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Reflection 倒影 ============ Look at me 看著我 You may think you see Who I really am 你也許以為 你看到了真正的我 But you'll never know me 但你永不會懂我 Every day 每一天 It's as if I play a part 就像是我扮演著令一個角色 Now I see 現在我了解 If I wear a mask 如果戴上面具 I can fool the world 我可以愚弄這世界 But I cannot fool my heart 但我無法欺騙我的心 Who is that girl I see 這個我望著的女孩是誰 Staring straight back at me 那麼直接的回望著我 When will my reflection show Who I am inside 我的倒影將會在何時揭示真正的我 I am now 此刻的我 In a world where I Have to hide my heart And what I believe in 活在一個必須隱藏真心 並信仰的世界 But somehow 但是現在 I will show the world 我會向世界表明 What's inside my heart 在我心深處的一切 And be loved for who I am 並因著做自己 被憧憬 珍惜 Who is that girl I see 這個我望著的女孩是誰 Staring straight back at me 那麼直接的回望著我 Why is my reflection Someone I don't know 為什麼我的倒影是個陌生人 Must I pretend that I'm Someone else For all time 難道我必須無時無刻假裝成其他人 When will my reflection show Who I am inside 我的倒影將會在何時揭示真正的我 There's a heart that must be free to fly 有顆心必須翱翔被釋放 That burns with a need to know the reason why 像燃燒般迫切的想知道原因 Why must we all conceal 為什麼我們隱藏自己 What we think 我們的想法 How we feel 我們的感受 Must there be a secret me 難道"真我"得是個秘密?! I'm forced to hide 是我被迫隱藏 I won't pretend that I'm Someone else For all time 我將不會再永遠假扮成他人 When will my reflection show Who I am inside 我的倒影將會在何時揭示真正的我 When will my reflection show Who I am inside 我的倒影將會在何時揭示真正的我



willy上週五補運動會的假,不用到校 我利用這天請willy寫完所有的作業 有了"開心農場"的誘惑 willy寫作業時間縮短許多 週六再補上所有欠交的學習單 這兩天willy都得到了使用 facebook 60分鐘線上時間的獎勵 但是willy並沒有遵守規定 倒數計時器時間到的聲音響起,仍繼續操作電腦 提醒了數次,絲毫不見willy有關機的舉動 我因此生氣的取消日後所有上線的機會 今日(週日)willy已經沒有任何功課要補 一早就跟我要求要玩facebook 我:[難道你已經忘了你永久不能再玩facebook了嗎?] willy:[要完成什麼事才能換取facebook時間的獎勵?] 我:[獎勵已經消失了,當然沒有任何事情可以換取] willy:[為什麼?] 我:[你記得你被取消獎勵的原因嗎?] willy:[我不尊敬父母?] 我:[不是這原因] willy:[我寫作業分心?] 我:[錯!] willy:[我亂發脾氣?] 我:[錯!再想?] willy:[......我想不出來了!](講了一堆寫作業不相干的問題) 昨日才因未準時關機讓我大發雷霆,今天竟然忘得一乾二淨 充耳不聞,難怪我整日碎碎念也不見Willy變優秀 為了訓練willy張開耳朵 我再次拿出facebook當誘餌 [晚上8:00前有把我說的任何一句話聽進去,才能重新開啟農場] 這誘因用得真好 willy把久不見桌面的書桌擦得一乾二淨 又把全屋子地板拖得一塵不染 還把凌亂的報紙整理好歸檔 最重要的是willy今天很準時關機喔~



自從上週末看了音樂劇"媽媽咪呀"後 心中不時浮現許多令人懷念的西洋老歌旋律 像今天這樣陰冷的天氣 我多愁善感的思緒再度被逼了出來 腦袋中也一直重覆播放著這首"Vincent" 於是找出歌詞來複習複習 12月份剛好有梵谷展 雖然我十多年前已經在荷蘭看過真跡 但還是非常期待能再次貼近梵谷的畫作 先來去欣賞影片中的梵谷作品吧~ Vincent Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In colors on the snowy linen land Now I understand what you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps, they'll listen now Starry, starry night Flaming flowers that brightly blaze Swirling clouds in violet haze Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue Colors changing hue Morning fields of amber grain Weathered faces lined in pain Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand Now I understand what you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps, they'll listen now For they could not love you And still your love was true And when no hope was left inside on that starry, starry night You took your life as lovers often do But I could have told you, Vincent This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you Starry, starry night Portraits hung in empty hall Frameless heads on nameless walls With eyes that watch the world and can't forget Like the strangers that you've met The ragged man in ragged clothes The silver thorn of bloody rose Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow Now I think I know what you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity Then how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps, they never will...



1999年四月六日,就在ABBA合唱團以「Waterloo」贏得歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍的二十五週年那天,倫敦西區的愛德華王子劇院推出了一齣由二十多首ABBA暢銷經典組合而成的全新音樂劇「媽媽咪呀」(Mamma Mia!),造成了空前的轟動,全世界已有超過兩千萬人愛上故事裡的角色、內容以及音樂。作者凱薩琳強森充滿陽光歡笑的故事內容在希臘的一個島嶼天堂展開。 故事是講一位女兒在她婚禮的前夕打算展開尋父計畫,將三位可能是他父親的男人帶到她母親二十年前曾探訪過的島上。配上ABBA傳唱不朽的歌曲,讓這個交織著愛、親情、友情的動人故事極具說故事的魅力,伴隨人們度過每個夜晚。和別的音樂劇比起來,MAMMA MIA!因為隨著世界各地的演出有更多版本的製作,可說是世界第一的演出。現在,這股熱力感染到全世界。 時至今日已成為全球娛樂界的一個奇蹟。但是他們仍保持最基本的堅持,所有創作者不曾在這些光環中喪失初衷。這些堅持就是他們把ABBA膾炙人口的曲目融入新穎、具生命力呈現方式,同時保留著最完整的流行原味來達到好的音樂劇的需求: 使這動人的故事更趨完美並受到好評。 膾炙人口的歌曲 凱瑟琳強森以深受大眾喜愛的ABBA成名歌曲,訴說希臘島上迷人的愛情及友情故事。 以下為ABBA在本音樂劇的經點代表歌曲: ★DANCING QUEEN 舞后 ★THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL 全盤贏家 ★SOS 愛的呼救 ★KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU 相互了解 ★TAKE A CHANCE ON ME 給我個機會愛你 ★I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO 我願意 我願意 我願意 …… ★THE NAME OF THE GAME 以遊戲之名 ★MONEY, MONEY, MONEY 金錢至上 ★SUPER TROUPER 超級巨星 ★GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! 給我 給我 給我 ★MAMMA MIA 媽媽咪呀 →官方網站http://www.mamma-mia.com 場次時間票價: 2009/11/11 下午 07:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/12 下午 07:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/13 下午 07:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/14 下午 02:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/14 下午 07:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/15 下午 02:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ 2009/11/15 下午 07:30:00 臺北小巨蛋0006 800/1600/2400/3200/4000/4800/5800/ ====================== 輝煌紀錄Facts&Figures ★ 全世界看過『媽媽咪呀』的觀眾人數已超過4千萬人次。 MAMMA MIA! has been seen by OVER 40 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide. ★『媽媽咪呀』已創造超過20億美金的票房總收入。 MAMMA MIA! has already grossed OVER $2 BILLION at the Box Office. ★ 『媽媽咪呀』破紀錄的以比其他音樂劇還快之速度前往世界各大城市演出,八年前於倫敦的首場演出之後,已在全球超過200個主要城市上演。 MAMMA MIA! has premiered in more cities worldwide faster than any other musical in history, opening in more than 200 major cities since the first production in London ten years ago. ★ 『媽媽咪呀』1999年4月6日於倫敦西區首演至今,目前已邁入第10個年頭。 MAMMA MIA! is currently in its 10th Anniversary year since the first production opened in London's West End on 6th April 1999. ★5個外語的新製作版本將於今年陸續開始演出,包括挪威奧斯陸、墨西哥市、西班牙巡迴、荷蘭巡迴與澳洲巡迴。 5 new foreign language productions are due to open this year: Oslo, Mexico City, Spanish Tour, Dutch Tour and Australian Tour. ★『媽媽咪呀』首演卡司原聲帶目前仍持續佔據告示牌排行榜,單在美國每週即可售出超過5千張,在拉斯維加斯則是銷售最好的專輯;原聲帶在加拿大與韓國均獲得雙白金,美國、澳洲及瑞典則獲得白金唱片,英國得到雙金唱片,德國及紐西蘭是金唱片。 The MAMMA MIA! Original Cast Recording is consistently in the Billboard Catalog Charts, selling more than 5,000 copies a week in the US alone and is frequently the number one best-selling music album of any kind in Las Vegas. The recording has gone Double Platinum in Canada and Korea; Platinum in the US; Australia and Sweden; Double Gold in the UK and Gold in Germany and New Zealand.