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Paediatrics Endocrinology


We went to see the PD endocrinologist today. The appointment was booked last Dec, but the only available timing in KK is in Feb 2017. Dr. Balinda referred us to see the specialist because she said Fei did show some premature thelarche. The specialist we saw in KK is Dr. Lek Ngee. He did ask a lot of questions, including mummy's family and daddy's family history. The consultation took around 1 hour plus. He said it looks like it's genuine puberty, because Fei didn't have headache or vomiting , which is the symptom caused by pituitary gland disorder. He also explained no medicine is needed for the moment and in fact, it didn't help too much on Fei's height even Fei starts on medication. Usually it helps when people start the medication before 6y old. And it wont change the final result of Fei's height. He said, based on the growth chart Fei has and the expected height is around 154cm....:( The doctor asked me about the tests that we want to do.So I decide to let Fei take the blood and bond xRay. We don't need to do MRI for the brain and the ultrasonic scan for tummy for the time being. Fei is very brave. She didn't cry or scream when the blood was taken. But Mummy distracted her with Pokemon go...The nurse said Fei's blood is very thick so it's very hard to extract and push. He did ask Fei to drink more water before he took the blood. I think it's because we rushed to hospital after Fei's school. She even finished her lunch in the car and she took less water since then. The bond xray of hand is very quick. they don't even allow mummy to go in with her. I promised Fei that I would give her an ice cream when the tests were all done. So we went to MacDonald after everything is settled. The next appointment is one month later and we will see what is the result then.



霏霏的八歲生日,我們答應她可以邀請三位她的好同學來家裡玩,幫她慶生。記得上一次幫霏霏辦生日趴是她三歲的時候,還記得那時候因為整束氣球從庭院中飛走了,媽咪我還崩潰大哭一場😭! 我們年紀越大越沒力氣幫小朋友辦勞師動眾的慶生趴了。可是沒想到四個七歲的小女孩聚在一起也是蠻難控制的…嘰嘰喳喳的真的是太可怕了😱 本來想法很簡單,小朋友們先去游泳池玩水,然後再回家切蛋糕打piñata! 結果今天老天爺的心情非常陰晴不定,一下下雨一下又停。不過最後我們把握了其中出太陽了30分鐘,四個小瓜下水玩了一場!媽咪特地和朋友借了一個大型的茄子船,比起我們家的海豚載重量多了一些。也要謝謝兒子,他擔任了今天救生員大哥哥的角色,也幫忙entertain 這些小妹妹們!媽咪我也準備了一些小女孩能塗的指甲油用水就可以洗掉的,最後吃完蛋糕再打piñata ,小女孩們力氣太小打了幾十輪,那根吉他才終於打破一個小洞,糖果掉出來的時候大家都非常高興! 我們還有和她的朋友一起分享霏小時候的影片,這時真的還蠻感激以前有寫babyhome的日記! 雖然只有短短的三小時,不過四個小女孩們都玩得很高興。看到他們無憂無慮的笑容,霏霏告訴媽味it's the best ever birthday party, 媽咪我也好開心!爸爸和媽媽我送給她的生日禮物是一整套的哈里波特,這樣子霏就不用很哥哥搶那些媽媽的破書了。不過真的太累了,霏霏在晚餐前竟然躺在沙發上睡著了!

Day 3 台南


Morning, visit 十鼓文化村/仁德糖廠 (Open 9-1700. Show at 1030 and 1500) Afternoon visit奇美博物館. 71755臺南市仁德區文華路二段66號 參觀前完成網路預約申請 or 全臺【7-ELEVEN門市內的ibon機台】預先購票付款. 參觀當日以預約代號在現場購票/取票) 博物館套票(常設展+紙上奇蹟特展)售價:290元(每日限量800組) 提供選擇之常設展參觀時段為:9:30、10:00、12:30、13:00 Take HSR home. Train No. 0664 1648-1909 Not booked yet. Optional Places in Tainan City 1. 黑橋牌香腸博物館 台南市南區中華西路一段103號 (06)2616990、(06)2616669 開放時間:09:00 ~ 17:30 (週一休館) 2. 安平樹屋 and安平古堡 No. 82, Guosheng Rd, Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708 0830-1730. 很容易塞車,建議別開車進來,可以考慮走運河另一邊的慶平路,再步行經過安億橋就好. Dining places: 武聖夜市. 台灣台南市中西區武聖路69巷. Open on Wed night. 永樂市場(台南小吃最密集的地方) 金得春捲 (1956年)  台南市中西區民族路三段19號 06-2285397 營業時間:08:30 ~ 18:00 (公休:農曆5/5、8/15、除夕~年初五) 阿松割包 台南市中西區國華街三段181號 06-2110453 營業時間:08:00 ~ 18:00 (公休:週四) 修安扁擔豆花 台南市中西區國華街三段187號 06-2261069 營業時間:10:00 ~ 18:00 武廟肉圓 台南市中西區永福路二段225號 (祀典武廟門口) 06-2229142 營業時間:週一至週五13:00 ~ 18:30;

dining table 終於來了


我們一年多前訂做的餐桌組,歷經波折終於完工送來了。 其實我們本已不抱希望,想說認了這次失敗的交易,決定往前看,沒想到這家倒閉的商店老板娘前天聯絡我們,說桌子終於做好了,也運到新加坡了。雖然她把店關了,可是她還是會honor這項交易。我們真的覺得是天大的驚喜! 事情起於一年多前我們在這家店訂做了我們想要的傢俱,希望能在搬進新家時就有我們心儀的家俱。本來一切都很順利,我們四月就訂了,想說3個月交貨,老板娘信誓誕誕說沒問題,還在我們未入厝前,來我們家做過實地考察,研究搬的路線,因為我們訂做的大理石桌size不小,要研究一下,免得搬不進來。我們也有傻的地方,就是我們一開始就全付清了。因為覺得麻煩,想說新加坡耶,怎麼可能會有倒店或騙人的店呢!沒想到,這就是歹戲的開始… 九月底搬進新家前2天,接到老板娘的訊息,說她的工廠有問題,所以不能交貨!!啥米!!我們不只買了餐桌,還買了茶几和電視櫃,全都不能交貨。只有兩個小床頭櫃,因為不是客製的,所以就運來了。 不過期間,老板娘算非常有誠意,她給了我們一個暫時的餐桌組。雖然不是我們訂的大理石桌,可是她努力的從她的倉庫找到了很配我們家裝潢的桌子。原桌是白色的,老板娘還用了我們選的香檳色鑲邊,才運給我們。所以到這時,我們還是蠻感謝老板娘的… 終於10月底,老板娘說電視櫃和茶儿好了。可是桌子還沒好。老板娘的說法是印尼工廠出問題,桌子沒做好,所以要整個重做,這次預估聖誕節可以到。 期間,只要我催老板娘問進度,她也都會回我簡訊,還有照片。讓我們看到桌子的進程,就當我們以為聖誕節終於可以拿到時,壞消息又來了。這次老板娘是說,聖誕般期delay,貨太多,所以要過年後。後來桌子運到新了,可是after QC,她發現桌子不穩…所以得重做!!這下又拖到農曆新年了。可是農曆年過了,還是沒消沒息。而且已經開始聯絡不到老板娘了,只剩她的一位員工在店裡。好不容易聯絡到她了,這次老公和她下最後通碟,3月底沒有貨我們就要退款了。她拍胸脯說好,可是時間到,連人都找不到。我們就決定上小額法庭去lodge a case了… 上小額法庭雖然不像真正上法院告那麼貴(只要10元註冊費),可是還是很繁鎖。老公得親自下去交表格。附上所有的証據,然後等法院給通知。第一次是consultation,我們還請了半天假。老板娘還遲到,在register時甚至拿錯傳票,原來不只我們一人告她咧!第一次上法院,經驗很有趣,不過法院的氣氛實在是太沉悶了,超強窒息感…這一次的consultation還不是法院,應該是書記官之類的,他聽了兩造雙方的陳詞,確定了對方admit我們的claim。訂下一個月的期限,second consultation。在陳詞中,我們才聽到老板娘說她有資金的問題,貨好了,可是卡在印尼出不來,她需要資金週轉把貨運出來。我們才了解,這公司有資金問題了。連書記官都有點訝異,他說他很驚訝在法院看到她,這樣的小金額訴訟,他不期望他們竟然會上法院,應該是私下解決了,因為他們的公司是一個FAMILY NAME,算是有信譽的,老板娘也提到總統府很多傢俱是他們以前做的…可是市道不好,經濟有問題,才淪落到今天這般局面。所以連小小款項都退不出來。 6月中,我們從日本回來後,是第二次上庭。這次老板娘連出現都沒出現。所以庭上直接判我們勝訴了。不過我們看到那一大張程序,心裡有個譜,錢要要回來看來是很難的,過程超麻煩。如果對方一個月內不還錢,要和court officer去店裡,指定要拍賣的物品,然後有法院拍賣,金額才會賠給我們。唉…我們也是知道,只是想說一定要有一個closure…而且小額訴訟超過一年就不能告了,我們之前才會想上法院吧。 七月中了,想說到期了,這時發現電話都被斷線了。上網一查,有人說這家店都搬空了。我們才知道,他們真的倒了…我們是真的拿不到錢,也拿不到貨了。也認了。沒想到前天我在KL出差,接到老公的簡訊,說老板娘打給他,星期六會把我們的大理石桌給我們。她說桌子做好了,雖然她把店關了,可是她還是會honor我們的delivery…我們真的就像是中了頭獎的高興,原來已經不抱希望的桌子,終於來到我們的懷抱了。我們一直到收到桌子,組裝好了,才真的相信,我們的桌子歷經千辛萬苦,終於到了。也有家終於裝潢好了的感覺。我們寫了一封簡訊給老板娘,也不知道她收不收得到。謝謝她,也希望她的生意能早日恢復! 這件事落幕後,我們又恢復了對人性的信心。她真的不是壞人也不是故意騙人,是景氣真的不好,生意做不下去…不過也學會了,以後不管買什麼東西,一定要貨到才付款…

Day 6 Nara


Check out. Take a train to Nara. Leave luggage at station lockers. Take a walk to see the temples of Nara and to encounter Nara’s famous sacred deers. • Nobori-oji Street. • Nara Park • Todai-ji Temple. See the Great Buddha (Daibutsu), and the Nandai-mon Gate, with its two huge guardian figures. • Nigatsu-do Hall. • Walk in the direction of the base of Wakakusa-yama. Follow the narrow pathways through the forest to Kasuga-Taisha Shrine. • Kofuku-ji Temple. Continue to Kyoto (50min by Kintetsu Limited Express). Should be able to check in by time arrive (one reason why stop at Nara first) In the later pm, visit Gion (祇園), Kyoto's most famous geisha district, located around Shijo Avenue between Yasaka Shrine in the east and the Kamo River in the west. It is filled with shops, restaurants and ochaya (teahouses), where geiko (Kyoto dialect for geisha) and maiko (geiko apprentices) entertain. Option to catch a cultural show held everyday at Gion Corner at the end of Hanami-koji. Aimed at foreign tourists, the show is a highly concentrated introduction to several traditional Japanese arts and include short performances of a tea ceremony, ikebana, bunraku, Kyogen comic plays and dances performed by real maiko. Shijo Avenue, which bisects the Gion district, is a popular shopping area with stores selling local products including sweets, pickles and crafts. May also visit Pontocho alley which is on the other side of the river, or leave that for subsequent evening.