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July 25, 2004


今日係我親慼係澳門2日1夜既行程最後一日.我諗今日我堂妹一定係好悶,因為我地今日去左2個賭場都冇佢份,佢只可以係屋企由我老豆睇住同駿駿玩. 今日一早我地就去左新開左冇耐既金沙賭場,係果度食埋晏就返左屋企休息.係我地係屋企既時間..駿駿就忙囉..佢又唱歌..又跳舞…逗得太麻,姑婆佢地鬼咁開心..個個叫佢鍚佢又鍚喎…坐左一個鐘左右..我地就去左摩卡老虎機場度睇下啦.最後我地係新八佰伴行左一陣食完晚飯..太麻,姑婆佢地就返香港囉. 岩岩諗起..其實佢地黎左2日都見唔到我老公..因為佢實在太忙啦..完全冇時間同我地食飯… Today is the last day for my relative’s 2 days 1 night trip in Macau. Hum, I guess today was super boring for my little relative, cause today we went to 2 casino that she can’t go with us, she can only stay home with Chunchun and my father. We went to Sands casino in the morning and have lunch there, Sands is the new casino in Macau, it’s very big and nice. After lunch, since my grandma was very tired we stay home for around an hour. Chunchun was so busy in the hour, he dance and sing for our relative and give everyone a kiss^^ Then we went to Mocha slot machine center. Finally, our last stop was New Yaohan, walk around and have dinner there. Just remember that, my relative didn’t have a chance to meet my husband this time, my husband was so busy these days, don’t have time to have lunch or dinner with us.

澳門觀光(Sightseeing in Macau)


今日下午我d親慼黎左澳門玩,所以我地就去左好多地方觀光啦.先先,我地去左新馬路行街,之後我地就去左澳門塔啦.嘩…駿駿係果度玩得好開心丫..佢係地下果d灘檔度玩左好多遊戲,本來5蚊先玩一次既遊戲..就因為駿駿太會扮可愛囉..令到佢唔駛錢都玩得.之後我地就上左觀光塔既58樓啦..佢上到係完全失控,係度四圍走..就成日古靈精怪咁喎,搞到好多黎觀光既人都搵佢影相…成個小明星咁.當我地去到61樓既時候…我地發現有空中慢步玩(係觀光塔外行),咁我d姑姐就叫我同堂妹玩…咁我又唔怕高既咪陪佢囉..都幾好玩..個景幾靚d風又舒服…個職員同我講..最細個玩既係一個得20個月既bb喎..如果我早知bb都玩得..就帶埋駿駿出去玩啦..咁佢就會係最細個既skywalker啦 My relative came to Macau this afternoon; we went to a lot of sightseeing place. First, we went shopping in the shopping area, and then we went to the MacauTower. Wow, Chunchun was super happy there, he played a lot of game there for free (because many staff think he is cute^^). Then he ran around in the 58/F of MacauTower, he was so funny that made many visitor want to take photo with him, he looks like a super star there. When we arrived the 61/F we find that we can skywalk there, and my Aunties asked me to go skywalk with my cousin. I am so much fun being outside of the MacauTower at the 61/F, the view and the wind are so nice. The staff told me that the youngest one to skywalk was a 20 months old baby, hum, if I knew it earlier, I will let Chunchun go with us, so that he will become the youngest one to skywalk on MacauTower. MacauTower with Mama坐係58層高的玻璃單桿表演骨骨唔好走丫

請病假(Sick Leave)


爸比今日唔比駿駿返托兒所丫,因為駿駿都重流緊鼻水.所以我一早就打去托兒所同駿駿請病假啦.點知駿駿佢真係好想返學喎,企係門口係扭計想開門返學.爸比見到佢咁,就問我打左電話比請假未,我話請左囉..咪由佢唔好返囉,唔好請左假就帶佢返去先得架.之後我要同駿駿講.如果佢今日唔返學,媽咪一陣就買佢去八佰伴玩同食飯.佢先收聲自己走去玩. 我地大約10左右去到2點幾.唉~係閒日去真係好啦.上次星期日同駿駿去..我地都行唔到.多人到死...我又要推車仔…又要拖住駿駿.不過如果唔係駿駿唔舒服我地都冇乜機會閒日去囉..因為駿駿要返學. Chunchun didn’t go to nursery today, because of his running nose his father doesn’t let him go to nursery. So I make a phone call to nursery, told them that Chunchun will not go there today. Poor Chunchun want to go there so much, stand in front of the door and keep begging want to go to nursery. That made Kenny change his mind and want to let him go, but then I told him that I already called to nursery, so Chunchun can’t go there today. Finally I have to told him if he don’t go to nursery today, I will took him to New Yaohan shopping mall to have lunch and play there to stop his begging. We went to New Yaohan around 10am, and back to home around 2pm. Hum, it’s so good that we go to New Yaohan on weekday, last time I went there with Chunchun on Sunday there is so many people that we can hardly walk, because I have to take care of the baby stroller and Chunchun. Hum, it not Chunchun sick, we don’t have time to go there in weekday now, because he have to go to nursery.



今日係第一日同其他媽咪同一時間接小朋友放學,因為今日係星期六全部小朋友都只係返半日.當我行到去課室既時候,見到果度有好多好多小朋友..我要慢慢睇駿駿係邊.不過駿駿好快就見到我..即跑黎我度要我抱抱啦.佢好似好掛住我咁^^ 到佢訓覺晏覺之後,我地就同平日一樣去公園同超市啦.係起市做野既收銀個個都好鍾意同駿駿玩既.琴日有個收銀想抱開佢,睇佢有乜反應喎,結果佢就想喊咁叫媽媽..媽媽啦.哈…駿駿佢終於都知我係佢媽咪…佢唔可以跟其他人走唔理我.早幾個月前佢重會好開心咁跟左人去玩. Today is the first day that I pick up Chunchun in the same time with other Mama pick up their baby, because today is Saturday that all the baby only can stay in nursery for half day. When I walk in front of the classroom, there were so many babies there, and I was trying to find where is Chunchun. Chunchun notices me immediately then ran to me and gave me a hug. He seems like miss me a lot, it’s so sweet^^ After his nap, we went to playground and supermarket as usual. Those Cashiers work in supermarket love to play with Chunchun, and yesterday one cashier tried to take Chunchun away fro m me, then Chunchun cried, he kept calling Mama. Ha…he finally knew that I am his Mama, he can’t follow other without me, remember a few months ago, he won’t cry and played with those cashiers so happy.

颱風(Typhoon )


我記得以前我讀書,返工既時候,好鍾意打風既…因為打風我就會多一日假.但係依家就冇乜所為囉,其實都唔係冇所為..係我唔係咁鍾意打風先真.因為依家打風…我又同唔到駿駿去公園,又去唔到行街或去超市買野,老公又冇假放…只係可以係屋企上下網,同駿駿玩下睇電視..我同駿駿都一樣咁悶. 好似今日咁…香港一早9點時就話11點幾會掛8號啦.我就一直擔心澳門幾時會掛8號呢?我駛唔駛早d去托兒所接駿駿返黎呢?我係咪要去超市買定d野呢?結果…澳門一直都冇改掛8號…我都可以如常接駿駿放學同去買野. I remember that when I was in school or work, I used to love typhoon, because when typhoon came, I will have an extra holiday. But now I am not really care about it, actually I don’t think I like typhoon now. When typhoon come, I can’t take Chunchun to playground, I can’t go supermarket or shopping with Chunchun, my husband don’t have extra holiday, I can only stay home stuffing on net, watching TV with Chunchun, it’s kind of boring. Like today, Hong Kong was reported would turn to signal 8 around 11.45am since 9am, I been worried about when I have to pick up Chunchun form the nursery, and when I should go supermarket. Because I not sure when Macau will be signal 8 too. However, Macau didn’t turn to signal 8, its keep in signal 3 all day, and I picked Chunchun up as usual then went to supermarket.

健康證明(Medical Certificate)


今日帶左駿駿去托兒所指定的診所睇醫生,為既就係一張健康證明.因為駿駿要讀果間托兒所要有健康證明先可以入讀.唔…今次係我第一次去澳門醫生既診所,之前我地唔舒服都係會去醫院既.因為我地識得既人都話澳門冇乜好醫生..原本都只係覺得可能我地唔識搵..所以覺得冇好姐..但係依家..我真係覺得澳門冇好醫生.真係好有問題..同駿駿睇醫生..竟要2日之前就打電話預約…有冇可能?如果我bb突然發燒..又要預約幾日後?重要我星期二打去預約時..佢已同我講星期四既預約滿啦..只有3.15pm一個空位.跟住我今日係診所重聽到我護士講電話話今日full晒啦…叫個醫人約聽日…唔係丫…等你救命既咪死得? Took Chunchun to the doctor advise fro m nursery today, for the medical Certificate to get into the nursery. The nursery that Chunchun will go needs a medical Certificate before he starts going. Hum, this is my first time that goes to clinic in Macau, if we got sick we usually go to hospital. Because most people we knew in Macau all said that Macau don’t have good doctor. At first I am not sure is that really don’t have good doctor in Macau, but now, I am quit sure. It’s so stupid that, we have to make appointment 2 days ago before we go to the doctor, if my baby got fever suddenly…I still have to make appointment before I go to the doctor? And when I book the appointment on Tuesday, the nurse said that the appointments on Thursday are almost full, so I don’t have a choice I only can make an appointment on 3.15pm today. And I heard a phone call in the clinic this afternoon; the nurse said that the appointment was full today, asked the patient to make an appointment on Friday. It’s crazy…

十萬個多謝”風箏”(Hundred thousand thanks to Jiuan)


十分感謝風箏做了這一個漂亮的日記框架給駿駿,還要多謝她為我解答問題.她真的是一個十分友善的媽咪,我成日都見佢係babyhome上解答別的媽咪在網頁上的問題,還會替很多媽咪做日記框架等.之前我一直也覺得很不好意思請一個不認識的人做事.後來發現我朋友New她也得到了風箏為她作的日記框架,從我朋友的口中,我可以確定風箏真是一個大好人^^所以我今天就試過厚著臉的請教她問題,想請她為我作日記框架,想不到短訊才剛發出,就有回音了.風箏很友善的答應了我的要求,我黃昏才給她照片,晚上就有新的框架了,真是利害!風箏..我真的很感謝您..您作的框架很美..很美..完全做到我所想的. Thank you Jiuan to made this pretty diary frame for Chunchun, and thanks for answering me question. She is such a nice mother that willing to help anyone on web that have problem on designing out baby’s homepage. I knew that she always makes diary frame to other mother in babyhome.com, however I felt embarrass to ask her make one for me. Until I notice that my friend “New” got Jiuan’s diary frame too, fro m New’s words I am sure that Jiuan is a super nice mother, I shouldn’t be afraid to ask for her help. Then I asked for her help this afternoon, she was so nice that accept my request so quick and nice. I send her Chunchun’s photo this evening; she send this frame to me a few hours later, her work was so quick and pretty. Jiuan~ thanks you so much!

(Super hot day)


It’s over 34℃ this afternoon, the News said that is the hottest day of summer this year. However I didn’t know that, until I came back form half day shopping around 3pm. Hum, actually I didn’t do much shopping only bought two baby clothes for Chunchun. In the morning, I have to take Chunchun to the hospital, after his checking, it’s already 12 something. Then we have lunch with my ex-classmate, we haven’t been contract over 9 years. It’s so cool that I remember we only saw each other once in the street, and then exchange our Icq number around 4 years ago. After we adding each other, we didn’t chat much, until few days ago. I saw her online, and told her that I already got married and have a have one and half year old baby. I having a good time with her even thought that we are not friends when we were classmate. It’s fun to talking about our pass, our ex-classmate, our recently life, we all grown up a lot. After lunch, it’s only 2pm… it’s too early for me to back home, because today is my last day in Hong Kong, is my last day to go shopping, so I decided to shop around in Mongkok and Prince Edward. I thought that is a super stupid decision after I back home and watched the News. While I was shopping with Chunchun, I notice that today is quit hot, not like the other day, the sun was burning my energy, and I didn’t feel like shopping at all. Back to Macau this evening with my parents and brother, at first we want to go to Japan Restaurant to have dinner, however, my husband said that he couldn’t have dinner with us today, so we went to have BBQ.