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Your 5-Year-Old: When reading starts

When reading starts Most kids pick up the skill of reading anywhere from the ages of 4 to 7. Drilling, pressuring, and worrying are all unhelpful during this process. Learning to read involves exposure to letters and sounds, both aloud and on paper, and requires a certain level of brain maturity to put it all together. Reading very simple books with your child will help her practice. Your 5-year-old now Reading is a skill that kids pick up at a surprisingly wide range of ages. Some precocious readers practically teach themselves at 4. Some kids don't put all the steps together until well into first or even second grade. Generally around age 5 is when most children start to put the pieces together and make the transition from pre-reading to actual reading. It's too early to worry if your child is only beginning to learn to read or still has little interest or aptitude. Keep practice fun and low pressure. Some tips: As you read aloud to your child, move your finger underneath the words so she can follow along. Point to the relevant pictures as you read, too. Choose simple beginner books to read aloud, such as the Dr. Seuss Beginner Books series or others with a limited vocabulary of simple words. As your child learns to recognize a few "sight words" ("a," "the," "and"), pause as you read so that she can supply them. Help her sound out other simple words syllable by syllable — "C-aaa-T". Have lots of patience and don't rush her. Your life now If you haven't already, consider joining a local museum, planetarium, arts center, zoo, aquarium, or other family-friendly facility. These places make a great destination for family outings on weekends. Your child will love taking "field trips" to discover new things there. Many institutions host special events for members, day camps during school holidays, and birthday parties.


Your 5-Year-Old: How close is too close?

How close is too close? How do you balance giving independence with being careful? Where's the line between being protective and overprotective? Those are two hard questions with the same vague answer: It depends. Although it can be agonizing in today's world to try to raise a child who is self-assured yet safe, it is possible. And many different factors come into play. 到底要保護到什麼程度,才不算是溺愛?才能說是讓她「獨立」?這一點我永遠無法抓準, 因為小孩就像媽媽心頭肉,雖然我對小馨很嚴厲,我還是很~~非常愛她。小馨昨晚說:「媽媽你說(過),如果晚上我不在你旁邊,你就睡不著」。是的,我是曾經講過這樣的話,畢竟已經5年半了,我早已經習慣睡前跟小馨談天說地,我也想訓練她獨立自己入睡,不過,看樣子得等到小學時才有可能吧! 還有半年小馨就要念小學了,真的好快!她秘密基地裡的玩具、書本...都需要做個收拾,才能讓她有完整的房間,她說她羨慕雅雅表妹的房間很漂亮,其實她的房間也不差,只不過堆了太多東西而已,希望我能找出時間來好好整理一番! Your 5-year-old now Should you let your 5-year-old walk down the street alone or ride his bike to a friend's house? Can he play in the front yard without supervision? Decisions like these paralyze many parents. You want to encourage independence while at the same time being responsible. 其實我想老公一定不會讓小馨這麼做,正確來說,老公的家人(公婆那邊)絕對不會讓小馨一個人騎bike,我都覺得老公那邊照顧地太仔細了,想得太多了,這樣小孩如何獨立?反觀我自己的爸媽,他們卻太放縱了,很放心讓小孩去嘗試、去處理..這兩邊如何抓住平衡點,實在太傷腦筋了! Experts say most children aren't ready for solo walks and bike rides till age 10. 直到10歲,小孩才可以一個人行走和騎腳踏車嗎?(想想我自己好像8歲小學二年級時,就自己騎腳踏車回家了)Depending on your neighborhood, playing in the yard is more likely to be age-appropriate. But many factors will play into your decisions about safety: where you live, what traffic is like, and the biggest variable of all — your child's maturity level. You know him best. Is he cautious or a daredevil? Does he follow your household rules? 沒錯!還是媽媽最瞭解自己的小孩,她是探險一族嗎?她的好奇心重嗎?他敢一個人出去嗎?其實小馨是不敢的!不過我有讓她練習從家裡的中庭走去早餐店拿筷子...這短短的距離其實她很熟悉,只要是她熟悉的環境她就不會害怕,我也會盯著她,像有幾次讓她在地下一樓的球池和小朋友玩,爸爸不放心,直說不可以,可是我卻覺得OKAY,這就是兩邊鬆緊拿捏的不同了! At 5, kids are mature enough to appreciate the importance of being safe and to follow simple safety rules and procedures. But there's a difference between "knowing" the rules and following them all the time. Five-year-olds are impetuous and like to test limits. They don't always recognize danger. You still need to keep a watchful eye on your child no matter what he's doing. Your life now Tired of hearing yourself say "no" all the time? Your child may be, too — to the point that he tunes you out. Try these alternatives: Instead of saying "No running," say what is allowed: "Walk in the house." Use a more fitting word than "no" — for example, "Stop." Use qualifiers to specify when and how much. Instead of, "No cookies before dinner," say, "You can have a cookie after dinner." 哇!不要說『NO』,反而要用另一種形式來說,的確是個挑戰呢!我會努力試試看!


Your 5-Year-Old: Mad scientists

Mad scientists One fun way to pass a rainy day: Turn your kitchen into a science lab. Five-year-olds are intensely curious about how things work and why they happen. It's fun to set up some very simple experiments that encourage your child to guess what will happen next. You don't need to explain (or even understand) the chemistry behind the projects. Just sit back and watch her eyes widen. 這倒是個好主意:下雨天無法出去玩時M 可以在家裡廚房和小馨一起動手做!她已經對做蛋糕有興趣:打蛋、攪和麵粉...我想下次或許可以和她一起玩玩食物,讓她有參與感,動手實做一番,一定很有趣! Your 5-year-old now Kitchen science is a fun way to help your child pass the time away from the TV — and she might learn something, too! A few fun projects:(對啊!我之前怎麼沒想過在廚房動手做來打發時間呢?尤其小馨都黏在平版或電視前,一味不讓她看、卻也想不出其他打發時間的好點子,她怎麼會甘願呢?!) .Color fun: Set a stalk of celery with leaves or some white daisies in a glass of water. Add a few drops of food coloring. Ask your child what she thinks might happen. Wait a few hours and check back. (The celery or white petals will absorb the dye and change color.) .Magnetic attraction: Give your child a large magnet (available at many toy stores and hardware stores). Let her roam through the utensil drawer guessing which items the magnet will pick up. What does she think they have in common? .Whip it up: Crack a raw egg into a mixing bowl and set the beater on high. What happens after 30 seconds? One minute? Two minutes? Explain how ingredients can change shape when they are beaten, mixed, or cooked. A variation: Have your child measure two teaspoons of cinnamon and two tablespoons of sugar. Put them both into a plastic container and cover with a secure lid. What will happen? Show her how the two different colors seem to mix evenly together. (And then sprinkle some on toast, yum!) 不過話說美國比較多這種玩意兒讓小孩子在廚房玩,玩的工作材料也比較容易取得,不像臺灣,還要到處去找,美國的超市幾乎就可以購物齊全,方便的很呢! Your life now Sounds corny, but you still have a year or so left to use two of the most popular tactics parents employ to communicate with one another without their young child understanding them. Spelling things out still works if your child isn't a proficient reader yet. And then there's Pig Latin, which most kids won't quite be able to decode for another year or two.


Your 5-Year-Old: Puzzling over words

Puzzling over words Reading is all about individual letters and sounds, and putting them together into words. Adults take it for granted, but for your child, it can require lots of deliberate thought. Playing word games is a great way to encourage your child to isolate sounds and practice using them. Dr. Seuss books, for example, are perfect for beginning readers because they rely so much on rhymes, which help kids tune into sounds and the letters that make them. Your 5-year-old now By age 5, many kids recognize most uppercase and lowercase letters. These are typically taught in kindergarten. They also know that letters represent sounds and can begin to match the two ideas. This is called phonemic awareness, an essential reading skill. That's why you may notice your child isolating sounds. He may realize that puppy starts with a p sound and can think of other words that start with the letter P. He may take the next logical step and begin sounding out words, breaking down "cat" into c, a, and t. At this point, he may even be able to read a few words by sight, like "the" or "and." If he asks you to spell a word for him, go ahead. He may even try to sound out and write words on his own. These invented spellings often leave out vowels. Vowel sounds are the hardest to master because they vary so much. Keep playing with language, and make it fun. The more your child manipulates sounds within words, the more easily reading will come. Play lots of word games. Make up rhyming words. Find objects around the house that start with the same letter. Ask him what "mom" would sound like if you left off the first m sound. Your life now Help is on the way! Your child is able to handle small chores around the house. So it's a great time to assign a few if you haven't yet. He can help set the table, rake leaves with a child-sized rake, sort socks, or fill the dog's water bowl. Five-year-olds enjoy being helpers most of the time. But being able to do a task doesn't mean he'll remember to do it or do it willingly every time (especially once the novelty wears off). Doing chores will teach responsibility and build confidence. It also helps him feel like he's part of the "team" that is your family.


Your 5-Year-Old: Funny business

Funny business Heard a good knock-knock joke lately? Or taken a big pratfall? Five-year-olds have delightful — if pretty simplistic — senses of humor. Laughter tends to grease the wheels of cooperation around the house. If your child is happy or just distracted by something silly, she's less likely to put up a fuss. Your 5-year-old now Just as your child's body and intellect are maturing, so is her sense of humor. That's a good thing. Children with a good sense of humor cope better and have a better sense of self-esteem and more friends. Humor can also build vocabulary and reading skills. Five is a transition age regarding humor. For example, they are learning the mechanics of joke telling. They understand that jokes have punchlines at the end and that people laugh when you tell one. Five-year-olds love physical humor. Tripping over your feet on entering a room is always good for an uproarious laugh. Knock-knock jokes are a big favorite, too, although the ones you'll first hear — again and again — may not make any sense. Your life now Will your child need a cell phone as she enters the school years? It's unlikely. In kindergarten and first grade, she won't yet be involved in school sports or after-school activities. Since she'll be taken to and from school on a regular schedule, she'll have little need to call for practical reasons like transportation. In fact, a child this age is rarely out of sight of a supervising adult. Plus, most 5-year-olds aren't mature enough to keep track of all their possessions, especially something as small as a phone.


Your 5-Year-Old: Pint-Size Picassos

Pint-Size Picassos It's the process — not the finished product — that kindergartners like best about art. They're not concerned with drawing exact likenesses of people or things. Encourage your child's interest in drawing by making art supplies readily available. Appreciate his pictures for what they are — even if you're not exactly sure what they are! Ask questions that encourage him to talk about the drawing. Don't correct or critique. Your 5-year-old now As fine motor skills develop, allowing better control over pencils or crayons, most 5-year-olds' drawings become more recognizable, if not always obvious. Details previously left out before, like fingers and hair, or doors on houses, begin to appear. But there may be two fingers or eight, and the door may take up the entire center of a building. Resist the impulse to respond to a skewed drawing by correcting your child or offering to show him how things "really look." Drawings at this early stage aren't meant to be realistic. Your child is unconsciously working on his sense of shapes and proportion, color and detail, rather than trying to capture the exactness of something. Instead, praise his choice of colors. You could also ask open-endedly what he likes best about the picture or invite him to explain what's happening in it. How often should I let my child win? Display your child's creations. The refrigerator is great, but having something framed is a real ego boost to your pint-size Picasso. (Inexpensive ready-made frames work well.) You might even look into services that turn kids' art into mugs, mousepads, T-shirts, or other objects. They make great gifts for grandparents! Your life now It's not too early to teach basic table manners. Mealtimes are a lot more pleasant if your child learns the basics now, so you won't have to nag for the next ten years. (Well, you might need to nag a little bit.) Among the basics you should expect:


Your 5-Year-Old: Slumber parties, already? (睡衣派對)

Slumber parties, already? Some children have already had their first sleepover, while others won't want to spend the night away from home for several more years. 小孩子開始到外面過夜了嗎?話說小馨第一次到外面過夜約3歲半,是夜宿橘子樹,那次的經驗很好、很成功,小孩子也沒哭著找媽媽,應該說學校活動安排地很好,在睡前有帶動唱等活動,將小朋友們精力發洩完再入睡,小朋友們都累得呼呼大睡,也沒人哭著找媽媽!哈哈! The decision depends on your child's readiness, circumstances, and your personal preference. What's certain is that as her peer circle grows, the interest in playing together day and night will grow, and the question about pajama parties will increasingly come up. 但是除此之外,小馨卻沒有說要在外面過夜的事,我想她應該還沒準備好吧!每天晚上還是要媽媽講故事,總要媽媽在身邊陪睡她才會睡著,不過小馨漸漸長大,知道以後要獨立一個人睡覺,是說媽媽這樣也有點難過,畢竟小孩大了,慢慢脫離羽翼,媽媽似乎也有點悵然若失.... Your 5-year-old now It can be hard enough to see your child off to school in the morning. Now she's begging to spend her nights away from home, too. Is your child ready for sleepovers? 當早上看到小孩沒有去上學,因為她已經睡在別人家,但是她已經準備好了嗎? It's a very individual decision. If you still have to read her a story, tickle her under each rib, and give bunny and butterfly kisses before she falls asleep, she may not be ready. Shy or anxious children, and those who get up in the middle of the night, probably aren't ready yet, either. The best sleepover candidates separate fairly easily, sleep well, and have a strong interest. Parental readiness figures in, too. It's ideal if you can start with an overnight at a relative's house. You — and your child — will be more comfortable knowing she's with someone so familiar. For kids who aren't quite ready, try an almost-sleepover. Invite a couple of friends to put on jammies and come over one evening. Watch a movie, have some popcorn, play games, and send everybody home before bedtime. The best part? Everybody gets a good night's sleep, and there are no middle-of-the-night runs to pick anyone up. Your life now Clutter happens — but it doesn't have to happen everywhere. Designate a few clutter-free zones in your house. Let everyone know that a particular counter, corner, or room is off-limits to junk. Try keeping a "junk box" (a plastic storage bin or laundry basket will do) in every room where miscellaneous papers, clothes, and toys can get pitched. It will make the room look neater while also providing a handy place to look for all those things that go missing.


Your 5-Year-Old: TV time

TV time Your child is entering the transition years between inoffensive little-kid shows and other TV programming that might be more objectionable. That's another reason it's a good idea to not let viewing habits get out of hand. If you're interested in cutting back on the amount of TV your child watches, there are some steps you can take. One not to try: Issuing time limits, which can backfire and cause your child to focus more on time than on quality. Your 5-year-old now While it may seem like your 5-year-old never stops, stop he eventually must — and ideally for at least ten to 12 hours. That's the amount of shuteye the average 5-year-old needs. It's true that some people, including some children, seem to require less sleep than others. But it's generally wise to err on the side of ensuring plenty of zz's. If a 5-year-old doesn't sleep long enough, he may be cranky or have trouble staying focused during the daytime. It will help to remove any electronics from his bedroom, as well. Kids who are plugged in have a harder time falling and staying asleep. (Not to mention a litany of other problems, including a higher risk of obesity.) Your life now Five marks the beginning of the school years for most children. It's easy to get drawn into a busy whirl of school, play, and activities. But take time for one throwback: updating his baby book or website. Some parents write an annual letter to their child, to be opened on his eighteenth birthday. In it, you could jot down amazing highlights of the previous year, observations about personality and character, and your hopes for the future. If you didn't start doing this from birth, now's a great time to start.


Your 5-Year-Old: Clothes make the child

Clothes make the child Getting dressed "all by myself" achieves two big things: It adds to your child's sense of confidence and mastery, and it becomes one less thing you have to worry about in the morning. Encourage your child's attempts by letting him try more and more steps on his own, from choosing the shirt to buttoning it up. At first you'll need patience — self-dressing can take longer — but your reward is that he'll learn how. Your 5-year-old now Your child should be getting better at the finer points of dressing himself. He's pulling on clothes, buttoning big buttons, even zipping up a zipper. (Snaps are trickier.) Dressing oneself is quite a feat when you consider all the skills involved: balance, dexterity, and understanding concepts like front and back and inside and outside. If your child is still fumbling with his fastenings, don't despair — but don't rush in to help, either. Even if he doesn't get it right every time, it's important to let him try. Praise his attempts, even if it sometimes means his leaving home with his shirt on inside out. Your life now How often should you volunteer in your child's classroom? You'll be happy to know that the answer depends entirely on you (unless your child's school or daycare is a co-op that requires a certain number of hours of participation). Some parents have lots of time and inclination to help out; others lack one or the other or both. Your child's teacher won't think less of you or your child if your schedule doesn't permit your being much of a presence. That said, if you can show up every now and again — say, for a class party or a field trip — your child will enjoy your presence. Ask if there are other ways you can volunteer, such as by making phone calls, running errands, or helping to prepare classroom materials. What matters most is that you're supportive of your child's learning — not which committees you serve on or how many hours you log in the building.


Your 5-Year-Old: Questions, questions

Questions, questions "What if" questions are a favorite now as your child's busy brain works through the principle of cause and effect. Now that she's figured out how things work in her everyday world, she's thinking through the variables and also trying to fit in the new information she comes across. Help her out by responding seriously to such questions. And ask a few of your own to watch the wheels in her head spin. Your 5-year-old now Your child sees a fallen tree. "How did that happen?" she asks. She's ready and eager for a detailed explanation of how lightning came out of the sky in a storm and knocked down the tree. Five-year-olds are fascinated by cause-and-effect relationships, the how and why of the way things work. What will happen when she stomps in that mud puddle really hard? What if an egg fell out of a bird's nest? If she can imagine it, she wants to know what the result might be. As kids learn to predict what will happen, they can also relate cause and effect to their own behavior. They know their actions have consequences. If your child swats her little brother, she realizes her sibling may cry and that she'll probably spend some time in the naughty chair. If she's horsing around in the house with a ball, she knows she might break something. "What if" questions are a favorite of young children. Resist the urge to dismissively reply that something isn't possible. Instead, offer a logical answer that illustrates what could really happen. Your life now Having an argument with your partner? Do your best to keep it under wraps around your child. Young children have sharp antennae for discord, and it can result in stress that upsets their sense of safety and security. If you're having a disagreement related to childrearing, navigate it with respect for one another. You both have the same goal, after all: A healthy, happy child. Sometimes you may need to agree to disagree until you can work through the difference of opinion later.


Your 5-Year-Old: The obedient child

The obedient(服從、聽話的) child Why do some kids seem to obey rules more readily than others? Personality may have something to do with it, but it's likely that the more obedient child has been disciplined more consistently. 對啊!為什麼有些小孩就是比較聽話、服從性比較高呢? 一般都說是「天性」使然,我也覺得!而且女孩子比男生似乎更服從與聽話,以小馨來說,有時候她會回我:「是的,馬麻」!我聽了之後覺得很感動,不用我說第二次,她馬上就能接受指令去做,不過,我也常想:如果太聽話的小孩是不是會被扼殺他的創意呢?畢竟臺灣父母總是要求聽話,若不乖、不聽話就會讓大人抓狂(想想我自己就是這樣),長輩也常說:xxx你好乖喔~我最喜歡你了,似乎讓小孩有「」聽話就受肯定 的錯覺,而我並不希望結果是如此! Having consistent rules — and enforcing them regularly — sends the message about what kind of behavior you expect. A child is less likely to test firm limits than "mushy" ones that change day to day. Your 5-year-old now What's the big secret to disciplining a 5-year-old? Consistency. Kids this age depend on familiar routines and structure, and that applies to understanding your expectations for their behavior. A child gets confused when a behavior that warrants a time-out one day gets a quick "Stop that!" the next. The best way to reinforce the rules is to apply them reliably. Of course, there will sometimes be exceptions, such as a special occasion when you decide that this time, it's okay to pull down the sofa cushions to build a fort. That's fine, as long as you make it clear that this is an exception — and why. "It's raining outside, so you can make a fort even though the usual rule is no pulling the sofa apart." It helps if both parents are in synch about the big household rules, so there's no confusion and no playing one parent off the other. But it's okay if the rules vary slightly between home and school, or at Grandma's house. Your child is old enough to understand that different situations have different standards. Your life now If you haven't allowed your child to take a bath by herself yet, she's probably ready. Children younger than 5 should not be left around water without supervision because of the risk of drowning. But by age 5, your child is big enough and strong enough, and should be able to follow basic rules (such as no standing up in the tub, no getting out and getting back in). To be on the safe side, stay within earshot so you can monitor the bath. Provide bath toys to keep your child amused while she's soaking and scrubbing. You'll probably still need to help with shampooing.


Your 5-Year-Old: Brave new world

Brave new world Beloved security objects may soon take a backseat in your child's life — or not. As kids gain confidence, fresh skills, and new friendships and activities outside of home, their reliance on blankies and teddy bears sometimes ends abruptly. Others cling to these old friends even as they venture into new waters. Both scenarios are developmentally normal now. 小馨漸漸長大,但是她還喜歡妞妞、巧虎、毛毛、小維妮嗎?目前看來,的確她現在比較少玩這些玩具了(不過她有時還是會幫毛毛及維妮熊蓋被子),我喜歡她玩這些玩具,這樣我知道她其實還活在小孩子的世界中、尚未長大。不過英文文字上說,這段期間不管小孩子玩不玩絨毛娃娃(或其他依存物),其實都是正常的如果繼續玩,就會持續,如果不玩了,也是一下子就不玩,消失得很快哩! Your 5-year-old now Is your child's beloved bunny or blanky, the one she used to drag all over town, spending more time at home? As your child becomes more independent, she may turn less to her favorite comfort object. She probably won't abandon it altogether, though. 沒錯!小馨最近比較少玩了,回去後試試看她是否想換掉一些玩具...哈! Many kids hang on to their "loveys" for years — and return to them during stressful times or at bedtime. Other 5-year-olds remain publicly attached to their blankies whenever possible, and that's okay, too. Most schools discourage loveys(心愛之物), though, so if your child hasn't started kindergarten yet, give her a chance to adjust. Try initiating a rule like "Bunny can't leave the house." 小馨倒是不會將她的心愛之物帶去學校,大多數都是在車上陪著她去學校這段路,有次我問她是否要放進書包,她說老師說不准他們帶玩具去玩...所以她也很聽話,就讓玩具留在車上陪她。 One comfort object it's best not to hang onto is the thumb. Most dental experts prefer children be weaned from thumb-sucking by about age 5. Much beyond that can jeopardize the alignment of permanent teeth.唉~小馨沒有吸手指的習慣,但梓熏就有!也因此她現在的門牙也點爆爆的、不好看....記得她應該吸到6歲多吧! Most thumb-suckers quit during the earliest school years, sometimes by day first and then later at night, too. But for a persistent minority, the habit is extremely hard to kick. If your child is one of them, try to create an atmosphere in which she'll want to stop on her own. The more you nag and make a battle of it, the more stressed she becomes — and the more she turns to her thumb. The most common triggers of thumb-sucking are stress, boredom, and fatigue. 上面說當你愈想要小孩戒掉吸手指,小孩就愈會想要吸,而大多數吸手指的原因是因為壓力、無聊及疲勞(?) Your life now Though you may be eager to hear about your child's day, don't be surprised if sometimes she'd rather be alone. Think about her day from her perspective. If she goes to school, she has to follow the rules and be social. Add in being taken on errands, dealing with siblings, or being grilled about what she did all day, and a little downtime may be just what she needs.


Your 5-Year-Old: Body positive

Body positive The route to a healthy weight for kids is the same as for adults: good exercise and eating habits. Studies have shown a direct correlation between a lack of physical activity and childhood obesity. Your child doesn't have to sign up for team sports or other athletics to stay active. Just make sure there's lots of playtime built into his day, including outdoor play. Few kids who are very active are overweight. Diet matters, too. 其實我們自己很宅,連帶有小孩之後,小孩有時也宅在家裡,讓我覺得很guilty...小馨5歲了,應該要多帶她出去跑跑跳跳,讓她有足夠的運動與體能伸展的時間,但我們很少陪她出去,唉~真是可憐的小孩,我不希望小馨只是愛看書、愛畫畫,我也希望培養她愛運動,不要像我們一樣... Your 5-year-old now What's the best way to ensure your child maintains a healthy weight as he enters the school years? Plenty of exercise and good dietary habits.看吧!就是要有足夠的運動和均衡的飲食吧!這才是她健康體重的關鍵! 每次潮州街阿公阿嬤都很關心小馨多重了,其實體重真的沒有什麼,這種量化數據只是表象,實質的運動力、均衡飲食...才重要,一般人很容易陷入數字的迷思中,唉! Your child needs less fat in his diet now. No more than 35 percent of his total calories should come from fats. Low-fat and skim milk are fine. Many 5-year-olds find it hard to get by on three meals a day. Provide healthy snacks that are low in added sugar, such as fresh fruit, vegetables and dip, whole wheat crackers, pretzels, and yogurt.我覺得很難提供小馨不甜的零食,總是巧克力、冰淇淋....我也不喜歡她吃得味道太重、太鹹,有營養的東西一向不好吃,這是眾所皆知的啊! 對了!小馨現在體重約23kg! If you're concerned about your child's weight, mention it to his doctor, who will be able to tell you where he actually falls in terms of height and weight proportionality. Together you can review your child's diet and activity levels to see whether there are other places you need to make change. Your life now Have ongoing conversations about safety with your child. Throughout the course of your day, talk about what you see. "I like how that boy waited until the walk signal came on before he crossed the street." Role-play safety scenarios, such as the right way to carry scissors (pointy end down). At this age, kids have an insatiable need to know "why," so explain the rationale behind safety rules. If a rule is non-negotiable — "You must hold my hand in a parking lot" — say so. Kids appreciate clear, consistent guidelines. Repeat and reinforce constantly. Above all, be a good example. When you're taking walks or riding bikes, make sure you don't jaywalk or ride the wrong way. Your child is watching you.


Your 5-Year-Old: Say what?

Say what? Lisping, stuttering, and mispronouncing certain sounds are common speech issues for 5-year-olds. Most are absolutely normal for now and are usually outgrown over the next few years. If you have any concerns, it's a good idea to point out speech problems to your child's doctor. Most of these blips sort themselves out on their own, but sometimes speech therapy can help. Your 5-year-old now Some children still have trouble producing certain sounds. At this age, it's still considered normal to lisp or struggle with l, r, s, z, sh, and th sounds. It's part of the learning process for speech — these sounds tend to require the most complex muscle movements. Most kids outgrow lisping by age 7 or 8. Stuttering isn't uncommon either. It usually happens because your child's mouth can't keep up with her quick brain, causing her to repeat words and sounds. When she's excited or tired, she may even have trouble spitting out the right words. Most kids outgrow stuttering between 5 and 6. Reinforce language skills by talking with your child and reading to her often. Don't try to finish her sentences or rush her. You don't want to make her any more frustrated than she already is. Don't ridicule or mimic "cute" mispronunciations. Continue to model proper speech. Your life now If you keep art supplies organized and accessible, your child will be more apt to use them. Open shelving makes supplies easier to reach. Keep crayons, pencils, paper, washable markers, glue sticks, and clay on low shelves where they'll be easy to get at. Invest in some simple plastic storage containers (old diaper-wipes boxes work, too) so you can sort like objects. Label each container with an index card taped to the lid that displays the name and a picture of its contents. Store things that require supervision — like scissors, glitter, and permanent glue — out of reach in a closed box.





Your 5-Year-Old: Your live wire

Your live wire If it seems like your child has more energy and stamina than ever — well, he does. Encourage your child to run and burn off some of this boundless energy every day. But remember that he still lacks the judgment of an adult. His enthusiastic ways can lead him into some daredevil situations as he overestimates his abilities or the safety of a situation. Your 5-year-old now It may seem like only yesterday that your child was toddling along, still stumbling over his own feet. Now he's graceful and full of energy. He's more coordinated and in control of his body. He alternates feet as he climbs the stairs. He walks and runs with ease. These physical attributes, along with boundless curiosity, account for why many 5-year-olds seem forever on the go. Chase games and running are perfectly suited to this age. Teach your child your old playground favorites, like capture the flag and the zillion versions of tag. Your life now One aspect of your child's behavior that starts out endearing or funny — but gets old mighty fast — is silliness. Five-year-olds can find all kinds of things uproarious, causing them to get the hysterical giggles. Or they'll repeat a goofy phrase, twirl without stopping, play puppy dog — the possibilities, alas, are pretty endless. Selective ignoring is usually the best way to cope with the sillies. Decide whether it's a dangerous or rude behavior or merely an annoying one. It's far more effective to end an annoying behavior by ignoring it than by feeding it with your displeasure (like saying, "Knock it off already" or "That's enough," or threatening a punishment if it doesn't stop). Those reactions are all forms of attention. Being goofy just goes with this age. Episodes of it don't mean your child is destined to be a comedian (or a puppy dog).