講真,我真係唔多想去探公公呢,因為佢根本都唔清醒既,講野語無論次..完全溝通唔到都唔知去黎做乜.不過姑婆成日都話公公好左好多啦,公公又好掛住駿駿…成個暑期都冇見過駿駿咁.見姑婆咁講囉,咪帶駿駿去見下公公囉. 大約5點半左右我地就去到醫院啦,因為駿駿重細唔入得病房,所以我同駿駿就係大堂度等,姑婆同伯公就入病房帶公公出黎啦.公公一出黎,我就後悔啦.因為公公都重係唔清醒,講野語無論次既…又話掛住駿駿,但係一出到黎就成日都話要出院.我見駿駿重比公公嚇親添丫.本來好多野講笑笑口既駿駿都突然靜晒,雙眼濕濕咁.就係咁,我再同姑婆佢地講,唔止駿駿,如果公公唔真係好番d可以溝通到既..我地都唔會再去探佢啦. 探完公公,我同駿駿就同姑婆同伯公一齊去食晚飯啦,食完姑婆提意去冒險樂園玩陣喎…見今日駿駿咁可憐,就比佢玩一陣囉.換左30蚊比佢玩^^ Sixth swimming class today, Chunchun was doing a great job yesterday while we swimming with my auntie, but today… when I peek on his swimming class he wasn’t doing good… just soso… and I heard that his coach blame on him. Went to McDonald’s to have lunch after swimming class, and then we walk home again…haha, I planned to walk home after swimming class, no more taxi or van; because it wasn’t really far away, we only need to walk less than half hour, and Chunchun seem to be ok for walking too. And today, I took Chunchun to a old fashion salon… only spent $25 for him to do the hair cut, nice! My auntie called me this afternoon, and asked me to take Chunchun to visit Grandpa this evening. Hum, I didn’t want to visit him actually, he was trippy and he speak incoherently=_=; couldn’t communicate with him at all. But my auntie kept telling me that he was turning better and he miss Chunchun…. So I took Chunchun there with my auntie this evening. Arrived to hospital around 5.30pm and since Chunchun was to young to go in the ward, Chunchun and I stay in the lobby and let my auntie and uncle to lead Grandpa out. Too bad, when Chunchun and I met Grandpa, he still trippy and speak incoherently… I could see that Chunchun was scared by his Grandpa>_< Chunchun was so quiet suddenly and I notice that tear were all around his eyes. I told Grandpa we won’t visit him again, unless he really get better… Dinner with my auntie and uncle, and after dinner my auntie suggested to go to Jumpin Gym U.S.A. with Chunchun for a while. So we went there, and let Chunchun to play $30 tonight.偷影係池邊玩偷影自己上水準備去探公公



今朝一早去左姑婆屋企食午飯丫,因為下午我地打算一齊去游水呢^^我地係姑婆屋企坐下坐下,到差唔多3點先行去泳池,5點前就返左屋企囉.講真,同駿駿去玩真係好累呢…因為佢成日都走黎走去…一陣又話要玩依個滑梯,一陣又話要玩果個滑梯,轉頭又要跑去游水.好彩我地去到游水區時,遇到有個同駿駿差唔多身高既小朋友喎,佢又係學緊游水咁架…駿駿好快就同佢一齊玩囉..2個不停浮水踼水咁..好鬼過癮.不過後來我地先知原來果個男仔6歲架啦,大駿駿年幾2年的,不過駿駿重要比佢高喎=o=真係估佢唔到.講番駿駿游水先..佢先學左5堂,不過真係醒左好多喎..可以自己躺係水上,又可以踼水游到幾步…我諗..5米佢都游到既…哈..哈… 游完水返到屋企都成5點囉,快手同駿駿沖完涼就等佢係晚飯前午睡一陣啦.晚飯後,我同婆婆就帶駿駿去吉之島度行街啦.因為今日我有95折丫^o^今日我買左套Hello Kitty睡衣同一套內衣呢..重有買左幾對新既白襪比駿駿…婆婆都買左唔少野架.買完野,我地就帶駿駿去冒險樂園玩囉.唉,講起冒險樂園,我地真係太沈迷呢..可能因為只有駿駿係香港我同婆婆先會去玩,就係因為少係香港..所以每次一係香港都會係冒險樂園花費唔少呢…就連爸爸過到黎香港都會好樂意帶駿駿去玩. Went to my auntie’s home for lunch this morning, because we planned to go swimming together^^ Hum, we went to swimming around 3pm and back home before 5pm. I was super tired after swimming with Chunchun, because he always running around, sometime play slide sometime want to swim. Luckily, we met a kid around Chunchun’s age, and they started to swim together. So my auntie and I finally have time to rest… at least we didn’t have to follow Chunchun running around. After fifth swimming class, Chunchun seems to be improved a lot, he could floating on water for a while, and I guess he could swim for 5m…haha. Back home around 5pm and then let Chunchun nap for a while before dinner. After dinner, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Jusco to shop around…haha, because I got extra 5% discount today. Hum, I bought a cutie Hello Kitty Pajamas and a set of underwear for myself; bought a few new socks for Chunchun and let him play in Jumpin Gym U.S.A. for a while. Sigh, we were wallow in Jumpin Gym U.S.A. recently, maybe because we only could go there in Hong Kong, so we spent quite a lot of money on playing there=_=渣車

第五堂學游水(Fifth Swimming Class)


第五堂游水啦…今朝一早想去的士站搭的士,點知的士站竟然冇的士喎~_~重要比我見到有3,4個人係度排隊等的士添喎…咁既情況,我就同駿駿行過另一邊馬路,去小巴站等小巴..諗住見到有的士就搭的士啦.哈,又好彩喎,我地行到去小巴站都多人排隊架..如果正常等都要等4,5班車先到我地上車.點知今日有部吉既小巴出現喎…咁我地就只係等左2分鐘就上到車囉^^雖然搭小巴都要行少少路先去到泳池…不過我今朝咁就慳番10幾蚊搭的士錢囉^^ 駿駿游完水,因為我今日個傷口都唔係咁舒服,就唔去麥記食早餐啦…借d意拖住駿駿行番屋企,哈..行下行下佢又ok喎…好快就行到返屋企^^都係半個鐘左右姐.係途中我地行過有條街有好多髮型屋架…重要小朋友剪髮都係20蚊..好平…太好囉..下星期游完水再帶駿駿行返屋企,順路剪埋髮^^ Fifth day of swimming class, hum, we went to the taxi station and no taxi there~_~ Since I notice there still have around 3 peoples waiting for taxi there, I asked Chunchun to walk to the van station to wait for the van or maybe get a taxi there. So lucky we could got on the van this morning^^ this save a over 10 dollars this morning. After swimming class we didn’t go to McDonald’s to have lunch today since my teeth still didn’t feel well. We walked home and bought some bread for Chunchun’s lunch. Hum, on our way to home, I found there have so many salon there, most of them only cost $20 to cut hair for kid… great, I decided to take Chunchun to the salon there next week^^偷影池邊踼水

第四堂學游水(Fourth Swimming Class)


因為我琴晚拔左2隻智慧牙丫…真係好唔舒服,所以今朝我冇同駿駿去學游水呢.婆婆同駿駿出門口之前,我先起身拎部影機比婆婆,叫佢影d相返黎.點知到佢地中午返黎,我一返個相機,冇記憶卡喎=_=;原來我一直唔記得放記憶卡入去…婆婆又傻下傻下,佢話見到寫住”no memory card”但係佢冇出聲喎,我果時又未訓醒根本冇留意…佢重話佢有影相添~_~婆婆…下次醒d啦! 下午駿駿午睡完之後我地就去旺角行陣街啦.唉~都唔知今日係咪黑色星期三…今日事事不順丫.一早又唔舒服冇同駿駿去游水,叫婆婆影相又原來冇記憶卡.下午想去街…出到去又落大雨,想同駿駿去冒險樂園玩又搵唔到廁所,搞到佢賴尿…最後落住大雨都要返屋企同佢換褲…結果,當然係冇行街冇買野啦=_=; Since I pulled out my 2 wisdom teeth yesterday night, I didn’t go to swimming class with Chunchun this morning. Give my DC to Grandma and let her take Chunchun to swimming class and take photo for him. But sigh>_< when they came back before noontime, I check on my DC…no photo there=_=; I forgot to insert the memory card… and Grandma… she say she don’t know nothing, and she do take photo for Chunchun~_~ Went to Mong Kok to shopping around after Chunchun woke up from nap. I wonder is it a bad Wednesday for me? Couldn’t go to swimming class with Chunchun, and then when we go out for shopping around, it’s raining… and when we wanted to play in Jumpin Gym U.S.A for a while, Chunchun pee on the floor~_~ we have to hurry back home under the rain, and no shopping at all>_



今日成個下午都冇乜野好做架,唉,留係香港太耐,都冇乜心情日日去街囉…而且成日一個人行街都真係幾悶.如果好似之前咁,知自己想買乜,有目標既..就唔會悶,重會覺得一個人去行街有效率d添,不過依家又唔係有野想買,再一個人行街會悶上加悶… 下午頂唔住都係打左電話比婆婆,約佢放工後去吉之島行下先返屋企食飯.咁我同駿駿就5點左右出門口,去睇下野先…同去遊樂場度玩陣先.哈,駿駿又好彩喎…佢今日自己玩夾公仔,又比佢夾左隻小小豬公仔呢;重中左好多小玩具添^^到婆婆黎之後,玩多一陣,我地就去行街啦.今日都見到幾多平野丫..但係我地都冇買…因為想等過幾日有會員感謝日有特價時再買. Nothing to do in the afternoon, sigh, stay in Hong Kong too long, didn’t have the mood to go out everyday, and it’s quite boring always shopping alone. If I know what I need to buy, then it’s ok to go shopping alone, but now, nothing I really need to buy, then it will be quite boring shopping alone. Called Grandma and asked she to go to Jusco with Chunchun and me before dinnertime. And then Chunchun and I leave home around 5pm, walking around and playing in the amusement arcade first while we waiting for Grandma come. Lucky Chunchun won a little tiny dolly pig from doll’s machine, haha~ and he won a lot of tiny little toys today. After Grandma arrived, we went to shopping around, hum, we saw so many things on sales, but we didn’t buy any, because I wanted to wait until the monthly member discount day.自己夾到公仔喎

第三堂學游水(Third Day of Swimming Class)


第三堂學游水啦,駿駿好似進步得好快咁喎.本來第一堂時,教練同我地講,駿太細個,佢地只會教駿駿蛙式,當其他小朋友學自由式時,佢都只會學蛙式…因為怕佢細個會搞亂自由式同蛙式喎^^但係今日,我見到教練教駿駿自由式既踼水喎.原來教練話駿駿好聰明,佢學得好快,跟得上其他小朋友既進度所以比佢一齊學埋自由式喎.我見又係喎,駿駿今日已經可以跟大隊拎住個浮板係度踼水囉.哈,真係好啦,唔知咁駿駿會唔會10堂就學識游水呢? 游完水,我地就去麥記食午餐啦,食完返屋企沖完涼就午睡.晚上我約左網友食晚飯唱K呢.最衰駿駿唔肯跟我一齊去啦,我有個網友個囡囡好得意架…如果駿駿可以同佢一齊玩就好囉. Third day of swimming class, Chunchun seem to improve a lot. At first the coach said that he’s too young so they will only teach him the breast stroke; but today I saw they teaching him free style too^^ Because the coach said Chunchun was quite clever, at first she think that Chunchun was too young and he’s first time to learn swimming, he may not catch up with everyone else; but the true is Chunchun was doing a great job, he learn so quickly and now he could learn swimming with everyone else. Went to McDonald’s for Brunch after Chunchun finished his swimming class and then we back home to nap together. At night, I have a gathering with my net-friends. Too bad that Chunchun didn’t willing to go to me, because one of my net-friend, her daughter was super cutie, I wish that Chunchun can play with she.偷影做熱身運動偷影助教教踼水偷影起水囉

第二堂學游水(Second Day of Swimming Class


今日係第二堂學游水丫,而且今日重係一號風球添.不過諗諗下,星期三上第一堂時就係一號風球架啦,不過星期三果日天晴,而今日就落大雨之嘛=_=;上一堂上堂前教練就講明架啦,除左8號風球同黑雨唔駛上堂之外,唔理係紅雨,黃雨,1號,3號風球都要照上堂的.所以今日我地都要照去呢. 今日本來想搭小巴架,但係原來早上根本就上唔到小巴架,最後唯有搭的士囉.8點40左右去到泳池,8點50左右駿駿就跟大隊入場囉.而我睇住佢地入場之後,就行去泳池邊個公園,因為落雨我怕凍唔游水啦,就想搵個地方可以偷睇駿駿學游水既.去到公園,我先後悔冇帶相機呢,原來係公園偷睇真係十分之清楚,唯有用手機影住幾張相先啦.下次上堂一定要帶相機先得^^ 駿駿游完水大約10點鬆d,我地就行去麥記食午餐啦.食完即時返屋企同佢沖涼,執好野我就準備自己一個返澳門陪爸爸囉.留低駿駿一個係香港等太公太婆,婆婆佢地睇住.不過駿駿唔會悶架,因為我一早就幫佢約左表姨,星期六帶佢去冒險樂園又去睇戲.駿駿本來都好似好開心咁既,不過當我同佢拜拜時,佢就喊啦,唔要媽媽走丫,唔要媽媽留低佢丫..好可憐唷… 1點前去到碼頭,點知1點船滿座,唯有買2點船飛啦,係果頭行左陣街,2點就準時上船啦.不過3點幾先去到澳門丫…因為2點半左右香港就掛左8號風球囉..所以船唔開得快呢. 爸爸3點去到碼頭接我重要等左差唔多半小時我先出到黎呢.係澳門天氣又唔係好差喎,我同爸爸2個人可以慢慢行番屋企,經過漁人碼頭重係果度飲左個下午茶先走添^^ Second day of swimming class, and today was having Typhoon No. 1; hum actually it’s having Typhoon No. 1 on Wednesday too, however, Wednesday was a sunny day and today was rainy day=_=; The Coach been telling us that they only cancel class on Typhoon No. 8 or Black Rain Signal; so please attend the swimming class even it’s Typhoon No. 1 or 3 or yellow or red rain signal. Arrived to Swimming pool around 8.40am, and sigh, I found that Taxi was the only way to get there~_~ Chunchun get in the swimming pool around 8.50am with his classmate, and then I walk to the park near the swimming pool… haha, because I wanted to peep on Chunchun swimming; and it’s too cool for me to swim alone under the rain. Too bad that I forgot to take my DC, I only took some photo by my cell phone… I think I have to remind myself to bring my DC with me next Monday. Went to McDonald’s to have Brunch after Chunchun finished his swimming class; and then we back home to take shower together. Leave home around noontime, because I wanted to back to Macau as soon as I can. Poor Chunchun crying when I say goodbye to him, and asked me to stay with him…so sweet^^ But I miss Papa so much so… sorry Chunchun… Mama have to leave you alone, but you will be fine because Mama already arranged my relative to take him to Jumpin Gym U.S.A and watch movie tomorrow. Arrived to the Ferry Terminal before 1pm, but the 1 pm ferry was full, so I bought the 2 pm ferry ticket, and then walking around in the mall for a while. Back to Macau a little bit late because ferries have to slow down during Typhoon No. 8, ha ha I take the last ferry to Macau. Papa came and pick me up around 3pm something, and then we walk home together^^ Have tea in Fisherman’s Wharf while we pass by there. Hum, I miss Papa so much and feel good to stay with him, even we just playing computer together.第二堂學游水偷影排隊落水偷影-拎住浮板學踼水

又去又一城(Festival Walk Again)


駿駿同我琴日都好累呢..所以今日又瞓到好晏丫.唉~真係慘…本來我打算駿駿開始學游水之後就要教番佢早睡早起架啦…因為如果成個暑假都瞓到咁晏,到開學時就辛苦囉. 下午因為駿駿話晏起身唔肚餓住,所以我都冇迫佢食野,只係想帶佢落街行下,陪我買野食…咁我買完野食見有魚旦咪買串比佢食囉..佢好開心咁一邊行一邊食.我諗住佢食完魚旦就算架啦,等晏d佢肚餓先叫太公煮通粉比佢.點知返到屋企我放底個銀包姐,駿駿一食完魚旦就開始食我買既腸粉啦~_~最後我要同佢爭食先食到半包…而佢食得半包就當然唔夠飽啦,太公即時又整多半碗通粉比佢…結果今日係佢話唔肚餓既情況下佢食左4粒魚旦,半碟腸粉同半碗通粉呢. 食完野,落雨喎,搞到我都唔係好想去街..不過駿駿見到落雨就開心囉…因為佢想用佢把新既Thomas雨傘丫.最後我同駿駿一人一把雨傘行去又一城,順便睇下重有冇溜冰堂可以上…因為上次去又一城竟然唔記得左去報名=_=可惜我地今日去真係太遲啦,連私人堂都滿晒啦..唯有等下年先再比駿駿學啦. Chunchun and I were so tired yesterday, so we wake up late today again… haha, at first I planned to wake up early every day after Chunchun started his swimming class, because I don’t want him used to wake up late, it will be very trouble when he starts school=_= Went to buy lunch with Chunchun, sigh, Chunchun said he didn’t want to eat yet, so I just bought something for myself, and bought him 6 fish balls for snack. However, when we back home, Chunchun finished his fish balls and took my lunch while I place back my wallet=_=; He said that he’s not hungry yet, but now he ate half of it… sigh, great Grandpa was prepared macaroni for Chunchun. So Chunchun have 4 fish balls, half dish of noodles and half bowl of macaroni for lunch. After lunch, Chunchun and I walked to Festival Walk again, just because Chunchun wanted to walk under the rain with his new umbrella~_~ We went to the Ice Skating centre to ask for summer class, but it’s all full even private class. Too bad Chunchun didn’t have a chance to learn skating this year, maybe next year then.Lancome香水樽EsteeLaud香水樽Dior香水樽柯柏文

游泳班第一日丫(First Day of Swimming Class)


今日係駿駿第一日學游水丫,因為我同婆婆都完全唔知李鄭屋泳池係邊,所以我地第一日要搭的士去呢^^一早8點半就去到啦,比預定時間早左15分鐘呢.大約等到8點40分,教練就黎到啦,等到8點50分…其他學生都到齊佢地就開始入泳池囉.因為駿駿細個,本來教練話比駿駿跟我入女更衣室架,後來佢見駿駿都幾高大…就叫我地比駿駿跟助教入男更衣室啦.其實都幾擔心呢,我怕駿駿出番黎時會唔記得拎齊野丫=_= 睇住駿駿入左男更衣室之後,我同婆婆都火速換衫上泳池等駿駿佢地換好衫出黎啦.見佢又幾醒目喎,自己戴左泳帽同泳鏡(其實應該係助教學佢戴).佢地就行去練習池,我同婆婆就係副池度偷睇佢地學游水.因為上年都幾多小朋友學游水既意外呢.我同婆婆輪住睇駿駿同游水;我地見依個泳班都好似幾好咁,有一個教練同5,6個助教帶大約20個小朋友…平均都係1對2,3左右.而且今堂可能駿駿係新仔又最細個,重有一個助教全程睇住佢添^^ 駿駿學完游水,我地見果度有兒童池架,有滑梯有水槍,所以就接左駿駿之後帶番駿駿入女更衣室,同佢去玩多陣水先走啦.一玩又玩左大半個鐘,差唔多11點先走呢…游完水就去麥記得個早午餐先,食完見唔係好遠,婆婆同我就打算行番屋企啦^^駿駿一聽到咋,就不停咁話”我想搭車丫,我想搭地鐵丫!”不過我地冇理佢,照行.行到去玩具批發街時,駿駿就一d都唔累囉..帶我地行晒咁多間鋪頭..最後佢重買左把Thomas雨傘同變形金剛貼紙添.因為咁,佢就好開心咁拎住雨傘行返屋企囉. 行到返屋企都成點鐘啦,累到死我同駿駿沖完涼就即時一齊瞓午覺囉.瞓到4點左右,我地就起身去行街啦.我想買件連身泳衣比駿駿,我見今日都幾多小朋友著..婆婆都話著果d泳衣會暖d喎 First day of swimming class this morning, since Grandma and I both didn’t have no idea where the swimming pool is, we take taxi to there this morning^^ Arrived to swimming pool around 8.30am and met Chunchun’s coach around 8.40am. Get in the swimming pool around 8.50am after every student attended. Hum, so worry Chunchun followed an assistant to male changing room, wondering will he forget something in the changing room when we leave. Grandma and I went in to the swimming pool too, because we wanted to make sure that Chunchun got well attention from his coach or assistant. There been having so many accident news in last summer. Grandma and I take turn to peep at the exercise pool while other was swimming. And this swimming class seems to be very good, because I found that they have over 5 assistants and 1 coach to take care students… since Chunchun was the younger one he got an assistant look after him one by one^^ After swimming, we stay in the swimming pool to play for a while before we leave. Walked to McDonald to have Bunch, and then Grandma and I decided to walk home. Haha, Chunchun was keep saying “I wanted to take Van, I wanted to take MTR!” Until we walked to a Toys wholesales street, there have many wholesales stores there. We went in every one of them, and then Chunchun bought a sticker and a umbrella^^ Silly Chunchun was so happy and then walked home with his new umbrella. Arrived home around 1pm, take nap together after took shower. Hum, woke up around 4pm and then we went to shopping again. I wanted to buy Chunchun a swimsuit to keep Chunchun warm while swimming.第一日學游水

今日好悶丫(Boring Day)


今日真係勁悶丫,我同駿駿都瞓到好晏先起身,不過冇所為啦,我地今日都冇乜節目.食完午飯,本來我想帶駿駿去公園玩一陣架,因為佢琴日都留左係屋企成日囉,一定好悶.點知太公食完飯要食藥時,駿駿打翻晒太公d藥落地喎…曳囉,咪唔去公園住囉,同佢講要佢乖,要瞓醒午覺先再同佢去公園啦. 等駿駿瞓左之後,我就自己一個去太子行陣街先啦…其實我一直都想買多幾件衫架,但係行左好幾日街都唔見有岩心水既衫呢.大約6點返到屋企,見駿駿重瞓緊就叫佢起身去公園啦.點知佢同我講”媽媽你出去啦,你阻住我瞓覺丫!”結果佢瞓到成7點.抵死,咁晏又冇得去公園囉 Super boring today, Chunchun and I woke up late again, and well, we didn’t have anything to do actually. After lunch, I planned to take Chunchun to the playground for a while, since he had been staying home all day yesterday. However, he was just so naughty in great Grandma’s home, he knock over great Grandpa’s medicine all over the floor after lunch, while great Grandpa was having his medicine. Oh, well, no playground today, maybe later after he nap if he being a good boy again. So after he fall in sleep, I went to Prince Edward alone, hum, really wanted to buy some new clothes for myself, but just didn’t find anything nice yet. Back home around 6pm, and when I went to wake up Chunchun…he said “Mama, leave the bed please, you bothered me sleeping!” Finally he woke up around 7pm, it’s too late for playground.

公公入左院丫(Grandpa in Hospital)


婆婆成零晨1點先打比我喎,佢話公公岩岩入左院丫=_=因為公公又飲左酒,瞓左係床唔郁得喎,所以重賴左尿係床度添丫;婆婆話太夜太累唔返屋企瞓啦,所以過黎同駿駿瞓先喎. 婆婆一早就返左工囉,等我同駿駿瞓到10點幾先起身.起身約左姑婆佢地一齊去探公公之後,我就同駿駿落街買野食啦,哈,今日同我駿駿一齊食車仔麵丫.食完午餐休息一陣就陪駿駿做功課啦. 大約6點幾姑婆同我同表姨三個一齊去睇公公,唉~公公個情況重係好差呢.佢好似都郁唔到又講唔到野咁…精智不清…我地根本同佢傾唔到計唔知佢點. 大約係醫院留左1個鐘,我地就離開去食晚飯啦.食完飯我重要趕去睇牙醫添.因為今個暑假我打算拔晒我d智慧牙同補晒蛀左既牙呢..上次係澳門拔牙既經歷太差啦…我諗香港既醫生點都好過澳門果d掛. Grandma called me around midnight, and told me that Grandpa was in hospital again=_=; she will come over to sleep… she was too tired to clean up her bed before sleep, because Grandpa had pee on it…. Grandma back to work in the early morning, and then Chunchun and I woke up around 10am something. Hum, nothing much to do today, just planned to go to hospital to visit Grandpa in the evening with my auntie. Went out to buy lunch with Chunchun, and then do some homework with Chunchun before I go out. Sigh, arrived to hospital around 6pm something, Grandpa was in a petty bad sharp; he couldn’t move or talk yet…and I think he’s quite trippy=_= We couldn’t communicate at all, sigh. Stayed for around an hour we all leave for dinner… and then I have to hurry to go to my Dentist. I need to pull out my the rest of my wisdom tooth in this summer, because I got a super bad experience last time when I pull out my wisdom tooth in Macau; I don’t want to do it again in Macau… Dentist in Hong Kong were much better than in Macau.

今日好開心丫(Happy Day)


今日駿駿就開心囉,因為我地係美國冒險樂園玩左2個幾3個鐘呢.佢唔止玩左波波池,火車,旋轉木馬,重玩左好多好多其他遊機添喎.點解我地今日會去果度玩咁耐呢…就係因為我地同太嫲同姑婆佢地一齊去囉. 我諗大約中午前啦,姑婆就打比我問我同駿駿同唔同太嫲飲茶喎.咁姑婆出到聲都一定去架啦^^而且姑婆都特登揀個有冒險樂園既商場等駿駿有得玩啦.哈,駿駿重好鬼醒,一聽到我話去鑽石山咋,佢就自己去搵襪著啦…重同太婆講”我會去波波池度玩架,我要著襪先入得去架!” 食完午飯,我地經過貼紙相鋪喎,我就提意太嫲同駿駿影番張卡片啦^^不過我地好笨丫…最後影完出黎先知唔係影卡片喎~_~不過有得即場過膠,都冇乜所為啦.影完相,再行左一陣我地就去冒險樂園玩啦.起碼我只係打算比駿駿玩下波波池果d咋.點知後來駿駿玩晒佢d遊戲之後…姑婆同太嫲佢地係度玩緊推銀機喎.咁佢地玩得咁開心,我地又冇理由走架,又冇理由要駿駿淨係坐係度睇太嫲玩..結果玩下玩下,我都用左280蚊呢=_=;睇黎有成個星期唔可以同駿駿去玩囉 Happy day for Chunchun because we been in Jumpin Gym U.S.A almost 3 hours today. He played ball’s pool, Merry go around, Train, and a lot of games there. Why we playing in Jumpin Gym so long today? Because we went there with great Grandmother and my aunties and relative. Hum, my auntie called me around noontime asking Chunchun and I went to have lunch with great Grandmother… so we went to Hollywood Plaza to have lunch. Haha, smart Chunchun took out his socks immediately and say,“I will go in ball’s pool, so I need to wear my socks!” once he heard that we will go to Hollywood Plaza. After lunch, I let Chunchun to take photo sticker with great Grandmother, and then we all went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A. to play for a while. At first I only plan to play for around an hour, mainly for Chunchun to play ball’s pool today. However, after Chunchun finished all his games, great Grandmother was so busy and happy playing some kind of coins game. So we finally spent over 2 hours there, and I spent around 280 dollars there>_< Sigh, I only plan to let Chunchun play 50 dollars today, but great Grandmother was playing, I couldn’t ask Chunchun to just sit there and play nothing.https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD1/32738/32738.65123107.03852.wmv騎木馬坐火車棉花糖好好味

同生生哥哥玩丫(Playing with CCSS)


今個暑假,駿駿問左我好幾次幾時可以同詩詩生生玩架啦.因為上年去過佢地屋企,所以駿駿好記得果個地鐵站呢…每次搭地鐵經過,佢都會問我”媽媽,我想去生生哥哥屋企丫!”結果,今個星期六我同Eva終於約左幾個小時一齊食午飯同玩一陣呢^^ 約左12點鐘係地鐵商場度等,之後我地就一行5人行去一間日本餐廳度食野啦.駿駿好可愛丫,成日都要拖住生生哥哥,而生生對住細過佢既駿駿就即時變成大哥哥啦^^食完午飯,詩詩生生同駿駿重一齊買雪糕食添喎 係Eva屋企玩左一個鐘左右,生生就要去返興趣班啦,而我同駿駿都要去探太嫲呢.大約4點幾去到叔婆屋企,駿駿同堂姨玩,我就陪姑婆佢地打左陣麻淮雀…等到7點幾左右,婆婆黎接我地要返去太婆度呢..因為駿駿玩得太累瞓著左…我一個人點抱佢落7樓呢… Chunchun been asking me when he can play with CCSS, because he remember where they live, whenever we pass by the MTR Station they live, he’s ask me again and again, Finally, Eva and I arranged a few hours for us to have lunch and let them play together^^ We met at noontime, and then we walk to a Japanese Restaurant to have lunch. So cutie that Chunchun love to hands in hands with Sang Sang, and Sang Sang act like a big brother immediately^^ Nice lunch there, after lunch CCSS and Chunchun were having ice-cream for dessert Playing in Eva’s home for around 1 hour, and then Sang Sang have to go to summer class(?) and Chunchun and I have to go visit great Grandmother. Hum, we arrived to Grandmother’s home around 4pm something, stayed until 7pm, and wait for Grandma come to pick us up…because Chunchun fall in sleep there~_~詩詩生生同駿駿

Snoopy餐廳(Snoopy's Restaurant)


今日婆婆放假丫,我地一早就諗定今日去旺角行街同去Snoopy主題餐廳度食午餐架啦.我地大約中午先出門口,出到去旺角就先去左Snoopy餐廳先啦.哈,又估唔到喎..果個時段竟然冇乜人係Charles Brown Café入面食野喎.唔知係咪因為貴呢?不過佢d食物賣相都好靚架,味道都幾好..不過飲品就真係有少少貴囉..但係都重係可接受既,因為佢有品質嘛.食完野,周圍影左陣相,我地先走呢^^ 食完午餐就準備周圍行街啦,但係唔知點解,駿駿一食完野就話累要返屋企..真係比佢激死呢..咪唔理佢叫佢行多陣先啦,但係行到3點左右,佢又真係好似好累咁喎…結果都冇乜點行街買野就返左屋企啦=_= 食完晚飯之後就再去荷里活廣場度行街啦,今日終於買左套衫比駿駿呢,重有一件短袖既恤衫可以比佢當外套仔呢.買完野…當然又去冒險樂園玩啦.哈,哈,其實我同婆婆都幾鍾意去玩呢..不過一玩就洗好多錢=_=好彩澳門冇d咁既遊樂場咋,唔係就大鑊囉 Grandma day off today, haha, we planned to got o Mong Kok to shop around and go to Charles Brown Café (Snoopy Restaurant) to have lunch. Hum, we went out around noontime and went to have lunch immediately. So surprise that there wasn’t much people have lunch in Charles Brown Café… Foods there were nice and cutie, hum drinks was a little bit expensive, but really nice. Took a lot of photos there^^ Walking around in Mong Kok after lunch, sigh, Chunchun kept saying he feel tired and wanted to back home after lunch>_< We just went out for around one and half hours… so I asked him keep walking, we will go to toys store later… Finally we back home around 3pm something, Chunchun really looks tired=_= Went to Hollywood Plaza after dinner, and we finally bought a set of clothes for Chunchun^^ including a short sleeve shirt. After shopping around in Hollywood Plaza, we went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A again… haha, we all love playing in there=_= spent a lot of money, lucky Macau didn’t have that kind of amusement arcade…CharlieBrown大SnoopyMario好高丫Mario

去街食晚飯丫(Dinner Out)


今晚我地同婆婆同姑婆一齊出街飯丫,因為今日太公太婆唔知話要去飲定係要去探佢地d親戚喎.下午我同駿駿都冇乜野好做架,留係屋企睇陣電視做陣功課等夠鐘出街囉. 到6點左右我地就準備出門口啦,因為約左婆婆同姑婆6點半左右係地鐵站等丫.今日我地就姑婆去左九龍灣行街呢,因為果度又多野食,又有冒險樂園玩.去到德褔之後,駿駿就揀左去Bistro Delifrance度食野啦,咁也見佢d廣告都好似幾好咁,咪入去食囉..點知我地好失望丫…d野一定都唔好食,餐具又唔乾淨喎…咁大間商場咁大間餐廳咁既水準…摺得啦..我之前係又一城都旺角食過都唔係咁既…點都好啦,下次唔會再去 食完晚飯就行下街先啦,本來我想係果度買番件長袖恤衫比駿駿當外套著架,點知行下行下,發現以前好多小朋友衫鋪都唔見晒=_=睇怕佢地都係搬晒去新果個大商場Mega Box啦.冇衫鋪囉,咪唔行街囉…直接同駿駿去冒險樂園度玩..玩過d乜,真係唔係好記得..只係記得話咁快就洗左百幾蚊….不過唔止駿駿玩得開心架,連婆婆同姑婆都玩得好開心呢… Dinner out tonight with Grandma and my Auntie, because great Grandparents have to go visit their relative. Hum, nothing much to do this afternoon, Chunchun and I just stay home to watch TV and do some homework together. Prepared to go out around 6pm, and meet Grandma and my Auntie at MTR Station. Went to Kowloon Bay tonight to have dinner and play in the Jumpin Gym U.S.A. for a while. Went to have lunch in Bistro Delifrance for dinner tonight, sigh, foods there were not good, we were cheated by it’s commercial=_= I guess I will not go there again… Walking around the mall after dinner, at first I wanted to buy some clothes for Chunchun, however, I found that most of the baby clothes store were disappeared, I guess they must all moved to the big new mall – Mega Box=_= Too bad I couldn’t buy anything clothes for Chunchun tonight, but he was so happy playing in Jumpin Gym U.S.A, haha, and Grandma and my Auntie were so happy too^^餵貓兔食野