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玩具反斗城(Toys "r" Us)


今日下午同爸爸一齊去接駿駿放學,因為爸爸想去玩具反斗城買野呢.開心駿駿一聽到玩具反斗城雙眼就發晒光,本來好眼瞓咁架都即時醒晒.去到觀光塔我就係車度等駿駿同爸爸,由得佢地2個自己入去買玩具啦.結果爸爸唔止買左比自己,又買埋比駿駿呢=.=上車冇耐,睡魔又搵駿駿囉,未返到屋企已瞓到流晒口水… 當我係車度等佢地買玩具期間,冇野好做咪睇下駿駿書包今日要做乜功課囉..點知搵黎搵去都唔見本手冊=.=真係好彩爸爸話黎玩具反斗城咋..要返去學校拎手冊都冇咁遠嘛.先打去學校問,不過老師話唔駛返去拎喎,因為唔係駿駿唔記得拎,而係老師唔記得派呢=.=全班都冇…唯有要求老師係電話度同我對一次要做既功課同功課內容啦…唉~好失望丫..點解依間小學好似咁差咁既?幼稚園明明幾好架嘛… Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon, Chunchun was super happy because Papa was going to take him to Toys ‘r’ Us afterschool. I waited in car and let Papa and Chunchun go to Toys ‘r’ Us for around 10 minutes. Happy Chunchun and Papa both bought a Transformers today=.= While I waiting in car, I checked Chunchun school bag, so lucky Papa suggestion to go to Toys ‘r’ Us today, because I found that Chunchun’s handbook was missing=.= Called to school immediately to see if we need to back to school to pick up the handbook or not. His teacher said no need to back to school to pick up the handbook, because not only Chunchun didn’t have the handbook, whole class didn’t have it… sigh, their teacher forget to give back the handbook to them before school ended=.= Confirmed the homework details with Chunchun’s teacher and then back home immediately.

冇瞓午覺(No Nap Today)


今日正式上課啦,一早8點同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學,到下午4點先去接放學呢.升左上小學就唔會再有午覺時間囉,接駿駿時都見到佢好累咁呢. 返到屋企第一時間就同佢做功課啦,今日有一份中文同一份英文功課…希望之後都唔會好多功課啦,一日有3-4樣我都覺得可以接受係應該既..但係如果5-6或以上我就覺得有d過份,小朋友太辛苦囉. 因為我地都見到駿駿有d扭眼瞓既狀態,所以婆婆就提意今晚早少少食晚飯,等駿駿可以早少少瞓覺囉.不過其實都係早左半小時姐..而駿駿都早左半小時上床,不過今日佢就唔駛係張床度碌下碌下先瞓,係一上床唔駛幾分鐘就瞓著.冇得瞓午覺佢真係好累呢. School started today, took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning around 8am, and then picked him up around 4pm something. No nap time in school now, Chunchun looks sleepy when we picked him up. Back home to do homework immediately, hum, Chunchun got 1 Chinese and 1 English homework today, hope that they won’t have too many homework later… 3 – 4 homework a day is acceptable, but more then that, I think it’s too much for kids. Since we found that Chunchun was super sleepy and started to be trouble… Grandma suggested having dinner a half hour earlier and let Chunchun go to back earlier. Finally Chunchun go to bed before 10pm and fall in sleep right over he lay down.

姑婆生日快樂(Happy Birthday)


今日係最後一堂溜冰啦,佢地好似教緊d好難既野甘喎,一時又按住腳指黎溜冰,一時又要單腳企咁…不過駿駿都玩得好開心,佢重做得好好添,教練教既佢好快都做到.溜完冰又係係又一城行一陣同食午飯,之後就行返屋企啦.今日係最後一日經過公園,就比駿駿係公園度玩20分鐘左右啦.其實依個公園,上年暑假或者平日我地返香港我都會帶駿駿去架,不過今年天氣特別曬同熱,又成日都冇時間..就冇乜點去過…今日比駿駿玩,我都唔比佢走晒成個遊樂場…只可以係樹蔭下玩咋. 返到屋企等駿駿瞓午覺,我就自己去行一陣街啦.到晚上駿駿瞓醒,我地大約6點幾就去姑婆屋企同佢慶祝生日…姑婆佢地重為左駿駿特別叫家鄉雞外賣呢^^9點幾食埋蛋糕就同駿駿返屋企囉. Last lesson for Ice Skating course, hum, they seem to be teach something hard today… but Chunchun still enjoy ice skating and he did great on what the coach taught. Walking around and have lunch in Festival Walk afterward and then we went to the playground while we on the way home. Chunchun asked me to take him there a few time, but we just didn’t have time or too hot to go to playground. Anyway, last week in Hong Kong, so I let Chunchun play for around 20 minutes and request him to play under the shade of tree. Went to shopping alone during Chunchun take his nap and then we go to my auntie’s home around 6pm something to celebrate birthday for her^^ Haha, we ordered KFC (Chunchun special request) for dinner and then we have birthday cake before we back home around 9pm. 按腳指單腳企計岩數姑婆生日

第三堂溜冰(Third Ice Skating Course)


今朝一早7點起身,準備同駿駿搭9點前既船返香港呢,因為駿駿今朝11點要學溜冰呢>___< We have to wait for 9am ferry, by the time we back to Hong Kong, it’s already 10am something, we have to hurry to Festival Walk Glacier. Called Grandma immediately to tell great Grandpa or Grandma to brought Chunchun’s skating equipment to Festival Walk Glacier to wait for us. Chunchun and I been running from MTR station to Glacier, we were so tired and luckily we got there on time… just a little bit hurry to help Chunchun wear skating shoes. The first 2 lesson was taught by the substitute coach, and today the regular coach was back^^ Chunchun they finally stand up and really learning how to skate. Have lunch with my auntie after Ice Skating course, and then we back home to prepare to go to apply new passport with great Grandparents, because their passport were all expire soon. Stupid me forgot to bring Chunchun’s birth certificate… I called my brother immediately to bring the copy for me, however, by the time he arrived, the staff said we need to bring the original too, we can show them the original next time when we come to pick up the new passport=.= Sigh, if he told us earlier then I don’t have to ask my brother to come… Went to walking around in Mong Kok afterward with my brother, and have tea together before we back to great Grandma’s home. 等入場第一啦企定定食多芒西米露

同BK朋友聚會(Grathering with BK friends)


今日駿駿就開心囉,因為我地下午約左BK既網友聚會呢.今次駿駿終於有機會同佢差唔多年紀既男仔一齊玩囉^^唔,今次我地有17個人…7個大人10個小朋友,小朋友男女比例係3比7呢..比係澳門時要好呢…不過男仔都係少架啦…所以駿駿除左係學校,如果唔係都冇機會同同年紀既男仔玩呢. 聚會完左之後,我地係旺角行左一陣街就返太婆屋企休息一陣啦.到6點幾再去荷里活廣場度會合大舅父同婆婆啦,因為我地約好今晚一齊食飯陪駿駿去買書包同買返學鞋.本來重約左公公架,但係最後佢又話牙痛唔出街囉喎=.=唉~ 係間韓國餐廳食晚飯,又幾好食喎..下次要同爸爸去試下先得.食完晚飯我地就去行街街啦.最後駿駿都係揀係Dr. Kong度買書包,買完比舅父拎返屋企先…我地再去冒險樂園玩一陣,順便換埋Thomas既黑白返學鞋比駿駿. Happy day for Chunchun, we have a gathering with my BK net friends in Hong Kong this afternoon. Chunchun finally have chance to play with boys around his age^^ Hum, we have around 17 persons today, 7 adult and 10 kids – 3 boys and 7 girls… haha, that’s why Chunchun rare play with boys After gathering Chunchun and I walk around in Mong Kok and then back to great Grandma’s home to rest for a while. And then went to Plaza Hollywood around 6pm something to have lunch with Grandma and my brother, at first Grandpa should come together, but he said he’s having toothache… so, sigh~ Have a nice dinner in a Korea restaurant and then we went to buy new schoolbag and black and white shoes for school. Happy Chunchun finally decided to buy the schoolbag from Dr. Kong and exchanged Thomas & Friends black and white shoes from Jumpin Gym U.S.A. 係香港去聚會玩難得的三男丁Sandy姨姨送禮物同Wendy姨姨影相

好曳(Very Naughty)


上星期五自己一個返左澳門,駿駿就同我講星期六佢好悶丫.所以今日就帶駿駿去沙田行下玩具反斗城同去SnoopyLand度玩啦.重諗住今日買隻威E比駿駿架,唔想佢今日好似上星期六咁話悶嘛.不過,今日我唔覺得駿駿同我會好開心囉…因為駿駿真係好曳好曳..我成日話佢,鬧佢搞到我好累好累… 由12點幾叫駿駿準備出街到差唔多2點先出到,去到食野由佢點菜,點左又話唔岩食=.=行街睇野,全程手多多,痴住玩具就唔走,我睇野佢就倒亂.最後去到玩具反斗城拎左威E去比錢架啦,未行到去收銀處都激到我唔買比佢.其實上個星期日同爸爸睇完電影,爸爸就答應買威E比駿駿架啦,但係佢真係太曳…最後我同佢講,佢依個暑假重唔乖D,爸爸答應左我都唔會買=.=因為爸爸話買比佢時都有叫佢要乖的. 返屋企前我地就去SnoopyLand度玩一陣啦.今日又好喎,冇乜人玩,又唔係好曬…我真係想比佢玩耐d,但係佢又有d扭眼瞓喎…所以最後玩左15分鐘左右就走囉.今日真係唔多開心,希望重有機會同時間帶駿駿去多次沙田,好好地行下街同去玩啦.希望駿駿會乖番d啦. Back to Macau alone last Friday, and then Chunchun told me he was very boring last Saturday… Therefore, I took Chunchun to SnoopyLand and Toy “r” us today, wanted to buy a Wall E for him and didn’t want him to have a boring Saturday. However, I don’t think today is a happy day for Chunchun or me… I was super tired today, because Chunchun really naughty=.= I was tired of yelling>_

第二堂溜冰(Second Ice Skating Course)


今朝去上第二堂溜冰,,駿駿今堂比上一堂做得好左好多喎.係練習時間佢可以自己企定定行幾步呢^^真係做得唔錯,因為係上堂時間都冇乜機會咁自己企係度行.哈,不過去到練習時間,駿駿就唔肯戴住個頭盔啦.可能佢自己都覺得怪,點解全個場得咁少小朋友戴頭盔呢XD 溜完冰就行返太婆屋企啦,本來係打算係太婆屋企食飯架,點知一入門口姑婆就打電話黎囉.就係咁,我地就約左姑婆係新世紀食午飯啦.唉~真係十分之唔開心,係新世紀地下果間Café食午飯,野又唔係特別好食,重要服務又唔多好…真係唔駛指意我會再去果間野度食呢…唔怪得lunch time果度都唔滿座唔駛等位啦. 食崈午飯,行左陣街,同駿駿去遊樂場玩一陣…姑婆就問我地同唔同公公一齊食晚飯啦.就係咁晚上我地一行6人,婆婆同公公,表姨同姑婆,駿駿同我去駿駿最鍾意既和民度食晚飯啦^^ Second Ice Skating course this morning, Chunchun was doing a lot better than first lesson. He could skate a little bit during after lesson practice session^^ Haha, wonder is he feel weird only a few student wear helmet, so he refuse to wear helmet during after lesson practice session. Back to great Grandma’s home after course, at first we planned to have lunch at home. However my auntie called right after we arrived home and asked Chunchun to have lunch together. Met my auntie at Grand Century Place and have lunch in a café. Sigh, we have a very bad experience in that café=.= and foods there wasn’t too good either… I swear I will not go there again. After lunch, we walk around in Grand Century Place and go to the playground for a while. Hum, my auntie asked us to have dinner with Grandpa, finally Grandma and Grandpa, my auntie and cousin, Chunchun and I have dinner together in a Japanese restaurant. 起步囉溜到幾步係遊樂場玩同公公食晚飯

第三堂游水(Third Swimming Course)


今朝帶駿駿去學游水,先睇佢學游1小時,之後我都入場游一陣.唔,睇住駿駿做野真係好炆,佢做野鬼咁慢騰騰.行又行最慢,游又游最慢…起步都慢過人既=.= 睇佢游左1小時後,我就入場游半小時啦.自己游完就沖身準備係大堂度接番駿駿…之後係更衣室同佢沖個涼先走啦.因為上星期游左幾堂,每次游完水都見駿駿個人敏感起粒粒喎…所以婆婆就叫我同佢沖左涼先返屋企…希望咁會好d啦 搞掂晒之後就去麥記食午飯再行返屋企啦.唉~今日游左水真係超累呢…可能我太耐冇游水又游得太多=.=2點左右頂唔住上床休息…一瞓就瞓到差唔多5點幾先起身…而駿駿都由3點幾瞓到6點幾呢. Took Chunchun to swimming course this morning, I watched around 1 hour and then I got in swimming pool to swim for a while too. Hum, Chunchun seem to be very sluggishly… I hate it, always watching him to be the last one, walk slow, swim slow=.= I swim for around half hour, and ten prepare to pick up Chunchun to take shower before we leave swimming pool… I found that Chunchun was having allergy from the swimming pool water, so Grandma suggest me to take shower for him before home. Went to McDonald’s to have lunch before home. Um, I was super sleepy after swim, I swim too much this morning=.= I fall in sleep around 2pm and didn’t wake up until 5pm something. And Chunchun nap around 3pm something, wake up around 6pm something. 行最慢準備落水吸氣潛晒個頭落水

媽媽自己返澳門(Mama back to Macau alone)


今朝落住雨帶駿駿去泳班呢.唉~我幾擔心佢今日會凍丫,特登比件毛巾褸比佢著住,點知駿駿係更衣室自己除番件毛巾褸唔著住落泳池~_~好彩佢冇話凍咋 游完水就去麥記食午餐,再行番屋企啦.我地重行左幾間玩具店添,駿駿十分興奮咁間間玩具店都要入去睇下先走呢.搞到我地成點先返到屋企呢,即時同駿駿沖涼之後我就準備自己一個返澳門啦^^ 其實今次返去唔帶駿駿係因為主要係返去洗衫同執下屋咁.當然又同爸爸2人世界一下咁啦.大約4點幾返到澳門,洗完衫就同爸爸一齊去新八佰伴行下啦.不過新八佰伴真係好令人失望呢,又冇野睇又冇野食,地方又細..我諗我地以後會去得更少囉. 今日打左幾次電話比駿駿,真係好開心呢…因為我一直都好少機會同駿駿講電話呢,一日都對住…不過同佢講電話真係好開心. Took Chunchun to swimming course this morning under the rain. Sigh, I was so worry that Chunchun will be cold when he walk to the swimming pool, so I let him wearing a bathrobe. However I found him didn’t wear it to swimming pool=.= he take it off in changing room…sigh. Went to have lunch in McDonald’s after swimming course, and then we walk home. We went to a few toys store too, Chunchun was so exciting kept looking around in those toys store. Back home around 1pm and then hurry to take shower for me and prepare to back to Macau alone^^ The Main purposes for me to back to Macau are doing laundry and vacuum… and surely spent time with Papa. Arrived to Macau around 4pm something, and then went to New Yaohan with Papa after I finish laundry. Hum, super disappointed about New Yaohan… I guess we won’t go there much, sigh. Called Chunchun a few time today, hum, I rare talk to Chunchun in phone because I always be with him. It’s so lovely to talk with Chunchun in phone^^ 毛布褸用得著啦冇氣啦自己游到3下住浮板踏水

8號風球(Typhoon Signal 8)


琴日去完海洋公園,成屋人都累到死呢.一早7點起身準備同駿駿去學游水,一睇下天氣,原來掛緊8號風球囉.哈,哈,講真,我真係好開心…因為我真係好累…8號風球就冇得學游水,可以瞓耐d囉.婆婆同我一知道係8號風球就即時返上床再瞓囉.不過駿駿…8點前就起左身唔肯再瞓啦=.=自己一個玩到10點幾先番瞓呢…重要一瞓就瞓到2點幾先起身食午飯. 8號風球大約6點左右轉番3號…於時我地食完晚飯後就行上又一城行街,順便去買定駿駿學溜冰要用既溜冰裝備啦.可惜今日我地去到人地店已經休息啦,開到8點咋..唯有明天早d去啦.係又一城行左一陣,我地就行返屋企啦.沿途比我地見到幾隻蝸牛喎.駿駿好興奮咁睇左一陣,佢第一次見到真蝸牛丫…當然要影相留念啦^^ Went to Ocean Park yesterday and today we were all sure tired. Woke up on 7am and found that it’s Typhoon Signal 8 now. Haha, I was quite happy about it, because I was really tired and didn’t want to take Chunchun to swimming class. Grandma and I fall in sleep again immediately, however Chunchun woke up before 8am and didn’t willing to sleep again. He nap around 10am something and woke up around 2pm for lunch. Typhoon Signal 8 turned off around 6pm something, and then we walk to Festival Walk after dinner, because Chunchun need to buy his ice skating equipment. Too bad that we were too late today, the store closed at 8pm, we have to go there again tomorrow. We walk around in Festival Walk for a while and then walk back home. While we on the way back home we found a few snails on the ground… Chunchun was super exciting, because it’s his first time to see really snail. And Chunchun asked me to take photo for him and the snails too^^ 依隻兔仔好得意見到蝸牛丫