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同爸爸睇戲(Moive With Papa)


爸爸今朝11點左右,駿駿上緊溜冰堂時就黎左香港啦.因為爸爸約左中午去驗眼丫.到駿駿溜完冰後,我地就約爸爸係地鐵會合,再一齊去旺角啦^^唔,其實因為爸爸話重有排驗眼,所以我就先帶駿駿去BK既Office度拎禮物先...不過因為咁..爸爸反而快過我地呢. 去到旺角都差唔多2點啦,快手咁個地方食野...之後再去買4點10分既電影飛...買完飛就係信和行一陣等夠鐘再行番戲院.唔,今日爸爸買左隻怪獸熊模型比駿駿呢. 晚上,我地去左意粉屋食晚飯,之後爸爸就送我同駿駿返太婆屋企,之後佢先再返澳門呢. Papa came to Hong Kong this morning around 11am, while Chunchun attending his second ice skating course. Because Papa need to go to the eye doctor around noontime. And after Chunchun finished his skating course, we met Papa at MTR and then go to Mong Kok together^^ Hum, before Chunchun and I met Papa at MTR, I took Chunchun to BK's office to get the prize frist, because Papa said he still need a while to check his eyes. Arrived to Mong Kok around 2pm something, we hurry to found a place to have lunch, and then went to buy the 4.10pm - G.I. Joe movie ticket. Walking around in Sino Centre while we wait for the movie... hum, Papa bought the Gloomy Bear toys for Chunchun. Haha, it's the first time I knew it's name, I always called it monster bear... At night, we went to Spaghetti House to have dinner and then Papa back to great Grandma's home with us. 跌底左添自由時間可以自己玩囉

同表姨溜冰(Ice Skating With Auntie)


約左姑婆同表姨中午係又一城等,之後我地就去Super Sandwich度食午飯啦.本來我地係諗住係又一城行下街先,到3點半先溜冰到4點半既,不過最後大約都冇乜意行街咁喎... 結果我地2點就走左去溜冰,溜到3點完場.表姨就去學整蛋糕...而姑婆就陪我同駿駿去地產代理度睇下樓啦...因為爸爸話我地下年應該都要搬番香港啦..所以我想去睇下香港d樓大約間格先^^ 大約6點左右我地就返屋企啦,而姑婆就去左叔婆度打牌.到7點半左右表姨就帶埋佢自己整既蛋糕上黎食晚飯囉...食完晚飯食表姨既蛋糕做甜品.之後就一齊去冒險樂園度玩啦.搞笑駿駿重為左100個coins而認做四眼雞丁,重做埋個木嘴樣添. Met my auntie and cousin around noontime at Festival Walk, and then we went to Super Sandwich to have lunch. At first we planned to walk around in Festival Walk first, and then go to ice skating around 3.30pm to 4.30pm. However, we didn't interesting to walk around... We went to ice skating on 2pm to 3pm. After ice skating, my cousin went to a bakery course... and my auntie go to property agency with us. Papa told me that we should move back to Hong Kong next school year, so I wanted to search for some apartment first^^ Back home around 6pm something, and then have dinner aorund 7.30pm... our dessert is my cousin's home made cake from the bakery course. After dinner, we went to Jumpin Gym USA to play for a while.嘩~就跌啦同媽咪表姨溜冰為左一100個coins而做既雞丁樣



駿駿話佢有d喉嚨痛喎,所以今日就帶左佢去搵洛舅父睇醫生啦.舅父話佢都冇乜野作緊病姐,開左d藥佢叫佢小心d就算囉.因為大家都知道,駿駿主要係黎催舅父買賽道比佢呢. 睇完醫生,我地再行一陣街就返屋企啦.唔,今日我買左2件幾得意既T恤呢,係熊熊公仔架,因為係駿駿幫我揀架呢^^大約4點鬆d就返到屋企囉,休息一陣,留低駿駿我又自己一個出街啦. 今晚約左Ida同Josephine食晚飯呢,真係可惜駿駿冇跟黎呢,因為今次佢地揀間食店都幾特別,重有好多好好味既甜品添喎.而係我出左街既時候,婆婆就帶左駿駿去搵公公同舅父啦,重打左PSP添 Chunchun said he seem to have a sore throat today, so I take him to visit Uncle Lok (doctor)... Uncle Lok give him some medicine and told him to be take care. Haha, we all knew that Chunchun didn't sick, but he wanted to visit Uncle Lok to ask for the racing track. And then we went to shopping around for a while before we back home. Bought 2 cute T-shirt today, haha, it's bear pattern... Chunchun chose it^^ Back home around 4pm something, rest for awhile, and then I went out again around 5pm something. Have a dinner gaterhing with Ida and Josephine. Too bad that Chunchun didn't go out with me tonight, we went to a very nice cafe that have a lot of nice dessert... While I was having dinner with Ida and Josephine, Grandma took Chunchun to visit Grandpa and my brother. Happy Chunchun played PSP tonight.玩健身

新玩具(New Toy)


洛舅父係上個月時答應左駿駿會買新玩具 - 戰龍四驅既飛天戰龍四驅車比佢,而今日叔婆終於都拎個玩具落黎比駿駿啦.開心駿駿即時就想開黎玩啦,不過呢,因為我想同駿駿出旺角行下街同食午飯,所以佢要等去完街返黎先有得玩呢.唔,我地都只係行左3個鐘左右姐,都冇乜買野,只係買左幾本漫畫,同駿駿揀左幾隻卡通既VCD咁囉^^ 大約4點鬆d返到屋企,駿駿就即時開佢部戰龍四驅黎玩啦,可惜佢冇賽道,部車太快啦,撞左幾下之後就唔知撞甩左d乜.心痛既駿駿即時打比洛舅父話冇賽道玩唔到新玩具,想舅父買埋賽道比佢呢...哈..哈...舅父答佢,等佢下次成績好先再買比佢啦,因為今次個玩具都係獎佢下學期比上學期有進步先買既.哈..哈..可憐駿駿有排等囉,得物冇所用,要等有好成績有賽道先可以玩呢. Uncle Lok promised to buy Chunchun new toy - Go For Speed(Cartoon) - Soraring Dragon last month, and today, my Auntie bring it to Chunchun finally. Happy Chunchun open it immediately, however, I didn't let him to play it because I wanted to go shopping with him. He have to wait until we back home. Hum, we have lunch and shopping around in Mong Kok around 3 hours I think, I bought some comic and Chunchun bought a few cartoon's VCD^^ Back home around 4pm something, Chunchun played his Soraring Dragon immediately, but it's too fast without racing track... it crash a few time and then something falling apart. Poor Chunchun called Uncle Lok immediately and asked for the racing track... haha, he couldn't play his Soraring Dragon until he get the racing track. And Uncle Lok said he will buy it when Chunchun get good marks on his test or exam... haha.

海洋公園(Ocean Park)


一早諗住今日去海洋公園架啦,因為今日婆婆放假...而駿駿下個星期開始就日日唔係游水就溜冰...所以要同婆婆一齊去海洋公園既話,就只有今日架咋. 今朝雖然係1號風球,不過都冇所謂啦..我,婆婆同太公太婆都照樣帶駿駿去海洋公園呢.中午前去到,第一時間就去左果個乜鬼夏水禮度玩水先,之後再去睇恐龍果d...再搭電梯上去搵地方坐底食野,食完野再去海洋館. 因為3號風球,搞到纜車暫停呢..原本開左一陣架,不過我地食完野,佢又停過=_=最後我地要坐番穿梭巴士去海洋公園既另一邊呢.去到果邊我地去左睇亞洲動物,又玩左d遊戲咁啦...最後都玩到7點先走.開始駿駿玩遊戲有6隻小公仔,佢重話係自己嬴架喎,不過其實係每玩50蚊,就送一個開心獎呢..就係咁...玩左2,300蚊,咪有幾隻公仔囉=_= Planned to go to Ocean Park today, because today is Grandma's day off... and Chunchun's swimming course and skating course will starts on next Tuesday... today is the only day if we wanted to go to Ocean Park with Grandma. Typhoon Signal 1 this morning, but it's not matter, great Grandparents, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Ocean park before noontime. We first go to the Stone Age Water World to play water... and then we went to Empire of the Dinosaurs and Wonders of Ancient Times. We found a place to have lunch before we go visit the Atoll Reef. Because of the Typhoon Singal 3, the cable car have to break off=_= We take the shuttle bus to the other side of Ocean Park. Go to visit the Amazing Asian Animals and play games in the lowland gardens. Happy Chunchun think that he won 6 dolls from the games, and it actually spent us 200 to buy it=_= 泡泡好好玩好得意既恐龍BB智者龜丫學熊貓既動作

同爺爺食晚飯(Dinner With Grandpa)


又係好懶既一日,今日又瞓到9點幾10點先起身啦…好似依個暑期我都都瞓到好晏咁..哈..哈…不過呢,上年,前年,大前年,駿駿重返幼稚園時,就算係放長假,星期六,日都好啦,佢都係晨咁早6,7點就會起身架啦..唔知點解今年咁瞓得,我地唔起身佢都唔起身呢? 一起身就整早餐,食完先沖涼…沖完涼..休息一陣,又係時間準備午飯囉….日日都係咁上下,之後下午唔係去公園,就去踏單車,又或者去行街,有一日要去買餸咁…真係悶到暈丫…都係因為豬流感囉,忽然取消左夏令班,搞到駿駿星期一至五都冇活動…唉~而今日呢,我地又係去踏單車,之後返屋企沖涼換衫準備去新濠天地同爺爺食晚飯.唔,咁又一日囉. And other sleepy day, haha, we didn’t wake up until 9 or 10am this summer… haha. Remember when Chunchun was still in kindergarten, he woke up early in the morning around 6 or 7, no matter it’s holiday or weekend. Wonder why this year, he could wake up late with us… haha Prepare breakfast once I woke up, and take shower after breakfast. Rest for a while and then prepare lunch… hum, quite boring in the summer, because Chunchun didn’t have summer school this year. Boring in week days, go to the park, bicycle, shopping… same everyday. And today, we went to bicycling with Chunchun around 3pm for half hour, and then we back to take a shower and get change to go to City Of Dream to have dinner with Grandpa. 踏得唔錯啦未識落斜要推車