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時光飛逝,我的霏霏公主上小學了! 猶記得她還在襁褓中,一轉眼,雖說不還不到亭亭玉立,可是也是個古靈精怪的大女孩了。 媽咪我特地請了一天假,陪她去上第一天的課。 品澈那時我沒去,是由爸爸送的。可是那時爸爸只有在出門時拍兩張照,到學校的時候,說學校不准家長留下來,所以爸爸就去上班了…也許因為品澈一直都是讓媽咪放心,所以那時也不怎麼緊張。 大概因為霏霏是女生又是老么的關係,媽咪這次覺得好像應該要陪公主上學一下… 星星國的小學生都好早上學,媽咪差點爬不起來。出門前媽咪看到品澈對著霏霏再三叮囑,耳擔面命,充分展現了大哥哥的風範。說真的,媽咪對哥哥還真的放心呢! 因為媽咪遲了一些,結果我們在校門口堵車,根本進不去學校。爸爸就在路口放我們下,讓媽咪帶著兩小進校門。其實媽咪也不熟,還好一路上都有指路的人。 霏霏要先去集合,像我們以前朝會一樣,然後會唱國歌,宣誓,就各班帶開。家長不可以跟去教室。我們就在餐廳等。媽咪一臉茫然的想說那我要幹嘛?回家了嗎?還好問了一下別的家長,原來小一今天的下課休息是8點半,我們可以看到他們小一生下來canteen的休息的樣子。果然鈴聲一打,高年級的buddy們帶著每個小一新生來了。媽咪一開始還找不到霏霏,是看到她的hello kitty水壺才找到她。霏霏有帶peanut butter jam sandwich,所以她今天沒有去買東西。媽咪有看到其他的小一生去買簡便的魚丸面,飯什麼的。還有小一生咚咚地跑來家長去和媽媽要錢說要買零食,媽媽們在這開學第一天都比較心軟,答應了,可是都嚴重告訴他們只有今天。 休息時間結束,小朋友們又集合回教室。接下來就是中午放學了。所以媽咪就先回家,12點才再來學校。 12點來學校觀察霏霏坐校車,媽咪給嚇了一大跳。因為校車停的地方有夠亂,根本沒有順序,媽咪找好久才找到霏的3號校車。媽咪看到那些大小孩在車陣間鑽來鑽去,覺得好危險。對於這樣無組織的方式實在是心寒。 還好小一生有先在川堂集合。媽咪錯過了,又回到巴士,才發現她已坐上校車。接下來爸爸和媽咪回家,在家門口等霏霏的校車。這一等,等了近半小時。我們家算不遠的,可是校車就是這樣,繞來繞去,霏說她是倒數第二個下車的…唉。 而在我們等霏霏校車時,品澈比我們還早到家。等霏再大一點,媽咪我也要訓練霏霏自已搭公車,不受限校車的約束了…


Parents Teacher Meeting (Pin Fei)

Teacher Sheena, Pinfei's teacher called me at 2pm today for the parents teacher meeting. Because we went to Europe, we couldn't schedule a timing to go to school to meet the teacher. In the end, we agreed to use phone call to conduct the meeting. Teacher Sheena said Pinfei is a pretty good kid. Her behavior is good at school. Her learning attitude is very good and she is academically strong. She learns and picks up things very fast. She is also very nice to other kids at school. She always offeres help to other kids. Therefore, teacher sometimes feels she might be taken advantage by other kids. For example, if kids are fighting for toys, she will always give up without fight. So the teacehr tried to let her know sometimes it's ok to stand up for her own rights. Mummy is a bit surprised to hear that. Becasue she is 小霸王at home. She always takes advantage of her brother...She knew her brother will always give in to her... Teacher sheena said Pinfek has high expectatin for herself. She told the teacher, she wants to go to the same school as her brother and studies in teh same gifted program because her brother is in it. (Mummy feel a bit embarrassed becasue that sounds a bit cocky.. but the teacher said it's her to show her confidence and expectation.) She has an objective for her to achieve... 華文老師也告訴媽咪說她的華文學習很不錯。聽說讀寫都很認真,要加強的地方是寫的筆順,不過他們這種年紀的小孩,這樣就非常不錯了。華文老師也說霏霏是要求完美的學生,認真學習,有時功課做完了,還會再和老師要回去,說她要再加東西,再多寫什麼或多畫什麼讓功課更完美…想一想,霏霏就是這樣的小朋友。也許是老二,其實她好強的個性自小展露無遺。希望能達到像哥哥一樣的目標,什麼都要和哥哥或是比哥哥好。媽咪不知道這樣是好是壞,希望到時她不要過份吹毛求疵就好了。


Day 10

Check out after breakfast. Drive to Adventure Farm Juckerhof (1.5 hr from Lucerne hotel). In the atmospheric farm store, locally grown products are the basis of the meals. A natural playground, Geissli Park, rabbits and the straw bouncy castle offer diversion for the little ones. Depending upon the season, one can pluck berries and cherries. The absolute highlight is the apple garden – an accessible labyrinth made up of 5,900 apple trees that provide apples for the table and for producing cider. • Juckerhof, Dorfstrasse 23, 8607 Seegräben, Tel. +41 (0)44 934 34 80 • 0800-1800 Continue (40min drive) to Rhine Fall, the largest plain waterfall in Europe • North Bank address: Rheinfallquai 32, 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall • South Bank address: Areal Schloss Laufen, 8447 Dachsen. • Museum and boat ride close at 6pm Drive to Zurich (40min). Talk a walk around (the following places all within minutes walk from each other): • Old Town (Altstadt). Zürich's historic section features cobblestone streets, a variety of small stores and restaurants and many of the city's most significant religious landmarks. • Lindenhof. This is a paved square that tops the Zurich Old Town quarter. Offer view on the river Limmatt and on the east side of the city centre. • Bahnhofstrasse. This famous pedestrian street offers the best in world-class shopping opportunities and is also home to some of the world's most important banks. • Church of Our Lady (Fraumunster). This prominent 13th-century Gothic cathedral is perhaps best known for one of its more recent additions, stained-glass windows designed by Marc Chagall in the 1970s. • Nearest Carpark: Urania Parkhaus, Uraniastrasse 3, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland. 4.40CHF/hr. 500m from Lindenhof/Bahnhofstrasse


Day8 Lucerne

Check out and drive to Lucerne (1hr). Stop by Open Air Museum Ballenberg (20min east of Interlaken). • What began in 1978 with 16 characteristic Swiss buildings, is today an extensive exhibition with about 100 residential and agricultural buildings from all over Switzerland, on a 66 hectare large area: this is the Ballenberg Open Air Museum. The historic buildings and their kitchens, chambers and living rooms illustrate rural life in Switzerland. But Ballenberg Museum really comes to life thanks to the original and authentic cultivation of useful plants, the over 250 domestic farm animals and thanks to the craftsmen and farmers who work with traditional tools. Thematic exhibitions and special events about culture and customs complement the offerings. • Ballenberg, Freilichtmuseum der Schweiz, Museumsstrasse 131, 3858 Hofstetten, Tel. +41 (0)33 952 10 30 • 10 am to 5 pm daily Continue to Lucerne (1 hr from Open Air Museum). Visit the Lion Monument and the Glacier Garden/Mirror Maze (Gletschergarten Luzern, Denkmalstrasse 4 , CH-6006 Luzern) next to it, as well as the Chapel Bridge (1km from Lion Monument) • Glacier Garden/Mirror Maze : 9am to 6pm daily, 35CHF for family • Possible parkings o Parkhaus Hotel Schweizerhof - Schweizerhofquai 3 - 6002 Luzern. This public carpark is run by the hotel. 400m from Chapel Bridge and 600m from Lion Monument o CITY Parking (Zürichstrasse 9 - 6004 Luzern) , up to 3.5CHF/Hr. Check into hotel for the night.


Day 7 少女峰

CDrive to Lauterbrunnen (10-15min). Take the cogwheel train up Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe, the highlight of any Swiss holiday. The highest railway station in Europe is located 3,454 metres above sea level. The visitors gain access to a high-Alpine wonderland of ice, snow and rock, which they can admire from the viewing platforms on the Aletsch Glacier or in the Ice Palace . The railway journey to the Jungfraujoch is an experience which leads through the Eiger and the Mönch. At the Eismeer and Eigerwand intermediate stations, visitors can enjoy the wonderful view. Note 1 Ticket is very expensive at 184CHF per adult return (Train also avail from Interlaken but cost additional 20 CHF per adult return. Whole day parking at Lauterbrunnen cost 0655-0725 at Lauterbrunnen. Need to return from Jungfraujoch before 1300. • Children under 6 travel free. Buy junior card for older children at 30CHF so that they travel free. • Check if half fare card 110 CHF per person come with free family card (then don't need to buy a Junior Card). Note 2: Don’t go up Jungfraujoch if the weather is bad. Do it next morning. Return to Lauterbrunnen to do some hiking. See the Staubach Falls (plunges almost 300 metres and is one of the highest free-falling waterfalls in Europe) and/or the Trummelbach Falls. The Trummelbach Falls are the world's only glacier waterfalls that are accessible underground by lift, galleries, tunnels, paths and platforms. They alone carry the meltwater of the glaciers from the Jungfrau down to the valley - up to 20,000 liters of water per second. The water carries with it over 20,000 tons of boulders and scree per year and causes the entire mountain to shudder and make a thundering n Overall, 72 waterfalls are located in the Lauterbrunnen valley, which exude a unique energy. Return to Interlaken.


Day 5 Munich City tour

Shopping and sightseeing in Munich: • Marienplatz with the Old and the New Town Halls and the gothic Frauenkirche. The Glockenspiel, which portrays the city's history, happens at 11am and 12pm daily. There is also a 5pm show from March through October • Next to it, St. Peter's Church is one of the most iconic sights in Munich. If you want to enjoy a view of the entire city center from the church tower, you will first need to climb 299 steps — but the sight is worth the effort. When the weather is very good, you can also see all the way to the Alps. • Asam’s Church • Nearby (350m from Marienplatz), Hofbräuhaus München (Platzl 9, 80331 München) offers a chance to taste the lofty beverage that Munich's dukes and princes used to drink: beer, and Hofbräu in particular. The first Hofbräu brewery was founded in 1589 by the Duke Wilhelm V, right where the famous Hofbräuhaus stands today. This is also a great place to sample Bavarian food. Tips: Ground floor is for locals really (and yes you'll see the old guys in Lederhosen!) , but just walk thru to get the atmosphere, then proceed to the upper levels. • In the other direction, 400m from Marienplatz, Viktualienmarkt, Munich's farmers' market is a place to pick up supplies and have a meal. • Optional: Munich Residence (Residenz Munchen) was once the city castle of the Bavarian dukes, princes, and emperors. Today, it is the largest city-center castle in Germany. Constructed through the centuries, the complex of buildings is a mix of Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Classical styles. The interior decoration is particularly significant: You will find unique furniture, oil paintings, tapestries, and porcelain • Bavarian Arch of Triumph (Siegestor ) and Field Marshall Hall along the Ludwigstrasse.


Day2 Hallstatt

Day excursion to Hallstatt (1.5hr drive). The village Hallstatt is such an unbelievably spectacular place that even the Chinese have created a copy of the ancient salt mine village. But only in the original will you discover this truly unique culture with such a history all in a breath-taking mountain setting. The market municipality was already inhabited in the 1st millenium before Christ: during this period - the iron age - the civilization flourished. • Hallstatt Salt Mines: On the trail of the "Man in Salt" in the oldest salt mine in the world. Going through tunnels which have been hand dug by people over 3000 years ago. A Family Experience! • “Skywalk“ of Hallstatt. 350 meters above the rooftops of Hallstatt: The spectacular viewing platform "World Heritage View" on the Salzberg (salt mountain). A must to be experienced! Cable car open now! • Tour hours 930am-430pm. Funicular 9am-6pm (last descent) Return to Salzburg. Salzburg Sight-seeing (can be done anytime while in Salzburg) around the Altstadt, the Old Town. (1.4 km from hotel) • Parking at the Mönchsberg Garage ("Altstadtgaragen A and B"). Be sure to have ticket punched - then the fee up to 4 hours is ? 4.00 and up to 8 hours only ? 6.00. Many businesses in the Old City are happy to punch parking ticket when pay for purchase. Participating shops, restaurants, etc. display an orange parking sticker. • Mozartplatz (Mozart Square) • Mozart's birthplace (Mozart Gerburtshaus) (9am-530pm, 21 EUR for family) In the evening, watch a concert in Mirabell Palace. (door open 730pm, concert start 8pm).


Day 1 Munich- Salzburg

Arrive Munich International Airport (German: Flughafen München). Visit the supermarket (Edeka at munich airport centre (MAC)) to pick up supplies. Pick up car (pick up from airport and return downtown later). From BUDGET, Reservation number DE303752420. Aprox 450EUR prepaid. Additional 40+32+XX to be paid at desk for Booster, GPS, and additional insurance. Visit Freizeitpark Märchenwald (Maerchenwald-Isartal) (1hr drive from airport). • Kräuterstraße 39, 82515 Wolfratshausen • With over 20 classic German fairytales like Snow White, Hänsel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood on display which the little ones can bring to life with the press of a button. • opening times: 9:00 am to 06:00 pm. Admission is to 4:00 pm. Operating hours of the rides go by 10:00 am until 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:45 pm, every 15 minutes. • Price : 12-13,00 ?, Children smaller than 85 cm height free Continue to to Salzburg (1hr 50min from Freizeitpark) the “Sound of Music town”. Check in to hotel and rest. In the afternoon, join the Fräulein Maria’s Bicycle Tour (1630 to 2000, meet at Mirabellplatz by 1620). After crossing the Salzach River, we venture into the old town, where we pass the Horse pond, the Horse riding school and cycle around the cathedral. After a short stroll through St. Peter’s cemetery, we cycle, (or push) our bikes up a small, (or enormous) hill, depending on which countryside you are used to :) and visit the Nonnberg Abbey. From there we have a fantastic view of Salzburg and its marvellous mountains. An easy descent brings us down and a short ride takes us to the “Leopoldskron Palace” and its beautiful lake. Our path now leads us through a traditional Austrian residential area and farmland to the Hellbrunner Allee, where we stop off at the Trapp Family residence, “Frohnburg Palace”. At the end of the Allee, the Gazebo awaits, and it is time for a 20 min break for refreshments or a stroll around the beautiful Hellbrunn Gardens. In less than an hour we are back in town and some more sights await you there. Finally we pass by the Mirabell Gardens, before the tour ends at our meeting point at Mirabellplatz.


Parents Teachers Meeting

This is the second PTM we have this year. Henry Park has more PTM than Chongfu. It's a good thing.Let parents talk to teachers face to face though we already got channels to talk to teachers by email everyday. The PTM in Henry park is quite comprehensive. We need to book in advance from the website. It's like buying popular concert tickets on line. Baba and mummy always need to sit in front of PC and preapare to book immediately when the website is open for booking. We need to fight because we always book the earliest session. Then we can go to work after the PTM. No need to take day off. As usual, there are different "stations" for us parents to talk to each teacher. We just see which station is available then we can pop in. The first teacher we talk is Science teacher. Pinche's science teacher is a young guy. Well, he said Pinche is a good pupil and nothing to be worried about for him. When Mummy asked if there is anything we parents should do, he said not really...Just follow the syllbus and it will be fine. The second teacher we talked is Higher Chinese teacher. She is also a young lady. Pinche's performance of HCL is always good.This term, his composition was chosen as a "model" article, and it will be circulated to other 9 GEP schools. We did ask teacher if extra tuition for Chinese composition helpful. The teacher said the school already teaches the basic guidelines. It should be sufficient and Pinche doesn't need extra training. But the school teaches very basic way. If we want to train Pinche to be a good "literature writer", then school syllabus may not be enough. Math teachers always compliments on Pinche. She said Pinche's performance is good. She never need to worry about him. She also appreciated our feedback regarding the clash schedule of the Olympiad math training...We also asked the teacher about how the scores was decided. This is to help Wuyu's mummy ask the teacher. English teacher, Ms Ng is also Pinche's form teacher. She has greatest compliments on PInche. She said Pinche is one of the independent, mature students she has. Good emotional management. But she told us Pinche is a very sensitive kid. We just need to keep monitoring him as usual. She also explained the whole situation of "Pinche lost his English paper" incident. She said Pinche's reaction after found the paper was taken by one of the classmates is amazing. He is kind and didn't snap. He forgave the classmate and very kind. Baba and Mummy are so proud of him. The last station is to talk to Pinche's social study teacher. In GEP, social study is graded. So the teacehr would also gave feedback about pupils' performance in social study. Basically, Pinche's performance of the first semester is good. He got above average score for all subjects. The most important thing is he did it by himself. Baba and Mummy are very handsoff. He is really a good and independent kid.