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成績表(Exam Report)


因為今日中午要同爺爺飲茶丫,所以一早我就打電話去學習中心要同駿駿請假唔上普通話班呢.因為咁,我完全唔記得今朝一早要去學校拎駿駿既成績表,成朝就總係覺得有d野唔記得..到10點幾先醒起,要返學拎成績表.好彩今朝爸爸係屋企,留低駿駿比爸爸睇住,我就自己一個去學校拎成績表啦. 唔,講真,我對駿駿既成績係十分唔滿意…老師話佢唔錯架啦,係中上果班學生,不過如果佢可以上堂留心d,做野專心d就會更加好啦..睇得出佢記憶力唔錯,要記既科目佢都唔差,不過用腦既就差d囉,因為佢平日唔專心上堂,根本就唔理解到d野.而當中數學係駿駿最差既一科(其實由幼稚園開始已經係)…佢衰到考試唔合格添,好彩平時既測驗同總測成績唔係太差,岩岩拉到平均分合格.睇黎真係要搵d野去加強佢既數學先得. 以下係駿駿上學期既成績表: 科目總測10%平時25%考試15%上學期總計50% 聖經80829084.00 中文 讀本50%87939388.23 默書25%1009488 作文25%777675 普通話92898688.70 英文 讀本60%97979295.23 默書30%9897100 會話10%858585 數學87825775.5 常識92889791.50 中文書法C+C+CC+ 電腦B-BB+B 公民BBBB 視覺藝術B-C+B-C+ 音樂A-B+A-B+ 體育A-BCB- 操行B- 上學期平均分87.19 差唔多中午先返到屋企,就趕住去酒樓同老爺飲茶啦.原來今日係七叔生日喎..哈,根本就冇人知呢=_=明明記得佢係3月12日出世既,點知忽然話係2月尾生日呢…大家諗左好耐先知原來佢係計農曆生日喎…咁咪年年唔同~_~ 大約2點左右我地就離開酒樓啦,因為駿駿2點半重要買英文班呢.同爸爸送完駿駿返學,我就送爸爸返工..之後我就一個人行去公文教育中心,幫駿駿預約報名啦.其實我一向都唔係咁鍾意公文教育架,因為我表妹以前學左,佢做功課做到喊呢..所以我一直都唔想駿駿太辛苦.不過依家駿駿既數學又真係好差,除左公文教育,我係澳門搵唔到其他可以增進小朋友數學能力既興趣班.而且公文教育重話可以加強小朋友專注力,自我學習能力等…希望真係對駿駿有幫助.預約完之後,我就去超市買野再去接駿駿放學啦. 駿駿係放3點45分架,而公文果度約左5點半喎,所以有成個半鐘冇乜野做,就同駿駿去書局睇左陣書,重有去公園玩左陣啦.聽完公文講座,報埋名都已經7點幾囉,所以我同駿駿就去麥記食埋晚飯先返屋企啦. 唔,下個星期六開始,駿駿就會開始上佢既公文數啦…希望公文數真係幫到佢又唔會令佢太辛苦啦. Since we have to have lunch with Grandpa this morning, I called to learning centre to ask for leave of Mandarin Course. And then I forget about go to school to pick up Chunchun’s Exam report until 10am something. Sigh, hurry to school immediately and let Papa take care Chunchun. Hum, I didn’t satisfy about Chunchun’s result. Teacher said he’s not bad, he’s above average… if he can pay attention during lesson, to be more concentration… he will do a lot better. Math is Chunchun’s weakness subject, his Math failed in Exam… luckily he was doing not too bad in Test and Final Test, so he average is passed. Below is Chunchun’s First Term result: SubjectFinal Test 10%Test 25%Exam 15%First Term 50% Bible80829084.00 Chinese Reading 50%87939388.23 Dictation 25%1009488 Composition 25%777675 Mandarin92898688.70 English Reading 60%97979295.23 Dictation 30%9897100 Oral 10%858585 Math87825775.5 Common Sense92889791.50 Chinese HandwritingC+C+CC+ ComputerB-BB+B CitizenBBBB ArtB-C+B-C+ MusicA-B+A-B+ P.E.A-BCB- ConductB- Average87.19 Back home around noontime and then hurry to go to Chinese Restaurant to have lunch with Grandpa. Today is Uncle Tony’s birthday… haha, no one remembers it=_= we thought that his birthday should be Mar 12… but Grandpa counted by the lunar calendar ?_? so today is his birthday… weird. Leave the Chinese Restaurant around 2pm and then Papa and I took Chunchun to English Course. Since Chunchun really weak at Math and he’s not concentrate on anything… I decided to let him to go to Kumon, hope that he can be self-learning and do thing more concentrate, and surely wanted to improve his Math. Actually I didn’t like Kumon a lot since my cousin didn’t have nice experience with this Kumon Mathematics Programme… however, it’s the only thing I can found in Macau that may improver Chunchun Math and concentration. Went to Kumon to make a appointment for Chunchun to apply for it during English Course, and then go to supermarket to buy stuff. Picked up Chunchun around 4pm, since we have to go to Kumon around 5.30pm, we go to the books store and go to the park to kill time. After applied the Kumon Mathematics Programme, we have dinner in McDonald’s and back home around 8pm something. Hum, Chunchun will starts his Kumon on next Saturday… hope that it really can improve his Math and concentration. 抱起叔仔係公園玩



今日同婆婆一齊送完駿駿返學之後,就返屋企準備同爸爸過香港啦.今日唔知爸爸要去覆診丫,我都要去家計會度買藥同做檢查呢.因為好多地方要去,所以我地就早d出發搭10點15分既船過香港啦.先去旺角食午飯同行陣街先.到2點鬆d我就自己一個搭車去家計會,爸爸就自己去診所覆診啦.大約4點前我地就再係旺角匯合.今日我好開心丫,買左夠多野^o^先係因為我對鞋唔知踼到乜爛左,要買過對鞋,之後睇下睇下就買左3對鞋呢…哈,哈,重有買左漫畫啦,髮夾啦,衫啦..收獲豐富丫.不過爸爸都買左唔少衫丫同變形金剛架.今日我同爸爸都買野買得好開心呢. 晚上成10點先返到屋企,其實果時駿駿已經上左床架啦,不過未瞓得淋,一聽到開門聲就醒醒地,我同爸爸一行入房重醒晒咁彈起身添…醒左囉,咪檢查佢既功課同明天要默書既試默囉…自從比我鬧過佢蝦婆婆之後又真係做得好左好多喎.駿駿瞓前重同我講佢今日食左夾餅,好好味,又飲左芒果味既果汁喎…好開心丫. Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa. Today not only Papa need to go to clinic, I need to go to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong too. We took the 10.15am ferry to Hong Kong and then go to Mong Kok to have lunch and shopping around.. I went to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong alone around 2pm something; and Papa go to clinic himself around 3pm something. We met before 4pm at Mong Kok again. Hum, so happy I bought 3 pairs of shoes today, haha, and comic, hair pins and clothe ^O^ Papa bought a lot too, we were enjoy shopping today. Back home around 10pm, Chunchun went to bed already but he didn’t fall in sleep yet… once he saw Papa and I back home, he jump up and ask for gift~_~ Hum, I checked on his homework and pre dictation… and it’s all fine. Happy Chunchun told me that he ate pancake this afternoon, and Grandma bought him a Mango juice.. it’s super delicious… haha



今朝同爸爸一齊帶駿駿去剪頭髮,我地大約11點左右去到髮廊,諗住唔會好耐,就由得爸爸同駿駿係髮廊度等剪髮,而我就一個人去街市買餸.點知半小時後我買完餸行返去髮廊,駿駿都重坐左係度等剪髮,原來今日髮廊勁多人.最後我地差唔多成點鐘先剪完髮走得呢.原本打算剪完髮就去食午飯既..點知爸爸忽然有野做要返工~_~就係咁,我地要車爸爸返工再自己返屋企搵野食啦… 食完飯,係屋企休息一陣,打算黃昏前同駿駿去踏下滑板車呢..因為依家星期日都冇野做,希望個個星期都同駿駿去踏下單車或滑板車咁.大約4點左右,我同駿駿準備緊出門口時,爸爸打黎話收得工可以返屋企啦..就係咁..我地可以等埋爸爸一齊去公園玩囉^^去完公園我同駿駿就一齊整蛋糕仔啦,因為我忽然想食蛋糕仔做下午茶呢. 晚上食完飯,就同駿駿試默一次英文,因為佢明天要英文默書呢.依個係下個期第一個默書丫..希望佢會有好成績,希望佢依個學期會有進步啦. Took Chunchun to hair cut this morning with Papa. We arrived to the salon around 11am, Papa and Chunchun waited in the salon and I went to food market to buy foods for a week^^ Back to salon around half hour later, sigh~ the salon was too crowded, Chunchun didn’t do his hair cut yet. We finally waited until 12pm something. At first we planned to have lunch afterward with Papa, however, Papa need to go to work suddenly~_~ Drove Papa to work and then back home to have lunch ourselves. Rest for a while after lunch and planned to let Chunchun play scooter this evening. So happy that Papa called around 4pm just before Chunchun and I go to the park, Papa asked us to wait for him and go to play scooter together. We bake cake together afterward, haha because I wanted to have cake for tea in the evening. At night, after dinner, pre-dictation English once with Chunchun, because he have English dictation tomorrow. It’s his first dictation in the second school term, hope that he will do great in this school term. 剪髮好悶丫滑板車幫手打蛋白

又有新玩具(New Toys)


今日同婆婆送完駿駿返學之後,就準備同爸爸一齊返香港啦.上星期爸爸約左今日下午去診所做個小手術丫…因為佢左手生左粒瘤,雖然冇乜野,但係都係割左佢比較好.過到香港先係行左陣街同食午飯..之後就去診所啦,前前後後都花左成個鐘先做完個手術,真係等到我好累呢. 做完手術,再行左陣街..就搭車去尖沙咀準備搭船啦.走前再去玩具反斗城行左陣,爸爸又買左好多變形金剛呢…重買左2隻比駿駿添..真係開心死駿駿.晚上9點左右返到屋企,駿駿好乖咁開門比我地喎…因為婆婆沖緊涼呢~_~駿駿一見到變形金剛,爸爸未出聲佢就識得分邊d係買比佢既..好快就拎起爸爸揀比佢果2盒變形金剛要開黎玩啦.不過我叫佢早d瞓,明天先可以開. 婆婆話駿駿今日都好乖喎..而我檢查功課時見d字都寫得唔錯..起碼唔駛再寫過先啦^^ Went to Hong Kong with Papa this morning, after Grandma and I took Chunchun to school. Papa has an appointment to do surgery this afternoon. His arm has a tumor, needed to be removed. Hum, we have lunch and shopping around before doing surgery and then the surgery take almost an hour to finish it. Went to Toys ‘r’ Us before we back to Macau around 7pm something. Happy Chunchun, Papa bought him 2 Transformers today. We arrived home before 9pm and Chunchun opened door for us^^ Grandma said Chunchun was being a good boy today, and when I check on his homework… it’s neat and tidy, he don’t have to rewrite it^^

同Jeannie一齊玩(Play With Jeannie)


今朝11點出發同駿駿去學習中心,一直都冇為意原來落緊雨…出左停車場先知~_~即時泊部車係路邊,叫駿駿向後望下車尾箱有冇雨傘,因為我唔想兜個圈返入停車場,泊車再上樓拎雨傘,咁搞法駿駿一定遲到呢.好彩駿駿見到有雨傘姐,等駿駿坐番好,我地就開車囉. 準時去到學習中心上普通話班,之後我就一個人去超市買下野啦.下午係麥記食午餐,諗住之後同駿駿去氹仔教育資源中心度玩一陣,因為落過雨都唔去得公園呢.就係我地就食完午餐時,Amy就打比我啦,於時我地就約係資源中心度等駿駿同Jeannie一齊玩下呢. 開心駿駿同Jeannie一齊係波波池度玩,玩左幾分鐘咋,就有個小朋友黎叫佢地一齊玩啦,原本都冇乜所為,但係一齊玩左一陣原來個小朋友好曳架~_~雖然叫左幾次Jeannie同駿駿唔好理果個小朋友,佢太曳唔好同佢玩…不過小朋友有得玩就玩嘛,最後我地要提早離開遊戲區去排隧玩魔法巴士呢.約左2點10分架,但係我地未夠2點就去等啦.原本我諗住都係玩15分鐘度,玩完行番去學習中心就岩岩好,點知上一個小朋友玩得好慢,佢地成日都錯過左d按制時間,又要工作人員幫佢開多次機..咁等下等下..玩左成20分鐘先出到黎..結果駿駿遲左幾分鐘先返到學習中心呢~_~估唔到今日點都係要遲到一次…不過照咁睇,下次都係唔好玩魔法巴士好囉. Took Chunchun to learning centre around 11am this morning, I didn’t know that it’s raining until I drove my car out of car park~_~ Hurry to ask Chunchun to check on trunk to see is there have umbrella… I don’t want to back to car park to park my car and back home to take umbrella, Chunchun will be late. Luckily, there has an umbrella in it^^ Chunchun arrived to Mandarin Course on time and then I went to supermarket during Mandarin Course. Have lunch in McDonald’s around 1pm after Mandarin Course and planned to go to Taipa Education Activities Centre afterward. Amy called just before we finish our lunch and asked us to go to Taipa Education Activities Centre together. Happy Chunchun and Jeannie played in ball pool for a while and then we go to the Magic Castel. Sigh>_< we spent to much time in Magic Castel today, Chunchun was late for English Course… it’s my fault, I though it’s only take 15 minutes to play in Magic Castel, but we spent around 20 minutes there… I guess I better not letting Chunchun to go in Magic Castel again. 波波池



今朝一早同婆婆送完駿駿返學後,就返屋企等爸爸起身再去香港啦.爸爸話過今日想買衫同睇醫生架…不過爸爸瞓到成11點幾先起身,見到咁晏,我都冇乜心情去香港囉…雖然我有提意下個星期先去啦,今日去太晏啦,有d浪費船飛既感覺. 不過最後我地都係點幾去到碼頭,搭點半船返香港呢…爸爸話佢真係好想去睇左醫生先喎.之後我地都只係行左一陣,食左少少野9點幾就返到澳門啦..唉~好冇癮. 9點幾返到屋企重冇癮…一睇駿駿d功課,d字醜到死,問佢寫左日記未又未寫.成日係度做乜呢?就係玩同睇電視囉.即時鬧左駿駿一餐,要佢坐定定做過d功課同寫埋日先可以瞓覺.最後咪搞到佢好累成10點幾11點先瞓得囉.最嬲就係婆婆,明明提左佢好多次,叫佢同駿駿安排好晒d野,要做晒先瞓得覺..但係點解我9點幾返到黎重乜都未做..如果我唔係9點幾返..係12點先返..咁點丫?由佢玩到11,2點?平日婆婆係度,駿駿例牌遲d瞓我都唔係好高興架啦,婆婆係度駿駿起身都慢d,真係個個星期都比我鬧架啦..但係點解婆婆你都重係咁乜都由得佢~_~ Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then back home to wait for Papa wake up to go to Hong Kong today. Papa said he wanted to buy some clothes and go to doctor today. However, Papa didn’t wake up until 11am something, I suggested not to go to Hong Kong today, it’s too late to go… sigh~ Finally we arrived to ferry terminal around 1pm something, and took that 1.30pm ferry to Hong Kong. Back to Macau around 9pm something; we only went to the doctor and walk around in Mong Kok for a while. Back home around 9pm something, sigh~ when I check on Chunchun’s homework, I found his writing was super ugly… and he didn’t write his diary yet. Quite mad about it, been reminded Grandma a few time that make sure Chunchun to finish everything, but nothing he’s finished. I watch Chunchun to re-do his homework and write his diary immediately. Those made Chunchun go to bed late around 10pm something today.

第一日返學就要請半日假(Half Day Leave)


今日係農曆新年後第一日返學丫,而駿駿今日第一次就要請半一假去照超聲波囉~_~其實醫院係第二次打黎架啦,都唔明點解安排d時間永遠都係小朋友既返學時間呢=_=上次因為係考試周就冇去到,今次就冇得話唔好啦…因為佢地話參加過牛奶計劃既小朋友全部都要做架喎. 一早8點送完駿駿返學,返到屋企未夠9點就打去學校同老師講清楚今日駿駿要請半日假去照超聲波.之後到12點半左右,等駿駿係學校食埋飯就接佢放學啦.返到屋企第一時間叫駿駿做晒d功課先再係2點左右出發去醫生. 嘩,我地2點半左右去到,3點前就走得啦,真係好快…本來我重以為有排等既,點知去到登記,坐低唔夠幾分鐘就叫駿駿入房照超聲波囉..照唔夠5分鐘又走得囉. First day of school after Chinese New Years, and Chunchun have to take half day off to go to hospital to do ultrasound~_~ Hospital called two time already, they always arranged kids to do ultrasound during school hour=.= Last time I refused it because it’s during exam week… and this time, no excuse to refuse it, because they said they have to do it with every kids that join milk project before. Took Chunchun to school around 8am and then called to school before 9am to ask for half day leave. Then I went to pick up Chunchun after lunch around 12.30pm. Let Chunchun finished his homework before we go to hospital around 2pm. Wow, we arrived to hospital before 2.30pm and leave before 3pm… it’s so quick. I thought we may have to wait for a long time, but we just register and then do the ultrasound immediately. 吊住爬隧道

普通話班同英文班同一日上(Mandarin & English Course)


琴日返番黎澳門,駿駿今日就要返普通話班同英文班啦…依個係新既時間表,今個星期先開始架咋..其實之前我都想將2個課堂集合埋係一日上,唔駛走2日咁辛苦…終於係新年前搵同人一齊開新英文班,以後駿駿只係星期六學野.星期日就有一日自由時間輕輕鬆鬆囉. 11點左右就帶駿駿去普通話班囉..去到先發覺原來我唔記得帶電話,唯有放低駿駿之後,快手去超市買d飲品就返屋企拎番個電話先,再返去接駿駿放學啦. 之後我地就同爸爸一齊係麥記食午飯,爸爸食完就自己返工先,我就同駿駿去公園玩到2點鬆d就行番去學習中心準備2點半上英文班啦.唔,點知新堂又係果個老師教,我唔係咁鍾意呢..因為依個老師英文真係麻麻,不過當係同小朋友玩就冇所謂咋..好彩老闆話佢只係臨時教住先,佢地會為新既英文班搵過個老師架喎..係就好囉..希望快d搵到. 上完普通話班,食個午飯,再上英文班,返到屋企都4點幾囉..我真係幾累架..無所事事坐係度,一係就去超市閒逛…不過駿駿佢就好開心囉,佢好鍾意今日咁既安排呢..重問我,明天係咪都有得返英文班添=.=佢咁好精力,有機會都搵第二d野比佢學囉^^ Back to Macau yesterday, and today, Chunchun have to go to Mandarin Course and English Course. His new schedule just starts on this week, I been wanted to group 2 course in one day, and I finally found someone can join the new English course with Chunchun after Chinese New Years^^ For now on we can have whole free day on Sunday. Take Chunchun to Mandarin Course around 11am, since I forgot to take my cell phone, I hurry to supermarket to buy stuff and then back home to pick up my cell phone before Chunchun to leave learning centre. Went to have lunch with Papa afterward in McDonald’s and then I let Chunchun play in the playground until 2pm something, and then walk back to learning centre around 2.30pm ready for his new English Course. Hum, I didn’t like that teacher too much, her English wasn’t good enough I think… hope that they will find one nice teacher to teach this new course, Mr. Chan said she is temporary. Back home around 4pm something, um, I was quite tired today… not much to do just sit and wait or walking around in supermarket. But Chunchun seem to be very enjoy today, and love that learning centre… 爬丫滑滑梯打泡泡

日本遊第六天(Japan Trip Day 6)


7.00am 起身 8.00am 早餐 8.30am 搭旅遊巴去迪士尼樂園 10.00am 到達迪士尼樂園 12.45pm 離開迪士尼樂園 1.45pm 到達淺草 4.00pm 到達秋葉原 7.45pm 回到池袋 8.15pm 晚飯時間 10.00pm 返到池袋太陽城太子酒店 今日係去迪士尼既日子,原本既行程我地係應該成日都留係迪士尼度玩架.不過我地一開始其實係冇打算去架,因為想自己去行街,不過導遊話今日唔多人喎,咁咪同駿駿去玩一陣先再去街囉. 10點鐘去到迪士尼樂園,都重係好多人下呢..不過又唔算係好迫果隻.係迪士尼玩左2個鐘鬆d都玩到3個遊戲,買左爆谷同蛋糕仔,重買左少少維他既野添.大約12點半就離開迪士尼,步行15分鐘去舞濱車站搭火車去淺草囉. 搭左成個鐘火車先去到淺草,第一時間就係去食午飯先囉..之後再慢慢行街買野,係淺草我買左2隻Hello Kitty公仔同買左一條牛仔褲呢..重有買左人形燒等既小食.到3點左右舅父就打比我啦,再約我地係秋葉原等,一齊再行街.哈,我今日終於都買到一隻變形金剛比爸爸啦,由大阪行到落東京,係秋葉原先見到有變形金剛賣呢.而駿駿就買左d超人玩具.我同婆婆又白行囉. 晚上我地返番去池袋果邊食日本料理,今餐真係好好味呢^o^不過當我地由食店行返去酒店時,我地先記起池袋都係一個購物點>__< We forget to shop around in Ikebukuro… but it’s too late to shop after dinner, most of the store were closed… 玩巴斯光年飛機起飛囉迪士尼販賣機係度買左手製人形燒

日本遊第五天(Japan Trip Day 5)


7.00am 起身 8.00am 早餐 9.00am 到達富士天滑雪場 11.40am 搭旅遊巴到午飯地點 12.00pm 午飯時間 2.30pm 到達Sanrio Puroland 4.45pm 搭旅遊巴到新宿 5.10pm 到達新宿行街 7.30pm 搭旅遊巴去飯店 8.00pm 晚飯時間 10.00pm 到達太陽城太子酒店 今日瞓到7點先起身,8點食早餐之就出發去滑雪場啦.大家都好興奮呢,因為我地都係第一次見到雪,第一次係雪上面行咋.大約9點左右就去到富士天滑雪板啦.開心駿駿都等唔切,係導遊講解滑雪場地區同規舉時,駿駿已經坐左係雪地上玩雪囉.之後導遊就帶我地去滑雪兜場,係果度玩左差唔多2個鐘真係累死人呢..而且重越玩越熱,玩玩下我連羽絨都除埋,只係著左一件內衣同一件T-shirt玩咋. 大約係11點40分我地就離開滑雪場,前去午飯地點啦.食完飯再坐個半鐘頭車去Sanrio Puroland.唔,今日真係好丫,成個Sanrio Puroland都冇乜人,我地去到邊都唔駛排隊,船仔駿駿都坐左2次丫,記得之前去都要排長龍好冇癮架嘛.不過今次我同婆婆都搵唔到乜靚野買>__< only played the lucky draw 4 times… and I bought a lucky bag just before we back to travel bus. Arrived to Shinjuku around 5pm something, round up time is on 7.30pm. have around 2 hours to shop around, but we didn’t buy much either… hum, I bought 2 bracelet and won another monster bear for Chunchun tonight. 準備滑雪兜滑落雪堆坐HelloKitty船仔HelloKitty蜜蜂

日本遊第四天(Japan Trip Day 4)


6.30am 起身 7.30am 早餐 9.30am 到達平和公園 10.00am 搭旅遊巴去富士急樂園 12.00pm 係富士急樂園食午晚同自由活動 5.00pm 離開富士急 6.00pm 到達酒店 6.30pm 係酒店食晚飯 9.00pm 自己去浸溫泉 今朝應該6點半起身架,不過我聽唔到電話響..唔知係咪因為琴晚浸完溫泉瞓得太熟呢.我瞓到成7點先起身,之後好趕咁係7點半落餐廳食早餐.大約9點半去到平和公園,係果度逗留左半小時左右啦,駿駿就最開心啦,有得敲鐘.之後我地就要坐2小時車去富士急樂園. 係搭車去富士急樂園途中,因為都要成2小時車程…導遊就.同我地玩抽獎啦.原來新年去旅行有禮物抽架喎…導遊拎左一個大袋出黎,話係由旅行社準備既神秘禮物喎.全車36人,都比駿駿抽中份禮物喎,真係好囉^o^份禮物有一套和服黎架. 開心駿駿一去到富士急就見到地下有好多一堆堆既雪,後來重有一大堆雪佢可以企上去行行跳跳…雖然都只係2個車位咁上下大小既雪堆,不過就足夠令到駿駿好興奮囉.一入到富士急樂園,第一時間就係去左食午飯先,之後我地先去玩左哈姆太郎既遊戲,再慢慢行去Thomas Land入面玩Thomas小遊戲.今日淨係玩遊戲都洗左5000yen以上丫.真係好貴呢,如果係香港我一定唔會比駿駿咁玩法呢.玩完遊戲就行下手信店啦,不過今日我冇收獲丫,得駿駿買左Thomas爆谷桶,哈姆太郎文具,同高撻模型一盒咋. 5點鐘我地就離開富士急樂園,坐一小時旅遊巴返酒店啦.6點去到酒店,6點半就食晚飯…今晚有自費加料魚生船食呢.之後到8點就同駿駿一齊去浸溫泉,真係開心啦..估唔到駿駿咁大個都重可以跟我地一齊浸溫泉喎.本來我以為佢都大個唔比入…今日係舅父話好累唔去浸,而駿駿又想去我先問人得唔得既..原來得架喎..早知琴日都同佢一齊浸啦^^ 6.30am Wake up 7.30am Breakfast 9.30am Arrived to Nagasaki Peace Park 10.00am Bus to Fuji-Q High Land 12.00pm Lunch and Play @ Fuji-Q High Land 5.00pm Leave Fuji-Q High Land 6.00pm Arrived to Hotel 6.30pm Dinner @ Hotel 9.00pm Hot Spring Morning call on 6.30am this morning, but I missed it… I woke up around 7am and hurry to go to restaurant to have breakfast on 7.30am. Arrived to Nagasaki Peace Park around 9.30am, spent around half hour… and then we prepare to go to Fuji-Q High Land. While we on the way to Fuji-Q High Land, it’s need almost 2 hours. Tour guide holds a lucky draw in bus, there have a bag of gift that prepared by the travel agency. Lucky Chunchun won the gift… it’s a set of Kimono^O^ Happy Chunchun we saw snow in front of the Fuji-Q High Land, actually there was only a small section, but it’s enough to make Chunchun being excited. Have lunch at Fuji-Q High Land and then it’s our free time to play games. We first go to play the Hamtaro games and then go to Thomas Land to play games. Hum, we spent around 5000yen just to play games, quite expensive, I won’t spend that much to play games if we at Hong Kong. Hum, I bought nothing in Fuji-Q High Land today, but Chunchun bought a Thomas & Friends Popcorn and Hamtaro stationery set. Leave Fuji-Q High Land on 5pm and then we take an hour bus to hotel to have dinner around 6.30pm and went to hot spring with Chunchun around 8pm. Haha, I am so happy that Chunchun still can go to hot spring with us. 敲鐘有雪玩啦同媽媽踏哈姆太郎單車好清楚睇到富士山丫