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海洋公園(Ocean Park)


今朝一早9點起身,就趕頭趕命咁準備去海洋公園啦.其實今日掛緊1號風球架,到左黃昏重轉左3號添.不過今日係駿駿依個暑假唯一既機會去海洋公園,所以太公太婆話照去喎.咁好彩又唔係落大雨,成日都係毛毛雨咁.又少左人入場,又唔熱…今年反而係去玩得最舒服既一年添. 11點左右去到海洋公園,因為之前係金鐘地鐵站見到有9折飛買,所以我地都唔駛點排隊買飛就可以入場啦.一入到去第一時間就比駿駿去玩功夫熊貓武林夏水令啦.駿駿期待左好耐架啦,不過今年叫人失望,駿駿根本成個遊戲都唔玩得…佢只係可以玩丟水蛋同泡泡池呢…好彩駿駿夠樂觀,唔介意冇得玩果d遊戲,盡情玩自己玩得既遊戲又玩得開心姐.等駿駿玩完,我地就坐埋一邊食午餐,食完去海洋劇場睇表演,再去海洋館,水母館等等..可惜今年鯊魚館裝修冇得睇啦.睇晒所有野都差唔多4點幾我地先搭纜車去海洋公園既另一邊.真係好彩,我地落左纜車冇耐就有廣播轉3號風球纜車要暫停呢.太公太婆因為累囉,就搵左d有大把傘既位坐底食下午茶休息等我地.而我同婆婆就帶駿駿周圍行周園玩啦.最後我地都玩到成7點先走…8點係金鐘果邊求其搵左間餐廳食晚飯.10點前返到屋企呢. Woke up around 9am this morning and then hurry to prepare to go to Ocean Park today. Actually it’s Typhoon Signal 1 in the morning and turned to Typhoon Signal 3 in the evening. It’s kept raining all day but it’s not heavy rain so didn’t bother us to go to Ocean Park. Arrived to Ocean Park around 11am something, we first let Chunchun to the Kung Fu Wet and Wild Challenge area to play water. Super disappointed this year, most of the game Chunchun couldn’t play it =.= he can only got in the Bubbly Tubby and play the World War H2O. Luckily Chunchun still happy about it, he didn’t care what he couldn’t play. After playing in the Kung Fu Wet and Wild Challenge area, we have lunch first and then went to watch the Dolphin & Sea Lion show in Ocean Theatre and went in the Atoll Reef. Too bad that the Shark Aquarium was under construction=.= Took the cable car to the other side of Ocean Park around 4pm I think. Great Grandparent found a seat somewhere near Exit and Grandma and I took Chunchun to Kid’s Land and walking around. Leave Ocean Park around 7pm and then we have dinner at Admiralty and then back home before 10pm. 好多泡泡丫海獅係我後面丫威威劇場的表演熊貓係後面啦

第一堂游水(First Swimming Class)


今朝一早7點起身,準備同駿駿去上第一堂游泳班呢.其實駿駿果班原本係8月8日先開始架,逢星期一,三,五早上9點至11點.不過係2個星期前教練打比婆婆,提意駿駿由8月4日開始上,頭一個星期只上1小時,8月11日果個星期開始先上番2小時,等駿駿習慣下游水先喎,因為駿駿真係成年冇游過水嘛.婆婆當然第一時間話冇問題啦,因為佢計過依個提意,駿駿就多左1小時免費泳班囉. 因為怕難搭車,今朝早左出門口,結果8點20分就到左泳池囉…係早左d,都好過遲到啦.8點45分佢地就排隊入場啦.而我就行去公園偷睇加偷影駿駿學游水呢.到10點,見小朋友上水我就去番入閘處等駿駿出黎啦.等下等下,等到10點20分,大多數小朋友都走晒就係唔見駿駿.唯有入場問教練啦.原來教練自己唔記得佢既提意,今日重特登提駿駿唔好人走佢又走…要跟住助教,佢要游2小時.就係咁,教練話豪多1小免費泳班比駿駿,星期三同五先改游1小時啦XD 等到11點,終於可以接駿駿囉.之後我地就行去麥記食午餐…再行去搭地鐵返屋企啦.返到屋企第一時間同駿駿沖涼,之後就要搵野做等駿駿唔好咁早瞓覺啦.到2點左右,我就自己去街買野,留番唔好比駿駿瞓覺既任務比太婆啦.晚飯前返到屋企,見到駿駿瞓到成隻豬咁呢.太婆話駿駿好可憐喎,一直好眼瞓丫.當太婆話佢可以去瞓覺啦,駿駿就9秒9上床,123蓋好被就瞓著…前後都唔駛3秒呢XD Woke up around 7am to prepare to take Chunchun to his first swimming class this morning. Actually his swimming class should be starts from Aug 8, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am – 11am. However his coach called Grandma 2 weeks ago and suggested let Chunchun starts his swimming class today, Aug 4,6 and 8 for 1 hrs class first, let Chunchun used to swimming class first and then starts 2 hrs class on Aug 11. Surely we didn’t have problem about it because we got 1hrs free lesson from this suggest. Arrived to swimming pool around 8.20am, a little bit too early… but it’s better than late. Watched Chunchun swimming until 10am and then I walk to the swimming pool gate to pick up Chunchun. However, I didn’t see him come out until 10.20am =.= Went into the swimming pool and asked the coach, where is Chunchun. Haha, coach forgot her suggestion and let Chunchun swim for 2 hrs class today… and then she said, it’s ok, gave Chunchun 2hrs free lesson then, and asked me to remind her that Chunchun should be in 1hr class on Wednesday and Friday. Picked up Chunchun around 11am something and then we walk to McDonald’s to have lunch. After lunch we walked to MTR station and then back to great Grandma’s home to take shower and kept Chunchun awake until 4pm. I went to shopping around in Mong Kok around 2pm something and back home before dinner time. Great Grandma said Chunchun was super sleepy today, he ran to bed right after she told Chunchun he can nap now; and Chunchun fall in sleep within 3 seconds XD 排隊上泳班囉助教教游水坐左係淨板上面起水囉

行街日(Shopping Day)


今日約左朋友Wendy中午係銅鑼灣Sogo等,見到面後我地就上左4樓既Café食午餐啦.哈,比駿駿發現有兒童餐喎,咪叫兒童餐比佢食囉.點知重有玩具送喎,真係開心死駿駿囉.食完午飯,我地就上9樓既Sanrio特賣場度睇Hello Kitty表演同買野啦.唉~今次都真係幾失望,成個特賣場都睇唔到有乜好野可以買~_~行完Sogo我地就去旺角飲下午茶同買護膚品囉. 差唔多成6點先返到屋企,雖然駿駿好眼瞓,不過都唔可以比佢瞓呢,因為佢瞓左就唔願起身食晚飯架啦.晚飯後,我同婆婆就約埋姑婆同表姨一齊帶駿駿去冒險樂園玩囉.今日駿駿鬼咁好運呢,比佢用最後一個代幣中左大富翁既特別遊戲,開心到佢死丫,佢成日都好恨玩果個遊戲架.但係咁耐以來都只係玩過2次.係冒險樂園玩完我地就係荷里活廣場行街陣先再返屋企啦. Met my friend Wendy around noontime and then we went to a Café in Sogo to have lunch. Happy Chunchun ordered a kids meal and got a free gift from the kids meal ^O^ After lunch, we went to the 9th floor to Sanrio Summer Festival and watch Hello Kitty show. Hum, I was quite disappointed about the Sanrio Summer Festival because we couldn’t found anything nice to buy there~_~ After walking around in Sogo, we went to Mong Kok to have tea and buy skin care. Back home almost 6pm, Chunchun was very tired but we have to keep him awake because it’s too nap to take nap now. After dinner, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Jumpin Gym U.S.A and my auntie and cousin were going with us too. Lucky Chunchun got a Jackpot today, he was super exciting about it. After playing in Jumpin Gym U.S.A., we walking around in Plaza Hollywood before we back home. 食兒童餐有禮物架笨豬想睇kitty企到好遠佢嬲丫自己砌紙板車

返香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


今朝一早9點左右就起身囉…第一時間開機洗衫再執野準備返香港啦.大約中午先洗完衫晾好d衫,咁我地就落街去茶餐廳食完午飯先去碼頭啦. 搭2點船,3點返到香港之後行去地鐵站搭地鐵返太婆屋企.唉~都唔知搞乜鬼,今次我張電話卡用唔到喎,最後我送左駿駿返太婆屋企之後就即時去電話公司度叫佢地開番張新卡比佢.整完電話卡,就順便係太子行下街先返屋企食晚飯. 晚上我地就同婆婆一齊去吉之島行街啦,因為婆婆有幾張現金卷,而我又有95折^^不過今日我地都冇乜點買野,只係係超市度買左好多零食咋.10點幾返到屋企,太公太婆就準備好蛋糕比駿駿吹蠟蠋同切蛋啦.唉…其實今日都冇人生日,只係太公太婆話駿駿鍾意蛋糕喎..就走去買個生日蛋糕比駿駿囉. Woke up around 9am this morning, and then started to do laundry and prepared to go to Hong Kong. Finished laundry around noontime, and then we went to have lunch in a Chinese Western Restaurant before we go to the ferry terminal. Got on the 2pm ferry and arrived to Hong Kong around 3pm. Walk to MTR station and back to great Grandma’s home. Sigh, my sim card didn’t work suddenly, after I took Chunchun back to great Grandma’s home… I have to go to the New World Pcs Ltd to ask them to fix my sim card. And then I was walking around in Prince Edward for a while before dinner. At night, we went to Jusco to shop around since Grandma has a few coupon and my master card got 5% discount today^^ Hum, we didn’t bought much today, mostly were snack from supermarket. Back home around 10pm to have cake for dessert. Sigh, great Grandparent said that Chunchun like cake, so they bought a birthday cake for Chunchun today=.= 福娃丫唔係生日都有得吹蠟蠋

最後一堂英文暑期班(Last English Summer Course)


今日開始正式放暑假囉,我地瞓到成9點先起身呢…之後一直都冇乜野好早..行行企企又坐下咁等爸爸返黎食午飯,食完午飯後我地就一家三口一齊睇電影”幪面超人The Next”囉.我地等佢出DVD等左好耐架啦,今日終於有得睇.我地一家三口都幾鍾意幪面起人呢^O^不過因為下午要上英文班,所以睇左一半之後我地就要出門口囉,淨番一半等晚上食完晚飯先再睇呢. 今日係暑期英文班最後一堂啦,之後就要等到9月駿駿開左學,收到學校既放學時間先再定英文班既時間呢.本來駿駿同我講佢想繼續上英文班架,不過當我提意,佢可以8月都上英文班架,只要佢留係澳門唔返香港過暑假都得…佢即時改口話等到9月先再上都冇問題呢… Summer holiday starts today, we woke up around 9am something and then we just hanging around in home to wait for Papa back for lunch. Papa back around 11 am and then we started to watch movie after lunch. We watched the Mask Rider The Next ^O^ We all like Mask Rider a lot. Watched around 1hour then Chunchun and I have to go to English Summer Course, so we continue watching movie after dinner. Today it the last English Summer Course for Chunchun, and then we have to wait until September after school starts, confirm the school schedule and then arrange English Course again. Chunchun said he wanted to keep going to English Course, he really like it, but when I ask him, he can stay in Macau to continue English Course instead of go to Hong Kong… then he changed his mind and said “it’s ok to wait unlit September…

夏令最後一日(Last day of Summer School)


今日係夏令班最後一日啦,一早同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學,婆婆再自己一個去買餸.唔,本來今日打算等駿駿放學之後一齊去行下街架,不過實在太熱就取消左囉. 中午同婆婆去接駿駿放學,再返屋企食飯,一直都冇乜野.點知駿駿忽然同我講佢搵唔到佢個水樽喎=.=之後確定佢係留左係學校就打番學校問下學校重有冇人啦.真係比駿駿激死呢…返左個成3個星期架啦,一直都好地地,最後一日先黎唔記得拎野.如果明天要返學我都冇咁嬲,因為水樽可以第二日先拎番.最慘係今日係最後一日,唔拎唔知人地會唔會留起到開學呢…搞到我地要特登返學拎水樽… Last day of summer school today, took Chunchun to school with Grandma and then Grandma went to foods market alone. Hum, at first I planned to go to shopping around with Chunchun and Grandma after school, but it’s too hot to go out today. Picked up Chunchun around noontime and then back home to have lunch together. Suddenly Chunchun told me that he couldn’t found his water bottle=.= Sigh, called to school immediately and then went to school to pick up his water bottle immediately. I was quite mad about it… he been going to school for a 3 weeks already, why he forgot his water bottle on last day of school? If he still need to go to school tomorrow, then we don’t have to specially back to school to pick it up…

第十堂暑期英文班(English Summer Course)


下午送左駿駿去英文班之後,我就一個人去超市買野啦.大約3點鬆d上堂到一半左右我就返番學習中心啦,咁岩見到駿駿係度扮機械人^o^好鬼可愛,即時拎個電話出黎影相呢,可惜冇帶相機啦,因為電話影出黎都係麻麻地咁…唔,今日佢地學完左顏色同形狀既書,開始學”-en”既字啦. 上完英文班,我地就返屋企食下午茶再比駿駿係晚飯前瞓一陣午覺啦.唉~到依家駿駿都要日日瞓午覺呢,如果佢唔瞓午覺,就成日係晚飯時間食食下瞓著,又會好大脾氣喎,真係好煩~雖然依家我都就返第時返小學後既時間迫佢4點打後先瞓午覺,但係晏左瞓佢又瞓耐左呢…重有第二時小學有功課又要溫習…咁重點午覺呢?真係第二唔知點同佢安排時間好啦. Took Chunchun to English Summer Course this afternoon, and then went to supermarket alone. Back to Learning Centre around 3pm something, I found that Chunchun was pretending robot ^O^ It’s so cute that I took out my cell photo immediately to take photo for him… Hum, they finished colors and shapes book, and learning “-en” words today. After English Summer Course, we back home to have tea and then let Chunchun nap for a while before dinner. Sigh, Chunchun need to nap everyday, if he didn’t nap, he will fall in sleep during dinner time, and being super trouble~_~ I been trying to make him nap later after 4pm, but then he nap longer… at least 2 hours a day. So worry how to arrange the schedule for him when he starts Primary 1. 係英文班扮機械人

同阿boo食飯去玩(Lunch & Play with Booboo)


阿Boo同Melina幾個星期前係加拿大返左黎澳門過暑假,一直都搵唔到時間見面,終於約左今日下午等駿駿同阿Boo,Stephenie同恩恩,4個小朋友一齊玩啦.因為我唔係咁識路,所以今日由Gina渣車接送我地呢.大約11點半左右,Gina就先黎我屋企接我同駿駿,之後再去台山果邊接阿Boo同Melina啦.今日我地去Le Cesar食lunch丫,因為果度有好得意既公仔Pizza個個小朋友都鍾意呢^^今日我地叫左3個Pizza,1隻烤雞,2碟意粉同1個漢堡,大家都食到好飽呢 食完午餐都2點幾囉,我地就再去氹仔教育中心,魔法巴士果邊玩啦.因為佢係室內既遊樂場,小朋友開心,大人又坐得舒服呢.玩下玩下都玩到成4點先走.唔,其實我勁眼瞓呢,係室內遊樂場度坐下坐下都不知幾想瞓. Boo & Melina back from Canada for summer a few weeks ago, we finally arranged a date for Chunchun and Boo and Stephenie and Yan this afternoon. Gina came to pick us up around 11.30am and then went to pick up Boo and Melina. Have lunch in Le Cesar, that restaurant have cartoon pizza for kids^^ We ordered 3 cartoon pizza, 1 roast chicken and 2 spaghetti and 1 hamburger for lunch. Finished lunch around 2pm something, and then we went to an indoor playground to play for a while until 4pm something. Hum, I was super sleepy, and wanted to fall in sleep in the indoor playground. 好迫丫係波波池玩騎馬仔

同媽咪會朋友飲茶(Lunch with Macau Mama Club Friends)


今係我同爸爸結婚6週年既日子,不過我地今日冇做任何野慶祝呢,因為琴晚已經去左食日式燒烤,今朝一早我地又交換左第7對結婚介子囉^^今日爸爸要忙住返工,我又忙住帶駿駿去見朋友去玩呢. 下午約左媽咪會既朋友飲茶,因為間酒樓都算近我地屋企,我又知果邊都幾難泊車,我就決定今日唔渣車去啦.先係12點半接左駿駿放學,返屋企換好衫就慢慢行過去酒樓啦.本來約左12點45分,我以為我會係最遲果個架.點知原來我係第二早到呢.因為大多數媽咪都搵唔到車位泊車丫.真係好彩我決定唔渣車黎姐. 飲完茶,駿駿話要同Jeannie去公園玩,Amy姨姨見佢地泊左車係停車場就冇所為比佢地玩一陣啦.佢地就玩得開心囉,我同Amy就曬到死呢~_~玩左10幾分鐘,我地頂唔住就叫走囉.返到屋企都未夠4點.雖然駿駿都好累,但係我都叫佢做左功課先..等4點打後先瞓.依個暑假要佢習慣晏d瞓午覺呢,因為學校冇得瞓架啦,要4,5點放學返黎先可以瞓. Today is our 6th anniversary, but we didn’t do anything to celebrate it, because we went to have Japanese BBQ last night and we changed our new wedding rings this morning. Papa was busy on work today, and I busy taking Chunchun to meet friends^^ Went to have lunch with Macau Mama Club friends this afternoon, since the Chinese restaurant is quite near my home… I decided to walk to the Chinese restaurant from home. Picked up Chunchun around 12.30pm and then hurry back home to get change and walk to Chinese restaurant. I thought that we will be the latest one, however, we were the second one to arrived. Most of the Mama couldn’t found parking space near the Chinese restaurant. Haha, lucky me decided not to drive today. After lunch, Chunchun and Jeannie went to the park to play for a while, and then we back home around 3pm something. Super tired today, but couldn’t let Chunchun nap too early so I let him finished his homework first and then nap around 4pm something. 小天使恩恩飲茶三人組同Jeannie打芊萩同Jeannie一齊滑滑梯

剪髮(Hair Cut)


今朝送完駿駿返學之後,就返屋企叫醒爸爸叫佢準備去剪髮啦,想係駿駿放學之前剪完.咁之後就再同駿駿一齊去剪. 大約11點左右去到髮廊,爸爸剪髮我睇報紙或者雜誌,岩岩好12點半左右剪完去接駿駿.我地先係麥記食午飯就再帶駿駿去剪髮啦.唔,今日唔記得同師父講要剪短d,結左剪完出黎重有d長咁.不過爸爸話冇所為喎.反正返香港學游水前都會同佢剪一次勁短架啦. 晚上我地去左日式燒烤店度食晚飯.係慶祝我地6週年呢.其實週年紀念日係明天架,不過明天係星期五,爸爸怕會好忙所以就早一日慶祝左先 Took Chunchun to school this morning, and then back home to wake up Papa to go to hair cut before Chunchun off school; we planned to let Chunchun to have hair cut too. Arrived to hair salon around 11am, I was reading newspaper while Papa having his hair cut, and then we went to pick up Chunchun around 12.30pm. Have lunch in McDonald’s and then went to hair salon around to let Chunchun do his hair cut. Hum, forgot to tell barber to cut as shorter=.=; after he finished, I still think that Chunchun’s hair were a little bit too long. Anyway, Papa said it’s ok, because Chunchun have to go to hair cut one more time before he starts swimming class. At night we went to a Japanese Restaurant to have barbecue for our 6 yrs anniversary. Actually our anniversary is tomorrow, but tomorrow is Friday, Papa worry that tomorrow will be very busy and may not back for dinner, so we celebrate it tonight.

新校服(New Uniform)


今朝同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學,之後婆婆就自己一個去街市買餸啦.唉~本來我係逢星期一,五自己去街市買餸架,不過依家駿駿轉左返小學囉,唔駛同佢去圖晝館,更加冇學校車位比我泊車…就去唔到買餸呢.唯有等婆婆一星期過黎一次時幫我去買餸囉=.= 中午接完駿駿放學,我地就返屋企食午飯啦.之後就去新馬路行.因為我地要去果頭既校服店度買新校服比駿駿丫.駿駿有新校服,不知幾興奮呢.其實上個星期已經話去買新校服架啦,不過天氣唔好最後冇去到.但係駿駿由果日開始就成日同我講校服舊啦,有個孔丫..幾時有新校服著喎…講到尾,佢都係想快d著新校服呢^^ Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then let Grandma went to food market alone. Sigh, I used to go to food market every Monday and Friday… but now I didn’t have to go to library with Chunchun, no more school parking… So Grandma have to go to food market for me every Wednesday now=.= Picked up Chunchun around noontime, and then back home to have lunch together. After lunch, we went to shopping area to shopping around… we first went to a uniform store to buy school uniform for Chunchun^O^ He’s so exciting to having new uniform; remember last week after I told him that he need to buy new uniform for Primary school, he kept telling his kindergarten uniform were too old, have hole… something like that, he just want to wear his new uniform soon.後面個肥佬公仔好過癮

去公園玩(Go to the Park)


上個星期成個星期都落雨,可憐駿駿問左我好耐幾時有得去公園架啦.到今個星期天氣終於開始轉好啦.就答應駿駿今日同佢去公園玩. 放左學之後我地先送左爸爸返工,再返屋企食午飯.大約2點左右就比駿駿踏單車去公園啦,係公園玩左20分鐘左右就返屋企囉,咁落一落街其實都玩左成個鐘呢.其實下午2,3點真係好鬼熱…平常我都會揀5,6點果d時間先同佢去玩,不過依家冇辨法一定要依d時間落.等佢唔好咁早瞓午覺呢.因為睇左駿駿學校通告,9月開始正式上課,小一都要放4點或5點丫…所以想試下同駿駿戒左午睡…或者唔好1,2點就眼瞓,起碼到4,5點先要瞓午覺都好嘛. Been raining every day least week, poor Chunchun kept asking me everyday… “When we can go to the park?” And the rain finally stopped this week, promised him to take him to the park today. We first drive Papa to work after school, and then back home to have lunch. Let Chunchun ride on his bike to the park, and play in playground for after 20 minutes. It’s quite hot to go to playground around 2pm, but I need to found something for Chunchunc to do to keep him awake. Because Chunchun won’t have nap time anymore when he starts Primary One on September, and he will off school around 4pm or 5pm. I have to change his time schedule, hope that he can quit napping or nap around 5pm instead of 1 or 2pm.放學後踏單車去公園玩填顏色

恩恩生日會(Yan's Birthday Party)


今朝一早9點左右身,就係度諗今日去邊好,諗諗下先記起今日下午要去恩恩既麥記生日會呢.第一時間打比加菲確定佢會黎車我先,因為我完全唔識路去台山果邊果間麥記呢…我根本連台山係邊都未知,之後就搵番之前買定既生日禮物出黎包花紙啦. 2點半左右去到生日會,駿駿第一時間就沖入遊樂場玩.而我都癈事理佢,叫佢出黎點左餐先再去玩.不過今次生日會個感覺真係麻麻地,好似好趕又好似唔夠職員做野咁.坐底左都冇人理,要叫幾次先有職員落單呢.平時去麥記生日會,多數係一入去坐底就有職員黎落單架嘛. 大約4點返到屋企,上到樓先記起要去超市買餸呢.又走番去超市買餸,之後駿駿返到屋企就瞓午覺囉,瞓到晚飯先起身呢. Woke up around 9am something this morning, was thinking about where should we go today and then suddenly remember that we have to go to Yan’s McDonald’s Birthday Party this afternoon. Called my friend - Garfield immediately to confirm she will come to pick us up this afternoon since I don’t know how to go to that McDonald’s. Arrived to McDonald’s around 2.30pm happy Chunchun ran to the playground immediately, and I found a seat then order 2 meals for Chunchun and I. Hum, didn’t know why I felt weird today, the birthday party seem to be hurry and not enough staff serve for party. Back home around 4pm and then went to supermarket to buy foods for dinner. Chunchun nap for around 2 hours before dinner.搶住偷食排隊玩遊戲

小驢的天空(Little Donkey)


今朝同大舅父同太婆一齊送駿駿返學丫,因為大舅父一早要趕返香港,所以佢跟我車送完駿駿返學,我就直接車佢去碼頭呢.而太婆雖然跟我一齊返屋企,不過返到屋企佢都開始同太公一齊執野準備早上就返香港囉.可憐駿駿今日放學返黎冇晒人唔知會唔會悶呢? 不過佢應該都冇乜時間悶囉.因為下午一放學,我地就去左同媽咪會既朋友一齊飲茶啦.一個星期飲一次茶真係好開心,我唔係鍾意飲茶既人,不過我鍾意有人同我傾計,而且駿駿又有朋友同佢玩…真係大家都開心呢.飲茶飲到3點左右,之後我同駿駿就返屋企瞓午覺囉.今晚重要去睇音樂劇架,冇精神就唔好啦.記起Gina佢地都會去睇,就打比Gina約埋佢一齊去食晚飯先去睇小驢的天空啦. 不過因為Gina同May佢地有野做,都成7點先黎到文化中心附近,唯有求其搵間麵店食少少野先啦.8點就開場嘛,唔夠時間慢慢食呢.睇完音樂劇大約9點,我地就一齊去食晚飯囉^^ Took Chunchun to school with my brother and great Grandma this morning, because my brother has to hurry back to Hong Kong this morning. Great Grandma back home with me and then prepare to back to Hong Kong before 10am with great Grandpa. Hum, poor Chunchun will be boring when he back from school. Went to have lunch with Macau Mama friends after school^^ Happy day for Chunchun and I, I love to have lunch with my friends, Chunchun have friends to play with and I have friends to gossiping around. Finished lunch around 3pm and then we back home to nap together, because tonight we have to go to watch a puppet musical for the family – Little Donkey. Remember that Gina will watch Little Donkey too, so called her before I went to nap and asked her to have dinner with us before the puppet musical. Met Gina and Stephenie and May and her daughter around 7pm, we hurry to have dinner in a noodle restaurant and then went to watch Little Donkey around 8pm. We leave Centro Cultural de Macau around 9pm and then went to have dinner again^^同媽咪會朋友飲茶同NIENIE瑤瑤睇完話劇食宵夜



琴晚開始就成晚打雷落大雨啦,其實依家好多時晚上都會咁,但係唔知點解今朝一起身就覺得依個係暴雨,駿駿可能唔駛返學.所以一起身第一時間就走去廳開電視搵番個澳門台黎睇下先 (因為我地好少睇電視,更少睇澳門台,我要一個個台去搵呢) 哈,比我估岩左喎,今日真係有暴雨警告,全澳既幼中小學都上午停課^^哈,今日又可以瞓晏d囉. 咁岩駿駿自己瞓醒起身去洗手間,我就話佢知今日放假啦,佢可以再番瞓.不過放假小朋友又點會番瞓架,第一時間就走去搵大舅父想同大舅父玩啦…不過舅父瞓緊覺又唔理佢.佢就轉左走去搵太公太婆玩啦.講真,依d時候真係只有太公太婆先會理佢咋~_~; 大雨係2點左右就停左啦,而暴雨警告好似都係去到11點幾左右.所以下午駿駿重可以返英文班呢.今日佢地學拼音,讀書啦…希望駿駿真係學習到記得,希望佢英文會越黎越好啦. Been raining heavily since yesterday night, have a thought that maybe it’s a rainstorm and Chunchun may not need to go to school this morning. Once I woke up, I went to living room to turn on the TV and search Macau TV channel (we rare watch TV and rare watch Macau TV channel). I was right, it’s rainstorm, Chunchun didn’t have to go to school this morning^^ Haha, I could sleep more this morning. Told Chunchun that he didn’t have to go to school today, he was happy too, because he wanted to play with my brother today, however, my brother was still sleeping. So Chunchun went to woke up great Grandparents and play with them ~_~; Rain stopped around 2pm and rainstorm signal was off before noontime. Therefore Chunchun can go to English Summer Class this afternoon. Hum, they were learning sounding out and reading words… not bad, hope that Chunchun will doing better next time.

小學夏令開始(Primary Summer Class Start)


第一日返小學既夏令啦.唉~今朝一天就落大雨呢.學校果頭又冇部泊車,停一停都難.好彩今日太公太婆都重係度,我地兜左個圈冇辨法唯有比雨衣駿駿著之後,重要太婆同駿駿一齊落車入學校先啦.本來我地係打算由得駿駿自己落車返學架,但係今日太大雨,真係唔放心呢.就係咁.太婆同駿駿落左車之後我都重要不停咁兜圈等太婆返上車呢. 下午去接駿駿放學時就好天好多啦,只係細細雨咁…我又搵到巴士站停一停喎.不過因為怕抄牌我都叫太婆坐係車度等我去接駿駿.去到學校就同駿駿老師講,依度真係好難泊車,希望以後可以比駿駿企係門口等,一見到我部車就可以自己行出黎上車.唔駛我次次兜幾個圈或者泊到好遠咁行番黎接駿駿. 駿駿話佢今日係學校好開心呢.係玩具角玩恐龍公仔丫,下午又食左好好味既飯…不過唔係好夠飽…點都好啦..佢好開心自己大個仔做小學生啦^o^ First day of summer class in Primary School. Sigh, it’s having heavy rain this morning, no where I can park my car to take Chunchun to school. Luckily, great Grandparents were with us, so we let Chunchun wear his raincoat… and I stop in front of the school gate, great Grandma and Chunchun ran in school immediately. I was driving around and around the Primary School, waiting for great Grandma to back to my car. Went to pick up Chunchun around noontime, so lucky I found a space to park my car for a while, and let great Grandma stay in car to wait for us, while I walk to pick up Chunchun. I told Chunchun’s teacher to let Chunchun to stand in front of the school gate, so he can run to me when he notice my car… their Primary School location is no spaces for parking at all. Chunchun said he was very happy today, he play toys in toys corner today, and he have nice lunch today. He was happy he’s a primary student now, he’s a big boy^^

去八佰伴(New Yaohan)


今朝早10點至12點我就帶駿駿去文化中心參加暑期活動,之後就返屋企同太公太婆一齊食午飯.食完飯就瞓覺豬,瞓醒有時間就去八佰伴行下街啦. 其實會去八佰伴有一半係因為爸爸打返黎話明天要同爺爺去游水丫,咁爸爸要買泳褲就要去八佰伴囉.而且我都想去Sanrio度買d野續會.所以5點左右我就同太公太婆同駿駿一齊去八佰伴行下先啦.爸爸就大約6點左右到.我地先係四周行下同駿駿去遊樂場玩,等到爸爸黎到就陪佢去睇泳褲.太公係爸爸黎到冇耐就話要走先,因為佢要返屋企準備晚飯比我地呢..其實我心諗,都出得黎囉…好口就係出面食埋晚飯先啦,不過太公又話買左餸… Went to Centro Cultural de Macau for activity this morning on 10am to 12pm, and then back home to have lunch with great Grandparents. After lunch let Chunchun nap for a while and then went to New Yaohan for a walk. Papa said Grandpa asked us to go swimming with him tomorrow, so Papa need to buy a swimming trunks and I wanted to buy something from Sanrio to renew my member card. Hum, great Grandparents and us arrived to New Yaohan around 5pm, and Papa arrived around 6pm. We first walking around and playing in amusement arcade with Chunchun and then went to look for swimming trunks with Papa after he arrived. Great Grandpa have to back home early to prepare dinner, while we still shopping around. 活動好好玩有繩玩爬係度聽故仔我多左條尾丫