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Angu's personalized playtime guide: ~~from BABYCENTER Once your baby can sit up, he'll have a whole new world of toys to explore, with blocks to stack and balls to roll. Not long after, he'll start moving across the floor! The Importance of Play Your baby is much more of a social being now, delighting in interacting with you. Share silly games, like peek-a-boo or making faces at each other. Most of all, playtime is a wonderful chance to bond. Toys and objects (like a wooden spoon) he can easily and safely manipulate will give his motor skills a good workout and strengthen his understanding of cause and effect. Expect his manual dexterity to improve significantly during this period. How Your Baby Plays Your baby's movements are more deliberate now. He'll take pleasure in his abilities to grasp, twist, squeeze, and bang objects. Show him how to stack three or four soft blocks into a tower - and share the fun of knocking it down and rebuilding it. He's beginning to realize that objects still exist even when he can't see them, so cover a toy with a blanket while he's watching and let him enjoy the thrill of revealing it. Soon he'll be on the move, creeping and crawling, then pulling up and "cruising" as he holds onto furniture and makes his way around the room. Provide plenty of safe space for him to explore. Toys that move, too, will encourage his travels. Best Toys for This Age Give him playthings that encourage exploration and his developing skills. As always, be sure to keep safety in mind, avoiding anything with small parts that can pose a choking hazard. These are good choices: 1. Stacking toys. Chunky blocks or a set of rings that stack on a post give his fine motor skills a workout. 2. Soft plush toys. It's common for babies this age to become attached to a favorite soft toy, one that makes them feel safe and secure. 3. Manipulatives. Colorful toys with parts that move, spin, and squeak will delight him. 4. Balls. Lightweight, brightly colored balls will send him scooting after them once he



半夜3點被安咕吵醒了 陪他玩了一個小時 我們在床上丟小河馬 他先舉起來 丟 媽咪也舉起來 丟 我們呵呵呵呵笑不停 安咕10個半月了 - 他長的更壯了 體重- 12公斤左右 身高- 過兩天帶他打針就知道 - 小白3號報到 - 他的活動力更大--不但輕而易舉的坐 翻 爬的快 更喜歡扶著東西站 可以站很久 有時可以單手站 還會扶著東西橫著走 累了自己再慢慢坐下來 但有時還是會狠狠的”碰!”坐下來 - 他現在會用雙手拿東西再舉到頭頂上 - 喜歡翻書-- 媽媽以前每天給他讀的那本詩集已經快被他翻爛了, 他可一個人靜靜的坐那翻很久, 而且, 就只愛翻這本書 - 社交能力變強--會主動發出聲音引起注意, 與人打招呼, 沒有那麼怕生了. 會跟人握握手, 有時還會招招手. - 觀察能力變強-- 一點點風吹草動 他都會立刻發現 會察言觀色 - 食慾好--仍然愛喝媽咪ㄋㄋ 給他的副食他也愛吃 - 懂cause and effect 關係-- - 不喜歡坐推車,  一抱上去一定哇哇亂叫蹬腳 - 睡眠--從美國回來以後,他每天下午5,6點睡,早上5點左右起床,上午再 take 1, 2 個nap(約兩小時), 下午再take 個小nap(40分鐘) - 知道誰疼他--除了媽咪, 也喜歡外婆抱 - 會搖頭 - 對喜歡吃的東西, 會張大嘴等候並哇哇叫告訴媽咪我要吃; 當吃飽時, 餵到嘴邊時會立刻把頭撇開. - 會用學習杯喝水了!! 喝的非常好!!!mommy is so proud~~ 呵呵 reading喜歡站猜猜綠門裡有什麼