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成日行街丫(Shopping Day)


今日中午同姑婆表姨佢地一齊係朗豪坊入面既酒樓飲茶,原本我諗住飲完茶就行下旺角既.但係姑婆又提意我地去探下肥舅父喎,因為佢轉左去d醫療中心做就係旺角地鐵站同太子地鐵站之間,都幾近花園街.咁我地咪去睇下囉,開心駿駿係診所玩到唔係好願走,重呃左肥舅父好多維他命藥添…. 探完肥舅父,我地就去新世紀既冒險樂園玩一陣啦,到3點幾左右,就同姑婆表姨拜拜,佢地返屋企,駿駿,婆婆同我繼續行街街呢.見駿駿話累,我地就去甜品店坐底食個下午茶,先再行番去旺角啦.一直行到7點左右先返屋企食晚飯呢..哈..哈..我地都行左成5小時以上,應該重有2小時左右係坐底飲茶食下午茶既.雖然行左咁耐,但係都冇乜買野..唔知點解呢,冇乜心機買野.最後駿駿買左隻新既怪獸熊比佢留係香港瞓覺得攬攬用既,我就買左幾本漫畫咁囉. Went to have lunch with my auntie and cousin in a Chinese Restaurant at Lang Ham Place, at first I planned to walking around in Mong Kok after lunch; but then my auntie suggested to go to visit my brother, because his clinic is somewhere between Prince Edward and Mong Kok. Went to visit my brother for a while and happy Chunchun got a few Vitamin from my brother, haha. Went to Jumpin Gym U.S.A to play for a while and then we said goodbye to my auntie and cousin… Chunchun, Grandma and I walk to Mong Kok again. Chunchun kept saying that he’s tired, so we have tea in a dessert restaurant to let Chunchun rest for a while. Hum, we back home around 7pm to have lunch at home, haha, been walking around for over 5hours today, 2 hours for lunch and tea…. Didn’t bought much today, Chunchun bought a new bear and I bought a few comic.. that’s it. 食甜品係街上遇到得意公仔新熊熊

又去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


今朝送完駿駿返學後,就返屋企洗衫同執野d行李準備駿駿一放學就同佢返香港過6日5夜既長假期啦^^唔,不過駿駿今日放學放5點有d趕呢..不過冇法啦,今日開始放學後要上聯課活動喎,老師話即係督課…由4點到5點.之後問又話係自由參加既,依家又話要有家長信先可以唔參加.咁爸爸同我就諗住比駿駿返一排睇下點…如果真係可以係學校做晒功課先返屋企都唔錯,如果唔得既就寫信唔上囉. 5點去接駿駿放學,之後就即返屋企換衫準備返香港…諗住駿駿係學校做左一小時功課,唔駛全部都應該只會做淨一樣半樣啦..點知一睇佢d功課..係只係做左一樣半樣..其他全部未做…我都唔知佢督課黎做乜..又遲左放學..但係又冇做完功課…平日我係屋企自己睇住佢,都係一個鍾搞掂…真係浪費時間,咁遲左一小時返屋企,要做既野冇少到咪由係辛苦我..所以我決定下個星期唔比駿駿返聯課啦~_~今次重要拎埋d功課返香港做,真係麻煩. 因為駿駿遲左放學,又要同佢執功課,最後我地成6點半先上到船,返到香港都7點半囉..見到婆婆後即時去食晚飯醫肚…再係尖沙咀度行陣街就返屋企啦. Took Chunchun to school this morning and then do laundry and pick suitcase to go to Hong Kong for 6 days 5 nights holiday^^ Hum, Chunchun off school on 5pm today because they started to have Self-Study class on 4pm to 5pm. Sigh, at first the teacher said kids have option to join or not, but now they said if Chunchun don’t join… I need to write letter to them=.= So Papa suggested to lest Chunchun go to Self-Study class for a while to see if he can finish all his homework in school, if not, then write letter to school to let Chunchun off school earlier to do homework at home. Went to pick up Chunchun on 5pm today, and hurry back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong as soon as we can. Sigh, when I check on Chunchun homework, he finished nothing today, didn’t know what’s he doing in Self-Study class=.= It’s just waste his time… I rather him back home earlier and I look after his homework myself. Since Chunchun couldn’t finish his homework at school, we have to take his homework to Hong Kong this time=.= Arrived to Hong Kong around 7.30pm, hurry to have dinner with Grandma and then walking around in TST before we back home. 係船熟睡係玩具反斗城推車仔



今日同爸爸一齊接駿駿放學.可憐駿駿同我地講今日佢係學校比小朋友用積木打左三下丫.當然佢有話比老師知,老師都有罰果個同學仔啦.唉~果個小朋友有過度活躍的,係幼稚園時我都成日見到佢失控架啦…所以我都好明白咁同駿駿講過,唔好同果個小朋友玩太多,你唔知佢幾時失控,發脾氣打人的.駿駿話佢只係想玩積木喎,唯有同佢講,下次果個小朋友玩乜,就唔好玩果樣住,自己玩第二d先.希望駿駿得到教訓唔好再成日走埋果個小朋友身邊玩啦. 放學返到屋企就同駿駿做功課溫習啦..唉~睇下手冊…明天又有中文試默…睇番個手冊,今個星期返5日,測驗默書就去左4日…星期一 – 默英文,星期二 – 試默中文,星期三 – 測英文,星期五 – 默中文…即係日日做完功課做完普通溫習後重要同佢特別溫習.上個星期已經係咁架啦,返4日學就測驗默書足4日…星期二,三,四都要數學試測同小測,星期五又有英文試默喎.即係點?以後個個星期都係咁?一星期測驗考試4,5日?點解同上學年我黎參觀小學時問老師既答案完全唔同既?果時我都有問,多唔多默書測驗…佢答唔多架,教完一個單元先會有一次,大約2,3個星期先會大一次默書,測驗…結果完來捉字蝨,個個星期都整d試默試測出黎…我覺得自己比人呃左呢… Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon. Poor Chunchun told us that his classmate hit him by blocks during recess, he told teacher immediately and his classmate have to be punished. Sigh~ his classmate is hyperactivity, I been telling Chunchun to stay away from his classmate, because I saw that several time that boy couldn’t control himself well. And Chunchun said he just want to play blocks… Back home to do homework and study with Chunchun. I found that he have Chinese dictation today=.= Wow, I wonder why so many test and dictation every week; Monday – English dictation, Tuesday – Chinese dictation, Wednesday – English test and Friday – Chinese dictation… we have to special study for dictation or test everyday after review, sigh~ And last week were Tuesday – Math test, Wednesday – Math test, Thursday – Math test and Friday – English dictation. I wonder is that every week have dictation and test? It’s totally different from what I heard when I sightseeing in this Primary school in last school year… teacher said they didn’t have much test and dictation… sigh~

英文班(English Course)


今朝帶完駿駿去英文班,又返屋企車老公返工啦…再返到去學習中心都成10點半打後囉.同老細傾左一陣計,駿駿就差唔多放學囉. 上完英文班,我地就周圍行啦,因為我想去書店,就想係果頭搵野食啦.最後我地都係求其入左間茶餐廳就算.食完野,書店終於開門,駿駿就好開心好似去左圖書館咁周圍睇住,我就有d失望囉…小朋友書係幾多既…但係冇習作果d賣=.=去完書店,駿駿話想去氹仔教育活動中心玩,咪同佢去玩半小時先返屋企囉.駿駿真係好鍾意去果度玩,因為有玩具又可以同其他小朋友玩.我都覺得幾好,起碼我唔駛又曬又熱先嘛^^下次或者我拎d小說或者去織下冷衫,等駿駿慢慢玩. 大約2點鬆d返到屋企,放低手上既雜物…我就同駿駿去藥房買野再去OK買雪條食啦.太熱天時食雪條真係特別好味呢. Took Chunchun to English Course this morning, and then drive Papa to work. Back to learning centre around 10.30am and gossiping with the boss while I waiting for Chunchun. After English course, we went to have lunch in a Chinese Western restaurant, and then we go to book store. Hum, at first I wanted to seek for some exercise book for Chunchun, however the book store didn’t have it=.= Went to Taipa Education Activities Center to play for half hour before we back home. Chunchun love to go to Taipa Education Activities Center, because there have a lot of toys and he could play with kids around his age. Back home around 2pm something, and then we went to OK to buy orange flavored Popsicle. It’s nice to have Popsicle in this hot weather. 食牛河係教育資源中心玩食雪條

今日好悠閒(Leisurely Day)


今冇乜野做丫,原本爸爸話晚上我地應該要同爺爺食晚飯既..不過中午前爸爸就打電話黎話今晚唔駛食晚飯囉.成日係屋企唔出街又真係好悶既…不過我都唔係好想出街呢,因為天氣實在太熱啦. 最後,為左唔想駿駿放假都係屋企冇野做,我地就行去新開既麥記食午餐,再經過公園時比佢係遊樂場玩半小時啦.係遊樂場度,我地遇到一個勁冇禮貌既小妹妹呢..而佢媽媽一直都冇理佢過,全程只係係遊樂場旁睇報紙=.=其實睇落個妹妹都幾可憐,睇佢地都係公園度坐左好耐下.係我同駿駿行去麥記經過公園時已見到佢地,到我地食完麥記去公園玩再返屋企,佢地都冇意離開呢.都睇得出個小妹妹好悶.原本佢係坐係媽媽身邊唔郁,一見到駿駿走入遊樂場,佢就跟住入啦.知佢想同小朋友一齊玩.所以初時我都唔介意由得駿駿同佢玩.後來駿駿玩吹泡泡,我都有比小妹妹玩.不過佢就越黎越冇禮貌…又想搶駿駿玩緊既吹泡泡.到我收起時,佢就伸手入我袋想自己拎=.=..我著背心重差d比佢拉爛件衫…而佢媽媽呢..全程都係坐係度睇報紙..冇理個小妹妹..唉~連駿駿都問我,點解個妹妹咁冇禮貌既?點解佢媽媽唔理佢…我都唔知點答~_~ Nothing to do today, at first Papa said we may have to have dinner with Grandpa, but he called to cancel it before noontime. Quite boring staying at home, but I didn’t want to go out either; it’s too hot to shopping around. Finally, Chunchun and I walk to McDonald’s to have lunch and then let him play in the playground for around half hour. Met a very impolite little girl in the playground… her mother was sitting outside of the playground to read newspapers =.= Poor girl that I guess they at least stay 2 or 3 hours in the park, because I saw them in the part when we on the way to McDonald’s, and then they still there after we finish lunch… and when we leave half hour later, they still there… I can see that the little girl was very boring, once Chunchun got in the playground, she run after Chunchun and seems that she wanted to play with Chunchun. At first I didn’t mind Chunchun to play with her, however, she kept doing something impolite~_~ so finally I have to kept Chunchun away from her. 中秋燈飾係公園玩

今日好乖(Good Boy)


今日又成4點15分先接到駿駿放學啦.明明放學時間係3點55分架嘛,但係點解日日都要等到4點10分打後先接到駿駿呢=.=我情願好似幼稚園咁自己行上班房接放學,好過依家日日企係大門口等小朋友一班班排隊,一班班行出大門口…真係好晒時間呢. 返到屋企都成4點半,叫駿駿快手換校服,我就準備同佢做功課啦.真係好啦,今日駿駿好乖仔喎,唔駛半小時就做晒功課啦…溫埋習都係用左1小時左右.如果日日都係咁就好囉. 婆婆係晚飯前黎到,食完晚飯大約8點左右.駿駿今日真係好鬼乖喎,食完飯休息一陣就自己寫日記,有時間我地就一齊睇左半小時VCD,之後就沖涼瞓覺啦. Picked up Chunchun around 4.15pm this afternoon, sigh, Chunchun’s school off at 3.55pm but I have to wait until 4.15pm to pick up Chunchun=.= I rather they let me walk to classroom to pick him up more than waiting at school gate, waiting kids to queue up and walk to school gate. Back home around 4.30pm and then hurry to let Chunchun get changed and prepare to do homework with him. So happy, Chunchun was being super smart today, he only spent around half hour to finish his homework… another half hour to finish daily review. Grandma arrived before dinner time, and we finished dinner around 8pm. Lovely Chunchun was being a super good boy today, he write his dairy soon after dinner and then we watched VCD together for around half hour before he takes shower and go to bed.

新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


今日打算去新馬路度食午飯同行街買野,大約中午前就出發囉.去停車場度泊車時撞到加菲同敏敏喎,原來佢地要去新八佰伴架.其實係果時我都冇諗住去八佰伴架,所以都係拖住駿駿去麥記食午餐先. 但係一邊食野,駿駿就一邊同我講想同敏敏玩喎…諗下新八佰伴搬左又幾近新馬路,咪同駿駿去八佰伴行下囉,反正駿駿都未去過.去完八佰伴再去新馬路都唔會好遠.就係咁食完麥記就行去八佰伴啦.真係開心死駿駿囉,諗住黎八佰伴搵敏敏,點知重撞到恩恩同Jennifer添,就係咁我地三家人一齊係玩具部度行左好耐呢.再一齊去超市行下.又好彩喎,今日星期日都比我地搵到三部玩具車仔比佢地坐.其實駿駿有d太大個唔係好坐到,不過佢未坐過好想坐..最後都有比佢坐呢…但係就辛苦我囉..推到腳都痛埋.所以我同駿駿講,如果重想坐依d車仔,下次叫埋爸爸先好黎八佰伴呢… 係八佰伴買左少少零食同買左d新毛巾,大約2點幾我地就離開啦…先返停車場放低d野係車,再出發去新馬路行一陣.4點幾返到屋企,駿駿又想瞓午覺呢,我即時開電視比佢睇叫佢唔好瞓,因為明天要早起我唔想佢夜瞓呢. Planned to go to the shopping area to have lunch and shop around today, we leave home around noontime. And park my car in car park, met Garfield and Manman in car park and found that they were going to New Yaohan. By that time I still didn’t plan to go to New Yaohan yet, took Chunchun to have McDonald’s directly. However, Chunchun kept asking me that he wanted to play with Manman… and I found that New Yaohan was very close to the shopping area now, so we went to New Yaohan after lunch, and planned to go to shopping area afterward. Ha, happy day for Chunchun, we met Jennifer and Yanyan in New Yaohan too, then called Garfield and Manman, we walking around in the Toys Section and then went to supermarket. Lucky us found 3 baby car for them, haha, actually Chunchun was too big to sit in it, but he really want to, so… I told Chunchun that next time if he wanted to sit in that trolley baby car… ask Papa to go with him, I was super tired to push it forward=.= Bought some snack in supermarket, and then bought some new towels for Papa. Leave New Yaohan around 2pm something, take the towels and snack to my car… and then we walk to shopping area to buy stuff. Back home around 4pm something, Chunchun wanted to take nap again, so I let him to watch cartoon to keep him awake… didn’t want him to go to bed late tonight. 同敏敏恩恩一齊坐車仔係八佰伴超市坐車仔

漁人碼頭(Fisherman's Wharf)


今朝冇乜好做,成朝都係屋企坐下瞓下呢.食完午飯,我同駿駿先行去漁人碼頭度行下.其實主要目的都只係去機鐵打機,冇法啦,依家八佰伴冇左遊樂場…唯有去漁人碼頭囉.都有一排冇去過漁人碼頭,今日去有驚喜喎,我見機鋪附近既店鋪全都貼晒City Mall同Supermarket既紙,話會開喎..唔知幾時開呢?係就好囉..佢開左我一定會去多d姐..因為澳門真係冇乜地方好行呢. 去完漁人碼頭我地就去超市買零食比駿駿帶返學校小息時食啦.唔,駿駿揀左4盒餅乾呢,我諗都夠佢食一個月啦…有排唔駛入貨^^之後返屋企,駿駿就話要午睡啦.可憐駿駿返左學之後都冇得午睡,日日都好累咁呢…本來今日可以既我都唔想比佢瞓架,但係佢一上床又好快瞓著喎=.= Nothing to do this morning, just stay home and rest. After lunch, we walk to Fisherman’s Wharf for a while. Our main purpose is the amusement arcade, so happy that I found that City Mall and supermarket will open soon in Fisherman’s Wharf. Is so, I think we will go to Fisherman’s Wharf since Macau didn’t have much place to shop or walk around. We went to supermarket with Chunchun to buy biscuit for him to bring to school for recess afterward. Hum Chunchun chose 4 boxes of biscuit today, I guess we didn’t need to buy snack for a month^^ And then we back home to take nap. Poor Chunchun like to nap, he was super tired every day that he couldn’t nap… 去左漁人碼頭打機