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★【教育】4讚美1糾正 孩子愈教愈棒


2007/04/27 【聯合報�記者薛荷玉�台北報導】 在立法明文禁止校園體罰後,不少老師都在問「不用棍子怎麼教?」人本基金會引進聯合國教科文組織的「正面管教法」,提醒老師、家長,只要謹記表揚、讚美等「正面回饋」與糾正的「負面回饋」維持四比一的比例交叉使用,管教成效就會漸入佳境。 人本基金會執行董事史英說,台灣老師學識平均比國外來得高且最會解題,「我不相信別的國家可以不體罰就把孩子教好,台灣老師卻做不到。」 聯合國教科文組織製作的「正面管教法」,重點在「抓住孩子表現優秀的一刻,立即給予獎勵」,且多用讚美來代替糾正、處分。即使必須使用負面回饋管教法時,也要記得不應是公開、羞辱的方式,即使是「暫停」的策略,專家也建議要審慎使用。 「正面管教法」一書中指出,讓學生坐在一個固定的位置、不能玩也不能和其他同學說話,目的是要讓學生冷靜下來、想一想剛才做的事,想通後再回到其他孩子中間,「暫停的目的不在懲罰,老師在採用時心態一定要正確。」且暫停的時間不能太久,「正面管教法」建議以一歲一分鐘為限,如是十一歲的孩子,暫停的時間就可設定在十一分鐘。 北市北投國中教特教班老師吳怡潔表示,建立明確的班級規則、且維持一致,讓每位學生都清楚明瞭,是正面管教的利器,「如果有學生上課吵鬧,或做了不該做的事,其他同學還會提醒他不能這樣做。」 吳怡潔說,她沒打過學生,也從來不覺得需要這麼做,「如果你從不會對路人做的事,也不該對學生做,下一個階段則是,不會對你請來家中客人做的事,也不要對學生做。」 史英說,吳怡潔其實是很「嚴格」的老師,不打學生並不代表不管教;在他看來,人本的教育也是全世界最嚴格的,「人類當中不是沒有壞人,但通常不是小孩,我們不要把特定小孩妖魔化,只要正面管教,他們終有一天會變好。」

Jennifer 的生活健健美


熊熊機(可自製有聲教材的條碼機) 2008-06-06 Page:1/1 ***** 關於熊熊機 ***** 原優惠價:4800 另有優惠價請留言詢問 類似魔法筆,讀書機,的使用方式 不同的是妳可自製有聲教材,不受教材的限制! 使用記憶卡,MP3格式的,小小台的, 能夠隨身攜帶,在車上也能給小孩玩! 編輯條碼的方式也很簡單 直接用條碼字型, 不用學編碼,找軟體, 不需要特定的燒錄器(他不需要燒錄器) 因為使用共享的條碼字型就可 因此offices 系列, 甚至只要能插入字型的軟體都行 用EXCEL就能輕鬆的拉出一串的條碼續號來列印! 讀取頭會發出紅光,有點像外面的條碼機, 光線是紅色LED,不小心掃到並不會傷害眼睛, 但光線很亮,所以如果眼睛一直直射光線.. 還是不行的! 個人建議,還是要等孩子夠大再使用! 大小孩我覺得學語言很好用! 這台機器看起來外型不怎麼樣, 但功能以目前市售的相關產品來看, 算是最不受限,也最容易編輯使用的! 還能連接PC傳送資料,資料還能夠備份。 您可參觀類似的討論:按我 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [摘自說明書:] 全新研發多功能MP3語、音收錄放超強力尖兵,可利用內含的條碼讀取器設定功能,讀取條碼,並轉錄成相對應的音源播放,亦可直接由USB下載音源檔播放。本產品使用四號電池2顆,約可連續播放15小時,亦可改用四號鎳氫電池,並經由USB充電。 應用範疇 記事錄音 語言學習 語音導覽 生活札記 光碟試播 家居備忘 商品規格 型號: RT-001 尺寸: 115(H) × 55(W) × 20(D)mm 顏色: 黑白對比 重量: ~85g (不含電池) 內含記憶容量: 256MByte 條碼格式: UPC-A,UPC-E,EAN-13,EAN-8,Code-39,Interleaved 2 of 5,Codabar/NW7,Code-128 掃描特性: •解析度: 0.127mm(5mil) min. •掃描長度: 35~110mm(@16mil)50~65mm(@6mil) •掃描角度: 40° •讀取傾斜角度: ±35°(最佳±8-15°) 按鍵功能設定: •唯讀模式:即時掃描並播放 •複讀模式:循環播放讀取的所有音源檔 •MP3模式:播放 MP3 檔 條碼功能設定: •MP3 模式: RPT all(Normal)/RPT 1/Play all/Play 1 •音場: Classic/Rock/Jazz/Pop/Normal/Bass •保密: USB ID 保密設定 音源格式: MP3(16~320 Kbps), MP3 VBR 音源頻率範圍: 20Hz - 20KHz 使用電池: AAA電池X2(非充電性電池請勿充電) 電池壽命: ~15小時 充電時間: 18小時(900mA AAA NimH電池X2) USB 介面: USB2.0 Full Speed OS支援: Windows: 98/98SE/ME/2000/XPMacintosh: Mac OS Version 10.3.7 or higher 外接記憶卡: 支援 SD/MMC 卡 附件: 使用手冊,USB 線,耳機,AAA電池X2,條碼39檔 操作溫度: 0℃ ~ 50℃ 應用 •語言學習 •產品語音導覽 •會議記事錄音 •光碟試播 •生活家居備忘 特色 1.可掃描條碼播放音源 2.可定址錄音 3.可複讀20條碼檔 ****************************** 熊熊機團購價(請留言詢問) 第二代熊熊機團購 (白色款,聲音比較大) 幾個步驟,就能自製有聲音對應的條碼書: 1. 製作條碼 > 2. 貼條碼 > 3.轉檔並改檔名 > 4.傳輸到記憶體中 > 5.測試 請看介紹:http://blog.pixnet.net/jennifer12/post/10813230 [原理] 他是利用LED讀取頭,去讀取CODE條碼(EX:CODE39), 由讀取的條碼內容數字,去對應到記憶體內的MP3檔案名稱。 •他的讀取頭方式類似大賣場收銀台的條碼機,發光體是紅色LED燈。 •一般通用的CODE39 CODE128等.....皆可讀取。 •會提供條碼字型檔,使用字型檔,就可自己在家用EXCEL輕鬆製作CODE條碼。 •檔名必須與條碼內容是對應的數字,(EX:100024.mp3) •大量改檔名時,網路上也可輕易取得共享軟體,做批次更改。 [真心話] 我個人當初也是比較了很久才買了這台, 雖然我當初因為他的外型,對這台熊熊機很不滿意, 因為我是做機構的,所以對外觀很挑剔。 但實際使用後,確實是夠簡單也夠方便, 至少我不用為了編輯教材花太多時間, 或特別去找某些燒錄器或軟體。 而且他的塑膠是台灣的,不是那種易碎的回收黑心料。 這台熊熊機,對於需要學習英文,或是其他語文的孩子很有幫助! 但我還是希望大家買了他就一定要使用,那花這些錢才會有價值! 這次是因為有媽媽玩過熊熊機,後來一直要我辦團購, 我本來不抱希望能有什麼折扣的,因為公司價格一向很硬, 但因為這個動力,我才特別再去跟公司談過, 最後公司願意讓我用團購的方式, 拿到比較低的價格,目前應該是最便宜的價格了。 最後希望留言購買的媽媽,是仔細考慮後才決定的,不然我也是很困擾的。



來自親子學苑-當孩子發拗脾氣,口出惡言時…… 果果非常喜歡吃蛋糕,這天,他已經吃了好幾塊蛋糕了,還吵著要吃。媽媽對他說:「你已經吃得太多了,今天不能再吃了。」沒想到果果卻說:「你不給我,我就打你!」說完就在地上大喊大叫起來。如果你是媽媽,你會怎麼做呢? *100分父母——冷靜處理 聽了果果的話,媽媽儘管非常生氣但還是轉身走開了。等媽媽冷靜下來之後,她給果果講了一個故事:「一天,小猴子想吃樹上的桃子,可是猴媽媽卻說桃子還沒有成熟不能吃,小猴子因此要打媽媽。果果你說,小猴子做得對嗎?如果不對,他該怎麼做呢?」果果知道媽媽在說他,慚愧地低下了頭。媽媽又耐心地跟果果討論小猴子為什麼做得不對,他應該怎麼做才好。 專家的話: 講故事、遊戲是寶寶喜歡的學習方式,尤其適合低年齡的寶寶。把生活中的矛盾轉化成有趣的故事,生活中的爸、媽、寶寶變成可愛的小動物,讓孩子跳出「自我」,從另一個角度看問題,孩子比較容易理解。這種方法比單純地教他對、錯要有效得多。 有時候,寶寶的行為讓你很生氣,父母應該冷靜下來想一想,是不是平時自己的不良言行成為孩子模仿的榜樣且身教重於言教,想要培養寶寶有愛心,有責任感,父母一定要注意自己的言行。 *60分父母——借助父威 媽媽生氣地說:「你怎麼能這樣對媽媽說話,等爸爸回來我告訴他,看他怎麼收拾你!」 專家的話 常常聽到有些媽媽對寶寶說:「等爸爸回來我告訴他……」在寶寶的心裏很容易產生這樣的想法:媽媽管不了我,爸爸比較厲害,所以我只要在爸爸面前乖一些就行了。於是,不知不覺中你家已經有了個小小「騎牆派」,這樣的家教環境對孩子健全的人格發展有害。 *40分父母——武力解決 媽媽頓時火冒三丈,不管三七二十一先把這「不孝子」揍一頓再說。 專家的話: 提醒各位父母,「打」並不是解決問題的辦法,更不應該用於教育孩子。孩子犯錯時,父母首先要控制自己的情緒,再尋求解決之道,千萬不能用簡單粗暴的方式教訓一頓了事。 *20分父母—息事寧人 對大喊大叫的果果,媽媽只好無可奈何地說:「好吧,好吧,再給你吃一塊。」 專家的話: 在獨生子女家庭中,有些長輩對孩子的要求往往是無條件滿足,過分溺愛的結果是孩子逐漸變得自私、蠻橫、處處以自我為中心,失去了明辨是非的能力。



果汁食譜 雪梨香蕉生菜汁 功效:能改善曬傷、粗糙的皮膚 材料:雪梨1個;香蕉1條;生菜100克;檸檬1個 用具:榨汁機 做法:1.雪梨洗淨去皮,切成可放入榨汁機內的大小。 2.香蕉去皮切成數段。 3.生菜洗淨,包裹著香蕉。 4.檸檬連皮對切為四份,去核。 5.將所有材料順序放入榨汁機內壓榨成汁。 心得:加入蜂蜜與冰塊,可令果汁更冰涼清甜。 香蕉雜果汁 功效:美化肌膚,且對便秘者有幫助。 用具:攪拌機 材料:香蕉1條;蘋果1個;橙一個;蜂蜜一湯匙;冰水1/2杯 做法:1.蘋果洗淨,剝皮去核,切成小塊,浸於鹽水中 2.橙剝皮,去除果囊及核或用絞檸檬器絞汁 3.香蕉剝皮,切成數段 4.將所有材料放入攪拌機內約攪拌30至40分鐘。 心得:1.蘋果切開後,最好浸在鹽水中,這樣做可防止果肉變黃。 2.香蕉要買熟透的。在製作果汁時,要在使用前才必,否則切開後放置太久會變色。 香蕉蜜桃鮮奶 功效:令肌膚嫩滑。 此果汁營養極高,含有豐富維他命、鈣質、礦物質、對美容及健康都非常有益▫ 用具:攪拌機 材料:香蕉1條;蜜桃1個;鮮奶1/2杯;蜂蜜1湯匙;檸檬汁適量。 做法:1.香蕉去皮,切成數段 2.蜜桃洗淨、削皮及去核,切成不塊 3.將以上材料及蜂蜜放進攪拌機內約攪拌40秒 4.將果汁倒入杯中,加入檸檬數滴,即成美味飲品。 心得:1.可用士多啤梨替代蜜桃,效果與味道俱佳。 2.害怕肥胖的人仕,可選擇用低脂肪鮮奶。 李子汁 功效:對粗糙及曬傷的皮膚有助益。 用具:攪拌機 材料:李子3個;蜂蜜適量;豆漿半杯;冰塊數粒 做法:1.去掉李子的皮及核。 2.將蜂蜜及豆漿放入攪拌機內攪拌15秒。 3.加入冰塊攪拌10秒。 4.最後加入李子攪拌40秒即成。 心得:在果汁中加入少許檸檬汁,味道更佳。 啤梨奶露 功效:具美顏作用,能消除倦容。 此果汁含有均衡的營養,對美容及健康均有極佳的效用▫ 用具:攪拌機 材料:啤梨1/2個;蜂蜜適量;乳酸菌飲料3湯匙;鮮奶1/3杯;檸檬汁少許。 做法:1.啤梨削皮、去核、切成小塊。 2.將啤梨、蜂蜜、乳酸菌飲料及鮮奶放進攪拌機內,約攪拌30至40秒。 3.加入檸檬汁拌勻即成。 心得:製作前把所有材料放入冰箱冷藏,果汁才會清涼可口。 士多啤梨生菜汁 功效:有助消除雀斑、褐斑、暗瘡、面皰等毛病,對改善曬傷、過敏的皮膚亦有效。 士多啤梨含有枸櫞酸,枸櫞酸能使細胞功能活潑,故此常飲這果汁可保持容貌年輕。 用具:榨汁機 材料:士多啤梨5粒;沙律生菜100克;檸檬1個;冰塊數粒。 做法:1.士多啤梨去蒂洗淨。 2.生菜洗淨。 3.檸檬連皮分切四塊,並去核。 4.將冰塊先放進榨汁機容器內。 5.把士多啤梨和檸檬放進榨汁機容器內。 6.生菜捲成卷狀才榨汁。 7.倒入杯內拌勻即成。 心得:可用卷心生菜替代沙律生菜。 士多啤梨蘋果甘荀汁 功效:美化肌膚、消除倦容。  此果汁由於加有紅蘿蔔,因此可以預防及治療便秘。 用具:榨汁機 材料:士多啤梨10粒;蘋果1個;紅蘿蔔1條;蜂蜜2湯匙;檸檬汁適量;冰塊數粒。 做法:1.士多啤梨用鹽水洗淨,去蒂,切成兩半。 2.蘋果洗淨,連皮切成兩半後,再各切成四等分。去核,泡浸在鹽水中。 3.紅蘿蔔洗淨切成條狀。 4.在榨汁機容器內加進蜂蜜及冰塊。 5.順序將士多啤梨、加進檸檬汁拌勻即成。

Zippy and Me歌詞


Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: Me, too! Zippy and Me三集歌詞 2005-10-17 Page:1/1 Zippy and Me 1 Hello! My name is Zippy! Chelsea: Look! Kristin: Wow! A rainbow. Stephen: Come on! Let’s follow it. Kristin: A house. Stephen: A magic house. Kristin: Let’s look in the window! Stephen: There’s no one inside. Luke: Look at the door! Chelsea: It’s opening! Kristin: Let’s go in! Zippy: Hello! My name is Zippy! Let’s play! Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: Me, too! Meet Froggy and Bunny! Bunny: Hello! I’m Bunny! Froggy: Bunny! Bunny! Bunny: Oh! It’s Froggy! Froggy: Hi, Bunny! Bunny: Hi, Froggy! Froggy! Froggy: Hmm… Bunny: Look! No, no, no! Look out there! Froggy: Oh! Bunny: Say hello, Froggy! Froggy: Hello, Froggy! Bunny: No! Say hello to them. Froggy: Hello! Bunny: Say “I’m Froggy.” Froggy: You’re Froggy? Bunny: No! I’m Bunny. You’re Froggy. Froggy: yes, I am. Bunny: Tell them. Froggy: Oh! I’m Froggy! Nice to meet you! Say Hello! Kristin: Say hello! Children: Hello! 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4! Clap! Match! Say hello to Zippy! (Hello Zippy!) Say hello to Zippy! (Hello Zippy!) Hello, Zippy! It’s nice to meet you! Zippy: It’s nice to meet you, too! Say hello to Froggy! (Hello! Froggy!) Say hello to Froggy! (Hello! Froggy!) Hello, Froggy! It’s nice to meet you! Froggy: It’s nice to meet you, too! Say hello to Bunny! (Hello! Bunny!). Say hello to bunny! (Hello! Bunny!) Hello, Bunny! It’s nice to meet you! Bunny: It’s nice to meet you, too. (Bunny: What are your names? Stephen: My name is Stephen. Kristin: My name is Kristin. Luke: My name is Luke. Froggy and Bunny: What’s your name? Zippy: Let’s sing!) All: Hello, hello! It’s nice to meet you! (Yay!) What’s in the box? Froggy: A box! What’s inside? Hmm… I’ll shake it! I’ll open it! What’s this? It’s a nose! A-a-a-achoo! Oh. Excuse me. What’s this? It’s an ear! Ah! And here’s the other ear! Wow! Hair! Bunny: Froggy! Froggy? Oh! You’re not Froggy! Excuse me. Friggy! Froggy! Froggy: A-a-a-achoo! Bunny: Bless you! You are Froggy! My Arms Go Up and Down Froggy: My arms go up and down! (Zippy: Come on! Let’s move! Arms up! Arms down! Arms up! Arms down! Up! Down! Up! Down! Now clap your hands!) My arms go up and down, Up and down, up and down! My arms go up and down, Up and down! My hands go clap, clap, clap! My hands go clap, clap, clap! And my arms go up and down, Up and down! (Children: Wow! Zippy: Lie down! Legs up! Legs down! Legs up! Legs down! Up and down! Up and down! Now tap your feet!) My legs go up and down, Up and down, Up and down! My legs go up and down, Up and down! My feet go, tap, tap, tap! My feet go tap, tap, tap! And my legs go up and down, Up and down! (Zippy: Now stand up! That’s all!) Listen to the Drum! Stephen: Listen! What’s that? Look! It’s a drum! Indy: Hi! My name is Indy, and this is my drum! Listen to the drum! Walk. Faster. Faster. Stop! Listen to the drum! Walk. Slower. Slower. Stop! Listen to the drum! Walk. Faster. Faster! Run! Stop! Bunny: Froggy! You can stop! Stop! Froggy! Are you O.K.? Poor Froggy! Uh oh! Look up! What do you see? Children: The sky! The sun! Clouds! A chair! Another chair! A sofa! A table! Two more chairs! Zippy! Stephen: Come on! Let’s go back to Zippy’s house! Zippy: Hi, everyone! Children: Hi! Zippy! Kristin: Look! Here’s the table! Chelsea: And the sofa! Luke: And the chairs! Stephen: Wait! 1, 2, 3…Where’s the other chair? Zippy: Here it is! Kristin: Look! Cookies! Stephen: And presents! Zippy: Please…Sit down! Open them! Kristin: Hats! Chelsea: Wow! Kristin: Thank you, Zippy! Children: Thank you! Zippy: You’re welcome! Nice hat! Froggy: Hi! Stephen! Stephen! Hi! Froggy! Froggy: Hey! Nice hat! Stephen: It was a present from zippy. Here. Try it on. Froggy! Oh, thank you, Stephen! Cool! Look, Bunny! Hmm? Bunny: Very nice! Kristin: Stephen! Stephen: Uh…I’ve got to go. Uh My hat? Froggy: Oh! Here! Stephen: Thanks! Kristin: Stephen! Come on! Stephen: Coming! Bye, Froggy! Bye, Bunny! Froggy and Bunny: Bye, Stephen! Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes Zippy: Stand up! Let’s move! Touch your head. Touch your shoulders. Touch your knees. Touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your nose! (Zippy: Now faster!) Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your nose! (Zippy: Now, backwards!) Touch your toes and touch your knees. Touch your shoulders, touch your head. Touch your toes and touch your knees. Touch your shoulders, touch your head. Toes and knees, shoulders and head. Toes and knees, shoulders and head. Now bend down and touch your toes! (Zippy: Now all mixed up! Listen!) Touch your head and touch your knees. Touch your toes and touch your shoulders. Touch your toes and touch tour head. Touch your shoulders. Touch your knees. Head and knees, toes and shoulders. Knees and shoulders, head and toes. Now stand up straight and touch your…toes! (Zippy: Don’t sit down! There’s more! Children: More? Zippy: Yes! Listen carefully! Touch your head, but not your shoulders. No, no, no! Don’t touch your shoulders!) Touch your head, but not your shoulders. No, no, no! Don’t touch your shoulders! Touch your head and touch your shoulders, But don’t touch your knees. No, no, no! Not your knees! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees, but not your toes. No, no, no! Don’t touch your toes! Touch your head and touch your shoulders. Touch your knees and touch your toes. Stand up straight, but… (Zippy: No, no, no!) Don’t touch your nose! Don’t touch your nose! Someone’s laughing! Stephen: Listen! Someone’s laughing. Who is it? Do you know? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know who is it? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know? Stephen: It’s Bunny! Bunny: Froggy! What’s on your head? Froggy: It’s a hat. Bunny: It’s not a hat. It’s a pan. Froggy: Hmm. Wait! Bunny: Froggy! That’s not a hat, either. It’s a pail! Froggy: Wait! Bunny: That’s not a hat, either. It’s a basket! Froggy: Oh. What is it? Jessica: What is it? Do you know? What is it? What is it? Do you know what is it? What is it? What is it? Do you know? Jessica: It’s a worm! A wiggly worm! Hi! Little worm! What’s your name? Wiggles: My name is Wiggles! Jessica: It’s nice to meet you! My name is Jessica. Wiggly Me! Wiggles: Wiggly me! I can wiggle my fingers. I can wiggle my toes. I can wiggle my ears. I can wiggle my nose. I can wiggle my hips. And wiggle my knees. Oh, wiggly, wiggly me. Can you wiggle your fingers? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your toes? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your ears? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your nose? (Yes!) Can you wiggle your hips! (Yes, I can!) And wiggle your knees? (Jessica: Wow! You can wiggle just like me!) Wiggly, wiggly you and me! (Jessica: Can you wiggle your fingers? Wiggles: Uh, I don’t have any fingers. Jessica: Can you wiggle your toes? Wiggles: I don’t have any toes. Jessica: Can you wiggle your ears? Wiggles: I don’t have ears. Jessica: Can you wiggle your nose? Wiggles: What’s a nose? Jessica: This is a nose. Wiggles: I don’t have a nose, either. Jessica: Can you wiggle your hips? Wiggles: Hips? What are hips? Jessica: These are hips. Wiggles: No, I don’t have hips. Jessica: Can you wiggle your knees? Wiggles: I don’t have knees, either. Jessica: Wait! You’re a wiggly worm! What can you wiggle? Wiggles: I can wiggle all of me!) Wiggly, wiggly, giggly, giggly, Wiggles: Wiggly, wiggly me! Who is it? Child 1: Who is it? Do you know? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know who is it? Who is it? Who is it? Do you know? Child 2: It’s Zippy. Child 1: That’s right Child: 1 Who’s this? Child 2: It’s Bunny! Child 1: Right! Child 1: Who’s this? Do you know? Child 2: It’s Froggy. Child 1: Yes, it is. Child 1: Do you know who this is? Child 2: No, I don’t. Child 1: Now do you know? Child 2: Is it wiggles? Child 1: Yes, it is. Child 1: Do you know who this is? Child 2: It’s Bunny again! Child 1: No, it isn’t. It’s Froggy! Froggy:. Gotcha! Fooled you! Bounce With Me! Bunny: Look at me! I’m bouncing! Come on, Froggy! Bounce with me! We’re bouncing—you and me! Baba baba baba… Bounce with me! We’re bouncing—you and me! Ja ja ja ja… Jump with me! We’re jumping—you and me! Wa wa wa wa… Walk with me! We’re walking—you and me! Rrrrrrrr…Run with me! We’re running—you and me! Dada dada dada…Dance with me! We’re dancing—you and me! Ha ha ha ha…Hop with me! We’re hopping—you and me! Shh shh….Shake with me! We’re shaking—you and me! mmmmmmmm…March with me! We’re marching—you and me! La la la la…Laugh with me! We’re laughing—you and me! I Like To Laugh Bunny: Froggy! You’re laughing! Froggy: Yes! I like to laugh! Froggy: I like to laugh. Do you? Bunny: Yes! I like to laugh, too. I do. Both: We like to laugh. We like to laugh. Froggy: Do you… Bunny: Do you… Both: …like to laugh, too? Children: Yes, we do! Bunny: Laughing is fun! And singing is fun, too! I like to sing! Bunny: I like to sing. Do you? Froggy: Yes! I like to sing, too. I do. Both: We’re like to sing. We’re like to sing. Bunny: Do you… Froggy: Do you… Both: …like to song, too? Children: Yes, we do! La la la la…. Bunny: What else do you like to do? Froggy: Hmm… hmm hmm hmm hmm… Bunny: Do you like to hmm? Froggy: Mmm hmm! I do! Froggy: I like to hmm. Do you? Bunny: Mmm-hmm! I like to hmm, too. I do. Both: We like to hmm. We like to hmm. Froggy: Do you… Bunny: Do you… Both: …like to hmm, too? Children: Mmm-hmm! We do! Hmmm… Froggy: I LIKE TO SHOUT! DO YOU? Bunny: No, Froggy, I don’t. I don’t like to shout. I like to whisper. Froggy: WHAT? Bunny: Whisper. Froggy: WHAT? Bunny: Whisper. Froggy: OH! WHISPER! Bunny: Shh! Quiet! Goodbye! Stephen: Listen! What’s that? Kristin; It’s the clock. Clock; It’s time to say goodbye! Children: Oh! Clock: Goodbye! Goodbye! It’s time to go now! It’s time to say goodbye! Zippy: Goodbye! (Bye-bye!) Goodbye! (Bye-bye) We’re see you again! Until then, let’s say goodbye! (All: Goodbye!) (Bunny: Froggy! You’re crying. Froggy: I don’t want to say goodbye. Bunny: Don’t cry, Froggy. We’ll see them again! Froggy: We’ll will? Bunny: Yes!) Bunny: But until then, let’s say goodbye! (Both: Goodbye!) Froggy: BOO! Bunny: A MONSTER! Froggy: I’m not a monster. It’s me—Froggy! Boo! Boo! Zippy and Me 2 Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, We’re as happy as we can be! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, Come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me!…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: I’m coming! And me! Zippy is hiding. Chelsea: We’re going to Zippy’s house. Kristin: Come on! You come, too! Children: Zippy! Zippy! Stephen: Zippy, are you here? Zippy: Yes, I am. Kristin: Where are you? Zippy: I’m hiding. Try to find me! Matthew: Maybe he’s behind the sofa. I’ll go look. No, he’s not here. Chelsea: Look under the sofa. Matthew: No, he’s not here, either. Kristin: Look! There’s a box next to the sofa. Maybe he’s inside. Stephen; Hey, everyone! Come here! Look at this picture! Look at the tree! Matthew: Which tree? Stephen: The one next to the house. Is that Zippy’s tail? Chelsea; Zippy, are you behind that tree? Zippy: Yes, I am! You found me! Good job! Children; Yay! I Am Next to you Froggy: Bunny! Bunny: Hm? Froggy: Come stand next to me. Bunny: O.K. Froggy: Now I am next to you, and you are next to me! Bunny: Right. Froggy: I am next to you, and you are next to me. Bunny; I am next to you, and you are next to me. Froggy: I’m next to you. Bunny: I’m next to you. Froggy: You’re next to me. Bunny: You’re next to me. Both: We’re side by side. Froggy: Now, let’s turn to the side. Bunny: O.K. Froggy: No, not that side. Turn to the other side. Now I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Froggy: I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Bunny: You’re in front of me, and I’m behind you. Froggy: I’m in front. Bunny: I’m behind you. Froggy: You’re in back. Bunny: Let’s turn to the other side. Now I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Bunny: I’m in front of you, and you’re behind me. Froggy: You’re in front of me, and I’m behind you. Bunny: I’m in front. Froggy: I’m behind you. Bunny: I’m in front. Froggy: I’m behind you. I’m in back. Follow Me! Zippy: Let’s play some more! Follow me! First, we’ll put a box in the middle of the box. Now make a line. Justin in front, Chelsea behind Justin, Audrey behind Chelsea, Luke behind Audrey, and Kristin behind Luke. Now follow me! Zippy: Jump into the box! And out again! Children: Jump into the box! And out again! Zippy: Jump in! (In!) Jump out! (Out!) Children: Jump in! (In!) Jump out! (Out!) In and out! In and out! Zippy: That’s the way! (Zippy: Now, we’ll take the box away and put a pillow on the floor. Follow me!) Zippy: Jump onto the pillow! And off again! Children: Jump onto the pillow! And off again! Zippy: Jump on! (On!) Jump off! (Off!) Children: Jump on! (On!) Jump off! (Off!) On and off! On and off! (Zippy: Now jump over the pillow! Children: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) Zippy: That’s the way! (zippy: Now make a circle. Here’s the middle. Join hands…and…) Zippy; Walk into the middle! And out again! Children: Walk into the middle! And out again! Zippy: Walk in (In!) And out! (Out!) Children: Walk in And out! (Zippy: Softly!) In and out! (Zippy: Loud!) In and out! Zippy: That’s the way! Zippy: Now follow me! Around and around we go! Children: Around and around we go! Around and around we go! Boys and Girls Boys and girls! I’m a boy—Yes, I am! I’m a boy! I’m a boy—Yes, I am! I’m a boy! I’m not a girl—No, not me! I’m not a girl—(No, not me!) I’m a boy! I’m a girl—Yes, I am! I’m a girl! I’m a girl—Yes, I am! I’m a girl! I’m not a boy—No, not me! I’m not a boy—(No, not me!) I’m a girl! (Girl: He’s a boy, And so is he, And so is he. Boy: She’s a girl, And so is she, And so is she. Girl: They’re boys! Boys: Yay! Boy: They’re girls! Girls: Yay!) Is everyone clapping? Froggy: Let’s play a game! Bunny: O.K! . Froggy: Clap! Is everyone clapping? Let’s see. He is. She is. He is. But she isn’t. Come on! Clap! Now everyone’s clapping. Are you clapping, too? Bunny: Now, march! Is everyone marching? Let’s see. He is. She is. But he isn’t. He’s bouncing. And she isn’t marching, either. She’s jumping. Come on, you two! March! Now everyone’s marching. Are you marching, too? Bunny: Smile! Let’s see who’s smiling! Froggy: I am. Bunny: Yes, Froggy, you are! Is everyone else smiling? He isn’t. Froggy: She isn’t. Bunny: He isn’t. Froggy: And she isn’t, either. Bunny: No one’s smiling! Froggy: Come on, everyone! Smile! Bunny: That’s better! Froggy: Now, everyone’s smiling. Bunny: Are you smiling, too? Stephen: Come on! Smile! Keep On Trying! Kristin: Look! I can do a cartwheel! Can you? I’m going to show Zippy! Do you want to come, too? Come on! Let’s go! Kristin: Hi, everyone! Children: Hi, Kristin! Kristin: Look what I can do! Jillian: Look! I can, too! Alex: So can I! Well, almost. Kristin: Your turn, Luke. Luke: I can’t. Jillian: Come on. Try! Kristin: Can you do a cartwheel, Zippy? Zippy: Well… I don’t know. Children: Try! Jillian: Try again! Luke: Keep on trying! Kristin: Keep on trying! Luke: You see! You can! I can’t ride a bike. No, I can’t. I can’t ride a bike. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! I can’t hit a ball. No, I can’t. I can’t hit a ball. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again until you can! I can’t jump rope. No, I can’t. I can’t jump rope. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! I can’t bounce a ball. No, I can’t. I can’t bounce a ball. No, I can’t. (Not yet!) But I’m gonna try and try again and again until I can! You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again until you can. (Jillian: I can’t whistle. Zippy: Keep on trying! Luke: I can’t snap my fingers. Zippy: Keep on trying! Chelsea: I can’t fly. Zippy: Try! Arms up!) You’ve got to keep on trying, keep on trying again and again, Again and again until you can say, “I can!” Keep On Bouncing! Bounce! Don’t stop! Keep on bouncing! Keep on bouncing! Stop! Jump! Don’t stop! Keep on jumping! Keep on jumping! Stop! Hop! Keep on hopping! Keep on hopping! Stop! Run! Keep on running! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Stop! Now rest! Where Is Bunny? Bunny: Let’s play hide-and-seek! Froggy: O.K. Bunny: I’ll hide and you can look for me. Froggy: I’ll count to ten. Bunny: Cover your eyes! Froggy: 1, 2, 3… Bunny: Froggy! Don’t look! Froggy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Are you ready? Bunny: Yes, I’m ready. Froggy: Here I come! Hmm…where is bunny! Where is she hiding? Froggy: Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Maybe she’s under the table.) Is she, is she, is she under the table? Is she, is she hiding under the table! I’ll go see! (No, she isn’t under the table.) Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Maybe she’s behind the sofa.) Is she, is she, is she behind the sofa? Is she, is she hiding behind the sofa? I’ll go see! (No, she isn’t behind the sofa, either.) Where is Bunny? Where is Bunny? Where is she? (Is she behind the curtains?) Is she, is she, is she behind the curtains? Is she, is she hiding behind the curtains? I’ll go see! Froggy: I found you! I found you! Now it’s my turn to hide! Cover your eyes! Bunny: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Froggy: I’m not ready! Keep on counting! Bunny: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20! Are you ready now? Froggy: Mmm-hmm. Bunny: I think Froggy’s upstairs! Bunny: Where is Froggy? Where is Froggy? Where is he? (Maybe he’s behind the chair!) Is he, is he, is he behind the chair? Is he, is he hiding behind the chair? I’ll go see! (No, he isn’t there. Hmm…let’s see…) Where is Froggy? Where is Froggy? Where is he? Is he, is he, is he under the bed? Is he, is he hiding under the bed? I’ll go see! (He’s under the bed!) Bunny: I found you! Give a Little Wiggle Stephen: Put your hands on your head. Now put them behind your head. Now put them in front of your face. (Peekaboo!) Put your hands behind your knees. Put them in front of your knees. Now put them on your knees. Put your hands behind your back. Put them on your hips. Now…give a little wiggle! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Put your hands on your head. Put your hands on your knees. Put your hands on your hips and give a little wiggle! (Again!) Hands on your head! Hands on your knees! Hands on your hips and give a little wiggle! (Count!) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Let’s do it again! First , on your head. Now, on your knees. Now, on your hips and give a little wiggle! Now turn around and stop! Put your hands behind your head. Put your hands behind your knees. Put your hands behind your back and give a little wiggle! (Again!) Hands behind your head! Hands behind your knees. Hands behind your back and give a little wiggle! (Count!) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Let’s do it again First, behind your head. Now, behind your back and give a little wiggle! Now turn around and stop! Put your hands in front of your face. Put your hands in front of your knees. Put your hands under your chin. And give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! (Again!) Put your hands in front of your face. (Peekaboo!) Put them in front of your knees. Now put them under your chin. And give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! Now put your hands way up high! Let’s count to ten! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Now put your hands out in front! Let’s count again! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Put your hands way down low! Here we go! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Now stand up straight, arms by your side, and give a little wiggle! And another little wiggle! And another little wiggle! And one more wiggle! Froggg Gets a Present Froggy: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… Bunny: Oh, Froggy! Close your eyes! Now put your hands out in front of you. Bunny: Now open your eyes! Froggy: Wow! A present! Bunny: Yes! Froggy: Is…it…a…h….? Bunny: Open it! Open it! Froggy: O.K. Froggy: It is! It’s a hat! Bunny: Put it on! Put it on! Ooh! Look in the mirror! Froggy: Hey! I look cool! Thank you, Bunny! Bunny: You’re welcome, Froggy! This Is “Hello!” This is “Hello!” This is “Hi!” This is “You.” This is “Me.” This is “One, two, three!” This is “me.” This is “you.” This is “Peekaboo!” This is “you.” This is “me.” This is “Hmm…let’s see.” This is “yes.” This is “no.” This is “I don’t know.” This is “wait.” This is “Come on! Let’s go!” This is “up.” This is “down.” This is “around and around and around.” This is ”Quiet! Don’t make a sound.” This is “ Where?” This is “Here!” This is “There!” This is ”Listen!” This is “Look!” This is “Yay! That’s the way!” This is “Come here!” This is “Stop!” This is “ Hello!” This is “ Hi!” And this is “Bye-bye!” Zippy: Goodbye! Bunny: Bye-bye! Froggy: See you soon! Zippy and Me 3 Zippy and Me Zippy and me, Zippy and me, we’re as happy as you can be. Zippy and me, Zippy and me, come and play with Zippy and me! Zippy and me, Zippy and me, we’re as happy as we can be. Zippy and me, Zippy and me, come and play with us today, Come and play with Zippy and me! (And me!…) Bunny: And me! Froggy: And me! Bunny: Good job, Froggy! Bunny: Look! Froggy is wearing his new hat! Do you have your hat? Froggy: If you don’t, go get it! Zippy! Where are you? Children: Zippy! Zippy! Matthew: Zippy! Where are you? Stephen: Are you hiding again? Chelsea: Look! On the wall! Matthew: It’s a puzzle! Kristin: A puzzle of Zippy! Stephen: Where are the other pieces? Chelsea: There’s a piece on the sofa! It’s Zippy’s eyes. There. Stephen; Look! Next to the sofa! There’s another piece. It’s Zippy’s hair! There! Kristin: Look! On the chair! It’s Zippy’s nose and mouth! Stephen: Zippy’s feet are missing. Matthew: Let’s look in those boxes. Here’s one foot! Chelsea: Here’s the other foot! Stephen: There! The puzzle’s all done! Children: Hi! Zippy! Zippy: Hi, everyone! It’s nice to see you! We’re Going for a Ride Bunny: Froggy! Look out the window! It’s a sunny day! Let’s go for a ride! Froggy: O.K.! Bunny: Hurry up, Froggy! Froggy: I can’t find the key. Bunny: I have the key. Froggy: You do? Bunny: Yes! It’s in my purse. Here it is! Do you have the camera? Froggy: Oops! Bunny: Get in, Froggy! Put on your seatbelt. Stephen: Hi! Froggy and Bunny: Hi! Stephen: Nice hat, Froggy! Froggy: Thanks. Stephen: Nice car, too! Where are you going? Bunny: We’re going for a ride! Stephen: Have fun! Froggy: Thanks. We will! Bunny: Let’s turn on the radio! We’re going for a ride. Gonna have some fun! We’re going for a ride. Gonna have some fun! (Bunny: Come with us!) We’re gonna have a lot of fun. We’re riding in the car, and we’re having fun! (We’re having fun!) We’re riding in the car, and we’re having fun! (We’re having fun!) (Froggy: Look, Bunny! Cows! Cows: Moo! Bunny: And horses! Horses: Neigh!) We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Look, Froggy! Up ahead! The light is red. Stop! Go! Froggy! You’re going too fast! Slow down! That’s better! Froggy: Look, Bunny! Up ahead! A tunnel! Bunny: Take off your sunglasses. And turn on your lights. We’re going through a tunnel, and we’re having fun! We’re going through a tunnel, and we’re having fun! We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Ooh! It’s very windy! Froggy! Your hat! Stop! Back up! Look! There it is! Bunny: Look! There’s a sign. Froggy: What does it say? Bunny: It says “Ducks this way!” Ooh! Let’s go see the ducks! Froggy: O.K. Bunny: Oh! This road is bumpy! Froggy: It sure is! We’re riding down a bumpy road, and we’re having fun! We’re riding down a bumpy road, and we’re having fun! (Froggy: Look! There’s a pond. Bunny: And there are the ducks!) We’re having lots of fun! Bunny: Let’s get out, Froggy. Froggy: O.K. Froggy: Turn around, Bunny. Smile! Bunny: Now I’ll take your picture. Bunny: Say “cheese”! Froggy: Cheese! Bunny: It’s time to go home! I’ll drive! Froggy: O.K. We had a lot of fun. Now we going home. (We’re going home.) We had a lot of fun. Now we going home. (We’re going…) Froggy: Uh oh! Bunny: What’s wrong, Froggy? Froggy: Where’s the tunnel? Bunny: I don’t know. Froggy: Where are the horses and the cows? Bunny: I don’t know. Froggy: Bunny, we’re lost. Bunny: Oh, no! Bunny: Which way should we go? Sign: Go that way! Froggy and Bunny: Thank you! We’re going home. We’re going home. We’re going home. (Bunny: We’re home!) And we had a lot of fun! Which Way? Jessica: Hmm…Which way? That way? Or that way? I don’t know. Which way, which way, which way should we go? We don’t know which way we should go. No! we don’t know which way we should go. Zippy: Put on your hat and go straight ahead. Now turn your hats around and go backwards. Now tune your hats to one side and go that way. Now turn them to the other side and go that way. Which way, which way, which way should we go? Now we know which way we should go! Yes! Now we know which way we should go! Big and Little A big ball. A little ball. A very big crayon. A little crayon. A big cat. A little cat. What a big box! Bunny: What a big box! Hmm…I wonder what’s inside. “Cat”: Meow! Bunny: Oh! There’s a cat in that box! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf! Bunny: Uh oh! There’s a dog and a cat in the box! “Dog”: Arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf, arf! “Cat”: Meow! “Duck”: Quack, Quack, quack! Bunny: Oh, no! There’s a duck in that box, too! “Duck”: Quack, quack, quack! Bunny: A duck… “Dog”: Arf, arf, arf! Bunny: …and a dog… “Cat”: Meow! Bunny: …and a cat! “Cow”: Moo! Bunny: And a cow? “Cow”: Moo! Bunny: Froggy! It’s you! Froggy: Moo! Meow! Arf, arf, arf, arf! Quack, quack, quack, quack! Bunny: Meow! Froggy: Quack! Does a Cat Say Meow? Child: Does a cat say meow? Yes, it does. Cat: Meow! Does a cat say meow? Yes, it does. (“Meow!”) Does a horse say neigh? Yes, it does. (“Neigh!”) Does a cow say moo? Yes, it does. (“Moo!”) Yes, it does. Yes, it does. Does a duck say quack, quack, quack? Yes, it does. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) Does a dog say arf, arf, arf? Yes, it does. (“Arf, arf, arf!”) Does a rooster say cock-a doodle-doo? Yes, it does. Yes, it does. (“Cock-a-doodle-doo!”) Does a cow say “arf, arf, arf”? No, it doesn’t. Does a cow say “quack, quack, quack”? No, it doesn’t. Does a cow say “meow”? No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. A dog says arf, arf, arf. (“Arf, arf, arf!”) A duck says quack, quack, quack. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) A cat says meow. (“Meow!”) And a cows says moo. (“Moo!”) Yes, they do! Yes, they do! Does a rooster say “neigh”? No, it doesn’t. Does a rooster say “moo”? No, it doesn’t. Does a rooster say “quack, quack, quack”? No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. A horse says neigh. (“Neigh!”) A cow says moo. (“Moo!”) A duck says quack, quack, quack. (“Quack, quack, quack!”) And a rooster says cock-a doodle-doo. (“Cock- a-doodle-doo!”) Yes, they do. Yes, they do. I’m Hungry! Froggy: The cookie jar! I think I’ll have a cookie! It’s empty! There are no more cookies! The refrigerator! I’ll look in the refrigerator! The refrigerator is empty, too! I’m hungry! What is there to eat? I’m hungry! I’m hungry! What is there to eat? I’m hungry! I’m hungry! What is there to eat! There are apples and bananas, apples and bananas. Have an apple. Have a banana. (Froggy: Thank you!) There are peaches and oranges, peaches and oranges. Have a peach. Have an orange. (Froggy: I’d like two oranges, please. Excuse me. Can I have another banana, please? Jillian: Sure!) There are cherries and grapes, cherries and grapes. Have some cherries or some grapes. (Froggy: Let’s see….Cherries or grapes, cherries or grapes… I know! I’ll have some cherries and some grapes.) Froggy: Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy! I love cherries and I love grapes and I love apples and bananas and peaches and oranges. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Mmm, that was yummy! But…I’m still hungry. Is there anything else to eat? I’m hungry, still hungry! What else is there to eat? Oh, I’m still hungry, still hungry! What else is there to eat? There is popcorn and peanut, popcorn and peanuts. Have some popcorn. Have some peanuts. (Froggy: Oh boy!) There are cookies and crackers, cookies and crackers. Have a cookie. Have some crackers. (Froggy: Uh…just one cookie? Jillian: Here! Have some more!) There is ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake. Have some ice cream. Have some cake. Have a piece a cake. Froggy: Popcorn and peanuts and cookies and crackers and ice cream and cake! Wow! Mmm, that sure was yummy! And I’m not hungry anymore. But I’m thirsty—very thirsty! Is there anything to drink? I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty! What is there to drink? I’m thirsty! Very thirsty! What is there to drink? There is water and lemonade, water and lemonade. Have some water. Have some lemonade. (Froggy: Thank you.) There is milk and orange juice, milk and orange juice. Have some milk. Have some juice. Have a glass of juice! (Froggy: Thank. Excuse.) Bunny: Do you know what’s in this bag? Cookies and crackers and ice cream! Mmm! I’m going to show Froggy. Froggy! Froggy! Where are you? Hmm…Oh! Maybe he’s in the living room. Come on! Let’s go see! He’s not in the living room. Mmm…maybe he’s in the kitchen. Oh, my! Maybe he’s in the bathroom. I’ll go upstairs. Froggy! Are you in the bathroom? Froggy: No. I’m in the bedroom. Bunny: Froggy! What’s the matter? Froggy: I don’t feel well. Bunny: What did you eat? Froggy: An apple, a peach, two bananas, two oranges, cherries, and grapes. Bunny: Oh! Froggy: And popcorn, peanuts, cookies, crackers, ice cream, and cake. And now I have a tummy ache! Bunny: Oh, poor Froggy! Froggy: What’s in the bag? Bunny: Bag? Froggy: Yeah. Bunny: What bag? Froggy: That bag. Bunny: This bag? Froggy: Yeah! Bunny: Nothing. Count With Me How many fingers do you have? Hold up your hands. Count with me! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…6, 7, 8, 9, 10! How many apples are on the table? How many apples do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the apples that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Bunny: Froggy!) How many cookies are on the plate? How many cookies do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the cookies that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… Bunny: Froggy! Put it back! …7!) How many oranges are in the bowl? How many oranges do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the oranges that you see. (1, 2, 3, 4! Jillian: Oh! Here’s another one! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!) How many flowers are in the vase? How many flowers do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the flowers that you see. (Bunny: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Mmm! They smell good!) How many crayons are on the floor? How many crayons do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the crayons that you see. (Kristin: I’ll pick them up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! Chelsea: Here are two more. Kristin: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… Chelsea: 9, 10! How many girls are on the fence? How many girls do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the girls that you see. (1, 2, 3… Luke: Wait! I’m not a girl! Oops! 1, 2, 3!) How many boys are behind the fence? How many boys do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the boys that you see. (1, 2! I see another one! 3!) How many children are in the house? How many children do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the children that you see. (Chelsea: 1! Luke: 2! Stephen: 3! Kristin: 4! How many books are on the shelf? How many books do you see? Count with me! Count with me! Count the books that you see. (1,2,3!) What’s this book, zippy? Stephen: What’s this book, zippy? Zippy: Open it and see. Kristin: Are these your friends? Zippy: Yes, they are. Luke: What’s his name? Zippy: Elvis. His name is Hip-Hop. And his name is Buster. Stephen: What’s her name? Zippy: Violet. Stephen: And her name? Zippy: Her name is Coco. And her name is Pompom. Kristin: Zippy! There’s no one in this picture. Zippy: I think he’s hiding. There he is. Chelsea: What’s his name? Zippy: It’s Max. Stephen: Who’s this? Zippy: His name is Axel. Max! Stephen: Wow, Zippy! You have a lot of friends—Elvis and Hip-Hop… Chelsea: And Coco and Pompom… Luke: And Max… Kristin: And us! We’re your friends, too! Zippy: Yes, you are. Chelsea: What’s the matter, Zippy? Zippy: I miss my other friends. I’ll go back and see them! What are they going to do? Froggy: Let’s play a game! Bunny: O.K. Froggy: What is he going to do? Can you guess? Child: He’s going to jump. Bunny: What is she going to do? Child: She’s going to march. Froggy: What’s he going to do? Child: He’s gonna run. Bunny: What’s she going to do? Child: She’s gonna clap! Froggy: What are they going to do? Child: They’re going to have a party. Kristin: Yes! We’re gonna have a party for Zippy! Chelsea: You come, too! Stephen: You, too, Froggy and Bunny! Bunny: Thank you. We will! Froggy: I’ll bring my camera! Rock and Roll Child: Come on, everyone! Let’s rock and roll! (Hold your arms like this! Now, you’re gonna rock them…like this!) Rock, rock, and roll! (Roll your hands!) Rock, rock, and roll! (Roll them!) Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Now you’re gonna clap your hands! Ready?) Clap your hands like this!( Little claps!) Clap your hands like this! Now clap your hands like this! (Big claps!) Big! And little! Big! And little! And very big! (Bunny: Froggy!) (Now you’re gonna tap your feet! Ready?) Tap your feet like this! (Little taps!) Tap your feet like this! Now stomp your feet like this! Big stomps! And little taps! Big stomps! And little taps! Now great big stomps! Froggy and Bunny: Let’s rock and roll. Rock, rock, and roll! Rock, rock and roll! Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Now you’re gonna swing your arms! Ready?) Swing your arms like this! (Little swings!) Swing your arms like this! Now swing your arms like this! (Big swings!) Big! And little! Big! And little! Now great big swings! (Whee!) (Now put your arms by your sides and slide your hands up and down!) Slide your hands like this!( Little slides!) Slide your hands like this! Now slide them, slide them like this! (Big slides!) Big! And little! Big! And little! Now great big slides! Children: Let’s rock and roll! Rock, rock, and roll! Rock, rock, and roll! Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Froggy: One more time!) Let’s rock, rock, rock, and roll! (Zippy: O.K. Children: Yay!) Froggy Takes Pictures Froggy: Smile! Stephen: Froggy, will you take a picture of Zippy and me? Froggy: Sure! Kristin: I want a picture, too! Chelsea: Me, too! Luke: Me, too! Froggy: Make a line! Big smile! Say “cheese”! Kristin and Zippy: Cheese! Froggy: Cheese! Chelsea and Zippy: Cheese! Froggy: Smile! Zippy: Well, everyone, it’s time for me to go! All: Oh! Zippy: Don’t be sad. I’ll see you again…with my friends—my other friends. Goodbye! Children: Bye, Zippy! Froggy: Goodbye! Bunny: Bye-bye! Zippy: See you soon!



水果界七大“瘦身皇后” 發現了嗎?說起想要減肥時的水果選擇,其實大家都有某種共識呦!有些水果是瘦身食譜中的常客,有些則是因為熱量及營養素的關係,壓根不會被營養師建議食用,美女們可得聰明的的選對瘦身水果吃呦! 現在我們列出一張風雲榜來,讓你一目了然誰是水果界中的瘦身公主,當然還會告訴你為啥他掀起瘦身風雲的原因,美女們邊吃邊讀,會越瘦越美麗喔! 風雲1 蘋果 熱量≈50千卡/100克   早在好幾年前,就有人為蘋果量身定做出一套瘦身來,還曾經引起一陣蘋果減肥法的熱潮呢!事實上蘋果的確是瘦身的風雲水果,它有豐富的果膠,可以幫助腸子與毒素做結合,加速排毒功效並降低熱量吸收,此外蘋果的鉀質也多,可以防止腿部水腫。慢慢的咀嚼有點硬度的蘋果,將成分釋放出來,不僅有飽足感,而且他的卡路里熱量也不高。 選購:選購蘋果時,應挑選個大適中,果皮薄細,光澤鮮豔,果肉脆嫩,汁多味香甜。無蟲眼及損傷者。 清洗:蘋果過水浸濕後,在表皮放一點鹽,然後雙手握著蘋果來回輕輕地搓,表面的髒東西很快就能搓乾淨,然後再用水沖乾淨,就可以放心吃了。 保存:蘋果應在低溫增濕環境下保存。家庭可包在塑膠袋裏放在冰箱保存。蘋果切開後與空氣接觸會因發生氧化作用而變成褐色,可在鹽水裏泡15分鐘左右。或將檸檬汁滴到蘋果切片上,也防止蘋果氧化變色。 Tips:吃蘋果最好不削皮 蘋果的果膠大部分聚集在皮中以及皮附近。果膠不僅會增加便量,在腹瀉時還能吸收水分,使大便保持一定硬度。因此便秘時吃蘋果不要削皮,而在腹瀉時,吃削下來的蘋果皮更有效果 風雲2 葡萄柚 熱量≈35.3千卡/100克 葡萄柚酸性物質可以幫助消化液的增加,藉此促進消化功能,而且營養也容易被吸收。此外為什麼葡萄柚再減肥時也會被列為必食的風雲水果,原因是它含有豐富的維他命C,大約一顆葡萄柚就有100豪克,不僅可以消除疲勞,還可以美化肌膚呢!重要的是它的含糖份少,減肥食用來補充維他命C最適合不過了。至於很多女孩害怕的重酸味,建議你,可以滴一點點蜂蜜在葡萄柚上,酸味馬上被中和! 選購:手拿起來重量要感到厚實,代表水分多。 Tips:吃葡萄柚有其禁忌 首先,葡萄柚因性寒,體質較虛寒、血壓較低或胃寒患者不宜食用。其次,服藥時別吃葡萄柚,尤其是心絞痛、降血壓、降血脂、抗組織胺等藥,因為葡萄柚汁含有黃酮類,會抑制肝臟藥物的代謝,導致藥效增強而發生危險,因此在服藥前後應間隔二小時再吃葡萄柚,比較安全。另外,葡萄柚為高鉀食物,尿毒癥或洗腎患者不宜多吃,以免加重腎臟的負擔。 風雲3 番茄 熱量≈25千卡/100克 嚴格說起來,番茄應該是被歸再蔬菜累才正確吧!所以在食材中常看到它,而且番茄也是屬於愈嫩愈吃的一類食物呢!番茄含有番茄紅素,食物纖維及果膠成份可以降低熱量攝取,促進腸胃蠕動。而且獨特的酸味可以刺激胃液分泌,甚至提升食物的口感,是很好料理健康的食材呢! 選購:選果實大而圓潤、飽滿、有彈性,成熟、果色紅或黃,且均勻亮澤者為佳。 清洗:可在用水沖洗番茄的同時,使用軟毛刷輕輕刷洗番茄的表面,可有效地將殘餘農藥去除。 保存:未完全成熟的番茄,置於室溫下,讓它慢慢成熟,已成熟的放進冰箱中保存。 Tips::生吃青番茄會中毒 如果吃了未成熟的青番茄,口腔會有苦澀感,吃後可能出現噁心、嘔吐等中毒症狀,生吃危險性更大。這是因為青番茄中含有生物鹼甙(龍葵堿),這種成分會導致中毒 風雲4 鳳梨 熱量≈29.2千卡/100克 有沒有聽過人家說鳳梨很“利”,一定要在飯後吃才不會傷胃的說法。這說法可是有憑據的呦!因為鳳梨的蛋白分解酵素相當強力,雖然可以幫助肉類的蛋白質消化,但是如果在餐前吃的話,很容易造成胃壁受傷呦!因此利用吃鳳梨來瘦身一定要注意時間問題。 選購:好的鳳梨,果形飽滿,果身碩挺,果皮老結而色澤橙黃,鼻聞散發濃郁清香,果眼無汁液外溢。 切法:在鳳梨葉下1公分的位置切下,鳳梨葉清洗乾淨可以用來裝飾。將鳳梨反過來,貼近尾部,切下。將鳳梨豎立在砧板上,刀沿著鳳梨的皮,弧形的向下,去掉外皮。鳳梨皮完全去除後,將鳳梨由中間切下,將鳳梨一開四。每一塊1/4 都切掉中間的鳳梨芯。切成適用大小的塊。 清洗:把鳳梨切成片或塊放在鹽水中浸泡30分鐘,然後再洗去鹹味,就可達到消除過敏性物質的目的。 Tips:吃鳳梨前一定要用鹽水泡 鳳梨含有甙類、鳳梨蛋白酶以及5—羥色胺等物質,對皮膚、口腔黏膜都有刺激,而且有人天生對鳳梨就過敏,在食用鳳梨15分鐘至1小時左右會出現腹痛、噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉,同時出現過敏症狀如頭疼、頭昏、皮膚潮紅等甚至休克中毒,在這樣的情況下,一定要立刻停止食用鳳梨 風雲5 香蕉 熱量≈125千卡/100克 便便出不來的女生都會被建議,吃香蕉試試看吧!因為香蕉含有豐富食物纖維,維他命A,鉀質等,所以有很棒的整腸、強化肌肉、利尿軟便功能。對於常便秘、肌膚乾燥的美眉而言,這是款又瘦又美的水果!此外以糖質為主成分的香蕉,吃了以後可以馬上消化,迅速補充體力。而且香蕉很有飽足感,只要吃上一根就可以裹腹,而且熱量卡路里頗低的,可別因它甜滋滋的就以為他不利減肥。 選購:挑選表皮金黃、果皮外緣棱線較不明顯、體形肥厚圓鈍、尾端圓滑,果香濃郁的。 清洗:既使是香蕉,也應用清水反復沖洗的方式來清除果皮上殘餘的農藥,用來做果汁時尤其要注意清潔。 保存:香蕉保存在攝氏10—25之間最適合,過於高溫容易過熟變色,而溫度過低易發生冷害的現象,因此天熱時放在涼爽的地方,天冷時用報紙等包好保存。切記不要放在冰箱中哦! Tips:最好不要吃香蕉空腹 我們說香蕉可充糧食,但不能空腹大量地吃。因為香蕉中含有大量的鉀、磷、鎂,對於正常的人,大量攝入鉀和鎂可使體內的鈉、鈣失去平衡,對健康不利。所以不可空腹食過多的香蕉…… 風雲6 奇異果 熱量≈20.8千卡/100克 維他命C超多的奇異果(獼猴桃),一直是愛漂漂的美眉的最愛。至於它位居水果之冠的食物纖維和豐富的鉀,的確可以讓它列入瘦身水果的風雲榜內!和鳳梨一樣,奇異果也有大量的蛋白分解酵素所以和肉類菜肴搭配是最好不過的。帶點酸甜味兒的奇異果,有防止便秘、幫助消化、美化肌膚的奇異效果,而已還一年四季都有,美眉可以努力吃呦!奇異果除含豐富維他命 C、A、E、鉀、鎂、纖維素之外,更含其他水果少見的營養成份-葉酸、紅蘿蔔素、鈣、黃體素、氨基酸、天然肌醇等,營養價值遠超過蘋果、柳橙、木瓜、香蕉、葡萄柚、哈蜜瓜、草莓等外貌比它美豔的水果! 選購:以果實飽滿,絨毛密佈者為佳,若要判別成熟度可聞其果香及輕壓蒂頭,若是已軟即表示已經熟透可食,若連果身都已變軟則表示過熟。 清洗:可以用鹽略搓一下,再用大量清水沖洗。 保存:置於陰涼室溫下保存即可。若果身摸起來仍硬實,可以和蘋果、香蕉放在塑膠袋中催熟,或是放在室溫下2—3天追熟。已軟熟的奇異果冷藏在冰箱中則可保存2—3周。 Tips::嚴重貧血者不宜吃奇異果 奇異果屬寒性水果,容易造成腹瀉,因此,凡是腸胃虛寒、四肢冰冷、嚴重貧血、經常腹瀉者不可多吃。奇異果含鉀甚高,故腎功能衰竭、尿毒或洗腎者均不宜進食。 風雲7 檸檬 熱量≈24千卡/100克 檸檬的酸味是以檸檬酸為主,檸檬酸是促進熱量代謝過程中的必參與物質,而且也有消除疲勞的功能。檸檬的維他命C含量也是眾所皆知的多,美眉們通常將它拿來美白肌膚,它促進腸子蠕動的功能也常被減肥中的人作為輔助飲食用呢! 選購:果身硬實,色澤光亮,果蒂青綠色,有芳香味的比較新鮮。若果身酥軟、果蒂枯萎並出現皺皮,則表明其放置時間過長,已失去原有的風味。 切法:從檸檬頂端進刀,取2釐米左右寬,一直切到底部。或者採用螺旋切法——如削蘋果或梨,即從頂端開始,取2釐米左右寬,盤旋著一直切到底部。 保存:將檸檬切成薄薄的片泡在水中,浸泡時最好選用溫開水,這樣有利於更多地保存檸檬中的營養物質。 Tips: 檸檬不宜與牛奶同飲 檸檬極酸,不宜直接單獨食用,可以加在涼拌沙拉或菜中。檸檬不宜與牛奶同飲。胃病者不宜喝檸檬茶。一次吃檸檬不宜過多,否則檸檬酸會損傷牙齒。