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Yesterday Once More

When I was young I'd listened to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along It made me smile Those were such happy times And not so long ago How I wondered where they'd gone But they're back again Just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well (*) Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-wo-wo Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That they're starting to sing's So fine When they get to the part Where he's breaking her heart It can really make me cry Just like before It's yesterday once more Looking back on how it was In years gone by And the good times that I had Makes today seem rather sad So much has changed It was songs of love that I would sing to then And I'd memorize each word Those old melodies Still sound so good to me As they melt the years away Repeat (*) All my best memories Come back clearly to me Some can even make me cry Just like before It's yesterday once more Repeat (*) 中譯: 當我年輕時 我常聽著收音機 等待我最喜愛的歌曲 播出時就跟著哼哼唱唱 那總是使我面露微笑 那真是一段快樂的時光 就在不久以前 我很想知道它們到哪裡去了 但它們終究回來了 像個失去聯絡很久的朋友 每一首歌都是我的最愛 每一句Sha-la-la-la 每一句Wo-o-wo-o 依然動人 每一句shing-a-ling-a-ling 它們就是這麼開始唱的 真是美極了…… 當唱到他傷了她的心那一段 真的會使我傷心落淚 就像從前一樣 彷彿昨日重現 回顧歲月的流逝 以及我擁有的美好時光 相較之下,如今多麼可悲 物事已非 那是我當時唱的情歌 我還記得每一句歌詞 那些古老的旋律 聽起來依然甜美 把歲月都融化了 我最美好的回憶 歷歷如繪的回到我面前 有些甚至會使我哭泣 就像從前一樣 彷彿昨日重現


The Mom Song

好貼切的歌喔!! 雖然唱得很快 但多聽幾次,比照歌詞 應該可以猜出大部份的意思 其中一段 "你這麼大了,還表現這樣,那一定是遺傳你爸的DNA" 我也常唸這一句 哈~哈~哈~ 歌詞對照 The Mom Song music by Gioachino Rossini (William Tell Overture) Lyrics by Anita Renfroe sung by Patti Harshey - from the Northland Church in Longwood Florida The Mom Song Lyrics =================== Get up now~Get up now~Get up out of bed Wash your face~ Brush your teeth~ Comb your sleepy head~ Here’s your clothes~ And your shoes~ Hear the words I said: Get up now~ Get up and make your bed~ Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you wearing that? Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at? Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat~ Don’t forget you got to feed the cat~ Eat your breakfast~ The experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all~ Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall~ Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today? Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon ~ So you must play~ Don’t shovel~Chew slowly~But hurry~ The bus is here~ Be careful~ Come back here~ Did you wash behind your ears? Play outside~ Don’t play rough~ Would you just play fair? Be polite~ Make a friend~ Don’t forget to share~ Work it out~ Wait your turn~ Never take a dare~ Get along~ Don’t make me come down there~ Clean your room~ Fold your clothes~ Put your stuff away~ Make your bed~ Do it now ! Do we have all day? Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay~ Can you even hear a word I say? Answer the phone ! Get Off the phone ! Don’t sit so close ! Turn it down ! No texting at the table ! No more computer time tonight ! Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up ! Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home? Saying thank you, please, excuse me ! Makes you welcome everywhere you roam ! You’ll appreciate my wisdom Someday when you're older and you're grown~ Can't wait 'til you have a couple little children of your own You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly~ But right now I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me~ Close your mouth when you chew~ Would appreciate~ Take a bite~ Maybe two~ Of the stuff you hate~ Use your fork~ Do not you burp~ Or I'll set you straight~ Eat the food I put upon your plate~ Get an egg A, Get the door~ Don't get smart with me~ Get a Grip~ Get in here I'll count to 3~ Get a job~ Get a life~ Get a PhD~ Get a dose of reality~ I don't care who started it~ You're grounded until you're 36~ Get your story straight~ And tell the truth for once for heaven's sake~ And if all your friends jumped off a cliff~ Would you jump too? If I’ve said it once, I’ve said at least a thousand times before that~ You're too old to act this way~ It must be your father's DNA~ Look at me when I am talking~ Stand up straight when you walk~ A place for everything~ And everything must be in place~ Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about Oh! Brush your teeth ! Wash your face ! Get your PJs on ! Get in bed ! Get a hug ! Say a prayer with Mom ! Don’t forget~ I love you~ **KISS** And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom’s work never ends ! You don't need the reason why~ Because~Because~Because~Because~ I said so~I said so~I said so~I said so~ I'm the Mom~ The mom ! The mom ! The mom ! The mom ! Ta-da



林建生文兒童合唱班還有名額喔~ 喜歡唱歌的孩子快加入我們吧~ 林建生文教基金會 ============== 兒童合唱班招生對象:小一~小五 上課時間:9/11~12/25(五)下午4:30~6:15(每三週一次小組訓練課,上課至7:00) 報名方式: 1.即日起,電話報名 2285-5157 2285-5188 2.考試日期:上課當天 3.考試內容:為音階視唱(五線譜表)及自選曲一首(需背譜,並請帶樂譜來,以供伴奏老師使用)不難~別怕~ 4.當場宣佈口試結果,錄取者當天繳費報名 5.錄取者報名請攜帶戶口名簿及保證金1000元、班費600元(舊生500元) 本活動學費全免,學員於報名時繳交1000元保證金,凡缺課一次扣200元(請假除婚喪外,亦照扣),由基金會以學員名義代捐至慈善機構(捐款收據另寄),課程結束後3日內(含當日),憑證件,保證金餘額將全數退還學員(班費600元為音樂小組訓練費、發聲練習本及班服費用,恕不退還)。 低收入戶,憑證明免交保證金 師 資: 陳婉如老師 音樂基礎訓練源自榮星兒童合唱團,前後畢業於光仁中學音樂班、實踐大學音樂系,奧地利布魯克納音樂學院。曾任奧地利Musikschule Ybbsfeld、環球技術學院通識中心、中國基督學院音樂系音樂講師,中正高中(第二外語)德文教師,第一至三屆【亞太盃音樂大賽】歌唱組評審;現為光仁中學、淡江中學音樂班及台灣大學合唱團聲樂指導,永樂扶輪社合唱團、林建生文教基金會兒童合唱班合唱指揮及AS潛能開發音樂指導,中華民國聲樂家協會會員。


北北基考生考基測 未來3年3個樣

對mimmy來說是福?是禍? ====================== 北北基考生考基測 未來3年3個樣 【聯合晚報╱記者王彩鸝╱台北報導】 未來三年,北北基地區的國中生,升學考試制度每年都不一樣,99年國中基測仍舉辦兩次、100年參加北北基聯測、101年基測只辦理一次;這是國內升學制度改革變動最多的三年。 國中二次基測今天寄發成績單,明年 (99)將是全國各考區同步舉辦二次基測的最後一年;到民國100年,高中職五專的升學考試將會「分流」,台北縣市、基隆市自辦一次「北北基聯測」,其他縣市國中生參加全國基測;民國101年,高中職擴大免試入學方案上路,全國兩次基測整併為只考一次。 對北北基地區的考生及家長來說,未來三年的升學制度每天都在調整,有家長抱怨,制度變來變去,感到「霧煞煞」,無法參考學長姊的因應升學考試的經驗。 教育部中教司長蘇德祥說,「改變是為了紓緩升學壓力」,雖然民國100年分別舉辦北北基聯測和國中第一次基測,但相信兩者之間的難易度差不多,不致造成家長和考生的困擾。 台北市的「北星計畫」明年開始實施,北市今年升國三的學生前五學期總平均成績在校排名前40%者,可由就讀國中向北市各高中職推薦報名,免試進入北市高中職就讀。北市各市立高中職,包括建中和北一女每班都提供2個名額,約可提供1028個名額,占市立學校招生名額5%。 其他縣市高中職免試入學名額也從明年起逐年擴大,蘇德祥說,當明後兩年報考二次基測人數繼續減少後,101年整併只考一次基測,可望大幅減輕國中生的升學壓力。