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好曳丫(Very Naughty)


今日冇乜野做丫,本來打算同駿駿去行街幫爸爸搵變形金剛的,但係駿駿話唔想去街喎.唉~駿駿唔去我都唔係好想出街呢…因為我根本都冇野想睇囉.咁都算啦.諗住同駿駿玩一齊再瞓下午覺..點知駿駿玩玩下發脾氣,打到我2下..我已經嬲嬲地架啦..打到我痛緊果隻牙…再三警告佢要玩就小心d..結果佢又黎多野…最後當然比我鬧比我罰啦..連玩都玩得唔高興.不過我都未鬧完佢,佢又發脾氣丟鉛筆喎…丟野就當然要打啦=_=就係依個時候..唔知情既太公太婆就係咪保護駿駿啦…搞到我想連佢地都鬧埋呢.就係咁,我決定執野提早一日返澳門啦,反正駿駿咁曳…留係度大家都唔開心. 其實今次返黎我都覺得有d冇為架啦..根本我都冇乜野要係香港買或做既,只係見有4日長假想帶駿駿返黎行下街,睇下得意野之嘛…可惜佢又唔多願同我出街喎…第一日我都算架啦,自己去左行左就算..今日最後一日又係咁..不如早d返澳門好好休息好過啦.駿駿又係好乞人憎架,帶佢去玩同佢出街都要人求佢咁..出左街又唔願返屋企…其實佢真係唔想行街既,要留係屋企既,我駛乜同佢返黎香港姐,留係澳門唔好~_~ 最後,我地當然係冇走到啦,太公太婆又話買好晒餸,又話以後唔會亂幫駿駿…又話想我地留多日都好..又依樣又果樣…不過駿駿扭完計後,我都係帶左佢出街,因為我都唔係好想對住太公太婆,成日唔知發生乜事就幫住駿駿..佢唔亂丟野我都唔會罰佢啦.幫乜野口…唔幫我罰完駿駿就冇事…幫口重搞到我唔想留低. 出到街,駿駿咪又鬼咁開心,間間舖頭都睇到唔願走,要我催佢先走.最後行到夠鐘食晚飯,駿駿都重要我催佢先肯離開d舖頭.如果一早跟我出街咪好囉..咪多好多時間睇野囉…如果一早跟我出街,就唔會係屋企玩玩下打到我,之後發脾氣丟野比人罰啦. 晚飯後,婆婆同我就帶駿駿去荷里活廣場..行街同去冒險樂園玩啦.哈,今日我地中左3次Jackpot喎,之後我同婆婆就用d飛換左2個銀包,而駿駿就換左轟轟戰隊既玩具電話. Nothing to do today, planned to take Chunchun to shopping around and seek for Transformers for Papa. However, Chunchun didn’t willing to go out with me. Sigh, I didn’t want to go out if Chunchun didn’t go with me… therefore, I decided to play with Chunchun at home. However, Chunchun hit me twice while playing, I been warned him to be more careful when we play… and finally, I get mad because he really make me hurt=_= Then Chunchun started to throw things after I blamed him… And then great Grandparents started to protect Chunchun… and I decided to back to Macau a day early since Chunchun was being naughty. I really want to back to Macau today, I was quite boring these few days actually. Take Chunchun to shopping around to see funny things and have nice foods was the main purpose to back to Hong Kong, however, Chunchun rather to stay home all the time, then why I have to take him to Hong Kong? We can stay home in Macau, it’s easier and more comfortable for me. In the end we didn’t back to Macau today, because great Grandparent said they won’t protect Chunchun any more… and they really want us to stay longer. Sigh~ At night, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Plaza Hollywood to shop around and go to Jumpin Gym USA. We won 3 jackpot tonight and then Grandma and I use the tickets to exchanged 2 purse and Chunchun exchanged a toy.

同朋友食晚飯(Dinner with Friends)


今日下午駿駿唔肯跟我去街喎,不過佢就話晚上要跟我同我既小學同學一齊食飯..所以我都由得佢,我自己去行街呢.唔,今日我買左幾本漫畫又買左d日用品呢^^大約4點左右返到太婆屋企,休息一陣,到5點左右就同駿駿一齊出街囉. 我地先去左公園玩一陣再行上又一城行街,同小學同學食晚飯呢.Jenny同Sarah係我小學時既好朋友黎架,不過大約10年前就冇左聯絡囉..難得大家都有係facebook度搵大家呢^^ 係Uniqo度搵到我想買比駿駿既背心外啦…我搵左好耐呢..之前都去過荷里活廣場果度間Uniqo架啦,但係果間都冇..係又一城先有喎^o^行到7點左右,我地就一行4人去左意大利餐廳度食野啦,食到8點半再搵地方食甜品傾計傾到差唔多10點先走呢.駿駿今日都算幾乖…因為我傾計時佢有得打機,所以唔會搞搞震呢. Chunchun didn’t willing to go shopping with me this afternoon, but he said he wanted to go to have dinner with my Primary classmates at night; so I went shopping alone in the afternoon. Hum, I bought a few comics and some daily commodities this afternoon. Back to great Grandma’s home around 4pm and prepare to go out with Chunchun again around 5pm. We first walk to the playground to play for a while and then walk to Festival Walk to walk around before my Primary classmates arrive. Jenny and Sarah was my best friend when we were in Primary school, and we lost contact around 10 years ago… haha, so happy that we found each other through facebook. Bought a sleeveless jacket for Chunchun at Uniqo, haha, I been looking for a sleeveless jacket for a long time, and I been in Uniqo before, but they don’t have it in Plaza Hollywood branch^O^ Went to have Italian food around 7pm, and leave around 8.30pm. Seek for another place to gossip until 10pm. 好大個西潮大餅丫去公園玩甲鬥王丫

去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


今朝送完駿駿返學,我就返屋企洗衫同執行李準備駿駿一放學就同佢返香港啦.下午同爸爸一齊接駿駿放學,返屋企換衫同執好功課,我地就出發去碼頭囉.大約5點左右去到碼頭,岩岩趕到上5點15分既船呢…去到香港時都6點15分囉.唉~依個時間係繁忙時間呢,周圍都係放工既人..係地鐵,我同駿駿重要上唔到車,要再等下一班車呢. 好鬼辛苦,差唔多成7點先返到太婆屋企,一返到去就食飯啦.食完飯,因為我部電話突然死亡..返到香港點都開唔到機…就同婆婆帶埋駿駿去荷里活廣場行街買電話啦.原本諗住買完電話後有時間可以同駿駿去冒險樂園玩既..點知我揀黎揀去..到我比錢買電話時已經10點囉…唔夠半個鐘冒險樂園都閂啦.好彩駿駿都重可以玩到佢最鍾意既高達扭蛋遊戲…係我買電話時佢又有玩果d遊戲試玩..所以佢都冇話唔開心. Took Chunchun to school this morning and then back home to pack up my suitcase and do laundry before we go to Hong Kong this evening. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, and then we go to ferry terminal around 5pm… Get on the 5.15pm ferry and arrived to Hong Kong around 6.15pm. Sigh, it’s the rush hour in MTR, super crowded in MTR and sometime we have to wait for next train~_~ Finally back to great Grandma’s home before 7pm… and have dinner immediately. Since my mobile out of order suddenly, after dinner Grandma and I took Chunchun to Plaza Hollywood to look for new mobile and then planned to take Chunchun to Jumpin Gym USA… however, I spent too much time on choosing new mobile… haha, by the time I pay for my new mobile, it’s already 10pm… Jumpin Gym USA will close with in 30 minutes. Chunchun couldn’t play in Jumpin Gym tonight, but his do play his favorite Gundam game.

沒人去的媽咪會聚會(Macau Mama Gathering)


駿駿今朝一早又自己起左身,玩左陣到9點半就自己睇電視啦…見佢睇完電視我就叫佢溫習下明天既英文測驗,之後我地就出街食午飯囉.因為琴日暴雨冇同駿駿去麥記食野,今日就行遠d同佢去麥記食午餐啦^^食完返到屋企..又再叫佢溫陣書,比佢玩下V. Smile就準備去聚會囉. 其實我都唔知重稱唔稱得上係聚會,今個月都只係得Jennifer同Annie參加左聚會,Annie最後因為落雨而決定唔黎.係我同Jennifer見2,3點時停過下雨就照去囉…不過去到又開始落毛毛雨.駿駿同恩恩玩左一陣,Jennifer佢地就因為雨越黎越大而走先囉.駿駿話想再玩多陣,我見佢都濕左囉..咪由佢玩多陣囉.返到屋企先係5點.佢沖埋涼都重有時間睇佢鍾意既超人卡通. 唉~近期既聚會都冇乜人參加,真係好冇癮呢..希望下個月會多d人參加啦. Chunchun woke up before 9am and then he watched TV himself around 9.30am. After he watched his favorite cartoon, I asked him study English for tomorrow test before we go out to have lunch. Went to have McDonald’s for lunch with Chunchun this afternoon, because yesterday we didn’t go to McDonald’s ^^ Back home around 2pm something, asked Chunchun to study again and let him play V. Smile TV game before we go to gathering. Macau Mama Gathering at 4pm today, sigh… didn’t have much people to join again… only Annie and Jennifer joined. However, it’s keep raining all day, Annie decided not to go the grass slide~_~ Jennifer and I thought that rain stopped around 3pm, so we go. Let Chunchun and Ianian played for around half hour then Jennifer leave. Since Chunchun said he still want to play, I let him play alone and back home before 5pm. Didn’t have much people to join gathering recently, sigh~ hope that next month will have more family to join. 跑丫快過恩恩放好塊板先訓到隻豬咁



今朝成朝都打雷又閃電…到9點起身時,睇一睇電視已發出左暴雨警告呢..駿駿今朝因為暴雨警告而唔駛返普通話班呢..駿駿有d失望架,今朝冇得返學. 下午係屋企食完飯,學習中心就打黎話暴雨警告取消左啦,所以下午既英文班係照常上課的..執好野,就準備同駿駿返學習中心囉.蠢豬駿駿見有得返學習中心…重問我今日係咪可以上番普通話班..哈,我唯有答佢..今日冇得上架啦..上堂時間完左啦嘛..今日只有英文同公文數. 其實我地去返學時,都重落緊雨架..係到差唔多4,5點先開始真係停雨呢.上完英文班,駿駿話上埋公文數後想食腸仔喎..我係去百佳門口買定腸仔去接駿駿放學囉^^等佢係車度慢慢食. 好彩有食個小小下午荼咋…爸爸一直都唔知返唔返到屋企食飯..叫我地等佢電話喎..最後等到7點半,佢確定返唔到黎食飯,我先煮野食..又好彩今日打算食叉燒麵的..淨係煮個麵同菜,好快就有得食,駿駿都唔駛等到太餓. Been having thunder and lightning all morning, when we wake up around 9am something, there is a rain storm signal… Chunchun didn’t have to go to learning center this morning, because of the rain storm. Hum, Chunchun was quite disappointed that he couldn’t attend the Mandarin course this morning. We have lunch at home and then the learning center called around 1pm to tell me that rain storm signal is off, Chunchun can go to English course this afternoon. Silly Chunchun asks me if we go to English Course now, can he attend the Mandarin course too… haha, no Mandarin course today, it’s over… we just go to English course and Kumon lesson. It’s still raining in the afternoon, but rain finally stopped around evening. Chunchun told me that he want to have sausage after Kumon lesson, so I want to snack bar to buy one for him^^ At night, since Papa not sure will he have time to back for dinner… Chunchun and I been waited until 7.30pm. Finally Papa called and said he couldn’t back for dinner>_< Sigh, hurry to cook for dinner and have dinner with Chunchun around 7.45pm, haha, tonight dinner is BBQ pork noodles… easy and quick to make it.



婆婆今朝7點前就走左囉..當我7點起身時,已見到駿駿係廳度玩緊..問佢做乜起左身唔叫我…佢話佢想玩喎=_=…之後就準備早餐同校服比佢自己搞掂啦. 下午因為爸爸唔得閒丫,我就自己去接駿駿放學啦.唉~真係嬲死我,駿駿一上車就同我講佢英文試默得60分喎…問佢點解…佢都知驚..同我講,因為佢默書時唔曳,係度做動作,所以默到一半比老師收左本薄冇得默書,佢冇默晒所以得60分喎…咁就重嬲,問清楚駿駿係乜事…原來係佢地今期係教有關動作既生字..而平日上堂時老師都有叫佢地讀生字時做埋動作,咁係默書時,包刮駿駿在內有幾個小朋友默完個字重有時間就係度做動作.咁…駿駿佢地係曳既,係唔岩..但係老師要罰..係咪應該先警告佢地再係默完書之後罰佢地呢?點解默到一半,唔警告佢地先就收起佢地既默書薄?我真係唔係好認同咁既做法囉.我嬲,駿駿佢曳,返到屋企我當然都有同佢訓話同罰佢啦..我更嬲..老師既處理方法好有問題! Grandma leave before 7am, and when I woke up, I found that Chunchun was playing in living room. Asked him why didn’t wake me up then prepare breakfast and uniform for him. Went to pick Chunchun up alone because Papa was busy today. Sigh, I was so mad when Chunchun told me that his English pre-dictation only got 60. It’s because Chunchun and some of his classmates make action when they finish writing… they were learning action words recently, and teacher teach them action during lesson… may be that made some of them doing the action during dictation too. It’s not right to do that, however, teacher put away their dictation book without warning wasn’t right too. If you want to punish student, why not give them warning and punish them after they all finish the dictation? Is it necessary to put away their dictation book and not letting them to finish the dictation? I was mad… because of Chunchun’s naughtiness and how their teacher handle it~_~

返澳門囉(Back To Macau)


今日11點左右起身,之後就準備1點左右返澳問啦.唔,其實本來我係打算琴日黃昏左右返澳門架,因為駿駿重係測驗周中,依個星期重有幾科總測呢..想早d返去同佢溫下習.點知個聚會由12點至3點改左做5點至9點喎…咁夜先去完聚會,冇得走囉…唯有今日一早走啦. 去到碼頭大約1點左右,同駿駿買埋麥記做午餐就去買船飛啦..哈,真係好彩,雖然買左1點45分既船飛,但係都上到1點半果班船喎,可以早15分鐘返到屋企^^2點半落船後我就同駿駿經漁人碼頭行番屋企啦.開心駿駿行行下見到有小朋友拎住氣球,佢又話要,最後搵到個小丑哥哥扭個隻老鼠氣球比佢呢. 晚上我地同爺爺一齊去左一間日本料理店度食野..開心駿駿又有得同堂細佬玩啦..重不停同堂細佬掙玩搖搖添. Woke up around 11am and then prepare to back to Macau around 1pm. Hum, at first I planned to back to Macau last night, because Chunchun is having General Test this week, wanted to back to Macau a day earlier to study. However, the BKS gathering changed the gathering time from 12pm – 3pm to 5pm to 9pm… so that we couldn’t back to Macau last night. Arrived to the ferry terminal around 1pm something, we first went to McDonald’s to buy lunch and then go to buy ticket… Lucky that we buy the 1.45pm ticket but get on the 1.30pm ferry ^O^ Arrived to Macau around 2.30pm something, walked through the Fisherman’s Wharf to back home. Happy Chunchun found a clown in Fisherman’s Wharf and got a balloon from the clown. At night, we went to have dinner with Grandpa at a Japanese Restaurant… Chunchun was so happy that he couldn’t play with his brothers, and he kept showing his new yoyo to them. 信德的花花佈置蘋果小子啤梨小子有氣波派丫

新玩具(New Toys)


今日約左個10幾年冇左聯絡既小學同學丫..真係好開心大家係Facebook度搵番大家呢..重可以今日出黎聚舊添^o^ 因為約左係尖沙咀,所以我就同駿駿早d出去帶佢去玩具反斗城行下玩下先啦.到3點鬆d就去附近既Pizza Hut食下午茶.見番舊同學真係好開心架,重要大家都冇乜點變認得對方…而駿駿都好開心架,因為佢收到我舊同學送比佢既見面禮..佢最鍾意既Thomas火車玩具丫..哈,小朋友真係著數啦,第一次見面,大人多數都有小禮物送比佢地既.食完下午茶,其實都成5點囉…舊同學要返屋企囉.而我因為重要幫爸爸買野,所以就同駿駿趕去旺角買埋野先返屋企啦. 晚上,約左姑婆同表姨去冒險樂園玩呢..哈,其實夜媽媽,又岩玩既..都係一齊去冒險樂園架啦…駿駿重會為左代幣做d古靈精怪既野逗下姑婆同表姨開心…不過表姨問我,唔知駿駿重會肯同佢地玩幾耐呢?咁就真係唔知囉… Have a date with my primary schoolmate that we lost contact for over 10 years… so happy that we found each other through the Facebook and have a gathering today for tea ^O^ Since we agreed to meet at TST, I took Chunchun to Toys ‘r’ Us to walk around first and then have tea with my primary schoolmate around 3pm something at Pizza Hut. Hum, it’s very nice that can meet someone lost contact for a long time. And Chunchun was happy too, because he got a new toy from my primary schoolmate… haha. After tea, my primary schoolmate has to back home, and I took Chunchun to Mong Kok to shopping around again… At night, my auntie asked Chunchun to go to Jumpin Gym, USA… haha, it’s the only activity that we can play together at night. 人力車丫櫻花同elmo影相丫

兒童工作坊(Kids Town)


今日特別帶駿駿去埔玩,因為之前係網上面見到人地話黃埔係復活節搞左個兒童工作坊喎.唔,不過去玩之前,我地先要買野上公公屋企同佢一齊食午飯先,因為係姑婆叫我一定要買野比公公食架..而且咁岩琴日返到黎香港,部電腦竟然完全死亡…唯有上公公屋企借用舅父既電腦啦. 大約1點鬆d離開公公屋企,我就帶駿駿搭小巴去黃埔啦.先係玩具反斗城行個圈,再周圍搵野買呢..因為要玩果個兒童工作坊,就先要消費夠100玩(原本係200的,但係玩具反斗城既會員半價)…幾經辛苦..最後我係係屈臣氏度買左一盒康鈣C同一筒糖既.駿駿終於可以玩到3點果場遊戲啦.係工作坊入面,駿駿揀左做小小科學家呢.玩完重有一件禮物同2張CityMoney,可以係工作坊既小食店買野食架^^ 最後係冒險樂園度玩左一陣,大約5點我地就返去太婆屋企囉.本來呢,我諗住食完飯再同駿駿去吉之島或者荷里活廣場架,不過一諗起之後幾日都冇電腦用就覺得好辛苦,最後都係忍唔住自己走左出去買電腦…買左本迷你手提電腦,只係上下網,留係香港用^^ Specially take Chunchun to Whampo because I heard that there has a Kid’s Town at Whampoaworld during Easter holiday. Hum, we bought lunch to Grandpa’s home to have lunch with Grandpa around noontime, because my computer was beat-up, I have to go to Grandpa’s home to use my brother’s computer; and my auntie asked me to buy lunch for my father. Leave Grandpa’s home around 1pm I think, and then we take van to Whampo. We first go to Toys ‘r’ Us to walk around and then I have to find something to buy>_< It need 100 dollars receipt to join the Kid’s Town game, because it’s an Easter promotion in Whampoaworlk. Finally I bought Ca-C 1000 Sandoz and some candy in Watson… Chunchun finally can join Kid’s Town around 3pm. He chose to be scientist in Kid’s Town^^ After acting, he got two city money that can buy snack in the Snacks Bar. Back home around 5pm something, after we playing in Jumpin Gym, USA. Hum, at first I planned to go to Plaza Hollywood or Jusco with Chunchun at night… however, I couldn’t stand that I can’t get online these few days… finally I went out to buy a notebook tonight. Haha, bought a mini notebook for 3000 something, only for online and keep it in HK. 排隊入實驗室做科學家砌緊發聲板丫踏單車發電賺左2張CityMoney

去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


因為復活節假期,所以駿駿今日只係返半日學咋..不過半日學都有個中文總測呢….中午12點半同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學…再返屋企食飯.係我同爸爸食午飯期間就叫駿駿做晒佢d功課先,因為佢一早已經係學校食過午飯啦. 大約2點幾去到碼頭,快手買左船飛就上左2點半果班船啦.返到香港,第一時間去左婆婆公司放低行李叫婆婆放工時幫我地拎番太婆屋企,之後我就同駿駿去旺角行街街啦^o^ 晚上,駿駿就係太婆屋企食飯,而我就約左朋友食晚飯.食完飯之後,婆婆帶左駿駿去冒險樂園玩呢,而我都係同朋友食完飯之後去冒險樂園搵佢地呢. Half day school today because of the Easter holiday, however, they still have Chinese General test on today… Picked Chunchun up with Papa around 12.30pm, Papa and I back home to have lunch and asked Chunchun to finish his homework while we having lunch since he already have lunch at school. Arrived to ferry terminal around 2pm something, and hurry to aboard to the 2.30pm ferry. We first take our suitcase to Grandma’s working place and then we go to shopping around in Mong Kok…. Haha. Asked Grandma to take our suitcase back to great Grandma’s home. At night, Chunchun have dinner at great Grandma’s home while I having dinner with my friend^^ Grandma take Chunchun to Jumpin Gym U.S.A to play after dinner, then I went there to meet them after I finished dinner with my friend.