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去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


下午1點左右就同駿駿去麥記食午餐,之後2點半就送佢返英文班.放左英文班後就忙囉,我地要趕去碼頭搭船返香港呢.唉~原本我打算就咁泊架車係碼頭果邊個地車場,泊2日1夜既…點知我地去到碼頭時,見到有車龍排緊停車場喎=.=最後唯有泊番架車係屋企,再打比爸爸,叫佢叫司機黎車我地啦… 因為泊車問題,我地成6點先返到香港呢.因為我今晚約左小學同學聚會,所以一返到香港我就帶駿駿去婆婆公司,等婆婆帶駿駿返屋企,而我就直接去聚會啦. 係我聚會期間,駿駿竟然打左好幾次電話比我喎…好多原因,一時又話唔想溫習,一時又問我打唔打得機…一時又問我幾時返屋企喎…哈..哈..真係少有..唔知佢係咪掛住我呢…我好似都真係好耐冇丟抵佢一個係屋企… Have lunch with Chunchun at McDonald’s around 1pm and then take Chunchun to English Course at 2.30pm. After English Course, Chunchun and I have to hurry to the ferry terminal to go to Hong Kong. Sigh~ at first I planned to park my car in the car park near the ferry terminal, however, when we arrived to the ferry terminal, it have a long queue for the car park=.= Finally, we have to drove back home and then take taxi to the ferry terminal. Arrived to HK around 6pm something, since I have gathering with my primary’s classmates… I took Chunchun to where Grandma working and let Grandma take Chunchun back home, then I go to gathering. Hum, during my gathering… Chunchun called a few time=.= didn’t want to study, wanted to play nds or psp… many reason to call and kept asking me when will back home. So rare, haha, I thought that Chunchun won’t miss me…

澳門科學館(Macau Science Center)


今一直都落住雨丫…本來爸爸答應左今日同駿駿去科學館架,但係見到咁大雨,爸爸就話唔去住啦.不過睇住個日曆都唔覺得大邊日駿駿同爸爸有機會一齊去科學館,所以最後,我地食完午飯都係去左科學館呢. 先係展覽館度行左一陣,大約2點半我地就去太空館果邊睇2D電影啦,睇完再返展覽館玩.我地玩得最多時間既係館4既兒童科學館呢,果度有好多小遊戲比小朋友玩…但係其實駿駿最想去玩既係館3…佢寫明係比2至7歲既小朋友玩架嘛…但係佢地設定既高度只有120喎…~_~駿駿有得睇,冇得玩呢…我都唔明,7歲小朋友都唔夠120既話,都真係十分之細粒囉…駿駿5歲半果時都已經120啦…如果個高度係設定得咁低,好心就改一改話係比2-5歲既小朋友玩啦… 唔,最後我地係科學館都玩左成3個鐘,其實駿駿就覺得唔夠既,但係爸爸覺得悶啦,而我係太空館睇完電影之後就一直攪肚痛…所以最後都係早d走就算啦…同駿駿講下次有時間,有機會先再去過囉. Rainy day, Papa promised Chunchun to go to Macau Science Center few days ago… because of the heavy rain, Papa wanted to postpone it. However, I really couldn’t think of any other day that Papa and Chunchun both have free to go to Macau Science Center, we finally go to Macau Science Center after lunch. We first entry the exhibition center to sightseeing around for a while, and then we go to Planetarium to watch the 2D movie around 2.30pm and back to exhibition center afterward. Happy Chunchun spent a lot of time in Children Science Gallery, haha actually he really want to get in the Fun Science Gallery, it said it’s for age 2 to 7 years old, however, Chunchun is too tall that he could get in=.= it’s impossible that 7 years old kids is under 120cm~_~ Chunchun was 120 when he’s 5 years old…. Hum, we spent around 3 hours in the Macau Science Center, Chunchun wanted to stay longer, but Papa felt boring about it, and I didn’t feeling too well after watching the 2D movie, so we back home around 5pm and promised Chunchun to go there again someday. 依部乜黎架呢掉波波落水用力發射好多火箭

剪髮(Hair Cut)


就黎新年啦,爸爸同我都決定今日去剪髮先,當然駿駿都係啦.不過因為人多,所以我地3個人都係分開去呢.爸爸一早就去剪髮啦,而我就中午食完午飯後去剪,剪完岩岩好夠鐘接駿駿放學呢.接完駿駿放學就帶駿駿去剪髮啦.爸爸同駿駿都真係黑仔呢,佢地2個去剪髮既時間都係鬼咁多人,我去時都唔駛點等,但係爸爸話佢等左半個鐘先到佢剪,而駿駿今日重等左成個幾鐘添丫. 因為唔想浪費時間係度呆坐,先係買左下午茶比駿駿食,之後再叫駿駿一邊做功課一邊等…唔知係咪做功課累呢…一到駿駿剪髮,佢坐左一陣就瞓著左囉,搞到我全程要雙手托住佢個頭比師父剪髮呢.其他客人見到駿駿瞓得咁熟,都笑下次唔好要小朋友等咁耐呢. 剪完髮,見時間唔早啦,爸爸今晚又會唔返黎食晚飯,我就直接同駿駿去麥記買野食做晚飯呢.唉~今日真係等左好耐呢…4點半放學..6點半先剪完髮丫… Chinese New Year is coming soon, Papa and I decided to do hair cut today…. Papa go to the hair salon in the morning, and I go to the hair salon in the afternoon. After I finished my hair cut, I went to pick up Chunchun and take him to the hair salon too. It’s really crowded today, haha, many people want to get their hair done before Chinese New Year. Poor Chunchun and I waited for almost an hour to do the hair cut. I let Chunchun have tea in the hair salon and do some homework while we were waiting. Finally, Chunchun was super sleepy during his hair cut and fall in sleep=.=; I have to hold his head during his hair cut… and many other customer laugh about it… they all said “don’t let kids wait too long next time” Since Papa won’t back for dinner tonight, after Chunchun finished his hair cut, we went to McDonald’s to buy dinner back home. Sigh, we really waited a very long time today, Chunchun off school around 4.30pm and we go to McDonald’s around 6.30pm something… 剪髮又瞓著覺

婆婆生日(Grandma's Birthday)


今日係婆婆生日丫,婆婆今晚就會過黎澳門啦.原本我地計劃好晒,晚上去碼頭接婆婆,之後就一齊去食晚飯…再返屋企食蛋糕架.不過駿駿今日十分之唔合作呢…明明同佢講左今日婆婆生日,晚上會有節目…但係佢都重係用龜速黎做功課,做到我根本都冇時間去接婆婆返屋企,要婆婆自己行返黎先呢…重有因為駿駿真係做得太慢..我地有諗過要取消出街食飯,係屋企叫外賣算呢. 最後都好彩,婆婆返到屋企後,未決定叫乜外賣時駿駿就做完功課啦…結果我地都係出左街食飯既..不過我都食得唔多開心呢..因為今日駿駿真係好麻煩好乞人憎,成日明知趕時間重拖慢d野黎做…成個下午係咁鬧佢做功課,重點會有好心情. 食完晚飯,我地返屋企休息一陣…就切蛋糕食囉,食完駿駿就要快手沖涼準備瞓覺呢. Today is Grandma’s birthday; Grandma will come to Macau at night… We been planned to go to pick up Grandma in the ferry terminal and then go to have dinner together. However, Chunchun was super uncooperative today, spent a very long time on his homework… so that I don’t have free to go to pick up Grandma and we may cancel go out to have dinner with Grandma, if Chunchun couldn’t finish his homework before Grandma arrive home. Sigh, Chunchun finally finished his homework after Grandma arrived… we go out to have dinner immediately. However, I really unhappy about Chunchun behavior, we should be very happy today… go to pick up Grandma and have nice dinner together… and now, well, it still a very nice dinner… but I don’t have mood…sigh After dinner, we back home to have birthday cake with Grandma then Chunchun have to prepare to take shower and go to bed as soon as he can. 婆婆生日快樂同婆婆切蛋糕



今朝一早6點45分就叫駿駿起身囉…可憐駿駿琴日累到死呢..今朝不停話好累好眼瞓重想瞓丫…可惜今日要返學唔可以唔起身呢.一邊車駿駿返學,一邊提駿駿今日係新學期既開始,上學期佢無論成績同行為都麻麻地,希望佢下學期會有大進步. 下午去接駿駿放學時,見佢好開心咁拎住d小禮物喎…佢話我知,佢因為網上練習做得好,所以有禮物丫.返到屋企先發現,原來小禮物係老師送既,而iLearner就有一張獎狀比佢喎^^今日都算係一個好既開始,原本駿駿就幾鍾意做網上練習,我諗今次之後,佢應該會更努力去做網上練習呢. 而今日都唔係好多功課,大約2頁既中文生字,1頁數學習作,同讀一本英文故事書姐.今日駿駿狀態都真係好好,好快就做完功課同網上練習囉… 晚飯前駿駿重有好多時間睇下電視同玩新玩具呢. Woke up Chunchun on 6.45am, poor Chunchun was exhausted yesterday… he kept saying he’s sleepy, he’s tired, he want to sleep… however, he have to wake up on time. While we on the way to school, I kept reminding Chunchun today is a new school term, I hope that he can do better than last school term. Went to pick up Chunchun in the afternoon, happy Chunchun told me that he got a gift today… because he was doing a good job on his Chinese online exercise. He got an honor award from iLearner ^^ It’s a very nice beginning for his second school term, Chunchun like to do his online exercise a lot, I guess that will make him work harder on it. Didn’t have much homework today, just two pages of Chinese writing and one page of Math exercise and an English story reading. Chunchun was being a good boy this afternoon, finished his homework quick and finished his Chinese and English online exercise quick too. Happy Chunchun have a lot of free time this afternoon, playing with his new toy and watched cartoon before dinner. 獲得ILearner優秀學員獎

即日來回香港(One Day Trip to HK)


爸爸琴晚打爛左佢自己副眼鏡丫…搞到今日駿駿同我要即日來回香港一次,幫佢拎副眼鏡店度配過一副一模一樣既眼鏡呢=.=一早由得駿駿睇埋佢鍾意既卡通先,之後10點鬆d先出發去碼頭…大約搭11點船過香港呢. 唔,雖然今日過香港有d突然,不過最後我同駿駿都幾開心…因為大家都買到野呢.我就買左新出既Hello Kitty鑽石香水禮物套裝,重有小小煮野食既野..而駿駿就買左佢恨左好耐既陀螺.其實本來我係網上見到都唔知買唔買Hello Kitty香水好架,不過過到黎香港,咪買囉..我同佢有緣丫… 中午左右去到香港,我同駿駿先行去IFC入面既連卡佛度買Hello Kitty,之後行去婆婆公司放底d野(回程時先拎番),之後我地就去旺角囉…第一時間去眼鏡店度配眼鏡先,之後就去食午飯同行街街啦.原本我諗住帶駿駿去冒險樂園玩下架….點知駿駿話想去公園多d喎..重好,慳番唔駛洗錢.咪同駿駿去公園玩一陣再回程返澳門囉. 大約7點半左右返到澳門,就即時渣車去接爸爸放晚飯…再一齊去屋企樓下間日本料理店度食晚飯囉.今日真係好鬼累呢. Papa broke his glasses last night, and today, Chunchun and I have to take his glasses to Hong Kong to the retailer to buy another same model glasses=.= Let Chunchun finish watching his favorite cartoon and then we go to the ferry terminal before 11am. Get on the 11am ferry to Hong Kong. Hum, Chunchun and I were having fun today, haha, at least we both bought something for ourselves. I bought Hello Kitty diamond perfume gift set and some cooking stuff and Chunchun bought a Beyblade. We arrived to Hong Kong around noontime, and first we walk to IFC to buy the Hello Kitty diamond perfume gift set, and then walk to Grandma’s working place. Went to Mong Kok afterward to the glasses retailer, and then we have lunch and shopping around at Mong Kok. At first I planned to take Chunchun to Jumpin Gym USA to play for a while, however, Chunchun decided to go to the playground instead of Jumpin Gum USA, haha, that’s nice, I don’t have to spend any money. Back to Macau around 7.30pm, then we went to pick up Papa at work and have dinner at the Japanese Restaurant near our home. IFC家樂坊最愛氹氹轉信德的大桃花