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Amy琴晚打比我問我今日去唔去Q立方玩,咁我地本來諗住下午先去架,不過同Amy約好冇耐Gina又話我知佢今日都去Q立方喎,但係就10點去…問我地一唔一齊.見可以多個小朋友一齊玩,當然就好啦.唯有今朝8點半就起身準備同駿駿去玩啦.先去接左Amy同Jeannie先,再係Q立方同Gina, Stephenie會合啦. 係果度玩左2小時,睇見佢地真係玩得好開心呢..而且重十分之累..我追住佢地影相都覺得好累丫.玩完之後,Gina同Stephenie就走先,因為佢地要去拜山喎,而我同Amy就帶駿駿同Jeannie去食pizza,食完就送佢地返屋企啦.係回程途中,Jeannie不停咁問Amy想要黎我地屋企玩呢.可惜我同Amy都好累丫…所以拒絕左Jeannie既要求啦.其實駿駿都好累啦..2點幾返到屋企,駿駿就自己上床午睡..一瞓就由3點瞓到6點呢..其實我都好想瞓,我都好累呢..不過我要send番d相比Amy同Gina… Amy asked me to go to the Qube together last night; at first we planned to go to the Qube in the afternoon, but then Gina told me that she will go to the Qube this morning on 10am… Therefore Amy and I went to the Qube earlier today just because we wanted Chunchun, Jeannie and Stephenie can play together^^ Spent almost 2 hours there, I am sure Chunchun, Jeannie and Stephenie were super happy and tired too. Hum, after playing in the Qube, Amy and I took Chunchun and Jeannie to have pizza for lunch. Poor Jeannie kept asking Amy to let her come to our home; she wanted to play with Chunchun. However, Amy and I were very tired… so Amy rejected Jeannie. We back home around 2pm something and then Chunchun napped from 3pm to 6pm something. I was very tired too, but have to upload photo to Amy and Gina. 滑麻包袋滑落波波池三隻小豬迫埋一格三隻小豬轉轉轉

今日好累丫(Tired Day)


今朝11點又係時候帶駿駿去學校中心上普通話課囉,今次又係駿駿先落車入班房,我再搵位泊車呢.泊完車,我又去超市行下買野消磨時間啦.不過其實都冇乜野要買啦,因為上個星期爸爸同我一齊入左好多飲品同食品呢.正當我打算離開返學習中心呆坐時,爸爸就打比我話依家黎搵我喎,大約15分鐘後佢就黎到超市啦.真係好,有爸爸幫我拎番d野上車先呢.放好d野,都只係12點半鬆d,我地就係學習中心度等駿駿放學啦. 下午又係例牌去左麥記食午飯,之後係書店睇左陣書..爸爸大約1點30分鬆d就話要返工囉.見爸爸走左,我咪同駿駿去公園玩一陣囉.原本打算比佢玩到2點25分左右先行番去學習中心上英文班架,不過係遊樂場度有幾個10歲左右既男仔,係度跑黎跑去,又係高處跳落地..都幾危險,費事駿駿比佢地撞到又唔想駿駿學埋佢地d曳野.大約2點我就叫駿駿走囉,返學習中心邊玩邊等上堂啦. 唉~等駿駿上英文堂期間,我真係十分之眼瞓丫,因為都冇野要帶,我就只係坐係學習中心坐足個幾鐘...係度等等等.終於等到3點45分放英文班…又要帶駿駿去公文中心上數學堂…今次重要冇得坐,係中心門外等.家真係每個星期六都累死我呢.不過駿駿上得開心,都好既… Took Chunchun to learning centre for Mandarin course around 11am and then park my car afterward. Hum, didn’t have much to buy today, because Papa and I already bought a lot of drinks and foods last week. While I walking around in supermarket, Papa called and said he will come to meet me. Papa arrived 15 minutes later after his call, and then he helps me carry stuff to my car. Back to learning centre around 12.30pm to wait for Chunchun off course. Went to McDonald’s to have lunch and then we go to a books store for a while. Papa back to work around 1.45pm, so that I took Chunchun to the playground after Papa leave. Hum, we have a long time didn’t go to the playground I think, because it kept raining these few weekends. At first I wanted to let Chunchun play in the playground until 2.25pm and then walk to the learning centre, however, there were a few big boys (around 10yrs old) kept running around and jumping down from the slide, it’s quite danger… so I asked Chunchun back to learning center around 2pm to play there and wait for his English Course. Sigh, I was super sleepy during English course, nothing to buy so that I just sit in the centre and wait… wait… wait… Finally it’s 3.45pm, it’s time to go to Kumon Center to attend another Math course~_~ Waiting outside of the Kumon Centre until 4.30pm to pick up Chunchun. I really tired every Saturday just to wait for Chunchun attending his course. But it’s fin that as long as Chunchun like his activities. 係公園玩嘩~滑落黎啦係學習中心玩

龍珠-全新進化(Dragonball Evolution)


爸爸同我一直都係度諗幾時帶駿駿去睇電影好呢..近期有駿駿岩睇既龍珠-全新進化.最後我地決定今晚同駿駿去睇戲呢.下午同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學後,就渣車去觀光塔買左飛先,再送爸爸返工.之後我同駿駿就返屋企做功課啦. 6點前同駿駿出發去接爸爸放工,就去觀光塔食晚飯同睇戲囉.今日我地去左Riverwalk Eatery度食晚飯,今晚我地叫左個牛扒,炸魚薯條,漢堡,同介蘭炒蝦仁.食食下晚飯,忽然有歌手走埋黎我地張枱度唱歌喎,駿駿即時變得好怕羞咁,重食得好快添…哈..哈…食完晚飯,我地係玩具反斗城睇左15分鐘玩具,先去睇戲呢. Papa and I been thinking when to take Chunchun to watch movie – Dragonball Evolution. Finally we decided to take Chunchun to Macau Tower to watch movie tonight. Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun together, and then went to Macau Tower to buy movie ticket. Drove Papa to work afterward then Chunchun and I hurry back home to finish his homework. Leave home before 6pm to pick up Papa first, then go to Macau Tower to have dinner and watch movie. We went to Riverwalk Eatery to have dinner, we ordered a steak, a Tower burger, Fish and Chip and a dish of vegetable. Haha, while we having dinner, 3 singers came to our table and starts singer to us… shy Chunchun kept smiling and ate very fast suddenly… haha. After dinner, we spent around 15 minutes in Toys ‘r’ us then we walk to the cinema. MacauTower同比薩斜塔

去生日會(Stephenie Birthday Party)


駿駿今朝一早9點起身,睇佢鍾意既卡通,之後佢就要開始溫習明天既測驗啦.原本我打算佢早上溫完習,下午食完飯就去新馬路行下街,到3點再去Stephenie生日會.但係佢今日鬼咁唔合作,溫極都遊魂…嬲到我同爸爸死死下.本來爸爸唔比佢去生日會架啦,但係我話左比Gina知我地會去,咁又冇理由唔去架,最後2點45分先出門口,岩岩3點去到生日會. 去完生日會,4點鬆d就返到屋企叫駿駿繼續溫習啦…係屋企食埋晚飯再約表姨去食飯後甜品,因為表姨同佢男朋友今日過左黎澳門慶祝生日呢.^^ 講真,我今日真係十分之唔開心,原本晚飯應該係同表姨佢地一齊食既..就係因為駿駿溫習唔合作,搞到冇得一齊食飯…本來今日Stepheine生日會應該好開心架,就係因為駿駿溫習唔合作,搞到佢連小遊戲都冇得玩… Chunchun woke up around 9am something to watch his favorite cartoon, and then asked him to study test on tomorrow. At first I planned to go out around lunch, I wanted to go shopping around before we go to Stepheine’s birthday party on 3pm. However, Chunchun was super uncooperative today… he’s driving Papa and I crazy=_= I didn’t want to take Chunchun to birthday party actually just because I told Gina that we will attend… Leave home around 2.45pm and arrived to birthday party just on time. Back home around 4pm something, and make Chunchun to study again… have dinner at home and then we went to have a drink with my cousin, since she came to Macau with her boyfriend to celebrate her birthday^^ I wasn’t happy today, because Chunchun couldn’t finish his study on time… he made himself couldn’t play in birthday party… he made himself couldn’t have dinner with my cousin Stephenie生日會又係麥當佬叔叔個公仔度玩史迪仔蛋糕丫表姨黎澳門探我丫

同爺爺飲茶(Lunch With Grandpa)


琴日定前日,學習中心打過電話黎話今日普通話老師唔得閒所以要暫停一堂普通話堂喎,所以今朝一早駿駿可以好悠閒咁睇左陣卡通呢.不過到11點左右爸爸就打黎話今日要同爺爺飲茶喎.哈,真係好…今日飲茶起碼我唔駛打去學習中心同駿駿請假. 飲完茶,爸爸就同我一齊去送駿駿返英文班.之後爸爸重陪我去超市入貨添^o^到3點45分時再一齊去接駿駿放學,同帶佢去學公文數.真係難得爸爸今日成日都咁得閒,送完駿駿去公文數,我地就去麥記食個下午茶等駿駿放學啦. 今日駿駿好開心丫,佢話佢做公文數測驗70題全對,可以升班啦,由今日起做3A既練習囉喎.希望佢可以快d追到學校既水平,希望佢數學會有進步啦.大約5點左右返到屋企,比駿駿休息一陣又要溫習下個星期既測驗默書囉..唉~個個星期都鬼咁多默書測驗,真係辛苦呢. The learning centre called yesterday, said that Mandarin course have to be cancel today; therefore, Chunchun could watch TV this morning. Papa called 11am something and told us we have to have lunch with Grandpa around noontime. That’s nice^^ I don’t have to asks for leave to go to have lunch with Grandpa today. After lunch, Papa and I took Chunchun to English course and then we went to supermarket together^O^ Back to learning centre to pick up Chunchun on 3.45pm and then took Chunchun to Kumon centre for his Math course immediately. So happy Papa was free today, after taking Chunchun to Kumon centre… we went to McDonald’s to have tea without Chunchun. Happy Chunchun told me that he pass the test today, he starts doing 3A exercise today. Back home around 5pm, let Chunchun rest for a while and then asked him to study test on next week… sigh~ so many test and dictation every week.

自己係學校睇醫生(Go To the School Doctor alone)


見琴日駿駿成日都話喉嚨唔多舒服,今朝我就打算泊車送駿駿入學校,同佢去校醫度睇醫生啦.可惜我兜左3個圈都冇車位…唯有叫駿駿自己返學前,放學時我先同佢去校醫度睇醫生啦. 下午5點,我同爸爸買完餸就一齊去接駿駿放學啦..因為諗住要同駿駿睇醫生,就叫爸爸係巴士站果邊等我地,我同駿駿睇埋醫生先.不過到我行到去學校,駿駿就話比我知,佢今日自己去睇左醫生啦,重拎左藥添丫..好叻仔喎! 放學後,駿駿一直都冇乜野,唔覺佢唔舒服架…不過晚飯後…就瞓覺前…我見佢個人好似怪怪地…我就不停咁幫佢探熱啦.一直都冇野架,不過到佢瞓著左…體溫就不停咁上升囉…去到半夜時已經38度幾啦~_~唉~明天又要請假啦..又要去睇醫生..駿駿上左小學後好似病多左好多咁… Since Chunchun kept telling me that he’s having sore throat, I tried to find a parking space this morning, to take Chunchun to school and go to the doctor with him. However, I couldn’t find any parking space this morning, so I told Chunchun to go to school alone, I will come to pick him up after school and took him to the school doctor after school. Went to pick up Chunchun around 5pm with Papa, at first I planned to go to the doctor with Chunchun, so I asked Papa to wait for us at bus stop… But then Chunchun told me that he went to the doctor alone this morning and he got medicine already. Chunchun was fine after school, but then I found him was not feeling too well after dinner… So that I kept check on his temperature at night… his temperature was getting higher and higher after he go to bed>_< Sigh~ have to go to the doctor tomorrow and have to call to school tomorrow morning to take a sick leave=_=



今朝9點就起身囉,整左個麥皮比駿駿做早餐,我就去沖涼啦.開心駿駿發現今日開始做新既超人戰隊丫..叫轟轟戰隊喎,真係好啦,因為我真係好頂唔順上一套魔法戰隊呢~_~ 睇完電視就叫駿駿開始溫習明天既英文測驗啦…因為佢話佢有d喉嚨痛喎…所以我就由佢靜靜地溫習,唔駛讀出聲啦…講真,其實我都有d擔心駿駿會比爸爸傳染架. 午飯時,我地就食埋琴晚煮多左既粥,同食珍珠雞做午飯啦..因為爸爸同駿駿喉嚨都唔係咁舒服嘛,食粥好d.爸爸食完野,休息一陣2點左右又返工呢…而駿駿又要開始溫習啦.本來我重諗緊駿駿溫完習同唔同佢玩滑板車好既…點知佢一邊溫習一邊依樣果樣咁話唔舒服喎..但係我一比佢休息又鬼都冇咁精神…見到咁..唔知佢係真病定扮病啦..不過佢病又好,扮病又好..我都決定唔同佢去玩囉… Woke up around 9am this morning, made breakfast to Chunchun and then take a shower. Happy Chunchun found that there have a new Japanese Tokusatsu TV series – Boukenger… haha, not bad because I really didn’t like the Magiranger~_~ Asked Chunchun to study Englist test on tomorrow afterward… since Chunchun said he was having sore throat once he wake up, so I let him to read his English books silently, didn’t have to read it out loud. I was quite worry he’s infected by Papa… At lunch, we were having porridge with Papa again… and I thought it’s good for Chunchun too, if he really having sore throat. Papa back to work around 2pm and then I asked Chunchun to keep study his English. Hum, I was thinking should I took Chunchun to play his scooter in the afternoon, however, Chunchun kept saying he’s not feeling well when he’s studying, but if I let him take a rest… he’s being very activity=_= I didn’t sure is Chunchun really getting sick or not… but I better not to take him to play scooter today…

笨豬駿駿(Silly Chunchun)


今朝同Jennifer一齊去珠海行街,哈,其實我琴日就應該去一去珠海架啦..因為依家如果我要係澳門渣車既話,就要每14日離境一次.不過,我琴日唔係好舒服,爸爸又唔放心我一個人過珠海,所以最後我約左Jennifer陪我去珠海啦^^唔,一去到先係等Jennifer去美容院,再去行街食飯啦.Jennifer介紹我買左一個好真既玩具包,見到佢咁得意,我就想買黎整蠱駿駿啦. 駿駿做完功課之後,我就拎左個玩具包出黎比駿駿啦.駿駿一見到就鬼咁開心咁問我”係咪依家食得架?定係明天早餐食?”哈,佢從來都冇諗過會係假野…之後佢重一啖就咬左落去添…真係笑死我XD駿駿真係唔知係蠢定係為食呢…佢之前都比毛巾蛋糕呃過架啦,今次又比玩具麵包呃到. Went to Zhuhai with Jennifer this morning, haha, actually I should go to Zhuhai yesterday, because if I need to drive in Macau, I have to exit Macau every 14 days. However, I wasn’t feeling too well yesterday, and Papa didn’t want me to go to Zhuhai alone. Therefore, I asked Jennifer to go to Zhuhai with me today^^ Hum, we have lunch and shopping around there, bought a fake bread to play a trick on Chunchun, haha. Gave the fake bread to Chunchun after he finished his homework. He was so happy when he received the fake bread, and asked me “Can I eat it now? Or it’s for tomorrow morning?” Haha, and then he just bite on it… haha… so funny… Chunchun never thought of it’s not really bread. Remember that he been cheated by the towel’s cake, and now he’s cheated by the fake bread XD Silly Chunchun

第一日上公文(First Kumon Course)


今日好忙丫,一早11點半至12點45分要上普通話班,下午2點半至3點45分要上英文班,到下午4點至4點半又要上公文數喎.不過因為普通話班同英文班都係唱下歌,跳舞,做下勞作,畫下畫等既活動教學,所以都係好玩到輕鬆既課堂,不過公文數呢,就係d比較辛苦,要成日做習作,重要係10分鐘內完成既練習…所以我都有d擔心駿駿今日第一日上堂就會唔鍾意呢. 下午4點前就送到佢去公文教育中心,4點半就去接佢放學.我幾擔心我去到佢都重係做緊練習丫,好彩果時佢已經係度睇緊圖書等我接佢放學.佢重好開心咁同我講好好玩,佢今日d習作全部都100分丫,做完之後又有數學小遊戲玩…唔,希望明天開始要日日做公文習作時,佢唔會唔鍾意公文啦.希望公文可以快d提升駿駿既數學水平啦 Busy day today, Mandarin course in the morning on 11.30am to 12.45pm, English course in the afternoon on 2.30pm to 3.45pm and then Math course on 4pm to 4.30pm. Mandarin and English course mainly on playing, dance, drawing… it’s some kinds of fun and relax course… however Kumon Math is some kinds of toilsome, need to do exercises every day and need to be finish within 10 minutes… I was quite worry that Chunchun will not like it. Took Chunchun to Kumon around 4pm and then went to pick him up on 4.30pm. He told me that he have fun there, he got 100 marks and played Math games there… hum, hope that he will not hate it when he have to do exercises everyday. Hope that Kumon Math really can improve Chunchun’s Math.