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Zippy and Me 歌詞


Zippy and Me 歌詞 Zippy and Me 1 Hello! My name is Zippy! Chelsea: Look! Kristin: Wow! A rainbow. Stephen: Come on! Let’s follow it. Kristin: A house. Stephen: A magic house. Kristin: Let’s look in the window! Stephen: There’s no one inside. Luke: Look at the door! Chelsea: It’s opening! Kristin: Let’s go in! Zippy: Hello! My name is Zippy! Let’s play! Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: Me, too! Meet Froggy and Bunny! Bunny: Hello! I’m Bunny! Froggy: Bunny! Bunny! Bunny: Oh! It’s Froggy! Froggy: Hi, Bunny! Bunny: Hi, Froggy! Froggy! Froggy: Hmm… Bunny: Look! No, no, no! Look out there! Froggy: Oh! Bunny: Say hello, Froggy! Froggy: Hello, Froggy! Bunny: No! Say hello to them. Froggy: Hello! Bunny: Say “I’m Froggy.” Froggy: You’re Froggy? Bunny: No! I’m Bunny. You’re Froggy. Froggy: yes, I am. Bunny: Tell them. Froggy: Oh! I’m Froggy! Nice to meet you! Say Hello! Kristin: Say hello! Children: Hello! 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4! Clap! Match! Say hello to Zippy! (Hello Zippy!) Say hello to Zippy! (Hello Zippy!) Hello, Zippy! It’s nice to meet you! Zippy: It’s nice to meet you, too! Say hello to Froggy! (Hello! Froggy!) Say hello to Froggy! (Hello! Froggy!) Hello, Froggy! It’s nice to meet you! Froggy: It’s nice to meet you, too! Say hello to Bunny! (Hello! Bunny!). Say hello to bunny! (Hello! Bunny!) Hello, Bunny! It’s nice to meet you! Bunny: It’s nice to meet you, too. (Bunny: What are your names? Stephen: My name is Stephen. Kristin: My name is Kristin. Luke: My name is Luke. Froggy and Bunny: What’s your name? Zippy: Let’s sing!) All: Hello, hello! It’s nice to meet you! (Yay!) What’s in the box? Froggy: A box! What’s inside? Hmm… I’ll shake it! I’ll open it! What’s this? It’s a nose! A-a-a-achoo! Oh. Excuse me. What’s this? It’s an ear! Ah! And here’s the other ear! Wow! Hair! Bunny: Froggy! Froggy? Oh! You’re not Froggy! Excuse me. Friggy! Froggy! Froggy: A-a-a-achoo! Bunny: Bless you! You are Froggy! My Arms Go Up and Down Froggy: My arms go up and down! (Zippy: Come on! Let’s move! Arms up! Arms down! Arms up! Arms down! Up! Down! Up! Down! Now clap your hands!) My arms go up and down, Up and down, up and down! My arms go up and down, Up and down! My hands go clap, clap, clap! My hands go clap, clap, clap! And my arms go up and down, Up and down! (Children: Wow! Zippy: Lie down! Legs up! Legs down! Legs up! Legs down! Up and down! Up and down! Now tap your feet!) My legs go up and down, Up and down, Up and down! My legs go up and down, Up and down! My feet go, tap, tap, tap! My feet go tap, tap, tap! And my legs go up and down, Up and down! (Zippy: Now stand up! That’s all!) Listen to the Drum! Stephen: Listen! What’s that? Look! It’s a drum! Indy: Hi! My name is Indy, and this is my drum! Listen to the drum! Walk. Faster. Faster. Stop! Listen to the drum! Walk. Slower. Slower. Stop! Listen to the drum! Walk. Faster. Faster! Run! Stop! Bunny: Froggy! You can stop! Stop! Froggy! Are you O.K.? Poor Froggy! Uh oh! Look up! What do you see? Children: The sky! The sun! Clouds! A chair! Another chair! A sofa! A table! Two more chairs! Zippy! Stephen: Come on! Let’s go back to Zippy’s house! Zippy: Hi, everyone! Children: Hi! Zippy! Kristin: Look! Here’s the table! Chelsea: And the sofa! Luke: And the chairs! Stephen: Wait! 1, 2, 3…Where’s the other chair? Zippy: Here it is! Kristin: Look! Cookies! Stephen: And presents! Zippy: Please…Sit down! Open them! Kristin: Hats! Chelsea: Wow! Kristin: Thank you, Zippy! Children: Thank you! Zippy: You’re welcome! Nice hat! Froggy: Hi! Stephen! Stephen! Hi! Froggy! Froggy: Hey! Nice hat! Stephen: It was a present from zippy. Here. Try it on. Froggy! Oh, thank you, Stephen! Cool! Look, Bunny! Hmm? Bunny: Very nice! Kristin: Stephen! Stephen: Uh…I’ve got to go. Uh My hat? Froggy: Oh! Here! Stephen: Thanks! Kristin: Stephen! Come on! Stephen: Coming! Bye, Froggy! Bye, Bunny! Froggy and Bunny: Bye, Stephen! Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes Zippy: Stand up! Let’s move! Touch your head. Touch your shoulders. Touch your knees. Touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your nose! (Zippy: Now faster!) Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your nose! (Zippy: Now, backwards!) Touch your toes and touch your knees. Touch your shoulders, touch your head. Touch your toes and touch your knees. Touch your shoulders, touch your head. Toes and knees, shoulders and head. Toes and knees, shoulders and head. Now bend down and touch your toes! (Zippy: Now all mixed up! Listen!) Touch your head and touch your knees. Touch your toes and touch your shoulders. Touch your toes and touch tour head. Touch your shoulders. Touch your knees. Head and knees, toes and shoulders. Knees and shoulders, head and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your…toes! (Zippy: Don’t sit down! There’s more! Children: More? Zippy: Yes! Listen carefully! Touch your head, but not your shoulders. No, no, no! Don’t touch your shoulders!) Touch your head, but not your shoulders. No, no, no! Don’t touch your shoulders! Touch your head and touch your shoulders, But don’t touch your knees. No, no, no! Not your knees! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees, but not your toes. No, no, no! Don’t touch your toes! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Stand up straight, but… (Zippy: No, no, no!) Don’t touch your nose! Don’t touch your nose! Someone’s laughing! Stephen: Listen! Someone’s laughing. Who is it? Do you know? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know who is it? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know? Stephen: It’s Bunny! Bunny: Froggy! What’s on your head? Froggy: It’s a hat. Bunny: It’s not a hat. It’s a pan. Froggy: Hmm. Wait! Bunny: Froggy! That’s not a hat, either. It’s a pail! Froggy: Wait! Bunny: That’s not a hat, either. It’s a basket! Froggy: Oh. What is it? Jessica: What is it? Do you know? What is it? What is it? Do you know what is it? What is it? What is it? Do you know? Jessica: It’s a worm! A wiggly worm! Hi! Little worm! What’s your name? Wiggles: My name is Wiggles! Jessica: It’s nice to meet you! My name is Jessica. Wiggly Me! Wiggles: Wiggly me! I can wiggle my fingers. I can wiggle my toes. I can wiggle my ears. I can wiggle my nose. I can wiggle my hips. And wiggle my knees. Oh, wiggly, wiggly me. Can you wiggle your fingers? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your toes? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your ears? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your nose? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your hips! (Yes, I can!) And wiggle your knees? (Jessica: Wow! You can wiggle just like me!) Wiggly, wiggly you and me! (Jessica: Can you wiggle your fingers? Wiggles: Uh, I don’t have any fingers. Jessica: Can you wiggle your toes? Wiggles: I don’t have any toes. Jessica: Can you wiggle your ears? Wiggles: I don’t have ears. Jessica: Can you wiggle your nose? Wiggles: What’s a nose? Jessica: This is a nose. Wiggles: I don’t have a nose, either. Jessica: Can you wiggle your hips? Wiggles: Hips? What are hips? Jessica: These are hips. Wiggles: No, I don’t have hips. Jessica: Can you wiggle your knees? Wiggles: I don’t have knees, either. Jessica: Wait! You’re a wiggly worm! What can you wiggle? Wiggles: I can wiggle all of me!) Wiggly, wiggly, giggly, giggly, Wiggles: Wiggly, wiggly me! Who is it? Child 1: Who is it? Do you know? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know who is it? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know? Child 2: It’s Zippy. Child 1: That’s right Child: 1 Who’s this? Child 2: It’s Bunny! Child 1: Right! Child 1: Who’s this? Do you know? Child 2: It’s Froggy. Child 1: Yes, it is. Child 1: Do you know who this is? Child 2: No, I don’t. Child 1: Now do you know? Child 2: Is it wiggles? Child 1: Yes, it is. Child 1: Do you know who this is? Child 2: It’s Bunny again! Child 1: No, it isn’t. It’s Froggy! Froggy:. Gotcha! Fooled you! Bounce With Me! Bunny: Look at me! I’m bouncing! Come on, Froggy! Bounce with me! We’re bouncing—you and me! Baba baba baba… Bounce with me! We’re bouncing—you and me! Ja ja ja ja… Jump with me! We’re jumping—you and me! Wa wa wa wa… Walk with me! We’re walking—you and me! Rrrrrrrr…Run with me! We’re running—you and me! Dada dada dada…Dance with me! We’re dancing—you and me! Ha ha ha ha…Hop with me! We’re hopping—you and me! Shh shh….Shake with me! We’re shaking—you and me! mmmmmmmm…March with me! We’re marching—you and me! La la la la…Laugh with me! We’re laughing—you and me! I Like To Laugh Bunny: Froggy! You’re laughing! Froggy: Yes! I like to laugh! Froggy: I like to laugh. Do you? Bunny: Yes! I like to laugh, too. I do. Both: We like to laugh. We like to laugh. Froggy: Do you… Bunny: Do you… Both: …like to laugh, too? Children: Yes, we do! Bunny: Laughing is fun! And singing is fun, too! I like to sing! Bunny: I like to sing. Do you? Froggy: Yes! I like to sing, too. I do. Both: We’re like to sing. We’re like to sing. Bunny: Do you… Froggy: Do you… Both: …like to song, too? Children: Yes, we do! La la la la…. Bunny: What else do you like to do? Froggy: Hmm… hmm hmm hmm hmm… Bunny: Do you like to hmm? Froggy: Mmm hmm! I do! Froggy: I like to hmm. Do you? Bunny: Mmm-hmm! I like to hmm, too. I do. Both: We like to hmm. We like to hmm. Froggy: Do you… Bunny: Do you… Both: …like to hmm, too? Children: Mmm-hmm! We do! Hmmm… Froggy: I LIKE TO SHOUT! DO YOU? Bunny: No, Froggy, I don’t. I don’t like to shout. I like to whisper. Froggy: WHAT? Bunny: Whisper. Froggy: WHAT? Bunny: Whisper. Froggy: OH! WHISPER! Bunny: Shh! Quiet! Goodbye! Stephen: Listen! What’s that? Kristin; It’s the clock. Clock; It’s time to say goodbye! Children: Oh! Clock: Goodbye! Goodbye! It’s time to go now! It’s time to say goodbye! Zippy: Goodbye! (Bye-bye!) Goodbye! (Bye-bye) We’re see you again! Until then, let’s say goodbye! (All: Goodbye!) (Bunny: Froggy! You’re crying. Froggy: I don’t want to say goodbye. Bunny: Don’t cry, Froggy. We’ll see them again! Froggy: We’ll will? Bunny: Yes!) Bunny: But until then, let’s say goodbye! (Both: Goodbye!) Froggy: BOO! Bunny: A MONSTER! Froggy: I’m not a monster. It’s me—Froggy! Boo! Boo! Zippy and Me 2 Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me!…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: I’m coming! And me! Zippy is hiding. Chelsea: We’re going to Zippy’s house. Kristin: Come on! You come, too! Children: Zippy! Zippy! Stephen: Zippy, are you here? Zippy: Yes, I am. Kristin: Where are you? Zippy: I’m hiding. Try to find me! Matthew: Maybe he’s behind the sofa. I’ll go look. No, he’s not here. Chelsea: Look under the sofa. Matthew: No, he’s not here, either. Kristin: Look! There’s a box next to the sofa. Maybe he’s inside. Stephen; Hey, everyone! Come here! Look at this picture! Look at the tree! Matthew: Which tree? Stephen: The one next to the house. Is that Zippy’s tail? Chelsea; Zippy, are you behind that tree? Zippy: Yes, I am! You found me! Good job! Children; Yay! I Am Next to you Froggy: Bunny! Bunny: Hm? Froggy: Come stand next to me. Bunny: O.K. Froggy: Now I am next to you, and you are next to me! Bunny: Right. Froggy: I am next to you, and you are next to me. Bunny; I am next to you, and you are next to me. Froggy: I’m next to you. Bunny: I’m next to you. Froggy: You’re next to me. Bunny: You’re next to me. Both: We’re side by side. Froggy: Now, let’s turn to the side. Bunny: O.K. Froggy: No, not that side. Turn to the other side. Now I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Froggy: I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Bunny: You’re in front of me, and I’m behind you. Froggy: I’m in front. Bunny: I’m behind you. Froggy: You’re in back. Bunny: Let’s turn to the other side. Now I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Bunny: I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Froggy: You’re in front of me, and I’m behind you. Bunny: I’m in front. Froggy: I’m behind you. Bunny: I’m in front. Froggy: I’m behind you. I’m in back. Follow Me! Zippy: Let’s play some more! Follow me! First, we’ll put a box in the middle of the box. Now make a line. Justin in front, Chelsea behind Justin, Audrey behind Chelsea, Luke behind Audrey, and Kristin behind Luke. Now follow me! Zippy: Jump into the box! And out again! Children: Jump into the box! And out again! Zippy: Jump in! (In!) Jump out! (Out!) Children: Jump in! (In!) Jump out! (Out!) In and out! In and out! Zippy: That’s the way! (Zippy: Now, we’ll take the box away and put a pillow on the floor. Follow me!) Zippy: Jump onto the pillow! And off again! Children: Jump onto the pillow! And off again! Zippy: Jump on! (On!) Jump off! (Off!) Children: Jump on! (On!) Jump off! (Off!) On and off! On and off! (Zippy: Now jump over the pillow! Children: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) Zippy: That’s the way! (zippy: Now make a circle. Here’s the middle. Join hands…and…) Zippy; Walk into the middle! And out again! Children: Walk into the middle! And out again! Zippy: Walk in (In!) And out! (Out!) Children: Walk in And out! (Zippy: Softly!) In and out! (Zippy: Loud!) In and out! Zippy: That’s the way! Zippy: Now follow me! Around and around we go! Children: Around and around we go! Around and around we go! Boys and Girls Boys and girls! I’m a boy—Yes, I am! I’m a boy! I’m a boy—Yes, I am! I’m a boy! I’m not a girl—No, not me! I’m not a girl—(No, not me!) I’m a boy! I’m a girl—Yes, I am! I’m a girl! I’m a girl—Yes, I am! I’m a girl! I’m not a boy—No, not me! I’m not a boy—(No, not me!) I’m a girl! (Girl: He’s a boy, And so is he, And so is he. Boy: She’s a girl, And so is she, And so is she. Girl: They’re boys! Boys: Yay! Boy: They’re girls! Girls: Yay!) Is everyone clapping? Froggy: Let’s play a game! Bunny: O.K! . Froggy: Clap! Is everyone clapping? Let’s see. He is. She is. He is. But she isn’t. Come on! Clap! Now everyone’s clapping. Are you clapping, too? Bunny: Now, march! Is everyone marching? Let’s see. He is. She is. But he isn’t. He’s bouncing. And she isn’t marching, either. She’s jumping. Come on, you two! March! Now everyone’s marching. Are you marching, too? Bunny: Smile! Let’s see who’s smiling! Froggy: I am. Bunny: Yes, Froggy, you are! Is everyone else smiling? He isn’t. Froggy: She isn’t. Bunny: He isn’t. Froggy: And she isn’t, either. Bunny: No one’s smiling! Froggy: Come on, everyone! Smile! Bunny: That’s better! Froggy: Now, everyone’s smiling. Bunny: Are you smiling, too? Stephen: Come on! Smile! Keep On Trying! Kristin: Look! I can do a cartwheel! Can you? I’m going to show Zippy! Do you want to come, too? Come on! Let’s go! Kristin: Hi, everyone! Children: Hi, Kristin! Kristin: Look what I can do! Jillian: Look! I can, too! Alex: So can I! Well, almost. Kristin: Your turn, Luke. Luke: I can’t. Jillian: Come on. Try! Kristin: Can you do a cartwheel, Zippy? Zippy: Well… I don’t know. Children: Try! Jillian: Try again! Luke: Keep on trying! Kristin: Keep on trying! Luke: You see! You can! I can’t ride a bike. No, I can’t. I can’t ride a bike. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! I can’t hit a ball. No, I can’t. I can’t hit a ball. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again until you can! I can’t jump rope. No, I can’t. I can’t jump rope. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! I can’t bounce a ball. No, I can’t. I can’t bounce a ball. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again until you can. (Jillian: I can’t whistle. Zippy: Keep on trying! Luke: I can’t snap my fingers. Zippy: Keep on trying! Chelsea: I can’t fly. Zippy: Try! Arms up!) You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again, Again and again until you can say, “I can!” Keep On Bouncing! Bounce! Don’t stop! Keep on bouncing! Keep on bouncing! Stop! Jump! Don’t stop! Keep on jumping! Keep on jumping! Stop! Hop! Keep on hopping! Keep on hopping! Stop! Run! Keep on running! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Stop! Now rest! Where Is Bunny? Bunny: Let’s play hide-and-seek! Froggy: O.K. Bunny: I’ll hide and you can look for me. Froggy: I’ll count to ten. Bunny: Cover your eyes! Froggy: 1, 2, 3… Bunny: Froggy! Don’t look! Froggy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Are you ready? Bunny: Yes, I’m ready. Froggy: Here I come! Hmm…where is bunny! Where is she hiding? Froggy: Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Maybe she’s under the table.) Is she, is she, is she under the table? Is she, is she hiding under the table! I’ll go see! (No, she isn’t under the table.) Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Maybe she’s behind the sofa.) Is she, is she, is she behind the sofa? Is she, is she hiding behind the sofa? I’ll go see! (No, she isn’t behind the sofa, either.) Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Is she behind the curtains?) Is she, is she, is she behind the curtains? Is she, is she hiding behind the curtains? I’ll go see! Froggy: I found you! I found you! Now it’s my turn to hide! Cover your eyes! Bunny: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Froggy: I’m not ready! Keep on counting! Bunny: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20! Are you ready now? Froggy: Mmm-hmm. Bunny: I think Froggy’s upstairs! Bunny: Where is Froggy? Where is Froggy? Where is he? (Maybe he’s behind the chair!) Is he, is he, is he behind the chair? Is he, is he hiding behind the chair? I’ll go see! (No, he isn’t there. Hmm…let’s see…) Where is Froggy? Where is Froggy? Where is he? Is he, is he, is he under the bed? Is he, is he hiding under the bed? I’ll go see! (He’s under the bed!) Bunny: I found you! Give a Little Wiggle Stephen: Put your hands on your head. Now put them behind your head. Now put them in front of your face. (Peekaboo!) Put your hands behind your knees. Put them in front of your knees. Now put them on your knees. Put your hands behind your back. Put them on your hips. Now…give a little wiggle! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Put your hands on your head. Put your hands on your knees. Put your hands on your hips and give a little wiggle! (Again!) Hands on your head! Hands on your knees! Hands on your hips and give a little wiggle! (Count!) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Let’s do it again! First , on your head. Now, on your knees. Now, on your hips and give a little wiggle! Now turn around and stop! Put your hands behind your head. Put your hands behind your knees. Put your hands behind your back and give a little wiggle! (Again!) Hands behind your head! Hands behind your knees. Hands behind your back and give a little wiggle! (Count!) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Let’s do it again First, behind your head. Now, behind your back and give a little wiggle! Now turn around and stop! Put your hands in front of your face. Put your hands in front of your knees. Put your hands under your chin. And give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! (Again!) Put your hands in front of your face. (Peekaboo!) Put them in front of your knees. Now put them under your chin. And give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! Now put your hands way up high! Let’s count to ten! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Now put your hands out in front! Let’s count again! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Put your hands way down low! Here we go! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Now stand up straight, arms by your side, and give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! And another little wiggle! And one more wiggle! Froggg Gets a Present Froggy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… Bunny: Oh, Froggy! Close your eyes! Now put your hands out in front of you. Bunny: Now open your eyes! Froggy: Wow! A present! Bunny: Yes! Froggy: Is…it…a…h….? Bunny: Open it! Open it! Froggy: O.K. Froggy: It is! It’s a hat! Bunny: Put it on! Put it on! Ooh! Look in the mirror! Froggy: Hey! I look cool! Thank you, Bunny! Bunny: You’re welcome, Froggy! This Is “Hello!” This is “Hello!” This is “Hi!” This is “You.” This is “Me.” This is “One, two, three!” This is “me.” This is “you.” This is “Peekaboo!” This is “you.” This is “me.” This is “Hmm…let’s see.” This is “yes.” This is “no.” This is “I don’t know.” This is “wait.” This is “Come on! Let’s go!” This is “up.” This is “down.” This is “around and around and around.” This is ”Quiet! Don’t make a sound.” This is “ Where?” This is “Here!” This is “There!” This is ”Listen!” This is “Look!” This is “Yay! That’s the way!” This is “Come here!” This is “Stop!” This is “ Hello!” This is “ Hi!” And this is “Bye-bye!” Zippy: Goodbye! Bunny: Bye-bye! Froggy: See you soon! Zippy and Me 3 Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, we’re as happy as you can be. Zippy and me, Zippy and me, come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, we’re as happy as we can be. Zippy and me, Zippy and me, come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me!…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: And me! Bunny: Good job, Froggy! Bunny: Look! Froggy is wearing his new hat! Do you have your hat? Froggy: If you don’t, go get it! Zippy! Where are you? Children: Zippy! Zippy! Matthew: Zippy! Where are you? Stephen: Are you hiding again? Chelsea: Look! On the wall! Matthew: It’s a puzzle! Kristin: A puzzle of Zippy! Stephen: Where are the other pieces? Chelsea: There’s a piece on the sofa! It’s Zippy’s eyes. There. Stephen; Look! Next to the sofa! There’s another piece. It’s Zippy’s hair! There! Kristin: Look! On the chair! It’s Zippy’s nose and mouth! Stephen: Zippy’s feet are missing. Matthew: Let’s look in those boxes. Here’s one foot! Chelsea: Here’s the other foot! Stephen: There! The puzzle’s all done! Children: Hi! Zippy! Zippy: Hi, everyone! It’s nice to see you! We’re Going for a Ride Bunny: Froggy! Look out the window! It’s a sunny day! Let’s go for a ride! Froggy: O.K.! Bunny: Hurry up, Froggy! Froggy: I can’t find the key. Bunny: I have the key. Froggy: You do? Bunny: Yes! It’s in my purse. Here it is! Do you have the camera? Froggy: Oops! Bunny: Get in, Froggy! Put on your seatbelt. Stephen: Hi! Froggy and Bunny: Hi! Stephen: Nice hat, Froggy! Froggy: Thanks. Stephen: Nice car, too! Where are you going? Bunny: We’re going for a ride! Stephen: Have fun! Froggy: Thanks. We will! Bunny: Let’s turn on the radio! We’re going for a ride. Gonna have some fun! We’re going for a ride. Gonna have some fun! (Bunny: Come with us!) We’re gonna have a lot of fun. We’re riding in the car, and we’re having fun! (We’re having fun!) We’re riding in the car, and we’re having fun! (We’re having fun!) (Froggy: Look, Bunny! Cows! Cows: Moo! Bunny: And horses! Horses: Neigh!) We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Look, Froggy! Up ahead! The light is red. Stop! Go! Froggy! You’re going too fast! Slow down! That’s better! Froggy: Look, Bunny! Up ahead! A tunnel! Bunny: Take off your sunglasses. And turn on your lights. We’re going through a tunnel, and we’re having fun! We’re going through a tunnel, and we’re having fun! We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Ooh! It’s very windy! Froggy! Your hat! Stop! Back up! Look! There it is! Bunny: Look! There’s a sign. Froggy: What does it say? Bunny: It says “Ducks this way!” Ooh! Let’s go see the ducks! Froggy: O.K. Bunny: Oh! This road is bumpy! Froggy: It sure is! We’re riding down a bumpy road, and we’re having fun! We’re riding down a bumpy road, and we’re having fun! (Froggy: Look! There’s a pond. Bunny: And there are the ducks!) We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Let’s get out, Froggy. Froggy: O.K. Froggy: Turn around, Bunny. Smile! Bunny: Now I’ll take your picture. Bunny: Say “cheese”! Froggy: Cheese! Bunny: It’s time to go home! I’ll drive! Froggy: O.K. We had a lot of fun. Now we going home. (We’re going home.) We had a lot of fun. Now we going home. (We’re going…) Froggy: Uh oh! Bunny: What’s wrong, Froggy? Froggy: Where’s the tunnel? Bunny: I don’t know. Froggy: Where are the horses and the cows? Bunny: I don’t know. Froggy: Bunny, we’re lost. Bunny: Oh, no! Bunny: Which way should we go? Sign: Go that way! Froggy and Bunny: Thank you! We’re going home. We’re going home. We’re going home. (Bunny: We’re home!) And we had a lot of fun! Which Way? Jessica: Hmm…Which way? That way? Or that way? I don’t know. Which way, which way, which way should we go? We don’t know which way we should go. No! we don’t know which way we should go. Zippy: Put on your hat and go straight ahead. Now turn your hats around and go backwards. Now tune your hats to one side and go that way. Now turn them to the other side and go that way. Which way, which way, which way should we go? Now we know which way we should go! Yes! Now we know which way we should go! Big and Little A big ball. A little ball. A very big crayon. A little crayon. A big cat. A little cat. What a big box! Bunny: What a big box! Hmm…I wonder what’s inside. “Cat”: Meow! Bunny: Oh! There’s a cat in that box! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf! Bunny: Uh oh! There’s a dog and a cat in the box! “Dog”: Arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Duck”: Quack, Quack, quack! Bunny: Oh, no! There’s a duck in that box, too! “Duck”: Quack, quack, quack! Bunny: A duck… “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf! Bunny: …and a dog… “Cat”: Meow! Bunny: …and a cat! “Cow”: Moo! Bunny: And a cow? “Cow”: Moo! Bunny: Froggy! It’s you! Froggy: Moo! Meow! Arf, arf, arf, arf! Quack, quack, quack, quack! Bunny: Meow! Froggy: Quack! Does a Cat Say Meow? Child: Does a cat say meow? Yes, it does. Cat: Meow! Does a cat say meow? Yes, it does. (“Meow!”) Does a horse say neigh? Yes, it does. (“Neigh!”) Does a cow say moo? Yes, it does. (“Moo!”) Yes, it does. Yes, it does. Does a duck say quack, quack, quack? Yes, it does. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) Does a dog say arf, arf, arf? Yes, it does. (“Arf, arf, arf!”) Does a rooster say cock-a doodle-doo? Yes, it does. Yes, it does. (“Cock-a-doodle-doo!”) Does a cow say “arf, arf, arf”? No, it doesn’t. Does a cow say “quack, quack, quack”? No, it doesn’t. Does a cow say “meow”? No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. A dog says arf, arf, arf. (“Arf, arf, arf!”) A duck says quack, quack, quack. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) A cat says meow. (“Meow!”) And a cows says moo. (“Moo!”) Yes, they do! Yes, they do! Does a rooster say “neigh”? No, it doesn’t. Does a rooster say “moo”? No, it doesn’t. Does a rooster say “quack, quack, quack”? No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. A horse says neigh. (“Neigh!”) A cow says moo. (“Moo!”) A duck says quack, quack, quack. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) And a rooster says cock-a doodle-doo. (“Cock- a-doodle-doo!”) Yes, they do. Yes, they do. I’m Hungry! Froggy: The cookie jar! I think I’ll have a cookie! It’s empty! There are no more cookies! The refrigerator! I’ll look in the refrigerator! The refrigerator is empty, too! I’m hungry! What is there to eat? I’m hungry! I’m hungry! What is there to eat? I’m hungry! I’m hungry! What is there to eat! There are apples and bananas, apples and bananas. Have an apple. Have a banana. (Froggy: Thank you!) There are peaches and oranges, peaches and oranges. Have a peach. Have an orange. (Froggy: I’d like two oranges, please. Excuse me. Can I have another banana, please? Jillian: Sure!) There are cherries and grapes, cherries and grapes. Have some cherries or some grapes. (Froggy: Let’s see….Cherries or grapes, cherries or grapes… I know! I’ll have some cherries and some grapes.) Froggy: Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy! I love cherries and I love grapes and I love apples and bananas and peaches and oranges. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Mmm, that was yummy! But…I’m still hungry. Is there anything else to eat? I’m hungry, still hungry! What else is there to eat? Oh, I’m still hungry, still hungry! What else is there to eat? There is popcorn and peanut, popcorn and peanuts. Have some popcorn. Have some peanuts. (Froggy: Oh boy!) There are cookies and crackers, cookies and crackers. Have a cookie. Have some crackers. (Froggy: Uh…just one cookie? Jillian: Here! Have some more!) There is ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake. Have some ice cream. Have some cake. Have a piece a cake. Froggy: Popcorn and peanuts and cookies and crackers and ice cream and cake! Wow! Mmm, that sure was yummy! And I’m not hungry anymore. But I’m thirsty—very thirsty! Is there anything to drink? I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty! What is there to drink? I’m thirsty! Very thirsty! What is there to drink? There is water and lemonade, water and lemonade. Have some water. Have some lemonade. (Froggy: Thank you.) There is milk and orange juice, milk and orange juice. Have some milk. Have some juice. Have a glass of juice! (Froggy: Thank. Excuse.) Bunny: Do you know what’s in this bag? Cookies and crackers and ice cream! Mmm! I’m going to show Froggy. Froggy! Froggy! Where are you? Hmm…Oh! Maybe he’s in the living room. Come on! Let’s go see! He’s not in the living room. Mmm…maybe he’s in the kitchen. Oh, my! Maybe he’s in the bathroom. I’ll go upstairs. Froggy! Are you in the bathroom? Froggy: No. I’m in the bedroom. Bunny: Froggy! What’s the matter? Froggy: I don’t feel well. Bunny: What did you eat? Froggy: An apple, a peach, two bananas, two oranges, cherries, and grapes. Bunny: Oh! Froggy: And popcorn, peanuts, cookies, crackers, ice cream, and cake. And now I have a tummy ache! Bunny: Oh, poor Froggy! Froggy: What’s in the bag? Bunny: Bag? Froggy: Yeah. Bunny: What bag? Froggy: That bag. Bunny: This bag? Froggy: Yeah! Bunny: Nothing. Count With Me How many fingers do you have? Hold up your hands. Count with me! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…6, 7, 8, 9, 10! How many apples are on the table? How many apples do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the apples that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Bunny: Froggy!) How many cookies are on the plate? How many cookies do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the cookies that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… Bunny: Froggy! Put it back! …7!) How many oranges are in the bowl? How many oranges do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the oranges that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4! Jillian: Oh! Here’s another one! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) How many flowers are in the vase? How many flowers do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the flowers that you see. (Bunny: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Mmm! They smell good!) How many crayons are on the floor? How many crayons do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the crayons that you see. (Kristin: I’ll pick them up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! Chelsea: Here are two more. Kristin: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… Chelsea: 9, 10! How many girls are on the fence? How many girls do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the girls that you see. (1, 2, 3… Luke: Wait! I’m not a girl! Oops! 1, 2, 3!) How many boys are behind the fence? How many boys do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the boys that you see. (1, 2! I see another one! 3!) How many children are in the house? How many children do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the children that you see. (Chelsea: 1! Luke: 2! Stephen: 3! Kristin: 4! How many books are on the shelf? How many books do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the books that you see. (1,2,3!) What’s this book, zippy? Stephen: What’s this book, zippy? Zippy: Open it and see. Kristin: Are these your friends? Zippy: Yes, they are. Luke: What’s his name? Zippy: Elvis. His name is Hip-Hop. And his name is Buster. Stephen: What’s her name? Zippy: Violet. Stephen: And her name? Zippy: Her name is Coco. And her name is Pompom. Kristin: Zippy! There’s no one in this picture. Zippy: I think he’s hiding. There he is. Chelsea: What’s his name? Zippy: It’s Max. Stephen: Who’s this? Zippy: His name is Axel. Max! Stephen: Wow, Zippy! You have a lot of friends—Elvis and Hip-Hop… Chelsea: And Coco and Pompom… Luke: And Max… Kristin: And us! We’re your friends, too! Zippy: Yes, you are. Chelsea: What’s the matter, Zippy? Zippy: I miss my other friends. I’ll go back and see them! What are they going to do? Froggy: Let’s play a game! Bunny: O.K. Froggy: What is he going to do? Can you guess? Child: He’s going to jump. Bunny: What is she going to do? Child: She’s going to march. Froggy: What’s he going to do? Child: He’s gonna run. Bunny: What’s she going to do? Child: She’s gonna clap! Froggy: What are they going to do? Child: They’re going to have a party. Kristin: Yes! We’re gonna have a party for Zippy! Chelsea: You come, too! Stephen: You, too, Froggy and Bunny! Bunny: Thank you. We will! Froggy: I’ll bring my camera! Rock and Roll Child: Come on, everyone! Let’s rock and roll! (Hold your arms like this! Now, you’re gonna rock them…like this!) Rock, rock, and roll! (Roll your hands!) Rock, rock, and roll! (Roll them!) Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Now you’re gonna clap your hands! Ready?) Clap your hands like this!( Little claps!) Clap your hands like this! Now clap your hands like this! (Big claps!) Big! And little! Big! And little! And very big! (Bunny: Froggy!) (Now you’re gonna tap your feet! Ready?) Tap your feet like this! (Little taps!) Tap your feet like this! Now stomp your feet like this! Big stomps! And little taps! Big stomps! And little taps! Now great big stomps! Froggy and Bunny: Let’s rock and roll. Rock, rock, and roll! Rock, rock and roll! Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Now you’re gonna swing your arms! Ready?) Swing your arms like this! (Little swings!) Swing your arms like this! Now swing your arms like this! (Big swings!) Big! And little! Big! And little! Now great big swings! (Whee!) (Now put your arms by your sides and slide your hands up and down!) Slide your hands like this!( Little slides!) Slide your hands like this! Now slide them, slide them like this! (Big slides!) Big! And little! Big! And little! Now great big slides! Children: Let’s rock and roll! Rock, rock, and roll! Rock, rock, and roll! Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Froggy: One more time!) Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Zippy: O.K. Children: Yay!) Froggy Takes Pictures Froggy: Smile! Stephen: Froggy, will you take a picture of Zippy and me? Froggy: Sure! Kristin: I want a picture, too! Chelsea: Me, too! Luke: Me, too! Froggy: Make a line! Big smile! Say “cheese”! Kristin and Zippy: Cheese! Froggy: Cheese! Chelsea and Zippy: Cheese! Froggy: Smile! Zippy: Well, everyone, it’s time for me to go! All: Oh! Zippy: Don’t be sad. I’ll see you again…with my friends—my other friends. Goodbye! Children: Bye, Zippy! Froggy: Goodbye! Bunny: Bye-bye! Zippy: See you soon!



ZIPPY AND ME (ZAM-N) 產品簡介: 讓小朋友身歷其境體驗生動活潑的美語學習世界 研發多年,安道爾與黛安等多位幼兒語言學教授,繼Play Along!跟著玩後,再度推出延伸系列優值產品語言學習視聽產品,延續Play Along!跟著玩的神奇學習效果,讓3歲以上學齡前的小朋友快樂學習!此套語言學習產品, 共收錄了23首適合3歲以上幼兒日常生活情境的美語歌曲及遊戲,讓孩子與Zippy.Froggy及Bunny一同學習深刻體驗,激發幼兒美語潛能,為孩子塑造一個與肢體語言互相結合的美語環境! 在Zippy and Me的影片中,Zippy將首次與一些美國小朋友和名叫Froggy的青蛙玩偶及Bunny的兔子玩偶同時出現,並參與許多有趣的活動.影片中有相當多的互動情節,引導您的小朋友隨著悅耳的歌曲活動身體.參與活動及回答活動.小朋友不會感到無聊,在他忙著回答影片中新朋友的邀請時,他也會同時學會許多句子和表達方式. 這套Zippy and Me是一套美語互動視聽學習產品,我們特意營造出孩子學習母語的過程及環境,因為語言並非藉由翻譯或文法的解釋而學得,而是透過親身經歷才學習到相關的語言。影片中的活動內容及活動種類都是特別針對幼兒設計的,而且所使用的語言簡單易懂,小朋友更容易瞭解語言的意義!影片中有趣而豐富的活動將幫助您的小朋友在愉快的方式下自然的學習美語! 我們還特別為小朋友設計了一頂黃色帽子,在第三集的影片中有一首"Which Way?"的歌曲,Zippy會請小朋友戴上帽子,並聽從它的指示玩辨認方向的遊戲,享受在不同場合戴這頂帽子的樂趣喔!還有家長指導手冊,提供完整的影片內容及歌曲歌詞,您和小朋友都可輕鬆的瞭解影片內的句型,字彙及歌曲內容,學習真容易! .商品內容:DVD 3片.CD 3片.Zippy黃帽子 1頂.家長指導手冊 1本 P.S 8/22爸比完成DVD1 & DVD2下載!



異位性皮膚炎真的無藥可醫嗎? 全台二百多萬人癢得不得了! 異位性皮膚炎是一種慢性皮膚過敏性的發炎疾病,屬於濕疹的一種。 大多在嬰幼兒時期就發病,症狀可持續數年甚至十數年。 根據統計,台灣罹患異位性皮膚炎大約有2百多萬人。異位性皮膚炎患者以兒童及青少年居多,超過半數以上的病患會在1歲之前發病。 異位性皮膚炎的最主要症狀就是皮膚會感到搔癢,常常會突然發作,特別是在晚上更加嚴重,長期下來會影響睡眠、情緒、課業或工作,對生活品質有非常大的影響。 癢!癢!癢!皮膚癢個不停怎麼辦? 傳統的治療方式為局部使用含有類固醇的外用藥膏,來到減輕症狀。類固醇藥膏雖然具有消炎止癢的功效,但長期使用可能會產生皮膚萎縮、變薄、色素改變、血管擴張或感染的副作用,因此使用上需依照醫師指示小心使用。 中醫的觀點,異位性皮膚炎屬於濕疹範圍,又名「奶癬」「浸淫瘡」等。其病因多為先天不足,接觸過敏原。濕疹雖然病發於體表,但炎症卻生於體內,即體內臟腑致病而引發皮膚濕疹。 依照不同體質,選擇適合自己的中藥材可抑制異位性皮膚炎症狀 血熱風盛型:當歸、地黃、知母、蒼朮、牛蒡子 防風、木通、蟬蛻、苦蔘、荊芥 濕熱俱盛型:車前子、黃芩、澤瀉、梔子、甘草、龍膽草 脾虛濕盛:黨參、白朮、山藥、茯苓、扁豆、豬苓、苡仁、白蘚皮、澤瀉、萆解 陰虛夾溼型:沙參、麥冬、鮮石斛、天花粉、玉竹、玄參 血虛風燥型:川芎、赤芍、白芍、小胡麻、雞血藤、女貞子、桑椹子 奇癢無比?來一壺止癢茶飲減輕症狀 袪癢茶飲: (由中醫師吳明珠提供) 材料:苡仁5錢、防風3錢、白蘚皮3錢、地敷子2錢 白朮3錢、茯苓3錢、赤芍3錢、薄荷1錢 做法:加水1000cc大火煮開後,再小火煮五分鐘即可當茶飲用。 利用中藥材泡澡,也可以止癢! 中藥的外洗法(由中醫師吳明珠提供) 材料:蛇床子5錢、地膚子3錢、苦參2錢及薄荷葉1錢 做法:以水2000cc煎取汁後薰洗患部或泡澡。



親愛的Janet   恭喜您!您的寶寶芊芊 已經滿2歲3個月囉!優生媽媽提醒您,為了寶寶的健康,請確實帶寶寶至各大醫院及衛生所接種疫苗。詳細疫苗的相關資訊及施行醫護所,請至Enfamama優生媽媽網站瀏覽。 您的寶寶現階段應該施打的疫苗有 ˙【日本腦炎疫苗】第三劑 日本腦炎流行期為五月到十月(春末),尤以六月為流行高峰,衛生署將三月至五月訂為日本腦炎疫苗接種期,以趕在流行季開始前,完成新生兒日本腦炎疫苗接種。凡年滿一歲三個月的幼兒都應接種日本腦炎疫苗,隔兩周後接種第二劑,隔年(兩歲三個月) 再追加一劑,到小學一年級時再補追加一劑,共四劑才算完成日本腦炎接種。 以上接種疫苗為免費的常規預防接種。寶寶兩歲後,醫生可能會依照寶寶之前的接種記錄,建議寶寶另外接受自費的其他預防接種,例如:b型嗜血桿菌疫苗(預防腦膜炎、肺炎等)、A型肝炎、流行性感冒疫苗等。 .部份自費的疫苗接種針對不同年齡的寶寶會有不同的施打劑數及間隔時間,請接受專業醫護人員的建議來進行接種,並提醒您留意下一劑疫苗施打的時間。 相關資訊請至Enfamama優生媽媽網站瀏覽。              Enfamama優生媽媽網站與您的寶寶一同健康成長