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今日下午同爸爸去左睇傢俬,因為我同老公想買新既電腦桌同書櫃.不過其實我地話去睇傢俬咋,都只係係新馬路果頭睇左一間,因為我地根本就唔知澳門邊頭多傢俬鋪.但係係果間傢俬鋪呢,我就見到一張好靚既電腦桌連書櫃啦,我影完相電話傳比老公睇,佢都話鍾意,但係原來成2000幾蚊,就好似貴左少少囉=-=希望琴日老公得閒,我地可以去d多d傢俬鋪既地區睇下啦,如果可以搵到d又平又靚既就好囉. 今日去接駿駿放學時好得意.我睇住佢同兩個小朋友玩,駿駿行去邊果兩個小朋友就跟到佢實.好啦,同駿駿見到我企係門口,就即時跑黎我身邊啦,果兩個小朋友又跟住佢跑喎,駿駿叫我”媽咪”佢地又跟住駿駿叫我”媽咪”…好似我接駿駿放學,佢地想我帶埋佢走咁^^我同佢地講,我唔係你媽咪丫,我係駿駿媽咪咋,你地媽咪遲d會黎接你地架啦…但係佢地都係叫我媽咪喎…不過佢地又唔會死跟住我同駿駿…我諗佢地係咪唔係好明乜叫媽咪呢?只係知邊個先係佢地媽媽?_?如果駿駿叫第二d人做媽咪..我一定好唔開心姐… Went to take a look of computer desk and book shell this afternoon with my father. Hum, actually we only went to one furniture store near the shopping area in Macau, because we didn’t know where most of the furniture stores located. I found a nice computer desk with book shell, it’s a really nice computer desk, I sent a picture to Kenny, and Kenny like it too; however it cost over HK$2000, it’s quit expensive=_= Hoping that tomorrow Kenny will have time to go to somewhere have more furniture store to take a look and find something nice and cheap. So funny today, when I go to pick up Chunchun, I saw two babies follow Chunchun ran all around the playground in the nursery. When Chunchun notice me was there and ran to me, those two babies following Chunchun too, and follow Chunchun to call me Mammy^^ I told then that I am not there Mammy, I am Chunchun’s Mammy and their Mammy will come and pick them up soon, but they still keep calling me Mammy, ha, I wonder are they really know what’s Mammy means? If Chunchun call other “Mammy” I will be quit unhappy=_=



唔,今朝我好懶丫,本來諗住駿駿起身我就起身,等爸爸可以早d去新屋度整野,點知駿駿今朝7點唔夠就起左起,我頂唔順,就叫爸爸睇住佢等我訓到9點啦. 到我起身之後呢,公公就去新屋度整野,我就同駿駿玩下同比生果佢食…一路到11點半左右,我就帶駿駿去新屋度搵公公食午餐…食完公公就繼續整野,我同駿駿就返屋企訓午覺.到3點幾,駿駿一訓醒就搵公公,又咁岩喎…駿駿醒左唔夠2分鐘,公公就返左屋企啦.佢話間油漆鋪收左喎,冇油賣佢今日油唔到油.唉,我琴日就叫佢買左先架啦,又唔聽人講…咁就浪費左半日啦 見時間重早,又冇野做,公公就提議我地去第二d區度睇下有冇油漆鋪有開,我地行左去最近我地屋企既舊屋區果度睇..其實都差唔多行到去新馬路架啦..結果都係全部都收晒… Hum, I was so lazy this morning>_< at first I planned to wake up with Chunchun and let my father go to new apartment to do the maintains in the morning. However Chunchun woke up so early this morning, around 7am, so I let Grandpa took care Chunchun until 9am… After I woke up, I begin to take care Chunchun, play with him and give fruit for his morning snacks, and Grandpa started working around 10am. About 11.30am I took Chunchun to our new apartment to found Grandpa to had lunch together. Then Chunchun and me took a nap until 3pm something, and Grandpa came back right after Chunchun woke up. Sigh, he said that the paint shop was closed in the afternoon; he can’t paint the living room today. Hum, I told him before, I asked him to buy the paint yesterday, but he didn’t=-= and now we waste a day on doing nothing. It’s still early so we went to some other districts to see is there will have any paint shop still open.



公公今朝送完駿駿返托兒所之後,不停同我講,駿駿好受歡迎丫,好似成間托兒所d 小朋友都識得佢咁,重有好多家長見到駿駿都會叫佢喎…今日公公又見到係駿駿個櫃仔度有包餅同字條,係駿駿d同學送比駿駿架喎. 唉,駿駿係好多人識佢丫,但係駿駿就唔係好識人咁,我都唔知佢d同學叫乜名…但係個個同學都知駿駿個名… 大約11點左右,係我地去接駿駿放學之前呢,我同公公就先去地產公司度簽新租約.哈好開心,好快就可以搬屋啦,不過今日上到去見到我地唔要既傢俬重係度.佢地話會搬走架嘛..今日再去問話今日搬..點知等左好耐都冇人黎搬喎…再問又話今日唔得閒,聽日先黎搬..唉..快d搬走d野啦.阻住晒. 當我去接駿駿既時候呢,佢老師話駿駿今日好搞笑喎.因為今朝我比左件超人衫駿駿著.咁當駿駿係托兒所玩既時候呢..佢會扮超人飛^^同老師談完計我就叫駿駿去拎晒自己個書包仔同餅餅啦.原來d餅餅係我個網友送比駿駿架…話佢囡囡新買好大包所以分d比駿駿喎^^其實真係好有緣…之前都唔知大家仔仔囡囡同一間托兒所..係有一日唔知講起乜..講講下先知原來係同學仔. 接完駿駿呢,我地就同公公去食晏啦…係我地食晏既時候我見有d餅餅係度…咪比駿駿食囉,等佢唔好阻住我同公公食飯丫嘛..食完駿駿同我就返屋企訓午覺…公公就去新屋度整野. Grandpa took Chunchun to the nursery this morning, and he told me that he found a pack of biscuits in Chunchun drawer with a memo. Grandpa keep telling me Chunchun is so famous in nursery, it’s seems like that every parents and babies knew Chunchun’s name; however, Chunchun didn’t know his classmate’s name at all, and so did me. Around 11am, before we go to pick up Chunchun, we went to the property agency to sign the contract. Hum, so happy that we can move to our new home soon, however the agency still didn’t move out the furniture that we don’t need. At first they said that they will move it out today, but then they said will move it tomorrow… hope they really will move it tomorrow. When I pick Chunchun up in the nursery, his teacher said Chunchun was so cutie today, Chunchun’s was act like flying when he ran, because I made him wearing a supermen clothing, ha ha. After gossiping with chunchun’s teacher, I asked Chunchun to go to his drawer to pick up his school bag and the biscuits). I read the note and found out that biscuits are fro m my net friend^^ her baby is Chunchun’s classmate. While we have lunch in a restaurant with Grandpa, I let Chunchun to have some biscuits, because I don’t want him to disturb us having our lunch. After lunch, Chunchun and me went back home to took a nap and Grandpa went to our new apartment to maintain those hole in the wall. 食餅餅

公公又黎囉(Grandpa came again)


哈,今日公公又過黎澳門啦,不過佢今次過黎係為左幫我地維修好新屋d小問題同幫我地手拾野搬屋的.駿駿就開心死佢啦,放學去接佢時見到公公,即走埋去攬住公公丫. 唔.駿駿今朝好鬼得意.我帶佢返到托兒所.我見佢一支箭咁係走廊度走,以為佢會沖入班房啦,原來唔係喎,佢係走去d單車度,一野就騎上去啦.之後要踏單車行完成間托兒所,去到佢班房門口先落車…佢老師就同我講,駿駿有時我走左,但係重有好多同學未返到既時候..佢都會自己沖出去踏單車^^ 唉,聽日我就會去地產公司度簽租約囉..好開心丫..好想快d簽完約拎鎖匙拾好d野快d搬入去. Ha, Grandpa came to Macau this afternoon, the main reason for him to come is to do some maintain for my new home and help us to move there. Chunchun was super happy that when he notice that Grandpa is here when we went pick him up. Hum, Chunchun was so cutie this morning when I took him to nursery. He ran in the hallway, at first I thought that he would run to his classroom, but I am wrong. He ran in front of a bicycle and ride on it immediately^^ He had to ride on around the nursery before he got in his classroom, and his teacher told me that, sometime after I leave, he will ran out to the hallway and ride and bicycle too. Hum tomorrow I will go to the property agency to sign the new rental contract of our new apartment. So exciting, can’t wait to sign the contract and go to clean it up and move in.

新屋(New Apartment)


今日我好興奮丫,中午左右同我媽重有老公去左睇樓.大部份樓都係新裝修的,不過都有d舊舊地既.但係全部都好岩我心意,尤其係係我地隔離座果個單位,好大架,有3間房,2個洗手間,大廚房連工人房(重有洗有間),重有大客廳同露台,2000幾尺只係7000蚊租…好平好抵好靚^^.不過我老公呢,就比較鍾意另一間屋啦,果間係全新裝修既,係好靚,但係我唔鍾意佢個洗手間,露台同部份既裝修,總之個感覺就唔多好啦. 睇完樓之後我同媽咪就去左新八佰伴度食晏同買菜啦.哈,今日我係八佰伴度買左個kitty既迷你吸塵機.大約5點左右,地產代理又打比我喎,話有兩個單位都岩我地叫我地去睇下.咁我咪帶埋駿駿去睇果兩個單位囉,重影左d相比老公睇. 聽日會同老公再去睇多次樓同會做決定租邊間啦.真係好想快d搬丫..哈哈 I was so exciting today, went to site visited a few rental apartment around noontime with Kenny and my mother. Some of them are new decorated; some of them are quit old looking. But they all look ok for me, especially, the one in the building next to where we living now, I like it so much, it’s over 2000ft, have 3 big bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big kitchen with mate room (have little bathroom inside), a big living room and balcony, it’s only cost HK$7000 per month. However, Kenny likes the other one in the opposite building of where we living now, well, that one is not bad too, very nice new decorated, however I don’t like the bathroom and the balcony and some of the decorated, didn’t feel too good in that apartment. After site visited those apartments, my mother and me went to New Yaohan to have lunch and buy stuff for dinner, ha, I bought a Hello Kitty mini vacuum cleaner today^^ Around 5pm, the property agent called me and told me that there have 2 more apartments on rental now. So, I took Chunchun to site visited these 2 apartments and took some picture to send to Kenny. Will go to site visit one more time tomorrow with Kenny, and we will make a decision tomorrow. Hum, I can’t wait to move to new home now, so happy.

懶洋洋的一天(Lazy Day)


今朝一早7點半就比駿駿叫醒,開完奶比佢之後,就放維尼比佢睇啦..佢睇電話我就沖涼.到8點半就送佢返學,之後就返屋企再訓.唉..好鬼死蠢丫..今日唔知做乜鬼唔記得帶鎖鍉喎=_=好彩今日老公重未返工姐…唔係就冇門口入囉. 唔…本來我諗住今日去新八佰伴食午餐同行街既,再係回程既時候去晒相鋪度拎相.點知我太累太眼訓,到夠鐘出街都起唔到身.到我訓醒既時候都已經係中午囉…出面又曬又熱,搞到我完全都冇心情出去…而且成點鐘先去,都唔夠時間返黎接駿駿囉.係屋企搵左d野做午餐之後,大約2點我就去晒相鋪度拎相啦. 4點就去接駿駿放學,唉,今日去到…我見到駿駿踏緊單車架…好衰架…琴日我帶相機去托兒所想影佢踏單車…但係佢唔踏喎…要走去渣車仔=_=到今日啦,我冇帶相機…佢就踏單車,唉~我好想要一張駿駿踏單車既相丫. 哈,係超市門口既夾公仔機,用左2蚊就夾到一隻Eyon公仔,駿駿開心到死,不過佢真係開心一陣架咋..返到屋企佢都好少玩果d公仔機既公仔既.唉~入到超市就有少少後悔冇去新八佰伴啦…今日乜都冇得買喎..想買魚,冇魚,買牛肉冇牛肉..到少少菜同冷凍食品係度. 唔…今晚媽咪過黎我又唔駛理駿駿囉…重有聽日一日..真係太好啦..夜晚我可以好好訓一覺囉 I woke up by Chunchun on 7.30am this morning. I made him to watched Winnie the Pooh while I having shower. Took him to school around 8.30am and came right back home to sleep again, silly me, I forgot to take my key with me this morning, fortunately Kenny still at home when I back home. Hum, at first I planned to go to New Yaohan to shopping and have lunch and then go to the photo studio to pick up those pictures I sent in yesterday, however I was so tired and sleepy that made me didn’t wake up on time, might because I worked too hard yesterday… haha. I slept until noontime, that’s too late for me to go to New Yaohan; it’s so hot and sunny outside. Find some junk food to have for lunch at home, and then go to pick up the pictures I sent to the studio around 2pm. Went to pick up Chunchun around 4pm, sigh, when I got there today, I saw Chunchun ride on a bicycle, I wish that I have my camera with me. Yesterday I took my camera with me, but he didn’t ride on a bicycle, he went to drive those little tiny cars. I really want to have one picture that Chunchun ride on a bicycle>_

開心的一天(Happy Day)


星期日永遠都係我最難過既一日,因為我要成日都同駿駿一齊.我地8點鐘就起身啦,開左奶比佢之後我就去沖涼,之後由9點到10點我地都去左公園或係街度閒逛.係返屋企之前再係超市度買左d日用品.10點鐘比生果駿駿食,11點半食午餐,完全跟足駿駿係托兒所既時間表. 但係,唔知點解佢今日個午覺只係訓左一個鐘左右就覺囉…唔知係咪因為佢知要去街呢?我地係2點左右就出去老公做野既地方搵佢啦.因為佢要我幫佢拎個電話叉電比佢.唔…其實我幾開心去搵佢架..唔知點解呢?可能可以係佢返工時間見下佢掛.又好彩喎,我地去到時老公又唔係好忙,咁佢就提意抱駿駿去見下佢本時工作上會接觸度既人啦. 老公返番去做野之後,我就同駿駿去左新馬路度行街同係麥記度食下午茶啦.之前公公係度時答應左駿駿會去食麥記既,點知係八佰伴間麥記冇野,咁唯有今日有機會就帶佢去啦.哈,今日唔係志在買野,反而買到好多野喎…買左2隻卡通vcd比駿駿(其實係我想睇^^),買左2本漫畫比老公同1本漫畫比自己.收鑊唔錯丫,本來想行耐d睇下其他野,但係又熱又多人…最後都係早d返屋企好.而駿駿呢就係我地返屋止途中訓佢既第二個午覺啦. 唔知駿駿今日過得開唔開心呢?希望佢開心啦…因為星期日成日都對住我可能會悶d..唔似平日,有半日係學校,好多同學仔同佢玩,又有老師教佢地唱歌跳舞咁. Sunday always is the hardest day for me, because I have to stay with Chunchun all day long. We woke up on 8am, he had his milk and I go take bath, then we went out for a walk around 9am – 10am. Before we came back home, we went to supermarket to buy some daily necessaries. Have fruit around 10am, and have lunch around 11.30am, all my planned follow his nursery’s schedule. However, he didn’t take a long nap today, he felt in sleep around 12am and woke up on 1pm. We stand home until 2pm something, then we went to Kenny’s work place, because he asked he to took a battery for his mobile. Hum, I was quit happy that went out to find him today, because when we got there, Kenny was not so busy, so he took Chunchun to the hotel’s reception to play with those staff who help he to check in and out. After we said good-bye to Kenny, we went to the only shopping area in Macau, and have tea in McDonald’s. I promised to Chunchun we will go to have McDonald’s last time when we went to New Yaohan with Grandpa, however the McDonald’s in New Yaohan was closed, so I took him to McDonald’s today. Hum, I bought a lot today^^ 2 Disney’s VCD for Chunchun, 2 comics for Kenny and 1 comic for me. At first I want to walk around to see what can we buy, however it’s too hot and crowded there, so I left after I bought those comics. And Chunchun felt in sleep on the way we back home^^ Don’t know is that Chunchun enjoy today what I planned? I hope he felt happy today, because I think Sunday is quit boring for him, only him and me all day long, not like in the weekday, he got half day in nursery, he can play with his classmate and have teacher to teach them sing or dance.



我媽佢每個星期二都會過黎澳門住個3日2夜既.而我爸爸呢…係我病丫,或者係d特別日子就會過黎,好似9月尾咁佢就過黎過中秋同中國國慶啦.駿駿同我都好鍾意佢地過黎澳門探我地.因為平日我地既生活真係好悶,佢地過黎我地都會有多d地方去丫..駿駿又會多個人同佢玩. 而今日呢,我媽同爸係送完駿駿返托兒所之後就走左囉.唉~我起身既時候一個人都冇..突然就覺得好寂寞=_=..我太習慣同屋企人住啦…結婚前就係一直同屋企人住..但係婚後就一直得自己同駿駿兩個係屋企..最多係我爸係我屋企暫住..唉…有時當我自己一個係屋企既時候..有時真係覺得好悶,好寂寞…尤其係駿駿返左托兒所既時候. 今日當我去接駿駿既時候,駿駿好失望丫,見唔到公公,佢一路係托兒所既大門口係咁搵公公…我已經同佢講左公公返左香港,佢要睇醫生…要下次公公再過黎先會黎接駿駿放學.但係駿駿死都係度叫公公…最後我要打比公公..叫公公同佢講野..佢先唔再扭咋. 好彩,駿駿既適應力好好..我地去完公園之後,好快佢就明白公公唔係度,要等下次先可以見到公公啦. My mother will come to Macau every Tuesday for 3 days 1night, and my dad will come to Mcacu whenever I felt sick or every special holiday, like Sep 28 Chinese Mid-Autumn, he came here for around 2 weeks. Chunchun and me love they come to visit us, because usually we were so boring at home, everyday were the same for us; but when they came, we usually have some special activities. And today, my parent both went back to Hong Kong after they took Chunchun to the nursery. I felt alone when I woke up and no one at home=_= sigh, I am so used to be with a lot of people live together, and now, I feel lonely all the time, especially when Chunchun was in nursery. When I picked up Chunchun, Chunchun looks so disappointed, because he can’t find his Grandpa. I kept telling him the Grandpa not in Macau now; he was back to Hong Kong to the doctor. However Chunchun still looking for him Grandpa in the front door of nursery, finally I had to call my father and let him talk to Chunchun. Luckily, Chunchun get use to stuff so quickly, after we went to the playground, he seems like to understand that Grandpa not here now, have to wait for next time Grandpa come again.



哈..哈..駿駿頭先真係超可愛丫.當婆婆同佢講夠鐘訓覺既時候,駿駿就拉住婆婆入房重不停講 “早斗”添,好似要婆婆同佢訓咁.但係我就覺得駿駿唔會咁架啦…我就同公公講,駿駿應該會拉左婆婆上床之後就會自己一個走番出黎.哈,我一講完野,駿駿就由房跑番出廳叫我同佢玩囉. 唔…今日下午同左媽咪一齊去行街…但係其實都幾悶.因為澳門真係冇乜地方行..我地又冇野想買喎.不過係咁既情況下我都買左2本漫畫比自己,2套vcd比老公同一件衫比駿駿^^我地唔係行左好耐,大約3點就返左屋企囉,休息一陣就夠鐘去接駿駿放學囉. 駿駿今日重好開心,有公公婆婆同媽咪一齊去接佢放學,但係聽日公公同婆婆就會返香港囉…到時就得番我同駿駿兩個啦..唔知佢會唔會唔開心呢?我就有啦..因為公公或婆婆係度既時候呢,我起碼唔駛理駿駿,佢地重攬實駿駿既.做家務公公又一定會同我爭做喎..所以公公係度我就好似放大假咁…咁快就放完假..真係有d唔捨得^^ Ha, ha, Chunchun was super cutie tonight^o^ When Grandma asked him to go to bed, he took Grandma to his room and seems like he want Grandma to sleep with him. Then I was talking with my father that Chunchun would leave Grandma in his bed and then run back to the living room, ha, right after what I said, Chunchun run back to the living and asked me to play with him…. Hum… went shopping with my mother today, it’s kind of boring because we don’t have stuff to buy, and there is nothing much to shop in Macau. Luckily, I bought 2 new comics for myself, 2 vcd for Kenny and 1 clothes for Chunchun. We didn’t spend a lot of time on shopping; we came back home around 3pm and took a rest before we go to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun was quit happy that Grandma, Grandpa and me went to pick him up together; however Grandma and Grandpa will leave on tomorrow morning, tomorrow only Chunchun and me again, will he be upset about it? I do, because when Grandpa is here, I don’t have to do everything, don’t have to take care Chunchun, don’t have to take bath for Chunchun, don’t have to wash the dishes, don’t have to do most of the housework…haha, I got holiday whenever my parents came to visit Chunchun.

新八佰伴的麥記(McDonald’s in New Yaohan)


今日係駿駿托兒所放假,好似係乜葡國國慶喎..不過唔係間間學校有得放…咁我咪諗住同駿駿去新八佰伴行下同同佢去食麥記囉..點知去到麥記冇開喎=_=唔知佢係摺左定係國慶休息..不過冇乜可能係國慶休息啦..摺左就更奇@_@果間明明成日都好多人..應該好好生意先岩架…唔會係冇生意到做唔住架? 唉..可憐駿駿..去之前重好開心咁係咪講”麥當勞”…點知去到又冇得食…我地只係走左上美食廣場度求其食咋…食完我地就係新八佰伴度行左一陣街,買左對新鞋仔比駿駿..唔..駿駿依家唔係bb囉..著唔到bb鞋,要買小朋友鞋…d bb鞋靚好多,可愛好多架嘛=_=駿駿真係大腳仔.. Today is Chunchun nursery’s holiday, so I decided to take him to New Yaohan to have McDonald’s for Lunch. We were really bad luck today=_= the McDonald’s in New Yaohan was closed today. Don’t know is that closed for the holiday or what? Anyways, it’s so wired that the McDonald’s in New Yaohan was closed, there been always busy, I guess it made a lot of business there, how come they closed it? Sigh, poor Chunchun couldn’t have McDonald’s for lunch, we can only went to Food Court to have lunch. Hum, after lunch we shopped around in the New Yaohan and I bought a pair of shoes for Chunchun, Chunchun is not a baby anymore, he have to wear little kid’s shoes instead of baby’s shoes.



唔,駿駿佢由上個星期五開始就冇返托兒所囉.係九月尾十月頭重在太多假期啦.好似今日,佢返完今日學,聽日又放假囉. 由於駿駿依幾日都係同我地一齊,鍾意去邊就去邊,搞到佢今朝唔係好肯返學.公公話佢要先帶駿駿去超市,去公園,行左個大圈,駿駿先肯行入托兒所.入到去駿駿都唔肯比公公走喎…一路到有其他同學仔返黎啦,駿駿先肯自己一個留係托兒所. 大約4點,我去接佢放學時呢,我見佢係公園度踏緊單車,我咪諗住同佢影張相或者錄個短片囉.點知我一拎部電話出黎…駿駿部車就撞左埋小朋友堆度囉=_=唉..重以為可以影到靚相添… Hum, Chunchun didn’t have to go to nursery since last Friday, so many public holidays on the end of September and the beginning of October. And today, he finally gets back to nursery, but will have another holiday tomorrow. Since Chunchun had been stay with us few days and went to wherever we wanted, he didn’t want to go to nursery this morning. Grandpa said he had to taken Chunchun to the supermarket first then to the playground, finally gets into the nursery. And he didn’t let Grandpa go until Chunchun saw his classmates, he finally willing to stay in the nursery alone. Around 4pm, when I went to pick him up, I saw him bicycling in the playground^^ I was trying to take photo and movie, however, when I took out my mobile, Chunchun clash into a group of babies=_= Sigh, I thought that I would took a good photo for Chunchun beforetime.

搵新屋(Looking for new apartment)


我地依家住緊既單位,到出年1月左右就租約期滿啦…因為好多原因,我地打算搵個新地方搬.咁我見今日得閒就上網睇下有冇樓租啦.嘩..果d地產網既效率好鬼快,我下午3點左右查詢,佢4點前就覆我囉.重約我4點幾去睇樓. 佢帶我地去左一個全新裝修既單位,樣樣野都係新既,裝修重好靚添.就咁睇就覺得好鍾意,而駿駿佢入到去都好鍾意..係咁周圍行,周圍睇..好似自己係間屋既小主人咁.不過果度冇左個露台,冇位比我地晒衫,冇左個套房,全屋得一個洗手間=_=又冇左個浴缸喎,咁駿駿點沖涼呢? 如果只係睇裝修呢..我真係好鍾意果個單位,但係如果諗岩唔岩我地住呢,就差d啦.希望個地產公司會再搵個好d既單位比我地睇啦 Hum, our current apartment rental contract will end on the end of next January. So I started to search for new apartment at some property agent web site. Wow, they are so efficiency, I sent the request around 3pm, and they called me on 3 something and asked me to take a look of their apartment. He took us to a new decorated apartment, everything is new there, and very fancy looking, I like there very much, and Chunchun like there too, he keep run around the apartment and act like that will be his new home soon^^ However there have no balcony, no where for us to hang out our laundry; and there only have one bathroom, no bathtub=_= no where for Chunchun to take bath. I like that apartment, but not exactly I want, wishing that the property agent will find some more apartment for me to choose.



今日駿駿返左托兒之後,我同爸爸媽咪就一齊上珠海行下啦.今次係我第一次上珠海,其實我有成10年冇返過大陸囉.上去之前都幾興奮,諗住可以買到好多野,因為我老公同我講,珠海果度有個好大既地下商場,有千幾間鋪.但係…我去到之後就有d失望囉=_=係,佢果度係有1080間鋪,但係賣既野都差唔多,而且都係d平野,同香港花園街果d一樣…又多假野..至少佢d化粧品丫,食得既野都係唔好買好d.結果可以睇既野實在唔多. 好辛苦,我都見搵到一間比較好睇,覺得乾淨既酒樓食晏.d野食都叫做ok既,唔難食,但係就一定唔可以話係好食囉.不過就真係平.3個人先係食左40蚊,又可能我地都唔係咁好胃口啦…好彩唔係食好多=_=我食完個肚就痛囉…食完野,我地就去果個地下商場度行一陣啦.我老公由我地返珠海開始,大約每半個鐘就會打比我一次…其實佢都幾擔心我地,因為係大陸真係好鬼多小偷果d. 我地成11點左右先上去..行唔夠3點我地就返左黎澳門囉..真係..冇乜野好行…冇乜野好買=_=返到黎,係屋企坐左一陣就去接駿駿放學囉.駿駿就開心囉.今日咁多人去接去..一見到公公就係咁公公..公公..咁叫 到黃昏左右…公公諗起有d野買要落街喎..駿駿一聽到就一路都跟住公公..公公著鞋時佢又係身邊係咁話”著鞋~著鞋”..佢又想跟公公一齊去..但係唔知點解,公公完全唔明駿駿想點喎..著完鞋就開門出去..搞到駿駿當場大喊^^最後公公唯有同駿駿著鞋一齊落街啦. 我覺得駿駿講野叻左好多丫..早排都只係會講單字,依家就會講兩個字或一d短句子…雖然婆婆話駿駿講野都係差架啦..但係我覺得ok啦..佢一路係度進步緊… While Chunchun went to nursery, my parent and me went to Zhuhai for a walk. Hum, this is my first time go to Zhuhai, Kenny said that there have a big underground mall with 1080 shops, so I been very exciting to go there and wishing that I can buy a lot there. However, I was so disappointed, yes, there have 1080 shops, but what they sales are similar, and mostly are cheap junk. We hardly found a good-looking Chinese restaurant, and have lunch there. Hum, those foods are just Ok but really cheap, 3 people only cost me $40. After lunch we started to walk around the underground mall. Kenny keep calling every half hour to check with us, he was quit worry about us went to Zhuhai, because crime are very common there, he keep remind me to beware of thief. Since there have not much to buy, we came back to Macau about 3pm, and then went to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun was so happy that his Grandparent and me went to picked him up, keep calling “Grandpa, Grandpa” Chunchun was so cutie this evening when Grandpa want to go down the street to buy something, he stand neat to Grandpa and keep saying “ wear shoes” while Grandpa was wearing his shoes, Chunchun want to go with Grandpa^^ However, Grandpa didn’t aware that, he open the door right after he wearied his shoes, and Chunchun cry immediately. Finally, Grandpa helps him to wear his shoes and took him down to the store.

第一個學校假期(First Nursery’s Holiday)


今日係駿駿返托兒所以黎第一個公眾假期,佢第一次係閒日唔係因為我地返左香港而唔駛返學. 好似平日一樣,駿駿都係晨早起床,8點左右公公就帶左佢去公園四圍行,行左大約2個鐘先返黎.等到佢地返黎,我地就決定去飲茶啦.唉~老公真係慘,食晏既時候幾十個電話打黎,問依樣,問果樣,最後佢係要一食完飯就返公司做野. 老公要做野囉..咁我,駿駿同公公婆婆咪返屋企休息下囉..本來諗住一齊去行下街既.好彩,大約3點左右,我老公就打比我話得閒啦,可以去行下街.咁駿駿就交左比公公婆婆睇,我地兩個自己去行街街囉. 我諗駿駿今日都幾悶,今日唔似平時星期六日放假咁,我會帶佢去公園,去新八佰伴玩.今日佢只係同我地一齊去飲下之後就成日都係屋企囉. Today is the first Nursery’s holiday for Chunchun, since he started nursery there have no public holiday. Hum, Chunchun woke up around 8am and Grandpa took him to the playground for a walk around 2 hours. After they came back, we decided to go to Chinese Restaurant to have lunch. Poor Kenny while we having lunch he got thousand called asked him stuff about work and he have to back to work after lunch=_= So Chunchun, Grandpa, Grandma and me came back home to take rest after lunch, boring day. Luckily, Kenny called me around 3pm and said we can go shopping for a while. I guess Chunchun was quit boring today, today not like Saturday or Sunday I will take him to playground or New Yaohan; we only went to have lunch and stay home all day.

沉悶的中秋節(Boring Mid-Autumn)


今日係中國既中秋節,有一個讓一家人一齊食餐飯,一齊去賞月既日子. 駿駿今日都重要返學,聽日先有假放,所以今日我都重好得閒.係下午既時候,老公打比我搵我食飯喎,咁我當然去啦.原來我地諗住食完飯可以去行下街既.點知老爺一個電話,佢又要返公司做野啦=_=其實今日同平常既星期二冇乜分別,接駿駿放學,去超市買野,返屋企煮飯同我媽咪黎澳門. 本來,我以為今日老公會得閒同我地一齊去賞月睇煙花,佢係得閒丫.今晚唔駛返工..但係佢情願訓覺都唔陪我地去睇煙花…我冇野好講,佢話因為琴晚飲酒飲到今日成日都頭痛.已經唔係第一次,我已經講過幾次,我唔鍾意,唔開心,老公成日都情願同同事,朋友去飲酒唱k,唔都情願花時間陪下我同駿駿. Hum, today is the Chinese festival – Mid-Autumn, it’s a day for whole family stay together to have dinner and spend time together to admire the full moon. Chunchun still had to go to nursery today, but will have holiday tomorrow^^ In the afternoon Kenny called me out for lunch, and at first we planned to go shop around after lunch; however, Kenny’s father called him back to work around 3pm=_= It’s like every Tuesday, picked up Chunchun, went to supermarket and then back home to prepare dinner and waiting for Grandma and Grandpa come to Macau. Sigh, I was wishing that Kenny would have time to go admire the full moon and the rocket with us. Well, Kenny wasn’t needed to work at night actually but he didn’t go admire the full moon and rocket with us, he was sleeping. Because he went to drink last night and got a terrible headache today=_= I hated that, he always rather to spend time with his workmate or friends to drink or karaoke, but nor with Chunchun or me to playground, shopping or any family activities.

返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


今日係超累丫,一早就起身準備11點同姑媽同麻麻佢地飲茶.今日琴晚駿駿唔係咁舒服,冇好好咁同太麻玩,所以今日就要再帶駿駿去比太麻見下啦.好彩今日駿駿既精神都好唔錯,逗得太麻好開心.係茶樓度,駿駿一陣就要自己飲水,飲水又不停咁”水~水~比”要我地再比多d佢飲喎…一陣又自己用筷子夾野食,食到d新奇既野就變晒面喎…笑野人. 飲完茶,麻麻就要同我堂妹返屋企啦,因為我堂妹未做好功課要趕返屋企做功課喎.而我同姑媽呢,就係新世紀同花園街度行啦…唉..我又乜都買唔到啦=_=只係買左d小手巾比駿駿,一d抹手巾咁囉…係花園街度…見到一件我係澳門用左100幾蚊買既衫喎..唉..真係唔開心..花園街d衫..貴極都係100蚊左右…而我就要係澳門比多人地一半既價錢先買到,又冇咁多選擇喎 到2.30左右啦,我就約左阿神同我一齊去買禮物比我老公.真係好,因為同阿神一齊去買,我慳左成2,300蚊.當我地一入到間電器鋪時,個女職員知我係想買鬚刨就勁介紹d千千聲最貴既鬚刨比我喎.到我話我想買一千樓下既…佢都係介紹d900左右既比我.睇睇下,我問佢,兩個鬚刨一樣樣,點解一個1000蚊一個只要500蚊呢?個女店員就答我係新款同舊款,新款多左好多野架.但係同一個問題阿神再問一次…個答案就唔同左囉,兩部機係一樣,只係個頭可以郁同唔可以郁…最大既分別係一個中國造,一個德國造.經過阿神不停咁問,個職員係比左4部機我地睇,分別係$599,$699,$899,$999.其實4部機分別唔係好大,只係個款新d舊d多個燈位咁.599果部係中國造既,…可以唔理.699,899,999三部可以話係一樣,只係999多個燈位提示用者就冇電,而899就係一隻個色好靚既機..699就係佢地既實用板囉.999果部我都唔會買..多個燈位要我比多300蚊?唔制…但係699同899就好難揀啦..因為我真係想買d靚d既比老公..但係花200買隻色..又好似好唔抵喎..除左隻色699同899真係一樣..連燈位都冇多冇少…係我死諗爛諗既時候,阿神就同我做左決定買699果部啦…又係既..699果部先係最實用同最值得買囉..不過女人都係比較鍾意靚野..見到靚d就揀唔落手^^ 買完野返到屋企之後呢..本來想坐下睇下書,到7點左右先返澳門既….點知駿駿就死拉住我話”返屋企~”喎….嘩^o^真係可愛到暈丫..估唔到佢又講得好清楚添喎… Super tired today, went to have lunch with my Auntie and Grandma around 11am. Because last night Chunchun didn’t felt well, so my Grandma didn’t play with him, so I had to take Chunchun to her to let them can spend some time together. So lucky, Chunchun act happy and active this morning, made my Grandma laughs^^ Chunchun drink water by himself and when he finished, he will said “water, water, give” to ask for more, and he was trying to use chop stick with funny face^O^ After lunch, my Grandma needs to back home immediately because my little cousin needs to finish her homework. Then my Auntie and us went to shop around in Prince Edward. Sigh, nothing I bought=_= only a few towel for bathroom and Chunchun, no clothes no shoes for myself. Really upset when I pass by the Fa Yuen Street, because I saw a t-shirt that I used over $100 to bought it, but in Fa Yuen Street it’s under $100>_< Sigh, I really don’t like shopping in Macau, not much choice and more expensive. Around 2.30pm, I got a date with Vincent to go birthday gift for Kenny^^ Ha ha, so happy, he help me saved more than $300. When we first got into the store, the salesgirl keep selling me those expensive shaver, and surely whenever I ask her what is the different between the $1000 one and the $500 one, her model answer is “The $1000 one is a new model, got more function….” However when Vincent asked her the same question, her answer is “actually those 2 don’t have much different, just new model and old model, just one made in China, and one made in Germany.” Finally, that salesgirl gave us 4 different model $599, $699, $899 and $999 one to choose, what’s the different? $599 is an old model and made fro m China, $699 and $999 almost the same, but $999 got one more light to remind user that it’s battery low, and $899 was the most pretty one but exactly the same with the $699 one, just in different color=_=. Sigh, such a good salesgirl, all she sales me were the some brand name and same function just in different price. Hum, actually I was thinking the 699 one and 899 one, 699 one is more practical, but the 899 one is really beautiful in color…it’s a hard decision, should I pay 200 more for a beautiful color? While I was in meditate, Vincent made the decision for me, the 699 one is more suitable. I went back my Grandma’s home around 4 something, and I just planned to rest a while, will back to Macau around 7pm. Chunchun was keep yelling “back to home”, “back to home”, ha, he is so cute that he want to go back to Macau^^

同駿駿一齊返香港(Go to Hong Kong with Chunchun)


好累丫,今朝一早7點駿駿就叫左我起身,我見我都起左身囉,咪開始拾屋洗衫囉.到8.30左右就送駿駿返托兒所.食完早餐又要繼續拾野,到我拾完野就夠鐘去接駿駿放學囉. 因為約左我朋友Cissy食飯,一接到駿駿就即去搭般返香港啦.同我朋友食完飯再同駿駿去睇醫生,就送駿駿返屋企.我同Cissy就搵地方飲野傾下計…唉~我真係覺得澳門d醫生好癈,睇完又睇,就睇唔好駿駿,都唔知佢開d乜藥既.次次到最後都要返黎香港睇醫生. 到6點幾啦,我就去左同屋企人食飯做節…唉..駿駿因為食左藥眼仔訓,冇精神…成晚都冇乜點玩點笑..咁就慘囉..個個見到駿駿謝晒,大家都冇咁開心..因為個個都恨見駿駿架嘛 So tired today, I woke up around 7am with Chunchun and then I started to do laundry and some other housework, until 8.30am to took Chunchun to the nursery. After breakfast, I have to continue my housework=_= when I got done with all my housework, it''s time for me to pick up Chunchun and took ferry back to Hong Kong. I got a date with my friend – Cissy around 2pm, and then she went to the doctor with us. Sigh, I really don’t like the doctor in Macau, everytime Chunchun got sick, they just can’t give good medicine to Chunchun, and we have to came back to Hong Kong to go to doctor again=_= Then I send Chunchun back to Grandma’s home and Cissy and me went to have tea to have girl’s talk^O^ Around 6.30pm, I went to have dinner with all my family for the Chinese Mid-Autumn. Poor Chunchun didn’t felt too well this evening since he took the medicine made him felt sleepy and tired. All my uncle and auntie felt boring that Chunchun don’t have much smile on him today…haha.



唉,琴晚駿駿本來係同婆婆一齊訓既,但係佢半夜4點突然起身喎,重不停咁叫”媽媽,媽媽”,本來我想唔理架.但係見佢叫左幾分鐘都唔停.,唯有行去婆婆間房度接返駿駿同自己訓啦,搞左大半個鐘,駿駿先訓番.唔知係咪因為琴日放低左佢比婆婆,我同老公自己返左香港既原因呢,今日佢好嗲我,或者佢發惡夢? 點都好啦,佢訓左之後就到我發惡夢啦=_=其實依個夢唔恐怖,唔悲傷…但係對好多父母黎講,我諗大家都會覺得係惡夢.我夢見駿駿已經係一個中學生,係度等會考放榜,大家都好緊張,可惜最後知度佢既成績唔多好,入唔到原校升中六.唉,我諗會考真係帶比父母同學生好大既壓力…不過奇怪,當年我會考都唔會發d咁既夢..反而依家駿駿重係bb我就發d咁既夢?_?唔知係咪因為我近日都係度諗緊駿駿出年返乜幼稚園好呢? Sigh, yesterday night Chunchun was sleeping with his Grandma, however he woke up at 4am and keep calling “Mama, Mama”, don’t know is it because I went back to Hong Kong without him, or he having a nightmare. Anyways I got up around 4.05am, walked to my Mother’s room and took Chunchun back to my room to sleep with me, it’s took me around half hour to claim him down and back to sleep again. Then is my turn to had a nightmare=_= I don’t know should I called that nightmare, but if what I dreamt was really, then it’s a nightmare. I dreamt that Chunchun was in high school already and waiting for the HKCEE result, he didn’t do good on it>_< I guess that kind of dream, will be a nightmare for every parents lived in Hong Kong, because HKCEE really gave so much pressure to students and parents. Why I dreamt about that? I don’t know, maybe because I was thinking which kindergarten Chunchun should go next year.

返左香港買野(Shopping in HK)


唔,今日真係好開心,因為我同老公返左香港行街買野.其實今日返香港最主要係我老公要返去睇眼科醫生,同老爺請左假,當然就順便去埋行街啦. 今日我地買左好多野丫..如果唔係累既話真係想行耐d,買多d丫…老公買左鞋丫,衫丫,漫畫,cd咁,我又買左衫仔,vcd同餐具比駿駿,我自已就有漫書同一d kitty野,其實我都想買衫,鞋果d架…不過冇時間比我買野=_=唯有等星期六同駿駿返香港做節時先再買啦^^ 駿駿今日好乖喎,由婆婆一個睇住,好似平日咁返學放學,去超市,返屋企睇vcd,食飯,訓覺…最重要係今晚婆婆一個餵駿駿食藥,駿駿一d都冇扭計喎.一啖就食晒d藥^^平時我一個餵都要好似同佢打交咁架=_=佢係咪蝦我呢? Hum, I was so happy today, because I went to Hong Kong shopping with Kenny. Actually the main reason for us to go to Hong Kong is Kenny needs to go to the Eye’s Doctor in Hong Kong; so we went to Hong Kong together and go shopping after seeing the doctor. Ah, we bought a lot today, Kenny bought a pair of shoes, a few t-shirts, comic, cd, books, and bought some t-shirts, vcd, for Chunchun, and me bought some comics, books, magazine, and some Hello Kitty’s stuff^^ Sigh, I want to buy some clothing and shoes too, but no time for me to shop>_< I have to wait until this Saturday when Chunchun and me back to Hong Kong for Mid-Autumn dinner to shop again^^ While Kenny and me were shopping in Hong Kong, Chunchun was looked after by Grandma as usual day, go to nursery, supermarket, watch vcd, dinner and go to bed, he was such a good baby today.

駿駿病病2(Chunchun got sick 2)


唔,今日駿駿好鬼早就起左身=_=6點幾就叫食奶奶啦,我諗係因為琴晚比較早訓掛.不過今朝佢好似好精神下,冇發燒,又係咁話要睇電視喎,又話要去街街. 見佢冇乜野就諗住同佢返托兒所啦.係出門係之前量過幾次體溫都冇燒,諗住如果量到佢有燒都請一日假…當我地返到托兒所,好多老師見到駿駿都問好番啦?琴日佢都唔似病既,一路都好好精神,唔係佢冇胃口食野都真係唔知佢病.同d老師傾左兩句之後,駿駿就走入班房玩啦,係咁同我拜拜又飛吻後就去搵佢d同學仔同佢玩囉.睇佢真係好鬼精神. 但係到今日下午我去接佢放學既時候..佢個人就明顯累左好多囉.平時放學佢地如果係托兒所既公園玩,駿駿唔係跑黎跑去呢,就係踏緊單車架啦…但係今日我見佢一直都係係窗邊行黎行去,都冇乜心機玩,係度等我黎接佢咁.佢老師都話佢今日冇平日咁精神,好似好眼訓咁..佢可能未好番得晒或者係因為食左藥啦…個人好累咁 Hum, Chunchun woke up so early this morning, around 6.30am, I guess it’s because he slept early last night. This morning, he seems to be recovered already, no fever and very active, yelling for VCD and go to nursery. I measured twice his temperature to make sure that he is ok before I took him to the nursery. When we got into the nursery, so many teachers asked is Chunchun really recovered? Yesterday when he got fever, he still very active and playful, no one knew he got fever until lunchtime he didn’t ate much. After I gossiped with those teachers Chunchun ran into his classmate and started to play with his classmate. He seems really active this morning. However, when I picked him around 4pm, most of the babies are playing outside in the playground of the nursery. Usually, Chunchun will run around or bicycle, but today, I saw him only walk around and seems like waiting for me to pick him up. His teacher told me that, he looks very tired today; he may not recover yet, or may be it’s because of the medicine.

又係出牙所以發燒(Fever cause by growing teeth)


琴晚食完退燒藥,今朝一早駿駿又好精神啦.咁我見佢冇事囉,咪諗住等佢放學先去睇醫生check清楚囉.點知大約12點左右,托兒所就打比我話駿駿又發燒啦.我咪即去托兒所度接駿駿囉,諗住佢一定係好唔舒服,托兒所先會打黎.我去到既時候,駿駿係好開心咁同佢老師玩緊,係度等我接佢.我諗佢老師駿駿有乜唔舒服,老師話,駿駿成朝都好好地,出去玩都好開心,但係到食飯既時候就唔係好開胃囉(平時駿駿係托兒所係出聲食得好同大食既),咁老師覺得佢有d唔舒服咪同佢量體溫囉…見佢發燒就打比我啦.老師重話,駿駿好生猛=_+同佢著鞋出大堂等我時重好開心,好似去玩咁… 咁佢發燒點都要同佢去睇下醫生既,醫生例牌話駿駿喉嚨發炎有d傷風咁啦,食左藥就冇事架啦=-=(有邊次發燒唔係講依d野?)睇完醫生就打比老公報告下啦,老公既第一個反應係,又係喉嚨發炎?駿駿有邊次發燒唔係喉嚨發炎?之後又問我…駿駿係咪又出牙?佢次次出牙都係咁發燒架喎.我諗下,又係喎…我都講左好耐下駿駿好似作出牙,因為佢近日成日都搵牙膠咬.咁我咪睇下佢個口仔囉..原來真係出緊大牙喎^o^見到大粒好大既白點係最入面…我諗..今次駿駿發燒真係又係因為出牙囉 After yesterday night’s medicine, Chunchun got a lot better this morning, at least no fever. So I took him to the nursery and planned to go to the doctor after nursery. However around 12 n, nursery called me and said that Chunchun got a fever again. I went to the nursery immediately, when I got there, Chunchun was playing with his teacher. I asked what’s wrong with Chunchun, his teacher said Chunchun was fine in the morning, and played outside in the playground; but he didn’t ate well at lunch (Chunchun usually eat very well in the nursery) so they measured his temperature and found out that he got a fever. I took him to the doctor immediately, and the doctor said that Chunchun got a little cold=_= I told Kenny about it after we came back home, and Kenny said cold again? Is that Chunchun growing teeth again? Every times Chunchun have growing teeth will got a cold, so I checked his mouth and found that there really have 2 new 2nd Molar are coming out ^O^ I guess that why he got fever and why he always want to bite me recently.