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日本遊第三天(Japan Trip Day 3)


6.00am 起身 7.00am 早餐 8.45am 大阪城 9.30am 搭旅遊巴去清水寺 11.15am 到達清水寺 12.35pm 搭旅遊巴去新幹線 - 京都站 1.00pm 係京都站附近食午飯同行街 3.45pm 集合去搭新幹線由京都去米原 4.45pm 搭旅遊巴去酒店 7.45pm 到達浜名湖皇都露天溫泉酒店 8.00pm 係酒店餐廳食晚飯 10.00pm 自己去浸溫泉 今朝好早6點就起身啦,7點要食早餐…8點45分去到大阪城,逗留左半小時左右就要趕番上車去清水寺囉.今朝真係好鬼累呢,而且大阪城都冇乜好睇..根本都唔夠時間入城入面睇,只係係遠處影張相,睇左一間咁多既手信店…來回重要行成10分鐘既路去旅遊巴呢~_~ 清水寺同大阪城比起上黎真係有趣好多囉.起碼清水寺果度有成條手信街行下嘛.而且我地又可以買下護身符果d^^行完清水寺,我地就搭車去新幹線京都站果度啦…導遊先安排我地係一間餐廳度食午飯,之後自由活動時間到3點45分集合,一齊坐新幹線去米原站.到時我地部旅遊巴應該去到米原站接我地囉喎.可憐司機叔叔,當我地食午飯行街購物時,一佢個人要渣幾小時既車去米原呢. 到左米原站之後,我地就即時上番旅遊巴啦…之後重要坐多3小時先可以去到皇都溫泉酒店呢>__< Have dinner in Hotel and then we went to hot spring alone around 10pm. Ha~ I like hot spring a lot^O^ We special ordered Hello Kitty guest room tonight, haha, and we got a Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel doll from it. 大阪城飲神社水求學業搭新幹線丫好大隻kitty丫

日本遊第二天(Japan Trip Day 2)


8.00am 起身 10.00am 行去大阪環球影城 1.00pm 係City Walk行街同食午飯 4.30pm 到達心齋橋 7.20pm 晚飯 9.00pm 回到大阪環球影城京阪Tower 以旅行團黎講,今日成8點幾先起身真係晏左少少.不過因為環球影城成10點先開門.而我地由酒店行去環球影城都唔駛5分鐘,所以真係冇必要咁早起身呢.係酒店食個自助早餐先再悠悠閒閒咁行過去.依個自助早餐又真係唔錯喎,佢重有一個小朋友早餐區,有小朋友得意餐盤,連薯餅都係得意過人既公仔薯餅. 10點左右,導遊就帶我地由酒店行去環球影城啦,簡單咁介紹一下影城就比我地自由活動囉.今日係影城既時間係去到3點幾架,不過我地只係玩左2個鐘多d,係中午左右我地就離開影城囉.所以我地玩既野都唔多呢,只係玩左”蜘蛛俠神奇歷險列車”,魔術旋轉木馬”同”史努比雲霄飛車”3個遊戲咋.原本我地都好想玩侏羅紀公園列車架,可惜佢今日冇開=_=我地又冇睇到表演喎,因為舅父話佢完全冇興趣丫.留係影城依2個小時,除左玩以上果3個遊戲外,我地重比駿駿係史努比遊樂園度玩左一陣,周圍搵公仔影相添.之後我地就開始購物啦,哈,我地係影城都真係買左唔少野.我同婆婆主要都係去Kitty貓品店度買野,好開心丫我買左2個半價既Hello Kitty手袋,1大1小的,重有幾個Hello Kitty公仔又玩左2次500yen既抽奬.而駿駿就係神奇蜘蛛俠百貨店度買左蜘蛛俠玩具, 蜘蛛俠水杯,同係街邊買左蜘蛛俠既波仔^o^ 大約中午打後我地就離開影城,先返酒店放底戰利品,再去City Walk度食午飯同行街.最後決定去食迴轉壽司呢.食飽飽就開始行街,不過一行起上黎就有d失望,原來City Walk好細架咋,入面又以食店為主,商店不多呢.不過最後我都係果度買左個Hello Kitty銀包仔.大約3點左右就返酒店休息一下,到3點半再集合準備搭旅遊巴去心齋橋囉. 大約4點半左右去到心齋橋,開心駿駿係夾公仔機既舖頭度夾中左佢最鍾意既怪獸熊公仔呢.當然夾公仔既人係我,而禮物就係佢架啦^^之後我係藥房買左2支特價中798yen既卸妝油.依隻卸妝油好好用架,之前我用晒,我托朋友係台灣同日本都買唔到,好彩今次自己黎又比我搵到姐^o^ 晚上7點左右就由導遊安排我地食晚飯,返到酒店都差唔多9點囉.瞓之前重要執好晒d行李,因為明天要轉酒店啦,一早就要拎番晒d行李上車呢. 8.00am Woke up 10.00am Walk to Universal Studio Japan 1.00pm Lunch and Shop @ City Walk 4.30pm Arrived to Shinsaibashi 7.20pm Dinner 9.00pm Back to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower We woke up a little bit late for tour this morning, because Universal Studio Japan is open on 10am. And we only need to walk around 5 minutes to get there from our hotel. Have breakfast buffet in our Hotel, it’s a very nice breakfast buffet and there have a very cutie kids breakfast section. Walked to Universal Studio Japan on 10am and leave there around noontime, we didn’t play much there only played “The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman – The Ride” , “Magical Oz-Go-Round” and “Snoopy’s Great Race”, we were interesting in “Jurassic Park – The Ride” too, but it’s closed today=.= Didn’t watch any show because my brother not interesting in it. Spent around 2 hours in Universal Studio Japan, let Chunchun play in “Snoopy’s Playland” for a while and then Grandma and I started to shopping around in the “Hello Kitty Celebrity Style Shop” haha, and we do let Chunchun shop around in “The Amazing Spider-Man Store”. We bought a lot of stuff in Universal Studio Japan today^O^ Chunchun bought a Spider-Man toys and ball and cup, I bought some souvenir for my relative, 2 Hello Kitty hand bag (1 big and 1 small), played Hello Kitty lucky draw, and a few Hello Kitty dolls. Leave Universal Studio Japan around noontime, we back to hotel first and then walk to city walk to have lunch and shop around. We decided to have sushi in Daisuki Sushi. Hum, a little bit disappointed around the City Walk, it’s a very small mall… didn’t have much store there, mostly restaurant. I bought a Hello Kitty wallet there and that’s it. We back to Hotel to take a rest around 3pm and round up around 3.30pm to take travel bus to Shinsaibashi to shopping around. Arrived to Shinsaibashi around 4.30pm, happy Chunchun won his favorite monster bear from Namco doll game^^ I bought 2 cleaning oil set on sales around 798yen this evening in Shinsaibashi. I been asking my friends who go to Taiwan and Japan travel to buy it for me, but they didn’t found it>_< lucky me can find it this time. Have lunch around 7pm something and then we back to hotel around 9pm. Need to pack up our suitcase because tomorrow we have to take our suitcase with us, we will stay in other hotel tomorrow night. 玩緊蜘蛛俠大阪章魚燒公仔夾中左熊熊丫章魚燒HelloKitty

出發去日本啦(Go To Japan)


9.00am 起身 11.00am 搭的士去機場 12.30pm Check In 12.45pm 係機場入面既美心飲茶 3.xxpm 起飛 7.xxpm 到達關西機場 9.30pm 去道頓堀食晚飯 10.30pm 搭旅遊巴返酒店 今朝都瞓到成9點先起身沖準中午前要去到機場.原本我係想搭機場快線去機場架,因為駿駿講左好耐話想搭機場快線.不過最後舅父話要搭的士喎,就去左搭的士啦. 中午前去到機場,等左一陣就見到導遊黎啦,派番機票比我地寄行李,之後我地就去左美心酒樓度飲茶食個午飯先.到點幾就過關等上機啦.大約2點幾就登機囉,3點左右起飛.可憐駿駿因為唔係同我坐,起飛同降落時都勁喊話耳仔好痛呢~_~ 去到關西機場都7點幾8點囉,重要遇左有個團友行李喼爛左,要等航空公司換個新喼比佢,就係咁,我地成8點先上旅遊巴去道頓堀食晚飯呢.導遊話今晚係特別既,每人可以獲派1500yen既日元,除大家係道頓堀既食店食野,當然食多過1500yen要自己補錢啦.而佢介紹既係金龍拉麵店.可惜今日又落雨,又夜,我地行過好多麵店都滿座呢.最後我地去左一間鮮井店度食飯.舅父叫左睇起上黎好正既魚子鮮蝦長腳蟹飯,我同婆婆分別叫左牛井同牛肉烏冬,駿駿就叫左個素烏冬.埋單先係3000yen左右.重有2000幾yen之後去便利店買零食呢^^ 晚上返到酒店”大阪環球影城京阪Tower”都成11點囉,快手快腳執好d野沖個涼就大覺瞓囉. 9.00am Woke up 11.00am Go to HK Airport by Taxi 12.30pm Check In 12.45pm Lunch at Chinese Restaurant in HK Airport 3.xxpm Take off 7.xxpm Arrived to Kansai Airport 9.30pm Dinner @ Doutonburi 10.30pm Go to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower by Travel Bus Woke up around 9am this morning to prepare to go to HK Airport before noontime. At first I wanted to take Airport Express to the HK Airport, because Chunchun said he wanted to take it; however my brother decided to take taxi there. Arrived to HK Airport around noontime, waited to our tour guide to check in and then we go to a Chinese restaurant in HK Airport to have lunch until 1pm something. Boarding around 2pm something and take off around 3pm something. Poor Chunchun cry during take off and landing, he said it’s hurt his ears~_~ Get on the travel bus around 8pm something, and then we go to Doutonburi to have dinner immediately. Our tour guide gave us 1500yen per person to have ramen in any restaurant in Doutonburi. Since most of the ramen restaurants were full, we went to a sashimi rich restaurant to have dinner. Spent 3000yen something on dinner and have 2000yen something left to buy snacks^^ Back to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower around 11pm, we were all tired and hurry to bed. 好嘆咁等上機第一晚係依度食飯

常識測驗(Common Sense Exam)


考試周最後一日啦,重係最後一日返學添..今日開始放農曆新年假啦^o^真係好啦,可以休息下唔駛再日日同駿駿溫習囉.駿駿今日同我講,佢睇左英文卷係92分喎..哼,有人要比人罰啦…駿駿之前唔肯溫英文話佢識晒架,話佢會有好成績架..結果依家唔係100分得92分喎…即係唔係識晒啦…不過重未諗到罰佢乜野好呢. 下午同爸爸一齊接完放學就返屋企食午飯啦.食完一家三口一齊瞓左陣午覺…到晚上我地就去威尼斯人度行街同食晚飯啦.去左果間竹風自助餐度食晚飯.唔,果度真係唔係好多野食揀,d野又唔係咁好味喎…最重要係我同爸爸食完冇耐都肚痾呢…我諗我同爸爸都唔會再去果間野度食囉. 哈,今日我買左件Hello Kitty既T-恤同外套呢..不過本來我都冇諗過要買野架,係爸爸想買衫過年,不過佢睇極都唔岩就叫我件外套過年啦..哈..哈.. Last day of Exam week and it’s last day of school too… Chinese New Year holiday starts after today. So happy that we can rest of a while, didn’t have to study everyday ^O^ Chunchun told me that his English exam is 92, hum, he have to be punish… because he didn’t willing to study English on Wednesday, he said he knew it all, he said he will have good mark… but now… he’s only 92… wonder what should I punish him… Picked up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, back home to have lunch and then nap together for awhile. At night, we went to the Venetian to have dinner and shopping around. Have dinner buffet at Bambu Restaurant around 6pm, um, didn’t have much choice there and foods wasn’t too tasty either… and then main point is after dinner, Papa and I both got belly ache~_~ we have to run to the bathroom while shopping… I guess Papa and I won’t go to that restaurant again. Bought a Hello Kitty jacket and T-shirt today, haha, at first I didn’t plan to buy anything, Papa is the one who wanted shopping. However, Papa couldn’t found anything he like, so he asked me to buy some new clothes for Chinese New Year….



今朝一早打番學校問清楚駿駿今日到底駛唔駛返課外活動,放幾點…因為佢地學校個年曆寫住今日係考試周既第一日,課外活動己經完晒…不過我見佢地考試周星期二先開始,手冊又冇講清楚就打去問下啦.結果駿駿班主任同我講係冇課外活動的,佢地今日放4點. 就係咁..4點時我就同爸爸一齊去接放學啦..但係等左好耐都唔見駿駿..唉~最後問下…原來駿駿上緊課外活動,放5點喎..其實唔止我地,我見重有好幾個家長都接唔到小朋友…點解學校d野永遠都係咁唔清唔楚架…最後我先車番爸爸返工,再係學校附近泊車等5先接駿駿放學呢..真係浪費晒d時間. 不過駿駿就好開心啦,因為今日課外活動係整餃子喎,佢重話好好味添.返到屋企都5點幾囉..我都冇乜心機同駿駿溫習,就咁叫駿駿自己讀左幾次中文課文同習作果d就算囉…等大家都唔好咁辛苦..希望駿駿考得好..以後都可以叫佢自己溫習就算囉. Called to school this morning to confirm if Chunchun have extracurricular activity this afternoon… because their year calendar said it’s no extracurricular activity this afternoon, today should be the first day or exam week. Then Chunchun’s teacher told me that they don’t have extracurricular activity this afternoon, so Chunchun should be off school on 4pm. Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa around 4pm, but sigh~ Chunchun was in extracurricular activity… he will be off school on 5pm. Hey, I wonder why Chunchun’s teacher told me Chunchun should off on 4pm and there should be no extracurricular activity? I was so stupid go to pick up Chunchun on 4pm and then I have a hang around Chunchun’s school until 5pm to pick him up. Well, Chunchun was very happy, they made dumpling this afternoon in extracurricular activity… hurry to back home to study Chinese exam with Chunchun. Hum, just let Chunchun read all of his Chinese text books and exercise book a few time… didn’t want to push him too much… hope he will be ok on exam.

英文班(English Course)


琴晚半夜2點返到屋企,今朝一早8點又要起身準備同駿駿去上英文班啦.婆婆因為今日返晏,所以佢差唔多9點,幫駿駿準備埋早餐先出門口返香港.. 同爸爸一齊送駿駿返英文班之後再送爸爸返工.係學習中心附近泊好車,我就去行超市買野啦.冇幾耐爸爸又打比我話佢今朝得閒,想同我去食個早餐先.就係咁,係駿駿放學前同爸爸食左個早餐再送爸爸返工先去接駿駿放學. 因為好晏先食午餐,午飯時間我重好飽呢…所以今日午餐係同駿駿去茶餐廳買左個濕炒牛河比佢一個人…點知佢又真係食得晒喎=.=等佢食完飯,休息陣又開始溫習一陣又休息一陣既時間表囉. Back to Macau last night around 2am something, and woke up around 8am this morning to prepare to take Chunchun to English Course. Grandma backs to Hong Kong before 9am something after she prepared breakfast for Chunchun. Took Chunchun to English Course with Papa and then drive Papa to work. Parked my car near learning centre, then go to supermarket to buy drink and stuff. Papa called around 10.30am said that he’s free this morning, and asked me to have breakfast with him. Late breakfast with Papa that drive Papa to work again before Chunchun off school. Since I was full by the late breakfast, I didn’t have lunch with Chunchun, just bought him a lunch box this afternoon. After lunch, let him to rest for a while… before we starts study. Study even half hour on different subject and then rest for 15 minutes. Hope that Chunchun will do his best on Exam.

媽媽自己去香港(Mama Go To HK Alone)


今朝一早送駿駿返學時,提左佢今日媽媽唔會接佢放學,會由爸爸接..而今晚同明天都會由婆婆照顧佢.送完返學後,返屋企再瞓左2個鐘左右就準備去食午飯同搭1點半船返香港啦.約左舅父3點左右係地鐵站等,之後就一齊去亞博度睇X-Japan既演唱會^o^演唱會係8點先開始架,不過我地要早d去買演唱會既商品,我買左5件T-shirt幾張貼紙同2個卡片盒呢^^睇完演唱會大約11點幾,我同舅父就一齊去旺角食宵夜啦. 爸爸今日4點幾打過比我,話比我知佢接左駿駿啦,係返屋企途中.之後我大約7點幾再打過比婆婆,睇下駿駿做功課未..同提婆婆要同駿駿溫習,因為駿駿下星期就考試啦. Took Chunchun to school this morning and remind him that Mama will not come to pick him up today… Papa will do it. Back home to nap for 2 hours afterward, and then prepare to go to Hong Kong by 1.30pm ferry. Met my brother before 3pm then we go to Asiaworld-Arena for X-Japan World Tour In Hong Kong ^O^ X-Japan Live show started on 8pm something, we went there early for buying T-shirt and souvenir. Live show ended around 11.30pm brother and I went to Mong Kok to have late dinner. Papa called around 4pm something and told me that he picked up Chunchun already and they were on the way back home. I called to Grandma around 7pm something to see is Chunchun finish his homework or not… and remind Grandma to study with him, because next week is the Exam week.

重曳(Still Naughty)


我琴日真係好嬲好嬲,不過今日重嬲…琴晚比我同爸爸鬧完,駿駿今日都重係咁曳…完全唔聽話,做乜都要三催四請..真係好乞人憎~ 明天係中文測驗,原本諗住駿駿中文成績一向都唔差,可以輕鬆少少,只係讀下書就算.點知今日放學返黎,竟然勁多功課,淨係數學做書入面既總測練習,就有幾十條數要計…駿駿計左成個鐘先計完…重有其他科目既功課,做完功課根本就冇乜時間溫習.但係唔溫又唔得,最後駿駿唯有晏d上床瞓都要溫埋d書先. 我真係覺得佢數學老師好變態,成日測驗都算啦,測驗前又例牌唔出聲小測幾次…今個星期五先測數學,駛唔駛今日就比咁多數小朋友計?唔駛溫其他科目既測驗丫?數學科大晒?佢星期四先比小朋友計都未遲啦,當係同小朋友復習一次.點解要搞到人地為左做佢既功課溫唔到應該溫既科目先呢? I was very angry yesterday and still mad today too. After blamed by Papa and I, he still not improve himself and kept naughty, not listen to me… sigh~ Chinese test on tomorrow, Chunchun was doing not bad on this subject, so didn’t plan to study hard with him, just simply study one with him.. However, when he back home from school, I found that he have a lot of homework have to do~_~ Have a Math’s quiz that over 50 question… Chunchun spent over 1 hour to do it, and the other homework… we really didn’t have much time to study Chinese=.= Poor Chunchun have to go to bed last to study Chinese test. I was wondering what’s the problem of his Math teacher! Math test is on Friday, why she/he has to give so much homework to kids today? Why not give it to kids tomorrow for study?