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母親節(Mother's Day)


因為有太公太婆係度先去得咋,如果得我同駿駿,爸爸就唔會比我地去架啦^^ 又好彩喎,今日過關竟然唔駛用好多時間,大約只係花左15分鐘多d就過晒澳門同大陸既海關啦.去到地下商場都只係11點鬆d,見太公太婆都重未肚餓,我地就先去遊樂場度玩啦.唉,記得上年同駿駿黎玩時,駿駿好鍾意玩一個騎馬既遊戲架,玩左10幾次先肯走…但係今日呢,佢只係坐上去比我影左張相,就不停咁叫我抱番佢落地呢=_=;都唔知點解駿駿依家咁鬼冇膽既.哈,駿駿今日好叻喎,自己玩遊戲都比佢換到隻玩具飛機^^大約係遊樂場度玩左1個鐘頭,我地就去味千度食野啦.哈,駿駿食完麵未耐就訓左覺囉,太公太婆就開心啦..因為佢地話駿駿訓左就冇人搞搞震,我地可以輕輕鬆鬆咁行街啦^^ 晚上我地去左一間葡國餐廳度食晚飯呢,因為今日係母親節嘛^^本來呢爺爺都話同我地一齊食晚飯架,所以爸爸特登去爺爺去開果間餐廳度訂位,結果呢…爺爺又突然改變主意話唔去喎=_=;點都好啦…我地都訂左位囉..所以咪照去果間餐廳度食囉 So happy, great Grandparent, Chunchun and I went to Zhuhai to shop around, lunch and play in the amusement arcade this afternoon. We had been thinking where we should go today for a long time. We don’t want to go to New Yaohan and Fishermen’s Wharf, it’s too boring, but it’s too cold to go to the beach today, so we decided to go to Zhuhai this afternoon^^ So lucky, we didn’t have to queue up for a long time to pass the customs… hum, I think we only spent around 15 minutes to pass the Macau and China customs. Arrived to the underground mall around 11am something. Since great Grandparent said that they not hungry yet, so we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while first. Sigh, remember last year when we took Chunchun to the amusement arcade, he love to play the horse racing game… but today, he didn’t willing to ride on it=_= only let me take a photo then hurry to get off… he became so chicken recently. We spent around an hour in the amusement and Chunchun won a toy airplane. And then we went to a Japanese Restaurant to have lunch. Hum, sleepy Chunchun fall in sleep right after he finished his lunch…haha, great Grandparent were happy that Chunchun fall in sleep after lunch so that we would walk around without any bother^^ Went to a Portuguese Restaurant to have dinner for Mother’s Day, hum, at first Grandpa said he will have dinner with us, so Papa made a reservation in the Portuguese Restaurant that Grandpa used to go. However, Grandpa changed his mind and not go to have dinner with us=_=;騎馬騎電單車打魚

母親節禮物(Mother's Day Gift)


之前唔記得同太公太婆講今日我同駿駿一早要返學校既圖書館,搞到我一沖完涼就走去拍佢地房門話比佢地知要快手少少,因為今日我同駿駿應該要早半小時起身,早d出門口既.最後我地大約8點15左右就返到學校啦,我諗…我地都冇遲到掛,不過一早其實好少人去圖書館呢… 下午同太婆一齊去接駿駿放學.當駿駿同佢d老師見到我行緊上樓梯時,我就聽到老師叫駿駿表演佢地之前練習過既野,再送幅畫比我啦.哈..哈..好過癮,原來老師之前教左成班小朋友用郁晒手腳咁去同媽咪講”媽咪,我愛你丫” 當我地返到上車呢,太婆就問駿駿,幅畫係邊個黎架,駿駿好開心咁答’佢係小豬豬,我黎架”…到我問佢點解依隻小豬豬得咁少頭髮時,佢又識得答我.”因為係我畫架囉” Forgot to told great Grandparent that today Chunchun and I have to go to the library in the morning and we need to woke up half hour earlier then usual>_< After I finished my shower, I hurry to great Grandparent’s room and asked they hurry up this morning. Hum, we back to home around 8.15am something, I guess we didn’t late… Went to pick up Chunchun with great Grandma this afternoon, once Chunchun and his teacher noticed me was walking up the stairs, his teacher asked him to do his performance and then give me a picture of himself. Haha, so cutie, Chunchun used his body language to said “Mama, I love you!”. Went we back to my car, great Grandma asked Chunchun who is it in his picture, and cutie Chunchun answered “It’s me, little piggy”, haha, and when I asked him, why that little piggy didn’t have much hair… he answered “because it’s my drawing”媽咪既母親節禮物

又唔帶駿駿去珠海啦(Shopping in Zhihai without Chunchun)


今朝一早好多人一齊送駿駿放學丫,太公,太婆,重有婆婆添,坐到部車部晒呢^^送完駿駿返學之後,我地就返屋企準備返珠海行街街啦.唔,我地去左之前都去過幾次既酒樓度飲茶,唔知點解…我覺得佢地d野差左,冇咁好食呢=_=; 食完野之後我地就去左地下商場度行街街啦,哈,好開心喎…我地今日個個都有收鑊丫,當然買得最多既就係我啦.我買左一條褲,一件衫,同一個手袋;而婆婆就買左一頂帽同一對鞋,太公都買左一件衫,重有一個老花眼鏡;太婆就買左個銀包…唔,重有冇呢…係啦,我地重買左d有型褲仔比駿駿添.買完晒野之後,我地就要趕返去接駿駿放學啦.係我地返屋企之前..重同駿駿去圖書館借書添^^ 返到屋企駿駿完功課之後,我就叫婆婆同駿駿去曬相同去超市買野啦.哈,駿駿好鬼串喎,當婆婆叫佢去著鞋去街時,駿駿就話啦”婆婆,你去啦,我好熱丫”話熱叫婆婆自己去喎=_=;笑死我同太公太婆…又咁岩Gina打比我話Stephenie想黎同駿駿玩喎,我就問駿駿啦,Stephenie係樓下佢去唔去搵Stephenie,佢一聽到姐,就即自己跑去門口著鞋要落街啦=_=; Took Chunchun to kindergarten with great Grandparents and Grandma, and then we back home to prepare to Zhihai shopping around without Chunchun. Hum, we have lunch in the Chinese restaurant that we used to go to, but their food wasn’t too good this time=_=; Then we walked around in the underground mall. So happy, I bought a handbag, clothes and trousers for myself, and Grandma bought a hat and a pair of shoes, great Grandpa bought a shirt and a glasses, great Grandma bought a purse; we all bought a lot of stuff, ah… and I bought a very cutie trousers for Chunchun too. Hurry to pick up Chunchun around 3.30pm, and went to the library for a while before we back home. After Chunchun finished his homework, I asked Grandma to go to supermarket with him. So funny, when Grandma asking Chunchun to get ready, Chunchun said “Grandma, it’s too hot, I don’t want to go, you go to supermarket by yourself” Haha, we all laughing to die, Chunchun was so cutie. But then Gina called and said Stephenie wanted to come over to play with Chunchun; then Chunchun ran to the door immediately and hurry to supermarket with Stephenie.新電話試影

今日好興奮丫(Crazy Day)


今朝一早同駿駿返左幼稚園,之後我就一直留係學校到11點左右.因為林老師琴日問我可唔可以幫手睇住高班既小朋友去外寫生喎.咁我見我要留係學校,又同駿駿遲左少少先返學啦,哈,咁又有機會比我影到佢排隊上課室既相啦^^ 到左夜晚,唔知點解係婆婆都黎左之後駿駿就一直極到興奮啦,係屋都不停走黎走去又大叫,又跳..重成日捉住我同爸爸同佢玩添…我諗有太公太婆同婆婆一齊係澳門陪佢,佢真係好開心囉. 沖涼前婆婆問駿駿今晚想同邊個訓丫,點知駿駿答”我要同太婆訓,踢太公落床訓地下”哈,哈…婆婆好失望呢,佢諗住駿駿一定會同佢訓架嘛.但係到駿駿沖完涼之後呢…佢又大聲講”太公,你今晚唔駛訓地下啦,你唔駛鋪地墊訓地下啦,我今晚同婆婆訓,你有床訓啦!”哈真係比佢笑死人呢. Went to kindergarten with Chunchun this morning, and then I stayed in kindergarten until 11am. Because Miss Lam had asked me to be a volunteer to help them look after K3 student while they painting out. Since I have to stay in kindergarten for a while, we arrived school a little bit late this morning, and so cutie I got a chance to took photo of Chunchun while he line up to the classroom^^ Don’t know why Chunchun been in a super exciting mode after Grandma arrived home tonight. Once he finished his dinner, he kept running around the house, playing with Papa and I, laughing and jumping around. I guess he was so happy that Grandma and great grandparents were here with him. So funny, Grandma asked Chunchun who he wanted to sleep with tonight, Chunchun said “I want to sleep with great grandmother and kick great grandfather to sleep on the floor.” Haha, but then after he took his bathe, he changed his mind and said “great Grandfather, you don’t have to sleep on the floor tonight, you can sleep on the bed, I will sleep wit Grandma tonight.” Haha, he was just so cutie.比爸爸夾住好無奈丫

同太公太婆去街市丫(Food Market with great Grandparent)


琴晚太公太婆就黎左澳門啦,因為我果個麻煩鄰居話過今日會再黎喎=_=;一早就同太公太婆一齊去送駿駿返學啦,之後就原車返屋企..原本太公想自己由駿駿學校行去新馬路果邊個街市買野架…但係太熱囉..我叫佢等今日下午我地一齊接駿駿放學,我再帶佢去駿駿學校附近既街市,又可以當同駿駿行下街,佢又唔駛咁辛苦. 到下午我去接駿駿放學時,佢不知幾開心囉,因為太公太婆一齊去學校接佢呢.而且佢好快就見到我手拎住佢既便服,馬上就問”媽媽,你同我去邊度丫?”係洗手間度換好衫之後呢,我地就帶太公去街市啦,去過一次之後,以後佢都可以自己黎買野囉.就係我地係街市四圍行時,發現到處到見到駿駿既同學仔呢..見佢地好多都只係著住底衫同校褲,又唔駛拖住媽媽就周圍行..真係完全習慣跟媽媽去街市呢…但係駿駿今次先係第三次去街市咋…駿駿係咪太過係溫室長大呢?不過我自己都唔鍾意去街市~_~ Great grandparents came to Macau yesterday night, because my troublesome neighbor said he will come again today=_=; Took Chunchun to school with great grandparents and then back home together… hum, at first great grandfather wanted to go to food market himself, but it’s too hot for him to walk to the food market near the shopping area, so I asked him to go to the food market near kindergarten this afternoon after we pick up Chunchun. Chunchun was so happy when I went to pick him up this afternoon, because great grandparents were here too… and he notice that I brought his causal wear to school^^ Got change in the washroom and then we lead great grandfather to the food market so that he could go to food market himself next time. While we in the food market, I found that we saw so many Chunchun’s classmates around… they all used to go to food market, but… this is the third times that Chunchun go to food market.

婆婆又黎啦(Grandma come to Macau)


琴晚先係香港返黎,今日駿駿就要返學囉..其實依個星期駿駿係放三日假,返三日學又放三日假呢…真係開心呢.今朝8點叫駿駿起身時,佢就麻麻煩煩咁啦…冇法啦,每次去完香港返黎都係咁=_=;唉~ 今日接完駿駿放學返屋企做功課時..又搞到我發晒癲啦..唉~都唔明點解駿駿新期就係唔能夠集中注意力去做功課既…對住佢做功課..真係好累呢… 婆婆今晚過黎澳門時重要幫我拎番個Hello Kitty行李喼返黎澳門..哈..哈..因為琴日得我同駿駿返黎澳門,我根本就拎唔到野,唯有留底d行李等婆婆今日拎過黎啦.婆婆返黎冇耐,駿駿就即時叫婆婆幫佢開新既火車頭VCD比佢睇啦,重自己係行李喼度搵番d火車頭玩具出黎玩添. Back to Macau yesterday night, and Chunchun have to go to school today, 3 days holiday, 3 days school, and 3 days holiday again… happy week for Chunchun. Woke Chunchun up around 8am, sigh, he’s a little bit trouble this morning… it’s all because we been in Hong Kong before=_=; Going crazy after picked up Chunchun and forcing him to do his homework>_< Sigh, wonder why recently Chunchun couldn’t concentrate on his homework… really felt tired about it. Grandma came to Macau at night with my Hello Kitty suitcase, haha, because I leave all our luggage in Hong Kong and asked her to take it to Macau tonight. Happy Chunchun asked Grandma to turn on the new Thomas VCD for him immediately and took out all Thomas’s toys from suitcase^^



今朝一早8點左右就起左身準備同駿駿去游水啦.但係因為個天氣好似幾大風咁,又未有太陽喎,所以最後我地都等到成9點半,個太陽出左黎之後我地先出門口.大約10點左右,就同姑婆,婆婆,一齊去到泳池啦.駿駿一入到泳池就勁興奮,因為佢見到有好多滑水滑梯,大型既公仔浮板,又有水槍果d計備係度.初初我地玩d最細個既滑梯時,駿駿都玩得好開心架,但係到我地玩d大既滑梯時,竟然同我講”媽媽你試左先啦!”之後就轉頭自己行去婆婆度啦=_=;一係就同我講”媽媽,你滑啦,我地係依度等你”,之後就行去婆婆身邊拉婆婆去滑梯出口處度…唉…真係比笑死..做乜佢咁鬼膽小架 玩到11點左右我地就去酒樓飲茶啦.好開心丫,我發現果間酒樓有好多得意造型既點心架, 有企鵝,小丑魚,章魚,龍蝦,海馬等等,諗住駿駿見,到會開心啦,就全部點晒啦.點知駿駿只係鍾意睇喎,玩完d點心就唔肯食,唉,下次都係唔好再叫依d得意點心囉…好睇唔好食呢.. 食完飯我地係1點前就返到屋企輪流沖涼啦.原本想係我同婆婆沖涼期間等駿駿訓個午覺既,可惜佢今朝玩完一直都好興奮好精神..所以我同婆婆沖完涼之後就由得駿駿坐車仔去街,等佢係車仔度訓覺啦 下午我地就去左尖沙咀行街啦,嘩,真係勁多人呢…尤其係我地行玩具反斗城時,周圍都係小朋友係度跑跑跳跳,玩玩具,睇書,每個小朋友都好似返左自己屋企咁.駿駿都係呢,我要不停追住佢四圍行,有時又要抱起佢睇佢鍾意既玩具.最後我地係玩具反斗城行左成個鐘,只係買左Thomas串字卡姐.之後我地就去碼頭食晚飯啦.食完就搭船返澳門.因為爸爸話佢唔得閒同我地食飯喎,如果我同駿駿早返到去都唔知2個人食乜好..所以最好就係食埋先返去啦.可憐駿駿累到死啦..一上船就大覺訓啦,就連落船我抱番佢上車仔..佢都唔醒呢 Woke up early this morning around 8am to go swimming with Chunchun. Since the weather was quite windy this morning, we waited until 9.30am when the sun came up finally. Arrived to swimming pool around 10am with Grandma and my auntie. Chunchun was so exciting once we got in the swimming pool, because we saw all kinds of water slide, a lot of floating toys. So funny, Chunchun lead me to a small water slide and asked us to wait for him at the end of the slide, but then… when we went to some large water slide, Chunchun said ‘Mama, you go first!” then he walk away=_=; or he said “Mama, you go up to the slide and I wait for you at the end of the slide” then walk to Grandma… sigh, he was so chicken. Leave swimming pool around 11am, then went to a Chinese restaurant to have lunch. So happy, I found that restaurant have all kind of cutie dum sim – penguin, clown fish, octopus, lobster and sea horse… order all those cutie dum sim for Chunchun. Well he was so happy when he notice those cutie dum sim, but he didn’t willing to eat them>__



今朝訓得好好丫,訓到成11點,駿駿都冇打擾過我喎.係太婆屋企食完午飯之後呢,就帶駿駿去公園玩一陣啦,之後等佢係屋企訓午覺,我就自己去旺角行街街^o^ 我越黎越鍾意一個人行街囉,感覺好休閒..鍾意去邊就去邊,睇乜都得,又可以一累就搵地方飲下野休息下.今日都買左好多野呢,買左衫比自己,又買左衫比老公,當然又買左好多衫比駿駿啦…重買左一件Thomas既救生衣比駿駿明天游水用添^^重有重有,我今日買左個好靚既髮夾呢,我搵左咁既款既髮夾好耐架啦,今日終於比我搵到,真係好開心. 大約5點就返到屋企啦,果時駿駿先岩岩起身…係屋企休息一陣之後,就同太公太婆一齊準備去吉之島食晚飯同行街街啦,因為婆婆佢有500蚊吉之島既現金卷呢..哈,好開心丫,我搵到件好靚既Hello Kitty睡衣喎,重買左一套內衣添喎..全部都係用婆婆既現金卷買架..哈..哈… Sleep well this morning, haha… woke up around 11am without any bother from Chunchun. After lunch at great Grandma’s home, took Chunchun to the park for a while, and then back home to let him take a nap and I went shopping alone in Mong Kok^o^ Felt so relax that shopping alone, I would go anywhere I like, tea at anywhere I want and look at everything that I have interest in. Bought 2 clothes for myself, 3 t-shirts for Papa, a few comics for Papa and I, 4 clothes for Chunchun and a Thomas life vest for Chunchun swimming tomorrow^^ Ah, and I bought a pretty hairpin for myself too, I been looking for that kind of hairpin for a long time and I finally bought one today. Back home around 5pm and Chunchun was just woke up from nap. Take a rest at home and then we all prepare to go to Jusco for dinner and shopping around tonight, because Grandma got $500 coupon of Jusco. So happy, I found a nice Hello Kitty pajama and a set of underwear in Jusco, and surely that paid by Grandma’s coupon…haha.太空船飛去邊婆婆我食緊架啦

返香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


今朝一早送左駿駿返學之後,我即返屋企洗衫同執定野準備下午返香港啦.到11點就去接駿駿放學再係屋企等爸爸黎車我地去碼頭搭船. 唉,今朝係我同駿駿等緊爸爸黎接我地時,我真係好嬲.事關我地屋企樓下果個茂利鄰居又無端端上黎敲門…我一開門姐,佢就叫我即開埋鐵閳比佢同個師父入黎整露台個水管喎=_=;我當然唔開門啦,第一,根本冇人通知過我會有人黎整野,我知佢係住屋企樓下姐,我點知佢係咪賊架…第二,我趕住出門口,根本就冇時間係度等佢整野.嘩..佢真係有病,我話唔得閒,唔會開門比佢地姐,佢就即時發狂咁大聲鬧人,重話我係租客之嘛,又唔係業主邊有權唔開門喎…重嚇到駿駿喊添~_~;佢真係唔知痴左邊條線,我係租客住緊係度,當然有權唔開門啦,就算你係我個業主我都有權唔開啦…我只係保隌障自己同仔仔既安全姐…最後佢都係門口癲左15分鐘先離開=_=;因為有個咁既鄰居,爸爸返到黎之後,爸爸同我就先去管理處度備案,投訴個鄰居成日上黎騷擾我地,佢要整野應該先搵地產再聯絡我租客架嘛…第一次你唔知我係租客就算啦..明知我係租客,就應該跟足程序啦.去完管理處,我地就再去地產代理度投訴,身為業主同租客既中間人,佢地實在做得太不負債任啦. 就係因為果個茂利鄰居,搞到我同駿駿搭唔到12點半既船…我地要係碼頭等成半個鐘搭1點既船呢.可憐駿駿同我又肚餓又累呢..一上船食完野就齊齊小睡囉.大約2點鬆d返到太婆屋企,坐一陣,我就留低駿駿係太婆度自己約左Ida去行街食晚飯啦. 唔,今日買左好多Thomas既玩具同VCD比駿駿呢,佢真係大收鑊囉,好彩我都買到漫畫,書,同衫比自己^^大約9點幾我返到屋企之後,駿駿就好開心咁玩我買比佢既Thomas玩具囉. Took Chunchun to kindergarten this morning then hurry back home to do the laundry and pack up my handbag to back to Hong Kong this afternoon. Picked up Chunchun on 11am and then back home to wait for Papa drive us to the pier. Sigh, I was so mad this morning while Chunchun and I waiting Papa at home. The stupid neighbor who bought the flat that in our next floor, came up and knock on the door… once I opened my door, he asked me to open the gate too and let him in immediately so that he and the worker and fix the pipe in the balcony=_=; I surely didn’t opened the door for him, once, my flat owner or agency didn’t told me anything about it; second, I don’t have time to wait for him fixing anything in my home today. Since I didn’t open my door for him, he started yelling and blame on me…said that I was only a tenant, I have no right to not open the door for him…. Sigh, he was just crazy and stupid, I am living in the flat and rent this flat now, I surely have a right to protect myself – not to open door for anyone I don’t know. He yelled for around 15 minutes and he finally leave=_=; Waited for Papa back home and then we went to the management office to keep on record that neighbor was harassed us a lot and the agency to complain about their communication between my flat owner, neighbor and us. Because of my troublesome neighbor, Chunchun and I couldn’t get on the 12.30am ferry and have to wait for half hour in the pier for the 1pm ferry. Sigh, Chunchun and I were so hungry and tired… after lunch in the ferry, we took nap together. Arrived to great Grandma’s home around 2pm something, then I leave Chunchun at home with great Grandma and I went out to met Ida to shopping around and dinner together^^ Hum, bought a lot of Thomas’s toys and new Thomas’s VCD for Chunchun; a few comics and clothes for myself^^ Back home around 9pm something, and Chunchun was so happy that finding me bought him so many Thomas’s stuff.

派測驗卷丫(Test Report)


好可愛丫,今日當我去接駿駿放學時…咁岩比我見到譚老師教緊駿駿做功課喎^o^成班小朋友,坐定定齊齊做功課..真係好可愛.當駿駿見到我之後呢,佢就開始執書包啦,自己放番本手冊啦,功課薄啦,同一疊紙入書包喎.本來我以為今日又係派番d舊功課比家長睇既日子,點知返到屋企先發現…原來果疊係駿駿既測驗卷黎架.哈,d測驗卷好可愛,好簡單呢(當然對小朋友黎講就幾難啦)..我真係好想可以係現場睇下佢地到底係點測驗架.唔,有中文,數學,英文同常識,雖然全部都攞”A”,但係並唔係全部100分呢,得英文係咋.中文佢背兒歌果度錯左D,所以得94分;數學佢數31至50時數錯左,所以得96分;最後係常識果度,佢錯左D我問番佢都唔會答錯既題目,就咁就得92分啦=_=; So cutie, when I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I found that Miss Tam was just teaching Chunchun how to do his homework ^O^ all kids were sitting around the table to doing their homework. Once Chunchun notice me there, he started packed up his student’s manual, homework, and a set of paper. At first I thought that set of paper were his old homework, just to distribute to parents to take a look, but then I found that were Chunchun’s test paper. Ha, the test paper were so cutie and easy(I know it’s quite hard for kids)… I wish I was there to see how they do their test. Hum, Chinese, English, Mathematics and Social Studies were all “A”; however they not all got 100 marks, except English. Chinese got 94 because he forgot a song; Mathematics got 96 because he didn’t count well on number 31 to 50; Social Studies got 92 because of some super stupid mistake =_=;係學校做功課



今朝我地又要早少少出門口啦,因為學校前條路封左丫,唔知有d乜工程做緊,我唔可以泊部車係門口,放低駿駿就走啦..我地要泊得好遠再慢慢行返學校呢.可愛駿駿見我今朝渣車唔係行平日既路線,佢就不停咁問”媽媽,我地去邊丫?”,”今日我唔駛返學咩?”可憐駿駿到我泊好車要行上斜路之後..就越行越慢囉..一早要佢行咁多路,佢好似好累咁. 下午呢,我又好少少出門口去接駿駿啦,因為行去學校都要成10分鐘架嘛.點知,當我行到去學校時發現封路已經開番啦,原來個工程做埋今朝早咋.我有諗過不如行番去渣部車泊係巴士站接駿駿啦,但係果時已3點25分左右囉…我又唔想駿駿等咁耐喎,而且我話過會同駿駿去公園架嘛.所以都係3點半接完駿駿放學,我地先行去公園玩一陣啦.開心豬仔係公園仔度試晒所有既小型健身設備,真係好可愛呢,果d小型健身設備已經得意架啦..重有小朋友係上面玩..就更可愛啦..可惜我地屋企果頭d公園冇小朋友既健身設備啦..如果唔係我一定成日同佢去玩姐. Took Chunchun to school a little bit earlier this morning, because the road in front of his school was under construction, I couldn’t park my car in front of the kindergarten this morning. So cutie, Chunchun kept asking me “Where we go?”, “Don’t have to go to kindergarten today?”… haha, poor Chunchun looks so tired while we walking to his school. Went to pick him up a little bit earlier this afternoon too, because I need around 10 minutes to walk to Chunchun’s school. Sigh, stupid me, when I arrived to school, I found that the construction was finished this afternoon I could park my car in the bus stop now. Hum, have a thought that I should walk back to my car and drive it to the bus stop, so that Chunchun don’t have to walk a far away to car; however, it’s already 3.25pm, and I promised Chunchun to go to the park with him this afternoon. Picked Chunchun up on 3.30pm and then walked to the park. Happy Chunchun tried all the mini gym facilities…夾夾夾左擺擺右擺擺踏步機扭patpat

同nienie一齊打機丫(Playing TV games with Stephenie)


星期五既早上,駿駿同我又要早半小時起身啦,因為我地要去做圖書館理員丫.唔,我地大約8點15分就返到學校啦….唉,其實我琴日就見到學校門口成條路都封左要做工程…我都希望佢會只係整1,2日就整完.但係今朝問左老師,佢雖然都唔係好知係做緊乜工程,不過佢話個工程大約要做2星期左右架喎..唉…咁我依2個星期,要接送駿駿返放學就辛苦囉..因為唔可以泊係巴士站呢>__< Sigh, I couldn’t park my car in the bus stop this few weeks…. Parked my car in front of a playground that far away from school, then took around 10 minutes to walk to school to pick up Chunchun. And then we took around 15 minutes to walk back to my car… sigh, we have to walk a far way to school for around 2 weeks from now on… that mean we have to wake up a little bit earlier and back home a little bit late=_=; Arrived home around 4pm and then hurry to supermarket to buy stuff, because Gina and Stephenie will come over around 5pm^^ Gina called while Chunchun and I were on the way home from supermarket, and then we met Gina and Stephenie in front of the nursery. Happy Chunchun and Stepehenie played the new TV games together, some of the games are fun that they kept laughing and laughing whenever Pooh or Elmo got hurt. Gina and Stephenie stayed for around one and half hours, then they have to back home to have dinner^^打芊萩同nienie一齊打機

駿駿今日勁乖喎(Good boy)


婆婆今朝7點就走左啦,留低駿駿一個係佢房度訓覺喎.到我7點半起身行去婆婆房睇下駿駿時,佢已經醒左啦,不過一直訓係床度唔郁.我就開奶比佢食啦,之後同佢講要佢乖乖唔好嘈,食完奶就等媽咪…之後我就去左沖涼啦.哈.駿駿又真係乖喎,今朝冇打擾過爸爸訓覺喎,我沖完涼出黎,見佢自己坐係廳度等我咋喎.見佢個人都醒晒囉,就叫佢自己換校服之後我再幫佢刷牙洗臉啦.駿駿今朝真係勁乖仔呢^^ 到放學我去接佢時,佢都重係好乖喎…返到屋企就自己換衫,食奶,做功課….今日d功課重做得好快添喎…平日都要做成半個鐘架嘛,因為佢寫得唔靚我就會要佢寫過..但係今日呢..佢又寫得好又寫得快喎^^之後同佢去完超市就比佢玩遊戲機啦…唔,如果駿駿日日都係咁乖就好囉 Grandma leaves around 7am this morning and leave Chunchun sleeping alone in her room. I woke up around 7.30am to take a look on him and prepare to take my shower. So rare, when I walked into Grandma’s room, I found that Chunchun was awake but laying on bed; give him milk for breakfast and told him to wait for me when he finish his milk. Good boy Chunchun didn’t bother Papa this morning, and wait for me in the living. Asked him to change the uniform himself and then help him to brush his tooth. Hum, Chunchun was being a super good boy this morning^O^ And after I picked him up, he kept himself as a good boy too. Change clothes himself, having tea… and finished his homework quick. Usually he need to spend around half hour to do his homework, because I always erase his homework and made him do the correction. But today, he was just doing so well and I don’t have to erase his work^^ Went to supermarket with him and then back home to play the TV game. Hum, wish that he can being a good boy everyday.

公公返香港囉(Grandpa back to Hong Kong)


今日好悶呢,成個朝早都冇乜野做,所以我就諗住同公公同駿駿去漁人碼頭食午飯啦,好過成日去八佰伴嘛.唉,但係我有d後悔決定去漁人碼頭食午飯呢.我地去左個日本食品館度食野..嘩…d野唔係一般既難食呢=_=;記得佢初初開時黎過都冇咁難食既…早知咁難食,我就應該同公公同駿駿去番Keywest度食啦..d食物款色係少d…但係都唔係難食嘛…而且小朋友又有玩具送.食完午飯..我地就再四圍行下啦,睇下會唔會有d乜復活節特別既表演節目…不過係冇架啦.最後我地行到點幾就返屋企午覺啦. 駿駿同我大約9點鬆d食完晚飯就送公公去碼頭啦,因為今日重係假期,我怕公公會拎唔到飛,就同佢講我同駿駿會係碼頭度等佢,如果佢拎唔到11點前既飛既話呢..就拎明早既飛,我地車番佢返屋企訓一覺好既好過係碼頭等幾個鐘上船啦.又唔過份喎…公公拎到10點15分既船飛..都係等大半個鐘左右姐,而且過關都去左大半時間囉..所以我同駿駿就自己返屋企啦..可憐駿駿一直以為公公會同我地返屋企…我一邊渣車..佢一邊不停咁問”公公唔返黎啦?” So boring today, nothing to do in the morning, so I decided to go to Fisherman’s Wharf with Grandpa and Chunchun for lunch. Sigh, I am so regret that I decided to go to Fisherman’s Wharf for lunch today. We went into a Japanese food court and foods were terrible there=_=; I should just go to Keywest again, at least I tried it yesterday and the foods were ok there just not many choose. After lunch, we walked around in the Fisherman’s Wharf hoping that we could found some special programs for Easter holiday. Finally we found nothing and back home around 1pm something to take nap together. Chunchun and I drive Grandpa to the pier around 9pm something, after dinner. Since today was Easter holiday, I asked Grandpa to buy ticket first and we wait outside of the pier, if he couldn’t buy the ticket before 11pm… I suggested him to buy the ticket tomorrow morning. Luckily, Grandpa bought the 10.15pm ticket, so Chunchun and I back home alone. Poor Chunchun kept asking me while we on the way back home “Grandpa not coming back?”係漁人碼頭食pancake同大蛇影相

今日好多節目丫(Busy Day)


今朝一早大約10點左右我就同駿駿去氹仔果邊接Joyce姨姨同晴晴啦,但係我好笨丫,去錯左巴站等人喎=_=最後要打比Joyce問清楚佢係邊我地先再去接佢.當我渣緊車返屋企時,突然發現駿駿手上多左本Thomas既故仔書…我即時叫駿駿要多謝人啦.點知到我地返到屋企,又發現駿駿多左幾本Thomas既故仔書喎…想比番錢Joyce,佢又唔收喎..我真係唔好意思收佢咁多書丫…唯有食午飯時請佢食飯啦.大約12點鬆d我地就一齊去漁人碼頭行下同食野啦.我地揀左係Keywest度食午飯丫,晴晴同駿駿一入到去,就有人送左支閃光既棒比佢地添. 食完午飯大約2點左右就同Joyce同晴晴拜拜啦,之後就同駿駿返屋企午覺,因為Maymay打電話黎話下午一齊去二嚨喉公園玩喎.但係到駿駿訓醒大約4點半左右,我同Maymay都覺得太大風太凍而冇去到公園,最後我地只係係八佰伴度飲左個下午茶姐.好彩我地冇去公園咋…因為我地飲緊下午茶時見到出面落大雨呢 Went to pick up Joyce and Karina around 10am this morning in Teipei; stupid me, I waited at the wrong bus stop=_= finally I have to called Joyce and asked her where they are. While we on the way back to my home, I found that Chunchun got a new Thomas’s story book in hand. I told Chunchun to say Thank you immediately… and when we back to my home, I found that Chunchun got few more Thomas’s books in his hand, I must said many thank you to Joyce; she bought too much for Chunchun. We went to Fishermen’s Wharf for lunch, happy Chunchun and Karina got a flash light stick in the Keywest restaurant. Say goodbye to Joyce and Karina around 2pm and then hurry back home to take a nap, because Maymay just called and asked us to go to the park with them in the afternoon. Chunchun woke up around 4.30pm, since there was so windy out, Maymay and I decided not to go to the park, we met at New Yaohan to have tea together and then I drive them home. We were so lucky that decided not to go to the park, because while we were having tea, it’s rain hard.攬住晴晴睇電視同晴晴行街街